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I Met A Man

© 2024 Ayende Israel

I met a very interesting man today

It was as if by magic, he came by my way

It's not an exaggeration when you hear me say

That I truly enjoyed his all-too-brief stay

I was overcome with humility, once our conversation started

By the depth of wisdom his words imparted

Guard your THOUGHTS and your SPEECH, because they both CREATE THINGS;
We’re Co-creators with God, as Human Beings

A Positive Mental Attitude, being your GREATEST WEALTH,

Helps promote your SECOND GREATEST; Sound Physical Health

Harmony in Human Relationships, winter, spring, summer, and fall

Throughout the entirety of the planet, should be most important to all

If LOVE ruled our Thoughts, Words, and Deeds,

It’s abundantly clear - there’d be NO NEED FOR FEAR

The Hope of Achievement… natural for all Human-kind

Should be addressed with a CREATIVE; and not a COMPETITIVE frame of mind

The Capacity for Faith, without which NOTHING would be

Allows us to make manifest, that which, in our Imagination we see

Cheerfully Share your Blessings with Humanity; I Pray you can relate,
And when the Appointed Time is upon you; you’ll be WELCOMED at HEAVEN’S GATE

Man must TILL THE SOIL each day, as appointed from up above,
Truly BLESSED then, is the man, who has found a LABOR Of LOVE

This world of ours can be demanding, of those seeking Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding
It always helps when we’re reminded, that to acquire these GEMS, one must remain Open-Minded

The desire to RULE others, is a FATAL FLAW among men; in a world so abundant, that we ALL can WIN!
The Key to us ALL winning, lies safely contained within; the Practice simply known, as Self-Discipline
The Capacity to Understand People, is a great blessing, Indeed
To Unlock THIS source of Untold Wealth, Invest the Time and Energy, to KNOW THYSELF

Economic Security, or RICHES, you might say, is in the path of ALL, who truly know THE WAY
I’ve enumerated the steps, toward your PERFECTION, and set you in the RIGHT DIRECTION

Thank God We Met, and had this talk, to aid you in your FAITHFUL WALK


I Am That I Am… Your Future Self!

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