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pee wo Citcurls Rnd Systems | Zed weele) Passive Civcurt Elements in the Frequency Domalry The vat Relerhionship for uy Resiston, 5 UWsRi + =. if iat Corot + Bi) ma then WRiaRIm Cos ot +i) intime domain wo Wen eee — of cusdeut its the phase angle of the cust, a oa SY eoms fewer a Lay WH eae Ne Ron /Zi = RT R a= v= Ry] aot ne phase shift petaicen Cnet wad fhe frequency ~ domaly Nuwoliag ¢ They Uke equinulert cipcutt « Paik a VS The vw-r clo Teed uel a . er det indi Coy (ste Bi) i Wel Sh ois LIm Ain(wt- Bi ) * on atti i = i. in time domain = aso di Gig (tes 61-30) The phasov transform ef 4 aad UW ane Te In L& Oe 5(Bi-qe%) _ jai po) We auotTa & =-wLIne go? ee Lig? eS CorJo ti Aingortjy 5+. @ =-3 We Jol Tn oki a Jwlt Ini - § oir joel a N=. abd ~~ h, 44 THe \olfage deads © ee thecurrent by j= 99 equinalect cineutt REE 210 Circuitsand systems (ard week) ‘cares Relectionshiro afoot & cypacthgs ——R- Let haNm Cos(ut+ Fu) * Se fase sete Ve (Ain wd + By) intime domain =-wtNim Goal whe Oy SO) The procedure is similar to inducted analysis. The phasor Snansforms oy Gaad d aa g N= Nm Lay . Ts JeeNm/4y « yoeV vet 4 = oe + te Nc f r = oe a =I jut ~— Wwe frequeucy —domaiy the wothage laqs +he equirg lett cfreach ceuaeet ti te TF __The Impedance _ The V-r pelodhon ship fon resistor, an indruchr and uy capa ciher One ef the fous were Z wepadsents Je impedave te cimeugeh elemerd$ Z isthe patio of vettage Phasat-to cued plaser, For Inductor N= Sut Tot resiscthn VERT (Fer cupacta Near ) the impedance al a resistors TSR (Cesishoncere the impedance ef an induchos is JWL (peactence = vel) the impedance af a capacitor Were = whe Creactance =—te) AL measured in chus- BEE 210 Cireuits!dnd sSystemscard week) enki ; = The curseut in 20mMH ineducher is 10 Ces(o,o00t+3e") mA. Calculate ay The impedance atthe inductor Wb) The Pheasat voltage Vf c) The steady-state ‘expression for UY a) Zojol = je) (20xid) Am 2eowr Cthe induchue veackay is XL =2e0R) bb) Mz ZI: (j200)( 10/26 Yon) = jp Lae'v = 2l28 ST _ = 40° ce) Ub= 2CHr(lao00t 4120 IV ee 2002 6 See +W = =2Cos(1osv0f+120)V aN- = 2f120°V i =10G5 (14, 000t+30%)mnA I=-10/39° mA Lyme — domain frequency ~ do wally CK: The wollage actoss the Leminals a Lae SAF Capacthor ts 30Gss(qeoott2sV . Calculata a) The impedance af The capaciler b) The ghason cunnend T c) THe steady stale expaession for UY a) Boats _ 3 = aj 5 ) Bee CuK Smee) a1 Sot the capacihue reach is X= S00 b)T= a 30 128° _ 9G /2s° = 6.6 /25%30° 4 =j50Q c) id) 0.6 Co(teodt+is’) A | ae all -— ea cease « ie = 30 Cun(00 ot 428) V +N =302SN —> ( 20.6 Cos(uoooteus) A —9f-0.6/us* 4 tyme domain £ seguency-comaly fg itcut nd &% ms (20d week! mu the circut analysis techniques develaperd eanltes 7 resishue circuits alsa apply ta Alnusotda| steady ~ state einuits in the S$ Hey enc domain. Thepe Peehinra ues \nclude Kinchhef fis Neoklage Lemur (Katt) Kinch effts Cnet Leng Ke) /seates and Parallel combluatior of impedances , valhage ey cunrenst diris fom, nude vallage and mesh cusrut methuds source A edusforme You Theveni 4 equivalent, A+ ~Y J reansfe rimeds ey . Laws in frequency Domain. ; ; Kirchhoffis Kirchhoff's \ultage Low Cisvi) Lek Una Un vepresemt vutlages anound aw cleared path tr ew cincuff operating TH AiMusgol dal steady stale- TH Hime toma 4 Gi4+4r24 ~-- + Un =9 Wesan ef UyeNny Coo +0) 24 Mice LQi pence whee ee os ty Mas Warr LQ@ze and aa a in fresy ency doumin Nu 4aNet ~ --+ Nnso Thes ts EL applied hs phases wat bag es Kinchhyff's Cursed Lew (kc) A aAlmelyn destwathou apylted ‘bo sinusorde J Cumbeuts. Blgelrate sur el all cuninle of ~A Kode equals to Zero. bn Hime domain: dittats-cadin sa then infregutucy domain: TitdTep ---4+th=o EEE 210 Circuits Krad Systems (304 week) 2k: Four branches Jerminegle at « commen node. The reference direcHon af exch, beanch cunteat Ciyis, ig,éy) is towards the nde: tt t,-100 Goa(erts 25°) 4 ( in two Gea (ott ts )A Sind fi 1, ig 2 190 Cea(wet 9A Win 13 \eL: littet s+ dy aa The phason transforms: Diehtis+ lyse Etud the phason Vransfemms of 44, & (mecessamly) im Polen fon: Then put, Tubes rectangular fone for Aunt on. Ty2 two Las? = 90-63 44 42.26 100 Gs25%j 192 4in2s’) Tez too (1s? 2 e131 4 52-35 Ty v00(=38 = _- 31-3 99-62 Ty+tdatiIs ¥ oxi 0 Result. Ii, =0 Bai gt Cend of dhe ard witek) Ee ifeuy C& System ti Uth week) ie Seties Cunmnection Impedances in sentes Carty the same phasor o. curtent Niga Zilt Belp.g 2a se . “+Za) The equivalent impedance Zee Neb Zeqz= ZitZot- Fn ha We ~950 Cos soodt+30)V et Ft dee yomcieed a ae 3 frequency — a amain equivaledd ci veui wy) Calculate the steady tote SE current 4 hy the phaser methu Zig 3) . Nis- —, Vv eed a Loz Sevd tad/s = Ziz Jools Hove (zax9) 2 Zea a oe = jléon ees eye ake ito Zegs ReZ+Ze= Jets lbo-J4o= Jor 5120 % Mean Pheer cunnenrt oO ye Ns. _ 390/37 _ 950/82 A cal es? Seqjlz0 ~ T50[52- fa” pe 6 [22813° A the cussed in hme domuly {Ss i= 5 Cu(seoot-23.13.) A ee a Cath week) _ Pp Se Impecdances in Dewaillel phasor woldage Mab : howe the same accord lug sho KkeL: De Diatet.- 4 Ty Ir SRE ae ae 7a coun! im —_ ES a ma © et = Pow turo —— only Ze. eS 2 ie aa more than tuo impedances ene ty oo then it may he mate conventent & “- admarWances (reciprocal of impedance), N= £4 2.6+jR Gierry@ G@: Con duckauce RB. susceptance — eq aN tNat et Nin t=¥Cer 204,000t A a) Genk auel athe Frequency a dome y equivalent clacuidt Wy) Find She, steady ~sdale expressions Hy ty band & using phason aus O y-¢/0A _ tae 5 (2oueeay(wexia) =j BN i pele = we = ‘ewa-roaytrs Saeeeeeeeeeece Zz me ee frequency — domain equixalemt cftcanh hyUse addmittances fa find Zeq ets aa. eal id= : =-t 2.1 68). 6-38 6-Jo.ues ‘e= o> tae (Cie) * Geet 7 eS ees my re Ses =e oe jo.2 & The equine admitdance : NegeNit Nat = 0:16 430.12 = 0.2 [368% s Zeqs eo AS 5 L=36.99° Ze ey ease COO" Ne Zey T= (6/2368) (912) 240 [368° Te NL Wwe be /-36 59° 4 5 et Te a _ ef /-368}° yo [=36-84 - Tea ts oes =i io ere Cele teagreis? FEA v a T= SL, Hobie _ oly Je" 9 Zs -js sf-408 Nous apoly inverse phasor transform ‘bo Bind -fhe+ime domain steady-stale expressios Us YO Cvs (200,e00t -36.83.) V t,= U CesC200,000t- 36-899 A io = 4 Cx (290,001 - 90°) (aa 3 “ = & Cas (200,000t453-12) A EEE 210 Circabin! doe Systems uth weele) Della -Lo-wye “Teansformectigns The transfor mete n tog Fly regard ee resistive circuits also appl tec ta impedances - a [ze iS ME nae in Della Lonmeation CA) Zi, Zu Zs awe o in wye formation (y) & te -y transformation Za ZeZe Zr Ze Ze _ ZeZs Za4+Zb+Ze ZatZbeZe- 3 3. ee Y =t0 -A Jdransfor maton Zo = ZiZe4ZeZs4Z52) = Zl = ZiZ24Z2Z3+Zs2| ee Zh ee = = ecAumple is in next puqge tems (uth wee) er Use Aabo~¥ wh impedance Aransfonmahi te i ud to There qne tee A's 2) The upper and Vue Jowed. Led us use c the Lower A (a,b,c) where ZatzhtZe = 304¢j40 Transform this 4 +ey (2), Zs, Z3) 4 ta Set Ze (204 )60)1F _ 2vriGo,_3-ju ) = Begs’ aa) pra ZorZb+ Ze 3B tj as B34 Zia tae, Fra ZeZ . p-s2v)_ _j20 pes -¥0-JG0 ZarlgZe 38+ 54 344 + 3-34 25" Za = -3.2-J2U Za ZaZb _Ci2d Cobo) 20-340 (334 = 290-3600 “BeaDrZe 3g Sup 3asG SHY 88 Zea Sap WIL Redraw the civet by siplatins 2 by Y (21, Zz, Zs) —— Lo 43 aa ww bh Zdon=Shpiz4su = 122 Zdbnez 63.2452 -4-3.2-f2-4 pee 3.22 = Con % A 524, za Zdn= Zden/z4hr | Z3 = 12ffGor 10 | Tr a)24r . COMetall impedance Zdes ZdnsZ3 = 1O+8-52 Ga sel2 Ye j... wei! _ ete, «fee, A ~ 1e-32 4 | 30 [-53.13 ———_ Cend of the uth week)

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