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Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical


Reaction Engineering and Reactor Design 314

Hydrometallurgy Practical 2

Due date: 10 May 2024

Muzuri Daniel 222014245

The main objective of this experiment is to investigate the kinetics of zinc leaching using
sulfuric acid. We also aim to evaluate the importance of thermodynamic data in
predicting and developing leaching systems. Additionally, we want to understand the
factors that influence leaching kinetics and conduct leach tests on zinc pieces at different
concentrations (0.02M, 0.05M, 0.08M, and 0.1M). Generally, the leaching process for
zinc is slow. However, we can enhance its kinetics by increasing temperature, stirring,
and solution concentration. This comprehensive report will discuss both the
thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of the results obtained from Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy (AAS) analysis. The thermodynamic analysis will provide insights into the
equilibrium behavior of zinc leaching, considering factors such as temperature and
concentration. Meanwhile, the kinetic analysis will focus on the rate of the leaching
reaction, providing information about the reaction mechanism and the effects of
temperature, stirring, and concentration on its speed. By combining these findings, we
can achieve a comprehensive understanding of the zinc leaching process. This
understanding will aid in the development and optimization of efficient leaching systems
for zinc and potentially other similar systems.


The objective of this experiment is to investigate the effect of temperature and

concentration on the dissolution of zinc. We hypothesize that there is a direct
proportional relationship between temperature, concentration, and the dissolution of
zinc. To examine the influence of concentration, we will use different concentrations of
sulfuric acid while keeping the temperature constant. Conversely, to assess the impact of
temperature, we will maintain a constant concentration of sulfuric acid while altering the
temperature. By conducting these tests, we aim to obtain a comprehensive
understanding of how temperature and concentration individually impact the dissolution
of zinc. Through careful analysis of the experimental data, we will determine the precise
relationship between temperature, concentration, and zinc dissolution. This will provide
valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms of the leaching process and assist in the
development of effective strategies for optimizing zinc dissolution. Furthermore, this
knowledge may have broader implications for similar systems.


Gain an understanding of the application of thermodynamic data in predicting and

designing leaching systems, and explore the practical limitations of applying this data in
real-world leach systems .

The objective is to investigate and comprehend the factors that impact the leaching
kinetics. This will be achieved by conducting leach tests to evaluate the influence of
concentration on the dissolution of zinc oxide. Diagrams will be generated to depict the
connection between zinc dissolution and time at various acid concentrations.
Additionally, the order of reaction and rate constant linked to the leaching process will be

Glass beaker, 200ml
• Distilled water
• Zinc metal pieces
• Sulfuric acid
• Water bath
• Stirrer with temperature control
• Magnetic follower
• Thermometer
When evaluating leaching conditions, it is common to rely on thermodynamic data such
as Eh-pH graphs and Gibbs free energy change. These tools help determine the viability
of a leaching reaction. By analyzing Eh-pH graphs, we can assess the potential of a system
under different pH conditions and gain insights into the stability and feasibility of the
leaching process. Additionally, calculating the Gibbs free energy change allows us to
predict whether a reaction will occur spontaneously or require external energy input.
Incorporating thermodynamic data into the assessment of leaching conditions enables
researchers to make informed decisions about the feasibility and efficiency of leaching
systems, facilitating the development of effective and sustainable processes.

Moving on to the kinetics of leaching, experimental evidence suggests that in the initial
phase of a reaction (usually within the first 5% of the reaction progress), the
consumption of the reactant is minimal, resulting in a nearly constant concentration. This
initial phase is crucial but can be challenging to determine precisely. During this phase,
the rate of the reaction remains constant and is known as the initial rate. The specific
equation governing the reaction kinetics determines this initial rate.

While the initial rate method provides a quick way to determine the rate constant (k) and
calculate activation energy values, its applicability is limited. More comprehensive
approaches, such as the Shrinking Core Model, should be used to analyze data over time
and account for specific experimental conditions. The Shrinking Core Model allows for
the determination of the mass transfer coefficient (km) and takes into consideration
factors such as particle size, density, and viscosity. It is particularly useful for studying
complex leaching systems, such as those involving calcine or chrysocolla, where particle
shape and surface reactions play a significant role.


Four stock solutions of sulfuric acid with concentrations of 0.02M, 0.05M, 0.08M, and
0.1M were prepared in separate 100ml volumetric flasks. These solutions were then
placed in a water bath at the desired temperature.

For each experiment, zinc pieces were weighed and their surface areas were calculated.
We made sure to keep track of which zinc piece was used in each specific experiment.

To start the experiment, we placed a magnetic stirrer bar in a beaker and transferred the
first sulfuric acid solution into the beaker. We set the stirring rate at 500rpm and brought
the solution to the desired temperature.

Next, we added the corresponding zinc piece to the beaker and started the timing.

The leaching process was conducted for a duration of 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, we took a 1ml sample using a pipette.

We prepared or diluted the sample as necessary and submitted it for AAS analysis.

We repeated steps (c) to (g) for each subsequent experiment, using the next stock
solution and a fresh solid sample.


H2SO4 density =1.84g/ml
100 ml = 0.1 l of sulfuric acid
Molecular mass of H2SO4 = 98g/mol
98% purity
Moles of H2SO4 n = 0.1 × 0.1 = 0.01𝑚𝑜𝑙
Mass =(0.01)×(98) =0.98g
Volume = (0.98/1.84) ×1/0.98 = 0.543 ml H2SO4 in100 volumetric flask
𝑛 = 0.3 × 0.1 = 0.03𝑚𝑜𝑙
Mass =(0.03)(98) = 2.94g
Volume = (2.94/1.84) ×1/0.98 = 1.63ml H2SO4 in100 volumetric flask


𝑛 = 0.4 × 0.1 = 0.04𝑚𝑜𝑙
Mass =(0.04)(98) = 3.92g
Volume = (3.92/1.84) ×1/0.98 = 2.14ml H2SO4 in100 volumetric flask


𝑛 = 0.5 × 0.1 = 0.05 𝑚𝑜𝑙
Mass =(0.05)(98) =4.9g
Volume = (4.9/1.84) ×1/0.98 = 2.72ml H2SO4 in100 volumetric flask

Table 1: Table of variables based on different concentration of sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid Mass of Zn Area of Zn conc in sol Zn mass in sol rate
sample(g) sample(mm2)
(M) (g/L) (g)
0.1 0.1233 30 0.001755 0.1221 0.00000195
0.3 0.1220 49 0.007661 0.1118 0.00000851
0.4 0.2519 36 0.164075 0.2403 0.00018231
0.5 0.1224 28 0.320489 0.1084 0.00035610
log rate vs log conc
-1.05 -0.9 -0.75 -0.6 -0.45 -0.3


Log rate of reaction


y = 3.1458x - 2.7445
R² = 0.8212 -4.5



Log concentration of sulfuric acid

Figure 1: Graph of the log(rate) vs the log(concentration of sulfuric acid)

Y = 3.1458x -2.7445
Log(Rate) = n Log[A] +Log(k)
n= 3 and Log(k) =-2.7445 so k = 0.06428

Table 2: Table of variables based on different temperature

Temperature Mass of Zn Area of Zn conc in sol Mass of Zn Rate Sulfuric acid
in 0C (g) Zn(mm2) (g/L) leached(g) conc (M)
30 0.2396 88 0.007574 0.00080 0.0000006061 0.1
35 0.6535 25.5 0.003591 0.00230 0.0000039900 0.1
40 0.1233 30 0.001755 0.01400 0.0000019503 0.1
45 0.1229 30 25.1800 0.01510 0.0000335600 0.1
55 0.7486 55 5.91000 0.03774 0.0065666700 0.1

The temperature was converted to kelvin

log rate vs log temperature
2.48 2.485 2.49 2.495 2.5 2.505 2.51 2.515

y = 113.57x - 288.36
R² = 0.8906
Log rate of reaction



Log temperature

Figure 2: Graph of the log(rate) vs the log(temperature)

The experimental results demonstrate that the leaching of zinc particles is governed by
first-order reaction kinetics. The rate constant (k) and activation energy for each
concentration were calculated using the Arrhenius plot. The reaction order (n) has been


This experiment offers valuable insights into the kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of
leaching zinc pieces. By determining the rate constant (k) and reaction order (n), we gain
a better understanding of the underlying mechanism of the leaching reaction.
Additionally, comparing our findings to higher temperature studies highlights the
temperature dependence of the leaching process and underscores the importance of
optimizing reaction conditions to improve leaching efficiency in industrial applications.

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