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1-2-3- AllahAlRahmanArRaheem


Quran – Huwal la illa hu al malikul qudoos – (S. Hashar last 3 verses)

Collection on of names of Allah

Maximum names that came are here

Abu Huraira – hadith

Why is it important to know the names of Allah?

Theses names we cannot invent from our intellect. They are “taufeeqi” what Allah has mentioned in the
Quran or Hadith of Rasullah (saw).

Quran – Huwal la illa hu al malikul qudoos – (S. Hashar last 3 verses)

Abu Huraira – hadith (Bukhari and mUslim) – Allah swt has 99 names , 100 except one. “Ahsaha” who
preserves it, remembers it in his mind

Other word – la yafuzaha – to memorize, to protect, to save it Hafz doent only mean memorizing. It
means to know the meaning.

Great promise to enter paradise – one who has kept it in his memory. Always remembers the names, is
aware of it.

99 Names – Tirmidhi.

Does Allah have only 99 names - Allah had countless number of names. Quran - Walillahi asma ul husna
…ayt before it – laqad khalaqna ….(We have created many JIns 7:180, 7189

‫َو َلَقْد َذ َر ْأَنا ِلَجَهَّنَم َك ِثيًرا ِّم َن ٱْلِج ِّن َو ٱِإْل نِس َلُهْم ُقُلوٌب اَّل َيْفَقُهوَن ِبَها َو َلُهْم َأْع ُي‬
‫ٌن اَّل ُيْبِص ُروَن ِبَها َو َلُهْم َء اَذ اٌن اَّل َيْس َم ُعوَن ِبَهٓا ُأ۟و َلٰٓـِئَك َك ٱَأْلْنَعٰـ ِم َبْل ُهْم َأَض ُّل ُأ‬
‫۟و َلٰٓـِئَك ُهُم ٱْلَغ ٰـ ِفُلوَن‬
And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with

which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears

with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who
.are the heedless

‫َو ِهَّلِل ٱَأْلْس َم ٓاُء ٱْلُح ْسَنٰى َفٱْدُع وُه ِبَها َو َذ ُرو۟ا ٱَّلِذ يَن ُيْلِح ُد وَن ِفٓى َأْس َم ٰٓـِئِهۦ َس ُيْج َز ْو َن‬
‫َم ا َك اُنو۟ا َيْع َم ُلوَن‬
(7:180) AND GOD'S [alone] are the attributes of perfection; invoke Him, then, by these, and
stand aloof from all who distort the meaning of His attributes: [146] they shall be requited for all
that they were wont to do!

Hadith – Dua – Abullah ibn masud, person is in sate of worry and sadness , I ma your slave, slave of your
slave …your judegment is going to pass on me

Why is it important to know the names of Allah?

What do you about Allah?

Bedoin – Define your lord Ya Muhammed

Qulhuwal uhad was revealed.

We should know Allah when we say we believe in Allah. We know through his attributes. Imaam
Mujmal (summarized Imaan). – I believe in Allah as he is with all his attributes

SO this is important to know the names of Allah then we know who we are worshipping. Not a single
page of Allah’s Kitaab without the name of Allah swt.


Ibn Majah

Mustad Hakim Idhrak

Ibn Hajar Askalani

Names may be different but have to be from Quran and Hadith.

Verse and Hadith start – Allah – Proper name of Allah. Nobody ever shares that name, Name only for
the True Diety, Only for the one who deserves to be worshiped, only Ilah AlHaqq. God is not a name. It
can be god or goddess , so its not right. We don’t call Him god , we call Him Allah.

That’s why we say He is …..this ; He is ….this meaning the rest of names are attributes.

Ism Azam- mentioned in Hadith Qudsi, beginning of S. Taha, S. Al Imran – Al Hay Al Qayyum.

Does this name has meaning or derived from something – Mostl say it is derived from a l h , a l h they
say it is from w l a – 2 meanings – (1) one to whom people are attracted. (2) When they have some fear
they run to him, all when some kids they fear something they run to mother. W l a is like Samad -to
whom the creation runs/turns for their needs, protection and safety and he has no need.

Ar-rehman Ar-Rahim

All surah begin with this Bismillah.. except S. Tauba which is compensated within S. Najm – Queen
Bilquees received letter from solaman as with bimillah.

Both names are from same root letter r h m. We say relationship of reham-same lineage. Reham is
womb of mother. Hadith – I have enjoined upon you to join ties of rehm and given it names from one of
my names. Rehm is mercy, kindness.
All names are superlative degree. So for Reham – no limit – they are exaggerated form, limitless.

Quran “Either you call him Rehan … him with whatever name ” Surah Taha

Rehman -intensity of rehman – Rehmaan Ad-Dunya (this pattern is for intensity e.g. itshaan ) but it will
end in this world

Raheem – consistence, wast depth in Rehman- Raheem is for Akhirat- for believers.

One can name Rahman but not Raheem

Ibrahim - also for my progeny -not for those who are zaalim only the obedient

- Settled in Makkah – asked for provision – feed people of this place with its those who
believe in Allah – Allah said -this is for everyone

Rehman – Hadith – Any type of love, rehman in any creatures in all of Allah’s creation together make up
only 1/99 portion of Allah’s mercy.

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