Format and Specification of Business English Assignment

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TED Talks are independent, not-for-profit organized conferences that are made to give a platform to the three words that
make up their slogan: ideas worth spreading.

TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, contributes some of the most inspirational pieces of videos
on the Internet and, with a time limit of 18 minutes given to their speakers, those bits of inspiration come in small
packages, too.

Instructions for TED talk summary and response

Step 1: Go to and explore

Step 2: Find a Talk (aka video) that interests you and is relevant to your international business aspirations. Suggested
topics: business, global issues, economics etc. The choice of topic is up to you but please check with Ms Signer if you
have any questions regarding suitability.

Step 3: Having watched your Talk of choice, write a summary and response including the following introduction:

title of TED Talk
location (web address or URL)
name of presenter including any pertinent biographical information, such as the speaker’s qualifications and/or
a short paragraph explaining why you're interested in this topic.

Summary of the Talk:

The summary is a short—but thorough—objective restatement of the main idea(s) and key points of the TED Talk. A
summary may mention examples the speaker used to illustrate key points. The purpose of the summary is not to
evaluate or to criticize or add examples or material to the work summarized --- don't praise, don't condemn, don't
lose your focus on what the author is saying.
Think carefully about your opening paragraph. It should be a summary of your summary: begin with the central idea(s) of
the TED talk
Be very careful in your writing not to follow the text so closely that you are paraphrasing the words of the author.
You may be on the edge of plagiarism.
Personal opinions and thoughts, as well as details of the passage, do not belong in the summary rather in the response

Response and brief conclusion:

The response requires you to examine, explain and defend your reaction to the chosen TED talk. Explore why you
agree/support or disagree with the author. There is no right or wrong answer to a response. Nonetheless, it is important
that you demonstrate an understanding of the ideas put forward and clearly explain and support your reactions.

Submissions need to be a Word document, with the student's last name as the document title, and a full
name and university email address listed at the top of the essay.

Limit the length to 500-600 words

Deadline for submissions: 22/23 November 2017


Written assignment rubric (25 points) Does Not Below

Meets Exceeds
Meet expectations
Expectations Expectations
Organization subsection
Paper has a clear introduction, body and conclusion.
0 0.5 - 1 1.5 – 2 2.5-3
Information and ideas are presented in a logical sequence that
flows naturally and engages the reader 0 0.5 -1 1.5 - 2 2.5 -3
Clarity of communication and style subsection
Student demonstrates the ability to connect ideas and make
0 0.5 - 1 1.5 - 2 2.5 -3
The student presents information that is relevant and easy to
0 0.5 - 1 1.5 - 2 2.5 -3
Grammar Mechanics subsection
Student uses appropriate grammar elements/syntax 0 0.5 - 1 1.5 - 2 2.5 -3
Student uses appropriate vocabulary 0 0.5 - 1 1.5 - 2 2.5-3
Student uses correct spelling 0 0.5 -1 1.5 - 2 2.5 -3
Student uses transition words/phrases to create contrast. 0 0.5 1.0 – 1.5 2
Student uses proper written tone and voice. 0 0.5 1.0 – 1.5 2




You will not receive a final grade for this Semester 1 course on your transcript as everything achieved in class is “continuous
assessment” which will be averaged with your grades in Semester 2.

A 100-point scale will be used for grading. This is then converted to the German Notenskala.

 participation and attendance 10% (“80/20 rule” allows you to miss 20% of sessions. Exceeding this percentage will result
in 0 points for attendance.)
 assignment 20%
 presentation 20%
 final assessment 50%
The final assessment will test grammar and vocabulary covered during the semester and you will be required to write two emails.


A high level of responsibility and academic honesty is expected from our students and it is imperative that a student
demonstrates high ethical standards in his/her academic work. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to
submission as one’s own work or material that is not one’s own. Plagiarism from the Web or from any other source is
unacceptable. Students suspected of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary actions according to university policy.
At the professor´s discretion, written work may be verified using the university´s anti-plagiarism software.

Please include a declaration of authorship at the end of your written assignment. This should be signed and dated.

Declaration of Authorship
I ......................... (please insert name) hereby declare that the submitted work is entirely my own. Where I have consulted the
work of others, this is always clearly stated.
Signed: ______________________
Date: ________________________


Please make sure deadlines are adhered to. Failure to meet deadlines will be penalised accordingly. This includes both the
presentation and the assignment.

Attendance is compulsory and you are expected to take part in discussions and class activities.

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