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2018-07-05 2570155

2570155 - Upgrade Fails When User-Defined Field Is

Defined on Table Missing in Metadata
Version 3 Type SAP Business One Notes
Language English Master Language English
Priority Correction with high priority Category Program error
Release Status Released for Customer Released On 04.07.2018
Component SBO-GEN-UDF ( User-Defined Fields )

Please find the original document at 2570155


When you try to upgrade to SAP Business One version 9.2 or 9.3, the upgrade wizard fails without any
warning with the error message: "Failed, error code: -2004"

Reproducing the issue


You have a user-defined field (UDF) which is defined on a table missing in metadata.

Sample UDF defined on OPBU table:

1. In SAP Business One, go to Tools → Customization Tools → User-Defined Fields Management...

2. Expand section Payments → BudgetID.
3. Add the UDF with the name "Test" on BudgetID.


Perform the upgrade to SAP Business One version 9.2 or 9.3, or SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA
9.2 or 9.3.

Expected behavior:

1. The upgrade wizard shows a warning and points to this note informing you that there is a user-defined
field created on a non-existing table.
2. The message in the log report shows the table name which is not found in metadata.
For the OPBU table, the message is: "Table OPBU was not found in metadata, when loading existing
UDFs. Error -2004."

Actual behavior:

The upgrade wizard fails with an unknown error without any warning, and in the log report you find
the error message: "Failed, error code: -2004".


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2018-07-05 2570155

SAP intends to provide a patch or patches in order to solve the problem described. The section Reference to
Related Notes below will list the specific patches once they become available. The corresponding Info file
of the patches in SAP Service Marketplace will also show the SAP Note number. Be aware that these
references can only be set at patch release date. SAP will deliver patches only for selected releases at its own
discretion, based on the business impact and the complexity of the implementation.

Workaround for OPBU table:

1. In SAP Business One, go to Tools → Customization Tools → User-Defined Fields Management...

2. Expand section Payments → BudgetID.
3. Remove the UDFs displayed using the detect query below.
Run the following detection query to find the UDF defined on table OPBU:

SELECT "TableID" as "Table", "AliasID" as "UDF", "Descr"

WHERE "TableID" = 'OPBU'




This document refers to

SAP Note/KBA Title

2483558 Collective Note for SAP Business One 9.3, version for SAP HANA Upgrade Issues

2483410 Collective Note for SAP Business One 9.3 Upgrade Issues

This document is referenced by

SAP Note/KBA Title

2633761 Overview Note for SAP Business One 9.3 PL05, version for SAP HANA

2633717 Overview Note for SAP Business One 9.3 PL05

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 2 of 3

2018-07-05 2570155
2586742 Overview Note for SAP Business One 9.3 PL03, version for SAP HANA

2586673 Overview Note for SAP Business One 9.3 PL03

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved 3 of 3

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