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Vocabulary 11

1. Recall: the process of remembering or retrieving information from memory

Synonym: Remember Antonym: Forget
Sentence: Despite her efforts, she struggled to recall the details of the conversation.
2. Diseases: Abnormal conditions affecting the body or mind, often characterized
by specific symptoms and signs.
Synonym: Illnesses Antonym: Health
Sentence: The medical team is researching new treatments for infectious diseases
prevalent in tropical regions.
3. Heritable: Traits or characteristics that can be passed from one generation to
another through genetic inheritance.
Synonym: Inheritable Antonym: Non-heritable
Sentence: Eye color is a heritable trait influenced by genes inherited from parents.
4. Stretch: the act of extending or lengthening something, physically or
Synonym: Extend Antonym: Contract
Sentence: It's important to stretch your muscles before exercising to prevent injuries
5. Upbringing: the treatment and instruction received by a child from his/her parents
throughout his/her childhood.
Synonym: raising Antonym: fall
Sentences: The children had had a harsh upbringing.

6. Striking: attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent.

Synonym: Fascinating Antonym: normal
Sentences: The library is a striking example of modern architecture.

7. Surveys: look carefully and thoroughly at (someone or something), especially so as

to appraise them. an examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made
by asking people questions:
Synonym: look over Antonym: ignorance
Sentences: he surveys the outlook for the US economy

8. Threefold: three times as great or as numerous.

Synonym: triple Antonym: NOthing
Sentences: The number of experiments has increased threefold in the past five years

9. Tiny: very small or diminutive.

Synonym: miniature Antonym: huge
Sentences: The computer chips were tiny.
10. Raise: to move to a higher position; elevate.
Synonym: lift up Antonym: lower, reduce
Sentences: She raised her eyes from her book and stared at him.
11. Uncover: to discover something secret or hidden.
Synonym: expose Antonym: cover
Sentences: Auditors said they had uncovered evidence.
12. Lay: put down, especially gently or carefully.
Synonym: place; set Antonym: pick up
Sentences: man came to lay the saloon carpet.
13. Fierce: An animal or person that is very aggressive or angry.
Synonym: savage Antonym: gentle
Sentences: Those look like the teeth of some fierce animal.

Preacher: a person, usually a priest or minister, who gives a religious speech

synonym minister (of relifion)
antonym laiman
- He was a radical preacher who inspired peasants to rebel
Handle: a part of an object designed for holding, moving, or carrying the object easily:
Synonym grip
Antonym blade
- I just opened the drawer as usual and the handle came away in my hand.
Beyond: further away in the distance (than something
Synonym on the far side of
Antonym near
- The path extends beyond the end of the road.
Broadened: to become wider, or to cause something to become wider:
Synonym widen
Antonym narrow
- They need to broaden their understanding of other cultures
Lung either of the two organs in the chest with which people and some animals breathe:
Synonym: bronchi
Antonym: ribs
- There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer.
19. Self-forgetfulness: ability to put the interests of others before one's own. It can also
mean having or showing no thought of self or selfish interests.
Synonym: unselfish Antonym: egoistic
Sentence: Those children have been raised to be selfish rather than self-forgetful.
20. Heritability: the ability of a disease or characteristic to be passed from
a parent or grandparent to a child through the genes.
Synonym: transmissible Antonym: nonheritable
Sentence: Autism has been shown to have a high rate of heritability.
21. Tricky: difficult to deal with and needing careful attention or skill
Synonym: difficult Antonym: simple
Sentence: The company's had some tricky problems to negotiate in its first year in
22. Inner: inside or contained within something else
Synonym: internal Antonym: outward
Sentence: Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.
23. Bonding: the process by which a close emotional relationship is developed
Synonym: cling Antonym: unsticking
Sentence: We were friendly to each other, but there was no bonding.

24. Rush: a sudden strong emotion or physical feeling.

Synonym: thrill; kick; exhilaration Antonym: imperceptible
Sentence: He went through a rush of happiness and bliss when he knew that his wife
was pregnant and the fact that he would become into a father.
25. Attendance: the fact of going somewhere such as a church, school, etc. regularly.
Synonym: appearance; participation; presence Antonym: absence
Sentence: One of the most important characteristics of Islamic faith is the frequency
which these habits are practiced and the attendance to the worships done there.
26. Nest: a comfortable home.
Synonym: burrow; den; refuge Antonym: abandonment
Sentence: When teenagers are eighteen years in the United States, most of them leave
the nest and start making and building their own lives independently.
27. Stubborn: A stubborn person is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses
to do anything else.
Synonym: adamant; obstinate; steadfast Antonym: flexible; compliant; pliable
Sentence: Most of the leaders or big business mans have been stubborn at the moment
of reaching goals, being this fact the one which influences in their success and, maybe,
the key of this.
28. Odds: the probability (= how likely it is) that a particular thing will or will not
happen. Synonym: probability; chance: percentage Antonym: improbability;
Sentence: When betting about any topic and situation, the odds of winning or losing are
equal, it means, 50 percentage for each one, hence the result will depend on luck.
29. Naughtier: More mischievous.
Synonym: Impish Antonym: Well-behaved.
Sentence: The child became even naughtier when guests arrived.

30. Displeasure: Unhappiness or discontent.

Synonym: Dissatisfaction Antonym: Satisfaction.
Sentence: Her face revealed clear displeasure with the situation.

31. Split up: Separate or break up.

Synonym: Part ways Antonym: Unite.
Sentence: The couple decided to split up after much discussion.

32. Committed: Devoted or dedicated.

Synonym: Devoted.
Antonym: Uncommitted.
- Sentence: She is committed to her work and always gives her best.

33. Suppressed: Kept under control; restrained.

Synonym: Repressed. Antonym: Unrestricted.
Sentence: His emotions were clearly suppressed during the meeting.

34. Arguing: give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc.
Synonym: contend Antonym: agree; concur

Sentence: The students were passionately arguing their viewpoints in the classroom

35. Dismiss: to remove someone from their job, especially because they have done
something wrong.
Synonym: expel Antonym: allow; keep
Sentence: The manager had to dismiss the employee for not doing his assigned work.

36. Veil: something that prevents you from knowing what is happening or hides
Synonym: cloak; curtain, cover Antonym: uncover, expose
Sentence: She used a veil to cover the mess her cat had made.

37. Taunt: unpleasant comments made to intentionally upset and upset someone.
Synonym: derision Antonym: respect; compliment
Sentence: They started taunting of the other team for losing the game.

38. Unlikely: no es probable o probable que suceda.

Synonym: improbable; strange Antonym: likely; possible; believable
Sentence: It is unlikely that he will come to the slumber party.
39. Spat: (past simple and past participle of spit). Spit is to force out the contents of the
mouth, especially saliva.

a short argument, usually about something that is not important:

Synonym: expectorate Antonym: absorb
Sentence: Bob Ewell spat contemptuously right in the lawyer's face.
40. Pointedly: in an obvious way, usually to express criticism or disapproval.
Synonym: directly
Antonym: unintentionally
Sentence: She pointedly ignored him.
41. Sadden (in past, saddened): to make someone sad.
Synonym: depress
Antonym: cheer up
Sentence: I am deeply saddened that this truly good man is no longer with us.
42. Bear: to tolerate or endure something, especially unpleasant.
Synonym: tolerate Antonym: reject/abandon
Sentence: Tell me now! I can't bear the suspense!

Chosen Words: arguing, self-forgetfulness, stubborn, tiny, lay

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