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Unit 1 - Task 2 - English is easy and fun - Writing task.

Ovides Curiel Zarza


Ingeniería Electrónica


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Punto 1

Modulo 1
Modulo 2

Modulo 3
Punto 2
Punto 3
Past Simple:
I/ Cali/ last/ visited/ summer
I visited Cali last summer.
finished/ Tom/ his/ dinner / homework/ before
Tom finished his homework before dinner.

Past Tense Progressive:

played/ She/ basketball/ after/ yesterday / university
She was playing basketball after university yesterday.
was/ playing/ singing/ the/ guitar/ Josh/ his/ friends/ were/ along / while
They were singing along while Josh was playing the guitar with his friends
Punto 4.
Fernando Botero was born in 1932 in Medellin, Colombia. He painted in the neo-
figurative style and called himself "the most Colombian of Colombian artists." He largely
painted large people – figures that were much larger than life in all parts of their body. His
critics often called them “fat people.” Botero didn’t know the reason why he painted such
obese forms.
While he was living in New York in the 1960s, he found a new inspiration in the Italian
Renaissance. He began to experiment with creating volume in his figures by expanding
them and compressing the space around them. This became his unique and trademark style.
In 1997, Colombian terrorists destroyed his sculpture ‘Bird’ in Medellin. Seventeen people
passed away in the attack.
Botero grew up looking at paintings in his local Catholic church. These were in the
centuries-old Baroque style and influenced his style. He was never rich enough to visit
galleries and see other works. He held his first exhibition when he was 20, in the capital
Bogota. He used the money he received to go to Europe to study art. Botero’s works now
hang in galleries all over the world. He guarantees millions of dollars for each painting he
does. His works instantly become collector’s items and many people buy them as
investments. In 2005, Botero painted a series of 50 paintings that graphically showed the
horror of the events in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison. This was typical of Botero using art for
social commentary.
Punto 5
1. La verdad muy bien el manejo de las actividades es muy práctico y divertido
2. Mejora en el proceso académico: Siempre hay áreas en las que se puede mejorar, ya sea
en la comprensión de la gramática, la ampliación del vocabulario o la fluidez en la escritura
y la conversación. Es importante identificar estas áreas y trabajar en ellas de manera

3. Aportes de la actividad: Una actividad como completar espacios en blanco en un texto en

otro idioma puede ayudar a reforzar la comprensión gramatical, la estructura de las
oraciones y el vocabulario. Además, puede mejorar la capacidad de comprensión lectora y
la habilidad para expresarse por escrito en ese idioma.

4. Importancia de aprender un segundo idioma: Aprender un segundo idioma tiene

múltiples beneficios, tanto a nivel personal como profesional. Permite comunicarse con
personas de diferentes culturas, ampliar las oportunidades laborales, mejorar la capacidad
cognitiva y de resolución de problemas, entre otros beneficios. En un mundo cada vez más
globalizado, el dominio de más de un idioma es una habilidad muy valiosa.

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