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Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas y Pecuarias

“Ingeniería en Agronomía”

English .


Teacher: Diego Arturo Diaz Morales

Student:Alejandro Hernández Rodríguez

Date of delivery: 02/02/2024

The film presents a modern version of the Cinderella fairy
tale. The plot follows Vivian Ward, played by Julia Roberts,
a prostitute with a heart of gold who meets Edward Lewis,
a handsome businessman played by Richard Gere. What
begins as a simple business agreement becomes a journey
of self-discovery and transformation for both characters.
One of the highlights of the film is the undeniable chemistry
between Roberts and Gere. Their compelling performance
and on-screen connection elevate the story, making it more
than just a romantic narrative. The evolution of the
characters is evident throughout the film, especially in the
case of Vivian, who goes from being a marginalized woman
to discovering her worth and authenticity. Cinematography
plays a crucial role in creating the atmosphere of “Pretty
Woman.” Bright, dazzling Los Angeles becomes a
backdrop that highlights both the opulence of Edward’s life
and Vivian’s struggle. Music also plays a key role, with Roy
Orbison’s iconic song “Oh, Pretty Woman” having become
synonymous with the film. The film has faced criticism for
its simplified depiction of prostitution and for romanticizing
a relationship between a vulnerable woman and a wealthy
man. Despite these criticisms, “Pretty Woman” has left a
lasting mark on popular culture and has been praised for
its ability to entertain and captivate audiences. In
conclusion, “Pretty Woman" is more than just a romantic
comedy; is a modern fairy tale that has stood the test of
time. Through its captivating story, masterful
performances, and enchanting visual aesthetic, the film
continues to be remembered and appreciated by
generations of viewers as a classic of romantic cinema.

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