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Copy!ng speech and behav!ors !s m!m!c. In contrast, !n sc!ence copy!ng nature !s called
b!om!m!cry. The best-known example of th!s Velcro wh!ch found by George de Mastral one
day he not!ced the burdock seeds stuck on h!s dog’s ha!r then he d!scover a l!ttle b!t and
copy them w!th str!pes, one w!th t!ny hooks and other w!th loose loops and stuck w!th glue.
Unl!ke the glue he can peel the str!pes. It was used !n fash!on compan!es then Nasa used !t.
It became popular on ch!ldren’s clothes. Another example of th!s sw!msu!t also !nsp!red by
the nature. Sc!ent!sts copy!ng the shark’s sk!n to create th!s product. Also NASA !nsp!red
from the eagles when they hunt!ng the!r prey so they create an !tem called Eagles Eyes to
protect astronauts eyes. In another example !s Mercedes copy the boxf!sh skeleton to bu!lt
the!r B!on!c Car. B!om!m!cry !mproves !tself as t!me goes by, !n the future may be nature
solve all problems. To g!ve examples outs!de the art!cle are that to !ncrease susta!nab!l!ty,
sc!ent!sts !nsp!red by whale f!ns to eff!c!ent on aerodynam!c, they use !t on w!nd turb!nes. In
1989 Japanese eng!neer’s bullet tra!n was really fast but !t had one major problem, !t’s
makes al lot of no!se !n central areas. Luck!ly he found the solut!on by watch!ng nature he
not!ced that the k!ngf!sher also s!m!larly had to travel from one area to another s!lently, he
watched and modelled the tra!n’s front as per the beak of the k!ngf!sher. The trad!t!onal
robots are successful !n most t!mes but they mostly fa!l to adopt env!ronment. Th!s led
sc!ent!st to the octopus. th!s creature !s !ncred!bly !ntell!gent and !ts sk!lls came from !ts
body. Th!s sk!lls came from !ts harpoons. M!m!ck!ng th!s creature by add!ng sensors caused
to soft robots

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