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Noora Elsa

bagh Date: March I 8th 2021

Student Exploration: Graphs of Derivative Functions

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Vocabulary: derivative
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(2, 1)
Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.)

1. The slope of a line tells you the rate of change of y, relative to x.

What is the slope of the line shown here? m -

- 3
(0, –5)

2. The graph of y = x2 – 3 is shown to the right. In general, how is the

“slope” of a parabola different from the slope of a line?
The slope of line for all
a can be positive or
negative x values

The slope of a
parabola can be "
for some X -
values and


other values of X .

Gizmo Warm-up
The derivative of a function f(x), denoted f’(x), is the rate of
change of the function at a point. If the graph is a curve, the
derivative is the slope of the tangent line. In the Graphs of
Derivative Functions Gizmo, you will find the derivatives of
several functions, and explore the graphs of derivative functions.

At the top left of the Gizmo, select Linear function. Set a to 3

and b to –5 to graph y = 3x – 5. (To quickly set a specific value,
type the value in the text box, and hit Enter.)

1. What do you think the derivative of f(x) = 3x – 5 is? 3

By using the power rule on the 3x
you multiply

exponent d) 3 Constants Icancel out

by are
. zero

Select Show derivative to check your answer.

2. Vary b. What do you notice about how the vertical shift effects the derivative?

case of /cancels the b value it does

b is a constant, the derivative a constant is zero out .
not affect the derivative

Activity A: Get the Gizmo ready:
Quadratics and • Select Quadratic function and Show function.
cubics • Turn off Show derivative.

1. Set a to 1, b to 0, and c to –2 to graph f(x) = x2 – 2. Take a look at its graph in the Gizmo.

A. Where is the “slope” of the graph of f(x) = x2 – 2:

positive? When x is
positive → X - O
or in the interval ( 0,0 )

negative? when is the interval C- 0,0 )

x → xco
or in

B. The “slope” of a curve at a point is the slope of the line tangent to the curve at that
point. (This is usually called the derivative.) Select Show tangent line. Drag the red
point along the parabola, and watch the blue tangent line as you do.

Where is the slope of the tangent line zero? (O ,

-2 )

Explain why this makes sense. This is the vertex of the parabola An
is if (O -2 ) is the point where an
object is at rest
therefore the slope is zero .

2. Graph f(x) = 0.5x2 – 4. Select Show derivative. Drag the red point. The y-values on the light
blue line give you the slope of the dark blue tangent line at the current x-value.

A. What does the light blue line tell you about the derivative of f(x) = 0.5x2 – 4?

The blue tells me that the derivative of the function is a linear function

B. Vary a, b, and c. What type of function is the derivative of a quadratic? linear

C. Vary c. Will c have any effect on the derivative? ________________ the

when c ; the derivative same

Regardless of the function will a vertical shift have an effect on the derivative?
No a vertical shift will have no effect on the derivative, the slopes are still the same

D. Set b and c to 0. Vary a. In general, what is the derivative of f(x) = ax2? Lax

This is an example of the power rule: the derivative of f(x) = xn is f’(x) = nx(n – 1).

E. Vary a, b, and c. Look for a pattern in how these values affect the derivative.

In general, what is the derivative of f(x) = ax2 + bx + c? f‘(x) = Lax t b

(Activity A continued on next page)

Activity A (continued from previous page)

3. With Show tangent line still selected, turn off Show derivative. Select Cubic function,
and graph f(x) = x3 + 5x2 + 3x – 4.

A. The graph should look like the one shown. Where is the
“slope” of f(x) = x3 + 5x2 + 3x – 4: 2

*Use the terms local max and local min. in your answer

÷ : in ÷::c:: : :c:: :c: ::: :: 'm

positive? "

negative? .

B. Drag the red point along the curve, and watch how the
dark blue tangent line changes.
*Use the terms local max and local min in your answer

Where is the slope of the tangent line zero? At the local min
v. and the local


Explain why this makes sense using your knowledge of tangent slopes. this makes sense
this is the
graph from positive to negative there is a
monetary point
because where
when the slope is zero in between .
goes ,

4. Graph f(x) = 0.4x3 + 2. Select Show derivative, and drag the red point along the curve.

A. What does the light blue curve tell you about the derivative of f(x) = 0.4x3 + 2?

The that the derivative

parabola It
light also has
blue curve tells me is a .

positive a- value, as the
lies above zero and open upwards .

B. Vary a, b, c, and d. What type of function is the derivative of a cubic? Quadratic

C. Vary a, b, c, and d, and look for a pattern in the derivative. In general, what is the

derivative of f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d? f‘(x) = 3 ax t 2b X t ch )

5. Find the derivative of each function. Check your answers in the Gizmo.

A. If f(x) = 3x2 – 4x – 5, then f’(x) = Gx -


B. If f(x) = –0.3x2 + 0.5x + 4, then f’(x) = -

O 6X.
t 0.5

C. If f(x) = –5x3 + 2x2 – 3x + 1, then f’(x) = -


D. If f(x) = 0.4x3 – 1.5x2 + 2x – 4, then f’(x) = 1.2×2 -


Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity B:
• Turn off Show derivative.
Absolute value
• Select Absolute value function.
• Turn on Show tangent line.

1. Set a to 1 and b to –2 to graph f(x) = |x| – 2. (Notice that, for absolute value functions, the
tangent line is an extension of one part of the graph.) Drag the red point along the graph.

A. What is the equation of the left half of the graph (where x < 0)? fix ) -


X -

B. What is the equation of the right half of the graph (where x > 0)? fix ) -

X -

C. What is the derivative (slope) of the left half? -

l Of the right half? l

D. If the graph of a function has a break in it (a hole or discontinuity), or if it has a sharp

turn (like a corner), then the derivative (f’(x)) is not defined at that point.

Where do you think f’(x) for an absolute value function is undefined? X



E. Based on what you have seen; how would you write the derivative of f(x) = |x| – 2?
*Hint: Write it as a piece wise derivative: f’(x) =? if x < # or f’(x) =? if x > #, this is the
form we always use for derivative of the absolute value function

f’(x) = -

I if XCO, I if x > O

Select Show derivative to check. (The light blue graph shows f’(x) at all x-values.)

F. Vary a and b to see other absolute value functions. In general, what is the derivative
of f(x) = a|x| + b? f’(x) = I X1

2. Find the derivative of each function. For A-D, check your answers in the Gizmo.

A. If f(x) = |x| + 4, then f’(x) = -

I if XLO , I if X >O

B. If f(x) = –2|x| – 5, then f’(x) = 2 if XLO

-2 if X > O

C. If f(x) = 0.5|x| + 3, then f’(x) = -

0.5 if XLO
0.5 if X >O

if O
D. If f(x) = –1.4|x| + 3.7, then f’(x) = 1.4 if XCO -1.4
X >

41×1-3 )

E. If f(x) = 4|x + 3| – 2, then f’(x) = IX t 31

Get the Gizmo ready:
Activity C:
• Turn off Show derivative.
Sine functions
• Select Sine function.

1. Set a to 1, b to 1, and c to 0 to graph f(x) = sin(x). Drag the red point along the sine curve.

A. Describe the graph of f(x) = sin(x). A function that's like a wave , oscillates between -
I and I .

B. Select Show tangent line. The blue line is tangent to the curve. Drag the red point
again. How does the slope of the tangent line (the derivative, or f‘(x)) change?

I can that the slope for half

stays cycle
positive a and then

for the other half


C. Turn on Show derivative. The light blue curve shows the values of the derivative at

all x-values. What is the derivative of f(x) = sin(x)? f‘(x) = Cos (x )

2. Turn off Show tangent line and Show derivative. Then vary the values of a and b.

A. How do a and b affect the graph? The a and b values affect the stretch and

compression the
graph vertically
horizontally .

B. Turn on Show derivative. Vary a and b again. How do the values of a and b affect
the derivative of sine functions? (Hint: Vary b first, with a set to 1.)

The b values are

present in the derivative of the function When the b values there


is b value in the derivative but when values there values the derivative
a -

a- are no a- in .

C. Use the sliders one more time to review what you’ve seen. In general, what is the

derivative of f(x) = a sin(bx) + c? f‘(x) = ab cos ( BX)

3. Find the derivative f‘(x) of each function f(x). Then check your answers in the Gizmo.

A. If f(x) = 3 sin(x), then f‘(x) = 3 Stx )

B. If f(x) = sin(4x) + 5, then f‘(x) = 4 cos 14 x )

C. If f(x) = 2 sin(0.5x) – 3, then f‘(x) = cos 10.5 x )

Extension: Get the Gizmo ready:
The second • Select Show second derivative.
derivative • Check that Show derivative is selected.

The second derivative of f(x) is the derivative of the first derivative f’(x). So, in other words, the
second derivative f”(x) is the rate at which f’(x) is changing. When the 2nd derivative is negative,
the graph of y = f(x) is “concave down,” and when it is positive, the graph is “concave up.”

1. Be sure you have 3 graphs showing in the Gizmo now. Red is the given function (y = f(x)),
light blue is the first derivative (y = f’(x)), and green is the second derivative (y = f”(x)).

A. Select Linear function. Vary a and b. In general, what is the 2nd derivative of a

linear function of the form f(x) = ax + b? f ”(x) = 0 __ what did f ’(x)


B. Select Absolute value function. Vary a and b. In general, what is the 2nd derivative

of f(x) = a|x| + b? f ”(x) = O what did f ’(x)

- O

l if XCO I if x
> O

C. Select Quadratic function. Vary a, b, and c. In general, what is the 2nd derivative of

f(x) = ax2 + bx + c? f ”(x) =

2A what did f ’(x)


D. Select Cubic function. Vary a, b, c, and d. In general, what is the 2nd derivative of

f(x) = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d? f ”(x) = fax t 2b what did f ’(x)

3ax't 2b Xtc

E. Select Sine function. What is the 2nd derivative of f(x) = sin(x)? f ”(x) = -


What is the 2nd derivative of f(x) = a sin(bx) + c? f ”(x) = -

ab sin ( BX )

2. Find the first and second derivatives of each function. Check your answers in the Gizmo.

A. f(x) = –4x + 5 f’(x) = -4 f”(x) = O

B. f(x) = 2x2 – 3x + 4 f’(x) = 40-3 f”(x) = 4

C. f(x) = 5x3 + 0.5x2 + x – 3 f’(x) = 15×2 txt I f”(x) = 30 Xtt

D. f(x) = –3 sin(2x) – 4 f’(x) = -

locos ( 2x ) f”(x) = 125in ( 2x)


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