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Renal Function

 Each kidney contains ~1 to 1.5 million nephrons
 Renal function;
 Renal blood flow:
o Glomerular filtration
o Tubular reabsorption
o Tubular secretion
o Hormone secretion


 Make up ~ 85% of nephrons  Have longer loops of Henle
 Situated primarily in the that extend deep into the
cortex medulla of the kidney
 Responsible primarily for  Primary function is
removal of waste products concentration of the urine
and reabsorption of

Renal Blood Flow

 Renal artery supplies blood to the kidney.
 Kidneys receive ~25% of the blood pumped through the heart at all times.
 Varying sizes of these arterioles help create the hydrostatic pressure differential that is important for glomerular filtration and to main-tain
consistency of glomerular capillary pressure and renal blood flow within the glomerulus.
 Smaller size of the efferent arteriole increases the glomerular capillary pressure
1. Blood enters the capillaries of the nephron through the afferent arteriole.
2. Flows through the glomerulus and into the efferent arteriole.
3. Blood from the efferent arteriole enters the peritubular capillaries and the vasa recta
4. Returning to the renal vein

 Peritubular capillaries:
o Surround the proximal and distal convoluted tubules
o Immediate reabsorption of essential substances from the fluid in the proximal convoluted tubule
o Final adjustment of the urinary composition in the distal convoluted tubule.
 Vasa recta:
o Located adjacent to the ascending and descending loops of Henle in juxtamedullary nephrons.
o Major exchanges of water and salts take place between the blood and the medullary interstitium.
This exchange maintains the osmotic gradient (salt concentration) in the medulla, which is
necessary for renal concentration.
 Total renal blood flow: ~ 1200 mL/min
 Total renal plasma flow: 600 to 700 mL/min

Glomerular Filtration
 Glomerulus:
o Consists of a coil of ~ 8 capillary lobes, the walls of which are referred to as the glomerular filtration barrier.
o Located within Bowman capsule, which forms the beginning of the renal tubule.
o Serves as a nonselective filter of plasma substances with molecular weights less than 70,000
 Factors influence the actual filtration process:
o Cellular structure of the capillary walls and Bowman capsule
o Hydrostatic pressure and oncotic pressure
o Feedback mechanisms of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS).

1. Cellular Structure of the Glomerulus

 Plasma filtrate must pass through three glomerular filtration barrier cellular layers:
o Capillary wall membrane (Fenestrated endothelium/with pores)
o Basement membrane (basal lamina)
o Visceral epithelium of the Bowman capsule.
 The pores increase capillary permeability but do not allow the passage of large molecules and blood cells. Further restriction of large mole- cules
occurs as the filtrate passes through the basement mem- brane and the thin membranes covering the filtration slits formed by the intertwining
foot processes of the podocytes of the inner layer of the Bowman capsule (Fig. 4-3A).
 The barrier contains a shield of negativity that repels molecules with a negative charge even though they are small enough to pass through the
three layers of the barrier. The shield is very important because it is the place where albumin (the primary protein associated with renal disease)
has a negative charge and is repelled (Figs. 4-3B and 4-3C).
2. Glomerular Pressure
 The presence of hydrostatic pressure, resulting from the smaller size of the efferent arteriole and the glomerular capillaries, enhances filtration.
 This pressure is necessary to overcome the opposition of pressures from the fluid within the Bowman capsule and the oncotic pressure of
unfiltered plasma proteins in the glomerular capillaries.
 By increasing or decreasing the size of the afferent and efferent arterioles an autoregulatory mechanism within the juxtaglomerular apparatus
maintains the glomerular blood pressure at a relatively constant rate, regardless of fluctuations in systemic blood pressure.
 Decrease in blood pressure:
o Dilation of the afferent arterioles and constriction of the efferent arterioles
o Prevent a marked decrease in blood flowing through the kidney, thus preventing an increase in the blood level of toxic waste
 Increase in blood pressure:
o Constriction of the afferent arterioles to prevent overfiltration or damage to the glomerulus.

3. Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System
 Regulates the flow of blood to and within the glomerulus.
 Responds to changes in blood pressure and plasma sodium content that are monitored by the juxtaglomerular apparatus, which consists of the
juxtaglomerular cells in the afferent arteriole and the macula densa of the distal convoluted tubule (Fig. 4-4).
 Low plasma sodium content decreases water retention within the circulatory system, resulting in a decreased overall blood volume and
subsequent decrease in blood presure.
 When the macula densa senses such changes, a cascade of reactions within the RAAS occurs (Fig. 4-5).
 Renin:
o An enzyme produced by the juxtaglomerular cells
o Secreted and reacts with the bloodborne substrate angiotensinogen to produce the inert hormone angiotensin I.
o As angiotensin I passes through the alveoli of the lungs, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) changes it to the active form
angiotensin II.
o Angiotensin II corrects renal blood flow in the following ways:

 As systemic blood pressure and plasma sodium content increase, the secretion of renin decreases. Therefore, the actions of angiotensin II
produce a constant pressure within the nephron.
 Every minute, ~ 2 to 3 million glomeruli filter ~ 120 mL of water-containing low-molecular-weight substances.

 Specific gravity of 1.010 confirms that it is chemically an ultrafiltrate of plasma.

Tubular Reabsorption

A. Reabsorption Mechanisms
 Substance to be reabsorbed must
Active Transport combine with a carrier protein
contained in the membranes of the
renal tubular epithelial cells
 Movement of molecules across a
Passive membrane as a result of
transport differences in their concentration
or electrical potential on opposite
sides of the membrane


 Maximal rate of reabsorption of a solute by the tubular epithelium per minute (milligrams per minute)

 The plasma concentration at which active transport stops
 The filtrate concentration exceeds the maximal reabsorptive capacity (Tm ) of the tubules, and the substance begins appearing in the urine
 Glucose plasma renal threshold :160 to 180 mg/dL
 Active transport of more than two-thirds of the filtered sodium out of the proximal convoluted tubule is accompanied by the passive reabsorption
of an equal amount of water

B. Tubular Concentration
 Renal concentration begins in the descending and ascending loops of Henle, where the filtrate is exposed to the high osmotic gradient of the
renal medulla.
 Countercurrent mechanism
o Selective reabsorption process which serves to maintain the osmotic gradient of the medulla
o Water is removed by osmosis in the descending loop of Henle
o Sodium and chloride are reabsorbed in the ascending loop.
 Excessive reabsorption of water as the filtrate passes through the highly concentrated medulla is prevented by the water-impermeable walls of
the ascending loop.
o . The sodium and chloride leaving the filtrate in the ascending loop prevent dilution of the medullary interstitium by the water
reabsorbed from the descending loop. Maintenance of this osmotic gradi- ent is essential for the final concentration of the filtrate
when it reaches the collecting duct.
In Figure 4-6, the actual concentration of the filtrate leaving the ascending loop is quite low due to the reabsorption of salt and not water in that part of the
tubule. Reabsorption of sodium continues in the distal convoluted tubule, but now it is under the control of the hormone aldosterone, which regulates
reab- sorption in response to the body’s need for sodium (Fig. 4-5)
C. Collecting Duct Concentration
 Final concentration of the filtrate through the reabsorption of water begins in the late distal convoluted tubule and continues in the collecting
 Reabsorption depends on the osmotic gradient in the medulla, as well as the hormone vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone [ADH]) that is released
by the posterior pituitary gland when the amount of water in the body decreases. One would expect that as the dilute filtrate in the collecting
duct comes in contact with the higher osmotic concentration of the medullary interstitium, passive reabsorp- tion of water would occur.
 However, the process is controlled by the presence or absence of ADH, which renders the walls of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting
duct permeable or impermeable to water.
 A high level of ADH increases permeability, resulting in increased reabsorption of water, and a low-volume concentrated urine.
 Absence of ADH renders the walls impermeable to water, resulting in a large volume of dilute urine.
 Just as the production of aldosterone is controlled by the body’s sodium concentration, the produc- tion of ADH is determined by the state of
body hydration.
 The concept of ADH control can be summarized as follows:
↑ Body Hydration = ↓ ADH = ↑ Urine Volume
↓ Body Hydration = ↑ ADH = ↓ Urine Volume

Tubular Secretion
 Passage of substances from the blood in the peritubular capillaries to the tubular filtrate
 Two major functions:
o Eliminating waste products not filtered by the glomerulus
 Example: Medication (cannot be filtered by the glomerulus because they are bound to plasma proteins)
 Major site for removal of nonfiltered substances: Proximal convoluted tubule.
 When these protein-bound substances enter the per- itubular capillaries, they develop a stronger affinity for the tu- bular
cells and dissociate from their carrier proteins, which results in their transport into the filtrate by the tubular cells.
o Regulating the acid–base balance in the body through the secretion of hydrogen ions.
 Secretion of hydrogen ions (H ) by the renal tubular cells into the filtrate prevents the filtered bicarbonate from being
excreted in the urine and causes the return of a bicarbonate ion to the plasma.
 This process, which occurs primarily in the proximal convoluted tubule, provides for almost 100% reabsorption of filtered
 The ammonia reacts with the H to form the ammoniu ion (NH4). The resulting ammonium ion is excreted in the urine.
Should there be additional need for the elimination of hydrogen ions, the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct
are also able to produce ammonium ions.


Glomerular Filtration Test  Clearance test

 Calculated Glomerular filtration

Glomerular Filtration Tests

 Standard tests used to measure the filtering capacity of the glomeruli
 Measures the rate in milliliters per minute at which the kidneys are able to remove (to clear) a filterable substance from the blood.
 Factors to consider in selecting a clearance test substance:
o The substance analyzed must be one that is neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the tubules.
o Stability of the substance in urine during a possible 24-hour collection period
o Consistency of the plasma level
o Substance’s availability to the body,
o Availability of tests to analyze the substance
 Primary substances used in clearance tests at present:
o Creatinine
o Beta -microglobulin (B2M)
o Cystatin C
o Radioisotopes
 A test that requires an infused substance is termed an exogenous procedure and is seldom the method of choice if a suitable test substance is already
present in the body (endogenous procedure)

A. Urea Clearance
 The earliest glomerular filtration tests because of its presence in all urine specimens
 Because approximately 40% of the filtered urea is reabsorbed, normal values were adjusted to reflect the reabsorption, and patients were
hydrated to produce a urine flow of 2 mL/min to ensure that no more than 40% of the urea was reabsorbed

B. Inulin Clearance
 Was the original reference method for clearance tests
 Not currently use for GFR testing
 For research purposes
 Characteristics:
o A polymer of fructose
o Extremely stable substance
o Neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the tubules.
o Exogenous (Not a normal body constituent)
o Must be infused by IV at a constant rate throughout the testing period.
 Endogenous (A waste product of muscle metabolism that is produced enzymatically by creatine phosphokinase from creatine, which links with
adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to produce adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and energy) .
 Normally found at a relatively constant level in the blood, it provides the laboratory with an endogenous procedure for evaluating glomerular
 Creatinine disadvantages:
1. Some creatinine is secreted by the tubules, and secretion increases as blood levels rise.
2. Chromogens present in human plasma react in the chemical analysis. Their presence, however, may help counteract the falsely elevated
rates caused by tubular secretion.
3. Medications, including gentamicin, cephalosporins, and cimetidine (Tagamet), inhibit tubular secretion of creatinine, thus causing serum
levels that are falsely low.
4. Bacteria will break down urinary creatinine if specimens are kept at room temperature for extended periods.
5. A diet heavy in meat consumed during collection of a 24-hour urine specimen will influence the results if the plasma specimen is drawn
before the collection period. The increased intake of meat can raise the creatinine levels in urine and plasma during the 24-hour collection
6. Measurement of creatinine clearance is not a reliable indicator in patients suffering from muscle-wasting diseases or those involved in
heavy exercise or athletes supplementing with creatine.
7. Accurate results depend on the accurate completeness of a 24-hour collection.
8. Creatinine clearance values must be corrected for body surface area, unless normal is assumed, and must always be corrected for

 By far, the greatest source of error in any clearance procedure using urine is the use of urine specimens that are improperly timed.
 Reported in milliliters cleared per minute; therefore, it is necessary to determine the number of milliliters of plasma from which the clearance
substance (creatinine) is removed completely during 1 minute.
 Urine volume in mL/min (V)
 Urine creatinine concentration in mg/dL (U)
 Plasma creatinine concentration in mg/dL (P).
 The urine volume is calculated by dividing the number of milliliters in the specimen by the number of minutes used to collect the specimen


 Most frequently is called the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study.
 At present, the formula recommended by the National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) is called the MDRD-IDMS-traceable formula.
 Correspond more closely to the isotope dilution mass spectrophotometry (IDMS) reference method.

 Because eGFRs are calculated for an average body size, they are not accurate for pediatric patients.
 Most accurate when results are lower than 60 mL/min.
 It is recommended that results be reported with numerical values below 60 mL/min (for example, 59 mL/min) and higher values reported as
equal to or greater than 60 mL/min (for example, ≥60 mL/min).

(KDIGO) stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Stage 1 > 90
Stage 2 60 and 89
Stage 3 45 and 59
Stage 4 15 and 29
Stage 5 < 15

 A good procedure for screening and monitoring GFR.
 A small protein (molecular weight 13,359) produced at a constant rate by all nucleated cells.
 Filtered readily by the glomerulus and reabsorbed and broken down by the renal tubular cells
 No cystatin C is secreted by the tubules, and the serum concentration can be related directly to the GFR.
 Advantage: independent of muscle mass.
 Measured by immunoassay
 Recommended for;
o Pediatric patients
o People with diabetes
o Elderly
o Critically ill

 Exogenous procedure
 125I-iothalamate
 Provides a method for determining glomerular filtration through the plasma disappearance of the radioactive material and enables visualization
of the filtration in one or both kidneys.
 Valuable to measure the viability of a transplanted kidney.
 Other exogenous markers;
o Chromium-51 ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid (51 Cr-EDTA)
o Technetium-99-labeled diethylene-triamine- pentaacetate (99-Tc-DTPA)
o A nonradioactive contrast agent, iohexol, is used for children.3

Tubular Secretion and Renal Blood Flow Tests

PAH Test (p-aminohippuric acid)

 The test most commonly associated with tubular secretion and renal blood flow
 The substance must be removed from the blood primarily in the peritubular capillaries rather than being removed when the blood reaches the
 Disadvantage: Exogenous but meets the criteria needed to measure renal blood flow.
 Nontoxic substance is loosely bound to plasma proteins, which permits its complete removal as the blood passes through the peritubular
 All the plasma PAH is secreted by the proximal convoluted tubule.
 PAH is contained only in the plasma portion of the blood
 Infused by IV
 Performed by specialized renal laboratories


 A typical person excretes approximately 70 mEq/day of acid in the form of titratable acid (H ), hydrogen phosphate+24–ions (H PO ), or
ammonium ions (NH4 ).
 A diurnal variation in urine acidity, consisting of alkaline tides, appears shortly after arising and postprandially at approxi- mately 2 p.m. and 8
p.m. The lowest pH is found at night.
 Renal tubular acidosis
o The inability to produce an acid urine in the presence of metabolic
o May result from impaired tubular secretion of hydrogen ions associated with the proximal convoluted tubule or defects in ammonia
secretion associated with the distal convoluted tubule.
 Determine the defective function.
 Tests can be run simultaneously on either fresh urine specimens or those preserved with toluene and collected at 2-hour intervals from patients
who have been primed with an acid load consisting of oral ammonium chloride.
 By titrating the amount of free H+ (titratable acidity) and then the total acidity of the specimen, the ammonium concentration can be calculated
as the difference between the titratable acidity and the total acidity.

 Not currently performed.

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