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TN to be hit : 10+10+3 ARMOR : Heavy

WOUND RANK : 11 (89)

Attack : Katana 6z3+4 Damage 6z2+4
Ono 6z3+4 Damage 6z3+4

FIRE : 3 Agility : 4 Intelligence : 3

AIR : 2 Reflexes : 2 Awareness : 2
EARTH : 4 Stamina : 4 Willpower : 4
WATER : 3 Strength : 3 Perception : 3
VOID : 3 v.0


Archery 1
Athletics 2
Battle 1
Defence 3
Etiquete 1
Hand to hand combat : 1
Hunting 1
Intimidation 1
Investigation 1
Kenjutsu 3
Subojutsu 3
Lore : 1
Sincerity 1
Stealth 1
Traps 1
SP 4

Dark secret
Social disadvantage (one rank)

HONOR : 2+5 boxes

Blessing of The Dark One

You have an unnatural resistance to pain and physical harm. Your Wounds at each
Wound Rank are increased by 3.


Rank 1
The bushi begins by learning how to tap into his own Earth energy.
Every time the bushi rolls to hit and damage, he adds his Earth to the total of the
Also, because Crab bushi training is always done in full armor, they can ignore the
penalties other bushi suffer from wearing Full Armor.

Rank 2
At this Rank, the bushi learns the secret of true resilience.
Once a day, the bushi may spend a Void Point to make a simple Earth roll at TN 20
to ignore all damage from a single hit.
Rank 3
At this Rank, the bushi has learned how to make two attacks per turn.

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