Hillstone DR Portal User Guide

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P O RTA L En d - u s e r c r e a t io n - G LO BAL EN D U SER

1. Find the ‘Customer List’ in the drop-down options of the ‘End-User’;

2. Click the ‘New’ button to jump to the next page for details.
P O RTA L En d - u s e r c r e a t io n - G LO BAL EN D U SER -Cu stome r De t ails

1. All fields marked with * are required to be filled in;

2. After filling in, click ‘Save’ to complete your creation.
P O RTA L En d - u s e r c r e a t io n - G LO BAL EN D U SER -Su bmit

1. When ‘Operation succeeded’ is displayed at the top of the interface, it means all
required information has been saved;
2. Click the ‘Submit’ and Global End user will be approved immediately once
P O RTA L En d - u s e r C o n t a c t c r e a t io n

1. Find the ‘End-user Contact’ in the drop-down options of the ‘End-User’;

2. Click the ‘New’ button to jump to the next page for details.
P O RTA L En d - u s e r C o n t a c t c r e a t io n -Basic I n f o

1. All fields marked with * are required to be filled in;

2. After filling in, click ‘Save’ to complete your creation.
P O RTA L En d - u s e r C o n t a c t c r e a t io n -Basic I n f o

1. In ‘Account information’, you are required to select an End-user account

that you have created;
2. You could find the list of all End-user accounts you have created, and
you could also search for the End-user you need to match with the
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n

1. Find the ‘Opportunity Submit’ in the drop-down options of the ‘Deal Registration’;
2. Click the ‘New’ button to jump to the next page for details.
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n - Fill in t h e in f o r m at ion

1. All fields marked with * are required to be filled in;

2. After filling in, click ‘Save’ to complete your creation.
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n -Add pro d u ct ( Re m in d er )

Please note:
Only after you fill in the required information and save it successfully, you would be able to find
the ‘Add’ button in the ‘Product in Opportunity’ column.
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n -Add pro d u ct

1. Scroll down the page and find the ‘Product in Opportunity’;

2. Click the ‘Add’ to jump to the next page for details.
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n -Add pro d u ct

1. When adding a product, click the ‘Add product’ to add a single product; click the ‘Add
product package’ to add a combination package containing several products; the
‘Optional’ is to add accessories after the product is added;
2. Click ‘Confirm save’ to bring the configured product back to the business opportunity
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n - Su bm it

After adding the product, click the ‘Submit’ button, and your new business opportunity will
enter the approval process.
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n - Su bm it

You could check your approval progress by clicking the ‘Approval Progress’ button.
P O RTA L Business o p p o r t u n ity cre at io n - Su bm it

When the business opportunity submission is approved, you would find the public price of
the product submitted on the Portal.

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