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1. Which of the following are the purposes of downward communication.

a) To give instruction
b) To provide information about policies and procedures.
c) To give feedback about performance.
d) All of the above
2. The following are the purposes of horizontal communication, EXCEPT.
a) To pass on information about activies or feelings.
b) To coordinates activities between departments.
c) To persuade others at the same level of organization.
d) To provide information necessary for management to strategic and
nonprogrammed decision.
3. It is defned as an interference with the of a message that occurs when
the message is misunderstood even though it is received exactly as transmited.
a) Semantc Barriers
b) Physical Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Develop an Idea
4. The following are the hindrances to efectve communicaton arising from a
communicator’s characteristcs as a person, EXCEPT.
a) emotons
b) poor listening habits
c) words
d) race
5. These are some techniques used in upward communicaton, EXCEPT.
a) Formal Grievances Procedures
b) NewsLetters
c) Suggestion System
d) Open-Door policy
6. Defined communication as a “process of sharing information through symbols,
including words and messages”.
a) Morries Philip Wolf and Shirley Kuiper
b) Morries Smith and Shirley Kepler
c) Morris smith and sherle cooper
d) Jed Mordecute Alvarado and Mark Noel Narag
7. A form of communication that is transmitted through hearing or sight.
a) Downward communicaton
b) Upward communicaton
c) Verbal communication
d) Horizontal communicaton
8. This are hindrances of effective communication arising from communication’s
characteristics as a person.
a) Semantc Barriers
b) Physical Barriers
c) Personal Barriers
d) Develop an Idea
9. Is a communication process that translates the message from sender into a
form that will have meaning to the recipient.
a) Decode
b) Develop an Idea
c) Motvaton Function
d) Receive
10. Involves hearing the words of the sender, opportunites are provided for
seeing the sender’s body movements, facial expression, gestures,and eye contact.
a) Verbal communicaton
b) Oral communicaton
c) Writen Communicaton
d) None of the above

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