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Williams Eltaeb
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therefore, produces four rows of branches in alternate pairs from the
right and left sides of the petiole.
The first stage is shown at 0, 0, fig. 308, B; the two projecting
groups of protoxylem mark the points of departure of a pair of small
strands. At 1, the projections are more prominent, and at 2 a pair of
strands has become detached: at a later stage, 3, these two strands
unite to divide later (4) into two slightly curved bundles.

Fig. 319.
A–C. Sporangia of Etapteris (?).
D–G. Botryopteris forensis. (After Renault.)
Our knowledge of the fructification of Etapteris is based on
Renault’s account of sporangia, which he regarded as belonging to
Zygopteris (Etapteris) Lacattii. They have the form of elongated
slightly curved sacs (2·5 × 1·3 mm.) borne in clusters (fig. 319, A–C)
on slender ramifications of the fertile frond, which is characterised by
the absence of a lamina. Each sporangium has a pedicel, and three
to eight sporangia are attached to a common peduncle; the walls of
the sporangia are at least two cell-layers in thickness and the
annulus consists of a band of thick-walled cells passing from the
crest down each side (figs. B and C), thus differing from the
sporangia of Botryopteris (fig. 319, D, F) in which the broad annulus
is confined to one side.

Fig. 320. Stauropteris oldhamia. (After Tansley. From a section in Dr

Scott’s Collection. × 60.)
It is practically certain that the fronds described by Grand’Eury[1182]
as Schizopteris pinnata (fig. 309, E) and Schizostachys frondosus
represent respectively the sterile and fertile leaves of Etapteris.
Zeiller[1183] gives expression to this by substituting the generic name
Zygopteris for Schizopteris, and we may now speak of the leaves as
Etapteris. Dr White[1184] has referred to a new genus, Brittsia, some
impressions of pinnate fronds from the Coal-Measures of Missouri
which, as he points out, bear a close resemblance to Schizopteris
pinnata Grand’Eury (fig. 309, E). No sporangia have been found; it
is, however, probable that Brittsia problematica represents fragments
of a leaf borne by a plant closely allied to Etapteris (Zygopteris). The
broad rachis bears crowded pinnae given off at a wide angle; the
small pinnules are rather deeply lobed or pinnatifid (3–10 mm. long
by 1·5–3 mm. broad). The lamina is traversed by irregularly lobed
and occasionally anastomosing veins. In the fertile pinnae the
segments have no lamina but bear bundles of pedicellate sporangia.
It should be noticed that the sporangia described by Renault and
by other authors as those of Zygopteris (fig. 319, A–C) have not
been found in organic continuity with a frond showing a well-
preserved vascular strand. It is, however, certain that this
characteristic annulate sporangium, borne on branched and slender
pedicels, was produced on fronds with a much reduced lamina
belonging to some species of the Zygoptereae, Etapteris and
probably also Ankyropteris.

This genus was instituted by Binney for petioles from the Lower
Coal-Measures of Oldham (Lancashire).
Stauropteris oldhamia Binney[1185] is characterised by a stele (figs.
308, E–G; 310, C; 320; 321) composed of four groups of xylem
which Bertrand regards as homologous with the antennae of
Diplolabis, Ankyropteris, and Etapteris, the horizontal cross-piece of
these genera being absent in Stauropteris. Williamson spoke of this
species as “one of the most beautiful and also one of the most
perplexing of the plants of the Coal-Measures”; he discussed its
possible affinity with both Lycopods and ferns, deciding in favour of
the latter group[1186]. In transverse section the petiolar vascular axis is
approximately square, the xylem groups forming the ends of the
diagonals; the tracheal groups are separated by phloem and the
centre of the stele in the primary rachis is also occupied by that
tissue, which is connected by four narrow strips with the external
phloem. The structure of the petiolar vascular axis is very clearly
shown in the drawing by Mrs Tansley reproduced in fig. 320.
Protoxylem elements occur close to the surface of each of the four
arms of the xylem; the bays between the two lateral and the two
lower xylem groups contain large sieve-tubes. Portions of the inner
cortex are seen in places abutting on the small-celled pericyclic
The right and left halves of the stele are not absolutely identical
(fig. 320; fig. 308, E); this is due to the fact that secondary branches
are given off in four rows, two alternately from the right and left
sides. The preparation for the departure of the lateral strands alters
the configuration of the stelar xylem groups. The protoxylem groups
are not external but separated from the surface by one or two layers
of metaxylem. In fig. 308, E, the occurrence of two protoxylem
strands in the right-hand groups of metaxylem marks an early stage
in the detachment of branches. These two protoxylems are the result
of division of single protoxylem strands like those in the left-hand half
of the stele. At a later stage the petiolar stele assumes the form
shown in fig. 308, F, and two small bundles are detached to supply
aphlebiae: this is followed by the stage shown in fig. G, where two
four-armed strands are passing out to a pair of branches of the leaf
axis. The separation of these two meristeles leaves the right-hand
half of the stele in the condition seen on the left-hand side of fig. E.
The diagrammatic sketch represented in fig. 310, C, shows one pair
of branches in organic connexion with the rachis, and each of these
arms contains an obliquely cut vascular strand like those in fig. 308,
The cortex consists for the most part of fairly thick-walled
parenchyma (fig. 321) which in the hypodermal region is replaced by
a zone of thin-walled lacunar tissue. A few stomata have been
recognised in the epidermis[1187]. The lower left-hand branch seen in
fig. 310, C, has been shaved by the cutting wheel so that the
aerenchymatous tissue, l, is shown in surface-view: a portion of this
tissue is enlarged in fig. C′. The same delicate chlorophyllous tissue
forms a folded and shrivelled layer with an uneven margin on the
surface of the rachis and lateral branches. This hypha-like tissue,
which was discovered by Scott[1188] and figured by Bertrand[1189],
doubtless represents the much reduced lamina of the highly
compound leaves; it may be compared with the green outer cortex of
Psilotum shoots and with the lacunar tissue in the capsule of the
common moss, Funaria hygrometrica.

Fig. 321. Stauropteris oldhamia: a, sections of pinnae. (× 10. From a

section in the Cambridge Botany School Coll.)
The rachis reproduced in fig. 321 is surrounded by an enormous
number of sections, some transverse, others more or less vertical, of
branchlets of various sizes. Fig. 310, B, shows the three-rayed
vascular axis of a branch of a lower order than those seen in fig. C,
and the single vascular strands of still finer ramifications of the leaf.
The extraordinary abundance of axes of different sizes, many of
which are cut in the plane of branching, in close association with the
rachises of Stauropteris affords a striking demonstration of the extent
to which the subdivision of the frond was carried in a small space.
The leaves must have presented the appearance of a feathery
plexus of delicate green branchlets devoid of a lamina, some of
which bore terminal sporangia. It may be that the delicate fronds
were borne on a slender rhizome which lived epiphytically in a moist
atmosphere on the stouter stems of a supporting plant.
The sporangia[1190] of Stauropteris oldhamia are exannulate and
nearly spherical, with a wall of more than a single row of cells; they
occur at the tips of slender and doubtless pendulous branchlets. The
discovery by Scott[1191] of germinating spores (fig. 323) in a
sporangium of this type supplies an interesting piece of evidence in
favour of the fern nature of these reproductive organs. Similar
germinating spores have been described by Boodle[1192] in sporangia
of Todea.

Fig. 322. Sporangia of Stauropteris oldhamia. St, stomium: p, palisade

tissue. (From Tansley, after D. H. Scott, from a drawing by Mrs D. H.

Stauropteris burntislandica.
This Lower Carboniferous plant identified by Williamson with the
Oldham plant from the Lower Coal-Measures is referred by Bertrand
to a distinct species. In the structure of the rachis stele it agrees
closely with Stauropteris oldhamia; the main vascular strand gives
off four rows of branches, two from each side, and aphlebiae were
present at the common base of each pair of pinnae. Mrs Scott[1193],
who has recently described the sporangia of this species, speaks of
one specimen in which germinating spores were found. The same
author gives an account of some curious spindle-shaped bodies
which she found in association with S. burntislandica. The nature of
these organs is uncertain; Mrs Scott inclines to regard them as
glands borne in pairs on lateral pedicels of the frond: she adopts for
these the name Bensonites fusiformis proposed by Dr Scott. If there
is a reasonable probability, as there certainly seems to be, in favour
of connecting these organs with Stauropteris, it is legitimate to
question the desirability of adding to the long list of names included
in the group Coenopterideae.

Fig. 323. Germinating spores from a sporangium of Stauropteris. (From

Tansley, after D. H. Scott.)

Corynepteris. Fig. 309, C, D.

This genus was founded by Baily[1194] on fragments of a fern from
Carboniferous rocks in County Limerick, Ireland, characterised by a
peculiar type of fructification which he named Corynepteris stellata.
More complete examples of the same genus have been described
by Zeiller[1195] from the Coal-field of Valenciennes. The sporangia are
large, ovoid, and sessile; the annulus (fig. 309, D) has the form of a
complete vertical band several cells in breadth: five to ten sporangia
are grouped round a receptacle. Zeiller describes two species as
Sphenopteris (Corynepteris) coralloides Gutb. and S. (Corynepteris)
Essinghii And.; in both the fronds are quadripinnate and bear
aphlebiae at the base of the pinnae. The former species is recorded
by Kidston[1196] from the South Wales Coal-field. A single pinnule of
C. coralloides is shown in fig. 309, C. Potonié[1197] refers this frond to
his genus Alloiopteris: the portion of a pinna represented in fig. 354,
G shows the characteristic modified pinnule next the rachis. Zeiller
draws attention to the occurrence of two parallel lines on the rachis
of a specimen of Corynepteris coralloides which he figures[1198], and
suggests that these may indicate the existence of an H-shaped form
of vascular strand like that of Etapteris and Ankyropteris. The sorus
of Corynepteris is comparable with that of the Marattiaceae, but the
broad annulus is a difference which suggests affinity to Etapteris.
The sorus is similar to that in Diplolabis (fig. 309, A), but in that
genus the sporangia are exannulate.
• • • • •
The vascular axis in the stems of different members of the
Coenopterideae assumes a variety of types. In Botryopteris antiqua
the xylem forms a solid protostele in which no protoxylem strands
have been recognised; in other species, e.g. B. ramosa, the
cylindrical stele is similar to that of Trichomanes radicans
(Hymenophyllaceae) in the more or less central position of the
protoxylem. In Botryopteris forensis the protostele is said to be
exarch. The probability is that the central Botryopteris type is the
endarch protostele, a form of vascular axis which may be regarded
as primitive. The leaf-traces of the Lower Carboniferous Botryopteris
antiqua are simple oval strands differing but slightly from the
cylindrical stele of the stem. In the Upper Carboniferous British
species the petiolar vascular strand has become more specialised
and farther removed from that of the stem; in B. forensis the
distinction between leaf and stem steles is still more pronounced. It
is perhaps legitimate to regard these types as representing an
ascending series, the more primitive of which are distinguished by
the greater similarity between leaf and stem, organs differentiated
from a primitive thallus[1199], that is from a vegetative body. Portions
of this ultimately became specialised as lateral members or leaves,
while a portion acquired the character of a radially constructed
supporting axis or stem.

The vascular strand characteristic of the Zygoptereae is

represented by the H-shaped form as seen in Ankyropteris corrugata
or in a more complex form in A. bibractensis. This style of strand
may be regarded as a development from the simple strands of
Grammatopteris and Tubicaulis or Botryopteris antiqua along other
lines than those followed by B. forensis. The extension of the xylem
in two symmetrically placed arms at the ends of the cross-piece of
the H is correlated with the habit of branching of the leaf-system
which forms one of the striking peculiarities of many of the
Zygoptereae. The solid type of stele characteristic of the
Botryoptereae is closely matched by that in the Lower Carboniferous
stem discovered by Mr Gordon[1200]. By the partial transformation of
the central xylem region into parenchymatous tissue and the
concentration of water-conducting elements in the peripheral region
the style of Ankyropteris corrugata was developed. The vascular
strand of the older plant, which is of the Diplolabis type, may be
regarded as a more primitive style than that of the H-form of petiole
strand represented by Ankyropteris corrugata. A further stage in
evolution is seen in the stem stele of Ankyropteris Grayi and A.
scandens, both of which have the H-form of meristele. This step in
increasing complexity of stem stele, though probably connected with
the increasing specialisation of the leaf-traces, as held by Mr
Tansley, may also be associated with the development of a climbing
habit. In Asterochlaena laxa Stenzel (fig. 324) and A. ramosa (Cotta)
the tendency towards a stellate expansion of the originally
cylindrical form of stele reaches a higher degree, with the result that
a style is evolved which agrees closely with that of the conducting
tissue of some existing Dicotyledonous Lianes.
Attention has already been drawn to the generalised features
exhibited by the Coenopterideae both in the anatomy of the steles
and in the structure of the sporangia. The conclusion arrived at is
that while the Coenopterideae foreshadow in some of their
characters more than one group of more recent ferns, some at least
of their members afford convincing evidence of the correctness of
the view—which is also that of Dr Kidston and Mr Gwynne-Vaughan
—that the Osmundaceae and the Coenopterideae are offshoots of a
common stock.

Fig. 324. Asterochlaena laxa: part of stem with petiole and a few roots.
From Tansley, after Stenzel.
I. Marsiliaceae.
II. Salviniaceae.
The unsatisfactory and meagre records in regard to the past
history of these heterosporous Filicales render superfluous more
than a brief reference to the recent species.

This family is usually spoken of as including the two genera
Marsilia and Pilularia. Lindman[1202] has however founded a third
genus, Regnellidium, on a Brazilian plant which is distinguished by
some well-defined characters from all species of Marsilia. The
members of the Marsiliaceae live for the most part in swampy
situations. Marsilia is represented in Europe by M. quadrifoliata L.
which occurs in Portugal, France, Germany and other parts of the
Continent, extending also to Kashmir, Northern China, and Japan. Of
the other 53 species, 17 are recorded from different regions in Africa,
while others occur in South America, Asia[1203], Australia, and
Pilularia globulifera L. is the only British representative of the
Hydropterideae. The remaining four species of the genus occur in
South America, California, New Zealand, Australia, and P. minuta
Dur. is met with in the South of France, Algeria, and Asia Minor in
subtropical or warm temperate regions.
The Marsiliaceae are regarded as more nearly related to the
Schizaeaceae than to any other family of homosporous ferns[1204].
Their heterospory, the production of sporangia in closed fruit-like
sporocarps, and the anatomical features associated with existence in
marshy habitats, tend to obscure the resemblances to the true ferns.
• • • • •
The genus Marsilidium proposed by Schenk[1205] for a piece of an
axis, bearing apparently a whorl of six leaflets, from the Wealden of
Osterwald, cannot be regarded as satisfactory evidence of the
existence of the Marsiliaceae in the Wealden flora of North Germany.
The six leaflets of Marsilidium speciosum, having a length of 5
cm., are similar in shape to the four leaflets of recent species of
Marsilia, but they differ in the repeated dichotomy of the veins from
the reticulate venation of the recent forms. It is worthy of note,
however, that in Lindman’s Brazilian type Regnellidium diphyllum
(fig. 326, A), the leaflets are characterised by dichotomous and not
by anastomosing veins.
Hollick[1206] has described some impressions of imperfect orbicular
leaves with a “finely flabellate obscurely reticulated(?) venation” from
Cretaceous rocks of Long Island as Marsilia Andersoni, but these
are too fragmentary to be accorded this generic designation. My
friend Dr Krasser informs me that he is describing some well-
preserved leaves from Cretaceous beds of Grünbach in Lower
Austria as Marsilia Nathorsti[1207]. He compares these with the recent
form Marsilia elata, a variety of M. Drummondi.
Another Lower Cretaceous species Marsilia perucensis has been
figured by Frič and Bayer[1208] as a stalked fruit-like body from
Bohemia. This was originally described by Velenovský as M.
cretacea, but under this name Heer[1209] had previously recorded a
supposed sporocarp from Greenland. These fossils have little claim
to recognition as examples of Marsiliaceous plants.
The fragment figured by Heer[1210] from Tertiary rocks of Oeningen
as Pilularia pedunculata is too small to determine with reasonable
accuracy. Other supposed representatives of the family mentioned in
palaeobotanical literature are not of sufficient importance to

The two genera of Salviniaceae, Salvinia and Azolla, are water
plants, and are usually described as annuals which survive the less
favourable season in the form of detached sporocarps. Goebel[1211]
states that all the tropical species of Salvinia known to him have an
unlimited existence.
Salvinia natans, Hoffm., the only European species, extends from
the South of France to Northern China and the plains of India: the
other twelve species are mostly tropical. Azolla, represented by four
species, occurs in Western and Southern North America, South
America, Madagascar, Australia, New Zealand, and is widely spread
in tropical Asia and Africa.
Species of Azolla frequently form a considerable proportion of the
floating carpet of vegetation on inland waters[1212] growing under
conditions which might be supposed favourable for preservation in a
fossil state.
The Salviniaceae, though probably rather farther removed than the
Marsiliaceae from the homosporous Filicineae, are considered by
Bower[1213] to be related to the Gradatae, but modified in
consequence of their aquatic habit and the assumption of
No undoubted examples of fossil species of Azolla have been
described. Salvinia, on the other hand, is represented by several
Tertiary species, for the most part founded on leaves only, and
Hollick[1214], who published a list of fossil Salvinias, has described
detached leaves as Salvinia elliptica Newb. from what may be Upper
Cretaceous rocks from Carbonado, Washington. Some of the leaves
figured as Tertiary Salvinias are of no value as evidence of the
former distribution of the genus[1215].
From the Coal-beds of Yen-Bäi (Tonkin), probably of Miocene age,
Zeiller[1216] has figured some well-preserved impressions of oval or
orbicular leaves, 15 mm. long and 10–20 mm. broad, characterised
by reticulate venation and by cordate bases, which he refers to
Heer’s Swiss species Salvinia formosa[1217].
Dr Zeiller[1218] in the most recently published part of his series of
valuable résumés of palaeobotanical literature refers to a description
by Brabenec of specimens of this species from Bohemian Tertiary
beds showing both microspores and megaspores.
One of the most complete specimens so far discovered has
recently been described by Fritel[1219] from Eocene beds of the Paris
Basin as Salvinia Zeilleri. This species, founded on portions of stems
bearing floating leaves, submerged root-like leaves, and sporocarps,
is compared with a recent tropical American species S. auriculata.
It is noteworthy that no authentic records of Hydropterideae have
been discovered in Palaeozoic rocks[1220]. Comparisons have been
made in the case of the genera Traquairia Carr. and Sporocarpon
Will. with the reproductive organs of Azolla[1221], but these rest on a
wholly insufficient basis.
Dawson[1222] proposed the generic name Protosalvinia for some
spores of Devonian age, which he regarded on inadequate grounds
as evidence of Palaeozoic Hydropterideae.
Zeiller[1223], in discussing the possible relationships of the
problematical type Chorionopteris gleichenioides Cord., suggests a
possible alliance with the Hydropterideae. Corda founded the genus
Chorionopteris[1224] on some small fragments of pinnules, 6–7 mm.
long, found in the Carboniferous rocks of Radnitz in Bohemia.
The lobes of the pinnules are incurved distally to form a capsule,
containing four sporangia, which apparently opened on dehiscence
into four valves; the spores are of one size. The material is however
insufficient for accurate determination.
There is no evidence contributed by fossil records which indicates
a high antiquity for the Hydropterideae. It is unsafe to base any
conclusion on the absence of undoubted Palaeozoic representatives
of this group; but the almost complete absence of records in pre-
Tertiary strata is a fact which may be allowed some weight in regard
to the possible evolution of the heterosporous filicales at a
comparatively late period in the earth’s history.
A description of the Mesozoic genus Sagenopteris may be
conveniently included in this chapter, though as in many other
instances the inclusion of a genus under the heading of a recent
family name does not by any means imply that the position of the
extinct type is regarded as settled.

This generic name was applied by Presl[1225] to small fronds
composed of four or rarely two palmately disposed leaflets with a
more or less distinct midrib and anastomosing secondary veins.
Schimper[1226] compared Sagenopteris with Marsilia, but did not
regard the resemblance as evidence of relationship. Nathorst[1227]
expressed the opinion that certain fruit-like bodies obtained from the
Rhaetic beds of Scania are of the nature of sporocarps and were
borne by Sagenopteris, with the leaves of which they were
associated. He published a drawing of part of a fruit showing on its
partially flattened surface some raised oval bodies which are
considered to be spores. Dr Nathorst kindly placed at my disposal
the drawings reproduced in fig. 325 made from some of his
specimens found at Bjuf in Scania.
In contour and superficial features, e.g. the veining on the wall,
these bodies bear a fairly close resemblance to the sporocarps of
recent species of Marsilia. They were found in association with the
leaves of Sagenopteris undulata Nath., an abundant Scania type
similar in form to the English Jurassic species S. Phillipsi (figs. 327,
328). Heer was independently led by an examination of some
examples of the Swedish “fruits” to compare them with the
sporocarps of Marsilia. A small spherical body is figured by Zigno[1228]
close to a leaf of his species S. angustifolia, which may be a
sporocarp. In a recent paper, Salfeld[1229] says that he found
fructification on the lower face of the leaflets of S. Nilssoniana
Brongn. from German Jurassic rocks, but he brings forward no
evidence in support of this statement. The systematic position of
Sagenopteris is by no means settled. In a previous account of the
genus I expressed the view that it is probably a member of the true
ferns[1230], but the resemblance of Dr Nathorst’s drawings to the
Marsilian sporocarps influences me in favour of his opinion that
Sagenopteris may belong to the Hydropterideae. The evidence, as
Solms-Laubach[1231] states, is not wholly satisfactory: Schenk points
out that the frequent occurrence of detached Sagenopteris leaflets
suggests that they easily fell off the petiole, whereas in Marsilia the
leaflets do not fall off independently. The discovery of a new type of
Marsiliaceae in Brazil, which Lindman has described as
Regnellidium diphyllum[1232] (fig. 326, A), affords an additional piece
of evidence bearing on the comparison of Sagenopteris with
members of this family. In Regnellidium the leaves differ from those
of Marsilia in bearing two instead of four leaflets, and in the former
the veins are repeatedly forked, and do not anastomose as in
Marsilia. In the possession of only two leaflets Regnellidium agrees
with some forms of Sagenopteris (fig. 328).

Fig. 325. Sporocarp-like bodies found in association with the leaves of

Sagenopteris. (Nat. size. From drawings supplied by Dr Nathorst.)
Fig. 326.
A. Regnellidium diphyllum Lind. Single leaf and stalked sporocarp.
(⅞ nat. size. After Lindman.)
B. Cuticle of Sagenopteris rhoifolia. (After Schenk.)

Sagenopteris Phillipsi (Brongniart)[1233]. Figs. 327, 328.

1828. Glossopteris Phillipsi, Brongniart, Hist. vég. foss. p. 225, Pls.
lxi. bis, lxiii.
1838. Sagenopteris Phillipsi, Presl, in Sternberg’s Flor. Vorwelt, vii.
p. 69.
Fig. 327. Sagenopteris Phillipsi.
A. From the type-specimens of Lindley and Hutton (Glossopteris
Phillipsi). Gristhorpe Bay, Yorkshire. British Museum, No. 39221.
Slightly reduced. M.S.
B. From a specimen in the British Museum (39222). Nat. size.
Figured by Lindley and Hutton as Glossopteris Phillipsi.
The fronds of this common Jurassic species, which is recorded
from many European localities, from North America, Australia, the
Antarctic regions[1234], and elsewhere, are very variable as regards
the form, size, and number of the leaflets.
Frond petiolate, in some forms the petiole bears four linear or oval-lanceolate
leaflets having a distinct midrib and oblique anastomosing veins. In others a
shorter winged petiole bears one or two shorter and broader, somewhat
obcuneate, leaflets without a midrib.

It is probable that Bunbury[1235] was correct in his opinion that the

specimen figured by Lindley and Hutton[1236] as Otopteris cuneata,
characterised by two leaflets (fig. 328), is not specifically distinct
from the normal form with four leaflets (fig. 327).
Similarly, such specimens as that represented in Pl. xviii., fig. 3 of
the first part of my Jurassic Flora, in which a short stalk bears only
one leaflet may, provisionally at least, be included in Brongniart’s
species. Yabe[1237] describes a form with two leaflets from Jurassic
rocks of Korea as Sagenopteris bilobata which resembles S.
Phillipsi; and Moeller[1238] records a specimen similar to that
represented in fig. 328 from Bornholm as S. cuneata (Lind. and

Fig. 328. Sagenopteris Phillipsi. From a specimen in the Manchester

University Museum. Nat. size.
The leaf shown in fig. 327, A, in which the longest segments are
4·5 cm. in length, represents the most abundant form and illustrates
the very close agreement between S. Phillipsi and the Rhaetic
species S. rhoifolia. Fig. 327, B, which is drawn from a specimen
figured by Lindley and Hutton[1239], shows a leaf with longer (6·5 cm.)
and much narrower segments. Broader leaflets are occasionally met
with in which the lamina reaches a length of 11 cm.[1240]
Leaves with leaflets narrower (3 mm. broad) than those
represented in fig. 327, B, are described by Zigno[1241] from Jurassic
beds of Italy as S. angustifolia and by Moeller[1242] from the Jurassic

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