Most Common Words

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Hebrew Frequency List

10,000 Most Commonly Used Words

© (2017)
Two special notes about this frequency list:

1. The source material of approximately 5,000,000 words comes primarily from Hebrew
Wikipedia, new articles, and some literature.
2. Words were left in their full conjugated forms, complete with prefixes, because this is what
Hebrew really looks like.

Hebrew AlefBet
Letter name Transliteration(s) Hebrew letter
alef -vowel sound- ‫א‬
bet b/v ‫ב‬
gimel g ‫ג‬
dalet d ‫ד‬
he h ‫ה‬
vav v/o/u ‫ו‬
zayin z ‫ז‬
khet kh ‫ח‬
tet t ‫ט‬
yod y/i ‫י‬
kaf k/kh ‫ך‬/‫כ‬
lamed l ‫ל‬
mem m ‫ם‬/‫מ‬
nun n ‫ן‬/‫נ‬
samekh s ‫ס‬
ayin -vowel sound- ‫ע‬
pe p/f ‫ף‬/‫פ‬
tsadi ts ‫ץ‬/‫צ‬
kuf k ‫ק‬
resh r ‫ר‬
shin sh/s ‫ש‬
taf t ‫ת‬
Sounds like… Transliterated vowel IPA
father a [a]
pet e [e]
glee i [i]
glory o [o]
who u [u]
eye ai [aI]
pay ei [eI]
joy oi [ɔI]

© (2017)
Hebrew Frequency List
English Transliteration Hebrew Ranking
of / belongs to shel ‫של‬ 1
you (f.s.) at ‫את‬ 2
the (direct object) et
on / about / top al ‫על‬ 3
no lo ‫לא‬ 4
he hu ‫הוא‬ 5
with im ‫עם‬ 6
people / nation am
because ki ‫כי‬ 7
was (m.s.) haya ‫היה‬ 8
this / that ze ‫זה‬ 9
also / too gam ‫גם‬ 10
in be ‫ב‬ 11
all kol ‫כל‬ 12
the ha ‫ה‬ 13
between / among bein ‫בין‬ 14
within bin
or o ‫או‬ 15
to / God el ‫אל‬ 16
don't al
but / hardly akh ‫אך‬ 17
more yoter ‫יותר‬ 18
she hi ‫היא‬ 19
after le'akhar ‫לאחר‬ 20
to be late le'akher
to/for the other la'akher
but aval ‫אבל‬ 21
mourning evel
mourner avel
to le ‫ל‬ 22
to the la
were (m.) hayu ‫היו‬ 23
until / eternity ad ‫עד‬ 24
witness ed
this (f.) zo ‫זו‬ 25
they (m.) hem ‫הם‬ 26
that / which asher ‫אשר‬ 27

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she was haita ‫הייתה‬ 28
in the year [X] / in the year of bishnat ‫בשנת‬ 29
so / like this / thus kakh ‫כך‬ 30
only rak ‫רק‬ 31
also / even / nose af ‫אף‬ 32
most, very much beyoter ‫ביותר‬ 33
I / me ani ‫אני‬ 34
more od ‫עוד‬ 35
musical instrument ud
many rabim ‫רבים‬ 36
fighting ( ravim
like / as kmo ‫כמו‬ 37
home / house bayit ‫בית‬ 38
if im ‫אם‬ 39
mother em
this (f.) zot ‫זאת‬ 40
there sham ‫שם‬ 41
name shem
there is / one must yesh ‫יש‬ 42
what ma ‫מה‬ 43
to me / for me li ‫לי‬ 44
yes / sincere ken ‫כן‬ 45
stand (n.) kan
like / as / approximately ke ‫כ‬ 46
to him lo ‫לו‬ 47
if (wishing) lu
number mispar ‫מספר‬ 48
tell (m.s.) / narrator mesaper
in him / in it bo ‫בו‬ 49
the city ha'ir ‫העיר‬ 50
made a comment / woke someone up
from me ‫מ‬ 51
in order to kedei ‫כדי‬ 52
him / it oto ‫אותו‬ 53
thing / matter / something / word /
speech / saying / command / to speak / to davar ‫דבר‬ 54
plague dever
speak (m.s. imperative) daber
and ve ‫ו‬ 55
and u
in all / at all bekhol ‫בכל‬ 56
these elu ‫אלו‬ 57

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second sheni ‫שני‬ 58
two shnei
scarlet shani
these ele ‫אלה‬ 59
goddess ela
bat ala
when / while ka'asher ‫כאשר‬ 60
there is no ein ‫אין‬ 61
nothing / naught / where ain
said (m.s.) amar ‫אמר‬ 62
in a way beofen ‫באופן‬ 63
the pact / the alliance / the covenant / the
habrit ‫הברית‬ 64
from min ‫מן‬ 65
that [is] not shelo ‫שלא‬ 66
my hands yadai ‫ידי‬ 67
my hand yadi
the hands of yedei
before / in front of / ago lifnei ‫לפני‬ 68
they (f.) hen ‫הן‬ 69
the world ha'olam ‫העולם‬ 70
my mouth / multiplied by pi ‫פי‬ 71
during bemahalakh ‫במהלך‬ 72
his / belongs to him shelo ‫שלו‬ 73
calm shalev
in her / in it ba ‫בה‬ 74
very me'od ‫מאד‬ 75
possible nitan ‫ניתן‬ 76
we will give niten
then az ‫אז‬ 77
owner / husband ba'al ‫בעל‬ 78
other ( / others (m.) akherim ‫אחרים‬ 79
way / road derekh ‫דרך‬ 80
stepped on (m.s.) darakh
and not velo ‫ולא‬ 81
if not valo
part khelek ‫חלק‬ 82
smooth / shared (m.s.) khalak
her / it ota ‫אותה‬ 83
son ben ‫בן‬ 84
my son bni ‫בני‬ 85
my sons banai
but / hall ulam ‫אולם‬ 86

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other akher ‫אחר‬ 87
after akhar
how many / how much / some / yearned
kama ‫כמה‬ 88
yearn (m.s.) kameha
the century / the hundred hame'a ‫המאה‬ 89
started (m.s.) hekhel ‫החל‬ 90
starting from hakhel
against neged ‫נגד‬ 91
the people of anshei ‫אנשי‬ 92
them (m.) otam ‫אותם‬ 93
rule / all klal ‫כלל‬ 94
included (m.s.) kalal
a portion of menat ‫מנת‬ 95
today / nowadays kayom ‫כיום‬ 96
different / various ( shonim ‫שונים‬ 97
the war hamilkhama ‫המלחמה‬ 98
years shanim ‫שנים‬ 99
two shnayim
already kvar ‫כבר‬ 100
Rabbi // fought (m.s.) / many / much rav ‫רב‬ 101
most / majority rov
because of beshel ‫בשל‬ 102
ripe bashel
cooked (m.s.) bishel
in them (m.) bahem ‫בהם‬ 103
big / large (m.s.) gadol ‫גדול‬ 104
to them (m.) lahem ‫להם‬ 105
mainly / principally / especially be'ikar ‫בעיקר‬ 106
but / only ela ‫אלא‬ 107
today hayom ‫היום‬ 108
instead of / in place bimkom ‫במקום‬ 109
in place / in the place bamakom
in a place bemakom
that was (m.s.) shehaya ‫שהיה‬ 110
and also vekhen ‫וכן‬ 111
the many / the rabbi harav ‫הרב‬ 112
the majority harov
that in him / that in it shebo ‫שבו‬ 113
time zman ‫זמן‬ 114
can (m.s.) yakhol ‫יכול‬ 115
to be lihiyot ‫להיות‬ 116
to her la ‫לה‬ 117

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Jews yehudim ‫יהודים‬ 118
the Jews hayehudim ‫היהודים‬ 119
additional ( nosafim ‫נוספים‬ 120
the sea hayam ‫הים‬ 121
without lelo ‫ללא‬ 122
place makom ‫מקום‬ 123
life / (could also be a name) khaim ‫חיים‬ 124
the state hamedina ‫המדינה‬ 125
the organization ha'irgun ‫הארגון‬ 126
after akharei ‫אחרי‬ 127
many (f.) / a lot rabot ‫רבות‬ 128
fight ( ravot
that he / that is (m) shehu ‫שהוא‬ 129
year / studied (m.s.) shana ‫שנה‬ 130
my husband ba'ali ‫בעלי‬ 131
the owner(s) of ba'alei [tshuva]
repentant ba'alei [tshuva]
out of / from mitokh ‫מתוך‬ 132
inside / interior / content tokh ‫תוך‬ 133
head rosh ‫ראש‬ 134
the war of milkhemet ‫מלחמת‬ 135
person / man / human being / Adam adam ‫אדם‬ 136
against / in front of mul ‫מול‬ 137
person / man / husband ish ‫איש‬ 138
on the way baderekh ‫בדרך‬ 139
on a way bederekh
additional (f.s.) nosefet ‫נוספת‬ 140
use shimush ‫שימוש‬ 141
such as kegon ‫כגון‬ 142
day / daylight yom ‫יום‬ 143
through / by way of / by be'emtsa'ut ‫באמצעות‬ 144
of that / from then / of you ( miken ‫מכן‬ 145
during / in the course of bemeshekh ‫במשך‬ 146
and also / and even / and nose ve'af ‫ואף‬ 147
to you / for you (m.s.) lekha ‫לך‬ 148
to you / for you (f.s.) lakh
go / walk (m.s. Imperative) lekh
the man / the person ha'adam ‫האדם‬ 149
you (m.s.) ata ‫אתה‬ 150
in the name of / called beshem ‫בשם‬ 151
and on / and about ve'al ‫ועל‬ 152
the government hamemshala ‫הממשלה‬ 153
to all lekhol ‫לכל‬ 154

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to everybody lakol
under / beneath / instead of takhat ‫תחת‬ 155
sometimes le'itim ‫לעתים‬ 156
this (m.) haze ‫הזה‬ 157
hallucinated (m.s.) haza
from them mehem ‫מהם‬ 158
what are ( mahem
despite lamrot ‫למרות‬ 159
said (f.s.) amra ‫אמרה‬ 160
phrase / fringe imra
himself atsmo ‫עצמו‬ 161
the years of shnot ‫שנות‬ 162
almost kim'at ‫כמעט‬ 163
is not / is not here (m.s.) eino ‫אינו‬ 164
in addition benosaf ‫בנוסף‬ 165
in the hands of bidei ‫בידי‬ 166
in my hand beyadi
in my hands beyadai
in the footsteps of / following / as a result
be'ikvot ‫בעקבות‬ 167
in a city be'ir ‫בעיר‬ 168
in the city ba'ir
according to / to my mouth lefi ‫לפי‬ 169
among bekerev ‫בקרב‬ 170
in a battle bekrav
in the battle bakrav
as kefi ‫כפי‬ 171
my palm / my spoon kapi
the game hamis'khak ‫המשחק‬ 172
the one who plays hamesakhek
who mi ‫מי‬ 173
most rov ‫רוב‬ 174
for avur ‫עבור‬ 175
and the ve'et ‫ואת‬ 176
and you (f.s.) ve'at
at a time (of) be'et ‫בעת‬ 177
phobia ba'at
countries aratsot ‫ארצות‬ 178
for example lemashal ‫למשל‬ 179
the army hatsava ‫הצבא‬ 180
the defense hahagana ‫ההגנה‬ 181
article / dish / vessel / ware / tool kli ‫כלי‬ 182
additional ( nosafim ‫נוסף‬ 183

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in an area be'ezor ‫באזור‬ 184
in the area ba'ezor
good (m.s.) tov ‫טוב‬ 185
in the world ba'olam ‫בעולם‬ 186
powers / forces / strength kokhot ‫כוחות‬ 187
inside betokh ‫בתוך‬ 188
the country / the earth / Israel ha'arets ‫הארץ‬ 189
the face of pnei ‫פני‬ 190
my face panai
in a country be'arets ‫בארץ‬ 191
in the country / in Israel ba'arets
and he vehu ‫והוא‬ 192
the thing / the object / the item / the
hadavar ‫הדבר‬ 193
the plague hadever
only bilvad ‫בלבד‬ 194
power / force / strength ko'akh ‫כוח‬ 195
at home / in the house babayit ‫בבית‬ 196
in a house bebayit
in the house of bebeit
since then me'az ‫מאז‬ 197
the life hakhaim ‫החיים‬ 198
days yamim ‫ימים‬ 199
through / along le'orekh ‫לאורך‬ 200
longitudinally la'orekh
water mayim ‫מים‬ 201
many / a lot harbe ‫הרבה‬ 202
(did something) a lot (m.s.) hirba
not / no / im- / in- / un- / dis- / except bilti ‫בלתי‬ 203
on him / about him alav ‫עליו‬ 204
spring aviv ‫אביב‬ 205
above / over / on top me'al ‫מעל‬ 206
embezzled (m.s.) ma'al
embezzlement / treachery ma'al
the big / the large (m.s.) hagadol ‫הגדול‬ 207
island / not / no / im- / in- / un- / dis- i ‫אי‬ 208
the book hasefer ‫הספר‬ 209
the border hasfar
the barber hasapar
once / once upon a time pa'am ‫פעם‬ 210
beat (m.s.) pa'am
saw ( ra'u ‫ראו‬ 211
by this bekhakh ‫בכך‬ 212

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looks nir'e ‫נראה‬ 213
looked nir'a
and between levein ‫לבין‬ 214
and until ve'ad ‫ועד‬ 215
committee / board va'ad
and a witness ve'ed
against keneged ‫כנגד‬ 216
fought (f.s.) rava ‫רבה‬ 217
returned (f.s.) shava ‫שבה‬ 218
that in her sheba
too midai ‫מדי‬ 219
whenever / as often as midei
the uniform of madei
at the end basof ‫בסוף‬ 220
at the end of besof
the party (political) hamiflaga ‫המפלגה‬ 221
especially bimyukhad ‫במיוחד‬ 222
difference / variation / variance (stat.) shonut ‫שונות‬ 223
different / various ( / miscellaneous shonot
the water hamayim ‫המים‬ 224
and also vegam ‫וגם‬ 225
the more / as far as kekhol ‫ככל‬ 226
that were shehayu ‫שהיו‬ 227
in a period / in an era bitkufa ‫בתקופה‬ 228
in the period / in the era batkufa
in the possession of / at / near etsel ‫אצל‬ 229
still / yet adayin ‫עדיין‬ 230
the years hashanim ‫השנים‬ 231
to it lekhakh ‫לכך‬ 232
Jew / Jewish (m.s.) yehudi ‫יהודי‬ 233
value erekh ‫ערך‬ 234
edited / arranged / held (m.s.) arakh
now akhshav ‫עכשיו‬ 235
started (pl.) hekhelu ‫החלו‬ 236
at the time [of] bizman ‫בזמן‬ 237
on time bazman
the powers / the forces / the strength hakokhot ‫הכוחות‬ 238
tree / wood ets ‫עץ‬ 239
soldier (m) khayal ‫חיל‬ 240
corps / forces / success khayil
fear khil
possible (adv.) efshar ‫אפשר‬ 241

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enabled / facilitated (m.s.) ifsher
while be'od ‫בעוד‬ 242
the houses of / the homes of batei ‫בתי‬ 243
my daughter biti
hers shela ‫שלה‬ 244
the island ha'i ‫האי‬ 245
in the same / at the same (f.s.) be'ota ‫באותה‬ 246
big / large (f.s.) gdola ‫גדולה‬ 247
arrived (m.s.) hegi'a ‫הגיע‬ 248
together yakhad ‫יחד‬ 249
actually / in fact lema'ase ‫למעשה‬ 250
army tsava ‫צבא‬ 251
a little / a few me'at ‫מעט‬ 252
and more / and still / plus ve'od ‫ועוד‬ 253
theirs shelahem ‫שלהם‬ 254
on me / about me alai ‫עלי‬ 255
go up (f.s. Imperative) ali
between them (m.) beinehem ‫ביניהם‬ 256
and they (f.) vehen ‫והן‬ 257
sea yam ‫ים‬ 258
and between uvein ‫ובין‬ 259
everything hakol ‫הכל‬ 260
here is / you see / the mountains of harei ‫הרי‬ 261
are not / are not here ( einam ‫אינם‬ 262
at the beginning of bitkhilat ‫בתחילת‬ 263
the land / the earth / the soil / the ground ha'adama ‫האדמה‬ 264
the sentence / the trial hamishpat ‫המשפט‬ 265
in a way / in a shape / in a form betsura ‫בצורה‬ 266
in the way / in the shape / in the form batsura
end sof ‫סוף‬ 267
won (m.s.) zakha ‫זכה‬ 268
pure (f.) zaka
outside of mikhuts ‫מחוץ‬ 269
crushed makhuts
in the time of / in the period of / in the era
bitkufat ‫בתקופת‬ 270
here po ‫פה‬ 271
mouth pe
similar dome ‫דומה‬ 272
in a frame / in a framework bemisgeret ‫במסגרת‬ 273
in the frame / in the framework bamisgeret
the empire ha'imperia ‫האימפריה‬ 274
people anashim ‫אנשים‬ 275

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system / editorial board ma'arekhet ‫מערכת‬ 276
Maybe / perhaps ulai ‫אולי‬ 277
the sun hashemesh ‫השמש‬ 278
the attendant hashamash
book sefer ‫ספר‬ 279
border sfar
barber sapar
counted (m.s.) safar
told (m.s.) siper
matters inyanim ‫עניינים‬ 280
that she / that is (f.s.) shehi ‫שהיא‬ 281
is not / is not here (f.s.) eina ‫אינה‬ 282
year [X] / year of shnat ‫שנת‬ 283
mine sheli ‫שלי‬ 284
to see lir'ot ‫לראות‬ 285
and therefore / and to/for you ( velakhen ‫ולכן‬ 286
in the years bashanim ‫בשנים‬ 287
in years beshanim
writing ktav ‫כתב‬ 288
wrote (m.s.) / reporter katav
the battle hakrav ‫הקרב‬ 289
small / little (m.s.) katan ‫קטן‬ 290
on [day / date] / per day beyom ‫ביום‬ 291
during the day bayom
because mipnei ‫מפני‬ 292
[to] there lesham ‫לשם‬ 293
[to/for] the name lashem
for the sake of leshem
opal leshem
content tokhen ‫תוכן‬ 294
the power / the force / the strength hako'akh ‫הכוח‬ 295
arrived (pl.) hegi'u ‫הגיעו‬ 296
in the years of bishnot ‫בשנות‬ 297
in countries be'aratsot ‫בארצות‬ 298
in the countries ba'aratsot
the way / the road haderekh ‫הדרך‬ 299
soldiers khayalim ‫חיילים‬ 300
program / plan tokhnit ‫תוכנית‬ 301
the movie / the ribbon/strip haseret ‫הסרט‬ 302
again / return (m.s. imperative) shuv ‫שוב‬ 303
due to / because of ekev ‫עקב‬ 304
followed (m.s.) akav

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heel akev
that they (m.) / that are ( shehem ‫שהם‬ 305
done na'asa ‫נעשה‬ 306
we will do na'ase
towards lilkrat ‫לקראת‬ 307
in them (f.) bahen ‫בהן‬ 308
the time hazman ‫הזמן‬ 309
million milyon ‫מיליון‬ 310
the king hamelekh ‫המלך‬ 311
neighbor (m.s.) shakhen ‫שכן‬ 312
lived / dwelt (m.s.) shakhan
will be (m.s.) yihiye ‫יהיה‬ 313
council of mo'etset ‫המועצות‬ 314
from him mimenu ‫ממנו‬ 315
difficult / hard (m.s.) kashe ‫קשה‬ 316
difficult / hard (f.s.) kasha
passed / crossed / went through (m.s.) avar ‫עבר‬ 317
other ( / others akherot ‫אחרות‬ 318
the authority / the reign / the government hashilton ‫השלטון‬ 319
need / necessary / should / must tsarikh ‫צריך‬ 320
bacterium khaydak ‫חידק‬ 321
the Jewish (f.s.) hayehudit ‫היהודית‬ 322
is found / is [at] (m.s.) nimtsa ‫נמצא‬ 323
mountain har ‫הר‬ 324
structure mivne ‫מבנה‬ 325
the new (f.s.) hakhadasha ‫החדשה‬ 326
from all mikol ‫מכל‬ 327
in front of / in the presence of bifnei ‫בפני‬ 328
in front of me / in my presence befanai
(the) establishment of hakamat ‫הקמת‬ 329
we anakhnu ‫אנחנו‬ 330
group of kvutsat ‫קבוצת‬ 331
that in them (m.) shebahem ‫שבהם‬ 332
includes / including kolel ‫כולל‬ 333
external ( khitsonim ‫חיצוניים‬ 334
marine (m.s.) yami ‫ימי‬ 335
the mid / the middle / the intermediate habeinayim ‫הביניים‬ 336
all over berakhvei ‫ברחבי‬ 337
up / upward lemala ‫למעלה‬ 338
states medinot ‫מדינות‬ 339
the Jew / the Jewish (m.s.) hayehudi ‫היהודי‬ 340
relatively yakhasit ‫יחסית‬ 341
the movement / the motion / the traffic hatnu'a ‫התנועה‬ 342

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the gods ha'elim ‫האלים‬ 343
kinds / species / genders minim ‫מינים‬ 344
to him / to it (m.s.) elav ‫אליו‬ 345
the friend (f.s.) hakhavera ‫החברה‬ 346
the company / the society hakhevra
country / land / earth erets ‫ארץ‬ 347
the structure hamivne ‫המבנה‬ 348
the house / the home habayit ‫הבית‬ 349
the machine hamekhona ‫המכונה‬ 350
that is called / aka (m.s.) hamekhune
that is called / aka (f.s.) hamekhuna
the people ha'am ‫העם‬ 351
because mishum ‫משום‬ 352
succeeded (pl.) hitslikhu ‫הצליחו‬ 353
the rebellion hamered ‫המרד‬ 354
into letokh ‫לתוך‬ 355
can ( yekholim ‫יכולים‬ 356
around saviv ‫סביב‬ 357
his death moto ‫מותו‬ 358
heart lev ‫לב‬ 359
now ata ‫עתה‬ 360
transition / pass ma'avar ‫מעבר‬ 361
beyond / across me'ever
for example ledugma ‫לדוגמה‬ 362
if / is it / whether ha'im ‫האם‬ 363
the mother ha'em
succeeded (m.s.) hitsliakh ‫הצליח‬ 364
from the beginning mekhadash ‫מחדש‬ 365
renews / innovates (m.s.) mekhadesh
to the country / to Israel la'arets ‫לארץ‬ 366
the season / this season / that/who
answers (f.s.)
ha'ona ‫העונה‬ 367
pact / alliance / covenant / circumcision brit ‫ברית‬ 368
for us / to us / slept overnight (pl.) lanu ‫לנו‬ 369
links / the connections / the bindings kishurim ‫קישורים‬ 370
these ha'ele ‫האלה‬ 371
the goddess ha'ela
from this (m.) mize ‫מזה‬ 372
main / principal rashi ‫ראשי‬ 373
stood / was about to / endured /
succeeded / insisted on (m.s.)
amad ‫עמד‬ 374
hill tel ‫תל‬ 375
in the north batsafon ‫בצפון‬ 376
in the north of bitsfon

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therefore / to/for you ( lakhen ‫לכן‬ 377
the engineering hahandasa ‫ההנדסה‬ 378
without mibli ‫מבלי‬ 379
mostly larov ‫לרוב‬ 380
to/for the majority lerov
that is between / that is among shebein ‫שבין‬ 381
hand yad ‫יד‬ 382
action / operation / deed / transaction pe'ula ‫פעולה‬ 383
body guf ‫גוף‬ 384
unit / squad / only / single (f.s.) yekhida ‫יחידות‬ 385
that I she'ani ‫שאני‬ 386
coming / came (m.s.) ba ‫בא‬ 387
known yadu'a ‫ידוע‬ 388
and after vele'akhar ‫ולאחר‬ 389
and to another / and to be late vele'akher
and to the other vela'akher
period / era tkufa ‫תקופה‬ 390
period of / era of tkufat ‫תקופת‬ 391
even / although afilu ‫אפילו‬ 392
to find limtso ‫למצוא‬ 393
earlier kodem ‫קודם‬ 394
former / previous (m.s.) kodem
to a side / to the [right/left] / next to letsad ‫לצד‬ 395
to the side latsad
the community hakehila ‫הקהילה‬ 396
I was hayiti ‫הייתי‬ 397
in a hundred beme'a ‫במאה‬ 398
in the century bame'a
the body haguf ‫הגוף‬ 399
from an aspect mibkhina ‫מבחינה‬ 400
observes (f.s.) mavkhina
went out / came out (m.s.) yatsa ‫יצא‬ 401
different (m.s.) shone ‫שונה‬ 402
that/who was / that she was shehaita ‫שהייתה‬ 403
stone even ‫אבן‬ 404
for the first time larishona ‫לראשונה‬ 405
for lema'an ‫למען‬ 406
food mazon ‫מזון‬ 407
inverted / converted / turned / become /
transformed (m.s.)
hafakh ‫הפך‬ 408
line kav ‫קו‬ 409
the elections / the selections habkhirot ‫הבחירות‬ 410
building binyan ‫בניין‬ 411

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dynasty shoshelet ‫שושלת‬ 412
background reka ‫רקע‬ 413
like this / such kaze ‫כזה‬ 414
big / large ( gdolim ‫גדולים‬ 415
received / accepted (m.s.) kibel ‫קיבל‬ 416
the ship hasfina ‫הספינה‬ 417
went up / climbed / increased /
immigrated (to Israel) (m.s.)
ala ‫עלה‬ 418
leaf ale
can (f.s.) yakhola ‫יכולה‬ 419
finally / eventually levasof ‫לבסוף‬ 420
area / region / zone ezor ‫אזור‬ 421
from the year [X] / from the year of mishnat ‫משנת‬ 422
the use hashimush ‫השימוש‬ 423
this time hapa'am ‫הפעם‬ 424
immediately miyad ‫מיד‬ 425
kind / species / gender / sex min ‫מין‬ 426
if vekhi ‫וכי‬ 427
other (f.s.) / otherwise akheret ‫אחרת‬ 428
this year hashana ‫השנה‬ 429
me oti ‫אותי‬ 430
how eikh ‫איך‬ 431
continued (m.s.) himshikh ‫המשיך‬ 432
with the help of be'ezrat ‫בעזרת‬ 433
as a result ketotsa'a ‫כתוצאה‬ 434
weapon neshek ‫נשק‬ 435
kissed (m.s.) nashak
which / what (m.) eize ‫איזה‬ 436
the last (m.s.) ha'akharon ‫האחרון‬ 437
the big / the large (f.s.) hagdola ‫הגדולה‬ 438
near / next to leyad ‫ליד‬ 439
meaning klomar ‫כלומר‬ 440
nothing / garlic shum ‫שום‬ 441
less / minus pakhot ‫פחות‬ 442
inferior / lesser (m.s.) pakhut
at the top / leading / in a head berosh ‫בראש‬ 443
at the top / leading / in the head barosh
blood dam ‫דם‬ 444
friend of / member of (f.s.) khavrat ‫חברת‬ 445
company of khevrat
times pe'amim ‫פעמים‬ 446
the name / God hashem ‫השם‬ 447
to arrive lehagi'a ‫להגיע‬ 448

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started (f.s.) hekhela ‫החלה‬ 449
materials khomarim ‫חומרים‬ 450
well / properly heytev ‫היטב‬ 451
the upper / the top / the utmost / the
superior (m.s.)
ha'elyon ‫העליון‬ 452
battle krav ‫קרב‬ 453
getting close / approaches (m.s.) karev
additional ( nosafot ‫נוספות‬ 454
the Caesar hakeysar ‫הקיסר‬ 455
the air ha'avir ‫האוויר‬ 456
center merkaz ‫מרכז‬ 457
wants (m.s.) rotse ‫רוצה‬ 458
war milkhama ‫מלחמה‬ 459
from the direction of / from adjustment /
from tuning
mekivun ‫מכיוון‬ 460
because mikeivan
that there is sheyesh ‫שיש‬ 461
so / this way ko ‫כה‬ 462
from / by me'et ‫מאת‬ 463
meters metrim ‫מטרים‬ 464
the forest haya'ar ‫היער‬ 465
is it not / indeed halo ‫הלא‬ 466
on her / about her aleha ‫עליה‬ 467
state / situation matsav ‫מצב‬ 468
the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) hakneset ‫הכנסת‬ 469
compared with / against / opposite le'umat ‫לעומת‬ 470
movement of / motion of / traffic of tnu'at ‫תנועת‬ 471
actions / operations / deeds / transactions pe'ulot ‫פעולות‬ 472
never me'olam ‫מעולם‬ 473
always tamid ‫תמיד‬ 474
hundreds / centuries me'ot ‫מאות‬ 475
placed / put (pl.) samu ‫שמו‬ 476
his name shmo
from a side / from the [right/left] mitsad ‫מצד‬ 477
at a stage / at a phase beshalav ‫בשלב‬ 478
without bli ‫בלי‬ 479
wind / spirit / ghost ru'akh ‫רוח‬ 480
new (m.s.) khadash ‫חדש‬ 481
the only / the single / the individual hayakhid ‫היחיד‬ 482
Later / later on bahemshekh ‫בהמשך‬ 483
Later / later on behemshekh
organization irgun ‫ארגון‬ 484
to do la'asot ‫לעשות‬ 485
new ( khadashim ‫חדשים‬ 486

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short (m.s.) katsar ‫קצר‬ 487
ownership ba'alut ‫בעלות‬ 488
in contrast / contrary to benigud ‫בניגוד‬ 489
activity pe'ilut ‫פעילות‬ 490
flag degel ‫דגל‬ 491
specific ( mesuyamim ‫מסוימים‬ 492
in a game bemis'khak ‫במשחק‬ 493
in the game bamis'khak
in parallel / simultaneously bemakbil ‫במקביל‬ 494
in the past ba'avar ‫בעבר‬ 495
basis / base basis ‫בסיס‬ 496
to the house of / to the home of leveit ‫לבית‬ 497
to the house / to the home labayit
the new (m.s.) hakhadash ‫החדש‬ 498
to use lehishtamesh ‫להשתמש‬ 499
at a number bemispar ‫במספר‬ 500
the group hakvutsa ‫הקבוצה‬ 501
exists (m.s.) kayam ‫קיים‬ 502
the place hamakom ‫המקום‬ 503
and so vekhakh ‫וכך‬ 504
whereas ve'ilu ‫ואילו‬ 505
here is hine ‫הנה‬ 506
[to] here hena
is (f.s.) hina
manic (f.s.) manit ‫מאנית‬ 507
the settlement / the civilization hayeshuv ‫היישוב‬ 508
the old (f.s.) hazkena ‫הזקנה‬ 509
the old age hazikna
the ant hanemala ‫הנמלה‬ 510
and I / and me ve'ani ‫ואני‬ 511
correct / ready (m.s.) nakhon ‫נכון‬ 512
the tree / the wood ha'ets ‫העץ‬ 513
drugs samim ‫סמים‬ 514
late me'ukhar ‫מאוחר‬ 515
the bank habank ‫הבנק‬ 516
in the same / at the same (m.s.) be'oto ‫באותו‬ 517
regarding legabei ‫לגבי‬ 518
towards klapei ‫כלפי‬ 519
towards me klapai
on [days] / in the days of bimei ‫בימי‬ 520
the series hasidra ‫הסדרה‬ 521
important (m.s.) khashuv ‫חשוב‬ 522
and in him / and in it uvo ‫ובו‬ 523

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meter meter ‫מטר‬ 524
rain shower matar
and then ve'az ‫ואז‬ 525
the other ( / the others (m.) ha'akherim ‫האחרים‬ 526
light or ‫אור‬ 527
to / to the hands of liydei ‫לידי‬ 528
near me / next to me leyadi
there are (m.) yeshnam ‫ישנם‬ 529
words milim ‫מילים‬ 530
to form / to create / to make litsor ‫ליצור‬ 531
area / field / territory shetakh ‫שטח‬ 532
widened / broadened murkhav ‫מורחב‬ 533
cluster eshkol ‫אשכול‬ 534
that there is no she'ein ‫שאין‬ 535
because biglal ‫בגלל‬ 536
clear / obvious (m.s.) barur ‫ברור‬ 537
high / tall (m.s.) gavoha ‫גבוה‬ 538
the judgment / the sentence / the law hadin ‫הדין‬ 539
the village hakfar ‫הכפר‬ 540
the trees / the logs ha'etsim ‫העצים‬ 541
brought (m.s.) hevi ‫הביא‬ 542
the different / the various ( hashonim ‫השונים‬ 543
the Hebrew ha'ivrit ‫העברית‬ 544
the mathematics hamatematika ‫המתמטיקה‬ 545
really mamash ‫ממש‬ 546
time et ‫עת‬ 547
new (f.s.) khadasha ‫חדשה‬ 548
the pomegranate / the grenade harimon ‫הרימון‬ 549
dead / died (m.s.) met ‫מת‬ 550
and she vehi ‫והיא‬ 551
girl / daughter bat ‫בת‬ 552
tie / bond / link / connection kesher ‫קשר‬ 553
the state of medinat ‫מדינת‬ 554
them (f.) otan ‫אותן‬ 555
themselves atsmam ‫עצמם‬ 556
is considered / was considered (m.s.) nekhshav ‫נחשב‬ 557
the period / the era hatkufa ‫התקופה‬ 558
forever le'olam ‫לעולם‬ 559
to/for the world la'olam
the work ha'avoda ‫העבודה‬ 560
of a measure / of size / of a quality / to the
extent that / [if (slang)]
bemida ‫במידה‬ 561
margins / edges / fringe shulayim ‫שוליים‬ 562

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rights / privileges zkhuyot ‫זכויות‬ 563
read / called (m.s.) kara ‫קרא‬ 564
the big / the large ( hagdolim ‫הגדולים‬ 565
the warfare / the fighting halekhima ‫הלחימה‬ 566
soldered (f.s.) hilkhima
asked / borrowed (m.s.) sha'al ‫שאל‬ 567
this (f.) hazot ‫הזאת‬ 568
source / beak makor ‫מקור‬ 569
my friend / friendly khaveri ‫חברי‬ 570
my friends khaverai
friends of / members of khavrei
divisions divizyot ‫דיוויזיות‬ 571
kinds of / species of minei ‫מיני‬ 572
on a hill betel ‫בתל‬ 573
on the hill batel
was used / served (m.s.) shimesh ‫שימש‬ 574
and more veyoter ‫ויותר‬ 575
brought (pl.) hevi'u ‫הביאו‬ 576
in/at places bimkomot ‫במקומות‬ 577
in/at the places bamekomot
I am / here I am hineni ‫הנני‬ 578
commander mefaked ‫מפקד‬ 579
census / muster mifkad
that after shele'akhar ‫שלאחר‬ 580
from between / from among mibein ‫מבין‬ 581
understand (m.s.) mevin
from her mimena ‫ממנה‬ 582
trees / logs etsim ‫עצים‬ 583
change shinui ‫שינוי‬ 584
the flag hadegel ‫הדגל‬ 585
the democracy hademokratya ‫הדמוקרטיה‬ 586
at all bikhlal ‫בכלל‬ 587
on them / about them (m.) aleihem ‫עליהם‬ 588
from this mikakh ‫מכך‬ 589
quantity / amount kamut ‫כמות‬ 590
history historia ‫היסטוריה‬ 591
to me elai ‫אלי‬ 592
my god eli
exist ( kayamim ‫קיימים‬ 593
the states hamedinot ‫המדינות‬ 594
central (m.s.) merkazi ‫מרכזי‬ 595
on the street barekhov ‫ברחוב‬ 596
on a street berekhov

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the last ( ha'akhronot ‫האחרונות‬ 597
and by this uvkhakh ‫ובכך‬ 598
indeed omnam ‫אומנם‬ 599
everybody (m.) kulam ‫כולם‬ 600
execution / putting to death [hotsa'a] lahoreg ‫להורג‬ 601
groups kvutsot ‫קבוצות‬ 602
to bring lehavi ‫להביא‬ 603
the player / the actor hasakhkan ‫השחקן‬ 604
his life khayav ‫חייו‬ 605
the rest hayeter ‫היתר‬ 606
energy energiya ‫אנרגיה‬ 607
the rise / the increase / the immigration ha'aliya ‫העלייה‬ 608
the ignorant ( haburim ‫הבורים‬ 609
the beginning of tkhilat ‫תחילת‬ 610
and they vehem ‫והם‬ 611
the population ha'ukhlusiya ‫האוכלוסייה‬ 612
in a forest beya'ar ‫ביער‬ 613
in the forest baya'ar
all of it (m.s.) kulo ‫כולו‬ 614
knew (m.s.) yada ‫ידע‬ 615
knowledge yeda
went out / came out (pl.) yats'u ‫יצאו‬ 616
direction / adjustment / tuning kivun ‫כיוון‬ 617
comments he'arot ‫הערות‬ 618
to prevent limno'a ‫למנוע‬ 619
tax mas ‫מס‬ 620
for reading / for calling / for a call likri'a ‫לקריאה‬ 621
claimed / argued (m.s.) ta'an ‫טען‬ 622
months khodashim ‫חודשים‬ 623
hereby baze ‫בזה‬ 624
in this one (m.) beze
this is (m.) / that's it zehu ‫זהו‬ 625
the rest hash'ar ‫השאר‬ 626
leave (m.s. imperative) hash'er
high / tall (f.s.) gvoha ‫גבוהה‬ 627
in a field / in an area / in a range bitkhum ‫בתחום‬ 628
in the field / in the area / in the range batkhum
specific (m.s.) mesuyam ‫מסוים‬ 629
the kind / the species / the gender / the
hamin ‫המין‬ 630
knows (m.s.) yode'a ‫יודע‬ 631
the soil / the ground / the land hakarka ‫הקרקע‬ 632
the municipality ha'iriya ‫העירייה‬ 633

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treatment tipul ‫טיפול‬ 634
stream nakhal ‫נחל‬ 635
inherited / attained (m.s.) nakhal
you ( atem ‫אתם‬ 636
with them ( itam
peace shalom ‫שלום‬ 637
factors / cause ( gormim ‫גורמים‬ 638
the unit / the squad / the only / the single hayekhida ‫היחידה‬ 639
appear / perform (m.s.) mofi'a ‫מופיע‬ 640
the area / the field / the territory hashetakh ‫השטח‬ 641
legal (m.s.) khuki ‫חוקי‬ 642
the regiment hagdud ‫הגדוד‬ 643
and all vekol ‫וכל‬ 644
to receive / to accept lekabel ‫לקבל‬ 645
meat basar ‫בשר‬ 646
exist (f.s.) kayemet ‫קיימת‬ 647
published / advertised (m.s.) pirsem ‫פרסם‬ 648
the mouse (female) ha'akhbara ‫העכברה‬ 649
I am not eineni ‫אינני‬ 650
exactly bediyuk ‫בדיוק‬ 651
minister sar ‫שר‬ 652
sing (m.s.) shar
rest / remainder sh'ar ‫שאר‬ 653
children yeladim ‫ילדים‬ 654
went out / came out (f.s.) yatsa ‫יצאה‬ 655
rest / remainder yeter ‫יתר‬ 656
the god ha'el ‫האל‬ 657
in sport besport ‫בספורט‬ 658
in the sport basport
work avoda ‫עבודה‬ 659
totally / entirely / absolutely lakhalutin ‫לחלוטין‬ 660
the meaning / the interpretation haperush ‫הפרוש‬ 661
small / little ( ktanim ‫קטנים‬ 662
points nekudot ‫נקודות‬ 663
herself atsma ‫עצמה‬ 664
power / force / intensity otsma
lack / deficiency / shortage / deficit khoser ‫חוסר‬ 665
accordingly behet'em ‫בהתאם‬ 666
process tahalikh ‫תהליך‬ 667
myself / self atsmi ‫עצמי‬ 668
at a state / in a situation bematsav ‫במצב‬ 669
at the state / in the situation bamatsav
to build livnot ‫לבנות‬ 670

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for the girls labanot
for girls lebanot
probably kanir'e ‫כנראה‬ 671
the nature hateva ‫הטבע‬ 672
the global / the universal (f.s.) ha'olamit ‫העולמית‬ 673
indeed akhen ‫אכן‬ 674
thanks to / due to / by right of bizkhut ‫בזכות‬ 675
group kvutsa ‫קבוצה‬ 676
judgment / sentence / law din ‫דין‬ 677
institutes mosadot ‫מוסדות‬ 678
the desert hamidbar ‫המדבר‬ 679
the boulevard hasdera ‫השדרה‬ 680
bank bank ‫בנק‬ 681
for this (m.) laze ‫לזה‬ 682
[to] time befa'am ‫בפעם‬ 683
to go out / to come out latset ‫לצאת‬ 684
near / confident (m.s.) samukh ‫סמוך‬ 685
living / alive (m.s.) khai ‫חי‬ 686
his son bno ‫בנו‬ 687
the state / the situation hamatsav ‫המצב‬ 688
dollar dolar ‫דולר‬ 689
government of memshelet ‫ממשלת‬ 690
world / universe olam ‫עולם‬ 691
sport sport ‫ספורט‬ 692
the liberal haliberalit ‫הליברלית‬ 693
the protein hakhelbon ‫החלבון‬ 694
hours sha'ot ‫שעות‬ 695
under / beneath mitakhat ‫מתחת‬ 696
the owner of / has ba'alat ‫בעלת‬ 697
returned / repeated (f.s.) khazra ‫חזרה‬ 698
repetition / rehearsal / back khazara
in light of le'or ‫לאור‬ 699
passed / crossed / went through (f.s.) avra ‫עברה‬ 700
brought (f.s.) hevi'a ‫הביאה‬ 701
the general hageneral ‫הגנרל‬ 702
arrived (f.s.) hegi'a ‫הגיעה‬ 703
in a month bekhodesh ‫בחודש‬ 704
in the month bakhodesh
need / necessity tsorekh ‫צורך‬ 705
game mis'khak ‫משחק‬ 706
role tafkid ‫תפקיד‬ 707
champion aluf ‫אלוף‬ 708
like bedome ‫בדומה‬ 709

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cells of ta'ei ‫תאי‬ 710
cellular / my cell ta'i
enough day ‫די‬ 711
in the eyes of / in the opinion of be'einei ‫בעיני‬ 712
in my eyes / in my opinion be'einai
small / little (f.s.) ktana ‫קטנה‬ 713
at the center bamerkaz ‫במרכז‬ 714
at the center of bemerkaz
is / constitutes (m.s.) mehave ‫מהווה‬ 715
relative yakhasi ‫יחסי‬ 716
the relations of yakhasei
the worker / that operates hapo'el ‫הפועל‬ 717
the verb hapo'al
few akhadim ‫אחדים‬ 718
special meyukhad ‫מיוחד‬ 719
saw (m.s.) ra'a ‫ראה‬ 720
the visible hanir'e ‫הנראה‬ 721
white lavan ‫לבן‬ 722
for the son laben
movement / motion / traffic tnu'a ‫תנועה‬ 723
to one (m.) le'ekhad ‫לאחד‬ 724
the fact ha'uvda ‫העובדה‬ 725
ways / roads drakhim ‫דרכים‬ 726
to a city le'ir ‫לעיר‬ 727
to the city la'ir
the action / the operation / the deed / the
hape'ula ‫הפעולה‬ 728
inverted / converted / turned / become /
transformed (f.s.)
hafkha ‫הפכה‬ 729
at war bemilkhama ‫במלחמה‬ 730
in the war bamilkhama
the ancient / the old (f.s.) ha'atika ‫העתיקה‬ 731
bi- du ‫דו‬ 732
regiment gdud ‫גדוד‬ 733
oxygen khamtsan ‫חמצן‬ 734
please na ‫נא‬ 735
face panim ‫פנים‬ 736
inside / interior pnim
full (m.s.) male ‫מלא‬ 737
to know lada'at ‫לדעת‬ 738
in the opinion of leda'at
stood / were about to / endured /
succeeded / insisted on (pl.)
amdu ‫עמדו‬ 739
red (m.s.) adom ‫אדום‬ 740

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at his end / at its end besofo ‫בסופו‬ 741
the law hakhok ‫החוק‬ 742
the main harashi ‫הראשי‬ 743
effect / influence hashpa'a ‫השפעה‬ 744
the cinema hakolnoa ‫הקולנוע‬ 745
from the back / dorsal gabi ‫גבי‬ 746
at least lefakhot ‫לפחות‬ 747
desert midbar ‫מדבר‬ 748
state medina ‫מדינה‬ 749
how keytsad ‫כיצד‬ 750
the death of mot ‫מות‬ 751
the international (m.s.) habeynleumi ‫הבינלאומי‬ 752
the weapon haneshek ‫הנשק‬ 753
in Hebrew be'ivrit ‫בעברית‬ 754
glory hod ‫הוד‬ 755
now ka'et ‫כעת‬ 756
of course / certainly kamuvan ‫כמובן‬ 757
something mashehu ‫משהו‬ 758
were killed nehergu ‫נהרגו‬ 759
the sides hatsdadim ‫הצדדים‬ 760
south darom ‫דרום‬ 761
in the south badarom ‫בדרום‬ 762
names shemot ‫שמות‬ 763
Book of Exodus (bible) shmot
food okhel ‫אוכל‬ 764
eat (m.s.) okhel
I will eat okhal
I will be able ukhal
for bishvil ‫בשביל‬ 765
on the path bashvil
from there misham ‫משם‬ 766
spoken / said / agreed medubar ‫מדובר‬ 767
returned / repeated (m.s.) khozer ‫חזר‬ 768
sources mekorot ‫מקורות‬ 769
what are (f.) mahen ‫מהן‬ 770
except milvad ‫מלבד‬ 771
gave (m.s.) natan ‫נתן‬ 772
matter / interest inyan ‫עניין‬ 773
importance khashivut ‫חשיבות‬ 774
shape of / form of tsurat ‫צורת‬ 775
the north hatsafon ‫הצפון‬ 776
the area / the region / the zone ha'ezor ‫האזור‬ 777

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the main / the principal / the primary
ha'ikariym ‫העיקריים‬ 778
the independence ha'atsma'ut ‫העצמאות‬ 779
was elected / was selected / the elected /
the selected (m.s.)
nivkhar ‫נבחר‬ 780
in most of berov ‫ברוב‬ 781
and was (m.s.) vehaya ‫והיה‬ 782
those halalu ‫הללו‬ 783
decided (m.s.) hekhlit ‫החליט‬ 784
structures mivnim ‫מבנים‬ 785
his people amo ‫עמו‬ 786
with him imo
to keep / to guard / to protect lishmor ‫לשמור‬ 787
approves / confirms (m.s.) me'asher ‫מאשר‬ 788
women nashim ‫נשים‬ 789
in treatment betipul ‫בטיפול‬ 790
during the treatment batipul
mocked / teased (m.s.) sanat ‫סנט‬ 791
the government hamimshal ‫הממשל‬ 792
the journey hamasa ‫המסע‬ 793
criticism / inspection bikoret ‫ביקורת‬ 794
engineering handasa ‫הנדסה‬ 795
further hal'a ‫הלאה‬ 796
quite / rather lemadai ‫למדי‬ 797
the rain hageshem ‫הגשם‬ 798
in case / accidentally bemikre ‫במקרה‬ 799
the beach hakhof ‫החוף‬ 800
on the subject of benose ‫בנושא‬ 801
on the subject banose
the art ha'omanut ‫האמנות‬ 802
the treaties / the conventions ha'amanot
the spider (female) ha'akavisha ‫העכבישה‬ 803
weeks / Shavuot (Jewish holiday) shavu'ot ‫שבועות‬ 804
to perform / to execute levatse'a ‫לבצע‬ 805
to a place lemakom ‫למקום‬ 806
to the place lamakom
aimed at bematara ‫במטרה‬ 807
west ma'arav ‫מערב‬ 808
the south hadarom ‫הדרום‬ 809
the middle (m.s.) / the median (m.s.) / the
high school / the Mediterranean (sea)
hatikhon ‫התיכון‬ 810
journey masa ‫מסע‬ 811
here kan ‫כאן‬ 812
half khetsi ‫חצי‬ 813

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on the island ba'i ‫באי‬ 814
on an island be'i
permanence / regularity keva ‫קבע‬ 815
career army [tsva] keva
determined / fixed / set (m.s.) kava
law khok ‫חוק‬ 816
defense hagana ‫הגנה‬ 817
the blood hadam ‫הדם‬ 818
and in them (m.) uvahem ‫ובהם‬ 819
the subject hanose ‫הנושא‬ 820
methods shitot ‫שיטות‬ 821
kinds of / classes of / types of sugei ‫סוגי‬ 822
psalms tehilim ‫תהילים‬ 823
that is on she'al ‫שעל‬ 824
step sha'al
the glory / the fame hatehila ‫התהילה‬ 825
continued (pl.) himshikhu ‫המשיכו‬ 826
factor / cause (m.s.) gorem ‫גורם‬ 827
the residents of toshvei ‫תושבי‬ 828
the Christian ( hanotsrim ‫הנוצרים‬ 829
the gold hazahav ‫הזהב‬ 830
in areas be'ezorim ‫באזורים‬ 831
in the areas ba'ezorim
actually / spitefully davka ‫דווקא‬ 832
the sculpture hapisul ‫הפיסול‬ 833
the harbors hanmalim ‫הנמלים‬ 834
the ants hanemalim
do / make (m.s.) ose ‫עושה‬ 835
do / make (f.s.) osa
money kesef ‫כסף‬ 836
in the middle ba'emtsa ‫באמצע‬ 837
placed / put (f.s.) sama ‫שמה‬ 838
there shama
her name shma
spits yorek ‫יורק‬ 839
street rekhov ‫רחוב‬ 840
created / made (m.s.) yatsar ‫יצר‬ 841
the citizens ha'ezrakhim ‫האזרחים‬ 842
tower migdal ‫מגדל‬ 843
that are not / that are not here ( she'einam ‫שאינם‬ 844
the military (m.s.) hatsva'i ‫הצבאי‬ 845
most of marbit ‫מרבית‬ 846
the song / the poem hashir ‫השיר‬ 847

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tonight / the night halaila ‫הלילה‬ 848
voice / sound kol ‫קול‬ 849
and only verak ‫ורק‬ 850
spring ma'ayan ‫מעין‬ 851
in the war of bemilkhemet ‫במלחמת‬ 852
in the west bama'arav ‫במערב‬ 853
in the west of bema'arav
to the west ma'arava ‫מערבה‬ 854
the program / the plan hatokhnit ‫התוכנית‬ 855
tea te ‫תה‬ 856
the old (m.s.) hazaken ‫הזקן‬ 857
evening erev ‫ערב‬ 858
pleasant / surety arev
eye / fountain / spring ayin ‫עין‬ 859
office / bureau / Ministry misrad ‫משרד‬ 860
since me'akhar ‫מאחר‬ 861
late (m.s.) me'akher
at first / initially batkhila ‫בתחילה‬ 862
condition / provision tnai ‫תנאי‬ 863
conditions of / provisions of tna'ei
the soldiers hakhayalim ‫החיילים‬ 864
his father aviv ‫אביו‬ 865
the tie / the bond / the link / the
hakesher ‫הקשר‬ 866
to war lemilkhama ‫למלחמה‬ 867
to [the] war lamilkhama
frequently tadir ‫תדיר‬ 868
answered (m.s.) ana ‫ענה‬ 869
easy / light weight (m.s.) kal ‫קל‬ 870
good (f.s.) / favor tova ‫טובה‬ 871
the days hayamim ‫הימים‬ 872
to act / to operate lif'ol ‫לפעול‬ 873
building of (v.) bniyat ‫בניית‬ 874
tongue / language lashon ‫לשון‬ 875
dozens [literally: tens] asarot ‫עשרות‬ 876
dozens of [literally: tens of] asrot
the western (m.s.) hama'aravi ‫המערבי‬ 877
was built (m.) nivna ‫נבנה‬ 878
is built / we will build nivne
the attack hamitkafa ‫המתקפה‬ 879
the central (m.s.) hamerkazi ‫המרכזי‬ 880
badges / labels / tags tagiyot ‫תגיות‬ 881
really be'emet ‫באמת‬ 882

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why lama ‫למה‬ 883
the prosecutor hatove'a ‫התובע‬ 884
next / the person who is coming (m.s.) haba ‫הבא‬ 885
could (pl.) yakhlu ‫יכלו‬ 886
of a kind / of a class / of a type misug ‫מסוג‬ 887
are found / are [at] ( nimtsa'im ‫נמצאים‬ 888
ball / pill kadur ‫כדור‬ 889
instructed (m.s.) hora ‫הורה‬ 890
parent hore
tried (m.s.) nisa ‫ניסה‬ 891
the religion hadat ‫הדת‬ 892
occupation kibush ‫כיבוש‬ 893
into power / to/for the government lashilton ‫לשלטון‬ 894
to/for the power of / to/for the reign of leshilton
her age / found out (m.s.) / joy gila ‫גילה‬ 895
note / mark / pointing out / grade tsiyun ‫ציון‬ 896
Zion tsiyon
the creatures hayetsurim ‫היצורים‬ 897
ours shelanu ‫שלנו‬ 898
and a name veshem ‫ושם‬ 899
and there vesham
the story hasipur ‫הסיפור‬ 900
fast / rapidly / quickly bimhirut ‫במהירות‬ 901
wild / son / -able / bar bar ‫בר‬ 902
young ( tse'irim ‫צעירים‬ 903
for the purpose of letsorekh ‫לצורך‬ 904
for treatment letipul ‫לטיפול‬ 905
for the treatment latipul
team / staff tsevet ‫צוות‬ 906
meaning mashma'ut ‫משמעות‬ 907
places mekomot ‫מקומות‬ 908
the slavery ha'avdut ‫העבדות‬ 909
sensory khushi ‫חושי‬ 910
gate sha'ar ‫שער‬ 911
hair se'ar
the patients / the sick hakholim ‫החולים‬ 912
the good (m.s.) hatov ‫הטוב‬ 913
to/in the direction of / for adjustment / for
lekivun ‫לכיוון‬ 914
in the direction / for the adjustment / for
the tuning
behind me'akhorei ‫מאחורי‬ 915
behind me me'akhorai
medications / drugs trufot ‫תרופות‬ 916

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specific (f.s.) mesuyemet ‫מסוימת‬ 917
class (social) / status / scene / pedestal ma'amad ‫מעמד‬ 918
in the area / in the field / in the territory bashetakh ‫בשטח‬ 919
in an area beshetakh
won (f.s.) zakhta ‫זכתה‬ 920
the research hamekhkar ‫המחקר‬ 921
and sometimes ul'itim ‫ולעתים‬ 922
the train harakevet ‫הרכבת‬ 923
assembly of harkavat
the wind / the spirit / the ghost haruakh ‫הרוח‬ 924
to live likhyot ‫לחיות‬ 925
story sipur ‫סיפור‬ 926
to her eleha ‫אליה‬ 927
tail of a sheep [alya vekots ba: mixed
in the year bashana ‫בשנה‬ 928
in a year / per year beshana
he is / is (m.) hino ‫הינו‬ 929
results / outcomes / consequences totsa'ot ‫תוצאות‬ 930
all of it (f.s.) kula ‫כולה‬ 931
length / duration orekh ‫אורך‬ 932
spices tavlinim ‫תבלינים‬ 933
yours (m.s.) shelkha ‫שלך‬ 934
yours (f.s.) shelakh
the hour / the time hasha'a ‫השעה‬ 935
hour / time sha'a ‫שעה‬ 936
to stand la'amod ‫לעמוד‬ 937
to page / [to/for] a pillar le'amud
to the page / [to/for] the pillar la'amud
the young (m.s.) hatsa'ir ‫הצעיר‬ 938
and this (f.) vezot ‫וזאת‬ 939
information meyda ‫מידע‬ 940
the public hatsibur ‫הציבור‬ 941
the siege hamatsor ‫המצור‬ 942
the command hapikud ‫הפיקוד‬ 943
north tsafon ‫צפון‬ 944
variety migvan ‫מגוון‬ 945
the temple / the shrine hamikdash ‫המקדש‬ 946
in relation / regarding / at a ratio beyakhas ‫ביחס‬ 947
used for / intended for (m.s.) meshamesh ‫משמש‬ 948
shapes / forms tsurot ‫צורות‬ 949
stood / was about to / endured /
succeeded / insisted on (f.s.)
amda ‫עמדה‬ 950
position emda

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subject nose ‫נושא‬ 951
parts / smooth ( khalakim ‫חלקים‬ 952
the spices hatavlinim ‫התבלינים‬ 953
the death hamavet ‫המוות‬ 954
possible yitakhen ‫ייתכן‬ 955
detail / individual / except prat ‫פרט‬ 956
established / made someone stand hekim ‫הקים‬ 957
the workers hapo'alim ‫הפועלים‬ 958
the northern hatsfoni ‫הצפוני‬ 959
the southern hadromi ‫הדרומי‬ 960
you could yakholta ‫יכולת‬ 961
the devil hashed ‫השד‬ 962
the breast hashad
before beterem ‫בטרם‬ 963
the leg haregel ‫הרגל‬ 964
are not / are not here ( einan ‫אינן‬ 965
sharp / one / uni- khad ‫חד‬ 966
worker / operates (m.s.) po'el ‫פועל‬ 967
verb po'al
height of / level of ramat ‫רמת‬ 968
river nahar ‫נהר‬ 969
east mizrakh ‫מזרח‬ 970
the global / the universal (m.s.) ha'olami ‫העולמי‬ 971
the Hebrew ha'ivri ‫העברי‬ 972
defeat tvusa ‫תבוסת‬ 973
at [time] / per hour / in an hour besha'a ‫בשעה‬ 974
in the hour basha'a
the intelligence hatvuna ‫התבונה‬ 975
forest ya'ar ‫יער‬ 976
fat (adj.) (m.s.) shamen ‫שמן‬ 977
oil shemen
their name (f) shman
details / individuals pratim ‫פרטים‬ 978
that is not / that is not here (m.s.) she'eino ‫שאינו‬ 979
the main / the principal / the primary
ha'ikari ‫העיקרי‬ 980
in states bimdinot ‫במדינות‬ 981
in the states bamedinot
suddenly pit'om ‫פתאום‬ 982
method of shitat ‫שיטת‬ 983
won (pl.) zakhu ‫זכו‬ 984
the political (f.s.) hapolitit ‫הפוליטית‬ 985
sample / example dugma ‫דוגמה‬ 986

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chapter / period / joint / dismantled (m.s.) perek ‫פרק‬ 987
the words hamilim ‫המילים‬ 988
air avir ‫אוויר‬ 989
totally / completely legamrei ‫לגמרי‬ 990
the date hata'arikh ‫התאריך‬ 991
the need hatsorekh ‫הצורך‬ 992
creatures yetsurim ‫יצורים‬ 993
low / short (m.s.) namukh ‫נמוך‬ 994
square / loaf kikar ‫כיכר‬ 995
close / relatives ( krovot ‫קרובות‬ 996
and of / and belongs to veshel ‫ושל‬ 997
the committee of / the commission of va'adat ‫ועדת‬ 998
that is possible shenitan ‫שניתן‬ 999
the difference / the variation / the
variance (stat.)
hashonut ‫השונות‬ 1000
the different / the various ( / the
warriors lokhamim ‫לוחמים‬ 1001
in the shape of / in the form of betsurat ‫בצורת‬ 1002
democracy demokratya ‫דמוקרטיה‬ 1003
drove / used to (f.s.) nahaga ‫נהגה‬ 1004
to give latet ‫לתת‬ 1005
sight / view / appearance / show (m.s.) mar'e ‫מראה‬ 1006
mirror mar'a
the history hahistoria ‫ההיסטוריה‬ 1007
is found / is [at] (f.s.) nimtset ‫נמצאת‬ 1008
political (f.s.) politit ‫פוליטית‬ 1009
military (m.s.) tsva'i ‫צבאי‬ 1010
obvious / evident (m.s.) nikar ‫ניכר‬ 1011
using (pl.) mishtamshim ‫משתמשים‬ 1012
the language / the lip hasafa ‫השפה‬ 1013
in a desert bemidbar ‫במדבר‬ 1014
in the desert bamidbar
described (m.s.) te'er ‫תיאר‬ 1015
nothing klum ‫כלום‬ 1016
question she'ela ‫שאלה‬ 1017
on the side batsad ‫בצד‬ 1018
on the side of / on the [right/left] betsad
that all shekol ‫שכל‬ 1019
new ( / news khadashot ‫חדשות‬ 1020
national (m.s.) le'umi ‫לאומי‬ 1021
capable ( mesugalim ‫מסוגלים‬ 1022
experience / trial / attempt nisayon ‫ניסיון‬ 1023
secondary mishni ‫משני‬ 1024

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authority / reign / government shilton ‫שלטון‬ 1025
such as / as in the example of kedugmat ‫כדוגמת‬ 1026
tried (pl.) nisu ‫ניסו‬ 1027
citizens ezrakhim ‫אזרחים‬ 1028
received / accepted (pl.) kiblu ‫קיבלו‬ 1029
the wall hakhoma ‫החומה‬ 1030
the communist (f.s.) hakomunistit ‫הקומוניסטית‬ 1031
descriptions te'urim ‫תיאורים‬ 1032
the agency / the [Jewish] Agency hasokhnut ‫הסוכנות‬ 1033
the hill hatel ‫התל‬ 1034
mocked / joked (m.s.) hitel
again shenit ‫שנית‬ 1035
the small / the little (m.s.) hakatan ‫הקטן‬ 1036
like these / like those / such ka'ele ‫כאלה‬ 1037
soul / spirit / life nefesh ‫נפש‬ 1038
stands / is about to / endures / succeeds /
insists on (m.s.)
omed ‫עומד‬ 1039
my life khayai ‫חיי‬ 1040
the life of khayei
opened (m.s.) / Fatah patakh ‫פתח‬ 1041
opening / aperture petakh
the last (f.s.) ha'akhrona ‫האחרונה‬ 1042
fruit pri ‫פרי‬ 1043
the building habinyan ‫הבניין‬ 1044
from the aspect of mibkhinat ‫מבחינת‬ 1045
to cause ligrom ‫לגרום‬ 1046
created / made (pl.) yatsru ‫יצרו‬ 1047
we anu ‫אנו‬ 1048
the album ha'albom ‫האלבום‬ 1049
the illness / the disease hamakhala ‫המחלה‬ 1050
description te'ur ‫תיאור‬ 1051
the stomach hakeyva ‫הקיבה‬ 1052
the system / / the editorial board hama'arekhet ‫המערכת‬ 1053
big / large ( gdolot ‫גדולות‬ 1054
the security / the confidence habitakhon ‫הביטחון‬ 1055
to establish lehakim ‫להקים‬ 1056
his book sifro ‫ספרו‬ 1057
counted (pl.) safru
kind / class / type sug ‫סוג‬ 1058
the warriors of lokhamei ‫לוחמי‬ 1059
my warriors lokhamai
Mean / middle emtsa'i ‫אמצעי‬ 1060
development pituakh ‫פיתוח‬ 1061

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I said amarti ‫אמרתי‬ 1062
your kingship (m.s.) malkhutkha ‫מלכותך‬ 1063
your kingship (f.s.) malkhutekh
Your Majesty (m.s.) [hod] malkhutkha
Your Majesty (f.s.) hod malcutekh
the boy / the youngster hana'ar ‫הנער‬ 1064
you (m.s.) otkha ‫אותך‬ 1065
you (f.s.) otakh
the leaves ha'alim ‫העלים‬ 1066
hid / concealed (m.s.) he'elim
walked / went (m.s.) halakh ‫הלך‬ 1067
rising / climbing / immigrant (m.s.) ole ‫עולה‬ 1068
rising / climbing / immigrant (f.s.) ola
the people ha'anashim ‫האנשים‬ 1069
capable (m.s.) mesugal ‫מסוגל‬ 1070
right / privilege zkhut ‫זכות‬ 1071
his sons banav ‫בניו‬ 1072
were found / were [at] nimtse'u ‫נמצאו‬ 1073
to/for a number lemispar ‫למספר‬ 1074
to/for the number lamispar
that/who arrived (pl.) shehigi'u ‫שהגיעו‬ 1075
site / location atar ‫אתר‬ 1076
to/for a game lemis'khak ‫למשחק‬ 1077
to/for the game lamis'khak
that in them (f.) shebahen ‫שבהן‬ 1078
gave judgment / decided / rules / stopped
pasak ‫פסק‬ 1079
main point / essence ikar ‫עיקר‬ 1080
style / manner signon ‫סגנון‬ 1081
was born (m.s.) nolad ‫נולד‬ 1082
the warriors halokhamim ‫הלוחמים‬ 1083
active pa'il ‫פעיל‬ 1084
in his book bsifro ‫בספרו‬ 1085
the authorities hashiltonot ‫השלטונות‬ 1086
the Zionist (f.s.) hatsiyonit ‫הציונית‬ 1087
is described (f.s.) meto'eret ‫מתוארת‬ 1088
so / like this / thus kakha ‫ככה‬ 1089
pretty / good (m.s.) yafe ‫יפה‬ 1090
pretty / good (f.s.) yafa
you will be (m.s.) / she will be tihiye ‫תהיה‬ 1091
proposed / suggested / offered (m.s.) hetsi'a ‫הציע‬ 1092
About / in regards benoge'a ‫בנוגע‬ 1093
to assist / to help lesaye'a ‫לסייע‬ 1094

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passed / crossed / went through (pl.) avru ‫עברו‬ 1095
were left notru ‫נותרו‬ 1096
object / bone / essence / -self etsem ‫עצם‬ 1097
the center hamerkaz ‫המרכז‬ 1098
the station / the stop / the base hatakhana ‫התחנה‬ 1099
in elections bebkhirot ‫בבחירות‬ 1100
in the elections babkhirot
included (f.s.) kalela ‫כללה‬ 1101
inverted / converted / turned / become /
transformed (pl.)
hafkhu ‫הפכו‬ 1102
for the use lashimush ‫לשימוש‬ 1103
for use leshimush
general (m.s.) klali ‫כללי‬ 1104
the ghetto hageto ‫הגטו‬ 1105
judge dayan ‫דיין‬ 1106
the cholera hakholera ‫החולירע‬ 1107
a little ktsat ‫קצת‬ 1108
spoke (m.s.) / commandment diber ‫לדבר‬ 1109
actually / in fact / in a bone be'etsem ‫בעצם‬ 1110
in the bone ba'etsem
see (m.s.) ro'e ‫רואה‬ 1111
close / relative (m.s.) karov ‫קרוב‬ 1112
is described (m.s.) meto'ar ‫מתואר‬ 1113
temperament / nature mezeg ‫מזג‬ 1114
poured (m.s.) mazag
grew (m.s.) gadal ‫גדל‬ 1115
land / earth / soil / ground adama ‫אדמה‬ 1116
and with ve'im ‫ועם‬ 1117
and people ve'am
king melekh ‫מלך‬ 1118
the team / the staff hatsevet ‫הצוות‬ 1119
structural mivni ‫מבני‬ 1120
the structures of mivnei
Judaism yahadut ‫יהדות‬ 1121
in part bekhelek ‫בחלק‬ 1122
in the part bakhelek
at the level of beramat ‫ברמת‬ 1123
near by / close besamukh ‫בסמוך‬ 1124
the navy / the armada hatsi ‫הצי‬ 1125
the president hanasi ‫הנשיא‬ 1126
the main / the principal / the primary
haikarit ‫העיקרית‬ 1127
in the east / to the east bamizrakh ‫במזרח‬ 1128
systems / / editorial boards ma'arakhot ‫מערכות‬ 1129

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the modern (f.s.) hamodernit ‫המודרנית‬ 1130
include (f.s.) kolelet ‫כוללת‬ 1131
for a discovery legilui ‫לגילוי‬ 1132
for the discovery lagilui
the regiments hagdudim ‫הגדודים‬ 1133
my heart libi ‫לבי‬ 1134
the more hayoter ‫היותר‬ 1135
and other (m.s.) ve'akher ‫ואחר‬ 1136
the young ( hatse'irim ‫הצעירים‬ 1137
the brothers / the siblings / the nurses
ha'akhim ‫האחים‬ 1138
to them (m.) eleihem ‫אליהם‬ 1139
to countries le'aratsot ‫לארצות‬ 1140
to the countries la'aratsot
wolf ze'ev ‫זאב‬ 1141
to be used leshamesh ‫לשמש‬ 1142
to the sun lashemesh
month khodesh ‫חודש‬ 1143
was renewed khudash
the food hamazon ‫המזון‬ 1144
the central (f.s.) hamerkazit ‫המרכזית‬ 1145
at an age / with joy begil ‫בגיל‬ 1146
at the age bagil
is/was formed / is/was created (m.s.) notsar ‫נוצר‬ 1147
the mountain hahar ‫ההר‬ 1148
and especially uvimyukhad ‫ובמיוחד‬ 1149
the eastern (m.s.) hamizrakhi ‫המזרחי‬ 1150
in a book besefer ‫בספר‬ 1151
in the book basefer
at the border basfar
in the language / on the lip basafa ‫בשפה‬ 1152
in a language / on a lip besafa
in a parade / in a march bemits'ad ‫במצעד‬ 1153
in the parade / in the march bamits'ad
describe (f.s.) meta'eret ‫מתארת‬ 1154
competitions takharuyot ‫תחרויות‬ 1155
eyes of einei ‫עיני‬ 1156
my eyes einai
think (m.s.) khoshev ‫חושב‬ 1157
in an instance / at the moment [that] berega ‫ברגע‬ 1158
coming / came (f.s.) ba'a ‫באה‬ 1159
next (f.s.) ba'a
to eat le'ekhol ‫לאכול‬ 1160

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the winter hakhoref ‫החורף‬ 1161
describes (m.s.) meta'er ‫מתאר‬ 1162
enough maspik ‫מספיק‬ 1163
end siyum ‫סיום‬ 1164
father aba ‫אבא‬ 1165
from the north mitsafon ‫מצפון‬ 1166
changes shinuim ‫שינויים‬ 1167
foreign / strangers ( zarim ‫זרים‬ 1168
the white (f.s.) / the moon halevana ‫הלבנה‬ 1169
the national (m.s.) hale'umi ‫הלאומי‬ 1170
shapes / figures / characters dmuyot ‫דמויות‬ 1171
expression bitui ‫ביטוי‬ 1172
series of sidrat ‫סדרת‬ 1173
hook vav ‫וו‬ 1174
tanks tankim ‫טנקים‬ 1175
the capital habira ‫הבירה‬ 1176
the beer habira
council of mo'etset ‫מועצת‬ 1177
gates she'arim ‫שערים‬ 1178
the upper / the top / the utmost / the
superior (f.s.)
ha'elyona ‫העליונה‬ 1179
the activity hape'ilut ‫הפעילות‬ 1180
the active / the activists ( hape'ilot
which (pl.) elu ‫אילו‬ 1181
if ilu
the person / the man / the husband ha'ish ‫האיש‬ 1182
his wife ishto ‫אשתו‬ 1183
words / what was/is said / things / items /
dvarim ‫דברים‬ 1184
at a distance bemerkhak ‫במרחק‬ 1185
caused (m.s.) garam ‫גרם‬ 1186
object gerem
gram gram
the face hapanim ‫הפנים‬ 1187
the inside / the interior hapnim
internalized (m.s.) hifnim
next / the person who is coming ( haba'im ‫הבאים‬ 1188
for a description lete'ur ‫לתיאור‬ 1189
for the description late'ur
to change leshanot ‫לשנות‬ 1190
father av ‫אב‬ 1191
any / of any kind (m.s.) kolshehu ‫כלשהו‬ 1192
heavy (m.s.) / liver kaved ‫כבד‬ 1193

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the rebels hamordim ‫המורדים‬ 1194
resistance / objection hitnagdut ‫התנגדות‬ 1195
in use beshimush ‫בשימוש‬ 1196
in the use bashimush
the chest / the breast hakhaze ‫החזה‬ 1197
cells ta'im ‫תאים‬ 1198
said (pl.) amru ‫אמרו‬ 1199
small / little ( ktanot ‫קטנות‬ 1200
hypo- / sub- / infra- tat ‫תת‬ 1201
to describe leta'er ‫לתאר‬ 1202
in advance merosh ‫מראש‬ 1203
to the island la'i ‫לאי‬ 1204
to an island le'i
song / poem shir ‫שיר‬ 1205
the kinds / the species / the genders haminim ‫המינים‬ 1206
in the beginning / Genesis bereshit ‫בראשית‬ 1207
fall of nefilat ‫נפילת‬ 1208
as the pronunciation of kehagiyat ‫כהגיית‬ 1209
as if / like ke'ilu ‫כאילו‬ 1210
as described kamto'ar ‫כמתואר‬ 1211
to come lavo ‫לבוא‬ 1212
to fight lehilakhem ‫להילחם‬ 1213
simple (m.s.) pashut ‫פשוט‬ 1214
finds (m.s.) motse ‫מוצא‬ 1215
truth emet ‫אמת‬ 1216
bread lekhem ‫לחם‬ 1217
fought (m.s.) lakham
singing / poetry shira ‫שירה‬ 1218
lines of kavei ‫קווי‬ 1219
at the front bakhazit ‫בחזית‬ 1220
were built nivnu ‫נבנו‬ 1221
to the area la'ezor ‫לאזור‬ 1222
to an area le'ezor
fact uvda ‫עובדה‬ 1223
research / study mekhkar ‫מחקר‬ 1224
art omanut ‫אמנות‬ 1225
treaties / conventions amanot
gods elim ‫אלים‬ 1226
was established / was made to stand
hukam ‫הוקם‬ 1227
then / consequently efo ‫אפוא‬ 1228
slowly le'at ‫לאט‬ 1229
moment rega ‫רגע‬ 1230

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bush / talk si'akh ‫שיח‬ 1231
fast / quickly maher ‫מהר‬ 1232
to pass / to cross / to go through la'avor ‫לעבור‬ 1233
rising / increasing / climbing / immigrants
olim ‫עולים‬ 1234
the victory hanitsakhon ‫הניצחון‬ 1235
material khomer ‫חומר‬ 1236
the struggle hama'avak ‫המאבק‬ 1237
the [name] family mishpakhat ‫משפחת‬ 1238
barn goren ‫גורן‬ 1239
the description hate'ur ‫התיאור‬ 1240
the eggs habeytsim ‫הביצים‬ 1241
mode / manner / way ofen ‫אופן‬ 1242
wheel ofan
did (m.s.) asa ‫עשה‬ 1243
went up / climbed / increased /
immigrated (pl.)
alu ‫עלו‬ 1244
the title / the degree / the adjective / the
appearance / the shape
hato'ar ‫התואר‬ 1245
the police hamishtara ‫המשטרה‬ 1246
the blue (m.s.) hakakhol ‫הכחול‬ 1247
leg regel ‫רגל‬ 1248
up ma'ala ‫מעלה‬ 1249
raises / uploads (f.s.) / merit / virtue ma'ala
raises / uploads (m.s.) ma'ale
arrive / deserved (m.s.) megi'a ‫מגיע‬ 1250
is [at] / common / available (m.s.) matsui ‫מצוי‬ 1251
the in-, the un-, the dis- habilti ‫הבלתי‬ 1252
natural (m.s.) tiv'i ‫טבעי‬ 1253
net reshet ‫רשת‬ 1254
to discover legalot ‫לגלות‬ 1255
character / nature ofi ‫אופי‬ 1256
to deal with / to confront lehitmoded ‫להתמודד‬ 1257
my share / partial khelki ‫חלקי‬ 1258
historical (m.s.) histori ‫היסטורי‬ 1259
drove / used to (pl.) nahagu ‫נהגו‬ 1260
discovery gilui ‫גילוי‬ 1261
the church haknesiya ‫הכנסייה‬ 1262
movies sratim ‫סרטים‬ 1263
songs / poems shirim ‫שירים‬ 1264
the formation / the creation / the making /
the work of art / the composition
hayetsira ‫היצירה‬ 1265
museum muze'on ‫מוזיאון‬ 1266
oxygenic khamtsani ‫חמצני‬ 1267

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from me mimeni ‫ממני‬ 1268
apple tapu'akh ‫תפוח‬ 1269
tumid (m.s.) tafu'akh
that the she'et ‫שאת‬ 1270
that you (f.s.) she'at
in line bator ‫בתור‬ 1271
as betor
strong (m.s.) / be strong khazak ‫חזק‬ 1272
only / single / individual yakhid ‫יחיד‬ 1273
in cases bemikrim ‫במקרים‬ 1274
to enable / to facilitate le'afsher ‫לאפשר‬ 1275
defender / shield magen ‫מגן‬ 1276
his formation / his creation / his artistic
work / his composition of
yetsirato ‫יצירתו‬ 1277
city ir ‫עיר‬ 1278
sign siman ‫סימן‬ 1279
policy mediniyut ‫מדיניות‬ 1280
title / degree / adjective / appearance /
to'ar ‫תואר‬ 1281
was described (m.s.) to'ar
pomegranate / grenade rimon ‫רימון‬ 1282
sculpture pisul ‫פיסול‬ 1283
that/who describes (f.s.) hameta'eret ‫המתארת‬ 1284
in me bi ‫בי‬ 1285
bad ra ‫רע‬ 1286
informed / announced (m.s.) hodi'a ‫הודיע‬ 1287
the period / age ha'et ‫העת‬ 1288
walked / went (f.s.) halkha ‫הלכה‬ 1289
Halachah (the Jewish law) halakha
went up / climbed / increased /
immigrated (f.s.)
alta ‫עלתה‬ 1290
memory zekher ‫זכר‬ 1291
remembered (m.s.) / male zakhar
voices / sounds kolot ‫קולות‬ 1292
long (f.s.) aruka ‫ארוכה‬ 1293
the last ( ha'akhronim ‫האחרונים‬ 1294
for / in favor of / for the sake of letovat ‫לטובת‬ 1295
this (f.) hazo ‫הזו‬ 1296
hallucinated (pl.) hazu
that/who describe ( hameta'arim ‫המתארים‬ 1297
the big / the large ( hagdolot ‫הגדולות‬ 1298
possibility efsharut ‫אפשרות‬ 1299
friend / member (m.s.) khaver ‫חבר‬ 1300
garden / kindergarten gan ‫גן‬ 1301

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gene gen
kilometers kilometrim ‫קילומטרים‬ 1302
led / transported (m.s.) hovil ‫הוביל‬ 1303
Himself / personally (m.s.) be'atsmo ‫בעצמו‬ 1304
regarding / in the thing badavar ‫בדבר‬ 1305
in a thing bedavar
regarding / in respect to bidvar
that/who describes (m.s.) hameta'er ‫המתאר‬ 1306
six shesh ‫שש‬ 1307
glad (m.s.) sas
president nasi ‫נשיא‬ 1308
civilization / culture tarbut ‫תרבות‬ 1309
rabbi / my rabbi / my teacher rabi ‫רבי‬ 1310
might / made (m.s.) asui ‫עשוי‬ 1311
the battle / the campaign / the act hama'arakha ‫המערכה‬ 1312
the border / the limit hagvul ‫הגבול‬ 1313
to defend lehagen ‫להגן‬ 1314
count (m.s.) / gauge / numerator mone ‫מונה‬ 1315
count (f.s.) mona
was appointed (m.s.) muna
the known (m.s.) hayadu'a ‫הידוע‬ 1316
as follows / below lehalan ‫להלן‬ 1317
to/for the Jews layehudim ‫ליהודים‬ 1318
examinations / tests bdikot ‫בדיקות‬ 1319
the park hapark ‫הפארק‬ 1320
sat (m.s.) yashav ‫ישב‬ 1321
in a description bete'ur ‫בתיאור‬ 1322
in the description bate'ur
and this (m.) veze ‫וזה‬ 1323
wanted (m.s.) ratsa ‫רצה‬ 1324
ran (f.s.) ratsa
honor / glory / respect / dignity kavod ‫כבוד‬ 1325
to say lomar ‫לומר‬ 1326
is not / is not here (m.s.) eineno ‫איננו‬ 1327
to rise / to go up / to immigrate la'alot ‫לעלות‬ 1328
asked / looked for / wished (m.s.) bikesh ‫ביקש‬ 1329
full (f.s.) mele'a ‫מלאה‬ 1330
changes (m.s.) / matters meshane ‫משנה‬ 1331
beginning reshit ‫ראשית‬ 1332
to invert / to convert / to turn / to become
/ to transform
lahafokh ‫להפוך‬ 1333
beginning / first tkhila ‫תחילה‬ 1334
order / Passover 'seder' seder ‫סדר‬ 1335

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in [the] houses of / at the homes of bevatei ‫בבתי‬ 1336
on behalf of mita'am ‫מטעם‬ 1337
since / given that / being heyot ‫היות‬ 1338
that includes (m.s.) hakolel ‫הכולל‬ 1339
the armor hashiryon ‫השריון‬ 1340
the republic harepublika ‫הרפובליקה‬ 1341
operation / sale mivtsa ‫מבצע‬ 1342
and giving umatan ‫ומתן‬ 1343
negotiation [masa] umatan
in water bemayim ‫במים‬ 1344
in the water bamayim
prepared / made arrangements / was held
/ was edited (m.s.)
ne'erakh ‫נערך‬ 1345
the pyramid hapiramida ‫הפירמידה‬ 1346
boulevard sderot ‫שדרות‬ 1347
answered (f.s.) anta ‫ענתה‬ 1348
[to] outside hakhutsa ‫החוצה‬ 1349
says / saying (m.s.) omer ‫אומר‬ 1350
the summer hakayits ‫הקיץ‬ 1351
trees of atsei ‫עצי‬ 1352
unity akhdut ‫אחדות‬ 1353
units / some (f.p.) akhadot
and there is no ve'ein ‫ואין‬ 1354
and if ve'im ‫ואם‬ 1355
and a mother ve'em
former / ex leshe'avar ‫לשעבר‬ 1356
there is (f.s.) yeshna ‫ישנה‬ 1357
and were vehayu ‫והיו‬ 1358
when he keshehu ‫כשהוא‬ 1359
spoon / palm kaf ‫כף‬ 1360
and there is / and one must veyesh ‫ויש‬ 1361
turned (m.s.) pana ‫פנה‬ 1362
lacking ( khasrei ‫חסרי‬ 1363
official (m.s.) rishmi ‫רשמי‬ 1364
for the establishment of / for the building
lehakamat ‫להקמת‬ 1365
acted / operated (m.s.) pa'al ‫פעל‬ 1366
in process betahalikh ‫בתהליך‬ 1367
in the process batahalikh
most of them (m.) rubam ‫רובם‬ 1368
were / constituted (pl.) hivu ‫היוו‬ 1369
symbol semel ‫סמל‬ 1370
sergeant samal
exist ( kayamot ‫קיימות‬ 1371

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the chapter / the period / the joint haperek ‫הפרק‬ 1372
[in] a title / [in] a degree / [in] an adjective
/ [in] an appearance / [in] a shape
beto'ar ‫בתואר‬ 1373
[in] the title / [in] the degree / [in] the
adjective / [in] the appearance / [in] the bato'ar
uranium oranium ‫אורניום‬ 1374
to walk / to go lalekhet ‫ללכת‬ 1375
the branches / the fields ha'anafim ‫הענפים‬ 1376
out khuts ‫חוץ‬ 1377
mind / knowledge / wisdom da'at ‫דעת‬ 1378
Stayed / remained / was left (m.s.) nish'ar ‫נשאר‬ 1379
the houses / the homes habatim ‫הבתים‬ 1380
deed / story / tale ma'ase ‫מעשה‬ 1381
to return / to repeat lakhzor ‫לחזור‬ 1382
returned (m.s.) shav ‫שב‬ 1383
sit (m.s. imperative) shev
old person sav
to achieve / to criticize lehasig ‫להשיג‬ 1384
long (m.s.) arokh ‫ארוך‬ 1385
the idea hara'ayon ‫הרעיון‬ 1386
the growth / the increase / the tumor hagidul ‫הגידול‬ 1387
in the sea bayam ‫בים‬ 1388
in a sea / in the sea of beyam
iron barzel ‫ברזל‬ 1389
was left (m.s.) notar ‫נותר‬ 1390
language / lip safa ‫שפה‬ 1391
the attack hahatkafa ‫ההתקפה‬ 1392
the occupation hakibush ‫הכיבוש‬ 1393
their share / some of them khelkam ‫חלקם‬ 1394
for the formation of / for the creation of /
for the artistic work of / to/for the liytsirat ‫ליצירת‬ 1395
composition of
method shita ‫שיטה‬ 1396
his image / his figure / his shape / his
dmuto ‫דמותו‬ 1397
[with] a voice / [with] a sound / loudly bekol ‫בקול‬ 1398
replied / returned [something] (m.s.) heshiv ‫השיב‬ 1399
the matter / the interest ha'inyan ‫העניין‬ 1400
the street harekhov ‫הרחוב‬ 1401
deep (m.s.) amok ‫עמוק‬ 1402
the words / what was said / the things /
the items / the matters
hadvarim ‫הדברים‬ 1403
on [days] / in days beyamim ‫בימים‬ 1404
the new ( hakhadashim ‫החדשים‬ 1405

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word / circumcision mila ‫מילה‬ 1406
camp / group makhane ‫מחנה‬ 1407
rubella ademet ‫אדמת‬ 1408
the land of / soil of [type] admat
the number hamispar ‫המספר‬ 1409
the narrator / the story teller hamesaper
that also shegam ‫שגם‬ 1410
the talk / the conversation / the bush hasi'akh ‫השיח‬ 1411
talked / conversed (m.s.) hesi'akh
the treatment hatipul ‫הטיפול‬ 1412
because of begin ‫בגין‬ 1413
to divide lekhalek ‫לחלק‬ 1414
to part / to/for some lekhelek
the important ( hakhashuvim ‫החשובים‬ 1415
warfare / fighting lekhima ‫לחימה‬ 1416
to pass / to transfer leha'avir ‫להעביר‬ 1417
the kitchen hamitbakh ‫המטבח‬ 1418
has been decided hukhlat ‫הוחלט‬ 1419
the living hakhai ‫החי‬ 1420
the general (m.s.) haklali ‫הכללי‬ 1421
is read / is called / was read / was called
(m.s.) / we will read / we will call
nikra ‫נקרא‬ 1422
to occupy likhbosh ‫לכבוש‬ 1423
the enemy ha'oyev ‫האויב‬ 1424
the cross hatslav ‫הצלב‬ 1425
significant (m.s.) mashma'uti ‫משמעותי‬ 1426
development hitpatkhut ‫התפתחות‬ 1427
the aristocracy ha'atsula ‫האצולה‬ 1428
in a civilization / in a culture betarbut ‫בתרבות‬ 1429
in the civilization / in the culture batarbut
accepted / conventional (m.s.) mekubal ‫מקובל‬ 1430
electrons elektronim ‫אלקטרונים‬ 1431
downward / down lemata ‫למטה‬ 1432
to/for the headquarters / to/for the stick lamate
to bed lamita
and said (m.s.) ve'amar ‫ואמר‬ 1433
to them (f.) lahen ‫להן‬ 1434
the land hayabasha ‫היבשה‬ 1435
in the night / at night balaila ‫בלילה‬ 1436
told siper ‫סיפר‬ 1437
to/for the past la'avar ‫לעבר‬ 1438
shape / form / manner tsura ‫צורה‬ 1439
the factors / the causes hagormim ‫הגורמים‬ 1440

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to continue lehamshikh ‫להמשיך‬ 1441
field sade ‫שדה‬ 1442
habits hergelim ‫הרגלים‬ 1443
the pilgrim festivals haregalim
agreement / contract heskem ‫הסכם‬ 1444
on the matter of / with interest be'inyan ‫בעניין‬ 1445
on the matter ba'inyan
claimed / argued (pl.) ta'anu ‫טענו‬ 1446
to read / to call likro ‫לקרא‬ 1447
advantages / virtues / stairs ma'alot ‫מעלות‬ 1448
rebellion mered ‫מרד‬ 1449
rebelled (m.s.) marad
pressure lakhats ‫לחץ‬ 1450
pressed (m.s.) lakhats
official (f.s.) / officially rishmit ‫רשמית‬ 1451
the military (f.s.) hatsva'it ‫הצבאית‬ 1452
the leaders of manhigei ‫מנהיגי‬ 1453
was established hukma ‫הוקמה‬ 1454
completion / perfection / wholeness /
innocence / purity
tom ‫תום‬ 1455
to the Knesset lakneset ‫לכנסת‬ 1456
the virus hanagif ‫הנגיף‬ 1457
that will be (m.s.) sheyihye ‫שיהיה‬ 1458
came (pl.) ba'u ‫באו‬ 1459
for himself le'atsmo ‫לעצמו‬ 1460
on the streets barekhovot ‫ברחובות‬ 1461
on streets berekhovot
step tsa'ad ‫צעד‬ 1462
woman / wife isha ‫אישה‬ 1463
carried / married (m.s.) nasa ‫נשא‬ 1464
minutes / thin ( dakot ‫דקות‬ 1465
award / prize pras ‫פרס‬ 1466
heat khom ‫חום‬ 1467
brown khum
in a league beliga ‫בליגה‬ 1468
in the league baliga
succeeded (f.s.) hetslikha ‫הצליחה‬ 1469
his way / through him/it darko ‫דרכו‬ 1470
my book sifri ‫ספרי‬ 1471
my books sfarai
the source / the beak hamakor ‫המקור‬ 1472
used (pl.) hishtamshu ‫השתמשו‬ 1473
the high / the tall (f.s.) hagavoha ‫הגבוהה‬ 1474

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the word / the circumcision hamila ‫המילה‬ 1475
the next / the person who is coming ( haba'ot ‫הבאות‬ 1476
the basis / the base habasis ‫הבסיס‬ 1477
the invasion haplisha ‫הפלישה‬ 1478
the civilization / the culture hatarbut ‫התרבות‬ 1479
stage / phase / rung shalav ‫שלב‬ 1480
the relation / the ratio / the attitude hayakhas ‫היחס‬ 1481
the plant / the factory hamif'al ‫המפעל‬ 1482
Hebrew ivrit ‫עברית‬ 1483
shot yeriya ‫ירייה‬ 1484
eggs beytsim ‫ביצים‬ 1485
need (f.s.) / consumption (of goods) tsrikha ‫צריכה‬ 1486
together beyakhad ‫ביחד‬ 1487
young (m.s.) tsa'ir ‫צעיר‬ 1488
alive / in life bakhayim ‫בחיים‬ 1489
branch / field anaf ‫ענף‬ 1490
joined (m.s.) hitstaref ‫הצטרף‬ 1491
illuminates (m.s.) me'ir ‫מאיר‬ 1492
therefore lefikhakh ‫לפיכך‬ 1493
books sfarim ‫ספרים‬ 1494
passengers / travelers / drive / travel
nos'im ‫נוסעים‬ 1495
competition takharut ‫תחרות‬ 1496
ships sfinot ‫ספינות‬ 1497
cooperation / collaboration shituf ‫שיתוף‬ 1498
wide rakhav ‫רחב‬ 1499
for the year [X] / for the year of / for the
sleep of
lishnat ‫לשנת‬ 1500
event eru'a ‫אירוע‬ 1501
were established / were built ( hukmu ‫הוקמו‬ 1502
immigrants of olei ‫עולי‬ 1503
the committee / the board hava'ad ‫הוועד‬ 1504
the dead ( hametim ‫המתים‬ 1505
see ( ro'im ‫רואים‬ 1506
his family mishpakhto ‫משפחתו‬ 1507
to hit / to damage / to offend lifgo'a ‫לפגוע‬ 1508
the difficult / the hard (m.s.) hakashe ‫הקשה‬ 1509
the difficult / the hard (f.s.) hakasha
in a season be'ona ‫בעונה‬ 1510
in season ba'ona
the area hasviva ‫הסביבה‬ 1511
Knesset (the Israeli parliament) kneset ‫כנסת‬ 1512
was forced / was compelled (m.s.) ne'elats ‫נאלץ‬ 1513
significant (f.s.) / in significance mashma'utit ‫משמעותית‬ 1514

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unit of / squad of yekhidat ‫יחידת‬ 1515
line / turn tor ‫תור‬ 1516
about odot ‫אודות‬ 1517
appeared / performed (m.s.) hofi'a ‫הופיע‬ 1518
in a park bepark ‫בפארק‬ 1519
in the park bapark
trials / attempts nisyonot ‫ניסיונות‬ 1520
point of nekudat ‫נקודת‬ 1521
concentration rikuz ‫ריכוז‬ 1522
in the history of betoldot ‫בתולדות‬ 1523
as part kekhelek ‫כחלק‬ 1524
at the height / at the level barama ‫ברמה‬ 1525
at a level berama
two years shnatayim ‫שנתיים‬ 1526
the biology habiologia ‫הביולוגיה‬ 1527
carbon pakhman ‫פחמן‬ 1528
added (m.s.) hosif ‫הוסיף‬ 1529
the children hayladim ‫הילדים‬ 1530
in the morning baboker ‫בבוקר‬ 1531
the family hamishpakha ‫המשפחה‬ 1532
the pull / the attraction / the withdrawal /
hameshikha ‫המשיכה‬ 1533
continued (f.s.) hemshikha
walls khomot ‫חומות‬ 1534
his brother akhiv ‫אחיו‬ 1535
image / figure / shape / character dmut ‫דמות‬ 1536
plants tsmakhim ‫צמחים‬ 1537
fire esh ‫אש‬ 1538
leader manhig ‫מנהיג‬ 1539
as aforesaid ka'amur ‫כאמור‬ 1540
hit / impact / damage / offense pgi'a ‫פגיעה‬ 1541
the political (m.s.) hapoliti ‫הפוליטי‬ 1542
low / short (f.s.) nemukha ‫נמוכה‬ 1543
the regime hamishtar ‫המשטר‬ 1544
construction bniya ‫בנייה‬ 1545
the revolution hamahapekha ‫המהפכה‬ 1546
motions / movements tnu'ot ‫תנועות‬ 1547
the site ha'atar ‫האתר‬ 1548
the Bible / the legend hamikra ‫המקרא‬ 1549
the parsley hapetrosilnon ‫הפטרוסלינון‬ 1550
the door hadelet ‫הדלת‬ 1551
the queen hamalka ‫המלכה‬ 1552
going out / coming out / goes out / comes
out (m.s.)
yotse ‫יוצא‬ 1553

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leaves alim ‫עלים‬ 1554
rain geshem ‫גשם‬ 1555
is not / is not here (f.s.) einena ‫איננה‬ 1556
the iron habarzel ‫הברזל‬ 1557
in much / in many beharbe ‫בהרבה‬ 1558
before terem ‫טרם‬ 1559
the players / the actors hasakhkanim ‫השחקנים‬ 1560
introduced / displayed / presented /
exhibited (m.s.)
hetsig ‫הציג‬ 1561
the Islam ha'islam ‫האסלאם‬ 1562
similar / resembling ( domim ‫דומים‬ 1563
under his command befikudo ‫בפיקודו‬ 1564
in an operation / on sale bemivtsa ‫במבצע‬ 1565
religion dat ‫דת‬ 1566
actually bafo'al ‫בפועל‬ 1567
the cell hata ‫התא‬ 1568
growth / increase / tumor gidul ‫גידול‬ 1569
at the university of be'universitat ‫באוניברסיטת‬ 1570
the plot / the deed / the libel / the false
ha'alila ‫העלילה‬ 1571
like this (f.) kazot ‫כזאת‬ 1572
the black (f.s.) hashkhora ‫השחורה‬ 1573
child (m.) / boy yeled ‫ילד‬ 1574
must / owes / debtor(m.s.) khayav ‫חייב‬ 1575
forced / obligated / charged (m.s.) khiyev
family mishpakha ‫משפחה‬ 1576
continues / continued / lasted / was pulled
/ was attracted / was withdrawn (m.s.)
nimshakh ‫נמשך‬ 1577
dealt / engaged / worked (m.s.) asak ‫עסק‬ 1578
sabotage / bruising khabala ‫חבלה‬ 1579
the high / the tall (m.s.) hagvoha ‫הגבוה‬ 1580
history toldot ‫תולדות‬ 1581
events eru'im ‫אירועים‬ 1582
the light (m.s.) ha'or ‫האור‬ 1583
freedom khofesh ‫חופש‬ 1584
the knowledge hayeda ‫הידע‬ 1585
gradually behadraga ‫בהדרגה‬ 1586
from an origin mimotsa ‫ממוצא‬ 1587
included (pl.) kalelu ‫כללו‬ 1588
forcefully beko'akh ‫בכוח‬ 1589
from the period of / from the era of mitkufat ‫מתקופת‬ 1590
were used for (pl.) shimshu ‫שימשו‬ 1591
attitude / access / approach gisha ‫גישה‬ 1592
close to bekirvat ‫בקרבת‬ 1593

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specific ( mesuyamot ‫מסוימות‬ 1594
obvious / evident (f.s.) nikeret ‫ניכרת‬ 1595
the original (m.s.) hamekori ‫המקורי‬ 1596
movie / ribbon / strip seret ‫סרט‬ 1597
characteristics me'afyenim ‫מאפיינים‬ 1598
to learn / to study lilmod ‫ללמוד‬ 1599
his work avodato ‫עבודתו‬ 1600
workers / operate ( po'alim ‫פועלים‬ 1601
molecules molekulot ‫מולקולות‬ 1602
certainly bevadai ‫בודאי‬ 1603
the oak ha'alon ‫האלון‬ 1604
to die lamut ‫למות‬ 1605
hill of giv'at ‫גבעת‬ 1606
why madu'a ‫מדוע‬ 1607
the women hanashim ‫הנשים‬ 1608
living / alive ( / animals khayot ‫חיות‬ 1609
vitality khayut
after [time period] ka'avor ‫כעבור‬ 1610
black shakhor ‫שחור‬ 1611
lacking (m.s.) khasar ‫חסר‬ 1612
government memshala ‫ממשלה‬ 1613
believed (pl.) he'eminu ‫האמינו‬ 1614
machine mekhona ‫מכונה‬ 1615
called mekhune
aforementioned le'el ‫לעיל‬ 1616
as one ke'ekhad ‫כאחד‬ 1617
the units / the squads / the only / the
single (
hayekhidot ‫היחידות‬ 1618
effects / influences hashpa'ot ‫השפעות‬ 1619
the main (f.s.) harashit ‫הראשית‬ 1620
girls / daughters banot ‫בנות‬ 1621
the girls of / the daughters of bnot
pact / alliance / covenant / circumcision bivrit ‫בברית‬ 1622
soldiers of khayalei ‫חיילי‬ 1623
success hatslakha ‫הצלחה‬ 1624
claim / argue / charge / load (m.s.) to'en ‫טוען‬ 1625
my soul / my spirit / my life nafeshi ‫נפשי‬ 1626
female nekeva ‫נקבה‬ 1627
tunnel nikba
in the evening ba'erev ‫בערב‬ 1628
that this (m.) sheze ‫שזה‬ 1629
idea ra'ayon ‫רעיון‬ 1630
the council hamo'etsa ‫המועצה‬ 1631

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will be able (m.s.) yukhal ‫יוכל‬ 1632
regime / reign mishtar ‫משטר‬ 1633
the league haliga ‫הליגה‬ 1634
the red ha'adom ‫האדום‬ 1635
in a state bemedina ‫במדינה‬ 1636
in the state bamedina
regarding / wherever (biblical) ba'asher ‫באשר‬ 1637
percent / percentage / is held (m.s.) akhuz ‫אחוז‬ 1638
hold (m.s. Imperative) ekhoz
performed / executed (m.s.) bitsa ‫ביצע‬ 1639
in a ghetto begeto ‫בגטו‬ 1640
in the ghetto bageto
comforting / comforts (m.s.) menakhem ‫מנחם‬ 1641
bacteria khaydakim ‫חיידקים‬ 1642
to return lashuv ‫לשוב‬ 1643
fell (m.s.) nafal ‫נפל‬ 1644
the hand hayad ‫היד‬ 1645
was published / was advertised (m.s.) pursam ‫פורסם‬ 1646
lesson shi'ur ‫שיעור‬ 1647
the good ( hatovim ‫הטובים‬ 1648
worthy of / suitable / deserving / eligible /
appropriate (m.s.)
ra'ui ‫ראוי‬ 1649
death mavet ‫מוות‬ 1650
took (m.s.) lakakh ‫לקח‬ 1651
were done / became (pl.) na'asu ‫נעשו‬ 1652
wave gal ‫גל‬ 1653
were forced / were compelled ne'eltsu ‫נאלצו‬ 1654
refused (m.s.) serav ‫סירב‬ 1655
are [at] / common / available ( metsuyim ‫מצויים‬ 1656
board lu'akh ‫לוח‬ 1657
to break into / to breach lifrots ‫לפרוץ‬ 1658
to an owner of / to a husband leva'al ‫לבעל‬ 1659
to the husband laba'al
was written (m.s.) nikhtav ‫נכתב‬ 1660
the telegram hamivrak ‫המברק‬ 1661
his rule / his reign shiltono ‫שלטונו‬ 1662
in captivity beshevi ‫בשבי‬ 1663
in [the] captivity / in [the] prison bashevi
in captivity of bishvi
areas / regions / zones azorim ‫אזורים‬ 1664
his right yemino ‫ימינו‬ 1665
our days yameinu
rise of / increase of / immigration of aliyat ‫עליית‬ 1666

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in a movie / with a ribbon/strip beseret ‫בסרט‬ 1667
in the movie / with the ribbon/strip baseret
evidence (pl.) / testimonies eduyot ‫עדויות‬ 1668
problems be'ayot ‫בעיות‬ 1669
returns (m.s.) / repeats (m.s.) / returning /
repeating / circular
khozer ‫חוזר‬ 1670
kinds / classes / types sugim ‫סוגים‬ 1671
Jewish (f.s.) yehudit ‫יהודית‬ 1672
aerobic ( aviraniyim ‫אווירניים‬ 1673
thanks / gratitude toda ‫תודה‬ 1674
to you / for you ( lakhem ‫לכם‬ 1675
in favor of be'ad ‫בעד‬ 1676
silence sheket ‫שקט‬ 1677
quiet / silent (m.s.) shaket
calmed down / became quiet (m.s.) shakat
to stay / to remain lehisha'er ‫להישאר‬ 1678
to understand lehavin ‫להבין‬ 1679
that is [at] / common / available (f.s.) metsuya ‫המצוי‬ 1680
found (m.s.) matsa ‫מצא‬ 1681
to a god le'el ‫לאל‬ 1682
to the god la'el
[to set at] nought le'al
room kheder ‫חדר‬ 1683
penetrated / intruded (m.s.) khadar
sentence / trial mishpat ‫משפט‬ 1684
friends / members (m.) khaverim ‫חברים‬ 1685
the outside hakhuts ‫החוץ‬ 1686
the white (m.s.) halavan ‫הלבן‬ 1687
the medications / the drugs hatrufot ‫התרופות‬ 1688
complex / composed of (m.s.) murkav ‫מורכב‬ 1689
the attitude / the access / the approach hagisha ‫הגישה‬ 1690
in a system / in an editorial board bema'arekhet ‫במערכת‬ 1691
in the system / in the editorial board bama'arekhet
cancer (disease) / crab sartan ‫סרטן‬ 1692
the relations hayakhasim ‫היחסים‬ 1693
equipment tsiyud ‫ציוד‬ 1694
materials of khomrei ‫חומרי‬ 1695
village kfar ‫כפר‬ 1696
palace / temple heykhal ‫היכל‬ 1697
in the season of be'onat ‫בעונת‬ 1698
from the years of mishnot ‫משנות‬ 1699
the electrons ha'elektronim ‫האלקטרונים‬ 1700
the enzyme ha'enzim ‫האנזים‬ 1701

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my position emdati ‫עמדתי‬ 1702
I stood / I was going to / I succeeded amadeti
to ask / to request levakesh ‫לבקש‬ 1703
after him akharav ‫אחריו‬ 1704
that [it is] possible (adv.) she'efshar ‫שאפשר‬ 1705
that enabled / that facilitated (m.s.) she'ifsher
to carry / to marry laset ‫לשאת‬ 1706
to introduce / to display / to present / to
lehatsig ‫להציג‬ 1707
who prepared / who made arrangements /
that was held / that was edited (m.s.)
shene'erakh ‫שנערך‬ 1708
difficult / hard ( kashim ‫קשים‬ 1709
fight (m.s. imperative) hilakhem ‫הלחם‬ 1710
the material hakhomer ‫החומר‬ 1711
the general ( haklalit ‫הכללית‬ 1712
in a village bekfar ‫בכפר‬ 1713
in the village bakfar
[in] a style of / [in] a manner of besignon ‫בסגנון‬ 1714
victory nitsakhon ‫ניצחון‬ 1715
in return for / in exchange for // change of
/ transformation of
tmurat ‫תמורת‬ 1716
and finally / and eventually ulvasof ‫ולבסוף‬ 1717
acted / operated (pl.) pa'alu ‫פעלו‬ 1718
giant (m.s.) / necklace anak ‫ענק‬ 1719
wine yayin ‫יין‬ 1720
to powers / to forces / to strengths lekokhot ‫לכוחות‬ 1721
to the powers / to the forces / to the
Torah / theory / her turn tora ‫תורה‬ 1722
artists omanim ‫אמנים‬ 1723
friend / member (f.s.) khavera ‫חברה‬ 1724
company / society khevra
the southern (f.s.) hadromit ‫הדרומית‬ 1725
on a site be'atar ‫באתר‬ 1726
at the site ba'atar
[on] a mountain behar ‫בהר‬ 1727
[on] the mountain bahar
the river hanahar ‫הנהר‬ 1728
to bring close lekarev ‫לקרב‬ 1729
to the battle lakrav
painting / drawing tsiyur ‫ציור‬ 1730
the cities ha'arim ‫הערים‬ 1731
in history bahistoria ‫בהיסטוריה‬ 1732
might / made ( asuyim ‫עשויים‬ 1733

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contract / prophet khoze ‫חוזה‬ 1734
in activity bif'ilut ‫בפעילות‬ 1735
was determined / was fixed / was set
nikba ‫נקבע‬ 1736
phenomenon tofa'a ‫תופעה‬ 1737
appeared / performed (pl.) hofi'u ‫הופיעו‬ 1738
the humane (m.s.) ha'enoshi ‫האנושי‬ 1739
varies / changes (m.s.) / variant (stat.) mishtane ‫משתנה‬ 1740
from most / of most / so many merov ‫מרוב‬ 1741
his eyes einav ‫עיניו‬ 1742
sun shemesh ‫שמש‬ 1743
attendant shamash
the good (f.s.) / the favor hatova ‫הטובה‬ 1744
and that / and regarding va'asher ‫ואשר‬ 1745
beam / ray / fund / horn / bugle keren ‫קרן‬ 1746
patients / sick ( kholim ‫חולים‬ 1747
families mishpakhot ‫משפחות‬ 1748
abilities / capabilities yekholot ‫יכולות‬ 1749
to assume / to place lehani'akh ‫להניח‬ 1750
received / accepted (f.s.) kibla ‫קיבלה‬ 1751
in a series besidra ‫בסדרה‬ 1752
in the series basidra
the economic (m.s.) hakalkali ‫הכלכלי‬ 1753
camps / groups makhanot ‫מחנות‬ 1754
park ( makhnot
unit / squad / only / single yekhida ‫יחידה‬ 1755
known ( yedu'im ‫ידועים‬ 1756
and many verabim ‫ורבים‬ 1757
and fight ( veravim
blue (m.s.) kakhol ‫כחול‬ 1758
required / demanded / preached /
interpreted (m.s.)
darash ‫דרש‬ 1759
in words bemilim ‫במילים‬ 1760
in the words bamilim
in a body beguf ‫בגוף‬ 1761
in the body baguf
the front / the frontier hakhazit ‫החזית‬ 1762
areas of / fields of / territories of shitkhei ‫שטחי‬ 1763
superficial shitkhi
from the south midarom ‫מדרום‬ 1764
to hold / to fulfill / to carry out / to
lekayem ‫לקיים‬ 1765
the known ( hayedu'im ‫הידועים‬ 1766
principles ekronot ‫עקרונות‬ 1767

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formation of / creation of / artistic work of
/ composition of
yetsirat ‫יצירת‬ 1768
for success lehatslakha ‫להצלחה‬ 1769
for the success lahatslakha
from the century mehame'a ‫מהמאה‬ 1770
conservation shimur ‫שימור‬ 1771
principle ikaron ‫עקרון‬ 1772
the tradition hamasoret ‫המסורת‬ 1773
the humane (f.s.) ha'enoshit ‫האנושית‬ 1774
disturbances / interferences /
hafra'ot ‫הפרעות‬ 1775
applied (m.s.) hekhil ‫החיל‬ 1776
the corps hakhayil
appears / performs (f.s.) mofi'a ‫מופיעה‬ 1777
the whale halivyatan ‫הלווייתן‬ 1778
I found matsati ‫מצאתי‬ 1779
sounds / sounded (m.s.) / we will hear nishma ‫נשמע‬ 1780
sit (m.s.) yoshev ‫יושב‬ 1781
will be (pl.) yihiyu ‫יהיו‬ 1782
who/that can sheyakhol ‫שיכול‬ 1783
the bottom / the lower / the inferior (m.s.) hatakhton ‫התחתון‬ 1784
the other ( / the others (f.) ha'akherot ‫האחרות‬ 1785
threat iyum ‫איום‬ 1786
terrible / horrible (m.s.) ayom
games miskhakim ‫משחקים‬ 1787
play ( mesakhakim
move / step / distance mahalakh ‫מהלך‬ 1788
to prove lehokhi'akh ‫להוכיח‬ 1789
in procession basakh ‫בסך‬ 1790
total / only besakh [hakol]
that was done shena'asa ‫שנעשה‬ 1791
the father ha'av ‫האב‬ 1792
between them (f.) beynehen ‫ביניהן‬ 1793
for a period of lemeshekh ‫למשך‬ 1794
to/for many ( / including lerabot ‫לרבות‬ 1795
and mainly / and principally / and
uve'ikar ‫ובעיקר‬ 1796
the natural (m.s.) hativ'i ‫הטבעי‬ 1797
series sidra ‫סדרה‬ 1798
with me iti ‫איתי‬ 1799
the cook hatabakh ‫הטבח‬ 1800
the slaughter hatevakh
the west hama'arav ‫המערב‬ 1801
were sent (pl.) nishlekhu ‫נשלחו‬ 1802

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headed by / led by berashut ‫בראשות‬ 1803
military (f.s.) tsva'it ‫צבאית‬ 1804
political (m.s.) politi ‫פוליטי‬ 1805
the investigators / the researchers hakhokrim ‫החוקרים‬ 1806
the learning / the Talmud hatalmud ‫התלמוד‬ 1807
on you / about you (m.s.) alekha ‫עליך‬ 1808
on you / about you (f.s.) alaikh
the young (f.s.) hatse'ira ‫הצעירה‬ 1809
to think lakhshov ‫לחשוב‬ 1810
to write likhtov ‫לכתוב‬ 1811
early / preliminary (m.s.) mukdam ‫מוקדם‬ 1812
night laila ‫לילה‬ 1813
that already shekvar ‫שכבר‬ 1814
at a price bimkhir ‫במחיר‬ 1815
article / saying ma'amar ‫מאמר‬ 1816
the market hashuk ‫השוק‬ 1817
the shock / the leg (e.g., chicken) hashok
supposed (m.s.) amur ‫אמור‬ 1818
for a role / for the role of letafkid ‫לתפקיד‬ 1819
for the role latafkid
that/who is called (m.s.) shenikra ‫שנקרא‬ 1820
good luck / successfully behatslakha ‫בהצלחה‬ 1821
in a story besipur ‫בסיפור‬ 1822
in the story basipur
claim / argue / charge / load ( to'anim ‫טוענים‬ 1823
special (f.s.) meyukhedet ‫מיוחדת‬ 1824
measure / size / quality mida ‫מידה‬ 1825
hope tikva ‫תקווה‬ 1826
and other ( / and others (m.) ve'akherim ‫ואחרים‬ 1827
important ( khashuvim ‫חשובים‬ 1828
gold zahav ‫זהב‬ 1829
she is / is (f.) hina ‫הינה‬ 1830
visited / criticized biker ‫ביקר‬ 1831
from this (f.) mizo ‫מזו‬ 1832
fast / rapid / quick (m.s.) mahir ‫מהיר‬ 1833
will dissolve yimas ‫יימס‬ 1834
to/for a state lemdina ‫למדינה‬ 1835
to/for the state lamedina
to play lesakhek ‫לשחק‬ 1836
served (m.s.) sherat ‫שירת‬ 1837
ruled (m.s.) shalat ‫שלט‬ 1838
sign shelet
that/who brought (m.s.) shehevi ‫שהביא‬ 1839

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the games hamiskhakim ‫המשחקים‬ 1840
order / instruction hora'a ‫הוראה‬ 1841
the streets harkhovot ‫הרחובות‬ 1842
in a company / in a society bekhevra ‫בחברה‬ 1843
in the conpany / in the society bakhevra
officers ktsinim ‫קצינים‬ 1844
the local ( hamekomiyim ‫המקומיים‬ 1845
giving matan ‫מתן‬ 1846
foundations / bases yesodot ‫יסודות‬ 1847
according to her / to her mouth lefiha ‫לפיה‬ 1848
leadership of hanhagat ‫הנהגת‬ 1849
the protruding / that/who stand out
haboltim ‫הבולטים‬ 1850
the movies / the ribbons/strips hasratim ‫הסרטים‬ 1851
the mandate hamandat ‫המנדט‬ 1852
us otanu ‫אותנו‬ 1853
to take lakakhat ‫לקחת‬ 1854
walk / go (m.s.) holekh ‫הולך‬ 1855
was seen / looked (f.s.) nir'ata ‫נראתה‬ 1856
to try lenasot ‫לנסות‬ 1857
was killed neherag ‫נהרג‬ 1858
team / elected / selected (f.s.) nivkheret ‫נבחרת‬ 1859
the team / the elected / the selected (f.s.) hanivkheret ‫הנבחרת‬ 1860
this is (f.) zohi ‫זוהי‬ 1861
the commerce / the trade hamiskhar ‫המסחר‬ 1862
the line hakav ‫הקו‬ 1863
gave (m.s.) he'enik ‫העניק‬ 1864
for my son livni ‫לבני‬ 1865
rhythm ketsev ‫קצב‬ 1866
butcher katsav
continuation hemshekh ‫המשך‬ 1867
enables / facilitates (m.s.) me'afsher ‫מאפשר‬ 1868
are / constitute ( mehavim ‫מהווים‬ 1869
and a number umispar ‫ומספר‬ 1870
the east hamizrakh ‫המזרח‬ 1871
existed / took place / was held (m.s.) hitkayem ‫התקיים‬ 1872
she spent / she took out / she published hotsi'a ‫הוציאה‬ 1873
the rising / the increasing / the climbing /
the immigrants (
ha'olim ‫העולים‬ 1874
the ways / the roads hadrakhim ‫הדרכים‬ 1875
democratic ( demokratit ‫דמוקרטית‬ 1876
bridge gesher ‫גשר‬ 1877
terror teror ‫טרור‬ 1878

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lasted / was pulled / was attracted / was
withdrawn (f.s.)
nimshekha ‫נמשכה‬ 1879
is considered nekhshevet ‫נחשבת‬ 1880
the shipment / the delivery hamishlo'akh ‫המשלוח‬ 1881
to the north tsafona ‫צפונה‬ 1882
neighborhood shkhuna ‫שכונה‬ 1883
broken open paruts ‫פרוץ‬ 1884
the roman (f.s.) haromit ‫הרומית‬ 1885
to the sea layam ‫לים‬ 1886
ties / bonds / links / connections ksharim ‫קשרים‬ 1887
strong (f.s.) / possession / power (math.) khazaka ‫חזקה‬ 1888
population of ukhlusiyat ‫אוכלוסיית‬ 1889
the television hatelevizya ‫הטלוויזיה‬ 1890
played (m.s.) sikhek ‫שיחק‬ 1891
the division hakhaluka ‫החלוקה‬ 1892
the climate ha'aklim ‫האקלים‬ 1893
the organizations ha'irgunim ‫הארגונים‬ 1894
the Histadrut (the General Federation of
Laborers in Israel)
hahistadrut ‫ההסתדרות‬ 1895
workers of po'alei ‫פועלי‬ 1896
bicycle ofanayim ‫אופניים‬ 1897
happens (f.s.) mitrakheshet ‫מתרחשת‬ 1898
sward / fencing sayif ‫סיף‬ 1899
fruits peirot ‫פירות‬ 1900
that if she'im ‫שאם‬ 1901
that a mother she'em
hunger ra'av ‫רעב‬ 1902
hungry (m.s.) ra'ev
that they (f.) / that are ( shehen ‫שהן‬ 1903
the cemetery [beit] hakvarot ‫הקברות‬ 1904
reception of / acceptance of kabalat ‫קבלת‬ 1905
the peace hashalom ‫השלום‬ 1906
at a half / at a middle bemakhatsit ‫במחצית‬ 1907
at the half / at the middle bamakhatsit
fell (f.s.) nafla ‫נפלה‬ 1908
sent (m.s.) shalakh ‫שלח‬ 1909
the black (m.s.) hashakhor ‫השחור‬ 1910
whole / complete // pay (m.s. imperative) shalem ‫שלם‬ 1911
that/who arrived (m.s.) shehigi'a ‫שהגיע‬ 1912
the affair of / the chapter of / the portion
parashat ‫פרשת‬ 1913
surgery nituakh ‫ניתוח‬ 1914
top / peak si ‫שיא‬ 1915
in how many / in how much / in some bekhama ‫בכמה‬ 1916

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at a height begova ‫בגובה‬ 1917
at the height bagova
nature teva ‫טבע‬ 1918
from the days of mimei ‫מימי‬ 1919
local ( mekomiyim ‫מקומיים‬ 1920
well established / well based (m.s.) mevusas ‫מבוסס‬ 1921
direct (f.s.) yeshira ‫ישירה‬ 1922
the movements / the motions hatnu'ot ‫התנועות‬ 1923
salt melakh ‫מלח‬ 1924
sailor malakh
assistance / aid siyu'a ‫סיוע‬ 1925
the union ha'ikhud ‫האיחוד‬ 1926
to/for an army letsava ‫לצבא‬ 1927
to/for the army latsava
free khofshi ‫חופשי‬ 1928
shooting / fire yeri ‫ירי‬ 1929
the residents hatoshavim ‫התושבים‬ 1930
fortifications bitsurim ‫ביצורים‬ 1931
with/in creatures beyetsurim
with/in the creatures bayetsurim
was used for (f.s.) shimsha ‫שימשה‬ 1932
for a count lesfira ‫לספירה‬ 1933
for the count / A.D. lasfira
the national (f.s.) hale'umit ‫הלאומית‬ 1934
prepared / made arrangements / were
held / were edited (pl.)
ne'erkhu ‫נערכו‬ 1935
the effect / the influence hahashpa'a ‫ההשפעה‬ 1936
Torah of / theory of torat ‫תורת‬ 1937
and in the year [X] uvishnat ‫ובשנת‬ 1938
games of miskhakei ‫משחקי‬ 1939
my game / my play miskhaki
there are (f.) yeshnan ‫ישנן‬ 1940
bombs ptsatsot ‫פצצות‬ 1941
municipality of iriyat ‫עיריית‬ 1942
investigated / researched / inquired (m.s.) khakar ‫חקר‬ 1943
study of / research of kheker
identical zehe ‫זהה‬ 1944
common (m.s.) nafots ‫נפוץ‬ 1945
customary / conventional / driven (m.s.) nahug ‫נהוג‬ 1946
the pole hakotev ‫הקוטב‬ 1947
that you (m.s.) she'ata ‫שאתה‬ 1948
the cabbage / the angel hakruv ‫הכרוב‬ 1949
went down / came down / descended /
decreased (m.s.)
yarad ‫ירד‬ 1950

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forward kadima ‫קדימה‬ 1951
from the house of / from the home of mibeit ‫מבית‬ 1952
from a house / from inside mibayit
and even / and although ve'afilu ‫ואפילו‬ 1953
[to] death lemavet ‫למוות‬ 1954
[to the] death lamavet
seven sheva ‫שבע‬ 1955
satisfied / full (not hungry) (m.s.) save'a
page / pillar amud ‫עמוד‬ 1956
passes / crosses / goes through (m.s.) over ‫עובר‬ 1957
embryo / fetus ubar
to send lishloakh ‫לשלוח‬ 1958
the truth ha'emet ‫האמת‬ 1959
in the summer bakayits ‫בקיץ‬ 1960
the heart halev ‫הלב‬ 1961
found (pl) mats'u ‫מצאו‬ 1962
difficult / hard ( kashot ‫קשות‬ 1963
the gates hashe'arim ‫השערים‬ 1964
in the championship ba'alifut ‫באליפות‬ 1965
in a championship be'alifut
in an army betsava ‫בצבא‬ 1966
in the army batsava
for defense / for protection lehagana ‫להגנה‬ 1967
for the defense / for the protection lahagana
broke into / broke out / burst (m.s.) parats ‫פרץ‬ 1968
personal (f.s.) / private (f.s.) / in person ishit ‫אישית‬ 1969
participated (pl.) hishtatfu ‫השתתפו‬ 1970
proclaimed / announced / declared (m.s.) hikhriz ‫הכריז‬ 1971
relation / ratio / attitude yakhas ‫יחס‬ 1972
to/for the player / to/for the actor lasakhkan ‫לשחקן‬ 1973
to/for a player / to/for an actor lesakhkan
the view / the landscape / the boughs of a
hanof ‫הנוף‬ 1974
the youth hano'ar ‫הנוער‬ 1975
examination bdika ‫בדיקה‬ 1976
the federal (m.s.) hafederali ‫הפדרלי‬ 1977
the groups hakvutsot ‫הקבוצות‬ 1978
was built (f.) nivneta ‫נבנתה‬ 1979
direct / will sing (m.s.) yashir ‫ישיר‬ 1980
short (f.s.) katsara ‫קצרה‬ 1981
special ( meyukhadot ‫מיוחדות‬ 1982
tradition masoret ‫מסורת‬ 1983
modern (f.s.) modernit ‫מודרנית‬ 1984

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companies (mil.) plugot ‫פלוגות‬ 1985
prohibition / ban isur ‫איסור‬ 1986
creators / artists / makers (m.) yotsrim ‫יוצרים‬ 1987
phenomena tofa'ot ‫תופעות‬ 1988
in the boulevard basdera ‫בשדרה‬ 1989
in a boulevard besdera
in a stream benakhal ‫בנחל‬ 1990
in the stream banakhal
the philosophy hafilosofia ‫הפילוסופיה‬ 1991
the energy ha'energiya ‫האנרגיה‬ 1992
anabolic (pl.) an'aboliyim ‫אנאבוליים‬ 1993
losses / something which is lost (pl) avedot ‫אבידות‬ 1994
I / me / myself / selfish anokhi ‫אנכי‬ 1995
vertical anakhi
far away harkhek ‫הרחק‬ 1996
the spring ha'aviv ‫האביב‬ 1997
the stick / the wand / the headquarters hamate ‫המטה‬ 1998
up / to a hight lagova ‫לגובה‬ 1999
to a hight of legova
the head / the leader harosh ‫הראש‬ 2000
time / holiday mo'ed ‫מועד‬ 2001
prone to (m.s.) mu'ad
to evacuate lefanot ‫לפנות‬ 2002
on them / about them / on them (f.) aleihen ‫עליהן‬ 2003
to leave la'azov ‫לעזוב‬ 2004
known (f.s.) yedu'a ‫ידועה‬ 2005
to explain lehasbir ‫להסביר‬ 2006
depending on / depends (m.s.) / hung talui ‫תלוי‬ 2007
their lives khayeihem ‫חייהם‬ 2008
ended (m.s.) histayem ‫הסתיים‬ 2009
in the wind / with the spirit baru'akh ‫ברוח‬ 2010
in a wind / with a spirit beru'akh
thanks to hodot ‫הודות‬ 2011
the part hakhelek ‫החלק‬ 2012
the smooth / the slippery (m.s.) hakhalak
the decision hahakhlata ‫ההחלטה‬ 2013
houses batim ‫בתים‬ 2014
wide / broad (m.s.) nirkhav ‫נרחב‬ 2015
battles kravot ‫קרבות‬ 2016
getting close / approach ( krevot
private (m.s.) prati ‫פרטי‬ 2017
citizenship / nationality ezrakhut ‫אזרחות‬ 2018
citizen (m.s.) ezrakh ‫אזרח‬ 2019

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lacking (f.s.) khasrat ‫חסרת‬ 2020
his power / his force / his strength / the
power of / the force of / the strength of
kokho ‫כוחו‬ 2021
the influence of / the affect of hashpa'at ‫השפעת‬ 2022
the flu hashapa'at
the image / the figure / the shape / the
hadmut ‫הדמות‬ 2023
protruding / stands out (m.s.) bolet ‫בולט‬ 2024
pomegranates / grenades rimonim ‫רימונים‬ 2025
the capital of birat ‫בירת‬ 2026
from the people of / of the people of me'anshei ‫מאנשי‬ 2027
the Christian (f.s.) hanotsrit ‫הנוצרית‬ 2028
version girsa ‫גרסה‬ 2029
in a series of / in the series of besidrat ‫בסדרת‬ 2030
sample of / pattern of dugmat ‫דוגמת‬ 2031
well established / well based (f.s.) mevuseset ‫מבוססת‬ 2032
except lema'et ‫למעט‬ 2033
to/for a little leme'at
to/for the few lame'at
approval / confirmation ishur ‫אישור‬ 2034
treasure otsar ‫אוצר‬ 2035
the Muslims hamuslemim ‫המוסלמים‬ 2036
Christian ( notsrim ‫נוצרים‬ 2037
production yitsur ‫ייצור‬ 2038
evenings aravim ‫ערבים‬ 2039
sureties arevim
Arabs arvim
shoes na'alayim ‫נעליים‬ 2040
the dog hakelev ‫הכלב‬ 2041
the cricket hatsratsar ‫הצרצר‬ 2042
home habaita ‫הביתה‬ 2043
awful / terrible / very (m.s.) nora ‫נורא‬ 2044
morning boker ‫בוקר‬ 2045
cowboy boker
bird tsipor ‫ציפור‬ 2046
read / called (pl.) kar'u ‫קראו‬ 2047
the small / the little ( haktanim ‫הקטנים‬ 2048
that passed / the last (m.s.) she'avar ‫שעבר‬ 2049
pair / couple zug ‫זוג‬ 2050
when they keshehem ‫כשהם‬ 2051
in a room bekheder ‫בחדר‬ 2052
in the room bakheder
supplier sapak ‫ספק‬ 2053

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doubt safek
and half vekhetsi ‫וחצי‬ 2054
and a half vakhetsi
and these ve'ele ‫ואלה‬ 2055
opening of ptikhat ‫פתיחת‬ 2056
open (m.s.) patuakh ‫פתוח‬ 2057
did (pl.) asu ‫עשו‬ 2058
worry / fear khashash ‫חשש‬ 2059
responsible / in charge (m.s.) akhra'i ‫אחראי‬ 2060
the judge hashofet ‫השופט‬ 2061
the question hashe'ela ‫השאלה‬ 2062
landing hash'ala
understood (m.s.) hevin ‫הבין‬ 2063
comparison hashva'a ‫השואה‬ 2064
the holocaust hasho'a
explosion nefets ‫נפץ‬ 2065
detonator napats
guard mishmar ‫משמר‬ 2066
conserves (m.s.) meshamer
directly yeshirot ‫ישירות‬ 2067
directness / straightness yeshirut
important (f.s.) khashuva ‫חשובה‬ 2068
men gvarim ‫גברים‬ 2069
claimed / argued (f.s.) / claim / argue ta'ana ‫טענה‬ 2070
known (m.s.) / became known noda ‫נודע‬ 2071
foundation / basis yesod ‫יסוד‬ 2072
to/for the man / to/for the person / to/for
la'adam ‫לאדם‬ 2073
to/for a man / to/for a person le'adam
to participate lehishtatef ‫להשתתף‬ 2074
gates of sha'arei ‫שערי‬ 2075
my hair se'ari
constant / fixed / regular / permanent
kavu'a ‫קבוע‬ 2076
holiday khag ‫חג‬ 2077
the public (m.s.) hatsiburi ‫הציבורי‬ 2078
the reason hasiba ‫הסיבה‬ 2079
athletes sporta'im ‫ספורטאים‬ 2080
enemy oyev ‫אויב‬ 2081
and the people of ve'anshei ‫ואנשי‬ 2082
the northern (f.s.) hatsfonit ‫הצפונית‬ 2083
the resistance / the objection hahitnagdut ‫ההתנגדות‬ 2084
that included (m.s.) shekalal ‫שכלל‬ 2085
that a rule / that [not X] at all sheklal

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in literature basifrut ‫בספרות‬ 2086
in hairdressing besaparut
the western (f.s.) hama'aravit ‫המערבית‬ 2087
performance bitsu'a ‫ביצוע‬ 2088
the holiness hakodesh ‫הקודש‬ 2089
rise / increase / immigration aliya ‫עלייה‬ 2090
developed (f.s.) hitpatkha ‫התפתחה‬ 2091
the career hakaryera ‫הקריירה‬ 2092
the modern (m.s.) hamoderni ‫המודרני‬ 2093
the expression habitui ‫הביטוי‬ 2094
sites of atarei ‫אתרי‬ 2095
fish (pl.) dagim ‫דגים‬ 2096
in no beshum ‫בשום‬ 2097
to tell / to cut (hair) lesaper ‫לספר‬ 2098
[to] a book lesefer
[to] the book lasefer
arrive / deserve ( megi'im ‫מגיעים‬ 2099
man gever ‫גבר‬ 2100
overcame / defeated (m.s.) gavar
to help / to assist la'azor ‫לעזור‬ 2101
stood up / woke up (m.s.) kam ‫קם‬ 2102
to search lekhapes ‫לחפש‬ 2103
the next / the person who is coming (f.s.) haba'a ‫הבאה‬ 2104
back / at the rehearsal bakhazara ‫בחזרה‬ 2105
entered (m.s.) nikhnas ‫נכנס‬ 2106
arithmetic / account / bill kheshbon ‫חשבון‬ 2107
the works of kitvei ‫כתבי‬ 2108
write (m.s.) kotev ‫כותב‬ 2109
fate / destiny goral ‫גורל‬ 2110
succeed / successful (m.s.) matsliakh ‫מצליח‬ 2111
season of onat ‫עונת‬ 2112
fear / terror eima ‫אימה‬ 2113
the communication / the media hatikshoret ‫התקשורת‬ 2114
in response bitguva ‫בתגובה‬ 2115
continue (m.s.) mamshikh ‫ממשיך‬ 2116
the possibility / the option ha'efsharut ‫האפשרות‬ 2117
finished (m.s.) siyem ‫סיים‬ 2118
were murdered nirtsekhu ‫נרצחו‬ 2119
practical (m.s.) ma'asi ‫מעשי‬ 2120
and my husband uva'ali ‫ובעלי‬ 2121
and the owners of uva'alei
fitness / capability kosher ‫כושר‬ 2122
passed / transferred (m.s.) he'evir ‫העביר‬ 2123

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the homeland hamoledet ‫המולדת‬ 2124
Caesar keisar ‫קיסר‬ 2125
at a square / in a loaf bekikar ‫בכיכר‬ 2126
at the square / in the loaf bakikar
in dispute bemakhloket ‫במחלוקת‬ 2127
in the dispute bamakhloket
residents toshavim ‫תושבים‬ 2128
means emtsa'im ‫אמצעים‬ 2129
events of eru'ei ‫אירועי‬ 2130
the conditions / the provisions hatna'im ‫התנאים‬ 2131
existed / took place / were held (pl.) hitkaimu ‫התקיימו‬ 2132
company of (mil.) plugat ‫פלוגת‬ 2133
veterans of / originated from ( yotsei ‫יוצאי‬ 2134
to produce lehafik ‫להפיק‬ 2135
the singing / the poetry hashira ‫השירה‬ 2136
dropped / shed (f.s.) heshira
the building (v.) habniya ‫הבנייה‬ 2137
the oxygen hakhamtsan ‫החמצן‬ 2138
handle / shaft kat ‫קת‬ 2139
the marathon hamaraton ‫המרתון‬ 2140
the whistle hashrika ‫השריקה‬ 2141
replied / returned (f.s.) heshiva ‫השיבה‬ 2142
apparently nidme ‫נדמה‬ 2143
the window hakhalon ‫החלון‬ 2144
if (wishing) lu ‫לו‬ 2145
to place / to put lasim ‫לשים‬ 2146
knead ( lashim
the room hakheder ‫החדר‬ 2147
insert / penetrate (m.s. imperative) hakhder
flowers prakhim ‫פרחים‬ 2148
know ( yod'im ‫יודעים‬ 2149
aspired / inhaled (m.s.) sha'af ‫שאף‬ 2150
half- lemekhetsa ‫למחצה‬ 2151
sometimes lif'amim ‫לפעמים‬ 2152
became clear hitbarer ‫התברר‬ 2153
to take out / to spend / to publish /
lehotsi ‫להוציא‬ 2154
to hold lehakhzik ‫להחזיק‬ 2155
possible (m.s. adj.) efshari ‫אפשרי‬ 2156
at a camp / in a group bemakhane ‫במחנה‬ 2157
at the camp / in the group bamakhane
in the cell / in the chamber bata ‫בתא‬ 2158
in a cell / in a chamber beta

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ok / well beseder ‫בסדר‬ 2159
built (m.s.) bana ‫בנה‬ 2160
the next day lemokhorat ‫למחרת‬ 2161
to a state / to a situation lematsav ‫למצב‬ 2162
to the state / to the situation lamatsav
to the end lasof ‫לסוף‬ 2163
long ( arukim ‫ארוכים‬ 2164
-like / -form (m.s.) dmui ‫דמוי‬ 2165
player / actor sakhkan ‫שחקן‬ 2166
publication / advertisement / fame pirsum ‫פרסום‬ 2167
to/for a line lekav ‫לקו‬ 2168
to/for the line lakav
the brain hamoakh ‫המוח‬ 2169
the former / the previous (m.s.) hakodem ‫הקודם‬ 2170
met (m.s.) nifgash ‫נפגש‬ 2171
that are/were intended for / that are/were
destined for / that conferred (pl.)
sheno'adu ‫שנועדו‬ 2172
the method hashita ‫השיטה‬ 2173
the reproductiveness hareviya ‫הרבייה‬ 2174
joined (pl.) hitstarfu ‫הצטרפו‬ 2175
especially beyikhud ‫בייחוד‬ 2176
fort mivtsar ‫מבצר‬ 2177
and was (f.s.) vehaita ‫והייתה‬ 2178
led / transported (f.s.) hovila ‫הובילה‬ 2179
as a god / as to ke'el ‫כאל‬ 2180
as the god ka'el
party of (political) mifleget ‫מפלגת‬ 2181
were passed / were transferred hu'avru ‫הועברו‬ 2182
on the condition / provided that bitnai ‫בתנאי‬ 2183
under the conditions of / under the
provisions of
global / universal (f.s.) olamit ‫עולמית‬ 2184
took (m.s.) natal ‫נטל‬ 2185
the underground hamakhteret ‫המחתרת‬ 2186
separated / individual (m.s.) nifrad ‫נפרד‬ 2187
that/who created / that/who made (m.s.) sheyatsar ‫שיצר‬ 2188
the godfather hasandak ‫הסנדק‬ 2189
the pyramids hapiramidot ‫הפירמידות‬ 2190
the spear haromakh ‫הרומח‬ 2191
reproductiveness reviya ‫רבייה‬ 2192
my opinion da'ati ‫דעתי‬ 2193
the evening / tonight / this evening ha'erev ‫הערב‬ 2194
the surety / the pleasant / the delicious ha'arev
will / desire ratson ‫רצון‬ 2195

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to sing lashir ‫לשיר‬ 2196
the words of / the things of divrei ‫דברי‬ 2197
my words / my things dvarai
around misaviv ‫מסביב‬ 2198
to whom lemi ‫למי‬ 2199
counted / included (m.s.) / portion mana ‫מנה‬ 2200
white (f.s.) levana ‫לבנה‬ 2201
brick levena
in the hours basha'ot ‫בשעות‬ 2202
in hours besha'ot
in the hours of bish'ot
bought kana ‫קנה‬ 2203
barrel / shaft / trachea kane
like this (f.) kazo ‫כזו‬ 2204
the former / the previous (f.s.) hakodemet ‫הקודמת‬ 2205
hung / depending on (f.s.) tluya ‫תלויה‬ 2206
fell (pl.) naflu ‫נפלו‬ 2207
hotel malon ‫מלון‬ 2208
melon melon
theirs (f) shelahen ‫שלהן‬ 2209
milk (n.) / milked (m.s.) khalav ‫חלב‬ 2210
tallow khelev
give (m.s. imperative) ha'anek ‫הענק‬ 2211
the vote / the voting hahatsba'a ‫ההצבעה‬ 2212
trunk / race / stem geza ‫גזע‬ 2213
in fire be'esh ‫באש‬ 2214
in the fire ba'esh
to attack litkof ‫לתקוף‬ 2215
to deal with / to engage in / to work in la'asok ‫לעסוק‬ 2216
apparently / allegedly likh'ora ‫לכאורה‬ 2217
and in her / and in it uva ‫ובה‬ 2218
that/who acted / that/who operated (pl.) shepa'alu ‫שפעלו‬ 2219
that/who were left (pl.) shenotru ‫שנותרו‬ 2220
twice pa'amayim ‫פעמיים‬ 2221
the pass / the transfer / the transition hama'avar ‫המעבר‬ 2222
the grave hakever ‫הקבר‬ 2223
the pair / the couple hazug ‫הזוג‬ 2224
the author / who counts hasofer ‫הסופר‬ 2225
grain dagan ‫דגן‬ 2226
especially / particularly bifrat ‫בפרט‬ 2227
in the building of bivniyat ‫בבניית‬ 2228
color tseva ‫צבע‬ 2229
attack hatkafa ‫התקפה‬ 2230

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temple / shrine mikdash ‫מקדש‬ 2231
language of / lip of / edge of sfat ‫שפת‬ 2232
the faith / the belief ha'emuna ‫האמונה‬ 2233
the education hakhinukh ‫החינוך‬ 2234
works avodot ‫עבודות‬ 2235
common (f.s.) nefotsa ‫נפוצה‬ 2236
illnesses / diseases makhalot ‫מחלות‬ 2237
social (f.s.) khevratit ‫חברתית‬ 2238
field / area / range tkhum ‫תחום‬ 2239
in a building / in a construction bemivne ‫במבנה‬ 2240
in the building / in the construction bamivne
in a group bikvutsa ‫בקבוצה‬ 2241
in chapter / in a chapter / in a period beperek ‫בפרק‬ 2242
in the chapter baperek

corals almogim ‫אלמוגים‬ 2243

god elohim ‫אלוהים‬ 2244
with him ito ‫איתו‬ 2245
immediately / shortly tekhef ‫תכף‬ 2246
crusting of hakramat ‫הקרמת‬ 2247
caterpillar / army vehicle zakhal ‫זחל‬ 2248
old (m.s.) zaken ‫זקן‬ 2249
nest ken ‫קן‬ 2250
end / termination / ruin kets ‫קץ‬ 2251
was fed up with kats
and what uma ‫ומה‬ 2252
and after ve'akharei ‫ואחרי‬ 2253
the health habri'ut ‫הבריאות‬ 2254
do ( osim ‫עושים‬ 2255
heard (m.s.) shama ‫שמע‬ 2256
his place mekomo ‫מקומו‬ 2257
to treat letapel ‫לטפל‬ 2258
my way / through me darki ‫דרכי‬ 2259
bright / fair bahir ‫בהיר‬ 2260
organizational irguni ‫ארגוני‬ 2261
opens / opened (m.s.) niftakh ‫נפתח‬ 2262
start (m.s.) matkhil ‫מתחיל‬ 2263
concept / obtained / achieved (m.s.) musag ‫מושג‬ 2264
receives / accepts (m.s.) mekabel ‫מקבל‬ 2265
cases / events / incidents mikrim ‫מקרים‬ 2266
the times hzmanim ‫הזמנים‬ 2267
district makhoz ‫מחוז‬ 2268
to avoid lehimana ‫להימנע‬ 2269

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and starting vehakhel ‫והחל‬ 2270
and started (m.s.) vehekhel
the numbers hamisparim ‫המספרים‬ 2271
the narrators / the story tellers hamesaprim
at the end / upon completion betom ‫בתום‬ 2272
special ( meyukhadim ‫מיוחדים‬ 2273
subsequently leyamim ‫לימים‬ 2274
the famous (m.s.) hamefursam ‫המפורסם‬ 2275
behavior hitnahagut ‫התנהגות‬ 2276
the foreign / the strangers ( hazarim ‫הזרים‬ 2277
the factor / the cause hagorem ‫הגורם‬ 2278
size godel ‫גודל‬ 2279
around / in the area of bisvivot ‫בסביבות‬ 2280
siege matsor ‫מצור‬ 2281
parties (political) miflagot ‫מפלגות‬ 2282
worked (m.s.) avad ‫עבד‬ 2283
his people anashav ‫אנשיו‬ 2284
in an article / in a dish / in a vessel / with a
bikhli ‫בכלי‬ 2285
in the vessels of / with/in the tools of bikhlei
that/who is called (m.s.) hakarui ‫הקרוי‬ 2286
the social (m.s.) hakhevrati ‫החברתי‬ 2287
uses / user (m.s.) mishtamesh ‫משתמש‬ 2288
stations takhanot ‫תחנות‬ 2289
his activity pe'iluto ‫פעילותו‬ 2290
ghetto geto ‫גטו‬ 2291
to/for water lemayim ‫למים‬ 2292
to/for the water lamayim
to vote / to raised a hand / to point at / to
lehatsbi'a ‫להצביע‬ 2293
the hole / the pit habor ‫הבור‬ 2294
the ignorant / the fallow habur
sites atarim ‫אתרים‬ 2295
the monument ha'andarta ‫האנדרטה‬ 2296
and so on / etc. vekhadome ‫וכדומה‬ 2297
in a research / in a study bemekhkar ‫במחקר‬ 2298
in the research / in the study bamekhkar
the cat hakhatul ‫החתול‬ 2299
urine sheten ‫שתן‬ 2300
the boxing ha'igruf ‫האיגרוף‬ 2301
biology biologia ‫ביולוגיה‬ 2302
the tropical (m.s.) hatropi ‫הטרופי‬ 2303
the advantages / the virtues / the stairs hama'alot ‫המעלות‬ 2304
by myself / personally be'atsmi ‫בעצמי‬ 2305

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shouted / yelled (f.s.) tsa'aka ‫צעקה‬ 2306
shout / yell tse'aka
where eifo ‫איפה‬ 2307
I saw ra'iti ‫ראיתי‬ 2308
yesterday etmol ‫אתמול‬ 2309
my leg / by foot ragli ‫רגלי‬ 2310
my legs raglai
case / event / incident / fortune / chance mikre ‫מקרה‬ 2311
asking / asks / requesting / requests (m.s.) mevakesh ‫מבקש‬ 2312
is it possible ha'efshar ‫האפשר‬ 2313
stands / is about to / endures / succeeds /
insists on (f.s.)
omedet ‫עומדת‬ 2314
drove / traveled (m.s.) nasa ‫נסע‬ 2315
little / few ( me'atim ‫מעטים‬ 2316
the guard / that/who guards / that/who
protects (m.s.)
hashomer ‫השומר‬ 2317
caused (pl.) garmu ‫גרמו‬ 2318
that/who received / that/who accepted
shekibel ‫שקיבל‬ 2319
forbidden / imprisoned (m.s.) asur ‫אסור‬ 2320
the information hameida ‫המידע‬ 2321
the public / the crowd / the audience hakahal ‫הקהל‬ 2322
[in] a branch / in a field be'anaf ‫בענף‬ 2323
[in] the branch / in the field ba'anaf
wars milkhamot ‫מלחמות‬ 2324
warrior (m.s.) lokhem ‫לוחם‬ 2325
its/his value erko ‫ערכו‬ 2326
edited / arranged / held (pl.) arkhu
regional azori ‫אזורי‬ 2327
the tongue / the language halashon ‫הלשון‬ 2328
the arch / the bow / the rainbow hakeshet ‫הקשת‬ 2329
the claim / the argument hata'ana ‫הטענה‬ 2330
the order haseder ‫הסדר‬ 2331
in the field basade ‫בשדה‬ 2332
in a field besade
problem be'aya ‫בעיה‬ 2333
rock sela ‫סלע‬ 2334
the fort hamivtsar ‫המבצר‬ 2335
thought / assumed (m.s.) savar ‫סבר‬ 2336
officer katsin ‫קצין‬ 2337
was / constituted (m.) hiva ‫היווה‬ 2338
elections / selections bkhirot ‫בחירות‬ 2339
was formed / was created (f.s.) notsra ‫נוצרה‬ 2340
distance merkhak ‫מרחק‬ 2341

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dismantling / decomposing / liquidating /
peruk ‫פירוק‬ 2342
reality hametsi'ut ‫המציאות‬ 2343
Muslims muslemim ‫מוסלמים‬ 2344
weight / scale mishkal ‫משקל‬ 2345
the buildings / the constructions hamivnim ‫המבנים‬ 2346
the workers ha'ovdim ‫העובדים‬ 2347
financed mimen ‫מימן‬ 2348
hydrogen meiman
course / path / track maslul ‫מסלול‬ 2349
developed piteakh ‫פיתח‬ 2350
the competition hatakharut ‫התחרות‬ 2351
in the presence benokhekhut ‫בנוכחות‬ 2352
processes tahalikhim ‫תהליכים‬ 2353
proteins khelbonim ‫חלבונים‬ 2354
I sat (pl.) yashavti ‫ישבתי‬ 2355
the aphid haknima ‫הכנימה‬ 2356
the cattle / the controller habakar ‫הבקר‬ 2357
the morning / this morning haboker
the cowboy haboker
to sit lashevet ‫לשבת‬ 2358
need ( tsrikhim ‫צריכים‬ 2359
dead ( metim ‫מתים‬ 2360
letter mikhtav ‫מכתב‬ 2361
good ( tovim ‫טובים‬ 2362
suitable / appropriate / applicable /
identical (m.s.)
mat'im ‫מתאים‬ 2363
whistled (m.s.) sharak ‫שרק‬ 2364
I wish sherak
his head rosho ‫ראשו‬ 2365
start (f.s.) matkhila ‫מתחילה‬ 2366
the old (m.s.) hayashan ‫הישן‬ 2367
the sleeping (m.s.) hayashen
the players of / the actors of sakhkanei ‫שחקני‬ 2368
helped / assisted (m.s.) azar ‫עזר‬ 2369
aid / auxiliary ezer
pocket kis ‫כיס‬ 2370
the foundation hayesod ‫היסוד‬ 2371
gave / delivered (m.s.) masar ‫מסר‬ 2372
message meser
to work / to worship la'avod ‫לעבוד‬ 2373
to stop / to arrest la'atsor ‫לעצור‬ 2374
and the thing / and the object / and the
matter / and the item
vehadavar ‫והדבר‬ 2375

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and the plague vehadever
remnants of / survivors of sridei ‫שרידי‬ 2376
the Torah / the theory hatora ‫התורה‬ 2377
that is found / that is [at] (m.s.) hanimtsa ‫הנמצא‬ 2378
in a yard bekhatser ‫בחצר‬ 2379
in the yard bakhatser
to produce leyatser ‫לייצר‬ 2380
to return [something] lehakhzir ‫להחזיר‬ 2381
communication / media tikshoret ‫תקשורת‬ 2382
was accepted (m.s.) hitkabel ‫התקבל‬ 2383
inverts / converts / turns / becomes /
transforms (m.s.)
hofekh ‫הופך‬ 2384
examination of / test of bdikat ‫בדיקת‬ 2385
ideas ra'ayonot ‫רעיונות‬ 2386
out of them / from them mitokham ‫מתוכם‬ 2387
limited / restricted (m.s.) mugbal ‫מוגבל‬ 2388
to the east mizrakha ‫מזרחה‬ 2389
humid lakh ‫לח‬ 2390
my song / my poem shiri ‫שירי‬ 2391
equals (m.s.) / equal / identical shave ‫שווה‬ 2392
equals (f.s.) shava
action of / operation of pe'ulat ‫פעולת‬ 2393
elegant hadur ‫הדור‬ 2394
the generation hador
chalk / lime gir ‫גיר‬ 2395
in a struggle / in a fight / in a conflict bema'avak ‫במאבק‬ 2396
in the struggle / in the fight / in the
under conditions betna'im ‫בתנאים‬ 2397
under the conditions batna'im
in a context beheksher ‫בהקשר‬ 2398
in the context baheksher
failed (m.s.) nikhshal ‫נכשל‬ 2399
the parties (political) hamiflagot ‫המפלגות‬ 2400
that were used [for] sheshimshu ‫ששימשו‬ 2401
for the purpose of letsorkhei ‫לצורכי‬ 2402
the well established / the well based / that
is based [on] (m.s.)
hamevusas ‫המבוסס‬ 2403
the voices / the sounds hakolot ‫הקולות‬ 2404
legacy / inheritance moreshet ‫מורשת‬ 2405
that was formed / that was created (m.s.) shenotsar ‫שנוצר‬ 2406
the Muslim (m.s.) hamuslemi ‫המוסלמי‬ 2407
the majority harov ‫הרוב‬ 2408
wall / partition dofen ‫דופן‬ 2409

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appeared / performed (f.s.) hofi'a ‫הופיעה‬ 2410
the songs / the poems hashirim ‫השירים‬ 2411
composition herkev ‫הרכב‬ 2412
train rakevet ‫רכבת‬ 2413
you rode rakhavta
solution pitron ‫פתרון‬ 2414
include ( kolelim ‫כוללים‬ 2415
the copies hahe'etekim ‫ההעתקים‬ 2416
and the humid vehalakh ‫והלח‬ 2417
deer tsvi ‫צבי‬ 2418
statues / sculptures psalim ‫פסלים‬ 2419
the classical (f.s.) haklasit ‫הקלאסית‬ 2420
visa / permit ashra ‫אשרה‬ 2421
compounds / compositions tirkovot ‫תרכובות‬ 2422
acids khumtsot ‫חומצות‬ 2423
the mister / the master ha'adon ‫האדון‬ 2424
to hear lishmo'a ‫לשמוע‬ 2425
handsome / nice (m.s.) na'e ‫נאה‬ 2426
the wild / the son / the bar habar ‫הבר‬ 2427
want ( rotsim ‫רוצים‬ 2428
benefit / utility to'elet ‫תועלת‬ 2429
happened / occurred / cold (f.s.) / frost kara ‫קרה‬ 2430
the wall hakir ‫הקיר‬ 2431
on us / about us aleinu ‫עלינו‬ 2432
like these / like those / such ka'elu ‫כאלו‬ 2433
we were hayinu ‫היינו‬ 2434
the books hasfarim ‫הספרים‬ 2435
in the hour of / at a time of / at the time of bish'at ‫בשעת‬ 2436
to pay leshalem ‫לשלם‬ 2437
week shavu'a ‫שבוע‬ 2438
at the tip / at the end bakatse ‫בקצה‬ 2439
at a tip / at an end bekatse
at the tip of / at the end of biktse
in a winter bekhoref ‫בחורף‬ 2440
in the winter bakhoref
knew (pl.) yad'u ‫ידעו‬ 2441
to exist / to take place lehitkayem ‫להתקיים‬ 2442
the yard hakhatser ‫החצר‬ 2443
from midei ‫מידי‬ 2444
local (m.s.) mekomi ‫מקומי‬ 2445
players / actors sakhkanim ‫שחקנים‬ 2446
retired (m.s.) / rider (horse) / cavalier parash ‫פרש‬ 2447
explained / interpreted (m.s.) peresh

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the voice / the sound hakol ‫הקול‬ 2448
the real (m.s.) ha'amiti ‫האמיתי‬ 2449
the conflict hasikhsukh ‫הסכסוך‬ 2450
in a newspaper be'iton ‫בעיתון‬ 2451
in the newspaper ba'iton
and to / and a god ve'el ‫ואל‬ 2452
and don't ve'al
and later uvehemshekh ‫ובהמשך‬ 2453
and later uvahemshekh
the process hatahalikh ‫התהליך‬ 2454
the details / the individuals hapartim ‫הפרטים‬ 2455
the fingers ha'etsba'ot ‫האצבעות‬ 2456
discussed / judged (m.s.) dan ‫דן‬ 2457
on a journey bemasa ‫במסע‬ 2458
on the journey bamasa
[in] a line bekav ‫בקו‬ 2459
[in] the line bakav
goals / targets matarot ‫מטרות‬ 2460
cliff matsok ‫מצוק‬ 2461
advantage yitaron ‫יתרון‬ 2462
and in them (f.) uvahen ‫ובהן‬ 2463
left smol ‫שמאל‬ 2464
that was used [for] (m.s.) sheshimesh ‫ששימש‬ 2465
personal (m.) / private (m.) / my man / my
ishi ‫אישי‬ 2466
[in] singing / in poetry beshira ‫בשירה‬ 2467
in the singing / in the poetry bashira
in his life bekhayav ‫בחייו‬ 2468
led by behanhagat ‫בהנהגת‬ 2469
hunt tsayid ‫ציד‬ 2470
the ship ha'oniya ‫האונייה‬ 2471
authority samkhut ‫סמכות‬ 2472
that included (f.s.) shekalela ‫שכללה‬ 2473
channel of / canal of / trench of te'alat ‫תעלת‬ 2474
armor shiryon ‫שריון‬ 2475
military ( tsva'iyim ‫צבאיים‬ 2476
resisted / objected (pl.) hitnagdu ‫התנגדו‬ 2477
the background hareka ‫הרקע‬ 2478
the people / the nations (pl.) ha'amim ‫העמים‬ 2479
the ocean ha'okyanus ‫האוקיינוס‬ 2480
in the air ba'avir ‫באוויר‬ 2481
in air be'avir
and part vekhelek ‫וחלק‬ 2482

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and smooth / and slippery (m.s.) vekhalak
front / frontier khazit ‫חזית‬ 2483
the opinions hade'ot ‫הדעות‬ 2484
the international (f.s.) habeynle'umit ‫הבינלאומית‬ 2485
the religious (m.s.) hadati ‫הדתי‬ 2486
programs / plans tokhniyot ‫תוכניות‬ 2487
in a program / in a plan betokhnit ‫בתוכנית‬ 2488
in the program / in the plan batokhnit
mines / traps mokshim ‫מוקשים‬ 2489
products of mutsrei ‫מוצרי‬ 2490
investigators / researchers / investigate /
research / inquire (
khokrim ‫חוקרים‬ 2491
the statue / the sculpture hapesel ‫הפסל‬ 2492
the sculptor hapasal
geometric / of engineering (m.s.) handasi ‫הנדסי‬ 2493
in the same / at the same ( be'otam ‫באותם‬ 2494
basin / pelvis / pan agan ‫אגן‬ 2495
the theory hate'orya ‫התאוריה‬ 2496
at the end of beshilhei ‫בשלהי‬ 2497
university of universitat ‫אוניברסיטת‬ 2498
the scientific hamada'i ‫המדעי‬ 2499
hormone hormon ‫הורמון‬ 2500
[in] drugs besamim ‫בסמים‬ 2501
[in] the drugs basamim
the tuberculosis hashakhefet ‫השחפת‬ 2502
I felt / I sensed hirgashti ‫הרגשתי‬ 2503
to sleep lishon ‫לישון‬ 2504
I walked / I went halakhti ‫הלכתי‬ 2505
could (f.s.) yakhla ‫יכלה‬ 2506
lest / perhaps shema ‫שמא‬ 2507
introduced / displayed / presented /
exhibited (f.s.)
hetsiga ‫הציגה‬ 2508
far (m.s.) rakhok ‫רחוק‬ 2509
steps tsa'adim ‫צעדים‬ 2510
rope khevel ‫חבל‬ 2511
it's a pity khaval
easy / light weight (f.s.) kala ‫קלה‬ 2512
the field hasade ‫השדה‬ 2513
were seen / looked (pl.) nir'u ‫נראו‬ 2514
decision hakhlata ‫החלטה‬ 2515
her way darka ‫דרכה‬ 2516
of wood / from a tree me'ets ‫מעץ‬ 2517
down mata ‫מטה‬ 2518
stick mate

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bed mita
to/for the head larosh ‫לראש‬ 2519
to/for a head lerosh
the discussion hadiyun ‫הדיון‬ 2520
the permission hareshut ‫הרשות‬ 2521
the authority harashut
to a law lekhok ‫לחוק‬ 2522
to the law lakhok
was accepted (f.s.) hitkabla ‫התקבלה‬ 2523
the aviation hate'ufa ‫התעופה‬ 2524
deputy / vice sgan ‫סגן‬ 2525
key mafteakh ‫מפתח‬ 2526
develop (m.s.) mefateakh
for reasons / parties mesibot ‫מסיבות‬ 2527
deals / engages / works (m.s.) osek ‫עוסק‬ 2528
Hebrew (adj.) ivri ‫עברי‬ 2529
the events ha'eru'im ‫האירועים‬ 2530
knew / recognized (m.s.) hikir ‫הכיר‬ 2531
under trial / [in] experience / in an
benisayon ‫בניסיון‬ 2532
sum s'khum ‫סכום‬ 2533
burden / load masa ‫משא‬ 2534
negotiation masa [umatan]
combination shiluv ‫שילוב‬ 2535
question of she'elat ‫שאלת‬ 2536
you asked (m.s.) sha'alta
you asked (f.s.) sha'alt
left (m.s.) azav ‫עזב‬ 2537
was passed / was transferred (m.s.) hu'avar ‫הועבר‬ 2538
the development hapituakh ‫הפיתוח‬ 2539
the important hakhashuv ‫החשוב‬ 2540
in the state of bimdinat ‫במדינת‬ 2541
in a building / in the building [of] bebinyan ‫בבניין‬ 2542
in the building babinyan
to the south daroma ‫דרומה‬ 2543
the battles hakravot ‫הקרבות‬ 2544
that/who are getting close / that/who
approach (
areas / fields / territories shtakhim ‫שטחים‬ 2545
the warrior halokhem ‫הלוחם‬ 2546
legal (f.s.) / legally khukit ‫חוקית‬ 2547
social (m.s.) khevrati ‫חברתי‬ 2548
my friend (f.s.) khaverti

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the rival / the opponent / the enemy (m.s.) hayariv ‫היריב‬ 2549
struggle / fight / conflict ma'avak ‫מאבק‬ 2550
opinions de'ot ‫דעות‬ 2551
who claim / that/who charge / that/who
load (m.)
hato'anim ‫הטוענים‬ 2552
wide (f.s.) rekhava ‫רחבה‬ 2553
square rakhava
was/is caught / was/is perceived (m.s.) nitpas ‫נתפס‬ 2554
studied / learned (m.s.) lamad ‫למד‬ 2555
teach (m.s. imperative) / learns (m.s.) lamed
the communist (m.s.) hakomunisti ‫הקומוניסטי‬ 2556
in connection / in relation / in contact /
bekesher ‫בקשר‬ 2557
relayed / counted [on] samakh ‫סמך‬ 2558
we will say / let us say / let us suppose nomar ‫נאמר‬ 2559
disagreement makhloket ‫מחלוקת‬ 2560
and from there umisham ‫ומשם‬ 2561
might / made of (f.s.) asuya ‫עשויה‬ 2562
the local (f.s.) hamekomit ‫המקומית‬ 2563
the margins / the edges / the fringe hashulayim ‫השוליים‬ 2564
the rule / all haklal ‫הכלל‬ 2565
the temperature hatemperatura ‫הטמפרטורה‬ 2566
age / joy gil ‫גיל‬ 2567
hole / pit bor ‫בור‬ 2568
ignorant / fallow bur
in an organization / in organizing be'irgun ‫בארגון‬ 2569
in the organization ba'irgun
and a house / and a home uvait ‫ובית‬ 2570
ties of / bonds of / links of / connections of kishrei ‫קשרי‬ 2571
future atid ‫עתיד‬ 2572
[in] a source / by a beak bemakor ‫במקור‬ 2573
originally / by the beak bamakor
on the road badrakhim ‫בדרכים‬ 2574
collection (of liquid) / drainage hikavut ‫היקוות‬ 2575
the institute / the Mossad (the Israeli
intelligence agency)
hamosad ‫המוסד‬ 2576
identity zehut ‫זהות‬ 2577
note / mark / indicate (m.s.) metsayen ‫מציין‬ 2578
creates (m.s.) / creator / artist / maker yotser ‫יוצר‬ 2579
was produced / was made yutsar
enables / facilitates (f.s.) me'afsheret ‫מאפשרת‬ 2580
green (m.s.) yarok ‫ירוק‬ 2581
and in all uvkhol ‫ובכל‬ 2582
noon hatsohorayim ‫הצהריים‬ 2583

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straight / honest (m.s.) yashar ‫ישר‬ 2584
his face panav ‫פניו‬ 2585
approved / confirmed (m.s.) isher ‫אישר‬ 2586
died (pl.) metu ‫מתו‬ 2587
temporary (f.s.) / temporarily zmanit ‫לזמן‬ 2588
explained (m.s.) hisbir ‫הסביר‬ 2589
the reasonable / the likely (m.s.) hasavir
on whom / on which / about whom /
about which (m.s.)
she'alav ‫שעליו‬ 2590
the gate hasha'ar ‫השער‬ 2591
the near / the confident (m.s.) hasamukh ‫הסמוך‬ 2592
continuously birtsifut ‫ברציפות‬ 2593
to edit / to arrange / to hold la'arokh ‫לערוך‬ 2594
the side hatsad ‫הצד‬ 2595
agreed (m.s.) hiskim ‫הסכים‬ 2596
in a heart belev ‫בלב‬ 2597
in the heart balev
at the beginning of / at a doorway / in an
befetakh ‫בפתח‬ 2598
at the door / in the opening bapetakh
in color betseva ‫בצבע‬ 2599
[in] the color batseva
rare (m.s.) nadir ‫נדיר‬ 2600
to the community of letsibur ‫לציבור‬ 2601
to the public latsibur
the justice hatsedek ‫הצדק‬ 2602
the present / the current hanokhekhi ‫הנוכחי‬ 2603
easily bekalut ‫בקלות‬ 2604
rode (m.s.) rakhav ‫רכב‬ 2605
vehicle rekhev
decisive / definite / total (m.s.) mukhlat ‫מוחלט‬ 2606
to/for a period / to/for an era letkufa ‫לתקופה‬ 2607
to/for the period / to/for the era latkufa
to develop lefateakh ‫לפתח‬ 2608
to/for the leg laregel ‫לרגל‬ 2609
pilgrimage [aliya] laregel
to/for a leg / on the occasion of / because
to spy leragel
support tmikha ‫תמיכה‬ 2610
picture tmuna ‫תמונה‬ 2611
chapters / joints prakim ‫פרקים‬ 2612
the goal / the target hamatara ‫המטרה‬ 2613
were discovered hitgalu ‫התגלו‬ 2614

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that are found / that are [at] ( hanimtsa'im ‫הנמצאים‬ 2615
causes (f.s.) goremet ‫גורמת‬ 2616
was left (f.s.) notra ‫נותרה‬ 2617
his army tsva'o ‫צבאו‬ 2618
crowded tsav'u
the free ( hakhofshit ‫החופשית‬ 2619
control shlita ‫שליטה‬ 2620
passing of / transfer of ha'avarat ‫העברת‬ 2621
signed (m.s.) khatam ‫חתם‬ 2622
positions amadot ‫עמדות‬ 2623
cancellation bitul ‫ביטול‬ 2624
attacked (m.s.) takaf ‫תקף‬ 2625
valid (m.s.) takef
the citizen (m.s.) ha'ezrakh ‫האזרח‬ 2626
to supply / to provide lesapek ‫לספק‬ 2627
in actions bif'ulot ‫בפעולות‬ 2628
to determine / to set likbo'a ‫לקבוע‬ 2629
tribe shevet ‫שבט‬ 2630
the fifth month in the Jewish calendar Shvat
appear / perform ( mofi'im ‫מופיעים‬ 2631
the headquarters of mifkedet ‫מפקדת‬ 2632
identification zihui ‫זיהוי‬ 2633
participated (m.s.) hishtatef ‫השתתף‬ 2634
in a role of betafkid ‫בתפקיד‬ 2635
in the role of batafkid
settlement hityashvut ‫התיישבות‬ 2636
the distance hamerkhak ‫המרחק‬ 2637
existence / survival / holding of /
fulfillment of
kiyum ‫קיום‬ 2638
fields / areas / ranges tkhumim ‫תחומים‬ 2639
the style / the manner hasignon ‫הסגנון‬ 2640
[receive] an award / [win] a prize bifras ‫בפרס‬ 2641
[receive] the award / [win] the prize bapras
the materials hakhomarim ‫החומרים‬ 2642
the masters / Mr. (pl.) ha'adonim ‫האדונים‬ 2643
tomorrow makhar ‫מחר‬ 2644
and now veka'et ‫וכעת‬ 2645
the kingdom / the kingship hamalkhut ‫המלכות‬ 2646
the queens hamalkot
map mapa ‫מפה‬ 2647
certainly / of course vadai ‫ודאי‬ 2648
certain / undoubted vada'i
the money hakesef ‫הכסף‬ 2649

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the flowers haprakhim ‫הפרחים‬ 2650
for children leyeladim ‫לילדים‬ 2651
for the children layeladim
stated / declared (m.s.) hits'hir ‫הצהיר‬ 2652
thought makhshava ‫מחשבה‬ 2653
according to him lidvarav ‫לדבריו‬ 2654
without belo ‫בלא‬ 2655
when she keshehi ‫כשהיא‬ 2656
walk / go (f.s.) holekhet ‫הולכת‬ 2657
the small / the little / reduction /
minimizing (f.s.)
haktana ‫הקטנה‬ 2658
music muzika ‫מוזיקה‬ 2659
hit / stroke / blow maka ‫מכה‬ 2660
bring (m.s.) mevi ‫מביא‬ 2661
try (m.s.) menase ‫מנסה‬ 2662
that is not / that is not here (f.s.) she'eina ‫שאינה‬ 2663
the result / the outcome / the
hatotsa'a ‫התוצאה‬ 2664
in my mouth / in the mouth of befi ‫בפי‬ 2665
to a site le'atar ‫לאתר‬ 2666
to the site la'atar
to locate le'ater
to/for achievements lehesegim ‫להישגים‬ 2667
to kill laharog ‫להרוג‬ 2668
insulin insulin ‫אינסולין‬ 2669
guest / visitor oreakh ‫אורח‬ 2670
way / manner orakh
his daughter bito ‫בתו‬ 2671
[by] the method bashita ‫בשיטה‬ 2672
[by] a method beshita
was loaded / was claimed / we will claim nit'an ‫נטען‬ 2673
advance / advanced ( mitkadmim ‫מתקדמים‬ 2674
plant / factory mif'al ‫מפעל‬ 2675
to the people of / for the people of le'anshei ‫לאנשי‬ 2676
amen amen ‫אמן‬ 2677
artist oman
their mother (f.) iman
any / of any kind (f.s.) kolshehi ‫כלשהי‬ 2678
happened (m.s.) hitrakhesh ‫התרחש‬ 2679
growing ( gdelim ‫גדלים‬ 2680
sizes gdalim
reason siba ‫סיבה‬ 2681
the nationalists hale'umanim ‫הלאומנים‬ 2682

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invasion plisha ‫פלישה‬ 2683
in combat belekhima ‫בלחימה‬ 2684
in the combat balekhima
his plan / his program / his layout tokhnito ‫תוכניתו‬ 2685
were stopped / were arrested ne'etsru ‫נעצרו‬ 2686
the committee / the commission hava'ada ‫הוועדה‬ 2687
the reasons hasibot ‫הסיבות‬ 2688
union ikhud ‫איחוד‬ 2689
population ukhlusiya ‫אוכלוסייה‬ 2690
effort ma'amats ‫מאמץ‬ 2691
the kingdom / the kingship hamelukha ‫המלוכה‬ 2692
the local (m.s.) hamekomi ‫המקומי‬ 2693
in the areas of be'ezorei ‫באזורי‬ 2694
regimental gdudi ‫גדודי‬ 2695
regiments of gdudei
a weight of / by weight bemishkal ‫במשקל‬ 2696
partially khelkit ‫חלקית‬ 2697
the personal / the private (m.s.) ha'ishi ‫האישי‬ 2698
the sword hakherev ‫החרב‬ 2699
in democracy bedemokratya ‫בדמוקרטיה‬ 2700
in the democracy bademokratya
disease of makhalat ‫מחלת‬ 2701
from the period / from the era mehatkufa ‫מהתקופה‬ 2702
system / mechanism manganon ‫מנגנון‬ 2703
to/for the activity lape'ilut ‫לפעילות‬ 2704
to/for an activity lepe'ilut
and late veme'ukhar ‫ומאוחר‬ 2705
chess shakhmat ‫שחמט‬ 2706
effect efekt ‫אפקט‬ 2707
they are / are (m.) hinam ‫הינם‬ 2708
used (m.s.) hishtamesh ‫השתמש‬ 2709
the philosopher hafilosof ‫הפילוסוף‬ 2710
the historical (m.s.) hahistori ‫ההיסטורי‬ 2711
the shapes / the figures / the characters hadmuyot ‫הדמויות‬ 2712
heights / levels ramot ‫רמות‬ 2713
artistic / figurative tsiyuri ‫ציורי‬ 2714
[in] a flag bedegel ‫בדגל‬ 2715
[in] the flag badegel
the stage habima ‫הבימה‬ 2716
Zionism hatsiyonut ‫הציונות‬ 2717
list reshima ‫רשימה‬ 2718
for the production of lehafakat ‫להפקת‬ 2719
climate aklim ‫אקלים‬ 2720

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the university ha'universita ‫האוניברסיטה‬ 2721
scientific mada'i ‫מדעי‬ 2722
his studies limudav ‫לימודיו‬ 2723
in competition betakharut ‫בתחרות‬ 2724
in the competition batakharut
arsenal arsenal ‫ארסנל‬ 2725
grace / charm khen ‫חן‬ 2726
and here is vehine ‫והנה‬ 2727
object khefets ‫חפץ‬ 2728
want (m.s.) khafets
wanted (m.s.) khafats
bad (f.s.) / grazed (sheep) (m.s.) ra'a ‫רעה‬ 2729
alone levad ‫לבד‬ 2730
totally / entirely / completely klil ‫כליל‬ 2731
job / position misra ‫משרה‬ 2732
marinade mishra
inspires / induces / marinades (m.s.) mashre
inspires / induces / marinades (f.s.) mashra
inside him/it betokho ‫בתוכו‬ 2733
flavor / taste / reason ta'am ‫טעם‬ 2734
tasted (m.s.) ta'am
the priest / the Cohen hakohen ‫הכהן‬ 2735
raised / increased / lifted / brought up
he'ela ‫העלה‬ 2736
gives (m.s.) noten ‫נותן‬ 2737
and it seems / and visible / and apparent /
and we will see
venir'e ‫ונראה‬ 2738
and seemed / and was visible / and was
the patient / the sick hakhole ‫החולה‬ 2739
the men hagvarim ‫הגברים‬ 2740
for / in honor of / on the occasion of likhvod ‫לכבוד‬ 2741
skin or ‫עור‬ 2742
field / yard migrash ‫מגרש‬ 2743
to open liftoakh ‫לפתוח‬ 2744
but/ however / and a hall ve'ulam ‫ואולם‬ 2745
the bridge hagesher ‫הגשר‬ 2746
murder retsakh ‫רצח‬ 2747
murdered (m.s.) ratsakh
fields sadot ‫שדות‬ 2748
help / assistance / aid ezra ‫עזרה‬ 2749
dark kehe ‫כהה‬ 2750
spent / took out / published (m.s.) hotsi ‫הוציא‬ 2751

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the plants hatsmakhim ‫הצמחים‬ 2752
the near / the confident ( hasmukhim ‫הסמוכים‬ 2753
generation dor ‫דור‬ 2754
subjects / carriers / carry / marry ( nos'im ‫נושאים‬ 2755
my office / clerical / ministerial misradi ‫משרדי‬ 2756
the offices of misradei
my offices misradai
shortage / lack / deficiency makhsor ‫מחסור‬ 2757
discovers (m.s.) megale ‫מגלה‬ 2758
old / ancient / east kedem ‫קדם‬ 2759
preceded kadam
pre- kdam
lake agam ‫אגם‬ 2760
the poet hameshorer ‫המשורר‬ 2761
the muscles hashririm ‫השרירים‬ 2762
the past ha'avar ‫העבר‬ 2763
pass / transfer (m.s. impertaive) ha'aver
the official harishmi ‫הרשמי‬ 2764
with weapon beneshek ‫בנשק‬ 2765
with the weapon baneshek
rock / cliff tsur ‫צור‬ 2766
driver / drove / used to (m.s.) nahag ‫נהג‬ 2767
required nidrash ‫נדרש‬ 2768
to/for a victory lenitsakhon ‫לניצחון‬ 2769
to/for the victory lanitsakhon
occupied / conquered (pl.) kavshu ‫כבשו‬ 2770
victims korbanot ‫קורבנות‬ 2771
the walls hakhomot ‫החומות‬ 2772
general general ‫גנרל‬ 2773
were performed buts'u ‫בוצעו‬ 2774
the commanders of mefakdei ‫מפקדי‬ 2775
the censuses of / the musters of nifkadei
to an occupation lekibush ‫לכיבוש‬ 2776
to the occupation lakibush
the supporters of tomkhei ‫תומכי‬ 2777
to rule / to control lishlot ‫לשלוט‬ 2778
to/for goals / to/for targets lematarot ‫למטרות‬ 2779
to/for the goals / to/for the targets lamatarot
to/for the goals of / to/for the targets of lematrot
the square / the loaf hakikar ‫הכיכר‬ 2780
tension / suspense / voltage / trapeze metakh ‫מתח‬ 2781
stretched (m.s.) matakh

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occurs khal ‫חל‬ 2782
the ties / the bonds / the links / the
haksharim ‫הקשרים‬ 2783
contexts heksherim
the proclamation of / the announcement
of / the declaration of
hakhrazat ‫הכרזת‬ 2784
advance / advanced (m.s.) mitkadem ‫מתקדם‬ 2785
connects / links / author (m.s.) mekhaber ‫מחבר‬ 2786
connector makhber
from a friend mekhaver
to/for the change lashinui ‫לשינוי‬ 2787
to/for a change leshinui
to identify lezahot ‫לזהות‬ 2788
statue / sculpture pesel ‫פסל‬ 2789
sculptor / rejected / disqualified (m.s.) pasal
the term / that is placed / that is laid / that
is lying
hamunakh ‫המונח‬ 2790
the accepted / the conventional / the
popular (m.s.)
hamekubal ‫המקובל‬ 2791
the literature hasifrut ‫הספרות‬ 2792
the hairdressing hasaparut
the digits hasfarot
television televizya ‫טלוויזיה‬ 2793
average (m.s.) memutsa ‫ממוצע‬ 2794
that/who won (m.s.) shezakha ‫שזכה‬ 2795
layers shkhavot ‫שכבות‬ 2796
hits / impacts / damages / offenses pgi'ot ‫פגיעות‬ 2797
the languages / the edges hasafot ‫השפות‬ 2798
the fire ha'esh ‫האש‬ 2799
the writing haktiva ‫הכתיבה‬ 2800
differences hevdelim ‫הבדלים‬ 2801
the run haritsa ‫הריצה‬ 2802
ran [something] (f.s.) heritsa
mentioned (m.s.) muzkar ‫מוזכר‬ 2803
level miflas ‫מפלס‬ 2804
breaks through / levels (v.) (m.s.) mefales
bodies gufim ‫גופים‬ 2805
the characteristics hame'afyenim ‫המאפיינים‬ 2806
genetic (f.s.) genetit ‫גנטית‬ 2807
the corals ha'almogim ‫האלמוגים‬ 2808
the flies hazvuvim ‫הזבובים‬ 2809
in me bekirbi ‫בקרבי‬ 2810
laughed (m.s.) tsakhak ‫צחק‬ 2811
recognizes / familiar with (m.s.) mekir ‫מכיר‬ 2812

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my voice koli ‫קולי‬ 2813
the sky hashamayim ‫השמים‬ 2814
photograph / photography tsilum ‫צילום‬ 2815
was delivered / was handed (m.s.) nimsar ‫נמסר‬ 2816
belongs / relevant (m.s.) shayakh ‫שייך‬ 2817
in what / how bame ‫במה‬ 2818
readers / read / call ( kor'im ‫קוראים‬ 2819
in the ground ba'adama ‫באדמה‬ 2820
in soil / in a ground be'adama
plant tsemakh ‫צמח‬ 2821
narrow / enemy / lays siege to / created /
shaped / sorry (m.s.)
tsar ‫צר‬ 2822
remained / were left / stayed (pl.) nish'aru ‫נשארו‬ 2823
soon mehera ‫מהרה‬ 2824
that/who came (pl.) sheba'u ‫שבאו‬ 2825
easy / light weight / slightly ( kalot ‫קלות‬ 2826
branches of / fields of anfei ‫ענפי‬ 2827
guard / keeps / protects (m.s.) shomer ‫שומר‬ 2828
black ( skhorim ‫שחורים‬ 2829
business asakim ‫עסקים‬ 2830
temporary (m.) / my time zmani ‫זמני‬ 2831
second shniya ‫שנייה‬ 2832
innocent / eligible zakai ‫זכאי‬ 2833
referred to / applied (m.s.) hityakhes ‫התייחס‬ 2834
cast / threw / projected / laid eggs (pl.) hetilu ‫הטילו‬ 2835
and when / and while veka'asher ‫וכאשר‬ 2836
donkey khamor ‫חמור‬ 2837
serious / severe (m.s.) khamur
possible (f.s.) efsharit ‫אפשרית‬ 2838
humane (m.s.) enoshi ‫אנושי‬ 2839
decided (f.s.) hekhlita ‫החליטה‬ 2840
the right / the privilege hazkhut ‫הזכות‬ 2841
the similar (m.s.) hadome ‫הדומה‬ 2842
soon bimhera ‫במהרה‬ 2843
come down (m.s. imperative) red ‫רד‬ 2844
from here mikan ‫מכאן‬ 2845
nail masmer ‫מסמר‬ 2846
to/for the rabbi larav ‫לרב‬ 2847
to/for a rabbi lerav
mostly / in most cases / usually larov
to move lanu'a ‫לנוע‬ 2848
that/who brought (pl.) shehevi'u ‫שהביאו‬ 2849
arch / bow / rainbow / curvature keshet ‫קשת‬ 2850

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Sagittarius kashat
soil / ground / land karka ‫קרקע‬ 2851
broke into / broke out / burst (pl.) partsu ‫פרצו‬ 2852
plot / deed / libel / false charge alila ‫עלילה‬ 2853
loss ovdan ‫אובדן‬ 2854
collection osef ‫אוסף‬ 2855
collect (m.s.) osef
failure kishalon ‫כישלון‬ 2856
the eastern (f.s.) hamizrakhit ‫המזרחית‬ 2857
the meat habasar ‫הבשר‬ 2858
imagination / fantasy / resemblance dimyon ‫דמיון‬ 2859
goal gol ‫גול‬ 2860
stories sipurim ‫סיפורים‬ 2861
moves (m.s.) na ‫נע‬ 2862
qualified / eligible / able kashir ‫כשיר‬ 2863
reinforcement / contingent tigboret ‫תגבורת‬ 2864
the prisoners (of war) hashvuyim ‫השבויים‬ 2865
withdrew / retreated (pl.) nasogu ‫נסוגו‬ 2866
casualties harugim ‫הרוגים‬ 2867
airplanes metosim ‫מטוסים‬ 2868
the officers haktsinim ‫הקצינים‬ 2869
bay mifrats ‫מפרץ‬ 2870
were spent / ware taken out / were
huts'u ‫הוצאו‬ 2871
languages / edges safot ‫שפות‬ 2872
the languages of / the edges of sfot
order tsav ‫צו‬ 2873
his kingship malkhuto ‫מלכותו‬ 2874
His Majesty [hod] malkhuto
the director habamai ‫הבמאי‬ 2875
liberal liberalit ‫ליברלית‬ 2876
and they are/were led by ( uverosham ‫ובראשם‬ 2877
and in addition uvnosaf ‫ובנוסף‬ 2878
in collaboration / in cooperation / in
beshituf ‫בשיתוף‬ 2879
to appear / to perform lehofi'a ‫להופיע‬ 2880
for the building of livniyat ‫לבניית‬ 2881
segment / section keta ‫קטע‬ 2882
the places hamekomot ‫המקומות‬ 2883
the artists ha'omanim ‫האמנים‬ 2884
of study / tutorial limudi ‫לימודי‬ 2885
the studies of limudei
my studies limudai
to observe lehavkhin ‫להבחין‬ 2886

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characters / attributes tkhunot ‫תכונות‬ 2887
and won (m.s.) vezakha ‫וזכה‬ 2888
and pure (f.s.) vezaka
explosion pitsuts ‫פיצוץ‬ 2889
work of avodat ‫עבודת‬ 2890
training / practice imunim ‫אימונים‬ 2891
the site / the defined area hamitkham ‫המתחם‬ 2892
the medium / the mediocre habeynoni ‫הבינוני‬ 2893
the blind (pl.) ha'ivrim ‫העיוורים‬ 2894
exit of yesti'at ‫יציאת‬ 2895
in the fields of / in the areas of / in the
ranges of
bitkhumei ‫בתחומי‬ 2896
production of hafakat ‫הפקת‬ 2897
the mourning ha'evel ‫האבל‬ 2898
the mourner ha'avel
album albom ‫אלבום‬ 2899
marathon maraton ‫מרתון‬ 2900
the race hameruts ‫המירוץ‬ 2901
the sward / the fencing hasayif ‫הסיף‬ 2902
nothing me'uma ‫מאומה‬ 2903
the honor / the glory / the respect / the
hakavod ‫הכבוד‬ 2904
the princess hanesikha ‫הנסיכה‬ 2905
certainly behekhlet ‫בהחלט‬ 2906
the nest haken ‫הקן‬ 2907
will come (m.s.) yavo ‫יבוא‬ 2908
you will be able / she will be able tukhal ‫תוכל‬ 2909
did (f.s.) asta ‫עשתה‬ 2910
the liberation hashikhrur ‫השחרור‬ 2911
wanted (pl.) ratsu ‫רצו‬ 2912
ran (pl.) ratsu
written (m.s.) katuv ‫כתוב‬ 2913
write (m.s. imperative) ktov
showed (m.s.) her'a ‫הראה‬ 2914
goes down / comes down / descends /
decreases (m.s.)
yored ‫יורד‬ 2915
before him / in front of him / to/for his
lefanav ‫לפניו‬ 2916
pass / cross / go through ( ovrim ‫עוברים‬ 2917
proclaimed / announced / declared (f.s.) hikhriza ‫הכריזה‬ 2918
the problem habe'aya ‫הבעיה‬ 2919
comfortable (m.s.) noakh ‫נוח‬ 2920
together yakhdav ‫יחדיו‬ 2921
to give up / to waive levater ‫לוותר‬ 2922

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for life / to life lekhayim ‫לחיים‬ 2923
cheers lekhayim
to the life / for the life / for the living lakhayim
evacuation pinui ‫פינוי‬ 2924
his body gufo ‫גופו‬ 2925
at the Knesset bakneset ‫בכנסת‬ 2926
manager / manages (m.s.) menahel ‫מנהל‬ 2927
administration / management minhal
to refer lehityakhes ‫להתייחס‬ 2928
southern (f.s.) dromit ‫דרומית‬ 2929
borders / limits gvulot ‫גבולות‬ 2930
goal / target matara ‫מטרה‬ 2931
to combine / to integrate leshalev ‫לשלב‬ 2932
to/for the stage / to/for the phase / to/for
the rung
to/for a stage / to/for a phase / to/for a
to the south ladarom ‫לדרום‬ 2933
to the south ledarom
to the south of lidrom
video vidyo ‫וידאו‬ 2934
liberation / release shikhrur ‫שחרור‬ 2935
hit / damaged / offended (pl.) pag'u ‫פגעו‬ 2936
the islands of iyei ‫איי‬ 2937
the music hamuzika ‫המוזיקה‬ 2938
the cases / the events / the incidents hamikrim ‫המקרים‬ 2939
the holy (m.s.) hakadosh ‫הקדוש‬ 2940
the entrance haknisa ‫הכניסה‬ 2941
inserted / entered (f.s.) hikhnisa
the sport hasport ‫הספורט‬ 2942
in an interview bere'ayon ‫בראיון‬ 2943
in the interview bare'ayon
in shapes / in forms betsurot ‫בצורות‬ 2944
in the shapes / in the forms batsurot
in the area basviva ‫בסביבה‬ 2945
attack mitkafa ‫מתקפה‬ 2946
the division hadivizya ‫הדיוויזיה‬ 2947
the fortifications habitsurim ‫הביצורים‬ 2948
in camps / in groups bemakhanot ‫במחנות‬ 2949
in the camps / in the groups bamakhanot
the constitution hakhuka ‫החוקה‬ 2950
in a battle / in a campaign / in an act bema'arakha ‫במערכה‬ 2951
in the battle / in the campaign / in the act bama'arakha

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for a pact / for a alliance / for a covenant /
for a circumcision
lebrit ‫לברית‬ 2952
for the pact / for the alliance / for the
covenant / for the circumcision
held / kept / owned (pl.) hekheziku ‫החזיקו‬ 2953
dealt / engaged / worked (pl.) asku ‫עסקו‬ 2954
the known (f.s.) hayedu'a ‫הידועה‬ 2955
in a direction / in an adjustment / in tuning bekivun ‫בכיוון‬ 2956
the the direction / in the adjustment / in
the tuning
the kingdom of mamlekhet ‫ממלכת‬ 2957
documents mismakhim ‫מסמכים‬ 2958
[from now] on va'eilakh ‫ואילך‬ 2959
that/who received / that/who accepted
shekiblu ‫שקיבלו‬ 2960
their nation / their people amam ‫עמם‬ 2961
with them imam
ceremony tekes ‫טקס‬ 2962
breakthrough of / burglary of / irruption of pritsat ‫פריצת‬ 2963
historical ( historiyim ‫היסטוריים‬ 2964
the hit / the impact / the damage / the
hapgi'a ‫הפגיעה‬ 2965
grain / nucleus gar'in ‫גרעין‬ 2966
in the formation of / in the creation of / in
the artistic work of / in the composition of
biytsirat ‫ביצירת‬ 2967
contains (m.s.) mekhil ‫מכיל‬ 2968
fields of / areas of / ranges of tkhumei ‫תחומי‬ 2969
theory te'orya ‫תאוריה‬ 2970
who wrote (m.s.) / that was written by shekatav ‫שכתב‬ 2971
the course / the path / the track hamaslul ‫המסלול‬ 2972
the many ( harabim ‫הרבים‬ 2973
settlement yishuv ‫יישוב‬ 2974
the quarter harova ‫הרובע‬ 2975
in periods / in eras betkufot ‫בתקופות‬ 2976
in the periods / in the eras batkufot
for development lepitu'akh ‫לפיתוח‬ 2977
for the development lapitu'akh
cinema kolno'a ‫קולנוע‬ 2978
under the influence of / under the effect
behashpa'at ‫בהשפעת‬ 2979
science mada ‫מדע‬ 2980
the natural (f.s.) hativ'it ‫הטבעית‬ 2981
the diplomacy hadiplomatya ‫הדיפלומטיה‬ 2982
count ( / authors sofrim ‫סופרים‬ 2983
researches / studies mekhkarim ‫מחקרים‬ 2984

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the statues / the sculptures hapsalim ‫הפסלים‬ 2985
in the research of bekheker ‫בחקר‬ 2986
in a kind / in a class / in a type besug ‫בסוג‬ 2987
muscles shririm ‫שרירים‬ 2988
the memory hazekher ‫הזכר‬ 2989
the male hazakhar
whistle shrika ‫שריקה‬ 2990
know (f.s.) yoda'at ‫יודעת‬ 2991
think (f.s.) khoshevet ‫חושבת‬ 2992
I heard shamati ‫שמעתי‬ 2993
say (f.s.) omeret ‫אומרת‬ 2994
which / what (f.) eizo ‫איזו‬ 2995
the hunger hara'av ‫הרעב‬ 2996
the hungry hara'ev
forward / before / in the past lefanim ‫לפנים‬ 2997
for a face lepanim
for the face lapanim
prestige yukra ‫יקרה‬ 2998
and there was / and there shall be
vayehi ‫ויהי‬ 2999
cars (of a train) / wagons kronot ‫קרונות‬ 3000
to/for a man / to/for a person le'ish ‫לאיש‬ 3001
to/for the man / to/for the person la'ish
believes / believer (m.s.) ma'amin ‫מאמין‬ 3002
the miracle hanes ‫הנס‬ 3003
joy / happiness simkha ‫שמחה‬ 3004
glad / happy (f.s.) smekha
was glad / was happy (f.s.) samkha
his legs raglav ‫רגליו‬ 3005
apples of tapukhei ‫תפוחי‬ 3006
onion batsal ‫בצל‬ 3007
in the shadow batsel
in the shadow of betsel
to know / to recognize lehakir ‫להכיר‬ 3008
to manage lenahel ‫לנהל‬ 3009
turns (m.s.) pone ‫פונה‬ 3010
turns (f.s.) pona
was evacuated (m.s.) puna
in a hand beyad ‫ביד‬ 3011
in the hand / by hand bayad
the camp / the group hamakhane ‫המחנה‬ 3012
smooth (f.) khalaka ‫חלקה‬ 3013
shared / disagreed / differed (f.s.) khalka

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lot khelka
permission reshut ‫רשות‬ 3014
authority rashut
dwelling mishkan ‫משכן‬ 3015
to note / to mark / to point out / to grade letsiyun ‫לציון‬ 3016
to Zion letsiyon
market shuk ‫שוק‬ 3017
shock / leg shok
corner pina ‫פינה‬ 3018
editor / arranges / holds (m.s.) orekh ‫עורך‬ 3019
her father aviha ‫אביה‬ 3020
my father / the father of avi ‫אבי‬ 3021
as a head / as the head of kerosh ‫כראש‬ 3022
his home beito ‫ביתו‬ 3023
ship sfina ‫ספינה‬ 3024
drive / do usually ( nohagim ‫נוהגים‬ 3025
is used for (f.s.) meshameshet ‫משמשת‬ 3026
to support litmokh ‫לתמוך‬ 3027
to enter lehikanes ‫להיכנס‬ 3028
that inverted / that converted / that
turned / that become / that transformed shehafakh ‫שהפך‬ 3029
that started (m.s.) shehekhel ‫שהחל‬ 3030
who prepared / who made arrangements /
that were held / that were edited (pl.)
shene'erkhu ‫שנערכו‬ 3031
independent (f.s.) atsma'it ‫עצמאית‬ 3032
lost (pl.) ibdu ‫איבדו‬ 3033
watched / prophesied khaza ‫חזה‬ 3034
chest / breast khaze
disaster ason ‫אסון‬ 3035
were introduced / were displayed / were
presented / were exhibited (pl.)
hutsgu ‫הוצגו‬ 3036
the legal (m.s.) hakhuki ‫החוקי‬ 3037
the end / the final hagmar ‫הגמר‬ 3038
by means be'emtsa'im ‫באמצעים‬ 3039
in part / in his part bekhelko ‫בחלקו‬ 3040
yellow tsahov ‫צהוב‬ 3041
his powers / his forces / his strengths kokhotav ‫כוחותיו‬ 3042
the progress hahitkadmut ‫ההתקדמות‬ 3043
for receiving / for the acceptance of lekabalat ‫לקבלת‬ 3044
[in] a rebellion bemered ‫במרד‬ 3045
[in] the rebellion bamered
commerce / trade sakhar ‫סחר‬ 3046
traded (m.s.) sakhar

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the left hasmol ‫השמאל‬ 3047
wide / broad ( nirkhavim ‫נרחבים‬ 3048
sleep sheina ‫שינה‬ 3049
economic (m.s.) kalkali ‫כלכלי‬ 3050
claims / arguments ta'anot ‫טענות‬ 3051
for a reason [of] / party mesiba ‫מסיבה‬ 3052
that was established (m.s.) shehukam ‫שהוקם‬ 3053
the areas / the regions / the zones ha'ezorim ‫האזורים‬ 3054
died / deceased / got rid of (m.s.) niftar ‫נפטר‬ 3055
brings closer (m.s.) mekarev ‫מקרב‬ 3056
from a battle mikrav
had an effect / influenced (f.s.) hishpi'a ‫השפיעה‬ 3057
clear / obvious (f.s.) brura ‫ברורה‬ 3058
literature sifrut ‫ספרות‬ 3059
hair dressing saparut
digits sfarot
valley emek ‫עמק‬ 3060
security / confidence bitakhon ‫ביטחון‬ 3061
in parts bekhalakim ‫בחלקים‬ 3062
compared behashva'a ‫בהשוואה‬ 3063
transverse / lateral rokhbi ‫רחבי‬ 3064
pictures tmunot ‫תמונות‬ 3065
theories te'oryot ‫תאוריות‬ 3066
shared (pl.) khalku ‫חלקו‬ 3067
his share / his part khelko
that/who are tied / that/who are linked /
that/who are connected (
hakshurim ‫הקשורים‬ 3068
that/who deal / that/who engage / work
ha'oskim ‫העוסקים‬ 3069
these days beyameinu ‫בימינו‬ 3070
branch snif ‫סניף‬ 3071
Jewish ( yehudiyim ‫יהודיים‬ 3072
the Zionist (m.s.) hatsiyoni ‫הציוני‬ 3073
rabbi / their rabbi (f.) raban ‫רבן‬ 3074
protruding / stands out (f.s.) boletet ‫בולטת‬ 3075
are included [in] / are counted ( nimnim ‫נמנים‬ 3076
on average bememutsa ‫בממוצע‬ 3077
plot of / deed of / libel of / false charge of alilat ‫עלילת‬ 3078
in competitions betakhruyot ‫בתחרויות‬ 3079
the natural ( hativ'iyim ‫הטבעיים‬ 3080
movies of sirtei ‫סרטי‬ 3081
riding rekhiva ‫רכיבה‬ 3082
the simple of pshutei ‫פשוטי‬ 3083
the working class pshutei [ha'am]

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the mechanics hamekhanika ‫המכניקה‬ 3084
must / debtor (f.s.) khayevet ‫חייבת‬ 3085
you are not einkha ‫אינך‬ 3086
organized (m.s.) mesudar ‫מסודר‬ 3087
to believe leha'amin ‫להאמין‬ 3088
the hill hagiv'a ‫הגבעה‬ 3089
fat (adj.) (f.s.) shmena ‫שמנה‬ 3090
weighed (m.s.) shakal ‫שקל‬ 3091
Shekel (the Israeli currency) shekel
plowed field nir ‫ניר‬ 3092
to ask / to borrow lish'ol ‫לשאול‬ 3093
the child / the boy hayeled ‫הילד‬ 3094
started (m.s.) hitkhil ‫התחיל‬ 3095
luck mazal ‫מזל‬ 3096
clause sa'if ‫סעיף‬ 3097
juice mits ‫מיץ‬ 3098
lately la'akhrona ‫לאחרונה‬ 3099
real (m.s.) amiti ‫אמיתי‬ 3100
to penetrate / to intrude lakhdor ‫לחדור‬ 3101
helps / assists / assistant (m.s.) ozer ‫עוזר‬ 3102
the suitable / the appropriate / the
applicable / the identical (m.s.)
hamat'im ‫המתאים‬ 3103
walked / went (pl.) halkhu ‫הלכו‬ 3104
the fat (adj.) (m.s.) hashamen ‫השמן‬ 3105
the oil hashemen
the males hazkharim ‫הזכרים‬ 3106
meanwhile beintayim ‫בינתיים‬ 3107
approximately / around / sort of be'erekh ‫בערך‬ 3108
the night of leyl ‫ליל‬ 3109
night layil
to raise / to increase / to lift / to bring up leha'alot ‫להעלות‬ 3110
line shura ‫שורה‬ 3111
season / answers (f.s.) ona ‫עונה‬ 3112
current / flow / stream / trend zerem ‫זרם‬ 3113
the universe hayekum ‫היקום‬ 3114
the silence hasheket ‫השקט‬ 3115
the milk hakhalav ‫החלב‬ 3116
the tallow hakhelev
justice tsedek ‫צדק‬ 3117
palace armon ‫ארמון‬ 3118
the salt hamelakh ‫המלח‬ 3119
the sailor hamalakh
ended (f.s.) histaima ‫הסתיימה‬ 3120

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noted / marked / pointed out (m.s.) tsiyen ‫ציין‬ 3121
final (f.s.) sofit ‫סופית‬ 3122
from the west / to the west [of] mima'arav ‫ממערב‬ 3123
goal of / target of matrat ‫מטרת‬ 3124
to cut in half / to cross lakhatsot ‫לחצות‬ 3125
to midnight lekhatsot
finally / in conclusion lesiyum ‫לסיום‬ 3126
and therefore ulfikhakh ‫ולפיכך‬ 3127
his song / his poem shiro ‫שירו‬ 3128
sing (pl. imperative) shiru
a layer of shikhvat ‫שכבת‬ 3129
simple ( pshutim ‫פשוטים‬ 3130
called / named (m.s.) / louse kina ‫כינה‬ 3131
finances ksafim ‫כספים‬ 3132
the institute hamakhon ‫המכון‬ 3133
the appearance of / the performance of hofa'at ‫הופעת‬ 3134
shows / performances hofa'ot ‫הופעות‬ 3135
inspiration hashra'a ‫השראה‬ 3136
the internal (m.s.) hapnimi ‫הפנימי‬ 3137
internalize (f.s. imperative) hafnimi
the ball / the pill hakadur ‫הכדור‬ 3138
the trunk / the race / the stem hageza ‫הגזע‬ 3139
side tsad ‫צד‬ 3140
threshold / verge saf ‫סף‬ 3141
low / short ( nemukhim ‫נמוכים‬ 3142
were formed / were created (f.s.) notsru ‫נוצרו‬ 3143
failed (pl.) nikhshelu ‫נכשלו‬ 3144
the armies hatsva'ot ‫הצבאות‬ 3145
cook (n.) tabakh ‫טבח‬ 3146
slaughter tevakh
to withdraw / to retreat laseget ‫לסגת‬ 3147
humiliation hashpala ‫השפלה‬ 3148
the lowland / the plain hashfela
to the authority larashut ‫לרשות‬ 3149
political ( politiyot ‫פוליטיות‬ 3150
the official (f.s.) harishmit ‫הרשמית‬ 3151
for/to a government lememshala ‫לממשלה‬ 3152
for/to the government lamemshala
to/for a goal / to/for a target / for a
lematara ‫למטרה‬ 3153
to/for the goal / to/for the target / for the
the tribes hashvatim ‫השבטים‬ 3154
armies tsva'ot ‫צבאות‬ 3155

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performed (pl.) bits'u ‫ביצעו‬ 3156
in an arena / at a scene bezira ‫בזירה‬ 3157
in the arena / at the scene bazira
efforts ma'amatsim ‫מאמצים‬ 3158
from all of miklal ‫מכלל‬ 3159
the results / the outcomes / the
hatotsa'ot ‫התוצאות‬ 3160
refused (pl.) servu ‫סירבו‬ 3161
management nihul ‫ניהול‬ 3162
decisive / definite / total (f.s.) mukhletet ‫מוחלטת‬ 3163
and indeed ve'akhen ‫ואכן‬ 3164
that/who is called (f.s.) shenikre'a ‫שנקראה‬ 3165
led / transported (pl.) hovilu ‫הובילו‬ 3166
decided (pl.) hekhlitu ‫החליטו‬ 3167
in cities be'arim ‫בערים‬ 3168
in the cities ba'arim
radio radio ‫רדיו‬ 3169
assisted / helped (pl.) siy'u ‫סייעו‬ 3170
terminal masof ‫מסוף‬ 3171
and turned (m.s.) vehafakh ‫והפך‬ 3172
education khinukh ‫חינוך‬ 3173
division of khalukat ‫חלוקת‬ 3174
laws khukim ‫חוקים‬ 3175
the church of knesiyat ‫כנסיית‬ 3176
the village hamoshava ‫המושבה‬ 3177
the stage / the phase / the rung hashalav ‫השלב‬ 3178
the sign / the signal / the letter ha'ot ‫האות‬ 3179
for/to women le'nashim ‫לנשים‬ 3180
for/to the women la'nashim
conditions / provisions tna'im ‫תנאים‬ 3181
training / practice imun ‫אימון‬ 3182
friendship / membership khaverut ‫חברות‬ 3183
friends (f.) khaverot
general (f.s.) klalit ‫כללית‬ 3184
that is used for (m.s.) hameshamesh ‫המשמש‬ 3185
defended (m.s.) hegen ‫הגן‬ 3186
international (m.s.) beynle'umi ‫בינלאומי‬ 3187
on subjects benos'im ‫בנושאים‬ 3188
on the subjects banos'im
to art le'omanut ‫לאמנות‬ 3189
to the art la'omanut
to treaties / to conventions le'amanot
to the treaties / to the conventions la'amanot

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his group kvutsato ‫קבוצתו‬ 3190
main / principal / primary ( ikariyim ‫עיקריים‬ 3191
the museum hamuze'on ‫המוזיאון‬ 3192
the opening haptikha ‫הפתיחה‬ 3193
in (the) absence of / in (the) lack of behe'eder ‫בהיעדר‬ 3194
Celsius tselsius ‫צלזיוס‬ 3195
data / given ( netunim ‫נתונים‬ 3196
removal / dismissal siluk ‫סילוק‬ 3197
[in] the sources / in the text bamekorot ‫במקורות‬ 3198
[in] the sources of bimkorot
plurality / multitude / variety ribui ‫ריבוי‬ 3199
institute makhon ‫מכון‬ 3200
adjunct / secondary / if only levai ‫לוואי‬ 3201
in the list of birshimat ‫ברשימת‬ 3202
to/for the language / to/for the lip / to/for
the edge
lasafa ‫לשפה‬ 3203
to/for a language / to/for a lip / to/for an
scored goal (m.s.) hivki'a ‫הבקיע‬ 3204
run / served (penalty) (m.s.) ritsa ‫ריצה‬ 3205
the Spalax hakholed ‫החולד‬ 3206
I answered aniti ‫עניתי‬ 3207
that we she'anakhnu ‫שאנחנו‬ 3208
the blanket hasmikha ‫השמיכה‬ 3209
the policeman hashoter ‫השוטר‬ 3210
the cuckoo hakukiya ‫הקוקיה‬ 3211
the flea hapar'osh ‫הפרעוש‬ 3212
the peasant / the farmer ha'ikar ‫האיכר‬ 3213
the bench hasafsal ‫הספסל‬ 3214
the apple hatapu'akh ‫התפוח‬ 3215
the tumid (m.s.) hatafu'akh
the crime hapesha ‫הפשע‬ 3216
harbors / ants nemalim ‫נמלים‬ 3217
for myself le'atsmi ‫לעצמי‬ 3218
the editor ha'orekh ‫העורך‬ 3219
the dear / the expensive hayakar ‫היקר‬ 3220
the birds hatsiporim ‫הציפורים‬ 3221
sat (pl.) yashvu ‫ישבו‬ 3222
to cast / to throw / / to project / to lay
lehatil ‫להטיל‬ 3223
fee / wage sakhar ‫שכר‬ 3224
in my head beroshi ‫בראשי‬ 3225
the children of yaldei ‫ילדי‬ 3226
deep (f.s.) amuka ‫עמוקה‬ 3227

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the morning haboker ‫הבוקר‬ 3228
the cowboy haboker
for [day / date] / for a day leyom ‫ליום‬ 3229
to watch / to observe / to anticipate litspot ‫לצפות‬ 3230
to cover / to coat / to expect letsapot
the witness (f.s.) / the congregation ha'eda ‫העדה‬ 3231
shadow tsel ‫צל‬ 3232
morale / ethics musar ‫מוסר‬ 3233
deliver (m.s.) / deliverer moser
pleasant na'im ‫נעים‬ 3234
and the rest ush'ar ‫ושאר‬ 3235
and one (m.) ve'ekhad ‫ואחד‬ 3236
stand / are about to / endure / succeed /
insist on (
omdim ‫עומדים‬ 3237
sign / signal / letter ot ‫אות‬ 3238
beach khof ‫חוף‬ 3239
the usual (m.s.) haragil ‫הרגיל‬ 3240
usual / used to (f.s.) regila ‫רגילה‬ 3241
inclined / tends to / tilted (m.s.) note ‫נוטה‬ 3242
correct / ready (f.s.) nekhona ‫נכונה‬ 3243
ready / willing ( mukhanim ‫מוכנים‬ 3244
his ability / his capability yekholto ‫יכולתו‬ 3245
and an article / and a dish / and a vessel /
and ware / and a tool
ukhli ‫וכלי‬ 3246
keeping / guarding / protection shmira ‫שמירה‬ 3247
the sight / the view / the appearance hamar'e ‫המראה‬ 3248
the mirror / that/who shows (f.s.) hamar'a
the harbor hanamal ‫הנמל‬ 3249
the female hanekeva ‫הנקבה‬ 3250
the tunnel hanikba
fuel delek ‫דלק‬ 3251
in the song / in the poem bashir ‫בשיר‬ 3252
in a song / in a poem beshir
for this (f.) lazo ‫לזו‬ 3253
about / to likhdei ‫לכדי‬ 3254
that still she'adayin ‫שעדיין‬ 3255
meaning / explanation / interpretation perush ‫פירוש‬ 3256
order pkuda ‫פקודה‬ 3257
independent (m.s.) atsma'i ‫עצמאי‬ 3258
became sick / challah (bread) khala ‫חלה‬ 3259
wins / winner (m.s.) zokhe ‫זוכה‬ 3260
wins / winner (f.s.) zokha
was acquitted (m.s.) zuka
heavy (f.s.) kveda ‫כבדה‬ 3261

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the science hamada ‫המדע‬ 3262
the eye ha'ayin ‫העין‬ 3263
the article / the dish / the vessel / the
ware / the tool
hakli ‫הכלי‬ 3264
the terror hateror ‫הטרור‬ 3265
the trial / the experience / the attempt hanisayon ‫הניסיון‬ 3266
border / limit gvul ‫גבול‬ 3267
in the kitchen bamitbakh ‫במטבח‬ 3268
on his behalf / in his name bishmo ‫בשמו‬ 3269
in work be'avoda ‫בעבודה‬ 3270
at work ba'avoda
medicine refu'a ‫רפואה‬ 3271
my story sipuri ‫סיפורי‬ 3272
fought (pl.) nilkhamu ‫נלחמו‬ 3273
enjoys (m.s.) nehene ‫נהנה‬ 3274
enjoyed (m.s.) nehena
strike of shvitat ‫שביתת‬ 3275
event me'ora ‫מאורע‬ 3276
the commander hamefaked ‫המפקד‬ 3277
the census / the muster hamifkad
from the beginning / to begin with milkhatkhila ‫מלכתחילה‬ 3278
the laws hakhukim ‫החוקים‬ 3279
property rekhush ‫רכוש‬ 3280
attacks hatkafot ‫התקפות‬ 3281
in return / in exchange / in a change / in a
bitmura ‫בתמורה‬ 3282
in the change / in the transformation batmura
in battles bekravot ‫בקרבות‬ 3283
to stop / to cease lehafsik ‫להפסיק‬ 3284
negated (m.s.) / denied (m.s.) / loot /
shalal ‫שלל‬ 3285
free ( khofshiyim ‫חופשיים‬ 3286
the villages / the colonies hamoshavot ‫המושבות‬ 3287
advance / progress hitkadmut ‫התקדמות‬ 3288
in his place bimkomo ‫במקומו‬ 3289
was sent (m.s.) / we will send nishlakh ‫נשלח‬ 3290
location mikum ‫מיקום‬ 3291
innovation khidush ‫חידוש‬ 3292
range tvakh ‫טווח‬ 3293
theater te'atron ‫תיאטרון‬ 3294
precedent takdim ‫תקדים‬ 3295
and as a result uketotsa'a ‫וכתוצאה‬ 3296
private ( pratiyim ‫פרטיים‬ 3297
were brought huv'u ‫הובאו‬ 3298

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decisions hakhlatot ‫החלטות‬ 3299
held / carried out / maintained / survives
mitkayem ‫מתקיים‬ 3300
institution mosad ‫מוסד‬ 3301
to/for a movie / to/for a ribbon/strip leseret ‫לסרט‬ 3302
to/for the movie / to/for the ribbon/strip laseret
and it is possible / and is given venitan ‫וניתן‬ 3303
and we will give veniten
holiness kodesh ‫קודש‬ 3304
might (m.s.) alul ‫עלול‬ 3305
personage ishim ‫אישים‬ 3306
complex / composed of (f.s.) murkevet ‫מורכבת‬ 3307
divide (f.s.) mekhaleket ‫מחלקת‬ 3308
department of makhleket
residence / stimulated megurim ‫מגורים‬ 3309
visitors / critics / inspectors mevakrim ‫מבקרים‬ 3310
formations / creations / works of art /
yetsira ‫יצירות‬ 3311
to note / to indicate letsayen ‫לציין‬ 3312
and an owner / and the owner of / and a
uva'al ‫ובעל‬ 3313
that was built (m.) shenivna ‫שנבנה‬ 3314
met (m.s.) pagash ‫פגש‬ 3315
the concept / the is obtained / that is
hamusag ‫המושג‬ 3316
the participants hamishtatfim ‫המשתתפים‬ 3317
that/who deals / that/who engages /
works (m.s.)
ha'osek ‫העוסק‬ 3318
the wave hagal ‫הגל‬ 3319
samples / examples dugma'ot ‫דוגמאות‬ 3320
in a variety bemigvan ‫במגוון‬ 3321
as he / being [X] beheyoto ‫בהיותו‬ 3322
stands / perpendicular / vertical nitsav ‫ניצב‬ 3323
blind (pl.) ivrim ‫עיוורים‬ 3324
the rebellion hameri ‫המרי‬ 3325
department makhlaka ‫מחלקה‬ 3326
and especially uveyikhud ‫ובייחוד‬ 3327
in the Bible / in the legend bamikra ‫במקרא‬ 3328
are used for ( meshamshim ‫משמשים‬ 3329
introduces / displays / presents / exhibits
metsig ‫מציג‬ 3330
translation targum ‫תרגום‬ 3331
[by] the methods bashitot ‫בשיטות‬ 3332
[by] methods beshitot
in the Olympiad of be'olimpyadat ‫באולימפיאדת‬ 3333

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organic ( organiyot ‫אורגניות‬ 3334
the electric hakhashmali ‫החשמלי‬ 3335
time (adj.) pe'ami ‫פעמי‬ 3336
unique / disposable [khad] pe'ami
steps of pa'amei
made a sound / announced hishmi'a ‫השמיע‬ 3337
egg beitsa ‫ביצה‬ 3338
swamp bitsa
in which / in what (m.) be'eize ‫באיזה‬ 3339
to grow ligdol ‫לגדול‬ 3340
meal of arukhat ‫ארוחת‬ 3341
builds (m.s.) bone ‫בונה‬ 3342
builds (f.s.) bona
and like vekmo ‫וכמו‬ 3343
the food ha'okhel ‫האוכל‬ 3344
the one who eats ha'okhel
look mabat ‫מבט‬ 3345
and how many / and how much / and
vekhama ‫וכמה‬ 3346
hour of / time of / time for sheat ‫שעת‬ 3347
spoke / talked (m.s.) / commandment diber ‫דיבר‬ 3348
that passed (f.s.) she'avra ‫שעברה‬ 3349
receive / accept ( mekablim ‫מקבלים‬ 3350
to win lenatse'akh ‫לנצח‬ 3351
forever lanetsakh
worker / operates (f.s.) po'elet ‫פועלת‬ 3352
promised hevti'akh ‫הבטיח‬ 3353
to/for a king lemelekh ‫למלך‬ 3354
to/for the king lamelekh
service sherut ‫שירות‬ 3355
the ability / the capability hayekholet ‫היכולת‬ 3356
chance / probability sikui ‫סיכוי‬ 3357
ready / willing (m.s.) mukhan ‫מוכן‬ 3358
lines shurot ‫שורות‬ 3359
the department hamakhlaka ‫המחלקה‬ 3360
the success hahatslakha ‫ההצלחה‬ 3361
the agreement haheskem ‫ההסכם‬ 3362
the chance / the probability hasikui ‫הסיכוי‬ 3363
nuclear gar'ini ‫גרעיני‬ 3364
in defense behagana ‫בהגנה‬ 3365
in the defense bahagana
on his way / his way bedarko ‫בדרכו‬ 3366
arguing that / claiming that bete'ana ‫בטענה‬ 3367

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arguing that / claiming that bate'ana
gave (pl.) natnu ‫נתנו‬ 3368
police mishtara ‫משטרה‬ 3369
meeting / encounter / reunion mifgash ‫מפגש‬ 3370
from an area me'ezor ‫מאזור‬ 3371
to the top / to the peak lasi ‫לשיא‬ 3372
to a top / to a peak lesi
result / outcome / consequence totsa'a ‫תוצאה‬ 3373
planned / designed (m.s.) tikhnen ‫תכנן‬ 3374
that passed (pl.) she'avru ‫שעברו‬ 3375
agreement haskama ‫הסכמה‬ 3376
caused (f.s.) garma ‫גרמה‬ 3377
in the sense of bemuvan ‫במובן‬ 3378
in the sense bamuvan
closed (m.s.) sagur ‫סגור‬ 3379
the soviet (f.s.) hasovyetit ‫הסובייטית‬ 3380
my airplane metosi ‫מטוסי‬ 3381
the airplanes of metosei
the camps / the groups hamakhanot ‫המחנות‬ 3382
the tanks hatankim ‫הטנקים‬ 3383
empire of imperyat ‫אימפריית‬ 3384
his command pikudo ‫פיקודו‬ 3385
and in fact ulema'ase ‫ולמעשה‬ 3386
that is/was intended for / that is/was
destined for / that conferred (f.s.)
sheno'ada ‫שנועדה‬ 3387
lived (pl.) hitgoreru ‫התגוררו‬ 3388
resisted / objected (m.s.) hitnaged ‫התנגד‬ 3389
thanked / confessed (pl.) hodu ‫הודו‬ 3390
the mountains haharim ‫ההרים‬ 3391
to/for the unit / to/for the squad liykhidat ‫ליחידות‬ 3392
that was established (f.s.) shehukma ‫שהוקמה‬ 3393
orders / instructions hora'ot ‫הוראות‬ 3394
the active / the activist (m.s.) hapa'il ‫הפעיל‬ 3395
operated / activated (m.s.) hif'il
failure / mishap / lapse keshel ‫כשל‬ 3396
failed (m.s.) kashal
the said / that was spoken (m.s.) hamedubar ‫המדובר‬ 3397
the change hashinui ‫השינוי‬ 3398
again bashenit ‫בשנית‬ 3399
machine guns mikla'im ‫מקלעים‬ 3400
platform / bedding matsa ‫מצע‬ 3401
to/for the group of lekvutsat ‫לקבוצת‬ 3402
the curtains hakla'im ‫הקלעים‬ 3403

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the marksmen hakala'im
intended for / destined for / conferred
no'ada ‫נועדה‬ 3404
mixed / involved (m.s.) me'orav ‫מעורב‬ 3405
the authors of mekhabrei ‫מחברי‬ 3406
from the friends of / from the members of mekhavrei
connectors of makhberei
from my friend mekhaveri
kitchen mitbakh ‫מטבח‬ 3407
his role tafkido ‫תפקידו‬ 3408
uses shimushim ‫שימושים‬ 3409
workers ovdim ‫עובדים‬ 3410
the affair / the chapter / the portion haparasha ‫הפרשה‬ 3411
secretion / setting aside / allowance hafrasha
humanity / mankind ha'enoshut ‫האנושות‬ 3412
widening / broadening harkhava ‫הרחבה‬ 3413
the square harakhava
at the basis of bivsis ‫בבסיס‬ 3414
at the basis / at the base babasis
architect adrikhal ‫אדריכל‬ 3415
pogroms / riot pra'ot ‫פרעות‬ 3416
the actions / the operations / the deeds /
the transactions
hape'ulot ‫הפעולות‬ 3417
tasks / assignments / missions mesimot ‫משימות‬ 3418
the central ( hamerkaziyim ‫המרכזיים‬ 3419
the articles / the dish / the vessels / the
ware / the tools
hakelim ‫הכלים‬ 3420
commercial (m.s.) miskhari ‫מסחרי‬ 3421
taking out [of] / publishing of hotsa'at ‫הוצאת‬ 3422
you took out (f.s.) hotset
the characteristics of me'afyenei ‫מאפייני‬ 3423
temperature temperatura ‫טמפרטורה‬ 3424
opens (m.s.) pote'akh ‫פותח‬ 3425
enrichment ha'ashara ‫העשרה‬ 3426
the torment / the agony hayisurim ‫הייסורים‬ 3427
the evolution ha'evolutsia ‫האבולוציה‬ 3428
the bone ha'etsem ‫העצם‬ 3429
speed / velocity mehirut ‫מהירות‬ 3430
to/for athletes lesporta'im ‫לספורטאים‬ 3431
to/for the athletes lasporta'im
fringes of gdilei ‫גדילי‬ 3432
race meruts ‫מירוץ‬ 3433
artificial (f.s.) melakhutit ‫מלאכותית‬ 3434
virus nagif ‫נגיף‬ 3435

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well uvkhen ‫ובכן‬ 3436
like me kamoni ‫כמוני‬ 3437
crowd / plenty hamon ‫המון‬ 3438
creature briya ‫בריה‬ 3439
and again / and return (m.s. imperative) veshuv ‫ושוב‬ 3440
the clock / the watch hasha'on ‫השעון‬ 3441
the animals hakhayot ‫החיות‬ 3442
the vitality hakhayut
enhancement / amplification /
hagbarat ‫הגברת‬ 3443
numbers misparim ‫מספרים‬ 3444
from books misfarim
tell ( mesaprim
to/for people le'anashim ‫לאנשים‬ 3445
to/for the people la'anashim
with them (m.) itam ‫איתם‬ 3446
the deed / the story / he tale hama'ase ‫המעשה‬ 3447
term / laid munakh ‫מונח‬ 3448
put (m.s. imperative) sim ‫שים‬ 3449
Mr. / bitter mar ‫מר‬ 3450
agrees (m.s.) maskim ‫מסכים‬ 3451
her country artsa ‫ארצה‬ 3452
to the country artsa
the humid halakh ‫הלח‬ 3453
at the peak / at the top basi ‫בשיא‬ 3454
at a top / at a peak besi
police of mishteret ‫משטרת‬ 3455
forests ye'arot ‫יערות‬ 3456
to a long distance / to a distance of lemerkhak ‫למרחק‬ 3457
and maybe / and perhaps ve'ulai ‫ואולי‬ 3458
the authors hasofrim ‫הסופרים‬ 3459
cup / grail gavi'a ‫גביע‬ 3460
up [the] be'ma'ale ‫במעלה‬ 3461
priority / [in] a virtue / [in] a degree bema'ala
[in] the rest beyeter ‫ביתר‬ 3462
in half / by half bekhetsi ‫בחצי‬ 3463
in the half bakhetsi
first (f.s.) rishona ‫ראשונה‬ 3464
usual / used to (m.s.) ragil ‫רגיל‬ 3465
damage nezek ‫נזק‬ 3466
start ( matkhilim ‫מתחילים‬ 3467
contact / touch maga ‫מגע‬ 3468
going down / coming down / descent /
yerida ‫ירידה‬ 3469

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determines / fixes / sets (m.s.) kove'a ‫קובע‬ 3470
might ( alulim ‫עלולים‬ 3471
the stones of avnei ‫אבני‬ 3472
pardon / clemency khanina ‫חנינה‬ 3473
visit bikur ‫ביקור‬ 3474
his will retsono ‫רצונו‬ 3475
suffering sevel ‫סבל‬ 3476
from the east / to the west of mimizrakh ‫ממזרח‬ 3477
of his [X] / of his own mishelo ‫משלו‬ 3478
ruled (pl.) mashlu
common / mutual / shared (m.s.) meshutaf ‫משותף‬ 3479
creature yetsur ‫יצור‬ 3480
to convince leshakhne'a ‫לשכנע‬ 3481
to investigate / to research / to inquire lakhkor ‫לחקור‬ 3482
to happen lehitrakhesh ‫להתרחש‬ 3483
to complete / to accept / to come to terms lehashlim ‫להשלים‬ 3484
that was found / that is [at] (m.s.) shenimtsa ‫שנמצא‬ 3485
difficulty / hardness koshi ‫קושי‬ 3486
political ( politiyim ‫פוליטיים‬ 3487
deals / engages / works (f.s.) oseket ‫עוסקת‬ 3488
cities arim ‫ערים‬ 3489
wall khoma ‫חומה‬ 3490
as a place kemakom ‫כמקום‬ 3491
as the place of kimkom
road kvish ‫כביש‬ 3492
the eastern ( hamizrakhiyim ‫המזרחיים‬ 3493
the bottom / the lower / the inferior (f.s.) hatakhtona ‫התחתונה‬ 3494
the holy ( hakdoshim ‫הקדושים‬ 3495
the newspaper ha'iton ‫העיתון‬ 3496
his age gilo ‫גילו‬ 3497
discovered (pl.) gilu
list of reshimat ‫רשימת‬ 3498
the pilgrim festivals regalim ‫רגלים‬ 3499
legs raglayim
amount / total / procession sakh ‫סך‬ 3500
surrounded / encircled (pl.) hekifu ‫הקיפו‬ 3501
the defenders / that/who defend ( hameginim ‫המגינים‬ 3502
shot / fired (pl.) yaru ‫ירו‬ 3503
the congress hakongres ‫הקונגרס‬ 3504
in the areas / in the territories bashtakhim ‫בשטחים‬ 3505
in areas / in territories beshtakhim
volunteers mitnadvim ‫מתנדבים‬ 3506

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that is/was intended for / that is/was
destined for / that conferred (m.s.)
sheno'ad ‫שנועד‬ 3507
spreading / undressing hitpashtut ‫התפשטות‬ 3508
prevented (m.s.) mana ‫מנע‬ 3509
prevention mena
the common / the mutual / the shared
hameshutaf ‫המשותף‬ 3510
the crisis hamashber ‫המשבר‬ 3511
the preparations hahakhanot ‫ההכנות‬ 3512
the final (f.s.) hasofit ‫הסופית‬ 3513
and the beginning of utkhilat ‫ותחילת‬ 3514
commanded / ordered (m.s.) piked ‫פיקד‬ 3515
occupied / conquered (m.s.) kavash ‫כבש‬ 3516
lamb / sheep keves
ramp kevesh
in public batsibur ‫בציבור‬ 3517
in the public of betsibur
limited / restricted (f.s.) mugbelet ‫מוגבלת‬ 3518
to give leha'anik ‫להעניק‬ 3519
themselves ( atsman ‫עצמן‬ 3520
was (f.) hivta ‫היוותה‬ 3521
lonely / single (m.s.) boded ‫בודד‬ 3522
were caught / were perceived (pl.) nitpesu ‫נתפסו‬ 3523
is introduced / is displayed / is presented /
is exhibited (m.s.)
mutsag ‫מוצג‬ 3524
marine ( yamiyim ‫ימיים‬ 3525
to the flag ladegel ‫לדגל‬ 3526
to select / to vote livkhor ‫לבחור‬ 3527
that included (pl.) shekalelu ‫שכללו‬ 3528
that was written shenikhtav ‫שנכתב‬ 3529
floor / height koma ‫קומה‬ 3530
main / principal / primary ( ikariyot ‫עיקריות‬ 3531
its length / its duration orko ‫אורכו‬ 3532
the social (f.s.) hakhevratit ‫החברתית‬ 3533
that includes (f.s.) hakolelet ‫הכוללת‬ 3534
in a career bekaryera ‫בקריירה‬ 3535
in the career bakaryera
in works be'avodot ‫בעבודות‬ 3536
in the works ba'avodot
in art be'omanut ‫באמנות‬ 3537
in the art ba'omanut
axis / axle / hinge / delegate / sauce /
tsir ‫ציר‬ 3538
is read / is called (f.s.) nikret ‫נקראת‬ 3539

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is [at] / common / available (f.s.) metsuya ‫מצויה‬ 3540
that are not / that are not here ( she'einan ‫שאינן‬ 3541
soldier khayal ‫חייל‬ 3542
the disaster ha'ason ‫האסון‬ 3543
suppression dikui ‫דיכוי‬ 3544
religious ( datiyim ‫דתיים‬ 3545
in a museum bemuze'on ‫במוזיאון‬ 3546
in the museum bamuze'on
streets rekhovot ‫רחובות‬ 3547
subordinated (f.s) hikhfifa ‫הכפיפה‬ 3548
to a mountain lehar ‫להר‬ 3549
to the mountain lahar
humane (f.s.) enoshit ‫אנושית‬ 3550
refers (m.s.) mityakhes ‫מתייחס‬ 3551
served (pl.) shertu ‫שירתו‬ 3552
the public (f.s.) hatsiburit ‫הציבורית‬ 3553
seasons / answer ( onot ‫עונות‬ 3554
his mother imo ‫אמו‬ 3555
the shape / the form / the manner hatsura ‫הצורה‬ 3556
philosophy filosofia ‫פילוסופיה‬ 3557
the criticism / the inspection habikoret ‫הביקורת‬ 3558
embossments tavlitim ‫תבליטים‬ 3559
the growth hagdila ‫הגדילה‬ 3560
enlarged / increased (f.s.) higdila
the object / the objective hamusa ‫המושא‬ 3561
the hero hagibor ‫הגיבור‬ 3562
to/for a group lekvutsa ‫לקבוצה‬ 3563
to/for the group lakvutsa
investigator / researcher / investigates /
researches / inquires (f.s.)
khokeret ‫חוקרת‬ 3564
the proteins hakhelbonim ‫החלבונים‬ 3565
the pick hadeker ‫הדקר‬ 3566
the fringes hagdilim ‫הגדילים‬ 3567
the diarrhea / the earthworm hashilshul ‫השלשול‬ 3568
the grass / the weed ha'esev ‫העשב‬ 3569
weird / odd meshune ‫משונה‬ 3570
read / called (f.s.) kar'a ‫קראה‬ 3571
look (m.s. imperative) / she will see tir'e ‫תראה‬ 3572
and immediately umiyad ‫ומיד‬ 3573
living / alive (f.s.) khaya ‫חיה‬ 3574
animal khaya
land yabasha ‫יבשה‬ 3575
according to ledivrei ‫לדברי‬ 3576

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please / you are welcome bevakasha ‫בבקשה‬ 3577
birds tsiporim ‫ציפורים‬ 3578
will be able ( yukhlu ‫יוכלו‬ 3579
allowed / permitted mutar ‫מותר‬ 3580
that/who is coming / that/who came
sheba ‫שבא‬ 3581
the role hatafkid ‫התפקיד‬ 3582
return of / blowing of hashavat ‫השבת‬ 3583
the Sabbath / this Sabbath hashabat
were injured niftse'u ‫נפצעו‬ 3584
to/for work le'avoda ‫לעבודה‬ 3585
to/for the work la'avoda
to advance / to progress lehitkadem ‫להתקדם‬ 3586
white ( / underwear levanim ‫לבנים‬ 3587
for boys lebanim
for the boys labanim
opened (f.s.) niftekha ‫נפתחה‬ 3588
honorable / notable nikhbad ‫נכבד‬ 3589
price mekhir ‫מחיר‬ 3590
half makhatsit ‫מחצית‬ 3591
close / relatives ( krovim ‫קרובים‬ 3592
believed (m.s.) he'emin ‫האמין‬ 3593
speech ne'um ‫נאום‬ 3594
is seen / seems / looks (f.s.) nir'et ‫נראית‬ 3595
towers migdalim ‫מגדלים‬ 3596
grow / raise ( megadlim
my baggage / my load mit'ani ‫מטעני‬ 3597
the baggage of / the loads of / the charges
to give / to deliver limsor ‫למסור‬ 3598
to take (measures / steps) linkot ‫לנקוט‬ 3599
that/who stood / that/who was about to /
that/who endured / that/who succeeded / she'amad ‫שעמד‬ 3600
that/who insisted on (m.s.)
segments / sections kta'im ‫קטעים‬ 3601
prison kele ‫כלא‬ 3602
the peasants / the farmers ha'ikarim ‫האיכרים‬ 3603
the strong (m.s.) hakhazak ‫החזק‬ 3604
hold / keep / own (m.s. imperative) hakhzek
grew (f.s.) gadla ‫גדלה‬ 3605
[in] whom bemi ‫במי‬ 3606
while he be'odo ‫בעודו‬ 3607
subjects of / carriers of nos'ei ‫נושאי‬ 3608
late (adj.) ( me'ukharim ‫מאוחרים‬ 3609

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right yamin ‫ימין‬ 3610
to shoot / to fire lirot ‫לירות‬ 3611
took (pl.) lakkhu ‫לקחו‬ 3612
to/for a kind / to/for a class / to/for a type lesug ‫לסוג‬ 3613
to/for the kind / to/for the class / to/for
the type
that/who succeeded shehitsli'akh ‫שהצליח‬ 3614
cost alut ‫עלות‬ 3615
traces / footprints ikvot ‫עקבות‬ 3616
the only ( hayekhidim ‫היחידים‬ 3617
difference hefresh ‫הפרש‬ 3618
the super- ha'al ‫העל‬ 3619
the reciprocal / the mutual hagomlin ‫הגומלין‬ 3620
the breath / the breathing haneshima ‫הנשימה‬ 3621
rejected / postponed dakha ‫דחה‬ 3622
height gova ‫גובה‬ 3623
collects / collector (of money) (m.s.) gove
collects / collector (of money) (f.s.) gova
in a palace be'armon ‫בארמון‬ 3624
in the palace ba'armon
the commanders hamefakdim ‫המפקדים‬ 3625
was possible / was given (f.s.) nitna ‫ניתנה‬ 3626
to/for a rebellion lemered ‫למרד‬ 3627
to/for the rebellion lamered
and at its end uvsofo ‫ובסופו‬ 3628
fast / rapid / quick (f.s.) mehira ‫מהירה‬ 3629
lived (pl.) khayu ‫חיו‬ 3630
from states / from the states of mimdinot ‫ממדינות‬ 3631
to a square lekikar ‫לכיכר‬ 3632
to the square lakikar
the main / the principal ( harashiyim ‫הראשיים‬ 3633
thought / assumed (pl.) savru ‫סברו‬ 3634
for/to walls lekhomot ‫לחומות‬ 3635
for/to the walls lakhomot
and the inside / and the content / and
vetokh ‫ותוך‬ 3636
chain / necklace sharsheret ‫שרשרת‬ 3637
the political ( hapolitiyim ‫הפוליטיים‬ 3638
religious (f.s.) datit ‫דתית‬ 3639
religious (m.s.) dati ‫דתי‬ 3640
in the barrel / in the shaft / in the trachea bakane ‫בקנה‬ 3641
on matters of / on the matters of be'inyanei ‫בענייני‬ 3642
students studentim ‫סטודנטים‬ 3643
path nativ ‫נתיב‬ 3644

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one (person) laz ‫לז‬ 3645
originated from (m.s.) shemekoro ‫שמקורו‬ 3646
news besorot ‫בשורות‬ 3647
in line beshura
selection of / vote for bkhirat ‫בחירת‬ 3648
renewed (f.s.) mekhudeshet ‫מחודשת‬ 3649
to win lizkot ‫לזכות‬ 3650
their content (f.) tokhnan ‫תוכנן‬ 3651
economic (f.s.) kalkalit ‫כלכלית‬ 3652
the direct (m.s.) hayashir ‫הישיר‬ 3653
developed (pl.) hitpatkhu ‫התפתחו‬ 3654
the Indians ha'indiyanim ‫האינדיאנים‬ 3655
the basic habsisi ‫הבסיסי‬ 3656
the preliminary / the primary (m.s.) harishoni ‫הראשוני‬ 3657
in months bekhodashim ‫בחודשים‬ 3658
in the months [of] bakhodashim
built up (adj.) (m.s.) banui ‫בנוי‬ 3659
natural (f.s.) tiv'it ‫טבעית‬ 3660
from the family of / from the [name]
mimishpakhat ‫ממשפחת‬ 3661
defined mugdar ‫מוגדר‬ 3662
secretary / reminds (m.s.) mazkir ‫מזכיר‬ 3663
catch / capture / grasp / seizure /
tfisa ‫תפיסה‬ 3664
connection / link / linkage / joining / joint /
khibur ‫חיבור‬ 3665
the measure / the size / the quality hamida ‫המידה‬ 3666
the early / the preliminary ( hamukdamim ‫המוקדמים‬ 3667
training hakhshara ‫הכשרה‬ 3668
the final (m.s.) hasofi ‫הסופי‬ 3669
-like / -form ( dmuyei ‫דמויי‬ 3670
in the quarter barova ‫ברובע‬ 3671
in a quarter / in the quarter of berova
representatives netsigim ‫נציגים‬ 3672
the Romans haroma'im ‫הרומאים‬ 3673
in a settlement biyshuv ‫ביישוב‬ 3674
in the settlement bayeshuv
the biblical hamikra'i ‫המקראי‬ 3675
his existence / his survival / its holding / its
kiyumo ‫קיומו‬ 3676
well be'er ‫באר‬ 3677
occupation / work isuk ‫עיסוק‬ 3678
at a point binkuda ‫בנקודה‬ 3679
at the point banekuda

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the catching / the capture / the grasp / the
seizure / the perception
hatfisa ‫התפיסה‬ 3680
the subjects / the carriers hanos'im ‫הנושאים‬ 3681
versions girsa'ot ‫גרסאות‬ 3682
contains (f.s.) mekhila ‫מכילה‬ 3683
resurrected [kam] litkhiya ‫לתחייה‬ 3684
muscle shrir ‫שריר‬ 3685
reference hityakhasut ‫התייחסות‬ 3686
professional (m.s.) miktso'i ‫מקצועי‬ 3687
as a king kemelekh ‫כמלך‬ 3688
as the king kamelekh
that are used for ( hameshamshim ‫המשמשים‬ 3689
his works avodotav ‫עבודותיו‬ 3690
swimming skhiya ‫שחיה‬ 3691
the forester haya'aran ‫היערן‬ 3692
the bear hadov ‫הדב‬ 3693
you are / here you are (m.s.) hinkha ‫הנך‬ 3694
you are / here you are (f.s.) hinekh
nice nekhmad ‫נחמד‬ 3695
and now ve'akhshav ‫ועכשיו‬ 3696
the hedge hamesukha ‫המשוכה‬ 3697
to say lehagid ‫להגיד‬ 3698
the company (mil.) hapluga ‫הפלוגה‬ 3699
with [x] face befanim ‫בפנים‬ 3700
inside bifnim
on the face bapanim
friend yadid ‫ידיד‬ 3701
his heart libo ‫לבו‬ 3702
who said (m.s.) she'amar ‫שאמר‬ 3703
the green (m.s.) hayarok ‫הירוק‬ 3704
the clothes of bigdei ‫בגדי‬ 3705
my clothes bgadai
that you will be (m.s.) / that will be (f.s.) shetihiye ‫שתהיה‬ 3706
dear / expensive (m.s.) yakar ‫יקר‬ 3707
end / finals gmar ‫גמר‬ 3708
to show lehar'ot ‫להראות‬ 3709
the prison hakele ‫הכלא‬ 3710
report divu'akh ‫דיווח‬ 3711
far ( rekhokot ‫רחוקות‬ 3712
sickness makhala ‫מחלה‬ 3713
to go down / to come down / to descend /
to decrease
laredet ‫לרדת‬ 3714
Saturday / Sabbath shabat ‫שבת‬ 3715
went on strike (m.s.) shavat

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sitting / dwelling shevet
happens / occurs kore ‫קורה‬ 3716
beam kora
oak alon ‫אלון‬ 3717
the warden hasoher ‫הסוהר‬ 3718
in the games bamiskhakim ‫במשחקים‬ 3719
in games bemiskhakim
letters mikhtavim ‫מכתבים‬ 3720
of the kind / of the class / of the type mehasug ‫מהסוג‬ 3721
response tguva ‫תגובה‬ 3722
fat shuman ‫שומן‬ 3723
fracture / fragment shever ‫שבר‬ 3724
lost (m.s.) ibed ‫איבד‬ 3725
collected (m.s.) asaf ‫אסף‬ 3726
the former / the previous ( hakodmim ‫הקודמים‬ 3727
was sufficient / was enough hispik ‫הספיק‬ 3728
discussion diyun ‫דיון‬ 3729
in writing bikhtav ‫בכתב‬ 3730
to start lehatkhil ‫להתחיל‬ 3731
supported (m.s.) tamakh ‫תמך‬ 3732
and this (f.) vezo ‫וזו‬ 3733
that/who went out / that/who came out
sheyatsa ‫שיצא‬ 3734
public / crowd / audience kahal ‫קהל‬ 3735
city of / suburb of / district of kiryat ‫קריית‬ 3736
civilian (m.s.) ezrakhi ‫אזרחי‬ 3737
yard khatser ‫חצר‬ 3738
plants of / factories of mif'alei ‫מפעלי‬ 3739
to/for the research of lekheker ‫לחקר‬ 3740
to collect le'esof ‫לאסוף‬ 3741
to serve / to submit / to present lehagish ‫להגיש‬ 3742
and is not / and is not here (m.s.) ve'eino ‫ואינו‬ 3743
that the same / that/who (f.s.) she'ota ‫שאותה‬ 3744
supposed (f.s.) amura ‫אמורה‬ 3745
long ( arukot ‫ארוכות‬ 3746
fingers etsba'ot ‫אצבעות‬ 3747
strategic estrategi ‫אסטרטגי‬ 3748
the case / the event / the incident / the
fortune / the chance
hamikre ‫המקרה‬ 3749
the left (adj.) / the left handed (f.s.) hasmalit ‫השמאלית‬ 3750
the reader / who reads / that/who calls
hakore ‫הקורא‬ 3751
the academy ha'akademya ‫האקדמיה‬ 3752
speech dibur ‫דיבור‬ 3753

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with a fence begader ‫בגדר‬ 3754
with the fence / in the fence bagader
within the limits of begeder
run / runners ( ratsim ‫רצים‬ 3755
victories nitskhonot ‫ניצחונות‬ 3756
datum / given (m.s.) natun ‫נתון‬ 3757
females nekevot ‫נקבות‬ 3758
tunnels nikbot
the diaspora hagola ‫הגולה‬ 3759
the marble (game) hagula
division divizyat ‫דיביזיית‬ 3760
attack of mitkefet ‫מתקפת‬ 3761
the merchants / the dealers / the sellers hasokharim ‫הסוחרים‬ 3762
captain kepten ‫קפטן‬ 3763
the breakthrough / the burglary / the
hapritsa ‫הפריצה‬ 3764
the Christian (m.s.) hanotsri ‫הנוצרי‬ 3765
constitution khuka ‫חוקה‬ 3766
the difficult / the hard ( hakashim ‫הקשים‬ 3767
record / sketch rishum ‫רישום‬ 3768
that/who preceded (f.s.) shekadma ‫שקדמה‬ 3769
that the same / that/who (m.s.) she'oto ‫שאותו‬ 3770
power of / force of / intensity of otsmat ‫עוצמת‬ 3771
taking out / removal / expense / edition /
publishing house
hotsa'a ‫הוצאה‬ 3772
metal matekhet ‫מתכת‬ 3773
products mutsarim ‫מוצרים‬ 3774
party (political) miflaga ‫מפלגה‬ 3775
western (f.s.) ma'aravit ‫מערבית‬ 3776
from the age of / of joy megil ‫מגיל‬ 3777
boards lukhot ‫לוחות‬ 3778
that/who went out / that/who came out
sheyats'u ‫שיצאו‬ 3779
community of kehilat ‫קהילת‬ 3780
the theater hate'atron ‫התיאטרון‬ 3781
the split hapilug ‫הפילוג‬ 3782
the current / the flow / the stream / the
hazerem ‫הזרם‬ 3783
at a degree of / a rank of bedargat ‫בדרגת‬ 3784
won (m.s.) nitsakh ‫ניצח‬ 3785
local (f.s.) mekomit ‫מקומית‬ 3786
to appoint lemanot ‫למנות‬ 3787
to count limnot
psychological psikhologi ‫פסיכולוגי‬ 3788

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brothers / siblings / nurses (m.) akhim ‫אחים‬ 3789
supply of aspakat ‫אספקת‬ 3790
the Muslim (f.s.) hamuslemit ‫המוסלמית‬ 3791
natural ( tiv'iyim ‫טבעיים‬ 3792
horses susim ‫סוסים‬ 3793
were written nikhtevu ‫נכתבו‬ 3794
monastery minzar ‫מנזר‬ 3795
the findings hamimtsa'im ‫הממצאים‬ 3796
in the boulevard basderot ‫בשדרות‬ 3797
in the boulevard of besderot
station of takhanat ‫תחנת‬ 3798
plan / design / layout tikhnun ‫תכנון‬ 3799
pool of brekhat ‫בריכת‬ 3800
suitability / fitting / adjustment / harmony
/ agreement
hat'ama ‫התאמה‬ 3801
the hunt hatsayid ‫הציד‬ 3802
in the uniform of bemadei ‫במדי‬ 3803
product totsar ‫תוצר‬ 3804
the differences hahevdelim ‫ההבדלים‬ 3805
from his poems mishirav ‫משיריו‬ 3806
and a champion ve'aluf ‫ואלוף‬ 3807
the symphony hasimfonya ‫הסימפוניה‬ 3808
extermination / extinction hakkhada ‫הכחדה‬ 3809
the chess hashakhmat ‫השחמט‬ 3810
acid khumtsa ‫חומצה‬ 3811
at a temperature betemperatura ‫בטמפרטורה‬ 3812
bubbles bu'ot ‫בועות‬ 3813
the shoes hana'alayim ‫הנעליים‬ 3814
the induction ha'induktsia ‫האינדוקציה‬ 3815
passed (m.s.) khalaf ‫חלף‬ 3816
fly zvuv ‫זבוב‬ 3817
for this (f.) lazot ‫לזאת‬ 3818
you were (f.s.) hayit ‫היית‬ 3819
you were (m.s.) hayita
understood / meaning / sense muvan ‫מובן‬ 3820
to run laruts ‫לרוץ‬ 3821
that/who pass / the transients ( ha'ovrim ‫העוברים‬ 3822
the embryos / the fetuses ha'ubarim
for me bishvili ‫בשבילי‬ 3823
strange / weird muzar ‫מוזר‬ 3824
to fly la'uf ‫לעוף‬ 3825
my name shmi ‫שמי‬ 3826
by the way / while agav ‫אגב‬ 3827

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started (f.s.) hitkhila ‫התחילה‬ 3828
my blood / hematic dami ‫דמי‬ 3829
the blood of damei
fee of dmei
at a time of le'et ‫לעת‬ 3830
for the time la'et
food / dish ma'akhal ‫מאכל‬ 3831
going out / coming out ( yots'im ‫יוצאים‬ 3832
to expose lakhsof ‫לחשוף‬ 3833
commerce / trade miskhar ‫מסחר‬ 3834
went down / came down / descended /
decreased (pl.)
yardu ‫ירדו‬ 3835
flower perakh ‫פרח‬ 3836
blossomed (m.s.) parakh
must ( / debtors khayavim ‫חייבים‬ 3837
area sviva ‫סביבה‬ 3838
carried / married (pl.) nas'u ‫נשאו‬ 3839
to/for how many / to/for how much lekhama ‫לכמה‬ 3840
and in a way uv'ofen ‫ובאופן‬ 3841
happened / occurred (m.s.) era ‫אירע‬ 3842
for the fear of mekhashash ‫מחשש‬ 3843
cycle / circulation / turnover / class [of
year X] / period / prayer book
makhzor ‫מחזור‬ 3844
lifts (m.s.) merim ‫מרים‬ 3845
on a journey lemasa ‫למסע‬ 3846
on the journey lamasa
to/for these le'ele ‫לאלה‬ 3847
to/for a goddess le'ela
to/for the goddess la'ela
paying [attention] tsumet ‫תשומת‬ 3848
tree ilan ‫אילן‬ 3849
heavy ( kvedim ‫כבדים‬ 3850
unmistakable / significant (m.s.) muvhak ‫מובהק‬ 3851
map of mapat ‫מפת‬ 3852
from his side / as far as he is concerned mitsido ‫מצדו‬ 3853
effective / efficient (f.s.) ye'ila ‫יעילה‬ 3854
will illuminate (m.s.) ya'ir ‫יאיר‬ 3855
initiated / promoter / entrepreneur yazam ‫יזם‬ 3856
to sell limkor ‫למכור‬ 3857
to escape lehimalet ‫להימלט‬ 3858
that/who were / that/who constituted shehivu ‫שהיוו‬ 3859
that/who arrived (f.s.) shehigi'a ‫שהגיעה‬ 3860
bullet / sling kela ‫קלע‬ 3861

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marksman / hit kala
serious / severe (f.s.) khamura ‫חמורה‬ 3862
sand / secular khol ‫חול‬ 3863
great / mighty / powerful (m.s.) adir ‫אדיר‬ 3864
his room khadro ‫חדרו‬ 3865
penetrated / intruded (pl.) khadru
his tender years ibo ‫אבו‬ 3866
father of (Arabic) abu
quantities / amounts kamuyot ‫כמויות‬ 3867
priest / Cohen kohen ‫כהן‬ 3868
the objectors hamitnagdim ‫המתנגדים‬ 3869
the leaders / the transporters / the
carriers (m.)
hamovilim ‫המובילים‬ 3870
walk / go ( holkhim ‫הולכים‬ 3871
the pioneer hakhaluts ‫החלוץ‬ 3872
the rights / the privileges hazkhuyot ‫הזכויות‬ 3873
expressed (m.s.) hebi'a ‫הביע‬ 3874
the concentration harikuz ‫הריכוז‬ 3875
the regular hasdira ‫הסדירה‬ 3876
settled / arranged / regulated (f.s.) hisdira
lump / block / mass / region gush ‫גוש‬ 3877
in a government bememshala ‫בממשלה‬ 3878
in the government bamemshala
in forests biy'arot ‫ביערות‬ 3879
in the forests baye'arot
lonely / single / few ( bodedim ‫בודדים‬ 3880
in a tree / in wood be'ets ‫בעץ‬ 3881
in the tree / in the wood ba'ets
at the end of besiyum ‫בסיום‬ 3882
at the end basiyum
in danger of / at risk besakanat ‫בסכנת‬ 3883
trains rakavot ‫רכבות‬ 3884
was found / was [at] (f.s.) nimtse'a ‫נמצאה‬ 3885
was read / was called (f.s.) nikre'a ‫נקראה‬ 3886
are considered (m.) nekhshavim ‫נחשבים‬ 3887
that/who arranges (m.s.) hamesader ‫המסדר‬ 3888
the lineup / the parade hamisdar
to recruit legayes ‫לגייס‬ 3889
the ships hasfinot ‫הספינות‬ 3890
government mimshal ‫ממשל‬ 3891
expedition / delegation mishlakhat ‫משלחת‬ 3892
established / built (pl.) hekimu ‫הקימו‬ 3893
headed by him / led by him berashuto ‫בראשותו‬ 3894

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wide / broad (f.s.) nirkhevet ‫נרחבת‬ 3895
my sentence / my trial / judicial mishpati ‫משפטי‬ 3896
are counted ( sfurim ‫ספורים‬ 3897
created / made (f.s.) yatsra ‫יצרה‬ 3898
kept / guarded / protected (m.s.) shamar ‫שמר‬ 3899
community kehila ‫קהילה‬ 3900
felt / rushed (m.s.) khash ‫חש‬ 3901
where heykhan ‫היכן‬ 3902
was done / became (f.s) na'asta ‫נעשתה‬ 3903
journeys masa'ot ‫מסעות‬ 3904
ruler shalit ‫שליט‬ 3905
social ( khevratiyim ‫חברתיים‬ 3906
as a source / as a beak kemakor ‫כמקור‬ 3907
at a cinema bekolno'a ‫בקולנוע‬ 3908
at the cinema bakolno'a
exhalation / blow neshifa ‫נשיפה‬ 3909
was destroyed / was demolished (m.s.) neheras ‫נהרס‬ 3910
minority mi'ut ‫מיעוט‬ 3911
precise / accurate (m.s.) meduyak ‫מדויק‬ 3912
to/for a position / to/for a class / to/for a
pedestal / to/for a scene
lema'amad ‫למעמד‬ 3913
to/for the position / to/for the class /
to/for the pedestal / to/for the scene
to/for a union le'ikhud ‫לאיחוד‬ 3914
to/for the union la'ikhud
existed / took place / was held (f.s.) hitkayma ‫התקיימה‬ 3915
was discovered (m.s.) hitgala ‫התגלה‬ 3916
the version hagirsa ‫הגרסה‬ 3917
that is possible / that is given (m.s.) hanitan ‫הניתן‬ 3918
mature / adult / graduate boger ‫בוגר‬ 3919
in development / in the development of bepitu'akh ‫בפיתוח‬ 3920
in the development bapitu'akh
in the shape of / in the image of bidmut ‫בדמות‬ 3921
public tsibur ‫ציבור‬ 3922
given / that is situated (f.s.) netuna ‫נתונה‬ 3923
late (f.s.) me'ukheret ‫מאוחרת‬ 3924
stairs madregot ‫מדרגות‬ 3925
unique (m.s.) yikhudi ‫ייחודי‬ 3926
[to] his death lemoto ‫למותו‬ 3927
in his opinion leda'ato ‫לדעתו‬ 3928
etc. vekhulei ‫וכו‬ 3929
her people / her nation ama ‫עמה‬ 3930
with her ima
birds ofot ‫עופות‬ 3931

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his time zmano ‫זמנו‬ 3932
protruding / stand out ( boltim ‫בולטים‬ 3933
course kurs ‫קורס‬ 3934
[in] the names of bishmot ‫בשמות‬ 3935
[in] names beshemot
official ( rishmiyim ‫רשמיים‬ 3936
findings mimtsa'im ‫ממצאים‬ 3937
to/for actions / to/for operations / to/for
the actions of / to/for the operations of
lif'ulot ‫לפעולות‬ 3938
to/for the actions / to/for the operations lape'ulot
addition / supplement tosefet ‫תוספת‬ 3939
bear dov ‫דב‬ 3940
crisis mashber ‫משבר‬ 3941
wave mishbar
from the same (f.s.) me'ota ‫מאותה‬ 3942
surface / plane / platform / smear mishtakh ‫משטח‬ 3943
to/for a building/construction lemivne ‫למבנה‬ 3944
to/for the building/construction lamivne
that are tied / that are linked / that are
connected (
hakshurot ‫הקשורות‬ 3945
the visitors / the critics / the inspectors hamevakrim ‫המבקרים‬ 3946
parked khana ‫חנה‬ 3947
the sources / the text hamekorot ‫המקורות‬ 3948
medical ( refu'iyim ‫רפואיים‬ 3949
the mathematical (m.s.) hamatemati ‫המתמטי‬ 3950
park park ‫פארק‬ 3951
experiments / trials nisuyim ‫ניסויים‬ 3952
the swimming haskhiya ‫השחייה‬ 3953
the spatial hamerkhavi ‫המרחבי‬ 3954
hormones hormonim ‫הורמונים‬ 3955
the birds ha'ofot ‫העופות‬ 3956
the coral ha'almog ‫האלמוג‬ 3957
enabled / facilitated (f.s.) ifshera ‫אפשרה‬ 3958
I knew yadati ‫ידעתי‬ 3959
and I will go / and I will walk ve'elekh ‫ואלך‬ 3960
and the chip vehagzir ‫והגזיר‬ 3961
you ( aten ‫אתן‬ 3962
I will give eten
with them ( itan
I wanted khafatsti ‫חפצתי‬ 3963
in the air ba'avir ‫באויר‬ 3964
that you ( she'atem ‫שאתם‬ 3965
lay down (pl.) shakhvu ‫שכבו‬ 3966
to lie down lishkav ‫לשכב‬ 3967

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heard (pl.) sham'u ‫שמעו‬ 3968
sat (f.s.) yashva ‫ישבה‬ 3969
where to ana ‫אנה‬ 3970
hither and thither ane [va'ana]
the fermentation / the unrest hatsisa ‫התסיסה‬ 3971
Miss / the lass / the maiden ha'alma ‫העלמה‬ 3972
hiding / concealing / evasion (tax) ha'alama
takes (m.s.) loke'akh ‫לוקח‬ 3973
Maccabee makabi ‫מכבי‬ 3974
that one (f.) hahi ‫ההיא‬ 3975
his back gabo ‫גבו‬ 3976
charged / collected (money) (pl.) gavu
around him svivo ‫סביבו‬ 3977
opened (f.s.) patkha ‫פתחה‬ 3978
lightning barak ‫ברק‬ 3979
trainer / coach me'amen ‫מאמן‬ 3980
reader / reads / calls (m.s.) kore ‫קורא‬ 3981
branches / fields anafim ‫ענפים‬ 3982
the other (m.s.) ha'akher ‫האחר‬ 3983
smell / scent / aroma / odor re'akh ‫ריח‬ 3984
expected / anticipated (m.s.) tsafui ‫צפוי‬ 3985
billion milyard ‫מיליארד‬ 3986
airplane matos ‫מטוס‬ 3987
might (f.s.) alula ‫עלולה‬ 3988
love ahava ‫אהבה‬ 3989
the mouth hape ‫הפה‬ 3990
experience / trial nisayon ‫נסיון‬ 3991
from [day / date] / from the day [that] miyom ‫מיום‬ 3992
started (pl.) hitkhilu ‫התחילו‬ 3993
the long (m.s.) ha'arokh ‫הארוך‬ 3994
the color hatseva ‫הצבע‬ 3995
in his hand / on his hand beyado ‫בידו‬ 3996
height / level rama ‫רמה‬ 3997
to/for a people le'am ‫לעם‬ 3998
to/for the people la'am
[to/for] a company lekhevra ‫לחברה‬ 3999
[to/for] the company lakhevra
to/for a friend / to/for a member (f.) lekhavera
to/for the friend / to/for the member (f.) lakhavera
to lead / to transport lehovil ‫להוביל‬ 4000
to widen / to to broaden leharkhiv ‫להרחיב‬ 4001
to examine / to test livdok ‫לבדוק‬ 4002
display / show tetsuga ‫תצוגה‬ 4003

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and are not / and are not here ( ve'einam ‫ואינם‬ 4004
that lasted / that was pulled / that was
attracted / that was withdrawn (m.s.)
shenimshakh ‫שנמשך‬ 4005
times zmanim ‫זמנים‬ 4006
the thought hamakhshava ‫המחשבה‬ 4007
that are [at] / the common / the available
hametsuyim ‫המצויים‬ 4008
similar / resembling ( domot ‫דומות‬ 4009
his words / his things dvarav ‫דבריו‬ 4010
high / tall ( gvohim ‫גבוהים‬ 4011
in the language of bilshon ‫בלשון‬ 4012
with a tongue belashon
with the tongue balashon
in stages / in phases bishlavim ‫בשלבים‬ 4013
at a size of begodel ‫בגודל‬ 4014
obstacles / hurdles mikhsholim ‫מכשולים‬ 4015
excellent metsuyan ‫מצוין‬ 4016
to/for struggle / to/for a fight / to/for a
lema'avak ‫למאבק‬ 4017
to/for the struggle / to/for the fight /
to/for the conflict
to a center / to the center of lemerkaz ‫למרכז‬ 4018
to the center lamerkaz
aviation te'ufa ‫תעופה‬ 4019
beams of / rays of / horns of karnei ‫קרני‬ 4020
my honor karni
open (m.p.) ptukhim ‫פתוחים‬ 4021
stripe / rail pas ‫פס‬ 4022
quality eikhut ‫איכות‬ 4023
windows khalonot ‫חלונות‬ 4024
his sister akhoto ‫אחותו‬ 4025
the policy hamediniyut ‫המדיניות‬ 4026
collapsed (m.s.) hitmotet ‫התמוטט‬ 4027
were accepted (pl.) hitkablu ‫התקבלו‬ 4028
the close / the relative / the next (m.s.) hakarov ‫הקרוב‬ 4029
the supremacy / the superiority ha'elyonut ‫העליונות‬ 4030
believe (m.s. imperative) ha'amen ‫האמן‬ 4031
the artist ha'oman
the immunization / the vaccination hakhisun ‫החיסון‬ 4032
between her beina ‫בינה‬ 4033
intelligence / wisdom bina
in motion / in a movement bitnu'a ‫בתנועה‬ 4034
in the motion / in the movement / in
in the headquarters bapikud ‫בפיקוד‬ 4035

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under the command of befikud
in the future ba'atid ‫בעתיד‬ 4036
their weapon nishkam ‫נשקם‬ 4037
were considered nekhshevu ‫נחשבו‬ 4038
on an attack lemitkafa ‫למתקפה‬ 4039
on the attack lamitkafa
cannons totakhim ‫תותחים‬ 4040
the uprooting / the displacement ha'akira ‫העקירה‬ 4041
navy / armada tsi ‫צי‬ 4042
salts melakhim ‫מלחים‬ 4043
sailors malakhim
fought (pl.) lakhamu ‫לחמו‬ 4044
his bread lakhmo
and a rule / and [not] at all veklal ‫וכלל‬ 4045
and included (m.s.) vekalal
extreme / extremist / radical (m.s.) kitsoni ‫קיצוני‬ 4046
to/for the state of limdinat ‫למדינת‬ 4047
prisoners (of war) shvuyim ‫שבויים‬ 4048
armed ( khamushim ‫חמושים‬ 4049
were raised / were lifted / were increased
/ were brought up
hu'alu ‫הועלו‬ 4050
rifles rovim ‫רובים‬ 4051
came up against / bumped into (pl.) nitkelu ‫נתקלו‬ 4052
to a beach / on the beach of lekhof ‫לחוף‬ 4053
to the beach lakhof
the supporters hatomkhim ‫התומכים‬ 4054
who tried (pl.) shenisu ‫שניסו‬ 4055
islands iyim ‫איים‬ 4056
lands adamot ‫אדמות‬ 4057
required / demanded / preached /
interpreted (pl.)
darshu ‫דרשו‬ 4058
mainly / principally be'ikaro ‫בעיקרו‬ 4059
acted / operated (f.s.) pa'ala ‫פעלה‬ 4060
era idan ‫עידן‬ 4061
faith / belief emuna ‫אמונה‬ 4062
the brigade of / the section of khativat ‫חטיבת‬ 4063
in the population ba'ukhlusiya ‫באוכלוסייה‬ 4064
in a population be'ukhlusiya
managed / conducted (m.s.) nihel ‫ניהל‬ 4065
that/who brought (f.s.) shehevi'a ‫שהביאה‬ 4066
that/who was known / that/who became
known (m.s.)
shenoda ‫שנודע‬ 4067
the kingdom hamamlakha ‫הממלכה‬ 4068
model model ‫מודל‬ 4069

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and in the footsteps of / and following /
and as a result of
ube'ikvot ‫ובעקבות‬ 4070
plenty shefa ‫שפע‬ 4071
yield abundantly shafa
personal ishiyim ‫אישיים‬ 4072
investigation / research / inquiry khakira ‫חקירה‬ 4073
strong ( khazakim ‫חזקים‬ 4074
the known / the familiar hamukarim ‫המוכרים‬ 4075
the ruler / the sovereign hashalit ‫השליט‬ 4076
the difficulty / the hardness hakoshi ‫הקושי‬ 4077
the legs haraglayim ‫הרגליים‬ 4078
reasonable / likely (m.s.) savir ‫סביר‬ 4079
on the left / from the left mismol ‫משמאל‬ 4080
elements elementim ‫אלמנטים‬ 4081
the average hamemutsa ‫הממוצע‬ 4082
the equator hamashve ‫המשווה‬ 4083
separation hafrada ‫הפרדה‬ 4084
the stone ha'even ‫האבן‬ 4085
demonstrated (m.s.) hidgim ‫הדגים‬ 4086
the fish (pl.) hadagim
the painting / the drawing hatsiyur ‫הציור‬ 4087
diplomacy diplomatya ‫דיפלומטיה‬ 4088
at a concentration of berikuz ‫בריכוז‬ 4089
centimeters sentimeterim ‫סנטימטרים‬ 4090
was founded (m.s.) nosad ‫נוסד‬ 4091
the cliff hamatsok ‫המצוק‬ 4092
stage of bamat ‫במת‬ 4093
to/for a Jew leyehudi ‫ליהודי‬ 4094
to/for the Jew layehudi
the representatives of netsigei ‫נציגי‬ 4095
I will allocate aktse ‫אקצה‬ 4096
connected / linked (m.s.) khiber ‫חיבר‬ 4097
the bodies hagufim ‫הגופים‬ 4098
to/for a building / for the building of lebinyan ‫לבניין‬ 4099
to/for the building labinyan
developed (m.s.) hitpate'akh ‫התפתח‬ 4100
happened / occurred / took place (f.s.) hitrakhasha ‫התרחשה‬ 4101
stems from / derived from / spouts (f.s.) nova'at ‫נובעת‬ 4102
representation yitsug ‫ייצוג‬ 4103
bones atsamot ‫עצמות‬ 4104
pig khazir ‫חזיר‬ 4105
the fear / the terror ha'eima ‫האימה‬ 4106
values arakhim ‫ערכים‬ 4107

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in nature bateva ‫בטבע‬ 4108
the fruit hapri ‫הפרי‬ 4109
his creations / his works of art / his
yetsirotav ‫יצירותיו‬ 4110
to/for sculpture lepisul ‫לפיסול‬ 4111
to/for the sculpture lapisul
the script hatasrit ‫התסריט‬ 4112
the expressionism ha'expresionizm ‫האקספרסיוניזם‬ 4113
[in] sculpture bepisul ‫בפיסול‬ 4114
[in] the sculpture bapisul
in a formation / in a creation / in a work of
art / in a composition
biytsira ‫ביצירה‬ 4115
in the formation / in the creation / in the
work of art / in the composition
that opens (f.s.) hapotakhat ‫הפותחת‬ 4116
forbidden / imprisoned ( asurim ‫אסורים‬ 4117
the medication / the drug hatrufa ‫התרופה‬ 4118
transfusions of iruyei ‫עירויי‬ 4119
as a boxer kemit'agref ‫כמתאגרף‬ 4120
in biology bebiologya ‫בביולוגיה‬ 4121
in the biology babiologya
electric khashmali ‫חשמלי‬ 4122
creams / ointments mishkhot ‫משחות‬ 4123
the icebergs hakarkhonim ‫הקרחונים‬ 4124
preferably / better / beneficiary mutav ‫מוטב‬ 4125
I placed / I put samti ‫שמתי‬ 4126
flies zvuvim ‫זבובים‬ 4127
looked (pl.) hebitu ‫הביטו‬ 4128
I intend to beda'ati ‫בדעתי‬ 4129
green ( yerukim ‫ירוקים‬ 4130
the sands hakholot ‫החולות‬ 4131
feels / senses (m.s.) margish ‫מרגיש‬ 4132
her heart liba ‫לבה‬ 4133
lava laba
the seaman hakhovel ‫החובל‬ 4134
Shekels (Israeli currency) shkalim ‫שקלים‬ 4135
huge / great kabir ‫כביר‬ 4136
the real ( ha'amitiyim ‫האמיתיים‬ 4137
must (m.s.) mukhrakh ‫מוכרח‬ 4138
barriers / blocks makhsomim ‫מחסומים‬ 4139
smart / wise khakham ‫חכם‬ 4140
wrote (f.s.) katva ‫כתבה‬ 4141
reportage katava
the full / the complete (m.s.) hamele'a ‫המלאה‬ 4142

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at the feet of lemargelot ‫למרגלות‬ 4143
ate (pl.) akhlu ‫אכלו‬ 4144
the old (f.s.) hayeshana ‫הישנה‬ 4145
the sleeping (f.s.) hayeshena
coming ( ba'im ‫באים‬ 4146
to prepare lehakhin ‫להכין‬ 4147
rose above / excelled (m.s.) hit'ala ‫התעלה‬ 4148
in the week / per week bashavu'a ‫בשבוע‬ 4149
in a week / per week beshavu'a
in a ceremony betekes ‫בטקס‬ 4150
during the ceremony batekes
to add lehosif ‫להוסיף‬ 4151
the pressure / the stress halakhats ‫הלחץ‬ 4152
the horses hasusim ‫הסוסים‬ 4153
the soul / the spirit / the life hanefesh ‫הנפש‬ 4154
mediocre beynoni ‫בינוני‬ 4155
winds / ghosts rukhot ‫רוחות‬ 4156
is done (f.s.) na'aset ‫נעשית‬ 4157
great nations ma'atsamot ‫מעצמות‬ 4158
of bones me'atsamot
hands yadayim ‫ידיים‬ 4159
to/for one (f.) le'akhat ‫לאחת‬ 4160
are hung / depending on ( tluyim ‫תלויים‬ 4161
feeling of / sensation of tkhushat ‫תחושת‬ 4162
and im- / and in- / and un- / and dis- / and
uvilti ‫ובלתי‬ 4163
and my son uvni ‫ובני‬ 4164
and my sons uvanai
stood up / woke up / was established (f.s.) kama ‫קמה‬ 4165
standing corn kama
the future ha'atid ‫העתיד‬ 4166
served / submitted / presented (m.s.) higish ‫הגיש‬ 4167
introduced / displayed / presented /
exhibited (pl.)
hetsigu ‫הציגו‬ 4168
agreed (pl.) hiskimu ‫הסכימו‬ 4169
down a bemorad ‫במורד‬ 4170
down the bamorad
in a rhythm beketsev ‫בקצב‬ 4171
in the rhythm baketsev
charity tsdaka ‫צדקה‬ 4172
her end / its end sofa ‫סופה‬ 4173
storm sufa
cream of / ointment of mishkhat ‫משחת‬ 4174
operates / operator (m.s.) maf'il ‫מפעיל‬ 4175

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his position / his status / his class ma'amado ‫מעמדו‬ 4176
eastern / east of (f.s.) mizrakhit ‫מזרחית‬ 4177
space merkhav ‫מרחב‬ 4178
to/for a kind / to/for a species / to/for a
gender / to/for a sex
lemin ‫למין‬ 4179
to/for the kind / to/for the species / to/for
the gender / to/for the sex
for the year lashana ‫לשנה‬ 4180
for a year / per year leshana
in the matter of le'inyan ‫לעניין‬ 4181
to the point la'inyan
to take control of lehishtalet ‫להשתלט‬ 4182
by his side letsido ‫לצדו‬ 4183
and claimed / and argued (m.s.) veta'an ‫וטען‬ 4184
that/who is near / that/who is next to sheleyad ‫שליד‬ 4185
live / dwell (m.s.) shokhen ‫שוכן‬ 4186
questions she'elot ‫שאלות‬ 4187
that were done / that/who became shena'asu ‫שנעשו‬ 4188
cities of arei ‫ערי‬ 4189
positive (f.s.) khiyuvit ‫חיובית‬ 4190
seeds zra'im ‫זרעים‬ 4191
the economy of kalkalat ‫כלכלת‬ 4192
the royal (m.s.) hamalkhuti ‫המלכותי‬ 4193
check hamkha'a ‫המחאה‬ 4194
the protest hamekha'a
stopped / ceased (m.s.) hifsik ‫הפסיק‬ 4195
break of / intermission of hafsakat ‫הפסקת‬ 4196
the future / the prospective / the futuristic
ha'atidit ‫העתידית‬ 4197
the parts / the smooth / the slippery
hakhalakim ‫החלקים‬ 4198
replacement of / change of hakhlafat ‫החלפת‬ 4199
the stars hakokhavim ‫הכוכבים‬ 4200
in combination beshiluv ‫בשילוב‬ 4201
on their way / their way bedarkam ‫בדרכם‬ 4202
final (m.s.) sofi ‫סופי‬ 4203
telegram mivrak ‫מברק‬ 4204
for warfare lilkhima ‫ללחימה‬ 4205
for the warfare lalekhima
to discuss / to judge ladun ‫לדון‬ 4206
their power / their force / their strength kokham ‫כוחם‬ 4207
the fortress of / the castle of metsudat ‫מצודת‬ 4208
judges shoftim ‫שופטים‬ 4209
broke into / broke out / burst (f.s.) paratsa ‫פרצה‬ 4210

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supply aspaka ‫אספקה‬ 4211
the operation / the sale hamivtsa ‫המבצע‬ 4212
the communists / the communist (pl.) hakomunistim ‫הקומוניסטים‬ 4213
to/for the defense of lehaganat ‫להגנת‬ 4214
the areas / the fields / the territories hashtakhim ‫השטחים‬ 4215
taxes misim ‫מסים‬ 4216
that started (f.s.) shehekhela ‫שהחלה‬ 4217
extremes / extremists / radicals / radical
kitsoniyim ‫קיצוניים‬ 4218
command pikud ‫פיקוד‬ 4219
historians historyonim ‫היסטוריונים‬ 4220
preferred (pl.) he'edifu ‫העדיפו‬ 4221
in the areas of / in the fields of / in the
territories of
beshitkhei ‫בשטחי‬ 4222
loyal / trustees ( ne'emanim ‫נאמנים‬ 4223
who perform ( mevats'im ‫מבצעים‬ 4224
of a beach khofi ‫חופי‬ 4225
the main / the principal / the primary
ha'ikariyot ‫העיקריות‬ 4226
stiff / rigid / tough nukshe ‫נוקשה‬ 4227
woke / has excited (f.s.) orera ‫עוררה‬ 4228
the western ( hama'araviyim ‫המערביים‬ 4229
the responsible / the person in charge
ha'akhra'i ‫האחראי‬ 4230
success of hatslakhat ‫הצלחת‬ 4231
the plate hatsalakhat
their property rekhusham ‫רכושם‬ 4232
was/is prevented / abstains (m.s.) nimna ‫נמנע‬ 4233
from a place mimakom ‫ממקום‬ 4234
from the place of mimkom
to acquire lirkosh ‫לרכוש‬ 4235
to/for property lerekhush
to/for the property larekhush
that/who is considered (m.s.) shenekhshav ‫שנחשב‬ 4236
middle emtsa ‫אמצע‬ 4237
memory zikaron ‫זיכרון‬ 4238
the stories hasipurim ‫הסיפורים‬ 4239
in its formation / in its creation / in his
artistic work / in his composition
biytsirato ‫ביצירתו‬ 4240
tunnels minharot ‫מנהרות‬ 4241
study limud ‫לימוד‬ 4242
blade / flame / blaze lahav ‫להב‬ 4243
for the growth of / for the increase of /
[for/to] a tumor
legidul ‫לגידול‬ 4244

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for the growth / for the increase / for the
periods / eras tkufot ‫תקופות‬ 4245
distribution tfutsa ‫תפוצה‬ 4246
roles tafkidim ‫תפקידים‬ 4247
that/who published / that/who advertised shepirsem ‫שפרסם‬ 4248
the accepted / the conventional / the
popular (f.s.)
hamekubelet ‫המקובלת‬ 4249
being (m.s.) heyoto ‫היותו‬ 4250
was proposed / was suggested / was
hutsa ‫הוצע‬ 4251
was posted / was placed (m.s.) hutsav ‫הוצב‬ 4252
the federation hafederatsya ‫הפדרציה‬ 4253
the value ha'erekh ‫הערך‬ 4254
the Islamic (f.s.) ha'islamit ‫האסלאמית‬ 4255
the selection / the choice habkhira ‫הבחירה‬ 4256
his/its success hatslakhato ‫הצלחתו‬ 4257
the shapes / the forms hatsurot ‫הצורות‬ 4258
expressions bituyim ‫ביטויים‬ 4259
pools brekhot ‫בריכות‬ 4260
common ( nefotsim ‫נפוצים‬ 4261
the legion haligyon ‫הלגיון‬ 4262
at the corner of bepinat ‫בפינת‬ 4263
the rock hasela ‫הסלע‬ 4264
the national ( hale'umiyim ‫הלאומיים‬ 4265
coffee kafe ‫קפה‬ 4266
the flora hatsimkhiya ‫הצמחייה‬ 4267
on the other hand me'idakh ‫מאידך‬ 4268
produce ( meyatsrim ‫מייצרים‬ 4269
participants / participate ( mishtatfim ‫משתתפים‬ 4270
[to/for] a body leguf ‫לגוף‬ 4271
to/for the body laguf
ancient ( kdumim ‫קדומים‬ 4272
the orchestra hatizmoret ‫התזמורת‬ 4273
vote / voting / raising a hand / pointing at
/ indicating
hatsba'a ‫הצבעה‬ 4274
the detail / the individual haprat ‫הפרט‬ 4275
his world olamo ‫עולמו‬ 4276
the sexuality haminiyut ‫המיניות‬ 4277
on television batelevizya ‫בטלוויזיה‬ 4278
computer makhshev ‫מחשב‬ 4279
calculates (m.s.) mekhashev
in examinations bivdikot ‫בבדיקות‬ 4280
in the examinations babdikot

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whale livyatan ‫לווייתן‬ 4281
predators torfim ‫טורפים‬ 4282
gaseous gazi ‫גזי‬ 4283
I stood up / I woke up kamti ‫קמתי‬ 4284
care for ikhpat ‫איכפת‬ 4285
like you kamokha ‫כמוך‬ 4286
you woke / you commented (m.s.) he'arta ‫הערת‬ 4287
you woke / you commented (f.s.) he'art
comment of he'arat
the fly hazvuv ‫הזבוב‬ 4288
decent / honest (m.s.) hagun ‫הגון‬ 4289
the decay harikavon ‫הרקבון‬ 4290
I crossed / I succeeded tsalakhti ‫צלחתי‬ 4291
my plate tsalakhti
excuse me / I'm sorry / forgiveness /
slikha ‫סליחה‬ 4292
to you (m.) elekha ‫אליך‬ 4293
to you (f.) elaikh
advice etsa ‫עצה‬ 4294
lignin atse
as the eye of / like / in the color of ke'ein ‫כעין‬ 4295
the green ( hayerukim ‫הירוקים‬ 4296
heavily bikhvedut ‫בכבדות‬ 4297
grew tsamkhu ‫צמחו‬ 4298
at once bevat [akhat] ‫בבת‬ 4299
pupil (of the eye) bavat [ha'ayin]
took (m.s.) lakkha ‫לקחה‬ 4300
her face paneha ‫פניה‬ 4301
most hakhi ‫הכי‬ 4302
glory / splendor / citrus fruits hadar ‫הדר‬ 4303
her husband ba'ala ‫בעלה‬ 4304
like him kamohu ‫כמוהו‬ 4305
the screen / the curtain hamasakh ‫המסך‬ 4306
this moment harega ‫הרגע‬ 4307
in the light ba'or ‫באור‬ 4308
in a light / under a light be'or
good ( / favors tovot ‫טובות‬ 4309
runs / runner (m.s.) rats ‫רץ‬ 4310
shoes of na'alei ‫נעלי‬ 4311
to/for a family lemishpakha ‫למשפחה‬ 4312
to/for the family lamishpakha
that/who could sheyakhlu ‫שיכלו‬ 4313
slowly at ‫אט‬ 4314

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the key hamafte'akh ‫המפתח‬ 4315
secure / safe / certain (m.s.) batu'akh ‫בטוח‬ 4316
in his head / / at its top / led by berosho ‫בראשו‬ 4317
type / climbing tipus ‫טיפוס‬ 4318
sounded (pl.) nishme'u ‫נשמעו‬ 4319
classification / categorization miyun ‫מיון‬ 4320
introduction / entrance mavo ‫מבוא‬ 4321
to the land / to the earth / to the soil / to
the ground
la'adama ‫לאדמה‬ 4322
to a land / to an earth / to soil / to a
their eyes einehem ‫עיניהם‬ 4323
the conversation hasikha ‫השיחה‬ 4324
the surgery hanitu'akh ‫הניתוח‬ 4325
to close lisgor ‫לסגור‬ 4326
that the thing / that the object / that the
matter / that the item
shehadavar ‫שהדבר‬ 4327
warm / hot khamim ‫חמים‬ 4328
data of netunei ‫נתוני‬ 4329
are done na'asim ‫נעשים‬ 4330
proposes / suggests / offers (m.s.) metsi'a ‫מציע‬ 4331
and one (f.) ve'akhat ‫ואחת‬ 4332
that/who seems (m.s.) shenir'e ‫שנראה‬ 4333
that/who seemed (m.s.) shenir'a
proximity / relativeness / closeness kirva ‫קרבה‬ 4334
getting close / approaches (f.s.) kreva
strengthening khizuk ‫חיזוק‬ 4335
the special (m.s.) ha'meyukhad ‫המיוחד‬ 4336
the tower hamigdal ‫המגדל‬ 4337
roof gag ‫גג‬ 4338
inside her/it betokha ‫בתוכה‬ 4339
his government memshalto ‫ממשלתו‬ 4340
arrest ma'atsar ‫מעצר‬ 4341
efforts of ma'amatsei ‫מאמצי‬ 4342
from behind me'akhor ‫מאחור‬ 4343
formation / creation / work of art /
yetsira ‫יצירה‬ 4344
to serve lesharet ‫לשרת‬ 4345
to overcome lehitgaber ‫להתגבר‬ 4346
to resemble lidmot ‫לדמות‬ 4347
to imagine / to simulate ledamot
for the road laderekh ‫לדרך‬ 4348
to a road / to a way lederekh
according to the claim of / according to
the argue of
leta'anat ‫לטענת‬ 4349

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and in the south uvadarom ‫ובדרום‬ 4350
that this (f.) shezo ‫שזו‬ 4351
ground (adj.) (f.s.) / bottom karka'it ‫קרקעית‬ 4352
short ( katsarim ‫קצרים‬ 4353
opened (pl.) patkhu ‫פתחו‬ 4354
self- / auto- (f.s.) atsmit ‫עצמית‬ 4355
to them (f.) eleihen ‫אליהן‬ 4356
blue ( kkhulim ‫כחולים‬ 4357
walk halikha ‫הליכה‬ 4358
recognition / consciousness hakara ‫הכרה‬ 4359
syllable havara ‫הברה‬ 4360
the passengers / the travelers hanos'im ‫הנוסעים‬ 4361
rubber gumi ‫גומי‬ 4362
in a question bish'ela ‫בשאלה‬ 4363
in the question bashe'ela
opened (pl.) niftekhu ‫נפתחו‬ 4364
kerosene / oil neft ‫נפט‬ 4365
cut / decreed / conjugated / derived nigzar ‫נגזר‬ 4366
governor / governs (m.s.) moshel ‫מושל‬ 4367
spatial merkhavi ‫מרחבי‬ 4368
[to] far away lamerkhakim ‫למרחקים‬ 4369
to distances lemerkhakim
for the production of leyitsur ‫לייצור‬ 4370
for the production layitsur
to improve leshaper ‫לשפר‬ 4371
to the gate lasha'ar ‫לשער‬ 4372
to a gate / to the gate of lesha'ar
to assume lesha'er
for the hair lase'ar
for hair lese'ar
to promise lehavti'akh ‫להבטיח‬ 4373
and created / and made (pl.) veyatsru ‫ויצרו‬ 4374
his songs / his poems shirav ‫שיריו‬ 4375
that on her/it / that about her/it / on
whom/which / about whom/which (f.s.)
she'aleha ‫שעליה‬ 4376
that/who gave shenatan ‫שנתן‬ 4377
easy / light weight ( kalim ‫קלים‬ 4378
were published / were advertised (f.s.) pursemu ‫פורסמו‬ 4379
gap pa'ar ‫פער‬ 4380
passes / crosses / goes through (f.s.) overet ‫עוברת‬ 4381
for them avuram ‫עבורם‬ 4382
were worried / feared (pl.) khasheshu ‫חששו‬ 4383
items khafatsim ‫חפצים‬ 4384

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want ( khafetsim
who appear / who perform (m.s.) hamofi'im ‫המופיעים‬ 4385
turn / become / transform ( hofkhim ‫הופכים‬ 4386
cast / threw / projected (m.s.) hutal ‫הוטל‬ 4387
was introduced / was displayed / was
presented / was exhibited (m.s.)
hutsag ‫הוצג‬ 4388
the spiritual harukhani ‫הרוחני‬ 4389
in reality bametsi'ut ‫במציאות‬ 4390
on a course / on a path / on a track bemaslul ‫במסלול‬ 4391
on the course / on the path / on the track bemaslul
his visit bikuro ‫ביקורו‬ 4392
in hope that betikva ‫בתקווה‬ 4393
in shock beshok ‫בשוק‬ 4394
at the market bashuk
at a market beshuk
at a beach bekhof ‫בחוף‬ 4395
at the beach bakhof
basket sal ‫סל‬ 4396
was stopped / was arrested (m.s.) ne'etsar ‫נעצר‬ 4397
eunuchs hasarisim ‫הסריסים‬ 4398
in their hands biydehem ‫בידיהם‬ 4399
to/for an attack lehatkafa ‫להתקפה‬ 4400
to/for the attack lahatkafa
to disconnect lenatek ‫לנתק‬ 4401
the authority hasamkhut ‫הסמכות‬ 4402
the soviet (m.s.) hasovyeti ‫הסובייטי‬ 4403
the positions ha'amadot ‫העמדות‬ 4404
the international ( habeynleumiyot ‫הבינלאומיות‬ 4405
arranges (m.s.) mesader ‫מסדר‬ 4406
lineup / parade misdar
to the west lama'arav ‫למערב‬ 4407
the popular / the national / the folk (f.s.) ha'amamit ‫העממית‬ 4408
in regard to / in the question of bish'elat ‫בשאלת‬ 4409
in a victory benitsakhon ‫בניצחון‬ 4410
in the victory banitsakhon
to an arena / to a scene lezira ‫לזירה‬ 4411
to the arena / to the scene lazira
the information / the intelligence hamodi'in ‫המודיעין‬ 4412
the propaganda hata'amula ‫התעמולה‬ 4413
immediately miyadit ‫מיידית‬ 4414
its occupation kibusha ‫כיבושה‬ 4415
the forests haye'arot ‫היערות‬ 4416
the external / the outer ( hakhitsoniyim ‫החיצוניים‬ 4417

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efficient (m.s.) ya'il ‫יעיל‬ 4418
that/who created / that/who made (pl.) sheyatsru ‫שיצרו‬ 4419
that/who saw (pl.) shera'u ‫שראו‬ 4420
the position / the class / the pedestal / the
hama'amad ‫המעמד‬ 4421
were posted / were placed hutsvu ‫הוצבו‬ 4422
buildings binyanim ‫בניינים‬ 4423
preliminary / primary / initial rishoni ‫ראשוני‬ 4424
prepared / made arrangements / was held
/ was edited (f.s.)
ne'erkha ‫נערכה‬ 4425
entered (pl.) nikhnesu ‫נכנסו‬ 4426
stayed (m.s.) sha'ha ‫שהה‬ 4427
ships oniyot ‫אוניות‬ 4428
articles / dishes / vessels / ware / tools kelim ‫כלים‬ 4429
the minority hami'ut ‫המיעוט‬ 4430
replaced / changed hekhlif ‫החליף‬ 4431
international ( beynleumiyim ‫בינלאומיים‬ 4432
in the empire ba'imperia ‫באימפריה‬ 4433
in an empire be'imperia
in a harbor benamal ‫בנמל‬ 4434
in the harbor banamal
danger / risk / hazard sakana ‫סכנה‬ 4435
harbor namal ‫נמל‬ 4436
was founded (f.s.) nosda ‫נוסדה‬ 4437
against him negdo ‫נגדו‬ 4438
machines mekhonot ‫מכונות‬ 4439
propaganda ta'amula ‫תעמולה‬ 4440
monument andarta ‫אנדרטה‬ 4441
the original (f.s.) hamekorit ‫המקורית‬ 4442
the event ha'eru'a ‫האירוע‬ 4443
was worried / cared for (m.s.) da'ag ‫דאג‬ 4444
boys / sons banim ‫בנים‬ 4445
version of / phrased / style of benosakh ‫בנוסח‬ 4446
the version of / the style of banosakh
are found / are [at] ( nimtsa'ot ‫נמצאות‬ 4447
common / mutual / shared (f.s.) meshutefet ‫משותפת‬ 4448
array / set ma'arakh ‫מערך‬ 4449
to promote / for the promotion of lekidum ‫לקידום‬ 4450
to publish / to advertise lefarsem ‫לפרסם‬ 4451
to differentiate / to separate / to
lehavdil ‫להבדיל‬ 4452
and at the beginning / and for the first
uvarishona ‫ובראשונה‬ 4453
who prepared / who made arrangements /
that was held / that was edited (f.s.)
shene'erkha ‫שנערכה‬ 4454

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populations ukhlusiyot ‫אוכלוסיות‬ 4455
the myth hamitos ‫המיתוס‬ 4456
the applicants / the candidates / the
hamu'amadim ‫המועמדים‬ 4457
expressed himself (m.s.) hitbate ‫התבטא‬ 4458
the real (f.s.) ha'amitit ‫האמיתית‬ 4459
the important ( hakhashuvot ‫החשובות‬ 4460
the physicians harof'im ‫הרופאים‬ 4461
proposals / suggestions / offers hatsa'ot ‫הצעות‬ 4462
the experiment / the trial hanisui ‫הניסוי‬ 4463
that/who is called / that/who is
summoned (m.s.)
hanikra ‫הנקרא‬ 4464
courier baldar ‫בלדר‬ 4465
in his time / in his era bitkufato ‫בתקופתו‬ 4466
in my life / upon my word bekhayai ‫בחיי‬ 4467
in the life of bakhayei
paintings / drawings tsiyurim ‫ציורים‬ 4468
the kiosk hakyosk ‫הקיוסק‬ 4469
the streams hanekhalim ‫הנחלים‬ 4470
from the Jews mehayehudim ‫מהיהודים‬ 4471
the builders habonim ‫הבונים‬ 4472
the Hebrew (adj.) ( ha'ivriyim ‫העבריים‬ 4473
in a plant / in a factory bemif'al ‫במפעל‬ 4474
in the plant / in the factory bamif'al
the roman (m.s.) haromi ‫הרומי‬ 4475
the ancient (f.s.) hakduma ‫הקדומה‬ 4476
the law / the Halachah (the Jewish law) hahalakha ‫ההלכה‬ 4477
floors komot ‫קומות‬ 4478
the bicycle ha'ofanayim ‫האופניים‬ 4479
on the subjects of benos'ei ‫בנושאי‬ 4480
identical ( zehim ‫זהים‬ 4481
to dismantle lefarek ‫לפרק‬ 4482
to/for a chapter / to/for a joint leperek
to/for the chapter / to/for the joint laperek
supports (m.s.) tomekh ‫תומך‬ 4483
and ending vekhale ‫וכלה‬ 4484
and a bride / and a daughter in law vekala
joined / associated khavru ‫חברו‬ 4485
the stations / the stops / the bases hatakhanot ‫התחנות‬ 4486
had an effect / influenced (m.s.) hishpi'a ‫השפיע‬ 4487
the will haratson ‫הרצון‬ 4488
public (f.s.) tsiburit ‫ציבורית‬ 4489
competitors mitkharim ‫מתחרים‬ 4490
unique (f.s.) yikhudit ‫ייחודית‬ 4491

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the leader / the transporter / the currier
hamovil ‫המוביל‬ 4492
that changes hameshane ‫המשנה‬ 4493
the deputy / Mishnah (oral Jewish laws) hamishne
the foundations haysodot ‫היסודות‬ 4494
difference hevdel ‫הבדל‬ 4495
the count hasfira ‫הספירה‬ 4496
paper niyar ‫נייר‬ 4497
dialect / idiom / tusk niv ‫ניב‬ 4498
is possible / is given (f.s.) nitenet ‫ניתנת‬ 4499
the mysteries of misterei ‫מסתרי‬ 4500
to/for a cinema lekolno'a ‫לקולנוע‬ 4501
to/for the cinema lakolno'a
stressed dgusha ‫דגושה‬ 4502
pronounced neheget ‫נהגית‬ 4503
inclination of / tendency of / tilt of netiyat ‫נטיית‬ 4504
to science lemada ‫למדע‬ 4505
to the science lamada
offsprings tse'etsa'im ‫צאצאים‬ 4506
the competitors hamitkharim ‫המתחרים‬ 4507
the aliens hakhayzarim ‫החייזרים‬ 4508
the furniture harahit ‫הרהיט‬ 4509
the molecule hamolekula ‫המולקולה‬ 4510
the gardens / the kindergartens haganim ‫הגנים‬ 4511
the genes hagenim
laughter tskhok ‫צחוק‬ 4512
sitting / sits (f.s.) yoshevet ‫יושבת‬ 4513
I came bati ‫באתי‬ 4514
casts / throws / projects / lays eggs (f.s.) metila ‫מטילה‬ 4515
that my son shebni ‫שבני‬ 4516
that is needed / that needs shetsarikh ‫שצריך‬ 4517
boy / youngster na'ar ‫נער‬ 4518
clock / watch sha'on ‫שעון‬ 4519
sick / patient khole ‫חולה‬ 4520
the owner / the husband haba'al ‫הבעל‬ 4521
the floor haritspa ‫הרצפה‬ 4522
assumed / placed (pl.) henikhu ‫הניחו‬ 4523
for help / for assistance le'ezra ‫לעזרה‬ 4524
bird / poultry of ‫עוף‬ 4525
when / fear of eimat ‫אימת‬ 4526
beef / cattle / inspector bakar ‫בקר‬ 4527
visited / criticized (m.s.) biker
in the spring ba'aviv ‫באביב‬ 4528

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in a spring be'aviv
to/for a tree le'ets ‫לעץ‬ 4529
to/for the tree la'ets
tip / end katse ‫קצה‬ 4530
was lost (m.s.) avad ‫אבד‬ 4531
the guard hamishmar ‫המשמר‬ 4532
his opinion da'ato ‫דעתו‬ 4533
shelter miklat ‫מקלט‬ 4534
receiver maklet
on his own levado ‫לבדו‬ 4535
letters otiyot ‫אותיות‬ 4536
gray afor ‫אפור‬ 4537
everybody (f.) kulan ‫כולן‬ 4538
informed / announced (f.s.) hodi'a ‫הודיעה‬ 4539
preferred (m.s.) he'edif ‫העדיף‬ 4540
protest mekha'a ‫מחאה‬ 4541
arrives / deserved (f.s.) megi'a ‫מגיעה‬ 4542
tells (f.s.) mesaperet ‫מספרת‬ 4543
hair salon of misparat
custom / habit minhag ‫מנהג‬ 4544
to/for a source / to/for a beak lemakor ‫למקור‬ 4545
to/for the source / to/for the beak lamakor
to buy liknot ‫לקנות‬ 4546
as a sign / to a letter / tired ( le'ot ‫לאות‬ 4547
fatigue / tiredness le'ut
to relieve / to ease lehakel ‫להקל‬ 4548
light blue tkhelet ‫תכלת‬ 4549
keeping of / guarding of / protection of shmirat ‫שמירת‬ 4550
burial / buried (f.s.) kvura ‫קבורה‬ 4551
his mouth piv ‫פיו‬ 4552
where aye ‫איה‬ 4553
crowd of / plenty of hamonei ‫המוני‬ 4554
the brother / the nurse (m.) ha'akh ‫האח‬ 4555
explanation hesber ‫הסבר‬ 4556
explain (m.s. imperative) hasber
partly / measure of / size of / to some
degree / to the extent that
bamidat ‫במידת‬ 4557
request bakasha ‫בקשה‬ 4558
in public befumbi ‫בפומבי‬ 4559
escort melave ‫מלווה‬ 4560
creditor malve
mammals yonkim ‫יונקים‬ 4561
for an eye le'ayin ‫לעין‬ 4562

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for the eye la'ayin
for themselves le'atsmam ‫לעצמם‬ 4563
in memory of lezekher ‫לזכר‬ 4564
to/for a male lezakhar
to/for the male lazakhar
to replace / to change / to exchange lehakhlif ‫להחליף‬ 4565
for my daughter lebiti ‫לבתי‬ 4566
and for / and for the purpose of uleshem ‫ולשם‬ 4567
and to/for the name velashem
and [to] there ulesham
and his wife ve'ishto ‫ואשתו‬ 4568
that is said / that is spoken / the subject of
the conversation / the topic (m.s.)
shemedubar ‫שמדובר‬ 4569
present shai ‫שי‬ 4570
that/who did (m.s.) she'asa ‫שעשה‬ 4571
his neighbor shkheno ‫שכנו‬ 4572
lived / dwelt (pl.) shakhnu
walls kirot ‫קירות‬ 4573
constant / fixed / regular / permanent
kvu'a ‫קבועה‬ 4574
hit / damaged / offended (f.s.) pag'a ‫פגעה‬ 4575
lost (f.s.) ibda ‫איבדה‬ 4576
[X] acid khumtsat ‫חומצת‬ 4577
the author / that connects hamekhaber ‫המחבר‬ 4578
the meeting / the sitting hayeshiva ‫הישיבה‬ 4579
the industry hata'asiya ‫התעשייה‬ 4580
was proclaimed / was announced / was
declared (m.s.)
hukhraz ‫הוכרז‬ 4581
the municipal / the urban (m.s.) ha'ironi ‫העירוני‬ 4582
the woman / the wife ha'isha ‫האישה‬ 4583
preparation of hakhanat ‫הכנת‬ 4584
the high / the tall (m.s.) hagvohim ‫הגבוהים‬ 4585
in blood bedam ‫בדם‬ 4586
in the blood badam
in the net bareshet ‫ברשת‬ 4587
in a net bereshat
the spoon / the palm hakaf ‫הכף‬ 4588
the bridges hagsharim ‫הגשרים‬ 4589
among the people of be'anshei ‫באנשי‬ 4590
the victims hakorbanot ‫הקורבנות‬ 4591
the axis / the axle / the hinge / the
delegate / the sauce / the contraction
hatsir ‫הציר‬ 4592
the aid / the assistance hasiyu'a ‫הסיוע‬ 4593
enjoyed (pl.) nehenu ‫נהנו‬ 4594

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to a depth / to a depth of le'omek ‫לעומק‬ 4595
deep / deeply / in depth / thoroughly la'omek
to the front lakhazit ‫לחזית‬ 4596
northern / to the north of tsfonit ‫צפונית‬ 4597
achievement heseg ‫הישג‬ 4598
the political ( hapolitiyot ‫הפוליטיות‬ 4599
the internal (f.s.) hapnimit ‫הפנימית‬ 4600
in a party (political) bemiflaga ‫במפלגה‬ 4601
in the party (political) bamiflaga
in a continent beyabeshet ‫ביבשת‬ 4602
in the continent bayabeshet
tour siyur ‫סיור‬ 4603
of the leaders of mimanhigei ‫ממנהיגי‬ 4604
to/for a program / to/for a plan letokhnit ‫לתוכנית‬ 4605
to/for the program / to/for the plan latokhnit
might / made ( asuyot ‫עשויות‬ 4606
the holy (f.s.) hakdosha ‫הקדושה‬ 4607
the buildings habinyanim ‫הבניינים‬ 4608
on the islands ba'iyim ‫באיים‬ 4609
on islands be'iyim
were hit / were damaged / were offended
nifge'u ‫נפגעו‬ 4610
modern ( moderniyim ‫מודרניים‬ 4611
prevented (pl.) man'u ‫מנעו‬ 4612
[to] the crown laketer ‫לכתר‬ 4613
to besiege / to surround lekhater
to use / to exploit lenatsel ‫לנצל‬ 4614
the history of historyat ‫היסטורית‬ 4615
the fairy tale / the legend ha'agada ‫האגדה‬ 4616
lateral / secondary (f.s.) tsdadit ‫צדדית‬ 4617
[it is] his role mitafkido ‫מתפקידו‬ 4618
Muslim (m.s.) muslemi ‫מוסלמי‬ 4619
traditions masorot ‫מסורות‬ 4620
to/for a period of / to/for the period of /
to/for the era of
letkufat ‫לתקופת‬ 4621
who edited / who arranged / who held
she'arakh ‫שערך‬ 4622
that a value / that the value of she'erekh
that/who started (pl.) shehekhelu ‫שהחלו‬ 4623
approximately one year keshana ‫כשנה‬ 4624
the risk hasikun ‫הסיכון‬ 4625
assumption / placement / discount hanakha ‫הנחה‬ 4626
a strip of retsu'at ‫רצועת‬ 4627
was/is caused (m.s.) nigram ‫נגרם‬ 4628

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known / familiar (m.s.) mukar ‫מוכר‬ 4629
seller / salesman mokher
girls yeladot ‫ילדות‬ 4630
childhood yaldut
to/for parties / to/for the parties of
lemiflagot ‫למפלגה‬ 4631
to/for the parties (political) lamiflagot
to/for an organization / to/for the
organization of
le'irgun ‫לארגון‬ 4632
to/for the organization la'irgun
and was used for (m.s.) veshimesh ‫ושימש‬ 4633
and today / and nowadays vekayom ‫וכיום‬ 4634
and his son uvno ‫ובנו‬ 4635
the immigrants hamehagrim ‫המהגרים‬ 4636
dedicated / devoted (m.s.) hikdish ‫הקדיש‬ 4637
the Kaddish (Jewish prayer for the dead) hakadish
in the movement of / in the motion of / in
the traffic of
bitnu'at ‫בתנועת‬ 4638
was performed (m.s.) butsa ‫בוצע‬ 4639
most of them berubam ‫ברובם‬ 4640
verbal / literal miluli ‫מילולי‬ 4641
moderate / mild / calm (m.s.) matun ‫מתון‬ 4642
involvement me'oravut ‫מעורבות‬ 4643
systems of / mechanisms of manganonei ‫מנגנוני‬ 4644
to/for raising / to/for increase / to/for
le'aliya ‫לעלייה‬ 4645
to/for the raising / to/for the increase /
to/for the immigration
to an article / to a dish /to a vessel / to a
likhli ‫לכלי‬ 4646
to the article / to the dish /to the vessel /
to the tool
to operate / to activate lehaf'il ‫להפעיל‬ 4647
and institutes umosadot ‫ומוסדות‬ 4648
that originated from (f.s.) shemekora ‫שמקורה‬ 4649
buried (pl.) kavru ‫קברו‬ 4650
his grave kivro
project proyekt ‫פרויקט‬ 4651
illustration iyur ‫איור‬ 4652
Indians indiyanim ‫אינדיאנים‬ 4653
that/who deals / that/who engages / work
ha'oseket ‫העוסקת‬ 4654
the difference hahevdel ‫ההבדל‬ 4655
selection / choice bkhira ‫בחירה‬ 4656
by law bekhok ‫בחוק‬ 4657
according to the law / in the law bakhok

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sharply / severely / bekharifut ‫בחריפות‬ 4658
cruiser sayeret ‫סיירת‬ 4659
the identification hazihui ‫הזיהוי‬ 4660
Jewish (adj.) ( yehudiyot ‫יהודיות‬ 4661
exit yetsi'a ‫יציאה‬ 4662
the institutes hamosdot ‫המוסדות‬ 4663
meeting of yeshivat ‫ישיבת‬ 4664
[to] Judaism layahadut ‫ליהדות‬ 4665
earth / soil / dust afar ‫עפר‬ 4666
young deer ofer
commandment / good deed / mitzvah mitsvot ‫מצוות‬ 4667
that exists (f.s.) hakayemet ‫הקיימת‬ 4668
accepted / conventional (f.s.) mekubelet ‫מקובלת‬ 4669
central ( merkaziyim ‫מרכזיים‬ 4670
served as / held office kihen ‫כיהן‬ 4671
proof / evidence hokhakha ‫הוכחה‬ 4672
was proven (f.s.) hukhekha
addition of hosafat ‫הוספת‬ 4673
his effect / his influence hashpa'ato ‫השפעתו‬ 4674
resources mash'abim ‫משאבים‬ 4675
his journeys mas'otav ‫מסעותיו‬ 4676
to/for these le'elu ‫לאלו‬ 4677
and arrived (m.s.) vehegi'a ‫והגיע‬ 4678
his meditation / his cogitation haguto ‫הגותו‬ 4679
Judaism hayahadut ‫היהדות‬ 4680
in a word / [in] circumcision bemila ‫במילה‬ 4681
in the word / / [in] the circumcision bamila
held / carried out / maintained / survive
mitkaymim ‫מתקיימים‬ 4682
when we she'anu ‫שאנו‬ 4683
the resurrection / the renaissance / the
hatkhiya ‫התחייה‬ 4684
in the era be'idan ‫בעידן‬ 4685
compound / composition tirkovet ‫תרכובת‬ 4686
protein khelbon ‫חלבון‬ 4687
the change / the replacement hahakhlafa ‫ההחלפה‬ 4688
ice kerakh ‫קרח‬ 4689
the islands ha'iyim ‫האיים‬ 4690
to overeat / to eat greedily lizlol ‫לזלול‬ 4691
yours ( shelakhem ‫שלכם‬ 4692
table / desk shulkhan ‫שולחן‬ 4693
I forgot shakhakhti ‫שכחתי‬ 4694
I lay down shakhavti ‫שכבתי‬ 4695
my memory zikhroni ‫זכרוני‬ 4696

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the windflowers hakalaniyot ‫הכלניות‬ 4697
to the side hatsida ‫הצדה‬ 4698
who hunts (f.s.) hatsada
my spirit rukhi ‫רוחי‬ 4699
I read / I called karati ‫קראתי‬ 4700
I thought khashavti ‫חשבתי‬ 4701
Sir, mister adon ‫אדון‬ 4702
his honor / his glory / his respect / his
kvodo ‫כבודו‬ 4703
the green (f.s.) hayeruka ‫הירוקה‬ 4704
in you (m.s.) bekha ‫בך‬ 4705
in you (f.s.) bakh
in me / inside me betokhi ‫בתוכי‬ 4706
for you (m.s.) bishvilkha ‫בשבילך‬ 4707
for you (f.s.) bishvilekh
creatures / people briyot ‫בריות‬ 4708
after her akhareha ‫אחריה‬ 4709
charity / kindness / mercy khesed ‫חסד‬ 4710
cast / threw / projected / laid eggs (f.s.) hetila ‫הטילה‬ 4711
without livli ‫לבלי‬ 4712
spiders akhvishim ‫עכבישים‬ 4713
high / tall ram ‫רם‬ 4714
backward / to the back le'akhor ‫לאחור‬ 4715
that one (m.) hahu ‫ההוא‬ 4716
impression roshem ‫רושם‬ 4717
writes / takes notes (m.s.) roshem
knows / recognizes (f.s.) mekira ‫מכירה‬ 4718
from far merakhok ‫מרחוק‬ 4719
what from / from what mima ‫ממה‬ 4720
dry yavesh ‫יבש‬ 4721
suddenly lefeta ‫לפתע‬ 4722
cold kar ‫קר‬ 4723
drew / illustrated (m.s.) iyer ‫אייר‬ 4724
in his possession / at his place / near him etslo ‫אצלו‬ 4725
the rooms hakhadarim ‫החדרים‬ 4726
thin (m.s.) dak ‫דק‬ 4727
come (m.s. imperative) bo ‫בוא‬ 4728
soon bekarov ‫בקרוב‬ 4729
young (f.s.) tse'ira ‫צעירה‬ 4730
anyway / in any case mimeyla ‫ממילא‬ 4731
full / complete ( mele'im ‫מלאים‬ 4732
believe / believers ( ma'aminim ‫מאמינים‬ 4733
to/for his life lekhayav ‫לחייו‬ 4734

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to express lehabi'a ‫להביע‬ 4735
and to all ulkhol ‫ולכל‬ 4736
the answer / the reply / the return / the
hatshuva ‫התשובה‬ 4737
the prehistoric / the ancient / the primitive
hakadmonim ‫הקדמונים‬ 4738
the storm hase'ara ‫הסערה‬ 4739
door delet ‫דלת‬ 4740
and a sight / and a view / and an
appearance / and shows (m.s.)
umar'e ‫ומראה‬ 4741
ans shows (f.s.) / and a mirror umar'a
returned / repeated (pl.) khazru ‫חזרו‬ 4742
prisoners asirim ‫אסירים‬ 4743
he white ( halevanim ‫הלבנים‬ 4744
the bricks halvenim
bad (m.s.) garu'a ‫גרוע‬ 4745
in short bekitsur ‫בקיצור‬ 4746
in a soil / in a ground / in a land bekarka ‫בקרקע‬ 4747
in the soil / in the ground / in the land kakarka
seniors bkhirim ‫בכירים‬ 4748
of my sons bevanai ‫בבני‬ 4749
in my son bivni
their hand yadam ‫ידם‬ 4750
that he will be able sheyukhal ‫שיוכל‬ 4751
equal /returning ( shavot ‫שוות‬ 4752
simple (f.s.) pshuta ‫פשוטה‬ 4753
say ( omrim ‫אומרים‬ 4754
exposure of khasifat ‫חשיפת‬ 4755
the creature hayetsur ‫היצור‬ 4756
the skin ha'or ‫העור‬ 4757
the new ( / the news hakhadashot ‫החדשות‬ 4758
the arrival of haga'at ‫הגעת‬ 4759
you arrived (m.s.) higata
you arrived (f.s.) higaat
proposal / suggestion / offer hatsa'a ‫הצעה‬ 4760
the females hanekevot ‫הנקבות‬ 4761
the tunnels hanikbot
in the rest bash'ar ‫בשאר‬ 4762
in the rest of bish'ar
risk sikun ‫סיכון‬ 4763
tried (f.s.) nista ‫ניסתה‬ 4764
millions of milyonei ‫מיליוני‬ 4765
suitable / appropriate / applicable /
identical (
mat'imim ‫מתאימים‬ 4766

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accidental / random / by chance mikri ‫מקרי‬ 4767
evacuates mefane ‫מפנה‬ 4768
turn / change mifne
views / show ( / mirrors mar'ot ‫מראות‬ 4769
frame / framework misgeret ‫מסגרת‬ 4770
news / knowledge yedi'ot ‫ידיעות‬ 4771
elementary / fundamental / thorough yesodi ‫יסודי‬ 4772
to/for the [name] family / to/for the
family of
lemishpakhat ‫למשפחת‬ 4773
to him / into his hands leyadav ‫לידיו‬ 4774
to/for residents letoshavim ‫לתושבים‬ 4775
to/for the residents latoshavim
to develop lehitpate'akh ‫להתפתח‬ 4776
to effect / to influence lehashpi'a ‫להשפיע‬ 4777
to visit / to criticize levaker ‫לבקר‬ 4778
to a subject/ to the subject of lenose ‫לנושא‬ 4779
to the subject lanose
in light of lenokhakh ‫לנוכח‬ 4780
donates / contributes / donor (m.s.) torem ‫תורם‬ 4781
payment tashlum ‫תשלום‬ 4782
prayer tfila ‫תפילה‬ 4783
and almost vekhim'at ‫וכמעט‬ 4784
and brought (m.s.) vehevi ‫והביא‬ 4785
ruled / controlled (pl.) shaltu ‫שלטו‬ 4786
judge shofet ‫שופט‬ 4787
his action / his operation pe'ulato ‫פעולתו‬ 4788
pages / pillars amudim ‫עמודים‬ 4789
independent ( atsma'iyim ‫עצמאיים‬ 4790
violence alimut ‫אלימות‬ 4791
free (f.s.) khofshit ‫חופשית‬ 4792
lion arye ‫אריה‬ 4793
that enables / that facilitates (m.s.) hame'afsher ‫המאפשר‬ 4794
the fortress / the castle hametsuda ‫המצודה‬ 4795
the moon hayare'akh ‫הירח‬ 4796
the cannons hatotakhim ‫התותחים‬ 4797
his appearance hofa'ato ‫הופעתו‬ 4798
informed (pl.) hodi'u ‫הודיעו‬ 4799
the control hashlita ‫השליטה‬ 4800
the ice hakerakh ‫הקרח‬ 4801
the treasure ha'otsar ‫האוצר‬ 4802
the strong (f.s.) hakhazaka ‫החזקה‬ 4803
holding / keeping / maintenance hakhzaka
the red ( ha'adumim ‫האדומים‬ 4804

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the religious (f.s.) hadatit ‫הדתית‬ 4805
the many ( harabot ‫הרבות‬ 4806
placed / posted (m.s.) hetsiv ‫הציב‬ 4807
the famous / the known hanoda ‫הנודע‬ 4808
the points / the dots hanekudot ‫הנקודות‬ 4809
the elected / the selected ( hanivkharim ‫הנבחרים‬ 4810
waves of galei ‫גלי‬ 4811
discover / disclose (f.s. imperative) / in a
wave form
[in] a policy bimdiniyut ‫במדיניות‬ 4812
[in] the policy bamediniyut
[in] the branches of / in the fields of be'anfei ‫בענפי‬ 4813
his nature tiv'o ‫טבעו‬ 4814
drowned (pl.) tav'u
sound tslil ‫צליל‬ 4815
stems from / derived from / spouts (m.s.) nove'a ‫נובע‬ 4816
correct / ready ( nekhonot ‫נכונות‬ 4817
readiness / willingness nekhonut
miracle nes ‫נס‬ 4818
slavery avdut ‫עבדות‬ 4819
the forts hamivtsarim ‫המבצרים‬ 4820
the reinforcement / the contingent hatigboret ‫התגבורת‬ 4821
the steward hadayal ‫הדייל‬ 4822
riders (horse) / cavaliers parashim ‫פרשים‬ 4823
aero- / aerial (f.s.) avirit ‫אווירית‬ 4824
the knights ha'abirim ‫האבירים‬ 4825
heaviness kvedut ‫כבדות‬ 4826
heavy ( kvedot
guerrilla gerila ‫גרילה‬ 4827
the hope / Hatikva (the anthem of Israel) hatikva ‫התקווה‬ 4828
left (m.s.) hish'ir ‫השאיר‬ 4829
in power bashilton ‫בשלטון‬ 4830
under the rule of beshilton
the southern ( hadromiyim ‫הדרומיים‬ 4831
in/under an attack bemitkafa ‫במתקפה‬ 4832
in/under the attack bamitkafa
two days yomayim ‫יומיים‬ 4833
to the north latsafon ‫לצפון‬ 4834
to the north of litsfon
perfection / integrity shlemut ‫שלמות‬ 4835
that the people of she'anshei ‫שאנשי‬ 4836
differences hefreshim ‫הפרשים‬ 4837
the riders (horse) / the cavaliers haparashim

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the economy hakalkala ‫הכלכלה‬ 4838
the removal / the expense / the edition /
the publishing house
hahotsa'a ‫ההוצאה‬ 4839
news of besorat ‫בשורת‬ 4840
in the line of beshurat
to the war of lemilkhemet ‫למלחמת‬ 4841
citizen / civil (f.s.) ezrakhit ‫אזרחית‬ 4842
were allowed [to] hurshu ‫הורשו‬ 4843
the external / the outer (f.s.) hakhitsonit ‫החיצונית‬ 4844
the order hatsav ‫הצו‬ 4845
political (m.s.) medini ‫מדיני‬ 4846
for action / for operation lif'ula ‫לפעולה‬ 4847
to/for the action / to/for the operation lape'ula
to establish / to base levases ‫לבסס‬ 4848
and these ve'elu ‫ואלו‬ 4849
the leader hamanhig ‫המנהיג‬ 4850
bridges gsharim ‫גשרים‬ 4851
from these me'elu ‫מאלו‬ 4852
to catch / to capture / to grasp / to seize /
to perceive
litpos ‫לתפוס‬ 4853
to/for the liberation / to/for the release lashikhrur ‫לשחרור‬ 4854
attacks / attacker (m.s.) tokef ‫תוקף‬ 4855
validity tokef
internal (m.s.) pnimi ‫פנימי‬ 4856
despite kheref ‫חרף‬ 4857
as a commander / as the commander of kimfaked ‫כמפקד‬ 4858
was spent / was taken out / was removed
hutsa ‫הוצא‬ 4859
the economic (f.s.) hakalkalit ‫הכלכלית‬ 4860
the northern ( hatsfoniyim ‫הצפוניים‬ 4861
the trade hasakhar ‫הסחר‬ 4862
not / do not bal ‫בל‬ 4863
comfortable (f.s.) nokha ‫נוחה‬ 4864
Christian (m.s.) notsri ‫נוצרי‬ 4865
took (action / step) (m.s.) nakat ‫נקט‬ 4866
numbers (v.) (m.s.) / numerator memasper ‫ממספר‬ 4867
from the number / from a number mimispar
testifies me'id ‫מעיד‬ 4868
to fit / to match / to suit lehat'im ‫להתאים‬ 4869
supporters tomkhim ‫תומכים‬ 4870
and between them uveynehem ‫וביניהם‬ 4871
hot / severe (f.s.) kharifa ‫חריפה‬ 4872
the continent hayabeshet ‫היבשת‬ 4873
stress / emphasis dagesh ‫דגש‬ 4874

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at a length of be'orekh ‫באורך‬ 4875
were added nosfu ‫נוספו‬ 4876
inclination / tendency / tilt netiya ‫נטייה‬ 4877
underground makhteret ‫מחתרת‬ 4878
to/for criticism / to/for inspection lebikoret ‫לביקורת‬ 4879
to/for the criticism / to/for the inspection labikoret
mix ta'arovet ‫תערובת‬ 4880
burned (m.s.) / resin / angel saraf ‫שרף‬ 4881
saying (n.) amira ‫אמירה‬ 4882
the corals of almogei ‫אלמוגי‬ 4883
that is based / the well established / the
well based (f.s.)
hamevuseset ‫המבוססת‬ 4884
the commercial hamiskhari ‫המסחרי‬ 4885
the settlements hayeshuvim ‫היישובים‬ 4886
the blade halahav ‫הלהב‬ 4887
was introduced / was displayed / was
presented / was exhibited (f.s.)
hutsga ‫הוצגה‬ 4888
the close / the relative (f.s.) hakrova ‫הקרובה‬ 4889
the giant (adj.) / the giants (n.) / the
ha'anakim ‫הענקים‬ 4890
the nation ha'uma ‫האומה‬ 4891
the intention / the meaning hakavana ‫הכוונה‬ 4892
guidance / direction hakhvana
the leadership hahanhaga ‫ההנהגה‬ 4893
the basic (f.s.) habsisit ‫הבסיסית‬ 4894
the management of hanhalat ‫הנהלת‬ 4895
in the Islam ba'islam ‫באסלאם‬ 4896
separately benifrad ‫בנפרד‬ 4897
marksman kala'i ‫קלעי‬ 4898
the restraint hahavlaga ‫ההבלגה‬ 4899
mansion of / estate of / possessed by /
stricken by (f.s.)
akhuzat ‫אחוזת‬ 4900
combat (adj.) (f.s.) kravit ‫קרבית‬ 4901
national (f.s.) le'umit ‫לאומית‬ 4902
boxes / cases / arks teyvot ‫תיבות‬ 4903
students of talmidei ‫תלמידי‬ 4904
evidence / testimony edut ‫עדות‬ 4905
whom / that the same ( she'otam ‫שאותם‬ 4906
that one she'ekhad ‫שאחד‬ 4907
percentage of / possessed by / stricken by
akhuzei ‫אחוזי‬ 4908
the unique ha'ykhudi ‫הייחודי‬ 4909
are introduced / are displayed / are
presented / are exhibited / exhibits (
mutsagim ‫מוצגים‬ 4910
to watch / to predict lakhazot ‫לחזות‬ 4911

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the engine hamano'a ‫המנוע‬ 4912
the argument / the dispute haviku'akh ‫הוויכוח‬ 4913
that exists (m.s.) hakayam ‫הקיים‬ 4914
complexity murkavut ‫מורכבות‬ 4915
complex / composed of ( murkavot
fermentation / unrest tsisa ‫תסיסה‬ 4916
his/its ties / his/its bonds / his/its links /
his/its connections
ksharav ‫קשריו‬ 4917
my world / global / universal (m.s.) olami ‫עולמי‬ 4918
the god of elohei ‫אלוהי‬ 4919
my god elohai
the scout / the ranger / the observer / the
spectator / that/who observes / that/who hatsofe ‫הצופה‬ 4920
watches (m.s.)
the scout / the ranger / the observer / the
spectator / that/who observes / that/who hatsofa
watches (f.s.)
the poll / the polling booth hakalpi ‫הקלפי‬ 4921
biography biyografya ‫ביוגרפיה‬ 4922
marking simun ‫סימון‬ 4923
for research / for a study lemekhkar ‫למחקר‬ 4924
for the research / for the study lamekhkar
picture of tmunat ‫תמונת‬ 4925
was photographed tsulam ‫צולם‬ 4926
horizons / knowledge ofakim ‫אופקים‬ 4927
the pronunciation hahagiya ‫ההגייה‬ 4928
we will rebel nimrod ‫נמרוד‬ 4929
band of lahakat ‫להקת‬ 4930
to/for criticism / to/for inspections lebikorot ‫לביקורות‬ 4931
to/for the criticism / to/for the inspections labikorot
mathematical (f.s.) matematit ‫מתמטית‬ 4932
positive ( khiyuviyot ‫חיוביות‬ 4933
ecology ha'ekologya ‫אקולוגיה‬ 4934
in a rotation / in a revolution besivuv ‫בסיבוב‬ 4935
in the rotation / in the revolution basivuv
the borrowed hasha'ul ‫השאול‬ 4936
hell hash'ol
the fencing hasiyuf ‫הסיוף‬ 4937
growth gdila ‫גדילה‬ 4938
the common ( hanefotsim ‫הנפוצים‬ 4939
the carbon hapakhman ‫הפחמן‬ 4940
icebergs karkhonim ‫קרחונים‬ 4941
from you (m.s.) mimkha ‫ממך‬ 4942
from you (f.s.) mimekh

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thanks / confesses (m.s.) mode ‫מודה‬ 4943
thanks / confesses (f.s.) moda
I did asiti ‫עשיתי‬ 4944
lay down (m.s.) shakhav ‫שכב‬ 4945
the supervision / Providence hahashgakha ‫ההשגחה‬ 4946
the arrest hama'atsar ‫המעצר‬ 4947
at a sight / at the sight of lemar'e ‫למראה‬ 4948
at/to the sight lamar'e
to a mirror / at her sight lemar'a
to the mirror lamar'a
to a forest leya'ar ‫ליער‬ 4949
to the forest laya'ar
that an island / that is not she'i ‫שאי‬ 4950
what is mahu ‫מהו‬ 4951
to worry lid'og ‫לדאוג‬ 4952
and in general uvikhlal ‫ובכלל‬ 4953
the kerosene / the oil haneft ‫הנפט‬ 4954
interesting me'anyen ‫מעניין‬ 4955
answer / reply ma'ane ‫מענה‬ 4956
tortures / torments (m.s.) me'ane
to move lehani'a ‫להניע‬ 4957
asked / borrowed (pl.) sha'alu ‫שאלו‬ 4958
loves (m.s.) ohev ‫אוהב‬ 4959
the time / the holiday hamo'ed ‫המועד‬ 4960
that is prone to (m.s.) hamu'ad
tearfully bivkhi ‫בבכי‬ 4961
fullness / to a full / full melo ‫מלוא‬ 4962
from the residents of mitoshvei ‫מתושבי‬ 4963
to the room lakheder ‫לחדר‬ 4964
to/for the break of / to/for the
intermission of
lehafsakat ‫להפסקת‬ 4965
and through / and via / and way / and
vederekh ‫ודרך‬ 4966
and stepped [on] (m.s.) vedarakh
trust emun ‫אמון‬ 4967
training / practice imun
foreign / stranger zar ‫זר‬ 4968
midnight khatsot ‫חצות‬ 4969
returned / gave back hekhzir ‫החזיר‬ 4970
the nestlings hagozalim ‫הגוזלים‬ 4971
that are robbing hagozlim
assumed / placed (m.s.) heni'akh ‫הניח‬ 4972
back gav ‫גב‬ 4973

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grow ( tsomkhim ‫צומחים‬ 4974
moved away / dropped in / was removed /
sullen (m.s.)
sar ‫סר‬ 4975
drives / uses to (m.s.) noheg ‫נוהג‬ 4976
custom nohag
work / craft melakha ‫מלאכה‬ 4977
of / belongs to mishel ‫משל‬ 4978
proverb / allegory / example mashal
from the rest mish'ar ‫משאר‬ 4979
its source / his/its origin (m.s.) mekoro ‫מקורו‬ 4980
its beak makoro
articles ma'amarim ‫מאמרים‬ 4981
there is (m.s.) yeshno ‫ישנו‬ 4982
and saw (m.s.) vera'a ‫וראה‬ 4983
devil shed ‫שד‬ 4984
breast shad
affair / chapter / portion parasha ‫פרשה‬ 4985
retired (f.s.) parsha
automatic otomati ‫אוטומטי‬ 4986
important ( khashuvot ‫חשובות‬ 4987
hot / severe (m.s.) kharif ‫חריף‬ 4988
was impressed / got the impression hitrashem ‫התרשם‬ 4989
the separation hahafrada ‫ההפרדה‬ 4990
the ideas hara'ayonot ‫הרעיונות‬ 4991
the plant hatsemakh ‫הצמח‬ 4992
bridging gishur ‫גישור‬ 4993
in a brain bemo'akh ‫במוח‬ 4994
in the brain bamo'akh
criticism / inspections bikorot ‫ביקורות‬ 4995
on a board belu'akh ‫בלוח‬ 4996
on the board balu'akh
with a ball / in a pill bekadur ‫בכדור‬ 4997
with the ball / in the pill bakadur
physician rofe ‫רופא‬ 4998
expected / anticipated (f.s.) tsfuya ‫צפויה‬ 4999
goods / merchandise skhorot ‫סחורות‬ 5000
leader / transporter / currier (m.s.) movil ‫מוביל‬ 5001
successful (m.s.) mutslakhat ‫מוצלחת‬ 5002
drink mashke ‫משקה‬ 5003
will redeem (m.s.) yig'al ‫יגאל‬ 5004
to states limdinot ‫למדינות‬ 5005
to the states lamedinot
to share / to let join / to let participate leshatef ‫לשתף‬ 5006

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to/for the worker lapo'el ‫לפועל‬ 5007
into action lafo'al
compared with them / against them /
opposite them (m.)
le'umatam ‫לעומתם‬ 5008
to power / to force / to strength leko'akh ‫לכוח‬ 5009
to the power / to the force / to the
to join lehitstaref ‫להצטרף‬ 5010
for discussion lediyun ‫לדיון‬ 5011
to/for the discussion ladiyun
argument / dispute viku'akh ‫ויכוח‬ 5012
and on him/it / and about him/it ve'alav ‫ועליו‬ 5013
whole / complete ( shlemim ‫שלמים‬ 5014
that was held / that existed / that survived
shehitkayma ‫שהתקיימה‬ 5015
remnants / survivors sridim ‫שרידים‬ 5016
that/who carried / who married (m.s.) shenasa ‫שנשא‬ 5017
left (pl.) azvu ‫עזבו‬ 5018
slaves avadim ‫עבדים‬ 5019
with them (f.) itan ‫איתן‬ 5020
strong / firm eitan
after them (m.) akharehem ‫אחריהם‬ 5021
fathers / ancestors / Avot avot ‫אבות‬ 5022
stars of kokhvei ‫כוכבי‬ 5023
when there was keshehaya ‫כשהיה‬ 5024
the picture / the photo hatmuna ‫התמונה‬ 5025
treated / referred to / applied (pl.) hityakhasu ‫התייחסו‬ 5026
was completed (f.s.) hushlema ‫הושלמה‬ 5027
the judges hashoftim ‫השופטים‬ 5028
produced hefik ‫הפיק‬ 5029
assessments / estimations / appreciations
/ credits
ha'arakhot ‫הערכות‬ 5030
the citizen / the civil (f.s.) ha'ezrakhit ‫האזרחית‬ 5031
that include ( hakolelim ‫הכוללים‬ 5032
the building (n.) habniya ‫הבניה‬ 5033
gardens / kindergartens ganim ‫גנים‬ 5034
genes genim
in a letter bemikhtav ‫במכתב‬ 5035
in the letter bamikhtav
at/in the university ba'universita ‫באוניברסיטה‬ 5036
at/in a university be'universita
[in her] size begodla ‫בגודלה‬ 5037
its shape / its form tsurato ‫צורתו‬ 5038
is included [in] / was counted (m.s.) nimna ‫נמנה‬ 5039

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surrendered (m.s.) nikhna ‫נכנע‬ 5040
the dispute hamakhloket ‫המחלוקת‬ 5041
the uprooted / the displaced ( ha'akurim ‫העקורים‬ 5042
the conflict ha'imut ‫העימות‬ 5043
the opposition haneged ‫הנגד‬ 5044
the resistor / the non commissioned
warrior (f.s.) lokhemet ‫לוחמת‬ 5045
crossing of khatsiyat ‫חציית‬ 5046
the effort hama'amats ‫המאמץ‬ 5047
the dynasty hashoshelet ‫השושלת‬ 5048
the months hakhodashim ‫החודשים‬ 5049
significant ( mashma'utiyim ‫משמעותיים‬ 5050
warfare lokhama ‫לוחמה‬ 5051
attacked (pl.) takfu ‫תקפו‬ 5052
is called (f.s.) kruya ‫קרויה‬ 5053
decisive / crucial (f.s.) makhra'at ‫מכרעת‬ 5054
to/for a camp / to/for a group lemakhane ‫למחנה‬ 5055
to/for the camp / to/for the group lamakhane
to the performance of / to the execution
of / to be performed
lebitsu'a ‫לביצוע‬ 5056
and women ve'nashim ‫ונשים‬ 5057
cruise shayit ‫שיט‬ 5058
that took out / that removed / that spent /
that published (m.s.)
shehotsi ‫שהוציא‬ 5059
opportunity hizdamnut ‫הזדמנות‬ 5060
his fate goralo ‫גורלו‬ 5061
overcame / defeated (f.s.) gavra ‫גברה‬ 5062
in the language of / on the edge of bisfat ‫בשפת‬ 5063
at/in a meeting bepgisha ‫בפגישה‬ 5064
at/in the meeting bapgisha
obvious / evident ( nikarim ‫ניכרים‬ 5065
judicial / statutory / forensic mishpatit ‫משפטית‬ 5066
parallel (m.s.) makbil ‫מקביל‬ 5067
for the prevention of lemeni'at ‫למניעת‬ 5068
armed (m.s.) khamush ‫חמוש‬ 5069
organizations irgunim ‫ארגונים‬ 5070
intention / meaning kavana ‫כוונה‬ 5071
that remind ( / the secretaries (m.) hamazkirim ‫המזכירים‬ 5072
the crowd / the many hahamonim ‫ההמונים‬ 5073
responded hegiv ‫הגיב‬ 5074
the grain / the nucleus hagar'in ‫הגרעין‬ 5075
demands / requires (m.s.) doresh ‫דורש‬ 5076
banks / shores gadot ‫גדות‬ 5077

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we won nitskhunu ‫ניצחונו‬ 5078
triangle meshulash ‫משולש‬ 5079
correction / repair tikun ‫תיקון‬ 5080
popular (m.s.) populari ‫פופולרי‬ 5081
goat ez ‫עז‬ 5082
legal ( khukiyot ‫חוקיות‬ 5083
monthly khodshi ‫חודשי‬ 5084
the months of khodshei
as means ke'emtsa'i ‫כאמצעי‬ 5085
as means of ke'emtsa'ei
as a basis kevasis ‫כבסיס‬ 5086
as the basis kabasis
the studies halimudim ‫הלימודים‬ 5087
operation of / activation of haf'alat ‫הפעלת‬ 5088
the Pope ha'apifyor ‫האפיפיור‬ 5089
you earned / you gained (m.s.) hirvakhta ‫הרווחת‬ 5090
you earned / you gained (f.s.) hirvakht
necessarily behekhrakh ‫בהכרח‬ 5091
among the women banashim ‫בנשים‬ 5092
among women benashim
technologies tekhnologyot ‫טכנולוגיות‬ 5093
from a source / from an origin mimakor ‫ממקור‬ 5094
mathematical ( matematiyim ‫מתמטיים‬ 5095
happening (m.s.) mitrakhesh ‫מתרחש‬ 5096
applicant / candidate / nominee (m.s.) mu'amad ‫מועמד‬ 5097
poet meshorer ‫משורר‬ 5098
practical (f.s.) ma'asit ‫מעשית‬ 5099
western (m.s.) ma'aravi ‫מערבי‬ 5100
eastern (m.s.) mizrakhi ‫מזרחי‬ 5101
stair of madregat ‫מדרגת‬ 5102
from a degree of / from a level of / from a
rank of
central (f.s.) merkazit ‫מרכזית‬ 5103
to the east lamizrakh ‫למזרח‬ 5104
for conservation leshimur ‫לשימור‬ 5105
to drink lishtot ‫לשתות‬ 5106
to/for groups lekvutsot ‫לקבוצות‬ 5107
to/for the groups lakvutsot
approximately / around / roughly / to a
le'erekh ‫לערך‬ 5108
to/for a democracy ledemokratya ‫לדמוקרטיה‬ 5109
to/for democracy lademokratya
and is considered venekhshav ‫ונחשב‬ 5110
and we will calculate venekhashev

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bills shtarot ‫שטרות‬ 5111
that were built shenivnu ‫שנבנו‬ 5112
tied / linked / connected (m.s.) kashur ‫קשור‬ 5113
holy kadosh ‫קדוש‬ 5114
rite / ritual / sacramental pulkhan ‫פולחן‬ 5115
nickname kinui ‫כינוי‬ 5116
cutting down of / amputation of kritat ‫כריתת‬ 5117
the space hamerkhav ‫המרחב‬ 5118
the civilized / the cultural / the cultivated hatarbuti ‫התרבותי‬ 5119
comparison hashva'a ‫השוואה‬ 5120
the embassy hashagrirut ‫השגרירות‬ 5121
the popularity hapopulariyut ‫הפופולריות‬ 5122
the popular ( hapopulariyot
the memory hazikaron ‫הזיכרון‬ 5123
that grows / the flora hatsome'akh ‫הצומח‬ 5124
in most of bemarbit ‫במרבית‬ 5125
holes / pits borot ‫בורות‬ 5126
ignorance burut
in the service basherut ‫בשירות‬ 5127
in a service / in/at the service of besherut
the problem of be'ayat ‫בעיית‬ 5128
records / sketches rishumim ‫רישומים‬ 5129
separated / individual ( nifradim ‫נפרדים‬ 5130
among the Jews of beyehudei ‫ביהודי‬ 5131
to a stream lenakhal ‫לנחל‬ 5132
to the stream lanakhal
symbols smalim ‫סמלים‬ 5133
sergeants samalim
newspaper iton ‫עיתון‬ 5134
sight / eye sight / vision / seeing re'iya ‫ראייה‬ 5135
the document hamismakh ‫המסמך‬ 5136
students talmidim ‫תלמידים‬ 5137
acquisition of / purchase of rekhishat ‫רכישת‬ 5138
the well ha'be'er ‫הבאר‬ 5139
in/at his years bishnotav ‫בשנותיו‬ 5140
and how vekeytsad ‫וכיצד‬ 5141
rehabilitation / reconstruction shikum ‫שיקום‬ 5142
tail zanav ‫זנב‬ 5143
courses / paths / tracks maslulim ‫מסלולים‬ 5144
and methods veshitot ‫ושיטות‬ 5145
his retirement prishato ‫פרישתו‬ 5146
training of / practice of imunei ‫אימוני‬ 5147
change / exchange khiluf ‫חילוף‬ 5148

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like keme'ein ‫כמעין‬ 5149
the wine hayayin ‫היין‬ 5150
was influenced / was affected hushpa ‫הושפע‬ 5151
the scouts / the rangers / the observers /
the spectators / that/who observe / hatsofim ‫הצופים‬ 5152
that/who watch (
was born (f.s.) nolda ‫נולדה‬ 5153
snake nakhash ‫נחש‬ 5154
the works / the jobs ha'avodot ‫העבודות‬ 5155
philosophers filosofim ‫פילוסופים‬ 5156
he is able [to] / within his power biykholto ‫ביכולתו‬ 5157
evolution evolutsia ‫אבולוציה‬ 5158
the relevance / the relation / the
hashayakhut ‫השייכות‬ 5159
that/who belong ( hashayakhot
had fun / spent time (m.s.) bila ‫בילה‬ 5160
in a show / in an exhibition beta'arukha ‫בתערוכה‬ 5161
in the show / in the exhibition bata'arukha
the sales hamekhirot ‫המכירות‬ 5162
mathematical (m.s.) matemati ‫מתמטי‬ 5163
the medicine harefu'a ‫הרפואה‬ 5164
statues of / sculptures of pislei ‫פסלי‬ 5165
sexual / sexually / you appointed (f.s.) minit ‫מינית‬ 5166
you appointed (m.s.) minita
[in] a crab / [in] cancer besartan ‫בסרטן‬ 5167
[in] the crab / [in] the cancer basartan
to/for the gods la'elim ‫לאלים‬ 5168
to/for gods le'elim
to/for the violent la'alim
to/for a violent le'alim
the measurement / the measuring hamedida ‫המדידה‬ 5169
the biological habiyologi ‫הביולוגי‬ 5170
tissues rekamot ‫רקמות‬ 5171
embroideries rikmot
the genetic (m.s.) hageneti ‫הגנטי‬ 5172
insects kharakim ‫חרקים‬ 5173
the meal ha'arukha ‫הארוחה‬ 5174
the cooking habishul ‫הבישול‬ 5175
thoughts makhshavot ‫מחשבות‬ 5176
and indeed ve'omnam ‫ואמנם‬ 5177
and I will look ve'abit ‫ואביט‬ 5178
stomach keyva ‫קיבה‬ 5179
flew (m.s.) af ‫עף‬ 5180

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pen et ‫עט‬ 5181
swooped down at
with you ( itkhem ‫אתכם‬ 5182
you ( etkhem
the escort hamlave ‫המלוה‬ 5183
the creditor hamalve
the next day hamokhorat ‫המחרת‬ 5184
the lead ha'oferet ‫העופרת‬ 5185
I started hakhiloti ‫החלותי‬ 5186
in a gallery / in a wing beyatsi'a ‫ביציע‬ 5187
in the gallery / in the wing bayatsi'a
grumbled / complained (m.s.) ratan ‫רטן‬ 5188
laughed (pl.) tsakhaku ‫צחקו‬ 5189
cricket tsratsar ‫צרצר‬ 5190
in thoughts bemakhshavot ‫במחשבות‬ 5191
in the thoughts bamakhshavot
outside bakhuts ‫בחוץ‬ 5192
moments rega'im ‫רגעים‬ 5193
my state / my situation matsavi ‫מצבי‬ 5194
combat (adj.) (m.s.) kravi ‫קרבי‬ 5195
worthwhile kedai ‫כדאי‬ 5196
it is worthwhile keda'i
the tickets hakartisim ‫הכרטיסים‬ 5197
my ability / my capability yekholti ‫יכולתי‬ 5198
I could yakholti
work / suffering / worked hard amal ‫עמל‬ 5199
worker / works hard amel
my mother imi ‫אמי‬ 5200
thought (pl.) khashvu ‫חשבו‬ 5201
know / recognize ( mekirim ‫מכירים‬ 5202
advertisement / commercials pirsomet ‫פרסומת‬ 5203
the second / the other hashniya ‫השניה‬ 5204
the doors hadlatot ‫הדלתות‬ 5205
my body gufi ‫גופי‬ 5206
cub / puppy gur ‫גור‬ 5207
in hunger bera'av ‫ברעב‬ 5208
from above milemala ‫מלמעלה‬ 5209
long time ago mizman ‫מזמן‬ 5210
by itself me'elav ‫מאליו‬ 5211
the egg habeytsa ‫הביצה‬ 5212
the swamp habitsa
without be'ein ‫באין‬ 5213
of mine misheli ‫משלי‬ 5214

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proverbs of / Book of proverbs mishlei
prices of mekhirei ‫מחירי‬ 5215
from these me'ele ‫מאלה‬ 5216
covered (m.s.) mekhuse ‫מכוסה‬ 5217
to answer la'anot ‫לענות‬ 5218
to torture / to torment le'anot
to/for his home leveito ‫לביתו‬ 5219
to finish lesayem ‫לסיים‬ 5220
the close / the relatives ( hakrovim ‫הקרובים‬ 5221
the investment hahashka'a ‫ההשקעה‬ 5222
sale of mekhirat ‫מכירת‬ 5223
assists / helps (m.s.) mesaye'a ‫מסייע‬ 5224
explains (m.s.) masbir ‫מסביר‬ 5225
frequently tkhufot ‫תכופות‬ 5226
that in all shebekhol ‫שבכל‬ 5227
suspected (m.s.) / suspicion khashad ‫חשד‬ 5228
the food / the dishes ha'ma'akhalim ‫המאכלים‬ 5229
the rising / the climbing / the immigrant
ha'ole ‫העולה‬ 5230
the rising / the climbing / the immigrant
protected / shielded (m.s.) memugan ‫ממוגן‬ 5231
screen / display / curtain masakh ‫מסך‬ 5232
yak yak ‫יק‬ 5233
his hand yado ‫ידו‬ 5234
to/for a parliament leparlament ‫לפרלמנט‬ 5235
to/for the parliament laparlament
to the wind / to/for the spirit laru'akh ‫לרוח‬ 5236
to a wind / to/for a spirit leru'akh
feeling / sensation tkhusha ‫תחושה‬ 5237
lay down (f.s.) shakhva ‫שכבה‬ 5238
layer shikhva
that is inside shebetokh ‫שבתוך‬ 5239
his position emdato ‫עמדתו‬ 5240
rich (m.s.) ashir ‫עשיר‬ 5241
fairy tale / legend agada ‫אגדה‬ 5242
the work / the craft hamelakha ‫המלאכה‬ 5243
the way out / the origin hamotsa ‫המוצא‬ 5244
the stages / the phases / the rungs hashlabim ‫השלבים‬ 5245
the winds harukhot ‫הרוחות‬ 5246
the rabbis harabanim ‫הרבנים‬ 5247
in a field / in a yard bemigrash ‫במגרש‬ 5248
in the field / in the yard bamigrash
valid / firmly / assertively betokef ‫בתוקף‬ 5249

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at the gate basha'ar ‫בשער‬ 5250
at the gate of besha'ar
in/with an eye be'ayin ‫בעין‬ 5251
in/with the eye ba'ayin
run of ritsat ‫ריצת‬ 5252
closed (f.s.) sgura ‫סגורה‬ 5253
variables / vary / change ( mishtanim ‫משתנים‬ 5254
estimate / value / appreciate ( ma'arikhim ‫מעריכים‬ 5255
shelter makhase ‫מחסה‬ 5256
to a conclusion lemaskana ‫למסקנה‬ 5257
to the conclusion lamaskana
to stand up / to wake up lakum ‫לקום‬ 5258
to promote / to welcome lekadem ‫לקדם‬ 5259
to cancel levatel ‫לבטל‬ 5260
to a series of / to the series of lesidrat ‫לסדרת‬ 5261
and during uvemeshekh ‫ובמשך‬ 5262
and because of ubeshel ‫ובשל‬ 5263
and ripe ubashel
and cooked (m.s.) vebishel
wrapping of atifat ‫עטיפת‬ 5264
real (f.s.) amitit ‫אמיתית‬ 5265
slow iti ‫איטי‬ 5266
dream khalom ‫חלום‬ 5267
investigators of / researchers of khokrei ‫חוקרי‬ 5268
investigator / researcher / investigates /
researches / inquires (m.s.)
khoker ‫חוקר‬ 5269
her brother akhiha ‫אחיה‬ 5270
percentage / possessed / stricken ( akhuzim ‫אחוזים‬ 5271
failure kishalon ‫כשלון‬ 5272
kosher kasher ‫כשר‬ 5273
as an article kikhli ‫ככלי‬ 5274
as articles / as the articles of kikhlei
his cadence / his tenure kehunato ‫כהונתו‬ 5275
the notices / the ads hamoda'ot ‫המודעות‬ 5276
the awareness hamuda'ut
that are aware ( hamuda'ot
the defender / the shield hamagen ‫המגן‬ 5277
the exit hayetsi'a ‫היציאה‬ 5278
the policemen hashotrim ‫השוטרים‬ 5279
the eviction / the evacuation hapinui ‫הפינוי‬ 5280
lost (f.s.) hifsida ‫הפסידה‬ 5281
changed / replaced (f.s.) hekhlifa ‫החליפה‬ 5282
the order / the instruction hahora'a ‫ההוראה‬ 5283

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the protruding / that/who stands out
habolet ‫הבולט‬ 5284
the senior habakhir ‫הבכיר‬ 5285
was reported duvakh ‫דווח‬ 5286
report (m.s. imperative) davakh
in space bamerkhav ‫במרחב‬ 5287
in a space / in the space of bemerkhav
at the bottom of betakhtit ‫בתחתית‬ 5288
at the bottom / in the subway batakhtit
at a depth of be'omek ‫בעומק‬ 5289
deep / at the depth ba'omek
[in] a resistance / [in] an objection behitnagdut ‫בהתנגדות‬ 5290
[in] the resistance / [in] the objection bahitnagdut
[in] an expense / in a removal / in an
edition / published by
behotsa'at ‫בהוצאת‬ 5291
holds the opinion / in [clear] mind bede'a ‫בדעה‬ 5292
his books sfarav ‫ספריו‬ 5293
escaped (pl.) nimletu ‫נמלטו‬ 5294
intended for / destined for / conferred
no'ad ‫נועד‬ 5295
youth ne'urim ‫נעורים‬ 5296
net (weight, wages) neto ‫נטו‬ 5297
they were inclined / they tended to / they
were tilted
shielded / armored / secured / iron-bound
meshuryanot ‫משוריינות‬ 5298
artillery artilerya ‫ארטילריה‬ 5299
the confederation hakonfederatsya ‫הקונפדרציה‬ 5300
the supply ha'aspaka ‫האספקה‬ 5301
bombers / bomb (m.s.) maftsitsim ‫מפציצים‬ 5302
caesarian keysari ‫קיסרי‬ 5303
in a navy / in an armada betsi ‫בצי‬ 5304
in the navy / in the armada batsi
to attack lehatkif ‫להתקיף‬ 5305
the armed (f.s.) hamezuyenet ‫המזוינת‬ 5306
clerks / officials pkidim ‫פקידים‬ 5307
order of pkudat ‫פקודת‬ 5308
injured ( ptsu'im ‫פצועים‬ 5309
his regime / his reign mishtaro ‫משטרו‬ 5310
with powers / with forces bekokhot ‫בכוחות‬ 5311
to be / to constitute lehavot ‫להוות‬ 5312
that/who preceded (pl.) shekadmu ‫שקדמו‬ 5313
that/who were found / that/who were [at] shenimtse'u ‫שנמצאו‬ 5314
independent ( atsma'iyot ‫עצמאיות‬ 5315
aristocrats / noble ( atsilim ‫אצילים‬ 5316

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passed / transferred (pl.) he'eviru ‫העבירו‬ 5317
the assumption / the discount hahanakha ‫ההנחה‬ 5318
in villages / in colonies bemoshavot ‫במושבות‬ 5319
in the villages / in the colonies bamoshavot
in/under an attack behatkafa ‫בהתקפה‬ 5320
in/under the attack bahatkafa
millimeters milimetrim ‫מילימטרים‬ 5321
to destroy lehashmid ‫להשמיד‬ 5322
[in] an occupation / by occupying bekibush ‫בכיבוש‬ 5323
[by] the occupation bakibush
rifles of rovei ‫רובי‬ 5324
my rifle rovi
were shot noru ‫נורו‬ 5325
is/was guarded / is/was kept / is/was
protected (m.s.)
nishmar ‫נשמר‬ 5326
information / intelligence modi'in ‫מודיעין‬ 5327
to the forces of lekheil ‫לחיל‬ 5328
to forces / to success lekhayil
to decide lehakhlit ‫להחליט‬ 5329
to score [a goal] lehavki'a ‫להבקיע‬ 5330
that/who are called ( hakruyim ‫הקרויים‬ 5331
the worry / the fear hakhashash ‫החשש‬ 5332
the students hastudentim ‫הסטודנטים‬ 5333
in units / in squad beyekhidot ‫ביחידות‬ 5334
in the units / in the squads bayekhidot
openly begalui ‫בגלוי‬ 5335
public tsiburi ‫ציבורי‬ 5336
were required nidreshu ‫נדרשו‬ 5337
the founder meyased ‫מייסד‬ 5338
verbally / literally milulit ‫מילולית‬ 5339
from a line / from the line of mikav ‫מקו‬ 5340
districts mekhozot ‫מחוזות‬ 5341
political (f.s.) medinit ‫מדינית‬ 5342
cargoes / luggage / load mit'anim ‫מטענים‬ 5343
according to him/it lefiv ‫לפיו‬ 5344
and to create / and to make velitsor ‫וליצור‬ 5345
and some of them / and their part / and
their share
vekhelkam ‫וחלקם‬ 5346
that/who went up / that/who climbed /
that/who increased / that/who she'alta ‫שעלתה‬ 5347
immigrated (f.s.)
former / previous ( kodmot ‫קודמות‬ 5348
the terrorist acts of pigu'ei ‫פיגועי‬ 5349
double / multiple kfula ‫כפולה‬ 5350

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the total (m.s.) hamukhlat ‫המוחלט‬ 5351
the response hatguva ‫התגובה‬ 5352
the prince hanasikh ‫הנסיך‬ 5353
his grandfather savo ‫סבו‬ 5354
encircled / rotate (pl.) savu
were discovered nitgalu ‫נתגלו‬ 5355
were destroyed / were demolished nehersu ‫נהרסו‬ 5356
are described ( meto'arim ‫מתוארים‬ 5357
installations of / devices of mitkanei ‫מתקני‬ 5358
applicants / candidates / nominees ( mu'amadim ‫מועמדים‬ 5359
covered ( mekhusim ‫מכוסים‬ 5360
from the city meha'ir ‫מהעיר‬ 5361
tunnel minhara ‫מנהרה‬ 5362
in order not levilti ‫לבלתי‬ 5363
industry of ta'asiyat ‫תעשיית‬ 5364
and the houses of / and the homes of uvatei ‫ובתי‬ 5365
messengers / delegates / couriers shlikhim ‫שליחים‬ 5366
who won / who attained (pl.) shezakhu ‫שזכו‬ 5367
tied / linked / connected ( kshurim ‫קשורים‬ 5368
communities kehilot ‫קהילות‬ 5369
pages of / pillars of amudei ‫עמודי‬ 5370
characteristic (f.s.) ofyanit ‫אופיינית‬ 5371
thinking khashiva ‫חשיבה‬ 5372
strong ( / powers (math.) khazakot ‫חזקות‬ 5373
as a home kevayit ‫כבית‬ 5374
the early / the preliminary (f.s.) hamukdemet ‫המוקדמת‬ 5375
the known / the familiar hamukar ‫המוכר‬ 5376
the seller / the salesman hamokher
that effect / that influence ( hamashpi'im ‫המשפיעים‬ 5377
the mode / the manner / the way ha'ofen ‫האופן‬ 5378
the wheel ha'ofan
the title hakoteret ‫הכותרת‬ 5379
the proposal / the suggestion / the offer hahatsa'a ‫ההצעה‬ 5380
the end hasiyum ‫הסיום‬ 5381
the rotation / the revolution hasivuv ‫הסיבוב‬ 5382
the rivers haneharot ‫הנהרות‬ 5383
the inclination / the tendency / the tilt hanetiya ‫הנטייה‬ 5384
generations dorot ‫דורות‬ 5385
in a valley be'emek ‫בעמק‬ 5386
in the valley ba'emek
tropical (m.s.) tropi ‫טרופי‬ 5387
love affair / novel roman ‫רומן‬ 5388
density / crowding tsfifut ‫צפיפות‬ 5389

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satisfied / supplies (m.s.) sipek ‫סיפק‬ 5390
drug sam ‫סם‬ 5391
/ was forbidden / was imprisoned (m.s.) ne'esar ‫נאסר‬ 5392
from a heart / from the heart of milev ‫מלב‬ 5393
the rabbinical harabani ‫הרבני‬ 5394
abyssal / deep / bottomless tehomi ‫תהומי‬ 5395
sky shkhakim ‫שחקים‬ 5396
the boulevards hasderot ‫השדרות‬ 5397
in pogroms / in riots bifra'ot ‫בפרעות‬ 5398
in the pogroms / in the riots bapra'ot
young goat / Capricorn gdi ‫גדי‬ 5399
closing of sgirat ‫סגירת‬ 5400
the people who perform [X] mevats'ei ‫מבצעי‬ 5401
events me'ora'ot ‫מאורעות‬ 5402
the tunnels haminharot ‫המנהרות‬ 5403
ancient / old ( / antiquities atikot ‫עתיקות‬ 5404
his friends khaverav ‫חבריו‬ 5405
the residence / the stimulated ( hamegurim ‫המגורים‬ 5406
drinks mashka'ot ‫משקאות‬ 5407
springs ma'ayanot ‫מעיינות‬ 5408
association hit'akhadut ‫התאחדות‬ 5409
authorities rashuyot ‫רשויות‬ 5410
pipes tsinorot ‫צינורות‬ 5411
represents (m.s.) meyatseg ‫מייצג‬ 5412
concepts / obtained / achieved ( musagim ‫מושגים‬ 5413
to/for civilization / to/for culture letarbut ‫לתרבות‬ 5414
to/for the civilization / to/for the culture latarbut
to survive lisrod ‫לשרוד‬ 5415
cell ta ‫תא‬ 5416
group of (mil.) / division of (family) palgat ‫פלגת‬ 5417
their body gufam ‫גופם‬ 5418
in fields / in areas / in ranges bitkhumim ‫בתחומים‬ 5419
in the fields / in the areas / in the ranges batkhumim
post factum bedi'avad ‫בדיעבד‬ 5420
try ( menasim ‫מנסים‬ 5421
known ( yedu'ot ‫ידועות‬ 5422
the conservation hashimur ‫השימור‬ 5423
that/who is tied / that/who is linked /
that/who is connected (m.s.)
hakashur ‫הקשור‬ 5424
at the poll / in the polling booth bakalpi ‫בקלפי‬ 5425
liberalism liberaliyut ‫ליברליות‬ 5426
liberal ( liberaliyot
teacher more ‫מורה‬ 5427

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stable (f.s.) yatsiva ‫יציבה‬ 5428
the theory of te'oryat ‫תאוריית‬ 5429
affinity / linkage / disposition zika ‫זיקה‬ 5430
to/for a title / to/for a degree / to/for an
adjective / to/for an appearance / to/for a leto'ar ‫לתואר‬ 5431
to/for the title / to/for the degree / to/for
the adjective / to/for the appearance / lato'ar
to/for the shape
the distribution of tfutsat ‫תפוצת‬ 5432
artistic (m.s.) / my art omanuti ‫אמנותי‬ 5433
the football / the soccer hakaduregel ‫הכדורגל‬ 5434
capital bira ‫בירה‬ 5435
beer bira
volume nefakh ‫נפח‬ 5436
blacksmith napakh
the madness / the insanity hashiga'on ‫השיגעון‬ 5437
the care giver / treats / handles (m.s.) metapel ‫מטפל‬ 5438
directors bama'im ‫במאים‬ 5439
pronunciation hagiya ‫הגייה‬ 5440
his parents horav ‫הוריו‬ 5441
to a palace / to a temple leheykhal ‫להיכל‬ 5442
to the palace / to the temple laheykhal
film strip sirton ‫סרטון‬ 5443
player (of music) nagan ‫נגן‬ 5444
play (music) (m.s. imperative) nagen
return / giving back hakhzara ‫החזרה‬ 5445
the repetition / the rehearsal hakhazara
the poem hapo'ema ‫הפואמה‬ 5446
for youth / for the youth of leno'ar ‫לנוער‬ 5447
for the youth leno'ar
the phenomena hatofa'ot ‫התופעות‬ 5448
the similar ( hadomim ‫הדומים‬ 5449
rides (m.s.) rokhev ‫רוכב‬ 5450
the hydrogen hameiman ‫המימן‬ 5451
the bacteria hakhaydakim ‫החיידקים‬ 5452
the basketball hakadursal ‫הכדורסל‬ 5453
glucose glukoz ‫גלוקוז‬ 5454
reciprocal / mutual gomlin ‫גומלין‬ 5455
by/with the lance baromakh ‫ברומח‬ 5456
by/with a lance beromakh
spear / lance romakh ‫רומח‬ 5457
rotations / revolutions / whirls sivuvim ‫סיבובים‬ 5458
to/for a competition letakharut ‫לתחרות‬ 5459

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to/for the competition latakharut
physiology fiziologia ‫פיזיולוגיה‬ 5460
contain ( mekhilim ‫מכילים‬ 5461
at temperatures betemperaturot ‫בטמפרטורות‬ 5462
courting / reduction (chemistry) khizur ‫חיזור‬ 5463
I went down / I came down / I descended yaradeti ‫ירדתי‬ 5464
in my possession / at my place / near me etsli ‫אצלי‬ 5465
all of us kulanu ‫כולנו‬ 5466
to a building / for the building of lebinyan ‫לבנין‬ 5467
and so veko ‫וכה‬ 5468
thither [hither and thither] vakho
diarrhea / earthworm shilshul ‫שלשול‬ 5469
plums shezifim ‫שזיפים‬ 5470
its branches anafav ‫ענפיו‬ 5471
to propose / to suggest / to offer lehatsi'a ‫להציע‬ 5472
in the sun bashemesh ‫בשמש‬ 5473
in peace beshalom ‫בשלום‬ 5474
queen of malkat ‫מלכת‬ 5475
from where me'ayin ‫מאין‬ 5476
industry / manufacture kharoshet ‫חרושת‬ 5477
sweet (m.s.) matok ‫מתוק‬ 5478
into her/it letokha ‫לתוכה‬ 5479
nozzle / mouthpiece piya ‫פיה‬ 5480
fairy feya
lead oferet ‫עופרת‬ 5481
noted / marked / pointed out (pl.) tsiyenu ‫ציינו‬ 5482
was signed nekhtam ‫נחתם‬ 5483
to notify lehodi'a ‫להודיע‬ 5484
and he will say veyomar ‫ויאמר‬ 5485
and he shall say / and he said (biblical) va'yomer
and will be said veye'amer
the old ( hayeshanim ‫הישנים‬ 5486
the sleeping ( hayeshenim
the recognition / the consciousness hahakara ‫ההכרה‬ 5487
quite has ‫הס‬ 5488
spoke / talked (pl.) dibru ‫דיברו‬ 5489
respectfully / with honor bekhavod ‫בכבוד‬ 5490
attached / linked / adjacent (f.s.) tsmuda ‫צמודה‬ 5491
duration meshekh ‫משך‬ 5492
pulled / attracted / withdrew mashakh
rest menukha ‫מנוחה‬ 5493
deceased (f.s.) menokha
glass zkhukhit ‫זכוכית‬ 5494

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the seeds hazra'im ‫הזרעים‬ 5495
the fearful / the anxious / the ultra-
orthodox (
hakharedim ‫החרדים‬ 5496
the clothes habgadim ‫הבגדים‬ 5497
the good / the favors ( hatovot ‫הטובות‬ 5498
in the things / in the matters / in the
words / in the speech / in the things that badvarim ‫בדברים‬ 5499
were said
talked / negotiated [ba] bidvarim
succeed / successful ( matslikhim ‫מצליחים‬ 5500
to the field lasade ‫לשדה‬ 5501
to a field lesade
that/who gave (m.s.) shehe'enik ‫שהעניק‬ 5502
punishment onesh ‫עונש‬ 5503
huge (m.s.) atsum ‫עצום‬ 5504
weak (m.s.) khalash ‫חלש‬ 5505
free (f.s.) khofshiyot ‫חופשיות‬ 5506
the news hayedi'ot ‫הידיעות‬ 5507
the knowledge / the news hayedi'a ‫הידיעה‬ 5508
the walkers of holekhei ‫הולכי‬ 5509
pedestrians holkhey [regel]
changed (m.s.) hishtana ‫השתנה‬ 5510
the black ( hashkhorim ‫השחורים‬ 5511
the letters ha'otiyot ‫האותיות‬ 5512
the humanism ha'enoshiyut ‫האנושיות‬ 5513
the humane ( ha'enoshiyot
the danger / the risk hasakana ‫הסכנה‬ 5514
somewhat / slightly bemiktsat ‫במקצת‬ 5515
chose / selected / voted (m.s.) bakhar ‫בחר‬ 5516
answered / agreed / was answered (m.s.) na'ana ‫נענה‬ 5517
drive / travel nesi'a ‫נסיעה‬ 5518
servant / serves (m.s.) mesharet ‫משרת‬ 5519
detailed (m.s.) meforat ‫מפורט‬ 5520
from the country / from Israel meha'arets ‫מהארץ‬ 5521
patient / taken care of / person who is
taken care of (m.s.)
metupal ‫מטופל‬ 5522
organized / settled ( mesudarim ‫מסודרים‬ 5523
to decide / to overpower lehakhri'a ‫להכריע‬ 5524
at the feet of leraglei ‫לרגלי‬ 5525
at my feet / to/for my legs leraglai
and since then ume'az ‫ומאז‬ 5526
and to/for him / and he has / and he had velo ‫ולו‬ 5527
even if velu
and other ( / and others (f.) ve'akherot ‫ואחרות‬ 5528

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and started (pl.) vehekhelu ‫והחלו‬ 5529
sent (pl.) shalkhu ‫שלחו‬ 5530
ruled (f.s.) shalta ‫שלטה‬ 5531
that/who placed / that/who put (pl.) shesamu ‫ששמו‬ 5532
that/who went up / that/who climbed /
that/who increased / who immigrated (pl.)
she'alu ‫שעלו‬ 5533
that/who was named (f.s.) shekunta ‫שכונתה‬ 5534
hits / damages / offensive (m.s.) poge'a ‫פוגע‬ 5535
compromise / conciliation pshara ‫פשרה‬ 5536
internal (f.s.) pnimit ‫פנימית‬ 5537
their work avodatam ‫עבודתם‬ 5538
search khipus ‫חיפוש‬ 5539
peasants / farmers ikarim ‫איכרים‬ 5540
glowing / shining zoher ‫זוהר‬ 5541
glow / shine zohar
his importance / its importance khashivuto ‫חשיבותו‬ 5542
double kaful ‫כפול‬ 5543
the early / the preliminary ( hamukdamot ‫המוקדמות‬ 5544
perimeter/ circumference / scope hekef ‫היקף‬ 5545
the bag / the case / the file / the portfolio hatik ‫התיק‬ 5546
advanced / made a progress (m.s.) hitkadem ‫התקדם‬ 5547
the prayer hatfila ‫התפילה‬ 5548
the conservative (f.s.) hashamranit ‫השמרנית‬ 5549
the important (f.s.) hakhashuva ‫החשובה‬ 5550
the villages hakfarim ‫הכפרים‬ 5551
mountains harim ‫הרים‬ 5552
lifted (m.s.) herim
the radio haradio ‫הרדיו‬ 5553
that/who is called / that/who is
summoned (f.s.)
hanikret ‫הנקראת‬ 5554
their fate goralam ‫גורלם‬ 5555
carrot gezer ‫גזר‬ 5556
cut / ruled / concluded (m.s.) gazar
in sickness bemakhala ‫במחלה‬ 5557
between him beino ‫בינו‬ 5558
on Saturday beshabat ‫בשבת‬ 5559
on the Saturday bashabat
in/with his body begufo ‫בגופו‬ 5560
clearly / obviously / under inquiry beverur ‫בבירור‬ 5561
by mistake beta'ut ‫בטעות‬ 5562
colors tsva'im ‫צבעים‬ 5563
painters tsaba'im
secret sod ‫סוד‬ 5564
risk of sakanat ‫סכנת‬ 5565

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as a Caesar kekeisar ‫כקיסר‬ 5566
communism hakomunizm ‫הקומוניזם‬ 5567
the surrender hakni'a ‫הכניעה‬ 5568
to a river lenahar ‫לנהר‬ 5569
to the river lanahar
with a rope bekhevel ‫בחבל‬ 5570
with the rope bakhevel
fired piter ‫פיטר‬ 5571
clerks of / officials of pkidei ‫פקידי‬ 5572
at her/its top / at her/its peak besi'a ‫בשיאה‬ 5573
[at/on] the mountains baharim ‫בהרים‬ 5574
withdrawal / retreat nesiga ‫נסיגה‬ 5575
to coordinate leta'em ‫לתאם‬ 5576
for the pass of / for the transfer of leha'avarat ‫להעברת‬ 5577
economy kalkala ‫כלכלה‬ 5578
the districts hamekhozot ‫המחוזות‬ 5579
the empire hakeysarut ‫הקיסרות‬ 5580
suffered (pl.) savlu ‫סבלו‬ 5581
counted / included (f.s.) manta ‫מנתה‬ 5582
to bridge / to mediate legasher ‫לגשר‬ 5583
to the bridge lagesher
to a bridge legesher
and the city veha'ir ‫והעיר‬ 5584
valiant / knightly abiri ‫אבירי‬ 5585
assisted / helped (f.s.) siy'a ‫סייעה‬ 5586
balance (statement) ma'azan ‫מאזן‬ 5587
balances (m.s.) me'azen
from the point of minkudat ‫מנקודת‬ 5588
going / walking lekhet ‫לכת‬ 5589
and the army vehatsava ‫והצבא‬ 5590
and in the battle of uvikrav ‫ובקרב‬ 5591
and in the battle uvakrav
and among uvkerev
that/who stayed (pl.) sheshahu ‫ששהו‬ 5592
survived (pl.) sardu ‫שרדו‬ 5593
the move / the step / the distance hamahalakh ‫המהלך‬ 5594
the marine (m.s.) hayami ‫הימי‬ 5595
the Catholic hakatolit ‫הקתולית‬ 5596
that/who stands / that/who is about to /
that/who endures / that/who succeeds / ha'omed ‫העומד‬ 5597
that/who insists on (m.s.)
in their hand / up to them beyadam ‫בידם‬ 5598
navigation nivut ‫ניווט‬ 5599

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modern (m.s.) moderni ‫מודרני‬ 5600
most of them marbitam ‫מרביתם‬ 5601
for pass / for transfer / for transit lema'avar ‫למעבר‬ 5602
for the pass / for the transfer / for the
to/for an operation / for a sale lemivtsa ‫למבצע‬ 5603
to/for the operation / for the sale lamivtsa
and powers / and forces / and strengths vekokhot ‫וכוחות‬ 5604
and gave (m.s.) venatan ‫ונתן‬ 5605
the former / the preceding shekadam ‫שקדם‬ 5606
were divided khulku ‫חולקו‬ 5607
end / remainder akharit ‫אחרית‬ 5608
approximately a hundred keme'a ‫כמאה‬ 5609
developments hitpatkhuyot ‫התפתחויות‬ 5610
the aristocrats / the noble ( ha'atsilim ‫האצילים‬ 5611
destruction / demolition heres ‫הרס‬ 5612
in the press ba'itonut ‫בעיתונות‬ 5613
reasons sibot ‫סיבות‬ 5614
used (pl.) / exploited (pl.) / were saved /
were roasted
nitslu ‫ניצלו‬ 5615
prolonged / continuous memushakh ‫ממושך‬ 5616
complicated / complex / consist of /
assembled (
murkavim ‫מורכבים‬ 5617
commanders mefakdim ‫מפקדים‬ 5618
censuses / musters mifkadim
mixed / involved ( me'oravim ‫מעורבים‬ 5619
from the moment [of] merega ‫מרגע‬ 5620
relations yakhasim ‫יחסים‬ 5621
to/for a system / to/for an editorial board
/ to/for the system of / to/for the lema'arekhet ‫למערכת‬ 5622
editorial board of
to/for the system / to/for the editorial
to communicate letaksher ‫לתקשר‬ 5623
to a condition/ to a provision letnai ‫לתנאי‬ 5624
to the conditions of / to the provisions of letna'ei
stages / phases / rungs shlabim ‫שלבים‬ 5625
that/who acted / that/who operated (m.s.) shepa'al ‫שפעל‬ 5626
server / janitor sharat ‫שרת‬ 5627
her existence / her survival / its holding /
its fulfillment (f.s.)
kiyuma ‫קיומה‬ 5628
power / force / intensity otsma ‫עוצמה‬ 5629
some of them / their part / their share
khelkan ‫חלקן‬ 5630
was named kuna ‫כונה‬ 5631

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the complicated / the complex / that
consists of / that is assembled (f.s.)
hamurkevet ‫המורכבת‬ 5632
education haskala ‫השכלה‬ 5633
recruitment giyus ‫גיוס‬ 5634
was performed / was carried out (f.s.) buts'a ‫בוצעה‬ 5635
most of them (f.) ruban ‫רובן‬ 5636
first ( rishonot ‫ראשונות‬ 5637
suffered (f.s.) savla ‫סבלה‬ 5638
version / phrased / style nosakh ‫נוסח‬ 5639
professional ( miktso'iyim ‫מקצועיים‬ 5640
to donate / to contribute litrom ‫לתרום‬ 5641
for a month / per month lekhodesh ‫לחודש‬ 5642
authorities shiltonot ‫שלטונות‬ 5643
partner shutaf ‫שותף‬ 5644
roots shorashim ‫שורשים‬ 5645
that/who dealt / that/who engaged /
that/who worked (m.s.)
she'asak ‫שעסק‬ 5646
that part shekhelek ‫שחלק‬ 5647
who disagreed shekhalak
that/who led / that/who transported
shehovil ‫שהוביל‬ 5648
the burning of / the fire of srefat ‫שריפת‬ 5649
potential potentsyal ‫פוטנציאל‬ 5650
breakthrough / burglary / irruption pritsa ‫פריצה‬ 5651
characteristic (m.s.) ofyani ‫אופייני‬ 5652
star kokhav ‫כוכב‬ 5653
the united hame'ukhedet ‫המאוחדת‬ 5654
that are / that constitute ( hamehavim ‫המהווים‬ 5655
break / intermission hafsaka ‫הפסקה‬ 5656
the democratic (m.s.) hademokrati ‫הדמוקרטי‬ 5657
in the trial / in the sentence bamishpat ‫במשפט‬ 5658
in a trial / in a sentence bemishpat
at a pressure of / under pressure belakhats ‫בלחץ‬ 5659
under the pressure balakhats
in the media / in the communication batikshoret ‫בתקשורת‬ 5660
in/at the time bizmano ‫בזמנו‬ 5661
at a quantity of / at an amount of bekhamut ‫בכמות‬ 5662
his movie / his ribbon/strip sirto ‫סרטו‬ 5663
his fall nefilato ‫נפילתו‬ 5664
was forced / was compelled (f.s.) ne'eltsa ‫נאלצה‬ 5665
the Zionist ( hatsiyoniyot ‫הציוניות‬ 5666
and a tower umigdal ‫ומגדל‬ 5667
axes / axles / hinges / delegates / sauces /
tsirim ‫צירים‬ 5668

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go down / come down / descend /
decreases (
yordim ‫יורדים‬ 5669
the press ha'itonut ‫העיתונות‬ 5670
the lion ha'ari ‫הארי‬ 5671
the main part [khelek] ha'ari
demolition of / destruction of harisat ‫הריסת‬ 5672
kibbutz kibuts ‫קיבוץ‬ 5673
located / situated (m.s.) memukam ‫ממוקם‬ 5674
his actions / his operations / his deeds pe'ulotav ‫פעולותיו‬ 5675
the special (f.s.) ha'meyukhedet ‫המיוחדת‬ 5676
was suitable / was appropriate / was
applicable / was identical / suited (m.s.)
hit'im ‫התאים‬ 5677
the paintings / the drawings hatsiyurim ‫הציורים‬ 5678
explanation / information hasbara ‫הסברה‬ 5679
fossils me'ubanim ‫מאובנים‬ 5680
satisfying / supply ( mesapkim ‫מספקים‬ 5681
processes of tahalikhei ‫תהליכי‬ 5682
decade asor ‫עשור‬ 5683
great / giant ( anakiyim ‫ענקיים‬ 5684
the choir hamakhela ‫המקהלה‬ 5685
in the participation of behishtatfut ‫בהשתתפות‬ 5686
based on / becomes established (f.s.) mitbaseset ‫מתבססת‬ 5687
mass masa ‫מסה‬ 5688
to conserve leshamer ‫לשמר‬ 5689
to/for an award / to/for a prize lifras ‫לפרס‬ 5690
to/for the award / to/for the prize lapras
that were written shenikhtevu ‫שנכתבו‬ 5691
tied / linked / connected (f.s.) kshura ‫קשורה‬ 5692
short ( katsarot ‫קצרות‬ 5693
union igud ‫איגוד‬ 5694
legal ( khukiyim ‫חוקיים‬ 5695
electricity khashmal ‫חשמל‬ 5696
atom atom ‫אטום‬ 5697
sealed / opaque atum
copied he'etik ‫העתיק‬ 5698
the generations hadorot ‫הדורות‬ 5699
the low / the short (m.s.) hanamukh ‫הנמוך‬ 5700
the current hanokhekhit ‫הנוכחית‬ 5701
high / tall ( gvohot ‫גבוהות‬ 5702
unlike / different from beshone ‫בשונה‬ 5703
low / short ( nemukhot ‫נמוכות‬ 5704
elected / selected ( nivkharim ‫נבחרים‬ 5705
was seen / was watched / was observed /
was anticipated (m.s.)
nitspa ‫נצפה‬ 5706

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we will expect / we will cover / we will
separation of hafradat ‫הפרדת‬ 5707
his attitude gishato ‫גישתו‬ 5708
to link / to connect lekasher ‫לקשר‬ 5709
skeleton / framework sheled ‫שלד‬ 5710
the holidays of khagei ‫חגי‬ 5711
my celebration khagi
vegetables yerakot ‫ירקות‬ 5712
words of milot ‫מילות‬ 5713
sweet ( metukim ‫מתוקים‬ 5714
ends (m.s.) mistayem ‫מסתיים‬ 5715
to/for phenomena letofa'ot ‫לתופעות‬ 5716
to/for the phenomena latofa'ot
slow itit ‫איטית‬ 5717
as a player / as an actor kesakhkan ‫כשחקן‬ 5718
as a material / as a clay kekhomer ‫כחומר‬ 5719
the hotel hamalon ‫המלון‬ 5720
the melon hamelon
his/its return / his /its repetition khazarato ‫חזרתו‬ 5721
for him avuro ‫עבורו‬ 5722
holds / fulfills / carries out / maintains
mekayem ‫מקיים‬ 5723
food / dishes ma'akhalim ‫מאכלים‬ 5724
soap sabon ‫סבון‬ 5725
molecule of molekulat ‫מולקולת‬ 5726
vitamin vitamin ‫ויטמין‬ 5727
the phenomenon hatofa'a ‫התופעה‬ 5728
expectancy / hope tokhelet ‫תוחלת‬ 5729
greenhouse khamama ‫חממה‬ 5730
the Bahai (m.s.) habahai ‫הבהאי‬ 5731
I went out / I came out yatsati ‫יצאתי‬ 5732
and I will go out / and I will come out ve'etse ‫ואצא‬ 5733
and everything vehakol ‫והכל‬ 5734
and by this / and in this one (m.) uvaze ‫ובזה‬ 5735
flea par'osh ‫פרעוש‬ 5736
I was late ekharti ‫אחרתי‬ 5737
I ate akhalti ‫אכלתי‬ 5738
as before / as in the past kefa'am ‫כפעם‬ 5739
I added hosafti ‫הוספתי‬ 5740
the fox hashu'al ‫השועל‬ 5741
the interpretations haperushim ‫הפרושים‬ 5742
the ascetics / the seclusive / the Pharisees haprushim

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the advocacy / the legal practice / the
attorney general
hapraklitut ‫הפרקליטות‬ 5743
is there not / are there not ha'ein ‫האין‬ 5744
the wedding hakhatuna ‫החתונה‬ 5745
the buttons hakaftorim ‫הכפתורים‬ 5746
sheet of paper / issue gilayon ‫גליון‬ 5747
the stumps of gidmei ‫גדמי‬ 5748
[came] running bimrutsa ‫במרוצה‬ 5749
in my heart belibi ‫בלבי‬ 5750
shouted / yelled (m.s.) tsa'ak ‫צעק‬ 5751
ant nemala ‫נמלה‬ 5752
for no leshum ‫לשום‬ 5753
look (pl. imperative) / you will see (pl.) tir'u ‫תראו‬ 5754
yourself (m.s.) atsmekha ‫עצמך‬ 5755
yourself (f.s.) atsmekh
passed (pl.) khalfu ‫חלפו‬ 5756
by yourself / personally (m.s.) be'atsmekha ‫בעצמך‬ 5757
by yourself / personally (f.s.) be'atsmekh
fellow / guy bakhur ‫בחור‬ 5758
hereby bazot ‫בזאת‬ 5759
in this one (f.) bezot
bless (f.s. imperative) barkhi ‫ברכי‬ 5760
my knee birki
the knees of birkei
quarter reva ‫רבע‬ 5761
finished / ended nigmar ‫נגמר‬ 5762
to wait lekhakot ‫לחכות‬ 5763
to look lehabit ‫להביט‬ 5764
to approach lageshet ‫לגשת‬ 5765
I returned shavti ‫שבתי‬ 5766
that my daughter shebiti
window khalon ‫חלון‬ 5767
followers of / fans of ohadim ‫אוהדי‬ 5768
as [X] have said / as [X] say kidvar ‫כדבר‬ 5769
as a thing / as an object / as a matter / as
an item
as the thing / as the object / as the matter
/ as the item
the unemployment ha'avtala ‫האבטלה‬ 5770
in the silence basheket ‫בשקט‬ 5771
silently / quietly besheket
in my room bekhadri ‫בחדרי‬ 5772
in the rooms of bekhadrei
pretty / good ( yafim ‫יפים‬ 5773

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my room khadri ‫חדרי‬ 5774
the rooms of khadrei
the rival / the opponent / the enemy (f.s.) hayeriva ‫היריבה‬ 5775
the coalition hako'alitsya ‫הקואליציה‬ 5776
the wings haknafayim ‫הכנפיים‬ 5777
blessed barukh ‫ברוך‬ 5778
fall ( noflim ‫נופלים‬ 5779
wakes / excites (m.s.) me'orer ‫מעורר‬ 5780
old ( yeshanim ‫ישנים‬ 5781
sleeping ( yeshenim
indictment / accusation ishum ‫אישום‬ 5782
thought (m.s.) khashav ‫חשב‬ 5783
stop (imperative) / stopped (m.s.) khadal ‫חדל‬ 5784
the branch / the field ha'anaf ‫הענף‬ 5785
the long ( ha'arukim ‫הארוכים‬ 5786
the merchant / the dealer / the seller hasokher ‫הסוחר‬ 5787
tears dma'ot ‫דמעות‬ 5788
my family / familial mishpakhti ‫משפחתי‬ 5789
to/for the rest leyeter ‫ליתר‬ 5790
to arrange lesader ‫לסדר‬ 5791
that/who went up / that/who climbed /
that/who increased / that/who she'ala ‫שעלה‬ 5792
immigrated (m.s.)
that/who almost shekim'at ‫שכמעט‬ 5793
committed suicide (m.s.) hit'abed ‫התאבד‬ 5794
dared (m.s.) he'ez ‫העז‬ 5795
the love ha'ahava ‫האהבה‬ 5796
the palace ha'armon ‫הארמון‬ 5797
the medical (m.s.) harefu'i ‫הרפואי‬ 5798
instant / wink / stop heref ‫הרף‬ 5799
satisfaction / complacence nakhat ‫נחת‬ 5800
landed / Marine Corps member nakhat
incarceration ma'asar ‫מאסר‬ 5801
discovers ( megalim ‫מגלים‬ 5802
to instruct lehorot ‫להורות‬ 5803
was released (m.s.) shukhrar ‫שוחרר‬ 5804
sank / declined (m.s.) shaka ‫שקע‬ 5805
socket / depression / recess / lacuna sheka
elephant pil ‫פיל‬ 5806
resentment / grievance hitmarmerut ‫התמרמרות‬ 5807
completed / accepted / came to terms (pl.) hislimu ‫השלימו‬ 5808
stopped / ceased (pl.) hifsiku ‫הפסיקו‬ 5809
the parents hahorim ‫ההורים‬ 5810
nestlings gozalim ‫גוזלים‬ 5811

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rob ( gozlim
[in] branches / in fields be'anafim ‫בענפים‬ 5812
[in] the branches / in the fields ba'anafim
felt contempt (pl.) bazu ‫בזו‬ 5813
in this one (f.) bazu
at the same time as bad [bevad] ‫בד‬ 5814
linen / cloth / branch bad
far (f.s.) rekhoka ‫רחוקה‬ 5815
disappeared / hidden / concealed /
unknown (algebra) (m.s.)
ne'elam ‫נעלם‬ 5816
must ( mukhrakhim ‫מוכרחים‬ 5817
from trees of me'atsei ‫מעצי‬ 5818
oppositely / at a distance mineged ‫מנגד‬ 5819
to pull / to attract / to withdraw limshokh ‫למשוך‬ 5820
to/for a basket lesal ‫לסל‬ 5821
to/for the basket lasal
and pass / and transfer / and transition uma'avar ‫ומעבר‬ 5822
and growing (m.s.) vegadel ‫וגדל‬ 5823
and grew (m.s.) vegadal
and a head verosh ‫וראש‬ 5824
and a book vesefer ‫וספר‬ 5825
and counted (m.s.) vesafar
and a barber vesapar
and a border vesfar
that they will be able sheyukhlu ‫שיוכלו‬ 5826
leftover / residue / remnant she'erit ‫שארית‬ 5827
who tried (m.s.) shenisa ‫שניסה‬ 5828
was published / was advertised (f.s.) pursema ‫פורסמה‬ 5829
deep ( / deeply amukot ‫עמוקות‬ 5830
needs (m.s.) zakuk ‫זקוק‬ 5831
ticket kartis ‫כרטיס‬ 5832
thanked / confessed (m.s.) hoda ‫הודה‬ 5833
the week / this week hashavu'a ‫השבוע‬ 5834
the champions (f.) ha'alufot ‫האלופות‬ 5835
the paper haniyar ‫הנייר‬ 5836
in prison bakele ‫בכלא‬ 5837
his pact / his alliance / his covenant brito ‫בריתו‬ 5838
from the right / to the right [of] miyamin ‫מימין‬ 5839
plane / level mishor ‫מישור‬ 5840
corrects / repairs (m.s.) metaken ‫מתקן‬ 5841
installation / device mitkan
club mo'adon ‫מועדון‬ 5842
from a country me'erets ‫מארץ‬ 5843

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trend megama ‫מגמה‬ 5844
load / cargo / baggage mit'an ‫מטען‬ 5845
his state / his situation matsavo ‫מצבו‬ 5846
their state / their situation matsavam ‫מצבם‬ 5847
told / cut (hair) mesupar ‫מסופר‬ 5848
conclusions maskanot ‫מסקנות‬ 5849
to moderate lematen ‫למתן‬ 5850
[for] giving lematan
to the start of litkhilat ‫לתחילת‬ 5851
to atone lekhaper ‫לכפר‬ 5852
to a village lekfar
to the village lakfar
to live lagur ‫לגור‬ 5853
to/for an area lesviva ‫לסביבה‬ 5854
to/for the area lasviva
donation / contribution truma ‫תרומה‬ 5855
and without ulelo ‫וללא‬ 5856
and permanence / and regularity vekeva ‫וקבע‬ 5857
and determined / and fixed / and set (m.s.) vekava
and a secret veraz ‫ורז‬ 5858
messenger / delegate / courier shali'akh ‫שליח‬ 5859
that like this shekakh ‫שכך‬ 5860
shoulder shekhem ‫שכם‬ 5861
that during shebemahalakh ‫שבמהלך‬ 5862
open (f.s.) ptu'kha ‫פתוחה‬ 5863
gave judgment / decided / rules / stopped
pasku ‫פסקו‬ 5864
plots / deeds / libels / false charges alilot ‫עלילות‬ 5865
witnesses edim ‫עדים‬ 5866
stopped / arrested (pl.) atsru ‫עצרו‬ 5867
busy asuk ‫עסוק‬ 5868
serious / severe ( khamurot ‫חמורות‬ 5869
her mother ima ‫אמה‬ 5870
maid (archaic) / third finger / cubit ama
cat khatul ‫חתול‬ 5871
red (f.s.) aduma ‫אדומה‬ 5872
rooms khadarim ‫חדרים‬ 5873
sward kherev ‫חרב‬ 5874
was ruined kharav
as the sea kayam ‫כים‬ 5875
as a sea keyam
economic ( kalkaliyot ‫כלכליות‬ 5876
writing ktiva ‫כתיבה‬ 5877

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was thrown / was projected hushlakh ‫הושלך‬ 5878
were distributed / were spread huftsu ‫הופצו‬ 5879
the open hapatu'akh ‫הפתוח‬ 5880
the solution hapitaron ‫הפתרון‬ 5881
the threat ha'iyum ‫האיום‬ 5882
the terrible / the horrible (m.s.) ha'ayom
the personal / the private ( ha'ishiyim ‫האישיים‬ 5883
the personal / the private (f.s.) ha'ishit ‫האישית‬ 5884
the great / the mighty / the powerful (f.s.) ha'adir ‫האדיר‬ 5885
the long (f.s.) ha'aruka ‫הארוכה‬ 5886
the tail hazanav ‫הזנב‬ 5887
echo hed ‫הד‬ 5888
understood (pl.) hevinu ‫הבינו‬ 5889
observed / noticed (m.s.) hivkhin ‫הבחין‬ 5890
the examinations habdikot ‫הבדיקות‬ 5891
showed (pl.) her'u ‫הראו‬ 5892
honey dvash ‫דבש‬ 5893
in a tower bemigdal ‫במגדל‬ 5894
in the tower bamigdal
in/at his home bebeito ‫בביתו‬ 5895
width rokhav ‫רוחב‬ 5896
loose rafe ‫רפה‬ 5897
signs simanim ‫סימנים‬ 5898
counts (m.s.) / author sofer ‫סופר‬ 5899
think / assume ( svurim ‫סבורים‬ 5900
was carried / got married / high (m.s.) nisa ‫נישא‬ 5901
won (f.s.) nitskha ‫ניצחה‬ 5902
feathers notsot ‫נוצות‬ 5903
surrendered (pl.) nikhne'u ‫נכנעו‬ 5904
was inclined / tended to / was tilted (m.s.) nata ‫נטה‬ 5905
from the wall mehakhoma ‫מהחומה‬ 5906
to/for ignorant ( leburim ‫לבורים‬ 5907
to/for the ignorant ( laburim
the split hapitsul ‫הפיצול‬ 5908
and instructed vehora ‫והורה‬ 5909
and a parent vehore
the wars hamilkhamot ‫המלחמות‬ 5910
the best meitav ‫מיטב‬ 5911
the involvement hame'oravut ‫המעורבות‬ 5912
leftovers / residue / remnants she'eriyot ‫שאריות‬ 5913
aero / aerial (m.s.) aviri ‫אווירי‬ 5914
the mutiny hamerida ‫המרידה‬ 5915
the law suit / the prosecution hatvi'a ‫התביעה‬ 5916

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cast / threw / projected (m.s.) hetil ‫הטיל‬ 5917
neutral ( netraliyot ‫נייטרליות‬ 5918
neutral netraliyut
from a crime mipesha ‫מפשע‬ 5919
to concentrate / to coordinate lerakez ‫לרכז‬ 5920
and arrived (pl.) vehegi'u ‫והגיעו‬ 5921
the municipal / the urban ( ha'ironiyim ‫העירוניים‬ 5922
disagreements makhlokot ‫מחלוקות‬ 5923
to failure lekishalon ‫לכישלון‬ 5924
to the failure lakishalon
to beat / to hit lehakot ‫להכות‬ 5925
transportation / traffic takhbura ‫תחבורה‬ 5926
and south vedarom ‫ודרום‬ 5927
and the south of udrom
that is on the south / that is to the south
shemidarom ‫שמדרום‬ 5928
that/who did (pl.) she'asu ‫שעשו‬ 5929
fire srefa ‫שריפה‬ 5930
conflict imut ‫עימות‬ 5931
temporary / my time zmani ‫זמנית‬ 5932
ropes khavalim ‫חבלים‬ 5933
the entrance of knisat ‫כניסת‬ 5934
the right / the right handed / the rightist
hayemanit ‫הימנית‬ 5935
procedure / proceeding halikh ‫הליך‬ 5936
the opinion hade'a ‫הדעה‬ 5937
exactly / precisely bimduyak ‫במדויק‬ 5938
satisfied / supplies (pl.) sipku ‫סיפקו‬ 5939
managed / conducted (pl.) nihalu ‫ניהלו‬ 5940
used / exploited (m.s.) nitsel ‫ניצל‬ 5941
was saved (m.s.) nitsal
aware (m.s.) muda ‫מודע‬ 5942
explains / interprets (m.s.) mefaresh ‫מפרש‬ 5943
continent yabeshet ‫יבשת‬ 5944
stability yatsivut ‫יציבות‬ 5945
to the question lashe'ela ‫לשאלה‬ 5946
to a question leshe'ela
to the population la'ukhlusiya ‫לאוכלוסייה‬ 5947
to a population le'ukhlusiya
supported (pl.) tamkhu ‫תמכו‬ 5948
and buildings / and constructions vemivnim ‫ומבנים‬ 5949
and equipment vetsiyud ‫וציוד‬ 5950
that was / that constituted shehiva ‫שהיווה‬ 5951
that were brought (pl.) shehuv'u ‫שהובאו‬ 5952

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ruins khurvot ‫חורבות‬ 5953
approximately half kemakhatsit ‫כמחצית‬ 5954
as a language / as a lip / as an edge kesafa ‫כשפה‬ 5955
the special ( ha'meyukhadim ‫המיוחדים‬ 5956
the Atlantic ha'atlanti ‫האטלנטי‬ 5957
the high / the tall ( hagvohot ‫הגבוהות‬ 5958
the emirates / the princedoms hanesikhuyot ‫הנסיכויות‬ 5959
degree / level / grade / rank darga ‫דרגה‬ 5960
corpses gufot ‫גופות‬ 5961
his/its size godlo ‫גודלו‬ 5962
grains of gargerei ‫גרגרי‬ 5963
on the neck / at the rear / hinterland ba'oref ‫בעורף‬ 5964
[in] strips birtsu'ot ‫ברצועת‬ 5965
[in] the strips baretsu'ot
experiment / trial nisui ‫ניסוי‬ 5966
was closed nisgar ‫נסגר‬ 5967
refer ( mityakhasim ‫מתייחסים‬ 5968
refers (f.s.) mityakheset ‫מתייחסת‬ 5969
his journey masa'o ‫מסעו‬ 5970
commercial (f.s.) miskharit ‫מסחרית‬ 5971
founded / established (m.s.) yised ‫ייסד‬ 5972
to define lehagdir ‫להגדיר‬ 5973
to the leadership of lerashut ‫לראשות‬ 5974
observation / vantage point tatspit ‫תצפית‬ 5975
and the death of umot ‫ומות‬ 5976
that had built shebana ‫שבנה‬ 5977
municipal / urban ( ironiyim ‫עירוניים‬ 5978
collection isuf ‫איסוף‬ 5979
the parade / the march hamits'ad ‫המצעד‬ 5980
the historian hahistoryon ‫ההיסטוריון‬ 5981
the wide harakhav ‫הרחב‬ 5982
widen (m.s. imperative) harkhev
assemblies / vaccinations / grafting harkavot ‫הרכבות‬ 5983
in food bemazon ‫במזון‬ 5984
in the food bamazon
with a rifle berove ‫ברובה‬ 5985
with the rifle barove
most of it (f.s.) beruba
clear / obvious ( brurim ‫ברורים‬ 5986
in many / plural berabim ‫ברבים‬ 5987
in stories besipurim ‫בסיפורים‬ 5988
in the stories basipurim
usual / used to ( regilim ‫רגילים‬ 5989

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neutral (m.s.) netrali ‫נייטרלי‬ 5990
paths of / lanes of netivei ‫נתיבי‬ 5991
view / landscape / boughs of a tree nof ‫נוף‬ 5992
separated / individual (f.s.) nifredet ‫נפרדת‬ 5993
to lift / to wave lehanif ‫להניף‬ 5994
to a ghetto legeto ‫לגטו‬ 5995
to the ghetto lageto
and the sister / and the nurse (f.) veha'akhot ‫והאחות‬ 5996
garden beds arugot ‫ערוגות‬ 5997
his soldiers khayalav ‫חייליו‬ 5998
divide / distribute ( mekhalkot ‫מחלקות‬ 5999
departments makhlakot
to engineering lehandasa ‫להנדסה‬ 6000
to the engineering lahandasa
neighborhood of shkhunat ‫שכונת‬ 6001
rifle rove ‫רובה‬ 6002
most of it (f.s.) ruba
desert-like midbari ‫מדברי‬ 6003
from what I said midvarai
from the words of medivrei
pressures lekhatsim ‫לחצים‬ 6004
produce / output totseret ‫תוצרת‬ 6005
seeded / scattered zaru'a ‫זרוע‬ 6006
the neighborhood hashkhuna ‫השכונה‬ 6007
(the) establishment of hakamato ‫הקמתו‬ 6008
and despite velamrot ‫ולמרות‬ 6009
church knesiya ‫כנסייה‬ 6010
of kinds / of classes / of types misugim ‫מסוגים‬ 6011
founding / establishing yisud ‫ייסוד‬ 6012
path / way tvai ‫תוואי‬ 6013
design itsuv ‫עיצוב‬ 6014
legislation khakika ‫חקיקה‬ 6015
responsible / in charge (f.s.) akhra'it ‫אחראית‬ 6016
in a painting / in a drawing betsiyur ‫בציור‬ 6017
in the painting / in the drawing batsiyur
reservoir / pool ma'agar ‫מאגר‬ 6018
to a field / to an area / to a range letkhum ‫לתחום‬ 6019
to the field / to the area / to the range latkhum
determines / fixes / sets (f.s.) kova'at ‫קובעת‬ 6020
deal / engage / work ( oskim ‫עוסקים‬ 6021
adopted (f.s.) imtsa ‫אימצה‬ 6022
identified ziha ‫זיהה‬ 6023
the great [of] ( gdolei ‫גדולי‬ 6024

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in a tradition bemasoret ‫במסורת‬ 6025
in the tradition bamasoret
in/at the same ( be'otan ‫באותן‬ 6026
customary / conventional / driven (f.s.) nahuga ‫נהוגה‬ 6027
enable / facilitate ( me'afsherim ‫מאפשרים‬ 6028
symbolizes mesamel ‫מסמל‬ 6029
his pupil / his student talmido ‫תלמידו‬ 6030
the phenomenon of tofa'at ‫תופעת‬ 6031
and wine veyayin ‫ויין‬ 6032
the said / that was spoken (f.s.) hameduberet ‫המדוברת‬ 6033
confrontation / competition / dealing hitmodedut ‫התמודדות‬ 6034
the aid / the auxiliary ha'ezer ‫העזר‬ 6035
the news habsora ‫הבשורה‬ 6036
precision / accuracy diyuk ‫דיוק‬ 6037
design of be'itsuv ‫בעיצוב‬ 6038
in the sands bakholot ‫בחולות‬ 6039
the the end / at the final bagmar ‫בגמר‬ 6040
at the end of bigmar
copper nekhoshet ‫נחושת‬ 6041
the orient ha'oriyent ‫האוריינט‬ 6042
by the method of beshitat ‫בשיטת‬ 6043
that exist ( hakayamim ‫הקיימים‬ 6044
in philosophy befilosofia ‫בפילוסופיה‬ 6045
the scientific hamada'it ‫המדעית‬ 6046
expresses himself (m.s.) mitbate ‫מתבטא‬ 6047
unmistakable / significant (m.s.) muvheket ‫מובהקת‬ 6048
to/for philosophy lefilosofia ‫לפילוסופיה‬ 6049
to/for the philosophy lafilosofia
and a place vemakom ‫ומקום‬ 6050
social ( khevratiyot ‫חברתיות‬ 6051
sociability khevratiyut
in/at his work be'avodato ‫בעבודתו‬ 6052
to/for a series lesidra ‫לסדרה‬ 6053
to/for the series lasidra
monument of andartat ‫אנדרטת‬ 6054
writing of ktiva ‫כתיבת‬ 6055
drama drama ‫דרמה‬ 6056
his stories sipurav ‫סיפוריו‬ 6057
the studios of ulpenei ‫אולפני‬ 6058
film strips of sirtonei ‫סרטוני‬ 6059
the production hahafaka ‫ההפקה‬ 6060
is produced meyutsar ‫מיוצר‬ 6061
I wish / if only halevai ‫הלוואי‬ 6062

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to detailing / to the detailing of lepeyrut ‫לפירוט‬ 6063
to the detailing laperut
increase / enlargement hagdalat ‫הגדלת‬ 6064
fish of dgei ‫דגי‬ 6065
nutrition tzuna ‫תזונה‬ 6066
the roots hashorashim ‫השורשים‬ 6067
the soundtrack hapaskol ‫הפסקול‬ 6068
the interactions ha'inter'aktsyot ‫האינטראקציות‬ 6069
[in] the owners of beba'alei ‫בבעלי‬ 6070
[in] my husband beba'ali
energize ( mamritsim ‫ממריצים‬ 6071
for increase of / for enlargement of lehagdalat ‫להגדלת‬ 6072
peel / shell klipa ‫קליפה‬ 6073
forbidden / imprisoned ( asurot ‫אסורות‬ 6074
the competitions hatakhruyot ‫התחרויות‬ 6075
riders rokhvim ‫רוכבים‬ 6076
responses tguvot ‫תגובות‬ 6077
the examination habdika ‫הבדיקה‬ 6078
molecule molekula ‫מולקולה‬ 6079
portions manot ‫מנות‬ 6080
males zkharim ‫זכרים‬ 6081
coral almog ‫אלמוג‬ 6082
heating / warming hitkhamemut ‫התחממות‬ 6083
I hurried / I was in a hurry miharti ‫מהרתי‬ 6084
nitrogen khankan ‫חנקן‬ 6085
when I keshe'ani ‫כשאני‬ 6086
the employment / the occupation hata'asuka ‫התעסוקה‬ 6087
on purpose mesim ‫משים‬ 6088
that/who placed / that/who put (m.s.) shesam ‫ששם‬ 6089
that is there / that there shesham
that the name of / that a name sheshem
I will do e'ese ‫אעשה‬ 6090
the opposition ha'opozitsya ‫האופוזיציה‬ 6091
their heads rasheyhem ‫ראשיהם‬ 6092
dead / died (f.s.) meta ‫מתה‬ 6093
rest / deceased mano'akh ‫מנוח‬ 6094
to eat / to dine / to assist (nursing) lis'od ‫לסעוד‬ 6095
sky shamayim ‫שמים‬ 6096
spider akavish ‫עכביש‬ 6097
parking lot khenyon ‫חניון‬ 6098
wings knafayim ‫כנפיים‬ 6099
the inferior / the lesser hapakhut ‫הפחות‬ 6100
at noon batsohorayim ‫בצהריים‬ 6101

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carried / married (f.s.) nas'a ‫נשאה‬ 6102
clean / net naki ‫נקי‬ 6103
will give (m.s.) yiten ‫יתן‬ 6104
and returned / and repeated (m.s.) vekhazar ‫וחזר‬ 6105
hole / aperture khor ‫חור‬ 6106
was lost (f.s.) avda ‫אבדה‬ 6107
loss / something which is lost / casualty aveda
in these be'ele ‫באלה‬ 6108
troubles / narrow ( tsarot ‫צרות‬ 6109
his soul / his spirit / his life nafsho ‫נפשו‬ 6110
to reply / to return [something] lehashiv ‫להשיב‬ 6111
to be satisfied with / to be content with lehistapek ‫להסתפק‬ 6112
grass / weed esev ‫עשב‬ 6113
the physician harofe ‫הרופא‬ 6114
blessing / greeting brakha ‫ברכה‬ 6115
unites (m.s.) me'akhed ‫מאחד‬ 6116
from one me'ekhad
to/for the cell lata ‫לתא‬ 6117
to/for a cell leta
for the peace lashalom ‫לשלום‬ 6118
for peace / in peace leshalom
to/for the peace lashalom
to agree lehaskim ‫להסכים‬ 6119
and in order to vekedei ‫וכדי‬ 6120
winter khoref ‫חורף‬ 6121
strength / power onim ‫אונים‬ 6122
stones avanim ‫אבנים‬ 6123
[the] dawn hashakhar ‫השחר‬ 6124
the foreign / the stranger (f.s) hazara ‫הזרה‬ 6125
examiner / examines (m.s.) bokhen ‫בוחן‬ 6126
examination bokhan
evidence (pl.) re'ayot ‫ראיות‬ 6127
the exit of tset ‫צאת‬ 6128
disappeared / hidden / concealed (f.s.) ne'elma ‫נעלמה‬ 6129
specialists / experts mumkhim ‫מומחים‬ 6130
her place mekoma ‫מקומה‬ 6131
numerous / poly- / multiple- (m.s.) merube ‫מרובה‬ 6132
friendship yedidut ‫ידידות‬ 6133
to/for the singing / to/for the poetry lashira ‫לשירה‬ 6134
to/for singing / to/for poetry / to/for her
and who / and whom vemi / umi ‫ומי‬ 6135
and according to ulefi ‫ולפי‬ 6136

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and so on / etc. vekhayotse [baze] ‫וכיוצא‬ 6137
kept / guarded / protected (f.s.) shamra ‫שמרה‬ 6138
that/who will be (pl.) sheyihiyu ‫שיהיו‬ 6139
alternately / suits khalifot ‫חליפות‬ 6140
hot / warm kham ‫חם‬ 6141
as / as the name of keshem ‫כשם‬ 6142
his resignation hitpatruto ‫התפטרותו‬ 6143
message / notice hoda'a ‫הודעה‬ 6144
the ministers hasarim ‫השרים‬ 6145
the fruits haperot ‫הפירות‬ 6146
the wonder / the miracle hapele ‫הפלא‬ 6147
miraculously / unbelievably / how
hafle [vafele]
the digestion ha'ikul ‫העיכול‬ 6148
speaker dover ‫דובר‬ 6149
canceled butal ‫בוטל‬ 6150
request for / request of bakashat ‫בקשת‬ 6151
[in] an arch / [in] a rainbow bekeshet
[in] a material / with a material / with clay bekhomer ‫בחומר‬ 6152
[in] the material / with the material / with
the clay
in her head / at its top / led by berosha ‫בראשה‬ 6153
wilting novel ‫נובל‬ 6154
Nobel nobel
entered (f.s.) nikhnesa ‫נכנסה‬ 6155
village / colony moshava ‫מושבה‬ 6156
known / familiar (m.s.) mukarim ‫מוכרים‬ 6157
sell ( / sellers / salesmen mokhrim
circle ma'agal ‫מעגל‬ 6158
from the same me'oto ‫מאותו‬ 6159
author / connects / links (f.s.) mekhaberet ‫מחברת‬ 6160
notebook makhberet
from the company of mekhevrat
from between them / from among them mibeinehem ‫מביניהם‬ 6161
visitor / critic / inspector mevaker ‫מבקר‬ 6162
capable (f.s.) mesugelet ‫מסוגלת‬ 6163
beauty yofi ‫יופי‬ 6164
to/for a hundred leme'a ‫למאה‬ 6165
to/for the century lame'a
lingual / my tongue leshoni ‫לשוני‬ 6166
to the difference lashoni
to solve liftor ‫לפתור‬ 6167
to sign lakhtom ‫לחתום‬ 6168
to strengthen lekhazek ‫לחזק‬ 6169

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to increase / to amplify / to strengthen lehagbir ‫להגביר‬ 6170
at his disposal lirshuto ‫לרשותו‬ 6171
to/for a story lesipur ‫לסיפור‬ 6172
to/for the story lasipur
to/for/per round / to/for/per revolution lesivuv ‫לסיבוב‬ 6173
to/for the round / to/for the revolution lasivuv
and death umavet ‫ומוות‬ 6174
and a little / and a few ume'at ‫ומעט‬ 6175
and means / and middle ve'emtsa'i ‫ואמצעי‬ 6176
and a factor / and a cause / and causes
vegorem ‫וגורם‬ 6177
belong / relevant ( shayakhim ‫שייכים‬ 6178
snow sheleg ‫שלג‬ 6179
that enabled / that facilitated (m.s.) she'ifsher ‫שאיפשר‬ 6180
fortnight shvu'ayim ‫שבועיים‬ 6181
that/who fell (m.s.) shenafal ‫שנפל‬ 6182
sudden pit'omi ‫פתאומי‬ 6183
waste psolet ‫פסולת‬ 6184
woke / has excited (m.s.) orer ‫עורר‬ 6185
left (f.s.) azva ‫עזבה‬ 6186
huge / petition (f.s.) atsuma ‫עצומה‬ 6187
tiny (pl.) ze'irim ‫זעירים‬ 6188
foreign / strangers ( zarot ‫זרות‬ 6189
glass / cup kos ‫כוס‬ 6190
spoons / palms kapot ‫כפות‬ 6191
volumes krakhim ‫כרכים‬ 6192
the full / the complete (m.s.) hamale ‫המלא‬ 6193
the settlers hamityashvim ‫המתיישבים‬ 6194
the speed / the velocity hamehirut ‫המהירות‬ 6195
that is / that constitutes (m.s.) hamehave ‫המהווה‬ 6196
resisted / objected (f.s.) hitnagda ‫התנגדה‬ 6197
the easy / the light weight (f.s.) hakala ‫הקלה‬ 6198
the segment / the section haketa ‫הקטע‬ 6199
the occupation / the work ha'isuk ‫העיסוק‬ 6200
raised / increased / lifted / brought up (pl.) he'elu ‫העלו‬ 6201
owners / husbands be'alim ‫הבעלים‬ 6202
the sight / the eye sight / the vision / the
hare'iya ‫הראייה‬ 6203
pierced / punctured / stabbed dakar ‫דקר‬ 6204
pick deker
intentionally bemitkaven ‫במתכוון‬ 6205
asked / requested (f.s.) biksha ‫ביקשה‬ 6206
definitely / for certain / at a certainty [of] bevada'ut ‫בוודאות‬ 6207
tidings / news besora ‫בשורה‬ 6208

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in the line bashura
in a line / in line beshura
in the fields basadot ‫בשדות‬ 6209
in fields besadot
in surgery / in analysis benitu'akh ‫בניתוח‬ 6210
in the surgery / in the analysis banitu'akh
acquisition rekhesh ‫רכש‬ 6211
purchased (m.s.) rakhash
use / exploit nitsul ‫ניצול‬ 6212
survivor (m.s.) nitsol
good looking ( / appropriate na'ot ‫נאות‬ 6213
resolved (adj.) ( / with resolution /
nekhratsot ‫נחרצות‬ 6214
is caused (f.s.) nigremet ‫נגרמת‬ 6215
circumstances nesibot ‫נסיבות‬ 6216
to/for a Caesar lekeisar ‫לקיסר‬ 6217
to/for the Caesar lakeisar
the aero / the aerial (f.s.) ha'avirit ‫האווירית‬ 6218
the brigades habrigadot ‫הבריגדות‬ 6219
to/for camps lemakhanot ‫למחנות‬ 6220
to/for the camps / to/for the groups lamakhanot
to/for soldiers lekhayalim ‫לחיילים‬ 6221
to/for the soldiers lakhayalim
supremacy / superiority elyonut ‫עליונות‬ 6222
ashamed / be ashamed (m.s.) bosh ‫בוש‬ 6223
to proclaim / to announce / to declare lehakhriz ‫להכריז‬ 6224
the correction / the repair hatikun ‫התיקון‬ 6225
advanced / made a progress (pl.) hitkadmu ‫התקדמו‬ 6226
was conquered nikhbesha ‫נכבשה‬ 6227
supported (f.s.) tamkha ‫תמכה‬ 6228
its area shitkha ‫שטחה‬ 6229
that lasted / that was pulled / that was
attracted / that was withdrawn (f.s.)
shenimshekha ‫שנמשכה‬ 6230
the support hatmikha ‫התמיכה‬ 6231
reforms reformot ‫רפורמות‬ 6232
equipped ( metsuyadim ‫מצוידים‬ 6233
counted / included (pl.) manu ‫מנו‬ 6234
to/for a nickname lekhinui ‫לכינוי‬ 6235
to/for the nickname lakinui
attack tkifa ‫תקיפה‬ 6236
and to try ulenasot ‫ולנסות‬ 6237
and caused (m.s.) vegaram ‫וגרם‬ 6238
and an object vegerem
the shrines / the temples hamikdashim ‫המקדשים‬ 6239

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the sanctifiers / that/who sanctifies hamekadshim
was replaced hukhlaf ‫הוחלף‬ 6240
the agricultural / the farmer (f.s.) hakhakla'it ‫החקלאית‬ 6241
the preliminary / the primary (f.s.) harishonit ‫הראשונית‬ 6242
at heights begvahim ‫בגבהים‬ 6243
at the heights bagvahim
militarism tsva'iyut ‫צבאיות‬ 6244
military tsva'iyot
loyalty / faithfulness ne'emanut ‫נאמנות‬ 6245
loyal / trustees ( ne'emanot
profession miktso'a ‫מקצוע‬ 6246
track of / rail of mesilat ‫מסילת‬ 6247
the officers of ktsinei ‫קציני‬ 6248
ultimatum ultimatum ‫אולטימטום‬ 6249
last (m.s.) akharon ‫אחרון‬ 6250
the morale / the ethics hamusar ‫המוסר‬ 6251
the deliverer hamoser
the ones involved hame'oravim ‫המעורבים‬ 6252
achieved / criticized (m.s.) hesig ‫השיג‬ 6253
the rite / the ritual / the sacramental hapulkhan ‫הפולחן‬ 6254
the ideology ha'ide'ologia ‫האידאולוגיה‬ 6255
in his hands beyadav ‫בידיו‬ 6256
in action / in operation bif'ula ‫בפעולה‬ 6257
basic ( bsisiyot ‫בסיסיות‬ 6258
paving of slilat ‫סלילת‬ 6259
was taken (m.s.) nilkakh ‫נלקח‬ 6260
early / preliminary (f.s.) mukdemet ‫מוקדמת‬ 6261
mixed / involved (f.s.) me'orevet ‫מעורבת‬ 6262
to adulthood / to maturity / to puberty le'bagrut ‫לבגרות‬ 6263
caught / perceived (m.s.) tafas ‫תפס‬ 6264
and ammunition vetakhmoshet ‫ותחמושת‬ 6265
and received / and accepted vekibel ‫וקיבל‬ 6266
and north vetsafon ‫וצפון‬ 6267
kept / guarded / protected (pl.) shamru ‫שמרו‬ 6268
improvement shipur ‫שיפור‬ 6269
the line of shurat ‫שורת‬ 6270
that/who received / that/who accepted
shekibla ‫שקיבלה‬ 6271
that/who dealt / that/who engaged /
that/who worked (pl.)
asku ‫שעסקו‬ 6272
that proposed / that suggested / that
offered (m.s.)
shehetsi'a ‫שהציע‬ 6273
happiness osher ‫אושר‬ 6274
has been approved ushar

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economic ( kalkaliyim ‫כלכליים‬ 6275
intervention / bet hit'arvut ‫התערבות‬ 6276
the bottom / the subway hatakhtit ‫התחתית‬ 6277
the achieving of / the perception of hasagat ‫השגת‬ 6278
that/who is called (f.s.) hakruya ‫הקרויה‬ 6279
that/who deal / that/who engage / who
work (
ha'oskot ‫העוסקות‬ 6280
the historical (f.s.) hahistorit ‫ההיסטורית‬ 6281
the recruitment hagiyus ‫הגיוס‬ 6282
the basic ( habsisiyim ‫הבסיסיים‬ 6283
that/who see ( haro'im ‫הרואים‬ 6284
joined (f.s.) hitstarfa ‫הצטרפה‬ 6285
the common (m.s.) hanafots ‫הנפוץ‬ 6286
his judgment / his sentence / his law dino ‫דינו‬ 6287
dramatic (f.s.) dramatit ‫דרמטית‬ 6288
with power / with force / with intensity be'otsma ‫בעוצמה‬ 6289
tank tank ‫טנק‬ 6290
lists / records reshimot ‫רשימות‬ 6291
his story sipuro ‫סיפורו‬ 6292
regular sadir ‫סדיר‬ 6293
local ( mekomiyot ‫מקומיות‬ 6294
its source (f.s.) mekora ‫מקורה‬ 6295
its beak (f.s.) makora
roofed mekure
components / assemble / install ( markivim ‫מרכיבים‬ 6296
to the motion of / to the movement of / to
the traffic of
litnu'at ‫לתנועת‬ 6297
to appeal / to undermine le'ar'er ‫לערער‬ 6298
their role tafkidam ‫תפקידם‬ 6299
and inverted / and converted / and turned
/ and become / and transformed (pl.)
vehafkhu ‫והפכו‬ 6300
policemen shotrim ‫שוטרים‬ 6301
that was published / that was advertised shepursam ‫שפורסם‬ 6302
segments of / sections of kit'ei ‫קטעי‬ 6303
items pritim ‫פריטים‬ 6304
main / principal / primary (m.s.) ikari ‫עיקרי‬ 6305
highlights / main points ikarei
duplicates otakim ‫עותקים‬ 6306
links / copula / vertebrate khulyot ‫חוליות‬ 6307
as a site ke'atar ‫כאתר‬ 6308
that is happening hamitrakhesh ‫המתרחש‬ 6309
birth / new moon hamolad ‫המולד‬ 6310
the innate hamulad
the early / the preliminary (m.s.) hamukdam ‫המוקדם‬ 6311

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the complex / the assembled / that is
hamurkav ‫המורכב‬ 6312
that/who creates (m.s.) / the creator / the
artist / the maker
hayotser ‫היוצר‬ 6313
that one hala ‫הלה‬ 6314
was appointed / was nominated hitmana ‫התמנה‬ 6315
his behavior hitnahaguto ‫התנהגותו‬ 6316
lost (m.s.) hifsid ‫הפסיד‬ 6317
the decade ha'asor ‫העשור‬ 6318
the destruction / the demolition haheres ‫ההרס‬ 6319
the symbols hasmalim ‫הסמלים‬ 6320
the sergeants hasamalim
meaning / namely dehainu ‫דהיינו‬ 6321
sampler dogem ‫דגם‬ 6322
in a path / in a way betvai ‫בתוואי‬ 6323
in the path / in the way batvai
in a small town be'ayara ‫בעיירה‬ 6324
in the small town ba'ayara
in his youth bits'iruto ‫בצעירותו‬ 6325
line / series / column tur ‫טור‬ 6326
painter tsaba'i ‫צבעי‬ 6327
was exposed (m.s.) nekhsaf ‫נחשף‬ 6328
from my daughter mibiti ‫מבתי‬ 6329
was exhausted / worn out / weakened tash ‫תש‬ 6330
the branch hasnif ‫הסניף‬ 6331
among the Jews bayehudim ‫ביהודים‬ 6332
site / defined area mitkham ‫מתחם‬ 6333
his mission ye'udo ‫ייעודו‬ 6334
freedom dror ‫דרור‬ 6335
with the approval of be'ishur ‫באישור‬ 6336
borrowed sha'ul ‫שאול‬ 6337
hell sh'ol
in the forces of bekheil ‫בחיל‬ 6338
with fear bekhil
representative natsig ‫נציג‬ 6339
services / toilets sherutim ‫שירותים‬ 6340
neighborhoods shkhunot ‫שכונות‬ 6341
cars mekhoniyot ‫מכוניות‬ 6342
the architects ha'adrikhalim ‫האדריכלים‬ 6343
lifting / the highland harama ‫הרמה‬ 6344
and development / and the development
ufitu'akh ‫ופיתוח‬ 6345
Intifada of (uprising of) intifadat ‫אינתיפאדת‬ 6346
measure of / size of / quality of midat ‫מידת‬ 6347

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example / ideal / sign mofet ‫מופת‬ 6348
satisfying / supplies (m.s.) mesapek ‫מספק‬ 6349
combined (m.s.) shilev ‫שילב‬ 6350
association of agudat ‫אגודת‬ 6351
the creators / the artists / the makers hayotsrim ‫היוצרים‬ 6352
the top / the peak / the record hasi ‫השיא‬ 6353
sailing haflaga ‫הפלגה‬ 6354
the holes / the pits haborot ‫הבורות‬ 6355
the ignorance haburut
with many rabat ‫רבת‬ 6356
leaders / transporters (m.) movilim ‫מובילים‬ 6357
prevents (m.s.) mone'a ‫מונע‬ 6358
reduced / minimized metsumtsam ‫מצומצם‬ 6359
alternately lekhilufin ‫לחלופין‬ 6360
to/for the same (f.s.) le'ota ‫לאותה‬ 6361
for development lehitpatkhut ‫להתפתחות‬ 6362
for the development lahitpatkhut
catches / perceives (m.s.) tofes ‫תופס‬ 6363
and from here / hence umikan ‫ומכאן‬ 6364
organisms organismim ‫אורגניזמים‬ 6365
my country / terrestrial / earthy artsi ‫ארצי‬ 6366
as a sample / as an example kedugma ‫כדוגמה‬ 6367
the relative hayakhasi ‫היחסי‬ 6368
aspects/ views hebetim ‫היבטים‬ 6369
the imagination / the fantasy / the
hadimyon ‫הדמיון‬ 6370
in a project bifroyekt ‫בפרויקט‬ 6371
in the project baproyekt
in events be'eru'im ‫באירועים‬ 6372
in the events ba'eru'im
the project haproyekt ‫הפרויקט‬ 6373
rules klalim ‫כללים‬ 6374
held / carried out / maintained / survives
mitkayemet ‫מתקיימת‬ 6375
systems / mechanisms manganonim ‫מנגנונים‬ 6376
join ( mitstarfim ‫מצטרפים‬ 6377
acts / verbs pe'alim ‫פעלים‬ 6378
the conceptual (f.s.) hamusagit ‫המושגית‬ 6379
the geniuses hage'onim ‫הגאונים‬ 6380
consumption of tsrikhat ‫צריכת‬ 6381
monuments andarta'ot ‫אנדרטאות‬ 6382
in translation / translated betargum ‫בתרגום‬ 6383
in the translation batargum
from a field / from an area / from a range mitkhum ‫מתחום‬ 6384

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takes in / receives (m.s.) kolet ‫קולט‬ 6385
the characters / the attributes hatkhunot ‫התכונות‬ 6386
disturbance hafra'a ‫הפרעה‬ 6387
the signs hasimanim ‫הסימנים‬ 6388
championship alifut ‫אליפות‬ 6389
in/with oxygen bekhamtsan ‫בחמצן‬ 6390
in/with the oxygen bakhamtsan
in/at a laboratory bema'abada ‫במעבדה‬ 6391
in/at the laboratory bama'abada
breath / breathing neshima ‫נשימה‬ 6392
carriers of nasa'ei ‫נשאי‬ 6393
whales livyatanim ‫לווייתנים‬ 6394
metastasis grurot ‫גרורות‬ 6395
were eaten ne'ekhlu ‫נאכלו‬ 6396
from him me'ito ‫מאתו‬ 6397
ugly mekho'ar ‫מכוער‬ 6398
decent / honest mehugan ‫מהוגן‬ 6399
possible yitakhen ‫יתכן‬ 6400
since ya'an ‫יען‬ 6401
my friend yedidi ‫ידידי‬ 6402
my friends yedidai
the friends of yedidei
to chat lefatpet ‫לפטפט‬ 6403
you will be willing (m.s.) / she will be
to'il ‫תואיל‬ 6404
and I will feel / and I will sense ve'argish ‫וארגיש‬ 6405
and where ve'ana ‫ואנה‬ 6406
hither and thither [ane] va'ana
that I was shehayiti ‫שהייתי‬ 6407
nonsense shtuyot ‫שטויות‬ 6408
flew (pl.) afu ‫עפו‬ 6409
remembers (m.s.) zokher ‫זוכר‬ 6410
I will be eheye ‫אהיה‬ 6411
shone / was shining (f.s.) zarkha ‫זרחה‬ 6412
like these / like those ka'elu ‫כאִ לו‬ 6413
very kahogen ‫כהוגן‬ 6414
desalination hatpala ‫התפלה‬ 6415
the plums hashezifim ‫השזיפים‬ 6416
the orchard hapardes ‫הפרדס‬ 6417
the raven ha'orev ‫העורב‬ 6418
is it possible / is that so? ha'umnam ‫האמנם‬ 6419
the dummies / the stupid / the cocoons haglamim ‫הגלמים‬ 6420
the pit hagal'in ‫הגלעין‬ 6421

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the young ( hatse'irot ‫הצעירות‬ 6422
the toasts hatsnimim ‫הצנימים‬ 6423
I finished gamarti ‫גמרתי‬ 6424
in/with eyes be'einayim ‫בעינים‬ 6425
in/with the eyes ba'einayim
in the possession bekhazaka ‫בחזקה‬ 6426
power (math.) bekhezka
when I look behabiti ‫בהביטי‬ 6427
sure / certainly / must be betakh ‫בטח‬ 6428
trusted (m.s.) batakh
her legs ragleha ‫רגליה‬ 6429
my bundle / my package tsrori ‫צרורי‬ 6430
around me svivi ‫סביבי‬ 6431
moaned (m.s.) ne'enakh ‫נאנח‬ 6432
someone / somebody mishehu ‫מישהו‬ 6433
will rise / will increase / will lift / will come
up / will bring up (m.s.)
ya'ale ‫יעלה‬ 6434
answered (pl.) anu ‫ענו‬ 6435
old (f.s.) zkena ‫זקנה‬ 6436
the apples hatapu'khim ‫התפוחים‬ 6437
the tumid ( hatfukhim
are hinam ‫הנם‬ 6438
in my brain bemokhi ‫במוחי‬ 6439
carefully biz'hirut ‫בזהירות‬ 6440
jokingly bits'khok ‫בצחוק‬ 6441
and whenever / and as often as umidei ‫ומדי‬ 6442
and the uniform of umadei
and the sun vehashemeh ‫והשמש‬ 6443
and the attendant vehashamash
thick ave ‫עבה‬ 6444
to you ( eleikhem ‫אליכם‬ 6445
guilty ashem ‫אשם‬ 6446
guilt asham
at the moment karega ‫כרגע‬ 6447
feeling / emotion regesh ‫רגש‬ 6448
storm (n.) / stormed (f.s.) se'ara ‫סערה‬ 6449
running (n.) / sutisfied (f.s.) merutsa ‫מרוצה‬ 6450
sutisfied (m.s.) merutse
her hand yada ‫ידה‬ 6451
for the week lashavu'a ‫לשבוע‬ 6452
for a week leshavu'a
into a barrel lekhavit ‫לחבית‬ 6453
into the barrel lakhavit

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black (f.s.) skhora ‫שחורה‬ 6454
the end / the termination / the ruin hakets ‫הקץ‬ 6455
the small / the little ( haktanot ‫הקטנות‬ 6456
the clerk / the official hapakid ‫הפקיד‬ 6457
deposited hifkid
the mind / the knowledge / the wisdom hada'at ‫הדעת‬ 6458
grew (pl.) gadlu ‫גדלו‬ 6459
in the accident bate'una ‫בתאונה‬ 6460
in an accident bete'una
hits / strokes / blows makot ‫מכות‬ 6461
sudden / suddenly peta ‫פתע‬ 6462
eyes einayim ‫עיניים‬ 6463
then azai ‫אזי‬ 6464
the pretty / the good (m.s.) hayafe ‫היפה‬ 6465
the pretty / the good (f.s.) hayafa
suicide hit'abdut ‫התאבדות‬ 6466
was useful ho'il ‫הועיל‬ 6467
the murder haretsakh ‫הרצח‬ 6468
his uncle dodo ‫דודו‬ 6469
profit / gain / gap revakh ‫רווח‬ 6470
widespread / relief ravakh
young ( tse'irot ‫צעירות‬ 6471
successful (m.s.) mutslakh ‫מוצלח‬ 6472
play / show makhaze ‫מחזה‬ 6473
child (f.) / girl yalda ‫ילדה‬ 6474
old (m.s.) yashan ‫ישן‬ 6475
sleeping (m.s.) yashen
to shoot / to hit (a target) liklo'a ‫לקלוע‬ 6476
to space lakhalal ‫לחלל‬ 6477
that/who sat (m.s.) sheyashav ‫שישב‬ 6478
two hours sha'atayim ‫שעתיים‬ 6479
that to him she'elav ‫שאליו‬ 6480
lest pen ‫פן‬ 6481
side / characteristic pan
inside / inwardly pnima ‫פנימה‬ 6482
seed / sperm zera ‫זרע‬ 6483
crowd / a lot hamonim ‫המונים‬ 6484
the families hamishpakhot ‫המשפחות‬ 6485
the deceased hamano'akh ‫המנוח‬ 6486
agreed (f.s.) hiskima ‫הסכימה‬ 6487
exclusive bil'adi ‫בלעדי‬ 6488
without me bil'adai
without bil'adei

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were kept / were guarded / were
nishmeru ‫נשמרו‬ 6489
continues (f.s.) mamshikha ‫ממשיכה‬ 6490
known / familiar (f.s.) mukeret ‫מוכרת‬ 6491
seller / salswoman / sells (f.s.) mokheret
from the field mehasade ‫מהשדה‬ 6492
from inside mibifnim ‫מבפנים‬ 6493
to/for a fact le'uvda ‫לעובדה‬ 6494
to/for the fact la'uvda
to wait lehamtin ‫להמתין‬ 6495
under him/it / in his/its place takhtav ‫תחתיו‬ 6496
and inside uvetokh ‫ובתוך‬ 6497
sent (f.s.) shalkha ‫שלחה‬ 6498
that/who saw (m.s.) shera'a ‫שראה‬ 6499
crime pesha ‫פשע‬ 6500
commited a crime pasha
flowers of pirkhei ‫פרחי‬ 6501
facts uvdot ‫עובדות‬ 6502
work / workers ( ovdot
great / mighty / powerful (f.s.) adira ‫אדירה‬ 6503
about twenty ke'esrim ‫כעשרים‬ 6504
the price hamekhir ‫המחיר‬ 6505
the institutes hamekhonim ‫המכונים‬ 6506
that are called ( hamekhunim
breach / violation hafara ‫הפרה‬ 6507
breached (f.s.) hefera
the cow hapara
the nerves ha'atsabim ‫העצבים‬ 6508
show (f.s. imperative) har'i ‫הראי‬ 6509
the mirror hare'i
in a lesson / to an extent beshi'ur ‫בשיעור‬ 6510
in the lesson / to the extent bashi'ur
chose / selected / voted (pl.) bakhru ‫בחרו‬ 6511
at the will of birtson ‫ברצון‬ 6512
willingly beratson
pipe tsinor ‫צינור‬ 6513
grows (m.s.) / flora tsome'akh ‫צומח‬ 6514
dense / crowded tsfufa ‫צפופה‬ 6515
the soul of / the breath of nishmat ‫נשמת‬ 6516
artificial (m.s.) melakhuti ‫מלאכותי‬ 6517
cooperative settlements / seat / session moshav ‫מושב‬ 6518
glasses of mishkafei ‫משקפי‬ 6519
surprising mafti'a ‫מפתיע‬ 6520

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takes apart / dismantles (m.s.) mefarek ‫מפרק‬ 6521
joint mifrak
divided (m.s.) mekhulak ‫מחולק‬ 6522
patients / taken care of ( metupalim ‫מטופלים‬ 6523
to fill lemale ‫למלא‬ 6524
to places lemekomot ‫למקומות‬ 6525
to the places lamekomot
for sickness lemakhala ‫למחלה‬ 6526
for the sickness lamakhala
the league of ligat ‫ליגת‬ 6527
to a motion / to a movement/ to traffic litnu'a ‫לתנועה‬ 6528
to the motion / to the movement / to
no lav ‫לאו‬ 6529
for a winning lezkhiya ‫לזכייה‬ 6530
for the winning lazkhiya
donated / contributed (m.s.) taram ‫תרם‬ 6531
and died vamet ‫ומת‬ 6532
and never ume'olam ‫ומעולם‬ 6533
and people ve'anashim ‫ואנשים‬ 6534
and asked / and requested (m.s.) uvikesh ‫וביקש‬ 6535
that/who went out / that /who came out
sheyats'a ‫שיצאה‬ 6536
live / dwell ( shokhnim ‫שוכנים‬ 6537
which meaning is (m.s.) sheperusho ‫שפירושו‬ 6538
hairy sa'ir ‫שעיר‬ 6539
scapegoat sa'ir [la'aza'zel]
their existence / their survival / their
holding / their fulfillment (
kiyumam ‫קיומם‬ 6540
hit / damaged / offended (m.s.) paga ‫פגע‬ 6541
rich ( ashirim ‫עשירים‬ 6542
threats iyumim ‫איומים‬ 6543
terrible / horrible ( ayumim
returns (f.s.) / repeats (f.s.) / repeating khozeret ‫חוזרת‬ 6544
sympathizes / sympathizer / follower / fan
ohed ‫אוהד‬ 6545
foreign / stranger (f.s.) zara ‫זרה‬ 6546
conference kenes ‫כנס‬ 6547
the club hamo'adon ‫המועדון‬ 6548
the documents hamismakhim ‫המסמכים‬ 6549
the middle (f.s.) hatikhona ‫התיכונה‬ 6550
hardened hitkashu ‫התקשו‬ 6551
were managed / were conducted / walked
hitnahalu ‫התנהלו‬ 6552

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the readers / who read / that/who call
hakor'im ‫הקוראים‬ 6553
the reading / the call hakri'a ‫הקריאה‬ 6554
demonstrations hafganot ‫הפגנות‬ 6555
assessed / estimated / appreciated (m.s.) he'erikh ‫העריך‬ 6556
the inquiry / the investigation / the inquiry hakhakira ‫החקירה‬ 6557
the nickname hakinui ‫הכינוי‬ 6558
the road hakvish ‫הכביש‬ 6559
the decisions hahakhlatot ‫ההחלטות‬ 6560
that is required (f.s.) hadrusha ‫הדרושה‬ 6561
although hagam ‫הגם‬ 6562
the claims / the arguments hata'anot ‫הטענות‬ 6563
worry de'aga ‫דאגה‬ 6564
required / needed (m.s.) darush ‫דרוש‬ 6565
their way / through them darkam ‫דרכם‬ 6566
trunks / races gza'im ‫גזעים‬ 6567
in an article / in a saying be'ma'amar ‫במאמר‬ 6568
in the article / in the saying ba'ma'amar
cattle / beast / hippopotamus behemot ‫בהמות‬ 6569
in/at a bank bebank ‫בבנק‬ 6570
in/at the bank babank
in clause besa'if ‫בסעיף‬ 6571
in the clause basa'if
built (adj.) (f.s.) bnuya ‫בנויה‬ 6572
rotation / revolution sivuv ‫סיבוב‬ 6573
thinks / assumes (m.s.) savur ‫סבור‬ 6574
fights / fought (m.s.) nilkham ‫נלחם‬ 6575
goes (by a vehicle) / passenger / traveler
nose'a ‫נוסע‬ 6576
was injured (m.s.) niftsa ‫נפצע‬ 6577
was eaten (m.s.) ne'ekhal ‫נאכל‬ 6578
remembered nizkar ‫נזכר‬ 6579
caesars keysarim ‫קיסרים‬ 6580
compromise of / conciliation of psharat ‫פשרת‬ 6581
knights abirim ‫אבירים‬ 6582
the incarceration hakli'a ‫הכליאה‬ 6583
shipment / delivery mishlo'akh ‫משלוח‬ 6584
defensive mignana ‫מגננה‬ 6585
plans / programs / layouts tokhniyot ‫תכניות‬ 6586
commissioned rank ktsuna ‫קצונה‬ 6587
raids / incursions pshitot ‫פשיטות‬ 6588
the marine (f.s.) hayamit ‫הימית‬ 6589
the marble hashayish ‫השיש‬ 6590
the caesars hakeysarim ‫הקיסרים‬ 6591

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the caesarian hakeysari ‫הקיסרי‬ 6592
the federal (f.s.) hafederalit ‫הפדרלית‬ 6593
the losses ha'avedot ‫האבדות‬ 6594
ignorant ( burim ‫בורים‬ 6595
to/for slavery le'avdut ‫לעבדות‬ 6596
to a degree of / to a level of / to a rank of ledargat ‫לדרגת‬ 6597
and armament vekhimush ‫וחימוש‬ 6598
forbidden / imprisoned (f.s.) asura ‫אסורה‬ 6599
the salts hamelakhim ‫המלחים‬ 6600
the sailors hamalakhim
the conversations hasikhot ‫השיחות‬ 6601
successes hatslakhot ‫הצלחות‬ 6602
in agriculture bekhakla'ut ‫בחקלאות‬ 6603
supplement / addition / reserves (military) milu'im ‫מילואים‬ 6604
shrines / temples mikdashim ‫מקדשים‬ 6605
classes ma'amadot ‫מעמדות‬ 6606
massive masivi ‫מסיבי‬ 6607
to remove / to take of / to attack lifshot ‫לפשוט‬ 6608
and parts / and smooth / and slippery
vekhalakim ‫וחלקים‬ 6609
and continued (m.s.) vehimshikh ‫והמשיך‬ 6610
weak (f.s.) khalasha ‫חלשה‬ 6611
the former / the previous ( hakodmot ‫הקודמות‬ 6612
the agriculture hakhakla'ut ‫החקלאות‬ 6613
the strategic (f.s.) ha'estrategit ‫האסטרטגית‬ 6614
the territory hateritorya ‫הטריטוריה‬ 6615
sample (stat.) midgam ‫מדגם‬ 6616
and his family umishpakhto ‫ומשפחתו‬ 6617
journalists itona'im ‫עיתונאים‬ 6618
element element ‫אלמנט‬ 6619
collapse / breakdown / crash hitmotetut ‫התמוטטות‬ 6620
completion of hashlamat ‫השלמת‬ 6621
gave (pl.) he'eniku ‫העניקו‬ 6622
the besieged / the treasured ( hanetsurim ‫הנצורים‬ 6623
boats sirot ‫סירות‬ 6624
to include likhlol ‫לכלול‬ 6625
caught / perceived (pl.) tafsu ‫תפסו‬ 6626
and to give velatet ‫ולתת‬ 6627
committee / commission va'ada ‫ועדה‬ 6628
that/who fell / who were killed in action
shenaflu ‫שנפלו‬ 6629
stood up / woke up / were established
kamu ‫קמו‬ 6630
workers of ovdei ‫עובדי‬ 6631

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farms khavot ‫חוות‬ 6632
pistols ekdakhim ‫אקדחים‬ 6633
penetration / incursion khadira ‫חדירה‬ 6634
the parallel / the simultaneous (f.s.) hamakbila ‫המקבילה‬ 6635
left hotir ‫הותיר‬ 6636
used (f.s.) hishtamsha ‫השתמשה‬ 6637
the private (m.s.) haprati ‫הפרטי‬ 6638
gave (f.s.) he'enika ‫העניקה‬ 6639
proposed / suggested / offered (pl.) hetsi'u ‫הציעו‬ 6640
were expelled gorshu ‫גורשו‬ 6641
[in] a burden / [in] a load bemasa ‫במשא‬ 6642
[in] the burden / [in] the load bamasa
lasted / were pulled / were attracted /
were withdrawn (f.s.)
nimshekhu ‫נמשכו‬ 6643
from a distance mimerkhak ‫ממרחק‬ 6644
estimated / valued / appreciated mo'arakh ‫מוערך‬ 6645
their origin ( motsa'am ‫מוצאם‬ 6646
her position / her status / her class ma'amada ‫מעמדה‬ 6647
are / constitute ( mehavot ‫מהוות‬ 6648
to/for the trial lamishpat ‫למשפט‬ 6649
to/for a trial lemishpat
for studies lelimudim ‫ללימודים‬ 6650
for the studies lalimudim
per hour / for an hour lesha'a ‫לשעה‬ 6651
for the hour lasha'a
for my husband leba'ali ‫לבעלי‬ 6652
for the owners of leba'alei
that/who survived shesardu ‫ששרדו‬ 6653
that/who resisted / who objected (pl.) shehitnagdu ‫שהתנגדו‬ 6654
tribal / my tribe shivti ‫שבטי‬ 6655
tribes of shivtei
repeated (f.s.) shnuya ‫שנויה‬ 6656
controversial / in dispute (f.s.) shnuya [bemakhloket]
its meaning / its explanation / its
perusha ‫פירושה‬ 6657
the wall of khomat ‫חומת‬ 6658
the example / the ideal / the sign hamofet ‫המופת‬ 6659
the systems / the battles / the acts hama'arakhot ‫המערכות‬ 6660
the events hame'ora'ot ‫המאורעות‬ 6661
the fast / the rapid / the quick (f.s.) hamehira ‫המהירה‬ 6662
dissolved hemes ‫המס‬ 6663
the tax hamas
the children hayeladim ‫הילידים‬ 6664

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was managed / was conducted / walked
hitnahel ‫התנהל‬ 6665
had an effect / influenced (pl.) hishpi'u ‫השפיעו‬ 6666
the soldier hakhayal ‫החייל‬ 6667
the crown haketer ‫הכתר‬ 6668
the painters hatsayarim ‫הציירים‬ 6669
by a nickname bekhinui ‫בכינוי‬ 6670
by the nikname bakinui
at the border / at the limit bigvul ‫בגבול‬ 6671
missiles tilim ‫טילים‬ 6672
tones tonot ‫טונות‬ 6673
were read / were called nikre'u ‫נקראו‬ 6674
posted / placed ( / strongholds mutsavim ‫מוצבים‬ 6675
surrounds / encircles / comprehensive
mekif ‫מקיף‬ 6676
numerous / poly- / multiple- ( merubei ‫מרובי‬ 6677
show ( mar'im ‫מראים‬ 6678
his attitude yakhaso ‫יחסו‬ 6679
shots yeriyot ‫יריות‬ 6680
to the right leyamin ‫לימין‬ 6681
to the right layamin
lion layish ‫ליש‬ 6682
and evacuation / and the evacuation of ufinui ‫ופינוי‬ 6683
that before shelifnei ‫שלפני‬ 6684
that was used for (f.s.) sheshimsha ‫ששימשה‬ 6685
that/who is not / that/who is not here /
that/who is missing (m.s.)
she'eineno ‫שאיננו‬ 6686
that/who led / that/who transported (pl.) shehovilu ‫שהובילו‬ 6687
the company (mil.) hapluga ‫פלוגה‬ 6688
worked (pl.) avdu ‫עבדו‬ 6689
warnings azharot ‫אזהרות‬ 6690
humane (m.p.) enoshiyim ‫אנושיים‬ 6691
the minorities hami'utim ‫המיעוטים‬ 6692
the total (f.s.) hamukhletet ‫המוחלטת‬ 6693
the complexity hamurkavut ‫המורכבות‬ 6694
the complex / composed of ( hamurkavot
the late (f.s.) ha'me'ukheret ‫המאוחרת‬ 6695
the identified / that/who is associated
[with] (m.s.)
hamezuhe ‫המזוהה‬ 6696
the identified / that/who is associated
[with] (f.s.)
the musical hamakhazemer ‫המחזמר‬ 6697
composed (m.s.) hilkhin ‫הלחין‬ 6698
stabilized / stood before (m.s.) hityatsev ‫התייצב‬ 6699
was attacked hutkaf ‫הותקף‬ 6700

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the refugees / the survivors ( haplitim ‫הפליטים‬ 6701
demonstrated (m.s.) hifgin ‫הפגין‬ 6702
losses hefsedim ‫הפסדים‬ 6703
testified he'id ‫העיד‬ 6704
absence / lack he'eder ‫העדר‬ 6705
the development hahitpatkhut ‫ההתפתחות‬ 6706
tight haduk ‫הדוק‬ 6707
the drama hadrama ‫הדרמה‬ 6708
immigration hagira ‫הגירה‬ 6709
the bases habsisim ‫הבסיסים‬ 6710
the ride harekhiva ‫הרכיבה‬ 6711
assembled hirkiva
the governor / the commissioner / the
hanatsiv ‫הנציב‬ 6712
in institutes bemosadot ‫במוסדות‬ 6713
in the institutes bamosadot
in the institutes of bemosdot
asked / requested (pl.) bikshu ‫ביקשו‬ 6714
in a picture betmuna ‫בתמונה‬ 6715
in the picture batmuna
in addition betosefet ‫בתוספת‬ 6716
in a community bekehila ‫בקהילה‬ 6717
in the community bakehila
in a group of / in the group of bikvutsat ‫בקבוצת‬ 6718
in groups / in the groups of bikvutsot ‫בקבוצות‬ 6719
in the groups bakvutsot
in the festival bafestival ‫בפסטיבל‬ 6720
on the north of bitsfona ‫בצפונה‬ 6721
buildings of binyanei ‫בנייני‬ 6722
trouble / narrow / enemy (f.s.) tsara ‫צרה‬ 6723
scenes stsenot ‫סצינות‬ 6724
were sold nimkeru ‫נמכרו‬ 6725
rare ( nedirim ‫נדירים‬ 6726
was elected / was selected (f.s.) nivkhara ‫נבחרה‬ 6727
from oblivion mineshiya ‫מנשייה‬ 6728
the combat (adj.) (f.s.) hakravit ‫הקרבית‬ 6729
separations hafradot ‫הפרדות‬ 6730
the bus ha'otobus ‫האוטובוס‬ 6731
lifting the / waving the hanafat ‫הנפת‬ 6732
levels plasim ‫פלסים‬ 6733
archeological arkhe'ologiyim ‫ארכאולוגיים‬ 6734
the destroying / the extermination hahashmada ‫ההשמדה‬ 6735
geometric / of engineering (f.s.) handasit ‫הנדסית‬ 6736

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in a regiment begdud ‫בגדוד‬ 6737
in the regiment bagdud
mechanical mekhani ‫מכני‬ 6738
mentioned ( muzkarim ‫מוזכרים‬ 6739
for financing lemimun ‫למימון‬ 6740
then / former de'az ‫דאז‬ 6741
in rock basela ‫בסלע‬ 6742
speech is silver [mila] besela
grandfather saba ‫סבא‬ 6743
never mind / so be it meila ‫מילא‬ 6744
filled (m.s.) mila
ground (adj.) ( karka'iyim ‫קרקעיים‬ 6745
their rise / their increase / their
aliyatam ‫עלייתם‬ 6746
stores / shops khanuyot ‫חנויות‬ 6747
public ( tsiburiyim ‫ציבוריים‬ 6748
estate of / land of / heritage of nakhalat ‫נחלת‬ 6749
his death ptirato ‫פטירתו‬ 6750
verses psukim ‫פסוקים‬ 6751
the historical ( hahistoriyim ‫ההיסטוריים‬ 6752
the lump / the block / the mass / the
hagush ‫הגוש‬ 6753
approximately bekeruv ‫בקירוב‬ 6754
center / focus / fire moked ‫מוקד‬ 6755
and plants vetsmakhim ‫וצמחים‬ 6756
equality shivyon ‫שוויון‬ 6757
you see / since / because sheharei ‫שהרי‬ 6758
dealt / engaged / worked (f.s.) aska ‫עסקה‬ 6759
characteristic ( ofyaniyim ‫אופייניים‬ 6760
the different / that/who is different (m.s.) hashone ‫השונה‬ 6761
the literary (f.s.) hasafrutit ‫הספרותית‬ 6762
shade / hue gon ‫גון‬ 6763
counting of sfirat ‫ספירת‬ 6764
ascribe ( meyakhasim ‫מייחסים‬ 6765
reality metsi'ut ‫מציאות‬ 6766
prevention of meni'at ‫מניעת‬ 6767
unique ( yikhudiyim ‫ייחודיים‬ 6768
to/for the language of lilshon ‫ללשון‬ 6769
to/for the tongue / to/for the language lalashon
catching of / capture of / grasp of / seizure
of / perception of
tfisat ‫תפיסת‬ 6770
politics politica ‫פוליטיקה‬ 6771
the direct (f.s.) hayeshira ‫הישירה‬ 6772
the equality hashivyon ‫השוויון‬ 6773

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hero gibor ‫גיבור‬ 6774
rains gshamim ‫גשמים‬ 6775
by sword / by a sword bekherev ‫בחרב‬ 6776
by the sword bakherev
in his works (of an author) bikhtavav ‫בכתביו‬ 6777
temperature of temperaturat ‫טמפרטורת‬ 6778
the riders of rokhvei ‫רוכבי‬ 6779
is caught / is perceived (f.s.) nitpeset ‫נתפסת‬ 6780
lights orot ‫אורות‬ 6781
the free (m.s.) hakhofshi ‫החופשי‬ 6782
the seven / Shiva (the seven days of
hashiv'a ‫השבעה‬ 6783
swearing in hashba'a
the satisfied / the full (not hungry) (f.s.) hasve'a
held / carried out / maintained / survive
mitkaymot ‫מתקיימות‬ 6784
component / assembles / installs (m.s.) markiv ‫מרכיב‬ 6785
to a variety lemigvan ‫למגוון‬ 6786
to the variety lamigvan
the population ha'ukhlusin ‫האוכלוסין‬ 6787
criteria kriteryonim ‫קריטריונים‬ 6788
crown keter ‫כתר‬ 6789
career karyera ‫קריירה‬ 6790
trials / sentences mishpatim ‫משפטים‬ 6791
dove / pigeon yona ‫יונה‬ 6792
and of a measure / and of size / of a
quality / to the extent that / [if (slang)]
uvemida ‫ובמידה‬ 6793
physical fizi ‫פיזי‬ 6794
the product hatotsar ‫התוצר‬ 6795
the evolutionary (m.s.) ha'evulutsyoni ‫האבולוציוני‬ 6796
gravitation hakvida ‫הכבידה‬ 6797
inspired by behashra'at ‫בהשראת‬ 6798
poor rash ‫רש‬ 6799
his youth ne'urav ‫נעוריו‬ 6800
was tortured (f.s.) unta ‫עונתה‬ 6801
the mathematicians hamatematika'im ‫המתמטיקאים‬ 6802
the daily hayomyomi ‫היומיומי‬ 6803
the cinematic hakolno'it ‫הקולנועית‬ 6804
the hymn hapiyut ‫הפיוט‬ 6805
the indirect / the vicarious / the bypass ha'akif ‫העקיף‬ 6806
grammatical (f.s.) / grammatically dikdukit ‫דקדוקית‬ 6807
in/at a studio bestudio ‫בסטודיו‬ 6808
in/at the studio bastudio
painter tsayar ‫צייר‬ 6809

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painted tsiyer
critical (f.s.) bikortit ‫ביקורתית‬ 6810
mathematicians matematika'im ‫מתמטיקאים‬ 6811
using techniques betekhnikot ‫בטכניקות‬ 6812
using the techniques batekhnikot
in space bakhalal ‫בחלל‬ 6813
producer mefik ‫מפיק‬ 6814
soundtrack paskol ‫פסקול‬ 6815
products of totsrei ‫תוצרי‬ 6816
seconds shniyot ‫שניות‬ 6817
the poetic hapo'etit ‫הפואטית‬ 6818
the athletes hasporta'im ‫הספורטאים‬ 6819
strokes mahalumot ‫מהלומות‬ 6820
aerobic (f.s.) aviranit ‫אווירנית‬ 6821
the forbidden / the imprisoned ( ha'asurot ‫האסורות‬ 6822
express (m.s. imperative) bate ‫בטא‬ 6823
bases bsisim ‫בסיסים‬ 6824
molecular molekularit ‫מולקולרית‬ 6825
liquids / fluids / running / leaking ( nozlim ‫נוזלים‬ 6826
scientists mad'anim ‫מדענים‬ 6827
the viruses hanegifim ‫הנגיפים‬ 6828
the gluing / the infecting hahadbaka ‫ההדבקה‬ 6829
cerebral / my brain mokhi ‫מוחי‬ 6830
that I will be able she'ukhal ‫שאוכל‬ 6831
that I will eat she'okhal
that/who eats (m.s.) she'okhel
that was consumed / that was burnt she'ukal
commanded / ordered / visited / attended
pakda ‫פקדה‬ 6832
at/in a ball / at/in a party beneshef ‫בנשף‬ 6833
at/in the ball / at/in the party baneshef
bench safsal ‫ספסל‬ 6834
nerves of itsbei ‫עצבי‬ 6835
the quarter hareva ‫הרבע‬ 6836
to suffer lisbol ‫לסבול‬ 6837
pain ke'ev ‫כאב‬ 6838
the orthodox (f.s.) hakharedit ‫החרדית‬ 6839
the people habriyot ‫הבריות‬ 6840
total / complete / finished (f.s.) gmura ‫גמורה‬ 6841
hardly bekoshi ‫בקושי‬ 6842
from before milifnei ‫מלפני‬ 6843
kingdom / kingship malkhut ‫מלכות‬ 6844
queens malkot

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ask / request ( mevakshot ‫מבקשת‬ 6845
for herself le'atsma ‫לעצמה‬ 6846
to grow litsmo'akh ‫לצמוח‬ 6847
guests orkhim ‫אורחים‬ 6848
stains ktamim ‫כתמים‬ 6849
the show / the performance hamofa ‫המופע‬ 6850
kill ( horgim ‫הורגים‬ 6851
added (pl.) hosifu ‫הוסיפו‬ 6852
the snow hasheleg ‫השלג‬ 6853
the meeting hapgisha ‫הפגישה‬ 6854
the bird hatsipor ‫הציפור‬ 6855
on my way / my way bedarki ‫בדרכי‬ 6856
wanted (f.s.) ratsta ‫רצתה‬ 6857
became (m.s.) nihiya ‫נהיה‬ 6858
we will be nihiye
finds (f.s.) motset ‫מוצאת‬ 6859
convinced (m.s.) meshukhna ‫משוכנע‬ 6860
and added (m.s.) vehosif ‫והוסיף‬ 6861
stayed (pl.) shahu ‫שהו‬ 6862
summer kayits ‫קיץ‬ 6863
works (m.s.) oved ‫עובד‬ 6864
arithmetic / accounts / bills kheshbonot ‫חשבונות‬ 6865
as who / as whom kemi ‫כמי‬ 6866
the rivalry hayerivut ‫היריבות‬ 6867
linen / lies badim ‫בדים‬ 6868
fabricated story [sipur] badim
healthy (m.s.) bari ‫בריא‬ 6869
disappeared / hidden / concealed (pl.) ne'elmu ‫נעלמו‬ 6870
when matai ‫מתי‬ 6871
terms / placed / lying ( munakhim ‫מונחים‬ 6872
dear / expensive ( yekarot ‫יקרות‬ 6873
to ground lekarke'a ‫לקרקע‬ 6874
clothing levush ‫לבוש‬ 6875
belongs / relevant (f.s.) shayekhet ‫שייכת‬ 6876
quiet / silent (f.s.) shketa ‫שקטה‬ 6877
calmed down / became quiet (f.s.) shakta
get up (m.s. imperative) kum ‫קום‬ 6878
cold kor ‫קור‬ 6879
determined / fixed / set (f.s.) kav'a ‫קבעה‬ 6880
public / overt (m.s.) pumbi ‫פומבי‬ 6881
verse pasuk ‫פסוק‬ 6882
my people ami ‫עמי‬ 6883
stopped / arrested (f.s.) atsra ‫עצרה‬ 6884

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spare khilufi ‫חילופי‬ 6885
tiny za'ir ‫זעיר‬ 6886
approximately one month kekhodesh ‫כחודש‬ 6887
approximately half kekhetsi ‫כחצי‬ 6888
as a son keven ‫כבן‬ 6889
supposedly / so to speak / so called kivyakhol ‫כביכול‬ 6890
the political (m.s.) hamedini ‫המדיני‬ 6891
the walls hakirot ‫הקירות‬ 6892
the back / the rear (m.s.) ha'akhori ‫האחורי‬ 6893
the speech hadibur ‫הדיבור‬ 6894
accompanied by belivui ‫בליווי‬ 6895
lonely / single ( bodedot ‫בודדות‬ 6896
correspondingly / respectively /
compatibly / harmonically
behat'ama ‫בהתאמה‬ 6897
rabbinical rabani ‫רבני‬ 6898
pot sir ‫סיר‬ 6899
capillary / asleep nim ‫נים‬ 6900
falls (m.s.) nofel ‫נופל‬ 6901
boys / youngsters ne'arim ‫נערים‬ 6902
full / complete ( mele'ot ‫מלאות‬ 6903
hides (m.s.) / conceals (m.s.) / rise ( /
lift (
ma'alim ‫מעלים‬ 6904
lacking / without / --less (m.s.) mekhusar ‫מחוסר‬ 6905
returns (m.s.) makhzir ‫מחזיר‬ 6906
identifies / recognizes (m.s.) mezahe ‫מזהה‬ 6907
struggles / fights / conflicts ma'avakim ‫מאבקים‬ 6908
meter / gauge mad ‫מד‬ 6909
my number / numerical mispari ‫מספרי‬ 6910
from my book mesifri
from the book of misifrei
goes out / comes out (f.s.) yotset ‫יוצאת‬ 6911
to enjoy lehenot ‫ליהנות‬ 6912
to evade / to avoid / to run away / to slip
lakhamok ‫לחמוק‬ 6913
without le'ein ‫לאין‬ 6914
to the life of (m.) / cheers lekhayei ‫לחיי‬ 6915
alone / by herself (f.s.) levada ‫לבדה‬ 6916
to the idea lara'ayon ‫לרעיון‬ 6917
medication / drug trufa ‫תרופה‬ 6918
and read / and called (m.s.) vekara ‫וקרא‬ 6919
and a man / and a person ve'ish ‫ואיש‬ 6920
and in the world uva'olam ‫ובעולם‬ 6921
and saw (pl.) vera'u ‫וראו‬ 6922
and look / and see (pl. imperative) ur'u

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and tried (m.s.) venisa ‫וניסה‬ 6923
rumors shmu'ot ‫שמועות‬ 6924
conservative (m.s.) shamrani ‫שמרני‬ 6925
services of / toilets of sherutei ‫שירותי‬ 6926
sinking of / decline of / setting of shki'at ‫שקיעת‬ 6927
that on them / that about them / on
whom / about whom (
she'aleihem ‫שעליהם‬ 6928
aspiration / inhalation she'ifa ‫שאיפה‬ 6929
neighbor (f.s.) shkhena ‫שכנה‬ 6930
lived / dwelt (f.s.) shakhna
that/who gave (pl.) shehe'eniku ‫שהעניקו‬ 6931
that were given shenitnu ‫שניתנו‬ 6932
reading of / call of kri'at ‫קריאת‬ 6933
publications / advertisements pirsumim ‫פרסומים‬ 6934
popular / national / folk (f.s.) amamit ‫עממית‬ 6935
smoke ashan ‫עשן‬ 6936
huge ( atsumot ‫עצומות‬ 6937
sickness kholi ‫חולי‬ 6938
two months khodshayim ‫חודשיים‬ 6939
flow (v.) ( zormim ‫זורמים‬ 6940
exceptions / deviations / irregular kharigim ‫חריגים‬ 6941
imposes (m.s.) kofe ‫כופה‬ 6942
spherical / round kaduri ‫כדורי‬ 6943
basketball kadursal ‫כדורסל‬ 6944
the demonstrators ha'mafginim ‫המפגינים‬ 6945
the adult hamevugar ‫המבוגר‬ 6946
resigned (m.s.) hitpater ‫התפטר‬ 6947
the short hakatsar ‫הקצר‬ 6948
distribution of hafatsat ‫הפצת‬ 6949
the business ha'asakim ‫העסקים‬ 6950
the courting / reduction (chemistry) hakhizur ‫החיזור‬ 6951
the arena / the scene hazira ‫הזירה‬ 6952
decision of hakhlatat ‫החלטת‬ 6953
the blame / the guilt ha'ashma ‫האשמה‬ 6954
the wolf haze'ev ‫הזאב‬ 6955
the heavy hakaved ‫הכבד‬ 6956
the mercury hakaspit ‫הכספית‬ 6957
the size hagodel ‫הגודל‬ 6958
the battery hasolela ‫הסוללה‬ 6959
the damage hanezek ‫הנזק‬ 6960
had enough dayo ‫דיו‬ 6961
ink dyo
poor (m.s.) dal ‫דל‬ 6962

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speakers of dovrei ‫דוברי‬ 6963
grew / raised (pl.) gidlu ‫גידלו‬ 6964
his height govho ‫גובהו‬ 6965
factors of / causes of gormei ‫גורמי‬ 6966
my garden gani ‫גני‬ 6967
in the league of beligat ‫בליגת‬ 6968
in connections / in relations / in bonds beksharim ‫בקשרים‬ 6969
in front of him / in his presence befanav ‫בפניו‬ 6970
on a circumference / at a scope behekef ‫בהיקף‬ 6971
on the circumference bahekef
in attacks behatkafot ‫בהתקפות‬ 6972
in the attacks bahatkafot
in the cylinder / in the roll / in the Galilee bagalil ‫בגליל‬ 6973
in a cylinder / in a roll begalil
with the assistance of besiyu'a ‫בסיוע‬ 6974
basic (f.s.) bsisit ‫בסיסית‬ 6975
in danger / at risk besakana ‫בסכנה‬ 6976
under the circumstances [of] binsibot ‫בנסיבות‬ 6977
under the circumstances banesibot
ring taba'at ‫טבעת‬ 6978
spiritual rukhanit ‫רוחנית‬ 6979
worthy of / suitable / deserving / eligible /
appropriate (
re'uyim ‫ראויים‬ 6980
growth tsmikha ‫צמיחה‬ 6981
assisted / helped (m.s.) siya ‫סייע‬ 6982
specific ( spetsifiyim ‫ספציפיים‬ 6983
gives (f.s.) notenet ‫נותנת‬ 6984
intended for / destined for / conferred
no'adu ‫נועדו‬ 6985
youth no'ar ‫נוער‬ 6986
broke (m.s.) nishbar ‫נשבר‬ 6987
opens (f.s.) niftakhat ‫נפתחת‬ 6988
llamas (animal) lamot ‫לאמות‬ 6989
to push / to repel lahadof ‫להדוף‬ 6990
for aid / for assistance lesiyu'a ‫לסיוע‬ 6991
the commando hakomando ‫הקומנדו‬ 6992
the withdrawal / the retreat hanesiga ‫הנסיגה‬ 6993
from a pact / from a alliance / from a
covenant / from a circumcision
mibrit ‫מברית‬ 6994
from their side / as far as they are
mitsidam ‫מצדם‬ 6995
priority adifut ‫עדיפות‬ 6996
inn khan ‫חאן‬ 6997
called / named (pl.) kinu ‫כינו‬ 6998

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the armored (f.s.) hameshuryenet ‫המשוריינת‬ 6999
was performed / was executed hitbatse'a ‫התבצע‬ 7000
were managed / were conducted nuhalu ‫נוהלו‬ 7001
from a camp / from the camp of / from a
group / from the group of
mimakhane ‫ממחנה‬ 7002
defended / protected (m.s.) mugan ‫מוגן‬ 7003
by the power of miko'akh ‫מכוח‬ 7004
to the area / to the field / to the territory lashetakh ‫לשטח‬ 7005
to an area / to a field / to a territory leshetakh
and hundreds / and centuries ume'ot ‫ומאות‬ 7006
agriculture khakla'ut ‫חקלאות‬ 7007
the planning / the design / the layout hatikhnun ‫התכנון‬ 7008
the clerks / the officials hapkidim ‫הפקידים‬ 7009
operated / activated (pl.) hif'ilu ‫הפעילו‬ 7010
the nations ha'umot ‫האומות‬ 7011
the direction / the adjustment / the tuning hakivun ‫הכיוון‬ 7012
defeated hevis ‫הביס‬ 7013
in the arena of / at the scene of bezirat ‫בזירת‬ 7014
by order betsav ‫בצו‬ 7015
in a river benahar ‫בנהר‬ 7016
in the river banahar
disconnection / cutting off / severance nituk ‫ניתוק‬ 7017
failed (f.s.) nikhshela ‫נכשלה‬ 7018
constant / continuous / continued matmedet ‫מתמדת‬ 7019
his/its origin motsa'o ‫מוצאו‬ 7020
their families mishpakhoteihem ‫משפחותיהם‬ 7021
the revolution of mahapekhat ‫מהפכת‬ 7022
from the air meha'avir ‫מהאוויר‬ 7023
messages mesarim ‫מסרים‬ 7024
to grow / to raise legadel ‫לגדל‬ 7025
that is supposed (f.s.) she'amura ‫שאמורה‬ 7026
adopted (m.s.) imets ‫אימץ‬ 7027
searched (pl.) khipsu ‫חיפשו‬ 7028
the suitable / the appropriate / the
applicable / the identical (
hamat'imim ‫המתאימים‬ 7029
participation hishtatfut ‫השתתפות‬ 7030
the code hakod ‫הקוד‬ 7031
the section / the wing ha'agaf ‫האגף‬ 7032
were recruited guysu ‫גויסו‬ 7033
in a term bemunakh ‫במונח‬ 7034
in the term bamunakh
candle ner ‫נר‬ 7035
stick / cane makel ‫מקל‬ 7036
eases mekel

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operators of maf'ilei ‫מפעילי‬ 7037
equipped (m.s.) metsuyad ‫מצויד‬ 7038
traditional (m.s.) masorti ‫מסורתי‬ 7039
his/its creator / his/its maker yotsro ‫יוצרו‬ 7040
were made / were manufactured yutsru
their ability / their capability yekholtam ‫יכולתם‬ 7041
for keeping / for guarding / for protecting lishmirat ‫לשמירת‬ 7042
to/for independence le'atsma'ut ‫לעצמאות‬ 7043
to/for the independence la'atsma'ut
industry ta'asiya ‫תעשייה‬ 7044
and because umishum ‫ומשום‬ 7045
that inverted / that converted / that
turned / that become / that transformed shehafkha ‫שהפכה‬ 7046
that is caused shenigram ‫שנגרם‬ 7047
held / carried out / maintained (pl.) kiymu ‫קיימו‬ 7048
privacy pratiyut ‫פרטיות‬ 7049
warning azhara ‫אזהרה‬ 7050
the late ( ha'me'ukharot ‫המאוחרות‬ 7051
the right / the right handed / the rightist
hayemani ‫הימני‬ 7052
the industrial hata'asiyatit ‫התעשייתית‬ 7053
implications hashlakhot ‫השלכות‬ 7054
the internal ( hapnimiyim ‫הפנימיים‬ 7055
the supposed / the said ha'amur ‫האמור‬ 7056
the archive ha'arkhiyon ‫הארכיון‬ 7057
in systems / in battles / in acts bema'arakhot ‫במערכות‬ 7058
in the systems / in the battles / in the acts bama'arakhot
in the lake ba'agam ‫באגם‬ 7059
in a lake be'agam
at the same time as [bad] bevad ‫בבד‬ 7060
health briyut ‫בריאות‬ 7061
quarter rova ‫רובע‬ 7062
symbolic simli ‫סמלי‬ 7063
captain / axle seren ‫סרן‬ 7064
represent ( meyatsgim ‫מייצגים‬ 7065
chord / string / tendon meytar ‫מיתר‬ 7066
object / objective musa ‫מושא‬ 7067
conceptual (m.s.) musagi ‫מושגי‬ 7068
little / few / slight ( mu'atim ‫מועטים‬ 7069
presented (f.s.) mutseget ‫מוצגת‬ 7070
little / few ( me'atot ‫מעטות‬ 7071
remind ( / secretaries mazkirim ‫מזכירים‬ 7072
of stone me'even ‫מאבן‬ 7073

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directs / adjusts / tunes (m.s.) mekhaven ‫מכוון‬ 7074
intentional / adjusted / tuned (m.s.) mekhuvan
immigrants / immigrate ( mehagrim ‫מהגרים‬ 7075
among the the great [X] ( migdolei ‫מגדולי‬ 7076
by nature miteva ‫מטבע‬ 7077
coin matbe'a
purposes / objectives / destinations ya'adim ‫יעדים‬ 7078
to reality lametsi'ut ‫למציאות‬ 7079
to/for his role / to/for his duty / to/for his
letafkido ‫לתפקידו‬ 7080
to/for an evacuation lepinui ‫לפינוי‬ 7081
to/for the evacuation lapinui
for the future le'atid ‫לעתיד‬ 7082
to the areas la'ezorim ‫לאזורים‬ 7083
to areas le'ezorim
for achieving lehasagat ‫להשגת‬ 7084
to recognition / to consciousness lehakara ‫להכרה‬ 7085
to the recognition / to the consciousness lahakara
for men legvarim ‫לגברים‬ 7086
for the men lagvarim
to inquire levarer ‫לברר‬ 7087
embossment tavlit ‫תבליט‬ 7088
and his name / named ushmo ‫ושמו‬ 7089
and they put vesamu
and inverted / and converted / and turned
/ and become / and transformed (f.s.)
vehafkha ‫והפכה‬ 7090
and in his place uvimkomo ‫ובמקומו‬ 7091
and at the beginning / and at the start uvitkhilat ‫ובתחילת‬ 7092
and especially / and particularly ubifrat ‫ובפרט‬ 7093
and the majority of / and most of verov ‫ורוב‬ 7094
you placed / you put (m.s.) samta ‫שמת‬ 7095
you placed / you put (f.s.) samt
methodical / systematic shitati ‫שיטתי‬ 7096
return (pl. imperative) shuvu ‫שובו‬ 7097
his return shuvo
that was held / that existed / that survived
shehitkayem ‫שהתקיים‬ 7098
breaking of shvirat ‫שבירת‬ 7099
grave kever ‫קבר‬ 7100
detonated / exploded (pl.) potsetsu ‫פוצצו‬ 7101
rich (f.s.) ashira ‫עשירה‬ 7102
artists of / the artists of omanei ‫אמני‬ 7103
farm / experienced khava ‫חווה‬ 7104
were named / were called kunu ‫כונו‬ 7105

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multiples kfulot ‫כפולות‬ 7106
the traditional (f.s.) hamasortit ‫המסורתית‬ 7107
being (f.s.) heyota ‫היותה‬ 7108
the known ( hayedu'ot ‫הידועות‬ 7109
are ( hinan ‫הינן‬ 7110
the hypo- / the sub- / the infra- hatat ‫התת‬ 7111
was completed (m.s.) hushlam ‫הושלם‬ 7112
were placed / were guided / were
hunkhu ‫הונחו‬ 7113
the permanent / the permanence / the
hakeva ‫הקבע‬ 7114
career army [tsva] hakeva
the soils / the grounds / the lands hakarka'ot ‫הקרקעות‬ 7115
inverted / chaotic hafukha ‫הפוכה‬ 7116
the dissidents / the retired haporshim ‫הפורשים‬ 7117
breached / violated (pl.) heferu ‫הפרו‬ 7118
copy he'etek ‫העתק‬ 7119
assessment / estimation / appreciation /
ha'arakha ‫הערכה‬ 7120
the thinking hakhashiva ‫החשיבה‬ 7121
gradual (f.s.) hadragatit ‫הדרגתית‬ 7122
the insurance habitu'akh ‫הביטוח‬ 7123
the common ( hanefotsot ‫הנפוצות‬ 7124
open / exposed galui ‫גלוי‬ 7125
in his journey bemasa'o ‫במסעו‬ 7126
international (f.s.) beynle'umit ‫בינלאומית‬ 7127
mix blil ‫בליל‬ 7128
in the night of beleil
at night belayil
at night balayil
at night baleil
inside them (f.) betokhan ‫בתוכן‬ 7129
in processes of betahalikhei ‫בתהליכי‬ 7130
adults / graduates bogrim ‫בוגרים‬ 7131
combined with / with the addition of betseruf ‫בצירוף‬ 7132
far ( rekhokim ‫רחוקים‬ 7133
rocks sla'im ‫סלעים‬ 7134
presence nokhekhut ‫נוכחות‬ 7135
the length ha'orekh ‫האורך‬ 7136
the ghettos hageta'ot ‫הגטאות‬ 7137
pen / shed dir ‫דיר‬ 7138
flags of diglei ‫דגלי‬ 7139
its border / its limit / her limit gvula ‫גבולה‬ 7140

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drivers of nahagei ‫נהגי‬ 7141
customs of nohagei
that/who lived / that/who dwelt (m.s.) sheshakhan ‫ששכן‬ 7142
credit ashrai ‫אשראי‬ 7143
the archeological ha'arkhe'ologiyim ‫הארכאולוגיים‬ 7144
geometric / of engineering ( handasiyim ‫הנדסיים‬ 7145
pin of / lubrication of sikat ‫סיכת‬ 7146
for recruitment / for the recruitment of legiyus ‫לגיוס‬ 7147
for the recruitment lagiyus
to the street larekhov ‫לרחוב‬ 7148
to a street / to [X] street lerekhov
municipal / urban ironi ‫עירוני‬ 7149
differences of khilukei ‫חילוקי‬ 7150
the pupils / the students hatalmidim ‫התלמידים‬ 7151
the day of atonement [yom] hakipurim ‫הכיפורים‬ 7152
under construction bivniya ‫בבנייה‬ 7153
for minorities lemi'utim ‫למיעוטים‬ 7154
to/for the minorities lami'utim
the parallel / the simultaneous hamakbil ‫המקביל‬ 7155
the settlement hahityashvut ‫ההתיישבות‬ 7156
in the establishment of / in the building of behakamat ‫בהקמת‬ 7157
professions miktso'ot ‫מקצועות‬ 7158
limitations / restrictions migbalot ‫מגבלות‬ 7159
to/for a museum lemuze'on ‫למוזיאון‬ 7160
to/for the museum lamuze'on
for identification / for the identification of lezihui ‫לזיהוי‬ 7161
path shvil ‫שביל‬ 7162
asthma katseret ‫קצרת‬ 7163
as an expression kevitui ‫כביטוי‬ 7164
the wall / the Western Wall hakotel ‫הכותל‬ 7165
the data / that are given hanetunim ‫הנתונים‬ 7166
Zionist (m.s.) tsiyoni ‫ציוני‬ 7167
thought / assumed (f.s.) savra ‫סברה‬ 7168
assumption svara
protection / shield migun ‫מיגון‬ 7169
identified mezuhe ‫מזוהה‬ 7170
to run away livro'akh ‫לברוח‬ 7171
and during uvemahalakh ‫ובמהלך‬ 7172
sculpted (pl.) pislu ‫פסלו‬ 7173
his sculpture pislo
rejected / disqualified (pl.) paslu
was identified zuha ‫זוהה‬ 7174
the relative (f.s.) hayakhasit ‫היחסית‬ 7175

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happened / occurred (pl.) hitrakhashu ‫התרחשו‬ 7176
participated (f.s.) hishtatfa ‫השתתפה‬ 7177
the blue ( hakkhulim ‫הכחולים‬ 7178
dollars dolarim ‫דולרים‬ 7179
[in] his shape betsurato ‫בצורתו‬ 7180
around / in the area of bisvivat ‫בסביבת‬ 7181
robot robot ‫רובוט‬ 7182
symbolic (f.s.) simlit ‫סמלית‬ 7183
real / concrete mamashi ‫ממשי‬ 7184
find ( mots'im ‫מוצאים‬ 7185
origins motsa'im
acquaintance makar ‫מכר‬ 7186
sold (m.s.) makhar
fundamental mahuti ‫מהותי‬ 7187
precise / accurate (f.s.) meduyeket ‫מדויקת‬ 7188
scientific mada'it ‫מדעית‬ 7189
to/for the taking out of / to/for the
removal of / to/for the spending of / lehotsa'at ‫להוצאת‬ 7190
to/for the publication of
that is in the area sheba'ezor ‫שבאזור‬ 7191
that is in an area shebe'ezor
extreme / extremist / radical (f.s.) kitsonit ‫קיצונית‬ 7192
file (computers) / collection kovets ‫קובץ‬ 7193
awards / prizes prasim ‫פרסים‬ 7194
ancient / old (m.s.) atik ‫עתיק‬ 7195
car oto ‫אוטו‬ 7196
cuts in half / crosses (m.s.) khotse ‫חוצה‬ 7197
cuts in half / crosses (f.s.) khotsa
poisonous arsiyim ‫ארסיים‬ 7198
the abstract hamufshat ‫המופשט‬ 7199
dealt with / confronted (pl.) hitmodedu ‫התמודדו‬ 7200
in stone / with stone / by stone be'even ‫באבן‬ 7201
in the stone / with the stone / by the stone ba'even
was considered (f.s.) nekhsheva ‫נחשבה‬ 7202
was included (m.s.) nikhlal ‫נכלל‬ 7203
the voters / the electors / the selectors habokharim ‫הבוחרים‬ 7204
to the changes lashinuyim ‫לשינויים‬ 7205
to changes leshinuyim
handle yadit ‫ידית‬ 7206
rebellion meri ‫מרי‬ 7207
efficiency ye'ilut ‫יעילות‬ 7208
pupil / student talmid ‫תלמיד‬ 7209

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and a system / and the system of / and an
editorial board / and the editorial board uma'arekhet ‫ומערכת‬ 7210
and less vepakhot ‫ופחות‬ 7211
the boards halukhot ‫הלוחות‬ 7212
the observation hahavkhana ‫ההבחנה‬ 7213
excelled (m.s.) hitstayen ‫הצטיין‬ 7214
the crab / the cancer hasartan ‫הסרטן‬ 7215
healing ripui ‫ריפוי‬ 7216
parallel ( makbilot ‫מקבילות‬ 7217
parallelism makbilut
titles / degrees / adjectives / appearances
/ shapes
te'arim ‫תארים‬ 7218
his years shnotav ‫שנותיו‬ 7219
ancient / old (f.s.) atika ‫עתיקה‬ 7220
exchange of / suit of khalifat ‫חליפת‬ 7221
the traditional ( hamasortiyot ‫המסורתיות‬ 7222
the drugs hasamim ‫הסמים‬ 7223
series (pl.) sdarot ‫סדרות‬ 7224
motives motivim ‫מוטיבים‬ 7225
the monuments ha'andarta'ot ‫האנדרטאות‬ 7226
sayings (n.) amirot ‫אמירות‬ 7227
artistic (f.s.) omanutit ‫אמנותית‬ 7228
point nekuda ‫נקודה‬ 7229
introduces / displays / presents / exhibits
metsiga ‫מציגה‬ 7230
the mathematical (f.s.) hamatematit ‫המתמטית‬ 7231
the series (pl.) hasdarot ‫הסדרות‬ 7232
his birth leidato ‫לידתו‬ 7233
that contains (m.s.) hamekhil ‫המכיל‬ 7234
cover mikhse ‫מכסה‬ 7235
the fat hashuman ‫השומן‬ 7236
observations / vantage points tatspiyot ‫תצפיות‬ 7237
tissue of / embroidery of rikmat ‫רקמת‬ 7238
the computer hamakhshev ‫המחשב‬ 7239
the kind / the class / the type hasug ‫הסוג‬ 7240
the eating ha'akhila ‫האכילה‬ 7241
to/for the heating / to/for the warming lehitkhamemut ‫להתחממות‬ 7242
the whales halivyatanim ‫הלווייתנים‬ 7243
the isotopes ha'izotopim ‫האיזוטופים‬ 7244
the heating / the warming hahitkhamemut ‫ההתחממות‬ 7245
the bubble habu'a ‫הבועה‬ 7246
the suburbs haparvarim ‫הפרברים‬ 7247
your kingship ( malkhutkhen ‫מלכותכן‬ 7248

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my coat me'ili ‫מעילי‬ 7249
from my plate mitsalakhti ‫מצלחתי‬ 7250
to suck limtsots ‫למצוץ‬ 7251
to look lehistakel ‫להסתכל‬ 7252
and I will sit ve'eshev ‫ואשב‬ 7253
and ate (m.s.) ve'akhal ‫ואכל‬ 7254
and looked (f.s.) vehebita ‫והביטה‬ 7255
hears (m.s.) shome'a ‫שומע‬ 7256
butterflies parparim ‫פרפרים‬ 7257
their branches / their fields anfeihem ‫ענפיהם‬ 7258
my arm zro'i ‫זרועי‬ 7259
like you ( kmokhem ‫כמוכם‬ 7260
finished / ended (biblical) kalu ‫כלו‬ 7261
may [I] be allowed hayurshe ‫היורשה‬ 7262
I spent / I took out / I published hotseti ‫הוצאתי‬ 7263
the moth ha'ash ‫העש‬ 7264
the Hebrew people ha'ivrim ‫העברים‬ 7265
illuminated (m.s.) he'ir ‫האיר‬ 7266
the stumps hagdamim ‫הגדמים‬ 7267
nonsense / vanity havalim ‫הבלים‬ 7268
I looked hebateti ‫הבטתי‬ 7269
the worms / the maggots harimot ‫הרימות‬ 7270
worries / cares for (m.s.) do'eg ‫דואג‬ 7271
[in] a hedge bemesukha ‫במשוכה‬ 7272
[in] the hedge bamesukha
I asked / I requested bikashti ‫בקשתי‬ 7273
in her eyes / in her opinion be'eineha ‫בעיניה‬ 7274
on the matter of / with interest be'inyan ‫בענין‬ 7275
[with] my soul / at the risk of my life
(something very important)
benafshi ‫בנפשי‬ 7276
[ladies and] gentlemen rabotai ‫רבותי‬ 7277
dropped (pl.) nashru ‫נשרו‬ 7278
in vain lashav ‫לשוא‬ 7279
to thank / to confess lehodot ‫להודות‬ 7280
to be arranged / to settle down / to
lehistader ‫להסתדר‬ 7281
that is desired shemitkhashek ‫שמתחשק‬ 7282
blossomed (pl.) parkhu ‫פרחו‬ 7283
pleasure oneg ‫עונג‬ 7284
the servant / who serves (m.s.) hamesharet ‫המשרת‬ 7285
rolled hitgalgel ‫התגלגל‬ 7286
shouted / yelled (pl.) tsa'aku ‫צעקו‬ 7287
benches of safsalei ‫ספסלי‬ 7288
from now me'ata ‫מעתה‬ 7289

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to/for a child leyeled ‫לילד‬ 7290
to/for the child layeled
and went out / and came out (m.s.) veyatsa ‫ויצא‬ 7291
and how ve'eikh ‫ואיך‬ 7292
glad / happy ( smekhim ‫שמחים‬ 7293
shop / store khanut ‫חנות‬ 7294
pillow / meadow kar ‫כר‬ 7295
the trainer / the coach hame'amen ‫המאמן‬ 7296
the opening / the door / the aperture hapetakh ‫הפתח‬ 7297
the sadness / the sorrow / the nerve ha'etsev ‫העצב‬ 7298
the student hastudent ‫הסטודנט‬ 7299
her head rosha ‫ראשה‬ 7300
through miba'ad ‫מבעד‬ 7301
his look mabato ‫מבטו‬ 7302
for security lebitakhon ‫לביטחון‬ 7303
for the security labitakhon
for the security of levitkhon
and [it is] forbidden / and [I am / he is]
imprisoned (m.s.)
ve'asur ‫ואסור‬ 7304
lass / maiden alma ‫עלמה‬ 7305
old ( zkenim ‫זקנים‬ 7306
returned (something) / answered (pl.) heshivu ‫השיבו‬ 7307
the minister hasar ‫השר‬ 7308
in hypo- / in sub- / in infra- batat ‫בתת‬ 7309
in hypo- / in sub- / in infra- betat
owners / husbands be'alim ‫בעלים‬ 7310
at times bizmanim ‫בזמנים‬ 7311
lately ba'akhrona ‫באחרונה‬ 7312
of a kind / of a gender / of a species / of
mimin ‫ממין‬ 7313
albatross yas'ur ‫יסעור‬ 7314
to stay / to spend time lish'hot ‫לשהות‬ 7315
to resign lehitpater ‫להתפטר‬ 7316
and goes out / and comes out (m.s.) veyotse ‫ויוצא‬ 7317
and already ukhvar ‫וכבר‬ 7318
that still / that more she'od ‫שעוד‬ 7319
his voice kolo ‫קולו‬ 7320
fear pakhad ‫פחד‬ 7321
feared / was afraid (m.s.) pakhad
luxury pe'er ‫פאר‬ 7322
items of kheftsei ‫חפצי‬ 7323
dog kelev ‫כלב‬ 7324
the warm / the hot (f.s.) / the sun hakhama ‫החמה‬ 7325
I have beaten / I hit hikiti ‫הכיתי‬ 7326

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the crowd / the plenty hahamon ‫ההמון‬ 7327
the suicide hahit'abdut ‫ההתאבדות‬ 7328
the laughter hatskhok ‫הצחוק‬ 7329
the sugar hasukar ‫הסוכר‬ 7330
the point hanekuda ‫הנקודה‬ 7331
in trees / in logs be'etsim ‫בעצים‬ 7332
in the trees / in the logs ba'etsim
canceled / void / idle batel ‫בטל‬ 7333
prey teref ‫טרף‬ 7334
his spirit rukho ‫רוחו‬ 7335
attached / linked / adjacent (m.s.) tsamud ‫צמוד‬ 7336
gave (f.s.) natna ‫נתנה‬ 7337
vulture nesher ‫נשר‬ 7338
dropped (m.s.) nashar
is accepted / is received (f.s.) mitkabelet ‫מתקבלת‬ 7339
disturbs / interferes / interrupts (m.s.) mafri'a ‫מפריע‬ 7340
wakes / exciting (f.s.) me'oreret ‫מעוררת‬ 7341
bring ( mevi'im ‫מביאים‬ 7342
from outside mibakhuts ‫מבחוץ‬ 7343
his rebellion miryo ‫מריו‬ 7344
will continue (pl.) yamshikhu ‫ימשיכו‬ 7345
will receive / will accept yekabel ‫יקבל‬ 7346
to compromise / to conciliation lifshara ‫לפשרה‬ 7347
to the compromise / to the conciliation lapshara
to retire lifrosh ‫לפרוש‬ 7348
to spread / to stretch lifros
to wake / to excite le'orer ‫לעורר‬ 7349
to/for a branch / to/for a field le'anaf ‫לענף‬ 7350
to/for the branch / to/for the field la'anaf
for approval / for confirmation le'ishur ‫לאישור‬ 7351
for the approval / for the confirmation la'ishur
to be seen / to be visible / to look lehera'ot ‫להיראות‬ 7352
and the sea vehayam ‫והים‬ 7353
and walks / and goes (m.s.) veholekh ‫והולך‬ 7354
that/who do ( she'osim ‫שעושים‬ 7355
is still (m.s.) odenu ‫עודנו‬ 7356
cubits amot ‫אמות‬ 7357
standards amot [mida]
I will die amut
grove / wood / ploughs (m.s.) khoresh ‫חורש‬ 7358
as a statue kefesel ‫כפסל‬ 7359
the local ( hamekomiyot ‫המקומיות‬ 7360
the decisive / the crucial hamakhri'a ‫המכריע‬ 7361

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the benefit / the utility hato'elet ‫התועלת‬ 7362
happened / occurred (f.s.) hitkholela ‫התחוללה‬ 7363
walk / go ( holkhot ‫הולכות‬ 7364
the shot hakli'a ‫הקליעה‬ 7365
the cars (of a train) / the wagons hakronot ‫הקרונות‬ 7366
the huge ha'atsum ‫העצום‬ 7367
knew / recognized (pl.) hekiru ‫הכירו‬ 7368
opinion / mind de'a ‫דעה‬ 7369
bad / ill bish ‫ביש‬ 7370
in the cold bakor ‫בקור‬ 7371
intends to (m.s.) bekhavanato ‫בכוונתו‬ 7372
in the autumn of bestav ‫בסתיו‬ 7373
in the autumn bastav
pair / couple tsemed ‫צמד‬ 7374
youngsters of tse'irei ‫צעירי‬ 7375
carries / marries (f.s.) noset ‫נושאת‬ 7376
of a hundred / from a century mime'a ‫ממאה‬ 7377
moderate / mild / calm (f.s.) metuna ‫מתונה‬ 7378
is surrounded / is encircled mukaf ‫מוקף‬ 7379
on him/it / on top of him/it / above him/it me'alav ‫מעליו‬ 7380
pest / do damage ( mazikim ‫מזיקים‬ 7381
of gold mizahav ‫מזהב‬ 7382
speak / talk ( medabrim ‫מדברים‬ 7383
organized (f.s.) mesuderet ‫מסודרת‬ 7384
remainder / balance yitra ‫יתרה‬ 7385
go out / come out ( yots'ot ‫יוצאות‬ 7386
her ability / her capability yekholta ‫יכולתה‬ 7387
to finance lemamen ‫לממן‬ 7388
to/for food lemazon ‫למזון‬ 7389
to/for the food lamazon
near him / next to him leyado ‫לידו‬ 7390
to a process letahalikh ‫לתהליך‬ 7391
to the process latahalikh
to the market lashuk ‫לשוק‬ 7392
to a market leshuk
to/for the leg / into the shock lashok
to/for the leg / into shock leshok
to blossom lifro'akh ‫לפרוח‬ 7393
to encourage / to cheer le'oded ‫לעודד‬ 7394
forever la'ad ‫לעד‬ 7395
to/for a witness / as a witness le'ed
to/for the witness la'ed

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to arm lekhamesh ‫לחמש‬ 7396
for extermination / for elimination lekhisul ‫לחיסול‬ 7397
for the extermination / for the elimination lakhisul
to a disaster le'ason ‫לאסון‬ 7398
to the disaster la'ason
to get close / to attach / to conjugate lehitsamed ‫להיצמד‬ 7399
to be evacuated / to find time lehitpanot ‫להתפנות‬ 7400
incredibly / wonderfully lehafli ‫להפליא‬ 7401
to/for a president lenasi ‫לנשיא‬ 7402
to/for the president lanasi
finished / completed / innocent / simple
tama ‫תמה‬ 7403
wondered tama
stuck taku'a ‫תקוע‬ 7404
apples tapu'khim ‫תפוחים‬ 7405
tumid ( tfukhim
and a commander / and the commander
umefaked ‫ומפקד‬ 7406
and a census / and a muster vemifkad
and the rest veyeter ‫ויתר‬ 7407
and humid velakh ‫ולח‬ 7408
and my head veroshi ‫וראשי‬ 7409
that [is] from them shemehem ‫שמהם‬ 7410
changed (pl.) shinu ‫שינו‬ 7411
guards / keep / guard (v.) / protect ( shomrim ‫שומרים‬ 7412
were released shukhreru ‫שוחררו‬ 7413
that happened / that occurred (f.s.) shehitrakhasha ‫שהתרחשה‬ 7414
that were born shenoldu ‫שנולדו‬ 7415
meeting pgisha ‫פגישה‬ 7416
guarantee / bail / surety arvut ‫ערבות‬ 7417
clouds ananim ‫עננים‬ 7418
olive zayit ‫זית‬ 7419
essential khiyuniyim ‫חיוניים‬ 7420
personality / personage ishiyut ‫אישיות‬ 7421
penetrates / intrudes khoder ‫חודר‬ 7422
pairs / couples zugot ‫זוגות‬ 7423
the investigation of / the research of / the
inquiry of
khakirat ‫חקירת‬ 7424
fairy tales / legends agadot ‫אגדות‬ 7425
currents zramim ‫זרמים‬ 7426
the judicial / the statutory / the forensic hamishpati ‫המשפטי‬ 7427
the great nations hama'atsamot ‫המעצמות‬ 7428
the stairs hamadregot ‫המדרגות‬ 7429
the rehabilitation / the reconstruction hashikum ‫השיקום‬ 7430

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the ancient hakadum ‫הקדום‬ 7431
the frost / the cold (f.s.) hakara ‫הקרה‬ 7432
revolution / conversion / turning /
hafikha ‫הפיכה‬ 7433
the simple hapashut ‫הפשוט‬ 7434
stopped / ceased (f.s.) hifsika ‫הפסיקה‬ 7435
the clouds ha'ananim ‫העננים‬ 7436
killed (pl.) hargu ‫הרגו‬ 7437
killed (m.s.) harag ‫הרג‬ 7438
proposal of / suggestion of / offer of hatsa'at ‫הצעת‬ 7439
the sum haskhum ‫הסכום‬ 7440
poor ( dalot ‫דלות‬ 7441
minute / thin (f.s.) daka ‫דקה‬ 7442
bad (f.s.) gru'a ‫גרועה‬ 7443
lived / lives (m.s.) gar ‫גר‬ 7444
proselyte ger
in hundreds beme'ot ‫במאות‬ 7445
in the centuries bame'ot
in front of her / in her presence befaneha ‫בפניה‬ 7446
in his eyes / in his opinion be'einav ‫בעיניו‬ 7447
on channel be'aruts ‫בערוץ‬ 7448
in the events of be'eru'ei ‫באירועי‬ 7449
in red be'adom ‫באדום‬ 7450
in the red ba'adom
senior bakhir ‫בכיר‬ 7451
in blue bekakhol ‫בכחול‬ 7452
[in] a decision behakhlata ‫בהחלטה‬ 7453
[in] the decision bahakhlata
fiction bidyoni ‫בדיוני‬ 7454
in a garden / in/at a kindergarten began ‫בגן‬ 7455
in the garden / in/at the kindergarten bagan
betrayed (f.s.) bagda ‫בגדה‬ 7456
her cloth bigda
at the bank / at the shore bagada
in line / in series / in a column betur ‫בטור‬ 7457
in the line / in the series / in the column batur
in a speech bene'um ‫בנאום‬ 7458
in the speech bane'um
permitted [to] / allowed [to] ( rasha'im ‫רשאים‬ 7459
finished (pl.) siyemu ‫סיימו‬ 7460
suffers (m.s.) sovel ‫סובל‬ 7461
horse sus ‫סוס‬ 7462
was/is caught / was/is perceived (m.s.) nitpas ‫נתפש‬ 7463

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scattered nafotsu ‫נפוצו‬ 7464
were present nakhekhu ‫נכחו‬ 7465
pluck / tear out (m.s.) moret ‫מורט‬ 7466
you shot (m.s.) yarita ‫ירית‬ 7467
you shot (f.s.) yarit
surrender kni'a ‫כניעה‬ 7468
the mechanized hamemukenet ‫הממוכנת‬ 7469
the breach / the crack hapirtsa ‫הפרצה‬ 7470
the murders haretsikhot ‫הרציחות‬ 7471
with artillery be'artilerya ‫בארטילריה‬ 7472
for an invasion liflisha ‫לפלישה‬ 7473
for the invasion laplisha
for presidency lanesi'ut ‫לנשיאות‬ 7474
for presidency lenesi'ut
was destroyed / was exterminated (m.s.) hushmad ‫הושמד‬ 7475
in a verdict / in a judgment bifsak ‫בפסק‬ 7476
in the verdict / in the judgment bapsak
during time out / during intermission befesek
isolated / insulated mevudad ‫מבודד‬ 7477
insulates (m.s.) mevoded
to his/its top / to his/its peak / to his
lesi'o ‫לשיאו‬ 7478
to/for his soldiers lekhayalav ‫לחייליו‬ 7479
that/who supported (pl.) shetamkhu ‫שתמכו‬ 7480
frontal / head on khazitit ‫חזיתית‬ 7481
the cruise hashayit ‫השיט‬ 7482
attacked / stormed (pl.) hista'aru ‫הסתערו‬ 7483
Christianity hanatsrut ‫הנצרות‬ 7484
was murdered (m.s.) nirtsakh ‫נרצח‬ 7485
village of / colony of moshevet ‫מושבת‬ 7486
her/its goal / her/its target matrata ‫מטרתה‬ 7487
to organize le'argen ‫לארגן‬ 7488
to forbid / to imprison le'esor ‫לאסור‬ 7489
legion ligyon ‫לגיון‬ 7490
paid (pl.) shilmu ‫שילמו‬ 7491
that/who resisted / who objected (m.s.) shehitnaged ‫שהתנגד‬ 7492
as a quarter / approximately one quarter kereva ‫כרבע‬ 7493
the warfare halokhama ‫הלוחמה‬ 7494
the validity hatokef ‫התוקף‬ 7495
the attacker / the assailant hatokef
attack of hatkafat ‫התקפת‬ 7496
was defeated huvas ‫הובס‬ 7497
the upper / the top ha'ilit ‫העילית‬ 7498

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that/who stand / that/who are about to /
that/who endure / that/who succeed / ha'omed ‫העומדים‬ 7499
that/who insist on (
the strategy ha'estrategia ‫האסטרטגיה‬ 7500
the yellow hatsahov ‫הצהוב‬ 7501
money / fee damim ‫דמים‬ 7502
in districts bemekhozot ‫במחוזות‬ 7503
in the districts bamekhozot
in management / under the management
benihul ‫בניהול‬ 7504
ton / tone ton ‫טון‬ 7505
espionage rigul ‫ריגול‬ 7506
was forbidden / was imprisoned (f.s.) ne'esra ‫נאסרה‬ 7507
the opponents of / the objectors of mitnagdei ‫מתנגדי‬ 7508
talented / qualified ( mukhsharim ‫מוכשרים‬ 7509
defeat / failure mapala ‫מפלה‬ 7510
discriminates (m.s.) mafle
discriminates (f.s.) mafla
from countries me'aratsot ‫מארצות‬ 7511
from the countries of me'artsot
satisfying / supplies (f.s.) mesapeket ‫מספקת‬ 7512
prevented (f.s.) man'a ‫מנעה‬ 7513
to/for a woman le'isha ‫לאישה‬ 7514
to/for the woman la'isha
to the capital labira ‫לבירה‬ 7515
to a capital lebira
for the beer labira
for a beer lebira
the response of tguvat ‫תגובת‬ 7516
and gold vezahav ‫וזהב‬ 7517
and continued (pl.) vehimshikhu ‫והמשיכו‬ 7518
and the rest vehayeter ‫והיתר‬ 7519
that from him shemimeno ‫שממנו‬ 7520
that her/its goal / that her/its target shematrata ‫שמטרתה‬ 7521
that enabled / that facilitated (f.s.) she'ifsher ‫שאיפשרה‬ 7522
that happened / that occurred (m.s.) shehitrakhesh ‫שהתרחש‬ 7523
that/who performed (m.s.) shebitsa ‫שביצע‬ 7524
crimes psha'im ‫פשעים‬ 7525
verdicts of / judgments of piskei ‫פסקי‬ 7526
the positions / the classes hama'amadot ‫המעמדות‬ 7527
the bullet / the sling hakela ‫הקלע‬ 7528
the marksman hakala
discussions diyunim ‫דיונים‬ 7529

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models dgamim ‫דגמים‬ 7530
in/at wars bemilkhamot ‫במלחמות‬ 7531
in the wars bamilkhamot
in a district bemakhoz ‫במחוז‬ 7532
in the district bamakhoz
at his destination bimkhoz [kheftso]
mainly / principally be'ikara ‫בעיקרה‬ 7533
on a ship besfina ‫בספינה‬ 7534
on the ship basfina
mistake ta'ut ‫טעות‬ 7535
feelings / emotions regashot ‫רגשות‬ 7536
conflicts sikhsukhim ‫סכסוכים‬ 7537
was incarcerated / were caged nikhle'u ‫נכלאו‬ 7538
were killed nispu ‫נספו‬ 7539
advances / advanced (f.s.) mitkademet ‫מתקדמת‬ 7540
significant ( mashma'utiyot ‫משמעותיות‬ 7541
to/for a shrine / to/for a temple lemikdash ‫למקדש‬ 7542
to/for the shrine / to/for the temple lamikdash
to/for jobs le'avodot ‫לעבודות‬ 7543
to/for the jobs la'avodot
to the father la'av ‫לאב‬ 7544
to a father le'av
to prison lakele ‫לכלא‬ 7545
to/for many (m.s.) lerabim ‫לרבים‬ 7546
to paint / to draw letsayer ‫לצייר‬ 7547
was translated turgam ‫תורגם‬ 7548
and were used for (pl.) veshimshu ‫ושימשו‬ 7549
and lacking / and –less ( vekhasrei ‫וחסרי‬ 7550
convinced (v.) (m.s.) shikhne'a ‫שכנע‬ 7551
that were established shehukmu ‫שהוקמו‬ 7552
who claimed / who argued (pl.) sheta'anu ‫שטענו‬ 7553
that/who was left (m.s.) shenotar ‫שנותר‬ 7554
that was formed / that was created (f.s.) shenotsra ‫שנוצרה‬ 7555
that/who were sent shenishlekhu ‫שנשלחו‬ 7556
that were collected / that/who gathered shene'esfu ‫שנאספו‬ 7557
weak ( khalashim ‫חלשים‬ 7558
his character / his nature ofyo ‫אופיו‬ 7559
return ( / repeat ( / repeating /
khozer ‫חוזרים‬ 7560
agricultural ( hakhakla'iyim ‫חקלאיים‬ 7561
agricultural / farmer (f.s.) khakla'it ‫חקלאית‬ 7562
mercury kaspit ‫כספית‬ 7563
the meaning hamashma'ut ‫המשמעות‬ 7564

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the resources hamash'abim ‫המשאבים‬ 7565
that contain ( hamekhilim ‫המכילים‬ 7566
alleviated / relieved / eased (m.s.) hekel ‫הקל‬ 7567
the easy / the lightweight hakal
the fanatics / the jealous people hakana'im ‫הקנאים‬ 7568
the opportunity hahizdamnut ‫ההזדמנות‬ 7569
expressed (pl.) hebi'u ‫הביעו‬ 7570
the territories hateritoryot ‫הטריטוריות‬ 7571
mail do'ar ‫דואר‬ 7572
geography ge'ografya ‫גאוגרפיה‬ 7573
in a pass / in a transfer / in a transition bema'avar ‫במעבר‬ 7574
in the pass / in the transfer / in the
in a cave beme'ara ‫במערה‬ 7575
in the cave bame'ara
in front of them / in their presence bifnehem ‫בפניהם‬ 7576
in amounts of / in quantities of / in large
bekhamuyot ‫בכמויות‬ 7577
under the order of behora'at ‫בהוראת‬ 7578
reform reforma ‫רפורמה‬ 7579
was determined / was fixed / was set (f.s.) nikbe'a ‫נקבעה‬ 7580
were imprisoned / were forbidden ne'esru ‫נאסרו‬ 7581
financing mimun ‫מימון‬ 7582
little / few / slight (m.s.) mu'at ‫מועט‬ 7583
Muslim ( muslemiyot ‫מוסלמיות‬ 7584
common / mutual / shared ( meshutafim ‫משותפים‬ 7585
offices / bureaus / Ministries misradim ‫משרדים‬ 7586
vote / raise a hand / point at / indicate
matsbi'im ‫מצביעים‬ 7587
votes / raises a hand / points at / indicates
matsbi'a ‫מצביע‬ 7588
arranges / organizes (f.s.) mesaderet ‫מסדרת‬ 7589
to rob lishdod ‫לשדוד‬ 7590
to the spaces of / to the casualties of lekhalelei ‫לחללי‬ 7591
to/for regiments legdudim ‫לגדודים‬ 7592
to/for the regiments lagdudim
hypo- / sub- / infra- (pl.) tatei ‫תתי‬ 7593
were described to'aru ‫תוארו‬ 7594
his title to'aro
was planned / was designed (f.s.) tukhnena ‫תוכננה‬ 7595
and the organization veha'irgun ‫והארגון‬ 7596
that prevailed shesarar ‫ששרר‬ 7597
which meaning is (f.s.) sheperusha ‫שפירושה‬ 7598
that/who lived (pl.) shekhayu ‫שחיו‬ 7599

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that were held / that existed / that
survived (pl.)
shehitkaimu ‫שהתקיימו‬ 7600
that developed shehitpate'akh ‫שהתפתח‬ 7601
that/who raised / that/who increased /
that/who lifted / that/who brought up shehe'ela ‫שהעלה‬ 7602
that not yet sheterem ‫שטרם‬ 7603
that his book shesifro ‫שספרו‬ 7604
that/who counted shesafru
who told shesipru
that was founded (f.s.) shenosda ‫שנוסדה‬ 7605
torture inuyim ‫עינויים‬ 7606
upper / superior (m.s.) elyon ‫עליון‬ 7607
surplus (adj.) odef ‫עודף‬ 7608
excess / change (money) (n.) odef
panel onshin ‫עונשין‬ 7609
ideological ide'ologit ‫אידאולוגית‬ 7610
university universita ‫אוניברסיטה‬ 7611
arms zro'ot ‫זרועות‬ 7612
throne kes ‫כס‬ 7613
the political (f.s.) hamedinit ‫המדינית‬ 7614
interest hit'anyenut ‫התעניינות‬ 7615
overcoming hitgabrut ‫התגברות‬ 7616
was caused to stand (m.s.) hu'amad ‫הועמד‬ 7617
the changes hashinuyim ‫השינויים‬ 7618
taking control / takeover hishtaltut ‫השתלטות‬ 7619
the equal hashave ‫השווה‬ 7620
the Koran hakur'an ‫הקוראן‬ 7621
the circles / the social groups / the
coteries / the course
hakhugim ‫החוגים‬ 7622
the responsible / the people in charge
ha'akhra'im ‫האחראים‬ 7623
the civil ha'ezrakhi ‫האזרחי‬ 7624
the proclamation / the announcement /
the declaration
hahakhraza ‫ההכרזה‬ 7625
the sample / the example hadugma ‫הדוגמה‬ 7626
the flags hadgalim ‫הדגלים‬ 7627
the expulsion / the deportation hagerush ‫הגירוש‬ 7628
the marking hasimun ‫הסימון‬ 7629
the exhalation / the blow haneshifa ‫הנשיפה‬ 7630
dramatic (m.s.) dramati ‫דרמטי‬ 7631
by giving bematan ‫במתן‬ 7632
in common / in collaboration bimshutaf ‫במשותף‬ 7633
in a bay / in the bay of bemifrats ‫במפרץ‬ 7634
in the bay bamifrats

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during which bemahalakho ‫במהלכו‬ 7635
by decades be'asorim ‫בעשורים‬ 7636
in the decades ba'asorim
in part / in her part / in a lot bekhelka ‫בחלקה‬ 7637
in the lot bakhelka
starring - bekikhuvo ‫בכיכובו‬ 7638
as she beheyota ‫בהיותה‬ 7639
using terror beteror ‫בטרור‬ 7640
in the list bareshima ‫ברשימה‬ 7641
in a list birshima
floating / buoyancy tsifa ‫ציפה‬ 7642
covered / coated / expected (m.s.) tsipa (v.)
pillow cover tsipa (n.)
were included [in] / were counted (pl) nimnu ‫נמנו‬ 7643
marriage nisu'im ‫נישואים‬ 7644
separate / individual ( nifradot ‫נפרדות‬ 7645
was written (f.s.) nikhteva ‫נכתבה‬ 7646
touch (n.) negi'a ‫נגיעה‬ 7647
underground (adj.) makhtarti ‫מחתרתי‬ 7648
and the fumes of / and the vapor of ve'edei ‫ואדי‬ 7649
valley (Arabic) vadi
the stair hamadrega ‫המדרגה‬ 7650
illegal immigrants (to Israel during the
British mandate)
ma'apilim ‫מעפילים‬ 7651
the undergrounds hamakhtarot ‫המחתרות‬ 7652
indication horaya ‫הוריה‬ 7653
bus otobus ‫אוטובוס‬ 7654
the neighborhoods hashkhunot ‫השכונות‬ 7655
for drinking lishtiya ‫לשתייה‬ 7656
to/for the existence of / to/for the holding
of / to/for the fulfillment of
lekiyum ‫לקיום‬ 7657
to/for an agreement/contract leheskem ‫להסכם‬ 7658
to/for the agreement/contract laheskem
halls ulamot ‫אולמות‬ 7659
the sail hahaflaga ‫ההפלגה‬ 7660
to Zion tsiyona ‫ציונה‬ 7661
tool / instrument / qualified (m.s.) makhshir (n.) ‫מכשיר‬ 7662
qualifies (m.s.) makhshir (v.)
to/for institutes lemosadot ‫למוסדות‬ 7663
to/for the institutes lamosadot
which goal / which target (f.) shematratan ‫שמטרתן‬ 7664
solutions pitronot ‫פתרונות‬ 7665
circles / social groups / courses khugim ‫חוגים‬ 7666
built ( bnuyim ‫בנויים‬ 7667

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her location mikuma ‫מיקומה‬ 7668
on the one hand me'khad ‫מחד‬ 7669
her state / her situation matsava ‫מצבה‬ 7670
gravestone matseva
to all laklal ‫לכלל‬ 7671
to lengthen leha'arikh ‫להאריך‬ 7672
and passed / crossed / and went through
ve'avar ‫ועבר‬ 7673
and includes / and including vekolel ‫וכולל‬ 7674
that won (f.s.) shezakhta ‫שזכתה‬ 7675
blind iver ‫עיוור‬ 7676
encouragement / support / incentive /
idud ‫עידוד‬ 7677
that is used for (m.s.) hameshameshet ‫המשמשת‬ 7678
the study halimud ‫הלימוד‬ 7679
the root hashoresh ‫השורש‬ 7680
the chapel hakapela ‫הקפלה‬ 7681
the private ( hapratiyim ‫הפרטיים‬ 7682
the prohibition / the ban ha'isur ‫האיסור‬ 7683
the earthly / the terrestrial ha'artsi ‫הארצי‬ 7684
of the Jewish law hahilkhatit ‫ההלכתית‬ 7685
reciprocal / mutual hadadit ‫הדדית‬ 7686
in the fire basrefa ‫בשריפה‬ 7687
in a fire besrefa
as / like / in the sense of bivkhinat ‫בבחינת‬ 7688
located / situated (f.s.) memukemet ‫ממוקמת‬ 7689
dimensions memadim ‫ממדים‬ 7690
recommended mumlats ‫מומלץ‬ 7691
seats / cooperative settlements moshavim ‫מושבים‬ 7692
planes of / surfaces of / platforms of mishtakhei ‫משטחי‬ 7693
parallel (f.s.) makbila ‫מקבילה‬ 7694
holds / keeps owns (m.s.) makhzik ‫מחזיק‬ 7695
for dismantling / for decomposing leperuk ‫לפירוק‬ 7696
to live lehitgorer ‫להתגורר‬ 7697
for the increase of / for the amplification
of / to strengthen the (pl.)
lehagbarat ‫להגברת‬ 7698
according to his claim leta'anato ‫לטענתו‬ 7699
and is used for (m.s.) umshamesh ‫ומשמש‬ 7700
and a boy / and a son uven ‫ובן‬ 7701
and ended vesiyem ‫וסיים‬ 7702
that/who connected / who wrote (m.s.) shekhiber ‫שחיבר‬ 7703
decades asorim ‫עשורים‬ 7704
the Hebrews (adj.) ( ha'ivriyim ‫עבריים‬ 7705
the wise people of khakhmei ‫חכמי‬ 7706

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the annual hashnati ‫השנתי‬ 7707
lost (pl.) hifsidu ‫הפסידו‬ 7708
that/who require / that/who demand
hadorshim ‫הדורשים‬ 7709
the continuity / the sequence haretsef ‫הרצף‬ 7710
the prophet hanavi ‫הנביא‬ 7711
rejection of / postponement of dkhiyat ‫דחיית‬ 7712
in a kind of - beme'ein ‫במעין‬ 7713
in a spring bema'ayan
in the spring bama'ayan
in the cells bata'im ‫בתאים‬ 7714
in cells beta'im
in theory bate'orya ‫בתאוריה‬ 7715
in a theory bete'orya
in questions bish'elot ‫בשאלות‬ 7716
in the questions bashe'elot
in houses / in homes bevatim ‫בבתים‬ 7717
in/at the houses / in/at the homes babatim
in generations bedorot ‫בדורות‬ 7718
brings (f.s.) mevi'a ‫מביאה‬ 7719
his days yamav ‫ימיו‬ 7720
principle ikaron ‫עיקרון‬ 7721
early / preliminary ( mukdamim ‫מוקדמים‬ 7722
his numbers / his scissors misparav ‫מספריו‬ 7723
from/of his books misfarav
engine mano'a ‫מנוע‬ 7724
the chapters haprakim ‫הפרקים‬ 7725
creates (f.s.) yotseret (v.) ‫יוצרת‬ 7726
creator / artist / maker yotseret (n.)
to history lehistoria ‫להיסטוריה‬ 7727
to the history lahistoria
and growth / and increase / and tumor vegidul ‫וגידול‬ 7728
last ( akhronot ‫אחרונות‬ 7729
the scientists hamad'anim ‫המדענים‬ 7730
the entities hayeshuyot ‫הישויות‬ 7731
the philosophers hafilosofim ‫הפילוסופים‬ 7732
the investigator / the researcher hakhoker ‫החוקר‬ 7733
the characteristic (m.s.) ha'ofyani ‫האופייני‬ 7734
the glowing / the shining hazoher (adj.) ‫הזוהר‬ 7735
the glow / the shine hazohar
in a version begirsa ‫בגרסה‬ 7736
in the version bagirsa
texts textim ‫טקסטים‬ 7737

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songs pizmonim ‫פזמונים‬ 7738
apocalypse apokalipsa ‫אפוקליפסה‬ 7739
as a director kevamai ‫כבמאי‬ 7740
as the director kabamai
the care giver / who treats / who handles
hametapel ‫המטפל‬ 7741
the records hataklitim ‫התקליטים‬ 7742
the clinic haklinika ‫הקליניקה‬ 7743
the consonants ha'itsurim ‫העיצורים‬ 7744
the artistic (m.s.) ha'omanuti ‫האמנותי‬ 7745
the present hahove ‫ההווה‬ 7746
the wanderer / the migrant hanoded ‫הנודד‬ 7747
his heroes giborav ‫גיבוריו‬ 7748
onions betsalim ‫בצלים‬ 7749
her daughter bita ‫בתה‬ 7750
records of / sketches of rishumei ‫רישומי‬ 7751
motive motiv ‫מוטיב‬ 7752
humanism enoshiyut ‫אנושיות‬ 7753
the mathematical ( hamatematiyim ‫המתמטיים‬ 7754
kings melakhim ‫מלכים‬ 7755
his leaving azivato ‫עזיבתו‬ 7756
the field / the area / the range hatkhum ‫התחום‬ 7757
come ( ba'ot ‫באות‬ 7758
title koteret ‫כותרת‬ 7759
the display hatetsuga ‫התצוגה‬ 7760
his/its top / his/its peak / his record si'o ‫שיאו‬ 7761
self- / auto- ( atsmiyim ‫עצמיים‬ 7762
the opera ha'opera ‫האופרה‬ 7763
in the industry of beta'asiyat ‫בתעשיית‬ 7764
monsters miflatsot ‫מפלצות‬ 7765
to/for a product lemutsar ‫למוצר‬ 7766
to/for the product lamutsar
for the disease of lemakhalat ‫למחלת‬ 7767
to examine livkhon ‫לבחון‬ 7768
the mythology hamitologya ‫המיתולוגיה‬ 7769
grapevine gefen ‫גפן‬ 7770
prefix / area code kidomet ‫קידומת‬ 7771
mourning avlut ‫אבלות‬ 7772
as a pioneer kekhaluts ‫כחלוץ‬ 7773
as the pioneer kakhaluts
the urine hasheten ‫השתן‬ 7774
the acid hakhumtsa ‫החומצה‬ 7775
the choice / the selection / the option habrera ‫הברירה‬ 7776

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the fencers hasayafim ‫הסייפים‬ 7777
in the race bameruts ‫במירוץ‬ 7778
in a race bemeruts
diabetes sukeret ‫סוכרת‬ 7779
cellular ( ta'iyim ‫תאיים‬ 7780
you will threaten / she/it will threaten te'ayem
the muscle hashrir ‫השריר‬ 7781
to a temperature letemperatura ‫לטמפרטורה‬ 7782
to the temperature latemperatura
heating / warming khimum ‫חימום‬ 7783
to reduce / to minimize lehaktin ‫להקטין‬ 7784
-like / -form (f.s.) dmuyat ‫דמוית‬ 7785
of kind of / of genders of / of species of meminei ‫ממיני‬ 7786
the atoms ha'atomim ‫האטומים‬ 7787
the sealed / the opaue ha'atumim
the library hasifriya ‫הספרייה‬ 7788
viruses negifim ‫נגיפים‬ 7789
the dishes of ma'akhalei ‫מאכלי‬ 7790
refugees ( / survivors ( / ejections
/ discharges
plitot ‫פליטות‬ 7791
museums muze'onim ‫מוזיאונים‬ 7792
believe (f.s.) ma'amina (v.) ‫מאמינה‬ 7793
believer (f.s.) ma'amina (n.)
and you ( va'aten ‫ואתן‬ 7794
forced (m.s.) anus ‫אנוס‬ 7795
the starling hazarzir ‫הזרזיר‬ 7796
the sky haraki'a ‫הרקיע‬ 7797
in favor of them / through them ba'adam ‫בעדם‬ 7798
mud tin ‫טין‬ 7799
correct / right tsodek ‫צודק‬ 7800
of the general / of the rule mehaklal ‫מהכלל‬ 7801
[he] will do ya'ase ‫יעשה‬ 7802
will be done ye'ase
will come ( yavo'u ‫יבואו‬ 7803
syndrome tismonet ‫תסמונת‬ 7804
and went out / and comes out (m.s.) veyats'a ‫ויצאה‬ 7805
and here is/are / and you see / and the
mountains of
vaharei ‫והרי‬ 7806
the letters hamikhtavim ‫המכתבים‬ 7807
the tip / the end hakatse ‫הקצה‬ 7808
lady / Mrs. / madam gveret ‫גברת‬ 7809
at a tender age be'ibo ‫באבו‬ 7810
understand ( mevinim ‫מבינים‬ 7811
to stay overnight lalun ‫ללון‬ 7812

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that is to say lemor ‫לאמר‬ 7813
hope tikva ‫תקוה‬ 7814
last night emesh ‫אמש‬ 7815
shed (m.s.) higir ‫הגיר‬ 7816
the chalk / lime hagir
the bad ( hara'im ‫הרעים‬ 7817
finished (m.s.) gamur ‫גמור‬ 7818
in her place bimkoma ‫במקומה‬ 7819
in the leg / by foot baregel ‫ברגל‬ 7820
with a leg beregel
empty (m.s.) rek ‫ריק‬ 7821
told / cut (hair) (pl.) sipru ‫סיפרו‬ 7822
his book sifro
prepares / makes arrangements / is held
ne'erekhet ‫נערכת‬ 7823
continue ( mamshikhim ‫ממשיכים‬ 7824
millions milyonim ‫מיליונים‬ 7825
closely / from near by mikarov ‫מקרוב‬ 7826
their children yaldehem ‫ילדיהם‬ 7827
to feel / to sense / to rush lakhush ‫לחוש‬ 7828
to lose le'abed ‫לאבד‬ 7829
to intervene / to interfere / to bet lehit'arev ‫להתערב‬ 7830
to take down / to lower / to decrease lehorid ‫להוריד‬ 7831
to require / to demand lidrosh ‫לדרוש‬ 7832
and continued (f.s.) vehimshikha ‫והמשיכה‬ 7833
fat (adj.) ( shmenim ‫שמנים‬ 7834
oils shmanim
loaded / burdened amus ‫עמוס‬ 7835
the prestigious / the exclusive hayukrati ‫היוקרתי‬ 7836
the purpose / the objective / the
haya'ad ‫היעד‬ 7837
intervened / interfered / bet (m.s.) hit'arev ‫התערב‬ 7838
capital / wealth hon ‫הון‬ 7839
fair hogen ‫הוגן‬ 7840
the professor haprofesor ‫הפרופסור‬ 7841
feeling / sensation hargasha ‫הרגשה‬ 7842
the secret hasod ‫הסוד‬ 7843
thin ( dakim ‫דקים‬ 7844
in numbers bemisparim ‫במספרים‬ 7845
in the numbers bamisparim
with contempt bevuz ‫בבוז‬ 7846
at the top / at the tree top batsameret ‫בצמרת‬ 7847
at the top of betsameret
divides mitkhalek ‫מתחלק‬ 7848

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my letter mikhtavi ‫מכתבי‬ 7849
my letters mikhtavai
the letters of mikhtavei
than mikfi ‫מכפי‬ 7850
from my palm / from my spoon mikapi
long ago mikvar ‫מכבר‬ 7851
from the side mehatsad ‫מהצד‬ 7852
note / indicate / mark ( metsaynim ‫מציינים‬ 7853
assumes / places meni'akh ‫מניח‬ 7854
to liberate / to release leshakhrer ‫לשחרר‬ 7855
to no -- / to a nose / for a nose le'af ‫לאף‬ 7856
to/for the nose la'af
to remember lizkor ‫לזכור‬ 7857
to add / to connect / to combine / to
compose / to write
lekhaber ‫לחבר‬ 7858
to/for a friend lekhaver
to/for the friend lakhaver
to surround / to encircle lehakif ‫להקיף‬ 7859
that asked / that requested (pl.) shebikshu ‫שביקשו‬ 7860
met (f.s.) pagsha ‫פגשה‬ 7861
thick / clouds avim ‫עבים‬ 7862
treetop amir ‫אמיר‬ 7863
needs (f.s.) zkuka ‫זקוקה‬ 7864
address ktovet ‫כתובת‬ 7865
as a man / as a person ke'ish ‫כאיש‬ 7866
the profession hamiktso'a ‫המקצוע‬ 7867
that arrives / that is deserved hamegi'a ‫המגיע‬ 7868
the singer (m.s.) hazamar ‫הזמר‬ 7869
the song hazemer
the guests / the visitors ha'orkhim ‫האורחים‬ 7870
the back / the rear ( ha'akhoriyot ‫האחוריות‬ 7871
the beginning hahatkhala ‫ההתחלה‬ 7872
the hills hagva'ot ‫הגבעות‬ 7873
the attached / the linked / the adjacent
hatsmuda ‫הצמודה‬ 7874
in a view bemabat ‫במבט‬ 7875
in the view bamabat
in/with meat bebasar ‫בבשר‬ 7876
in the meat babasar
of health (adj.) bri'uti ‫בריאותי‬ 7877
are caught / are perceived ( nitpasim ‫נתפסים‬ 7878
hurried / was in a hurry (m.s.) miher ‫מיהר‬ 7879
appointed mina ‫מינה‬ 7880

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thrown / imposed upon / levied (m.s.) mutal ‫מוטל‬ 7881
task / assignment / mission mesima ‫משימה‬ 7882
stumble / slip me'ida (n.) ‫מעידה‬ 7883
testifies (f.s.) me'ida (v.)
customs minhagim ‫מנהגים‬ 7884
will arrive (m.s.) yagi'a ‫יגיע‬ 7885
for eating le'ma'akhal ‫למאכל‬ 7886
to a policy lemediniyut ‫למדיניות‬ 7887
to the policy lamediniyut
lyric liri ‫לירי‬ 7888
to the hill latel ‫לתל‬ 7889
to approve / to confirm le'asher ‫לאשר‬ 7890
to divert / to conjugate / to tilt lehatot ‫להטות‬ 7891
to height / to the level / to the highland larama ‫לרמה‬ 7892
to a level lerama
to reduce / to minimize letsamtsem ‫לצמצם‬ 7893
to hunt latsud ‫לצוד‬ 7894
to/for literature lesifrut ‫לספרות‬ 7895
to/for the literature lasifrut
to/for hairdressing lesaparut
to/for the hairdressing lasaparut
worms tola'im ‫תולעים‬ 7896
and with him ve'imo ‫ועמו‬ 7897
and his people ve'amo
and stood / and was about to / and
endured / and succeeded / and insisted on ve'amad ‫ועמד‬ 7898
and on them / and about them ve'aleihem ‫ועליהם‬ 7899
and informed / and announced vehodi'a ‫והודיע‬ 7900
and established / and built (pl.) vehekimu ‫והקימו‬ 7901
and started (f.s.) vehekhela ‫והחלה‬ 7902
and among them uvikhlalam ‫ובכללם‬ 7903
that originated from (m.s.) shemotsa'o ‫שמוצאו‬ 7904
that/who found (pl.) shemats'u ‫שמצאו‬ 7905
played (f.s.) sikhaka ‫שיחקה‬ 7906
negative (f.s.) shlilit ‫שלילית‬ 7907
that is not / that is not here (f.s.) she'einena ‫שאיננה‬ 7908
that a man / that a person she'adam ‫שאדם‬ 7909
such / like this (m.) shekaze ‫שכזה‬ 7910
that is in the north shebatsafon ‫שבצפון‬ 7911
prevailed sarar ‫שרר‬ 7912
that/who wanted (m.s.) sheratsa ‫שרצה‬ 7913
that/who runs sheratsa

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controversial / in dispute (m.s.) shanui [bemakhloket] ‫שנוי‬ 7914
calls kri'ot ‫קריאות‬ 7915
cold (pl.) karim ‫קרים‬ 7916
developed (pl.) pitkhu ‫פיתחו‬ 7917
section / division / stream / creek peleg ‫פלג‬ 7918
activists of pe'ilei ‫פעילי‬ 7919
less / inferior / lesser (f.s.) pkhuta ‫פחותה‬ 7920
published / advertised (f.s.) pirsema ‫פרסמה‬ 7921
serious / severe ( khamurim ‫חמורים‬ 7922
donkeys khamorim
the flow of zrimat ‫זרימת‬ 7923
protection / patronage khasut ‫חסות‬ 7924
lacking ( khasrot ‫חסרות‬ 7925
that exists / that takes place / that is held
hamitkayemet ‫המתקיימת‬ 7926
the tension / the suspense / the voltage /
the trapeze
hametakh ‫המתח‬ 7927
the coin hamatbe'a ‫המטבע‬ 7928
the band halahaka ‫הלהקה‬ 7929
kills (m.s.) horeg ‫הורג‬ 7930
the mind hasekhel ‫השכל‬ 7931
the heat / the fever / the temperature hakhom ‫החום‬ 7932
the brown hakhum
held (m.s.) hekhezik ‫החזיק‬ 7933
the long ( ha'arukot ‫הארוכות‬ 7934
the fuel hadelek ‫הדלק‬ 7935
observed (pl.) hivkhinu ‫הבחינו‬ 7936
the list hareshima ‫הרשימה‬ 7937
the bad hara ‫הרע‬ 7938
the ordinary / the usual / the regular / the
experienced / that/who are used to (
haregilim (adj.) ‫הרגילים‬ 7939
rescue hatsala ‫הצלה‬ 7940
the meal hase'uda ‫הסעודה‬ 7941
their opinion da'atam ‫דעתם‬ 7942
lumps of / blocks of / masses of / regions
gushei ‫גושי‬ 7943
genius ga'on ‫גאון‬ 7944
gas gaz ‫גז‬ 7945
shearing gez
in a position / [in] a class / [in] a pedestal /
at a scene / in the presence of
bema'amad ‫במעמד‬ 7946
during the bimrutsat ‫במרוצת‬ 7947
when entering bikhnisa ‫בכניסה‬ 7948
at an entrance beknisa
at the entrance baknisa

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at a conference bekhenes ‫בכנס‬ 7949
at the conference bakenes
in his shape of / in his image bidmuto ‫בדמותו‬ 7950
clothes bgadim ‫בגדים‬ 7951
with permission / with the permission of birshut ‫ברשות‬ 7952
led by / headed by berashut
in the authority barashut
empty (f.s.) reka ‫ריקה‬ 7953
saliva rok ‫רוק‬ 7954
vibration of re'idat ‫רעידת‬ 7955
wide ( rekhavot ‫רחבות‬ 7956
squares rakhavot
storms sufot ‫סופות‬ 7957
sugar sukar ‫סוכר‬ 7958
escaped (m.s.) nimlat ‫נמלט‬ 7959
inclined / tend to / tilted ( notim ‫נוטים‬ 7960
withdrew / retreated (m.s.) nasog ‫נסוג‬ 7961
her/its leaders manhigeha ‫מנהיגיה‬ 7962
as a state kemedina ‫כמדינה‬ 7963
as the state kamedina
to/for a mutiny lemerida ‫למרידה‬ 7964
to/for the mutiny lamerida
to command lefaked ‫לפקד‬ 7965
you will bring / she will bring tavi ‫תביא‬ 7966
the administration / the management haminhal ‫המינהל‬ 7967
order of / instruction of hora'at ‫הוראת‬ 7968
in a law suit / in a prosecution betvi'a ‫בתביעה‬ 7969
in the law suit / in the prosecution batvi'a
Brita (a birth party for a girl) brita ‫בריתה‬ 7970
agents sokhnim ‫סוכנים‬ 7971
defend ( megenim (v.) ‫מגנים‬ 7972
shields megenim (n.)
to/for a siege lematsor ‫למצור‬ 7973
to/for the siege lamatsor
to sit / to settle lehityashev ‫להתיישב‬ 7974
and the unit of / and the squad of veyekhidat ‫ויחידות‬ 7975
and to arrive ulehagi'a ‫ולהגיע‬ 7976
and to bring ulehavi ‫ולהביא‬ 7977
and the relations vehayakhasim ‫והיחסים‬ 7978
and succeeded (m.s.) vehitsli'akh ‫והצליח‬ 7979
forecasting / prediction khizui ‫חיזוי‬ 7980
signed (f.s.) khatma ‫חתמה‬ 7981

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was raised / was lifted / was increased /
was brought up (m.s.)
hu'ala ‫הועלה‬ 7982
the excavation / the digging hakhafirot ‫החפירות‬ 7983
southern ( dromiyim ‫דרומיים‬ 7984
under control beshlita ‫בשליטה‬ 7985
in the dynasty bashoshelet ‫בשושלת‬ 7986
in a dynasty beshoshelet
their number misparam ‫מספרם‬ 7987
from their book mesifram
to a result letotsa'a ‫לתוצאה‬ 7988
to the result latotsa'a
the result of / the consequence of totsa'at ‫תוצאת‬ 7989
planned / designed (pl.) tikhnenu ‫תכננו‬ 7990
and his people ve'anashav ‫ואנשיו‬ 7991
and at the east / and to the east uvamizrakh ‫ובמזרח‬ 7992
that will enable / that will facilitate (m.s.) sheye'afsher ‫שיאפשר‬ 7993
such / like this (f.) shekazo ‫שכזו‬ 7994
arches / bows / rainbows / curvatures kshatot ‫קשתות‬ 7995
were evacuated punu ‫פונו‬ 7996
as im-, as in-, as un-, as dis- kevilti ‫כבלתי‬ 7997
was proclaimed / was announced / was
declared (f.s.)
hukhreza ‫הוכרזה‬ 7998
revolution of / conversion of / turning of /
inversion of
hafikhat ‫הפיכת‬ 7999
the rich ( ha'ashirim ‫העשירים‬ 8000
the assessments / the estimations / the
appreciations / the credits
haha'arakhot ‫ההערכות‬ 8001
the religious ( hadatiyim (adj.) ‫הדתיים‬ 8002
the religious ( hadatiyim (n.)
the equipment hatsiyud ‫הציוד‬ 8003
with money bekhesef ‫בכסף‬ 8004
with the money bakesef
resist / object ( mitnagdim ‫מתנגדים‬ 8005
enhanced / amplified / strengthened mugberet ‫מוגברת‬ 8006
placed / positioned / posted (m.s.) mutsav (adj.) ‫מוצב‬ 8007
post / position (military) mutsav (n.)
of considerations / for reasons mishikulim ‫משיקולים‬ 8008
maps mapot ‫מפות‬ 8009
beyond it / from its other side me'evro ‫מעברו‬ 8010
his/its pass / his/its transfer ma'avaro
tracks mesilot ‫מסילות‬ 8011
initiative / enterprise yozma ‫יוזמה‬ 8012
to/for a commander lemefaked ‫למפקד‬ 8013
to/for the commander lamefaked

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to/for a census / to/for a muster lemifkad
to/for the census / to/for the muster lamifkad
at the service of lesherut ‫לשירות‬ 8014
to/for the service lasherut
to/for a fame / to/for a publication / to/for
an advertisement / to/for advertising
lefirsum ‫לפרסום‬ 8015
to/for the fame / to/for the publication /
to/for the advertisement / to/for the lapirsum
advertising [of]
for/to rights / for/to privileges lizkhuyot ‫לזכויות‬ 8016
to a range / for a [long / short] run litvakh ‫לטווח‬ 8017
and the company / and the society vehakhevra ‫והחברה‬ 8018
and accordingly uvhet'em ‫ובהתאם‬ 8019
that was received / that was accepted (f.s.) shehitkabla ‫שהתקבלה‬ 8020
active / activist (f.s.) pe'ila ‫פעילה‬ 8021
happened / occurred (f.s.) er'a ‫אירעה‬ 8022
responsibility akhrayut ‫אחריות‬ 8023
civilian / civil ( ezrakhiyim ‫אזרחיים‬ 8024
species / feed ( zanim ‫זנים‬ 8025
her power / her force / her strength kokha ‫כוחה‬ 8026
entrance knisa ‫כניסה‬ 8027
against / contrary to / in exchange to keneged ‫כנגדם‬ 8028
the intended / the designated hameyu'ad ‫המיועד‬ 8029
the modern ( hamoderniyim ‫המודרניים‬ 8030
that assemble / that constitute ( hamarkivot ‫המרכיבות‬ 8031
meant / intended (m.s.) hitkaven ‫התכוון‬ 8032
were influenced / were affected hushpe'u ‫הושפעו‬ 8033
has been proved (m.s.) hukhakh ‫הוכח‬ 8034
destroy of / extermination of hashmadat ‫השמדת‬ 8035
you destroyed (m.s.) hishmadeta
you destroyed (f.s.) hishmadet
the huge / the giant (f.s.) ha'anakit ‫הענקית‬ 8036
the responsibility ha'akhrayut ‫האחריות‬ 8037
the social ( hakhevratiyim ‫החברתיים‬ 8038
defense of haganat ‫הגנת‬ 8039
the heights / the levels haramot ‫הרמות‬ 8040
voted / raised their hand / pointed at /
indicated (pl.)
hitsbi'u ‫הצביעו‬ 8041
joining hitstarfut ‫הצטרפות‬ 8042
were sufficient / were adequate / met the
hispiku ‫הספיקו‬ 8043
the low / the short ( hanemukhot ‫הנמוכות‬ 8044
on/in the islands of be'iyei ‫באיי‬ 8045
combination / addition tseruf ‫צירוף‬ 8046

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stemmed from / derived from / spouted nava ‫נבע‬ 8047
[made] of metal mimatekhet ‫ממתכת‬ 8048
[of] half mimakhatsit ‫ממחצית‬ 8049
his location mikumo ‫מיקומו‬ 8050
suitable / appropriate / applicable /
identical (f.s.)
mat'ima ‫מתאימה‬ 8051
are introduced / are displayed / are
presented / are exhibited (
mutsagot ‫מוצגות‬ 8052
are used for ( meshamshot ‫משמשות‬ 8053
decisive / crucial (m.s.) makhri'a ‫מכריע‬ 8054
arrive ( megi'ot ‫מגיעות‬ 8055
contacts / touch maga'im ‫מגעים‬ 8056
gap mirvakh ‫מרווח‬ 8057
spaced meruvakh
from my head meroshi ‫מראשי‬ 8058
of/from the leaders of merashei
leaders manhigim ‫מנהיגים‬ 8059
his heir / his successor yorsho ‫יורשו‬ 8060
to/for music lemuzika ‫למוזיקה‬ 8061
to/for the music lamuzika
to/for systems / to/for editorial boards /
to/for fights / to/for campaigns
lema'arakhot ‫למערכות‬ 8062
to/for the systems / to/for the editorial
boards / to/for the fights / to/for the lama'arakhot
to/for the systems of / to/for the editorial
boards of / to/for the fights of / to/for the lema'arkhot
campaigns of
to/for results letotsa'ot ‫לתוצאות‬ 8063
to/for the results latotsa'ot
to/for the results of latots'ot
for rehabilitation / for reconstruction leshikum ‫לשיקום‬ 8064
for the rehabilitation / for the
to/for the broadcast lashidur ‫לשידור‬ 8065
to/for a broadcast leshidur
his tongue / his language leshono ‫לשונו‬ 8066
was stricken / was beaten laka ‫לקה‬ 8067
to establish lekhonen ‫לכונן‬ 8068
for later lahemshekh ‫להמשך‬ 8069
to demonstrate lehafgin ‫להפגין‬ 8070
to separate lehafrid ‫להפריד‬ 8071
to expel / to deport legaresh ‫לגרש‬ 8072
to the list of lirshimat ‫לרשימת‬ 8073
adversely / for the worse lera'a ‫לרעה‬ 8074

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alternately / intermittently leserugin ‫לסירוגין‬ 8075
tourists tayarim ‫תיירים‬ 8076
sketch / chart / graph tarshim ‫תרשים‬ 8077
and it is possible / and perhaps / and
veyitakhen ‫וייתכן‬ 8078
and created / and made (m.s.) veyatsar ‫ויצר‬ 8079
and is not / and is not here (f.s.) ve'eina ‫ואינה‬ 8080
and won (f.s.) vezakhta ‫וזכתה‬ 8081
and the art veha'omanut ‫והאמנות‬ 8082
and brought (pl.) vehevi'u ‫והביאו‬ 8083
and came (m.s.) uva ‫ובא‬ 8084
and was forced / and was compelled vene'elats ‫ונאלץ‬ 8085
their rule / their reign shiltonam ‫שלטונם‬ 8086
which content ( shetokhnan ‫שתוכנן‬ 8087
that to her she'eleha ‫שאליה‬ 8088
that at first / that at the beginning shebatkhila ‫שבתחילה‬ 8089
popular (f.s.) popularit ‫פופולרית‬ 8090
activists pe'ilim ‫פעילים‬ 8091
activities pe'iluyot ‫פעילויות‬ 8092
ancient / old ( atikim ‫עתיקים‬ 8093
values of erkei ‫ערכי‬ 8094
ideological / my value erki
balance izun ‫איזון‬ 8095
happened / occurred (pl.) er'u ‫אירעו‬ 8096
throes of / ropes of khevlei ‫חבלי‬ 8097
written (f.s.) ktuva ‫כתובה‬ 8098
Jewish marriage contract ktuba
was named (f.s.) kunta ‫כונתה‬ 8099
his entrance knisato ‫כניסתו‬ 8100
the cooperative settlements / the seats /
the sessions
hamoshavim ‫המושבים‬ 8101
that/who use ( / the users hamishtamshim ‫המשתמשים‬ 8102
the famous / the well known (f.s.) hamefursemet ‫המפורסמת‬ 8103
the few hame'atim ‫המעטים‬ 8104
the late / the later hame'ukhar ‫המאוחר‬ 8105
the well established / the well based / that
are based [on] (
hamevusasim ‫המבוססים‬ 8106
the national ( hale'umiyot ‫הלאומיות‬ 8107
the nationality / the patriotism hale'umiyut
the periods hatkufot ‫התקופות‬ 8108
the left (adj.) / the left handed (m.s.) hasmali ‫השמאלי‬ 8109
the cathedral hakatedrala ‫הקתדרלה‬ 8110
the difficult / the hard ( hakashot ‫הקשות‬ 8111
the steel haplada ‫הפלדה‬ 8112

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the popular (m.s.) hapopulari ‫הפופולרי‬ 8113
the character / the nature ha'ofi ‫האופי‬ 8114
the economic ( hakalkaliyim ‫הכלכליים‬ 8115
income hakhnasot ‫הכנסות‬ 8116
the casualties haharugim ‫ההרוגים‬ 8117
the public ( hatsiburiyim ‫הציבוריים‬ 8118
the low / the short ( hanemukhim ‫הנמוכים‬ 8119
the satisfaction / the complacence hanakhat ‫הנחת‬ 8120
the laying [of] / the Marine Corps member hanakhat
discoveries giluyim ‫גילויים‬ 8121
his body / his corpse gufato ‫גופתו‬ 8122
on boards / on the boards of belukhot ‫בלוחות‬ 8123
on the boards balukhot
in her years bishnoteha ‫בשנותיה‬ 8124
while they be'odam ‫בעודם‬ 8125
with/among soldiers bekhayalim ‫בחיילים‬ 8126
with/among the soldiers bakhayalim
[in] a visit / visiting bevikur ‫בביקור‬ 8127
[in] problems bebe'ayot ‫בבעיות‬ 8128
[in] the problems babe'ayot
heads rashim ‫ראשים‬ 8129
furniture rahitim ‫רהיטים‬ 8130
their equipment tsiyudam ‫ציודם‬ 8131
watch / observation tsfiya ‫צפייה‬ 8132
absorbed / blotted (m.s.) safag ‫ספג‬ 8133
phrased (m.s.) nisakh ‫ניסח‬ 8134
to the murder laretsakh ‫לרצח‬ 8135
to a murder leretsakh
regulations / rules / remedies takanot ‫תקנות‬ 8136
who were murdered shenirtsekhu ‫שנרצחו‬ 8137
channels arutsim ‫ערוצים‬ 8138
freedom kherut ‫חרות‬ 8139
the training hahakhshara ‫ההכשרה‬ 8140
scrapers of gordei ‫גורדי‬ 8141
from a Jew miyehudi ‫מיהודי‬ 8142
taxes of misei ‫מסי‬ 8143
my taxes misai
to/for tasks / to/for assignments / to/for
lemesimot ‫למשימות‬ 8144
to/for the tasks / to/for the assignments /
to/for the missions
to/for a regiment legdud ‫לגדוד‬ 8145
to/for the regiment lagdud
his deeds po'alo ‫פועלו‬ 8146

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ruin / destruction khurban ‫חורבן‬ 8147
the services / the toilets hasherutim ‫השירותים‬ 8148
the communities hakehilot ‫הקהילות‬ 8149
the gallows hagardom ‫הגרדום‬ 8150
the bulldozers of dakhporei ‫דחפורי‬ 8151
in events beme'ora'ot ‫במאורעות‬ 8152
in the events bame'ora'ot
in the events of bim'ora'ot
rocky sal'i ‫סלעי‬ 8153
precipitate / sediments mishka'im ‫משקעים‬ 8154
to/for a settlement / to settle leyishuv ‫ליישוב‬ 8155
to/for the settlement layishuv
for industry leta'asiya ‫לתעשייה‬ 8156
for the industry lata'asiya
shows / exhibitions ta'arukhot ‫תערוכות‬ 8157
the general ( haklaliyim ‫הכלליים‬ 8158
the heroism / the bravery hagvura ‫הגבורה‬ 8159
the protruding / that stand out ( haboltot ‫הבולטות‬ 8160
is brought (m.s.) muva ‫מובא‬ 8161
directs / adjusts / tunes (f.s.) mekhavenet ‫מכוונת‬ 8162
intentional / adjusted / tuned (f.s.) mekhuvenet
towers of migdelei ‫מגדלי‬ 8163
station takhana ‫תחנה‬ 8164
paths of shvilei ‫שבילי‬ 8165
in response kitguva ‫כתגובה‬ 8166
continuity hemshekhiyut ‫המשכיות‬ 8167
the chamber / the office halishka ‫הלשכה‬ 8168
demolition / destruction harisa ‫הריסה‬ 8169
in the news babsora ‫בבשורה‬ 8170
rabbis rabanim ‫רבנים‬ 8171
divided / split (f.s.) mekhuleket ‫מחולקת‬ 8172
to/for the theory late'orya ‫לתאוריה‬ 8173
to/for a theory lete'orya
for planning / for a design / for a layout /
for the planning of / for the design of / for letikhnun ‫לתכנון‬ 8174
the layout of
for the planning / for the design / for the
borrowed / took a loan (f.s.) lavta ‫לוותה‬ 8175
middle (m.s.) / median (m.s.) / high school
/ Mediterranean (sea)
tikhon ‫תיכון‬ 8176
Talmud / learning talmud ‫תלמוד‬ 8177
its residents toshaveha ‫תושביה‬ 8178
additions / supplements tosafot ‫תוספות‬ 8179

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configuration / formation tetsura ‫תצורה‬ 8180
that/who tells shamesaper ‫שמספר‬ 8181
that a number / that a few shemispar
that during it shebemahalakho ‫שבמהלכו‬ 8182
breaking / fragile (f.s.) shvira ‫שבירה‬ 8183
that was built (f.) shenivneta ‫שנבנתה‬ 8184
is called (m.s.) karui ‫קרוי‬ 8185
projects proyektim ‫פרויקטים‬ 8186
atomic atomi ‫אטומי‬ 8187
atoms of atomei
as a friend kekhaver ‫כחבר‬ 8188
the characteristic / that characterizes hame'afyen ‫המאפיין‬ 8189
the writer / the author hakotev ‫הכותב‬ 8190
expulsion / deportation gerush ‫גירוש‬ 8191
physical gufani ‫גופני‬ 8192
in/at a theater bete'atron ‫בתיאטרון‬ 8193
in/at the theater bate'atron
at the station of betakhanat ‫בתחנת‬ 8194
by a decade be'asor ‫בעשור‬ 8195
in the decade ba'asor
in what I said bidvarai ‫בדברי‬ 8196
in what [X] said bedivrei
sapphire sapir ‫ספיר‬ 8197
countable safir
complementary mashlim ‫משלים‬ 8198
proverbs / allegories meshalim
well established / well based / are based
on (
mevusasot ‫מבוססות‬ 8199
drying yibush ‫ייבוש‬ 8200
to a myth lemitos ‫למיתוס‬ 8201
to the myth lamitos
to/for going down / to/for coming down /
to/for a descent / to/for a decrease
leyerida ‫לירידה‬ 8202
to/for the going down / to/for the coming
down / to/for the descent / to/for the layerida
for examination livdika ‫לבדיקה‬ 8203
to/for the examination labdika
his function tifkudo ‫תפקודו‬ 8204
and places umekomot ‫ומקומות‬ 8205
and his daughter uvito ‫ובתו‬ 8206
the aforementioned shela'el ‫שלעיל‬ 8207
fundamental / deep rooted shorshi ‫שורשי‬ 8208
roots of shorshei

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my roots shorashai
that inverted / that converted / that
turned / that become / that transformed shehafkhu ‫שהפכו‬ 8209
psychologists psikhologim ‫פסיכולוגים‬ 8210
depth omek ‫עומק‬ 8211
divisions khalukot ‫חלוקות‬ 8212
atoms atomim ‫אטומים‬ 8213
sealed / opaque ( atumim
the weight / the scale hamishkal ‫המשקל‬ 8214
the roles / the duties / the capacities hatafkidim ‫התפקידים‬ 8215
lived / dwelt (m.s.) hitgorer ‫התגורר‬ 8216
the line hashura ‫השורה‬ 8217
that is tied / that is linked / that is
connected (f.s.)
hakshura ‫הקשורה‬ 8218
the prehistoric / the ancient / the primitive
hakadmon ‫הקדמון‬ 8219
the rich (m.s.) ha'ashir ‫העשיר‬ 8220
enriched (m.s.) he'eshir
the space hakhalal ‫החלל‬ 8221
the stage habama ‫הבמה‬ 8222
the fiction habidyoni ‫הבדיוני‬ 8223
the growth hatsmikha ‫הצמיחה‬ 8224
to its full (f.s.) bimlo'a ‫במלואה‬ 8225
[in] the medal of bemedalyat ‫במדליית‬ 8226
mid / middle / intermediate beinayim ‫ביניים‬ 8227
in the cells of beta'ei ‫בתאי‬ 8228
in my cell beta'i
in the neighborhood of bishkhunat ‫בשכונת‬ 8229
in the company of / in the society of bekhevrat ‫בחברת‬ 8230
municipality iriya ‫עירייה‬ 8231
circle / social group / course khug ‫חוג‬ 8232
concrete beton ‫בטון‬ 8233
to serve [as] / to hold office lekhahen ‫לכהן‬ 8234
Muslim (adj.) (f.s.) muslemit ‫מוסלמית‬ 8235
constant / fixed / regular / permanent
kvu'im ‫קבועים‬ 8236
the private (f.s.) hapratit ‫הפרטית‬ 8237
prayer of tfilat ‫תפילת‬ 8238
that an owner / that a husband sheba'al ‫שבעל‬ 8239
fills (m.s.) memale ‫ממלא‬ 8240
that/who worked she'avad ‫שעבד‬ 8241
include ( kolelot ‫כוללות‬ 8242
the writers of / the authors of kotvei ‫כותבי‬ 8243

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the methods hashitot ‫השיטות‬ 8244
the fame / the publication / the
advertisement / the advertising
hapirsum ‫הפרסום‬ 8245
on a plane / on a level / on the plane of /
on the level of
bemishor ‫במישור‬ 8246
on the plane / on the level bamishor
illumination / lightning te'ura ‫תאורה‬ 8247
donation of / contribution of trumat ‫תרומת‬ 8248
and led / and transported (m.s.) vehovil ‫והוביל‬ 8249
was broadcast (m.s.) shudar ‫שודר‬ 8250
external khitsoni ‫חיצוני‬ 8251
that/who appears / that/who performs
hamofi'a ‫המופיעה‬ 8252
the popular (f.s.) hapopularit ‫הפופולרית‬ 8253
the writing (n.) haktav ‫הכתב‬ 8254
the reporter hakatav
the basic ( habsisiyot ‫הבסיסיות‬ 8255
that is considered hanekhshav ‫הנחשב‬ 8256
in/with the medications / in/with the
batrufot ‫בתרופות‬ 8257
in/with medications / in/with drugs bitrufot
in chapters / in joints bifrakim ‫בפרקים‬ 8258
in the chapters / in the joints baprakim
their son bnam ‫בנם‬ 8259
capacity of / flow of / discharge of sfikat ‫ספיקת‬ 8260
patient / is taken care of (f.s.) metupelet ‫מטופלת‬ 8261
linguistic (pl.) leshoniyim ‫לשוניים‬ 8262
the producer / that/who produces hamefik ‫המפיק‬ 8263
the verbal / the literal hamiluli ‫המילולי‬ 8264
to crab / to cancer lesartan ‫לסרטן‬ 8265
to/for the crab / to/for the cancer lasartan
even / dual / for two zugi ‫זוגי‬ 8266
that exists / that takes place / that is held
hamitkayem ‫המתקיים‬ 8267
produced / yielded heniv ‫הניב‬ 8268
the idiom / the tusk haniv
techniques tekhnikot ‫טכניקות‬ 8269
that/who discovered shegila ‫שגילה‬ 8270
mistakes ta'uyot ‫טעויות‬ 8271
to/for branches / to/for fields le'anafim ‫לענפים‬ 8272
to/for the branches / to/for the fields la'anafim
pyramid piramida ‫פירמידה‬ 8273
space khalal ‫חלל‬ 8274
dimensions of memadei ‫ממדי‬ 8275
assists / helps (f.s.) mesaya'at ‫מסייעת‬ 8276

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ecologic ekologit ‫אקולוגית‬ 8277
that are used for ( hameshamshot ‫המשמשות‬ 8278
that contain ( hamekhilot ‫המכילות‬ 8279
falls apart / decomposed (m.s.) mitparek ‫מתפרק‬ 8280
goddess of elat ‫אלת‬ 8281
developmental hitpatkhutit ‫התפתחותית‬ 8282
need ( zkukim ‫זקוקים‬ 8283
that grow (m.s.) hagdelim ‫הגדלים‬ 8284
to/for kinds / to/for species / to/for
leminim ‫למינים‬ 8285
to/for the kinds / to/for the species /
to/for the genders
fires srefot ‫שריפות‬ 8286
for the preparation of lehakhanat ‫להכנת‬ 8287
optical optit ‫אופטית‬ 8288
dissolving hamasa ‫המסה‬ 8289
sands kholot ‫חולות‬ 8290
in/with a virus benagif ‫בנגיף‬ 8291
in/with the virus banagif
I asked / I borrowed sha'alti ‫שאלתי‬ 8292
from above mima'al ‫ממעל‬ 8293
jobs / positions misrot ‫משרות‬ 8294
marinades (n.) mishrot
I never / ever since me'odi ‫מעודי‬ 8295
my luck mazali ‫מזלי‬ 8296
from you ( mikem ‫מכם‬ 8297
my bed mitati ‫מטתי‬ 8298
to govern limshol ‫למשול‬ 8299
immediately / shortly tekhef ‫תיכף‬ 8300
occupied (m.s.) tafus ‫תפוש‬ 8301
and pretty / and good (m.s.) veyafe ‫ויפה‬ 8302
and pretty / and good (f.s.) veyafa
and says (m.s.) / and a saying (n.) ve'omer ‫ואֹ מר‬ 8303
and I will say ve'omar
and suddenly ufit'om ‫ופתאם‬ 8304
and out vekhuts ‫וחוץ‬ 8305
and I will put ve'asim ‫ואשים‬ 8306
and I will return ve'ashuv ‫ואשוב‬ 8307
and I will run ve'aruts ‫וארוץ‬ 8308
and I will laugh ve'etskhak ‫ואצחק‬ 8309
and we / and us ve'anakhnu ‫ואנחנו‬ 8310
diarrhea (pl.) / earthworms shilshulim ‫שלשולים‬ 8311
equals (m.s.) shave ‫שוה‬ 8312
dime / penny pruta ‫פרוטה‬ 8313

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sting okets (n.) ‫עוקץ‬ 8314
stings (m.s.) okets (v.)
flew (f.s.) afa ‫עפה‬ 8315
sides avarim ‫עברים‬ 8316
Hebrew people ivrim
piece khatikha ‫חתיכה‬ 8317
wires khutim ‫חוטים‬ 8318
I felt / I rushed khashti ‫חשתי‬ 8319
back / backward / rear akhor ‫אחור‬ 8320
I will say agid ‫אגיד‬ 8321
quietly kheresh ‫חרש‬ 8322
deaf kheresh
I wrote katavti ‫כתבתי‬ 8323
this one halaz ‫הלז‬ 8324
the matters ha'inyanim ‫הענינים‬ 8325
the caterpillar hazakhal ‫הזחל‬ 8326
the aphids haknimot ‫הכנימות‬ 8327
decent / honest (f.s.) haguna ‫הגונה‬ 8328
the waste land habata ‫הבתה‬ 8329
the plowed field hanir ‫הניר‬ 8330
I think domani ‫דומני‬ 8331
[by] jumping bikfitsa ‫בקפיצה‬ 8332
in the grass / in the weed ba'esev ‫בעשב‬ 8333
in my palm / in my spoon bekhapi ‫בכפי‬ 8334
[with] your soul / at the risk of your life
(something very important) (m.s.)
benafshekha ‫בנפשך‬ 8335
[with] your soul / at the risk of your life
(something very important) (f.s.)
calmly / peacefully benakhat ‫בנחת‬ 8336
was left (m.s.) ne'ezav ‫נעזב‬ 8337
moaned (f.s.) ne'enkha ‫נאנחה‬ 8338
I approached nigashti ‫נגשתי‬ 8339
from the mouth of / from my mouth mipi ‫מפי‬ 8340
from a palm / from the palm of / from a
mikaf ‫מכף‬ 8341
stocks menayot ‫מניות‬ 8342
to cry livkot ‫לבכות‬ 8343
pleasure ta'anug ‫תענוג‬ 8344
and the forest vehaya'ar ‫והיער‬ 8345
policeman shoter ‫שוטר‬ 8346
lie sheker ‫שקר‬ 8347
that is/are on us / that is/are about us
she'alenu ‫שעלינו‬ 8348
that we went up / that we climbed she'alinu

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terrible / horrible (f.s.) ayuma ‫איומה‬ 8349
bridegroom / laureate khatan ‫חתן‬ 8350
was hospitalized (m.s.) ushpaz ‫אושפז‬ 8351
as I usually do kedarki ‫כדרכי‬ 8352
the cellar / the basement hamartef ‫המרתף‬ 8353
you were (m.p.) hayitem ‫הייתם‬ 8354
the child / the girl hayalda ‫הילדה‬ 8355
forth halokh ‫הלוך‬ 8356
the dust ha'avak ‫האבק‬ 8357
explained (f.s.) hisbira ‫הסבירה‬ 8358
the reasonable / the likely (f.s.) hasavira
gentile / nation goi ‫גוי‬ 8359
in a nest beken ‫בקן‬ 8360
in the nest baken
steps of tsa'adei ‫צעדי‬ 8361
wonderful nifla ‫נפלא‬ 8362
wonderful nehedar ‫נהדר‬ 8363
of hunger mera'av ‫מרעב‬ 8364
will be allowed yurshe ‫יורשה‬ 8365
in front of le'einei ‫לעיני‬ 8366
to my eye le'eini
resident toshav ‫תושב‬ 8367
you will do / she will do ta'ase ‫תעשה‬ 8368
and to ask / and to request ulvakesh ‫ולבקש‬ 8369
rose vered ‫ורד‬ 8370
do ( osot ‫עושות‬ 8371
after them (f.) akhrehen ‫אחריהן‬ 8372
painful ko'ev ‫כואב‬ 8373
the classification / the categorization hamiyun ‫המיון‬ 8374
that/who knows hayode'a ‫היודע‬ 8375
the guarding / the protection hashmira ‫השמירה‬ 8376
the dummy / the stupid / the cocoon hagolem ‫הגולם‬ 8377
the virgin habtula ‫הבתולה‬ 8378
at rest bimnukha ‫במנוחה‬ 8379
in nights beleilot ‫בלילות‬ 8380
in the nights / at night baleilot
in his voice bekolo ‫בקולו‬ 8381
bad ( ra'ot ‫רעות‬ 8382
friendship re'ut
ready / prepared / willing ( mukhanot ‫מוכנות‬ 8383
from the place mehamakom ‫מהמקום‬ 8384
from the world meha'olam ‫מהעולם‬ 8385
knew (f.s.) yad'a ‫ידעה‬ 8386

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to leave lehotir ‫להותיר‬ 8387
to laugh litskhok ‫לצחוק‬ 8388
and down vamata ‫ומטה‬ 8389
and tilts / and diverts (m.s.) / and a stick umate
and a bed vemita
and night velaila ‫ולילה‬ 8390
and everybody vekulam ‫וכולם‬ 8391
and because uviglal ‫ובגלל‬ 8392
glad / happy (m.s.) same'akh ‫שמח‬ 8393
was glad / was happy (m.s.) samakh
nests kinim ‫קנים‬ 8394
think ( khoshvim ‫חושבים‬ 8395
holds (m.s.) okhez ‫אוחז‬ 8396
cabbage / angel kruv ‫כרוב‬ 8397
the deceased / the dead (m.s.) hamet ‫המת‬ 8398
the article / the saying ha'ma'amar ‫המאמר‬ 8399
the instrument / the tool hamakhshir ‫המכשיר‬ 8400
the sitting / that sits hayoshev ‫היושב‬ 8401
beat / hit hika ‫היכה‬ 8402
since / was willing (m.s.) ho'il ‫הואיל‬ 8403
the foreign / the stranger (m.s.) hazar ‫הזר‬ 8404
lifted (pl.) herimu ‫הרימו‬ 8405
proposed / suggested / offered (f.s.) hetsi'a ‫הציעה‬ 8406
moved (m.s.) heni'a ‫הניע‬ 8407
angrily beza'am ‫בזעם‬ 8408
told / cut (hair) (f.s.) sipra ‫סיפרה‬ 8409
her book / digit sifra
just / casual / simple stam ‫סתם‬ 8410
blocked / plugged (m.s.) satam
batteries solelot (n.) ‫סוללות‬ 8411
pave ( solelot (v.)
crook nokhel ‫נוכל‬ 8412
we will be able nukhal
stayed / remained (f.s.) nish'ara ‫נשארה‬ 8413
clever / intelligent navon ‫נבון‬ 8414
his appointment minuyo ‫מינויו‬ 8415
out of them / from inside them (f.) mitokhan ‫מתוכן‬ 8416
economy / farm meshek ‫משק‬ 8417
noise mashak
coins matbe'ot ‫מטבעות‬ 8418
will return yashuv ‫ישוב‬ 8419
into him/it letokho ‫לתוכו‬ 8420
[to] a line letor ‫לתור‬ 8421

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[to] the line lator
to explore / to tour / to inquire latur
to the friends of / to the members of lekhavrei ‫לחברי‬ 8422
to approach / to get close lehitkarev ‫להתקרב‬ 8423
to commit suicide lehit'abed ‫להתאבד‬ 8424
to see him/it (m.s.) lir'oto ‫לראותו‬ 8425
answer / reply / return / repentance tshuva ‫תשובה‬ 8426
and now ve'ata ‫ועתה‬ 8427
and soon ubimhera ‫ובמהרה‬ 8428
and asked / and requested (pl.) uvikeshu ‫וביקשו‬ 8429
in/at the same (m.s.) uve'oto ‫ובאותו‬ 8430
that happens / that occurs shekore ‫שקורה‬ 8431
that a beam shekora
his release shikhruro ‫שחרורו‬ 8432
remnant / survivor (m.s.) sarid ‫שריד‬ 8433
rule / power srara ‫שררה‬ 8434
annual / my sleep shnati ‫שנתי‬ 8435
parliamentary (f.s.) parlamentarit ‫פרלמנטרית‬ 8436
Ashkenazi (Jew from Europe) ashkenazi ‫אשכנזי‬ 8437
as in the past / as previously keba'avar ‫כבעבר‬ 8438
his wings knafav ‫כנפיו‬ 8439
the Maccabees hamakabim ‫המכבים‬ 8440
the fight hameriva ‫המריבה‬ 8441
the light blue hatkhelet ‫התכלת‬ 8442
overcame (f.s.) hitgabra ‫התגברה‬ 8443
the prostate ha'armonit (n.) ‫הערמונית‬ 8444
the dark brown / the auborn ha'armonit (v.)
the nuclear (f.s.) hagar'init ‫הגרעינית‬ 8445
the net hareshet ‫הרשת‬ 8446
reported (pl.) divkhu ‫דיווחו‬ 8447
requirements / demands drishot ‫דרישות‬ 8448
in the council of bemo'etset ‫במועצת‬ 8449
by a little bim'at ‫במעט‬ 8450
in his role / in his duty / in his capacity betafkido ‫בתפקידו‬ 8451
protruding / stand out ( boltot ‫בולטות‬ 8452
in the muscles bashririm ‫בשרירים‬ 8453
[with] muscles beshririm
themselves / personally ( be'atsmam ‫בעצמם‬ 8454
in the palm of / with a spoon bekhaf ‫בכף‬ 8455
in the palm / with the spoon bakaf
in a trunk / in a race begeza ‫בגזע‬ 8456
in the trunk / in the race bageza
in performance / in the performance of bevitsu'a ‫בביצוע‬ 8457

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as it increased / as the number grows birvot ‫ברבות‬ 8458
with steps bits'adim ‫בצעדים‬ 8459
evidence re'aya ‫ראיה‬ 8460
shadows tslalim ‫צללים‬ 8461
met (pl.) nifgeshu ‫נפגשו‬ 8462
his speech ne'umo ‫נאומו‬ 8463
are seen / look ( nir'im ‫נראים‬ 8464
is discovered (m.s.) mitgale ‫מתגלה‬ 8465
pull / attraction / withdrawal / gravity meshikha ‫משיכה‬ 8466
from the players of / from the actors of misakhkanei ‫משחקני‬ 8467
from a field misade ‫משדה‬ 8468
from a field of misde
recognize / familiar with ( mekirot ‫מכירות‬ 8469
sales mekhirot
from the kitchen mehamitbakh ‫מהמטבח‬ 8470
selection mivkhar ‫מבחר‬ 8471
dangerous mesukan ‫מסוכן‬ 8472
agree ( maskimim ‫מסכימים‬ 8473
from mini ‫מני‬ 8474
his hands yadav ‫ידיו‬ 8475
to realize lemamesh ‫לממש‬ 8476
to/for his family lemishpakhto ‫למשפחתו‬ 8477
in case lemikre ‫למקרה‬ 8478
for the case lamikre
to/for the players / to/for the actors lasakhkanim ‫לשחקנים‬ 8479
to/for players / to/for actors lesakhkanim
for the years lashanim ‫לשנים‬ 8480
for years leshanim
to the opening of liftikhat ‫לפתיחת‬ 8481
for digestion la'ikul ‫לעיכול‬ 8482
to the enemy la'oyev ‫לאויב‬ 8483
to an enemy le'oyev
for a constitution lekhuka ‫לחוקה‬ 8484
for the constitution lakhuka
to renew lekhadesh ‫לחדש‬ 8485
to confront lehit'amet ‫להתעמת‬ 8486
to ignore lehit'alem ‫להתעלם‬ 8487
to be performed / to be executed lehitbatse'a ‫להתבצע‬ 8488
to remind lehazkir ‫להזכיר‬ 8489
to live / to dwell ladur ‫לדור‬ 8490
to/for a trunk / to/for a race legeza ‫לגזע‬ 8491
to/for the trunk / to/for the race lageza
wore ( lavshu ‫לבשו‬ 8492

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to a well le'be'er ‫לבאר‬ 8493
to the well la'be'er
to the height of / to the level of leramat ‫לרמת‬ 8494
for necessities / for needs letsrakhim ‫לצרכים‬ 8495
to/for/as a deputy lesgan ‫לסגן‬ 8496
to/for/as the deputy lasgan
of management / for the management of lenihul ‫לניהול‬ 8497
to drive / to lead / to do something on a
regular basis
linhog ‫לנהוג‬ 8498
bag / case / file / portfolio tik ‫תיק‬ 8499
and from a heart / and from the heart of umilev ‫ומלב‬ 8500
and a regime umishtar ‫ומשטר‬ 8501
and tries (m.s.) umenase ‫ומנסה‬ 8502
and the next day ulemokhorat ‫ולמחרת‬ 8503
and an island / and non -- ve'i ‫ואי‬ 8504
and rights / and privileges vezkhuyot ‫וזכויות‬ 8505
and walks / and goes (f.s.) veholekhet ‫והולכת‬ 8506
and brought (f.s.) vehevi'a ‫והביאה‬ 8507
led by ( uvroshan ‫ובראשן‬ 8508
and an end vesof ‫וסוף‬ 8509
that/who found (m.s.) shematsa ‫שמצא‬ 8510
which number is shemisparo ‫שמספרו‬ 8511
that from his book shemisifro
bushes sikhim ‫שיחים‬ 8512
conversations sikhot ‫שיחות‬ 8513
conversation sikha ‫שיחה‬ 8514
that for/to all shelekhol ‫שלכל‬ 8515
that for/to everything / that for/to
everyone / that for/to anyone
that/who might (m.s.) she'alul ‫שעלול‬ 8516
that a people she'am ‫שעם‬ 8517
that with she'im
that/who led / that/who transported (f.s.) shehovila ‫שהובילה‬ 8518
that/who is coming / that/who came (f.s.) sheba'a ‫שבאה‬ 8519
that were eaten shene'ekhlu ‫שנאכלו‬ 8520
bowls ke'arot ‫קערות‬ 8521
retirement prisha ‫פרישה‬ 8522
professor profesor ‫פרופסור‬ 8523
retired (pl.) parshu ‫פרשו‬ 8524
explained / interpreted (pl.) pershu
assistants ozrim (n.) ‫עוזרים‬ 8525
help / assist ( ozrim (v.)
pass / cross / go through ( ovrot ‫עוברות‬ 8526
felony / offense / crime avera ‫עבירה‬ 8527

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edited / arranged (m.s.) arukh ‫ערוך‬ 8528
awake (m.s.) er ‫ער‬ 8529
singer (f.s.) zameret ‫זמרת‬ 8530
if not ilmale ‫אלמלא‬ 8531
flute khalil ‫חליל‬ 8532
rat khulda ‫חולדה‬ 8533
brother / nurse (m.) akh ‫אח‬ 8534
missing khaserim ‫חסרים‬ 8535
churches knesiyot ‫כנסיות‬ 8536
the trials / the sentences hamishpatim ‫המשפטים‬ 8537
the turn / the change hamifne ‫המפנה‬ 8538
the regional / the district (adj.) hamekhozi ‫המחוזי‬ 8539
the sale hamekhira ‫המכירה‬ 8540
the colleges hamikhlalot ‫המכללות‬ 8541
the field / the yard hamigrash ‫המגרש‬ 8542
proved / demonstrated (m.s.) hokhi'akh ‫הוכיח‬ 8543
the hits / the impacts / the damages / the
hapgi'ot ‫הפגיעות‬ 8544
the load / the burden ha'omes ‫העומס‬ 8545
the facts ha'uvdot ‫העובדות‬ 8546
the workers (f.) ha'ovdot
that is made of / that/who might ha'asui ‫העשוי‬ 8547
the singer (f.s.) hazameret ‫הזמרת‬ 8548
the genius haga'on ‫הגאון‬ 8549
the bright / the fair habahir ‫הבהיר‬ 8550
the creation habri'a ‫הבריאה‬ 8551
the authorities harashuyot ‫הרשויות‬ 8552
the remaining ( hanotarim ‫הנותרים‬ 8553
led hinhig ‫הנהיג‬ 8554
hill giv'a ‫גבעה‬ 8555
in an institute bemakhon ‫במכון‬ 8556
in the institute bamakhon
efficiently biy'ilut ‫ביעילות‬ 8557
in the conversation / in the bush basi'akh ‫בשיח‬ 8558
in a conversation / in a bush besi'akh
in the neighborhoods bashkhunot ‫בשכונות‬ 8559
in neighborhoods beshkhunot
edited by be'arikhat ‫בעריכת‬ 8560
in an event be'eru'a ‫באירוע‬ 8561
in the event ba'eru'a
in the operation of / in the activation of behaf'alat ‫בהפעלת‬ 8562
in the discussion badiyun ‫בדיון‬ 8563
in discussion bediyun

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at/in his size begodlo ‫בגודלו‬ 8564
[in] a cup / [in] a grail begavi'a ‫בגביע‬ 8565
choice brera ‫ברירה‬ 8566
certain / sure / obvious bari ‫ברי‬ 8567
in his possession / with his permission birshuto ‫ברשותו‬ 8568
in colors bitsva'im ‫בצבעים‬ 8569
acquisition / purchase rekhisha ‫רכישה‬ 8570
his side tsido ‫צדו‬ 8571
lateral / secondary (m.s.) tsdadi ‫צדדי‬ 8572
story sipur ‫ספור‬ 8573
is counted (m.s.) safur
surroundings svivot ‫סביבות‬ 8574
around them svivam ‫סביבם‬ 8575
was hit / was damaged / was offended
nifga ‫נפגע‬ 8576
was rejected / was postponed (f.s.) nidkhata ‫נדחתה‬ 8577
lacking / without netul ‫נטול‬ 8578
to/ for artists le'omanim ‫לאומנים‬ 8579
to/for the artists la'omanim
and in/to the west uvama'arav ‫ובמערב‬ 8580
reserve / backlog atuda ‫עתודה‬ 8581
uprooted / displaced ( akurim ‫עקורים‬ 8582
acute akuti ‫אקּוטי‬
ִ 8583
the salvation hayeshu'a ‫הישועה‬ 8584
the reserve / the backlog ha'atuda ‫העתודה‬ 8585
the cutting in half / the crossing hakhatsiya ‫החצייה‬ 8586
the forbidden / the imprisoned (f.s.) ha'asura ‫האסורה‬ 8587
bridges of gishrei ‫גשרי‬ 8588
attacks mitkafot ‫מתקפות‬ 8589
to/for rebels lemordim ‫למורדים‬ 8590
to/for the rebels lamordim
to/for the ambassador lashagrir ‫לשגריר‬ 8591
to/for an ambassador leshagrir
reinforcement / contingent tigborot ‫תגבורות‬ 8592
and soldiers vekhayalim ‫וחיילים‬ 8593
plants of shtilei ‫שתילי‬ 8594
artillery (adj.) artilerit ‫ארטילרית‬ 8595
their powers / their forces / their
kokhotehem ‫כוחותיהם‬ 8596
the imaginary / the simulated hamedume ‫המדומה‬ 8597
the defeat hatvusa ‫התבוסה‬ 8598
watering hashkaya ‫השקיה‬ 8599
the fairy tales / the legends ha'agadot ‫האגדות‬ 8600
the seniors habkhirim (n.) ‫הבכירים‬ 8601

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the senior ( habkhirim (adj.)
merchants / dealers / sellers sokharim ‫סוחרים‬ 8602
combined (f.s.) meshulevet ‫משולבת‬ 8603
from the army mehatsava ‫מהצבא‬ 8604
excellent / noted metsuyenet ‫מצוינת‬ 8605
natives yelidim ‫ילידים‬ 8606
to a conflict lesikhsukh ‫לסכסוך‬ 8607
to the conflict lasikhsukh
kilometer kilometer ‫קילומטר‬ 8608
victim korban ‫קורבן‬ 8609
fascist (f.s.) fashistit ‫פשיסטית‬ 8610
supposed ( amurim ‫אמורים‬ 8611
cut in half / crossed (pl.) khatsu ‫חצו‬ 8612
Islam islam ‫אסלאם‬ 8613
the advanced / the progressive / the
hamitkadmim ‫המתקדמים‬ 8614
the lines hakavim ‫הקווים‬ 8615
held (f.s.) hekhezika ‫החזיקה‬ 8616
the attacks hahatkafot ‫ההתקפות‬ 8617
the intervention / the interference / the
hahit'arvut ‫ההתערבות‬ 8618
his leadership hanhagato ‫הנהגתו‬ 8619
its capital birato ‫בירתו‬ 8620
at the stages of / in the phases of / on the
rungs of
bishlabei ‫בשלבי‬ 8621
parachuters tsankhanim ‫צנחנים‬ 8622
conflict sikhsukh ‫סכסוך‬ 8623
was sent (f.s.) nishlekha ‫נשלחה‬ 8624
protected / shielded ( memuganim ‫ממוגנים‬ 8625
rebels ( mordot ‫מורדות‬ 8626
slopes moradot
lifted / being waved munaf ‫מונף‬ 8627
armored ( meshuryanim ‫משוריינים‬ 8628
plays / shows makhazot ‫מחזות‬ 8629
from the island meha'i ‫מהאי‬ 8630
document mismakh ‫מסמך‬ 8631
rival / opponent / enemy (m.s.) yariv ‫יריב‬ 8632
to pass / to bypass la'akof ‫לעקוף‬ 8633
for strengthening lekhizuk ‫לחיזוק‬ 8634
to surrender lehikana ‫להיכנע‬ 8635
to rescue / to save lehatsil ‫להציל‬ 8636
and citizens ve'ezrakhim ‫ואזרחים‬ 8637
and the soldiers vehakhayalim ‫והחיילים‬ 8638
and at/in a number uvmispar ‫ובמספר‬ 8639

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and at/in the number uvamispar
and weapon veneshek ‫ונשק‬ 8640
and kissed (m.s.) venashak
that nowadays shekayom ‫שכיום‬ 8641
that/who established (pl.) shehekimu ‫שהקימו‬ 8642
kilogram kilogram ‫קילוגרם‬ 8643
holy ( kdoshim ‫קדושים‬ 8644
adopted (pl.) imtsu ‫אימצו‬ 8645
renewed / innovated (m.s.) khidesh ‫חידש‬ 8646
rage / fury / anger za'am (n.) ‫זעם‬ 8647
was angry / was furious (m.s.) za'am (v.)
strategies estrategyot ‫אסטרטגיות‬ 8648
the volunteers hamitnadvim ‫המתנדבים‬ 8649
the complex / the assembled ( hamurkavim ‫המורכבים‬ 8650
the delegation hamishlakhat ‫המשלחת‬ 8651
attacked (pl.) hitkifu ‫התקיפו‬ 8652
the ambassador hashagrir ‫השגריר‬ 8653
the freedom hakherut ‫החירות‬ 8654
the occupied (f.s.) hakvusha ‫הכבושה‬ 8655
the borders / the limits hagvulot ‫הגבולות‬ 8656
adventures harpatka'ot ‫הרפתקאות‬ 8657
the main ( harashiyot ‫הראשיות‬ 8658
poor (f.s.) dala (adj.) ‫דלה‬ 8659
took out (m.s.) dala (v.)
their arrival bo'am ‫בואם‬ 8660
with/in the change bashinui ‫בשינוי‬ 8661
with/in a change beshinui
[with/in] a soul benefesh ‫בנפש‬ 8662
[with/in] the soul banefesh
their spirit rukham ‫רוחם‬ 8663
nets reshatot ‫רשתות‬ 8664
ship of sfinat ‫ספינת‬ 8665
work of / craft of melekhet ‫מלאכת‬ 8666
rod / pole / bar mot ‫מוט‬ 8667
armored (m.s.) meshuryan ‫משוריין‬ 8668
from a god me'el ‫מאל‬ 8669
organized me'urgan ‫מאורגן‬ 8670
native yalid ‫יליד‬ 8671
old (object) [atik] yomin ‫יומין‬ 8672
to protest / to wipe limkhot ‫למחות‬ 8673
to function letafked ‫לתפקד‬ 8674
to/for the work of / for the worship of le'avodat ‫לעבודת‬ 8675
to a decision lehakhlata ‫להחלטה‬ 8676

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to the decision lahakhlata
coordination te'um ‫תיאום‬ 8677
exercises of / drills of / maneuvers of targilei ‫תרגילי‬ 8678
and the revolution of / and the conversion
of / and the turning of / and the inversion vehafikhat ‫והפיכת‬ 8679
and the rich ( veha'ashirim ‫והעשירים‬ 8680
the is outside of shemikhuts ‫שמחוץ‬ 8681
that subsequently / that later on sheleyamim ‫שלימים‬ 8682
that/who acted / that/who operated (f.s.) shepa'ala ‫שפעלה‬ 8683
which length is she'orko ‫שאורכו‬ 8684
that was led / that was introduced (a
system, a procedure etc.)
shehunhaga ‫שהונהגה‬ 8685
that was given (f.s.) shenitna ‫שניתנה‬ 8686
was reduced (f.s.) pakhata ‫פחתה‬ 8687
published / advertised (pl.) pirsemu ‫פרסמו‬ 8688
immanence pnimiyut ‫פנימיות‬ 8689
internal ( pnimiyot
upper / superior (f.s.) elyona ‫עליונה‬ 8690
matters of inyanei ‫ענייני‬ 8691
my concern inyani
innocent / pure ( khapim ‫חפים‬ 8692
enabled / facilitated (pl.) ifsheru ‫אפשרו‬ 8693
his intention / he means kavanato ‫כוונתו‬ 8694
the governments hamemshalot ‫הממשלות‬ 8695
the bay hamifrats ‫המפרץ‬ 8696
the armed (m.s.) hamezuyan ‫המזוין‬ 8697
checks (n.) hamkha'ot ‫המחאות‬ 8698
the protests hamekha'ot
the only (m.s.) hayekhidi ‫היחידי‬ 8699
the hopes hatikvot ‫התקוות‬ 8700
were served hugshu ‫הוגשו‬ 8701
the fields hasadot ‫השדות‬ 8702
the balance ha'izun ‫האיזון‬ 8703
the farmer (m.s.) hakhaklai ‫החקלאי‬ 8704
the agricultural (m.s.) hakhakla'i
that are required (m.) hadrushim ‫הדרושים‬ 8705
widened / broadened hirkhiv ‫הרחיב‬ 8706
his proposal / his suggestion / his offer hatsa'ato ‫הצעתו‬ 8707
the symbol hasemel ‫הסמל‬ 8708
the sergeant hasamal
in his turn betoro ‫בתורו‬ 8709
in the chain / with the necklace basharsheret ‫בשרשרת‬ 8710
in a chain / with/on a necklace besharsheret

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[in] rights / [in] privileges bizkhuyot ‫בזכויות‬ 8711
[in] the rights / [in] the privileges bazkhuyot
within his power bekokho ‫בכוחו‬ 8712
in a church bikhnesiya ‫בכנסייה‬ 8713
in the church / in church baknesiya
at points binkudot ‫בנקודות‬ 8714
at the points banekudot
continuous ( retsufim ‫רצופים‬ 8715
public ( tsiburiyot ‫ציבוריות‬ 8716
public affairs tsiburiyut
were carried / got married / were married
nis'u ‫נישאו‬ 8717
were watched / were observed / were
anticipated (m.s.)
nitspu ‫נצפו‬ 8718
of the state / official mamlakhtit ‫ממלכתית‬ 8719
defended / protected ( muganim ‫מוגנים‬ 8720
planes / surfaces / platforms mishtakhim ‫משטחים‬ 8721
receives / accepts (f.s.) mekabelet ‫מקבלת‬ 8722
from the forces of mekheil ‫מחיל‬ 8723
from success mekhail
hit of / stroke of / blow of makat ‫מכת‬ 8724
car mekhonit ‫מכונית‬ 8725
names / calls (m.s.) mekhane (v.) ‫מכנה‬ 8726
denominator mekhane (n.)
goes down / comes down / descends /
decreases (f.s.)
yoredet ‫יורדת‬ 8727
for sicknesses / for illnesses lemakhalot ‫למחלות‬ 8728
for the sicknesses / for the illnesses lamakhalot
to/for an underground lemakhteret ‫למחתרת‬ 8729
to/for the underground lamakhteret
to intake / to receive / to grasp liklot ‫לקלוט‬ 8730
to supervise / to inspect lefake'akh ‫לפקח‬ 8731
to explain / to interpret lefaresh ‫לפרש‬ 8732
to fire le'esh ‫לאש‬ 8733
to the fire la'esh
to be [at] / to be found / to be discovered
/ to be [at]
lehimatse ‫להימצא‬ 8734
to invest lehashki'a ‫להשקיע‬ 8735
to distribute lehafits ‫להפיץ‬ 8736
to light / to ignite lehatsit ‫להצית‬ 8737
to/for a religion ledat ‫לדת‬ 8738
to/for the religion ladat
to purify letaher ‫לטהר‬ 8739
corrections / repairs tikunim ‫תיקונים‬ 8740

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and from him umimenu ‫וממנו‬ 8741
and children viyladim ‫וילדים‬ 8742
and the materials of vekhomrei ‫וחומרי‬ 8743
and the battle vehakrav ‫והקרב‬ 8744
and the coming / and the approaching vehakarev
and required / and demanded / and
preached (m.s.)
vedarash ‫ודרש‬ 8745
and in parallel / the simultaneously uvemakbil ‫ובמקביל‬ 8746
and tried (pl.) venisu ‫וניסו‬ 8747
that/who originated from ( shemotsa'am ‫שמוצאם‬ 8748
that/who originated from ( shemekoram ‫שמקורם‬ 8749
teeth shinayim ‫שיניים‬ 8750
that were performed shebuts'u ‫שבוצעו‬ 8751
that/who claimed / that/who argued
sheta'an ‫שטען‬ 8752
wall kir ‫קיר‬ 8753
openings / apertures ptakhim ‫פתחים‬ 8754
freedom kherut ‫חירות‬ 8755
atmosphere / ambiance avira ‫אווירה‬ 8756
amateurs khovevim (n.) ‫חובבים‬ 8757
like ( khovevim (v.)
cruel (f.s.) akhzarit ‫אכזרית‬ 8758
clay kheres ‫חרס‬ 8759
the magazine hamagazin ‫המגזין‬ 8760
dealt with / confronted (m.s.) hitmoded ‫התמודד‬ 8761
focused (m.s.) hitmaked ‫התמקד‬ 8762
outburst / eruption / revolt / outbreak hitpartsut ‫התפרצות‬ 8763
united ( hit'akhadu ‫התאחדו‬ 8764
became established / settled down / were
based on (pl.)
hitbasesu ‫התבססו‬ 8765
were beaten huku ‫הוכו‬ 8766
that/which belongs / that is relevant hashayakh ‫השייך‬ 8767
simplification / abstraction / undressing hafshata ‫הפשטה‬ 8768
the deep ha'amok ‫העמוק‬ 8769
the municipal / the urban (f.s.) ha'ironit ‫העירונית‬ 8770
the free ( hakhofshiyim ‫החופשיים‬ 8771
the objects hakhafatsim ‫החפצים‬ 8772
the palace / the temple haheykhal ‫ההיכל‬ 8773
the assessment / the estimation / the
appreciation / the credit
haha'arakha ‫ההערכה‬ 8774
definitions hagdarot ‫הגדרות‬ 8775
the fences hagderot
the firstborn (f.) habekhora ‫הבכורה‬ 8776
understanding havana ‫הבנה‬ 8777

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the temperatures hatemperaturot ‫הטמפרטורות‬ 8778
flags dgalim ‫דגלים‬ 8779
degrees / levels / grades / ranks dargot ‫דרגות‬ 8780
in the headquarters of bemifkedet ‫במפקדת‬ 8781
in a sector bemigzar ‫במגזר‬ 8782
in the sector bamigzar
within the power of biyekholet ‫ביכולת‬ 8783
in the formations / in the creations / in the
works of art / in the compositions
biyetsirot ‫ביצירות‬ 8784
in works of art / in the compositions bayetsirot
[at] a diameter of bekoter ‫בקוטר‬ 8785
[at] the diameter bakoter
in politics bapolitica ‫בפוליטיקה‬ 8786
in the ocean ba'okyanus ‫באוקיינוס‬ 8787
in an ocean be'okyanus
around here banimtsa ‫בנמצא‬ 8788
technical tekhniyim ‫טכניים‬ 8789
expected / anticipated ( tsfuyim ‫צפויים‬ 8790
watched / observed / anticipated (pl.) tsafu ‫צפו‬ 8791
styles signonot ‫סגנונות‬ 8792
lasts / is pulled / is attracted / is
withdrawn (f.s.)
nimshekhet ‫נמשכת‬ 8793
were born noldu ‫נולדו‬ 8794
were robbed nishdedu ‫נשדדו‬ 8795
were determined / were fixed / was set nikbe'u ‫נקבעו‬ 8796
withdrawal of / retreat of nesigat ‫נסיגת‬ 8797
mine laying mikush ‫מיקוש‬ 8798
mentioned (f.s.) muzkeret ‫מוזכרת‬ 8799
to the boulevards lasderot ‫לשדרות‬ 8800
to boulevards / to the boulevard of lesderot
to the boulevard lasdera ‫לשדרה‬ 8801
to a boulevard lesdera
and the agency / and the [Jewish] Agency vehasokhnut ‫והסוכנות‬ 8802
clay khemar ‫חימר‬ 8803
announcer / manifest karoz ‫כרוז‬ 8804
the shipments / the deliveries hamishlokhim ‫המשלוחים‬ 8805
the command [chain] hapikudiyut ‫הפיקודיות‬ 8806
the freedom hakherut ‫החרות‬ 8807
the ultra-orthodox (m.s.) hakharedi ‫החרדי‬ 8808
the training of / the qualification of hakhsharat ‫הכשרת‬ 8809
the secret police haboleshet (n.) ‫הבולשת‬ 8810
that/who spies (f.s.) haboleshet (v.)
the banker (f.) habanka'it ‫הבנקאית‬ 8811
the banker / the bank habanka'it (adj.)

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[on] a cliff bematsok ‫במצוק‬ 8812
[on] the cliff bamatsok
barricades barikadot ‫בריקדות‬ 8813
headquarters mifkada ‫מפקדה‬ 8814
will build (m.s.) yivne ‫יבנה‬ 8815
and roles / and duties / and capacities vetafkidim ‫ותפקידים‬ 8816
soils / grounds / lands karka'ot ‫קרקעות‬ 8817
our people amenu ‫עמנו‬ 8818
with us imanu
the independent (m.s.) ha'atsma'i ‫העצמאי‬ 8819
the bronze habronza ‫הברונזה‬ 8820
survived (m.s.) sarad ‫שרד‬ 8821
the leaders / the transporters (f.) hamovilot (n.) ‫המובילות‬ 8822
that/who lead / that/who transport ( hamovilot (v.)
the drainage hanikuz ‫הניקוז‬ 8823
initiated by beyozmat ‫ביוזמת‬ 8824
in the valley of bevik'at ‫בבקעת‬ 8825
most of it berubo ‫ברובו‬ 8826
various / diverse ( meguvanim ‫מגוונים‬ 8827
to/for his/its existence / to/for its holding
/ to/for its fulfillment
lekiyumo ‫לקיומו‬ 8828
for the removal [of] / for the dismissal [of] lesiluk ‫לסילוק‬ 8829
documentation ti'ud ‫תיעוד‬ 8830
configuration of / formation of tetsurat ‫תצורת‬ 8831
and sometimes velif'amim ‫ולפעמים‬ 8832
their name shmam ‫שמם‬ 8833
that in the same / that at the same (f.s.) shebe'ota ‫שבאותה‬ 8834
his holiness kdushato ‫קדושתו‬ 8835
ways of / wheels of / bicycle of ofanei ‫אופני‬ 8836
hot (taste) / severe ( kharifim ‫חריפים‬ 8837
bowed / bent / subordinate (f.s.) kfufa ‫כפופה‬ 8838
properly kahalakha ‫כהלכה‬ 8839
the original ( hamekoriyim ‫המקוריים‬ 8840
the floors hakomot ‫הקומות‬ 8841
the religions hadatot ‫הדתות‬ 8842
the lonely / the single / the few ( habodedim ‫הבודדים‬ 8843
are counted / few ( sfurot ‫ספורות‬ 8844
spores sporot
were planted nit'u ‫ניטעו‬ 8845
its meaning / means (m.s.) mashma'uto ‫משמעותו‬ 8846
centrality merkaziyut ‫מרכזיות‬ 8847
central ( merkaziyot
organized / arranged ( mesudarot ‫מסודרות‬ 8848

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to/for the unit of likhidat ‫ליחידת‬ 8849
to/for the reader lakore ‫לקורא‬ 8850
to/for agriculture lekhakla'ut ‫לחקלאות‬ 8851
to/for the agriculture lakhakla'ut
to direct / to adjust / to tune lekhaven ‫לכוון‬ 8852
and a condition / and a provision utnai ‫ותנאי‬ 8853
and the conditions of / and the provisions
winners ( zokhim (n.) ‫זוכים‬ 8854
win ( zokhim (v.)
jug / jar kad ‫כד‬ 8855
the special ( hameyukhadot ‫המיוחדות‬ 8856
that/who combine hameshalvim ‫המשלבים‬ 8857
the precipitate / the sediment hamishka'im ‫המשקעים‬ 8858
the precise / the accurate hameduyak ‫המדויק‬ 8859
widening / broadening hitrakhavut ‫התרחבות‬ 8860
the difficulties hakshayim ‫הקשיים‬ 8861
the beam / the ray / the fund / the horn /
the bugle
hakeren ‫הקרן‬ 8862
the flowering / the blossom / the
prosperity / the rash
haprikha ‫הפריחה‬ 8863
the immigration hahagira ‫ההגירה‬ 8864
at a unit / in a squad biyekhida ‫ביחידה‬ 8865
at the unit / in the squad bayekhida
by means of be'emtsa'ei ‫באמצעי‬ 8866
in the middlemost ba'emtsa'i
rockets raketot ‫רקטות‬ 8867
acquired / bought (f.s.) rakhsha ‫רכשה‬ 8868
is present / realized (m.s.) nokhakh ‫נוכח‬ 8869
in the presence of / in front of nokhakh
is kept / is guarded / is protected (f.s.) nishmeret ‫נשמרת‬ 8870
from his students mitalmidav ‫מתלמידיו‬ 8871
plants / factories mif'alim ‫מפעלים‬ 8872
various / diverse ( meguvanot ‫מגוונות‬ 8873
that are [at] / the common / the available
metsuyot ‫מצויות‬ 8874
unique ( yikhudiyot ‫ייחודיות‬ 8875
to/for the methods lashitot ‫לשיטות‬ 8876
to/for methods leshitot
to market leshavek ‫לשווק‬ 8877
to hide lehastir ‫להסתיר‬ 8878
to/for a basis levasis ‫לבסיס‬ 8879
to/for the basis labasis
and literature vesifrut ‫וספרות‬ 8880

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and hairdressing vesaparut
was broadcasted (f.s.) shudra ‫שודרה‬ 8881
that exist (f.s.) shekayemet ‫שקיימת‬ 8882
their language / their edge / their lip sfatam ‫שפתם‬ 8883
that/who lives / that/who lived (m.s.) shekhai ‫שחי‬ 8884
arm pit shekhi
their existence / their survival / their
holding / their fulfillment (
kiyuman ‫קיומן‬ 8885
wheat khita ‫חיטה‬ 8886
division / distribution khaluka ‫חלוקה‬ 8887
the kitchens hamitbakhim ‫המטבחים‬ 8888
the voters hamatsbi'im ‫המצביעים‬ 8889
the production hayitsur ‫הייצור‬ 8890
that/who belongs to / that is relevant to
hashayekhet ‫השייכת‬ 8891
completion / acceptance hashlama ‫השלמה‬ 8892
the intake / the receptivity / the reception
/ the grasp
haklita ‫הקליטה‬ 8893
the acceptance / the admission / the
reception / the receipt / the Kabalah
hakabala ‫הקבלה‬ 8894
parallelism hakbala
invited / ordered (m.s.) hizmin ‫הזמין‬ 8895
the required / that/who are required
hanidrashim ‫הנדרשים‬ 8896
his version girsato ‫גרסתו‬ 8897
at/in a hotel bemalon ‫במלון‬ 8898
at/in the hotel bamalon
in the games of bemiskhakei ‫במשחקי‬ 8899
in my game / in mt acting bemiskhaki
with/in the changes bashinuyim ‫בשינויים‬ 8900
with/in changes beshinuyim
treatments tipulim ‫טיפולים‬ 8901
the square of / the area of rakhavat ‫רחבת‬ 8902
libraries sifriyot ‫ספריות‬ 8903
environmental svivatiyim ‫סביבתיים‬ 8904
the capital / the wealth hahon ‫ההון‬ 8905
core liba ‫ליבה‬ 8906
his personality ishiyuto ‫אישיותו‬ 8907
donations / contributions trumot ‫תרומות‬ 8908
in his article be'ma'amaro ‫במאמרו‬ 8909
philosophical filosofit ‫פילוסופית‬ 8910
thunder ra'am ‫רעם‬ 8911
roared / thundered ra'am
surrounds / encircles / comprehensive
mekifa ‫מקיפה‬ 8912

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characteristic me'afyen ‫מאפיין‬ 8913
chapter / tractate (Thalmud) masekhet ‫מסכת‬ 8914
stethoscope masket
his childhood yalduto ‫ילדותו‬ 8915
to compete lehitkharot ‫להתחרות‬ 8916
civilized / cultural / cultivated tarbuti ‫תרבותי‬ 8917
raising of / increase of / bringing up the ha'ala'at ‫העלאת‬ 8918
that is possible / that is given (f.s.) hanitenet ‫הניתנת‬ 8919
regularly / constantly / permanently bikvi'ut ‫בקביעות‬ 8920
basic ( bsisiyim ‫בסיסיים‬ 8921
dimension memad ‫ממד‬ 8922
focuses (f.s.) mitmakedet ‫מתמקדת‬ 8923
his number misparo ‫מספרו‬ 8924
from his book mesifro
to/for a palace le'armon ‫לארמון‬ 8925
to/for the palace la'armon
to/for surgery / to/for analysis lenitu'akh ‫לניתוח‬ 8926
to/for the surgery / to/for the analysis lanitu'akh
character / attribute / commotion tkhuna ‫תכונה‬ 8927
and won (pl.) vezakhu ‫וזכו‬ 8928
and the way vehaderekh ‫והדרך‬ 8929
close / relative (f.s.) karova ‫קרובה‬ 8930
the supporting / that/who supports (f.s.) hatomekhet ‫התומכת‬ 8931
these ha'elu ‫האלו‬ 8932
the writers / the authors hakotvim ‫הכותבים‬ 8933
the problems habe'ayot ‫הבעיות‬ 8934
in a view / in a landscape / in boughs of a
benof ‫בנוף‬ 8935
in the view / in the landscape / in the
boughs of a tree
the welfare of ravkhat ‫רווחת‬ 8936
widespread rovakhat
stems from / derived from / spout ( nov'ot ‫נובעות‬ 8937
the rowers of shayatei ‫שייטי‬ 8938
cinematic kolno'it ‫קולנועית‬ 8939
chapters of / joints of pirkei ‫פרקי‬ 8940
consonants itsurim ‫עיצורים‬ 8941
artistic ( omanutiyot ‫אמנותיות‬ 8942
connections / links / linkages / joining /
joints / junctions
khiburim ‫חיבורים‬ 8943
my album albomi ‫אלבומי‬ 8944
my albums albomai
the albums of albomei
her album alboma ‫אלבומה‬ 8945

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the mathematical ( hamatematiyot ‫המתמטיות‬ 8946
present hove ‫הווה‬ 8947
we vomited hekenu ‫הקאנו‬ 8948
the artistic (f.s.) ha'omanutit ‫האמנותית‬ 8949
the dream hakhalom ‫החלום‬ 8950
the dark ha'afel ‫האפל‬ 8951
the spelling haktiv ‫הכתיב‬ 8952
dictated (m.s.) hikhtiv
the photographs hatsilumim ‫הצילומים‬ 8953
the said hane'emar ‫הנאמר‬ 8954
directed biyem ‫ביים‬ 8955
from the tribe of mishevet ‫משבט‬ 8956
his friend yedido ‫ידידו‬ 8957
taught limed ‫לימד‬ 8958
his call kri'ato ‫קריאתו‬ 8959
the watching / the observation hatsfiya ‫הצפייה‬ 8960
symbolism simliyut ‫סמליות‬ 8961
literary safrutit ‫ספרותית‬ 8962
developing mitpate'akh ‫מתפתח‬ 8963
subsistence / livelihood mikhya ‫מחיה‬ 8964
to an attitude / for an access / to an
legisha ‫לגישה‬ 8965
to the attitude / for the access / to the
the compositor / the composer hamalkhin ‫המלחין‬ 8966
the physicist hafizikai ‫הפיזיקאי‬ 8967
the effects hahashpa'ot ‫ההשפעות‬ 8968
[in] a fact be'uvda ‫בעובדה‬ 8969
[in] the fact ba'uvda
produces (m.s.) meyatser ‫מייצר‬ 8970
to teach lelamed ‫ללמד‬ 8971
into a shape of / to a shape of letsurat ‫לצורת‬ 8972
the fields / the areas / the ranges hatkhumim ‫התחומים‬ 8973
in a plot / [in] a deed / [in] a libel / [in] a
false charge
be'alila ‫בעלילה‬ 8974
in the plot / [in] the deed / [in] the libel /
[in] the false charge
claims / argues / charges / loads (f.s.) to'enet ‫טוענת‬ 8975
hold / fulfill / carry out / maintain ( mekaymim ‫מקיימים‬ 8976
producers mefikim (n.) ‫מפיקים‬ 8977
produce ( mefikim (v.)
and in cases uvemikrim ‫ובמקרים‬ 8978
the processes hatahalikhim ‫התהליכים‬ 8979
the journalists ha'itona'im ‫העיתונאים‬ 8980

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that passes / that transfers (m.s.) ha'over ‫העובר‬ 8981
the embryo / the fetus ha'ubar
from a Eucalyptus me'ekaliptus ‫מאקליפטוס‬ 8982
from the area / from the enviroonment mehasviva ‫מהסביבה‬ 8983
to oxidize lekhamtsen ‫לחמצן‬ 8984
its fruit pirya ‫פריה‬ 8985
oxidation khimtsun ‫חמצון‬ 8986
fist egrof ‫אגרוף‬ 8987
boxing igruf
the tasks / the assignments / the missions hamesimot ‫המשימות‬ 8988
the variety / the diversity hamigvan ‫המגוון‬ 8989
the varied / the diverse hameguvan
the test tube hamavkhena ‫המבחנה‬ 8990
the hammer hapatish ‫הפטיש‬ 8991
the secession / the retirement haprisha ‫הפרישה‬ 8992
the spreading / the stretching haprisa
the prosaic haprozait ‫הפרוזאית‬ 8993
the vulture hanesher ‫הנשר‬ 8994
in protein bekhelbon ‫בחלבון‬ 8995
in the protein bakhelbon
in acids bekhumtsot ‫בחומצות‬ 8996
takes revenge (f.s.) nokemet ‫נוקמת‬ 8997
from an end mikatse ‫מקצה‬ 8998
heat (sport) miktse
jute yuta ‫יוטה‬ 8999
sends (m.s.) shole'akh ‫שולח‬ 9000
his achievements hesegav ‫הישגיו‬ 9001
fringes gdilim ‫גדילים‬ 9002
centimeter sentimeter ‫סנטימטר‬ 9003
creators / artists / makers (f.) yotsrot ‫יוצרות‬ 9004
changes of shinuyei ‫שינויי‬ 9005
the immune hakhisunit ‫החיסונית‬ 9006
liquid nozli ‫נוזלי‬ 9007
muscles of shrirei ‫שרירי‬ 9008
my muscles shrirai
in the atmosphere ba'atmosfera ‫באטמוספירה‬ 9009
to/for estrogen le'estrogen ‫לאסטרוגן‬ 9010
eating of akhilat ‫אכילת‬ 9011
the seaweed ha'atsot ‫האצות‬ 9012
the thumb / the big toe habohen ‫הבוהן‬ 9013
in the corals ba'almogim ‫באלמוגים‬ 9014
in corals be'almogim
to/for a kitchen lemitbakh ‫למטבח‬ 9015

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to/for the kitchen lamitbakh
pyramids piramidot ‫פירמידות‬ 9016
speaks / talks (f.s.) medaberet ‫מדברת‬ 9017
to the police lamishtara ‫למשטרה‬ 9018
to eat le'ekhol ‫לאכל‬ 9019
to corrode le'akel
piece of bread / bread pat ‫פת‬ 9020
eating (f.s.) okhelet ‫אוכלת‬ 9021
the indictment / the accusation ha'ishum ‫האישום‬ 9022
I arrived higati ‫הגעתי‬ 9023
my arrival haga'ati
sadly / with sorrow / [in] a nerve be'etsev ‫בעצב‬ 9024
[in] the sadness / [in] the nerve ba'etsev
in the dark bakhashekha ‫בחשכה‬ 9025
handsome / nice ( na'im ‫נאים‬ 9026
is needed / is required nakhuts ‫נחוץ‬ 9027
understands (f.s.) mevina ‫מבינה‬ 9028
for a winter lekhoref ‫לחורף‬ 9029
for the winter lakhoref
[to] here lekhan ‫לכאן‬ 9030
you will find (m.s.) / she will find timtsa ‫תמצא‬ 9031
will be found (f.s.) timatse
and once / and at one time ufa'am ‫ופעם‬ 9032
and walked / and went (f.s.) vehalkha ‫והלכה‬ 9033
and the Jewish law vehalakha
noise sha'on ‫שאון‬ 9034
that even / that although she'afilu ‫שאפילו‬ 9035
that everything shehakol ‫שהכל‬ 9036
on you / about you ( aleykhem ‫עליכם‬ 9037
erect / upright zakuf ‫זקוף‬ 9038
ate (m.s.) akhal ‫אכל‬ 9039
the windows hakhalonot ‫החלונות‬ 9040
grass deshe ‫דשא‬ 9041
humbly / submissively behakhna'a ‫בהכנעה‬ 9042
created nivra ‫נברא‬ 9043
were filled / were completed mal'u ‫מלאו‬ 9044
adds (m.s.) mosif ‫מוסיף‬ 9045
searches (f.s.) mekhapeset ‫מחפשת‬ 9046
to the great lemarbe ‫למרבה‬ 9047
to hang / to suspend litlot ‫לתלות‬ 9048
to lift leharim ‫להרים‬ 9049
to modify / to sit at ease / to endorse lehasev ‫להסב‬ 9050
you will come (m.s.) / she will come tavo ‫תבוא‬ 9051

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and strong / and strongly vekhazak ‫וחזק‬ 9052
and returned / and repeated (pl.) vekhzru ‫וחזרו‬ 9053
and good vetov ‫וטוב‬ 9054
and told (m.s.) / and cut (hair) vesiper ‫וסיפר‬ 9055
and carried / and married (m.s.) venasa ‫ונשא‬ 9056
that/who wanted (pl.) / that they wanted sheratsu ‫שרצו‬ 9057
cows parot ‫פרות‬ 9058
top / peak / summit pisgat ‫פסגת‬ 9059
woke / have excited (pl.) oreru ‫עוררו‬ 9060
the shine of zrikhat ‫זריחת‬ 9061
diligent kharuts ‫חרוץ‬ 9062
as usual keragil ‫כרגיל‬ 9063
the ceiling hatikra ‫התקרה‬ 9064
surprise hafta'a ‫הפתעה‬ 9065
the walk hahalikha ‫ההליכה‬ 9066
the alleviations hahakalot ‫ההקלות‬ 9067
the usual (f.s.) haregila ‫הרגילה‬ 9068
the autumn hastav ‫הסתיו‬ 9069
thief (m.s.) ganav (n.) ‫גנב‬ 9070
stole (m.s.) ganav (v.)
in the morning baboker ‫בבקר‬ 9071
in cattle bebakar
mean / evil rasha (adj.) ‫רשע‬ 9072
evil resha (n.)
are sold nimkarim ‫נמכרים‬ 9073
sounded (f.s.) nishme'a ‫נשמעה‬ 9074
drove / traveled (pl.) nas'u ‫נסעו‬ 9075
moves / steps / distances mahalakhim ‫מהלכים‬ 9076
will continue (m.s.) yamshikh ‫ימשיך‬ 9077
will stay / will remain / will be left (pl.) yisha'aru ‫יישארו‬ 9078
to/for an office / to/for a bureau / to/for a
lemisrad ‫למשרד‬ 9079
to/for the office / to/for the bureau /
to/for the Ministry
to/for a voice / to the sound of lekol ‫לקול‬ 9080
to continue / to be pulled / to be attracted lehimashekh ‫להימשך‬ 9081
to hide lehitkhabe ‫להתחבא‬ 9082
to leave lehash'ir ‫להשאיר‬ 9083
to its end lesiyumo ‫לסיומו‬ 9084
she will stay / you will stay (m.s.) tisha'er ‫תישאר‬ 9085
and fat (adj.) (m.s.) veshamen ‫ושמן‬ 9086
and their name ( ushman
and walked / and went (m.s.) vehalakh ‫והלך‬ 9087
and on [day] uveyom ‫וביום‬ 9088

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and on the way uvaderekh ‫ובדרך‬ 9089
and in a way uvederekh
praised (m.s.) shibe'akh ‫שיבח‬ 9090
branches / extensions shlukhot ‫שלוחות‬ 9091
black ( skhorot ‫שחורות‬ 9092
that thought (pl.) shekhashvu ‫שחשבו‬ 9093
graves kvarim ‫קברים‬ 9094
answer (f.s. imperative) ani ‫עני‬ 9095
seal khotam ‫חותם‬ 9096
eating ( okhlim ‫אוכלים‬ 9097
festive ( khagigiyim ‫חגיגיים‬ 9098
bowed / bent / subordinate (m.s.) kafuf ‫כפוף‬ 9099
was removed husar ‫הוסר‬ 9100
the extreme / the extremist / the radical
hakitsoni ‫הקיצוני‬ 9101
the close / the relatives ( hakrovot ‫הקרובות‬ 9102
the eyes ha'eynayim ‫העיניים‬ 9103
necessary hekhrekhi ‫הכרחי‬ 9104
steering wheel / sound / word hege ‫הגה‬ 9105
thought / meditated / pronounced (m.s.) haga
the steps hatse'adim ‫הצעדים‬ 9106
reservations histayguyot ‫הסתייגויות‬ 9107
spoke / talked (f.s.) dibra ‫דיברה‬ 9108
in search bekhipus ‫בחיפוש‬ 9109
in the search bakhipus
in which / in what (f.) be'eizo ‫באיזו‬ 9110
in basketball bekadursal ‫בכדורסל‬ 9111
under the assumption / on sale behanakha ‫בהנחה‬ 9112
seriously birtsinut ‫ברצינות‬ 9113
soft (f.s.) raka ‫רכה‬ 9114
need ( tsrikhot ‫צריכות‬ 9115
merchant / dealer / seller sokher ‫סוחר‬ 9116
touches (m.s.) noge'a ‫נוגע‬ 9117
awful / terrible (f.s.) nora'a ‫נוראה‬ 9118
escorts melavim (n.) ‫מלווים‬ 9119
escort ( melavim (v.)
creditors malvim
aware (f.s.) muda'at ‫מודעת‬ 9120
uses / user (f.s.) mishtameshet ‫משתמשת‬ 9121
party / feast mishte ‫משתה‬ 9122
their place mekomam ‫מקומם‬ 9123
causes to rebel mekomem
hopes (m.s.) mekave ‫מקווה‬ 9124

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mikveh mikve
luxurious mefo'ar ‫מפואר‬ 9125
their position / their status / their class ma'amadam ‫מעמדם‬ 9126
from the same ( me'otam ‫מאותם‬ 9127
from people me'anashim ‫מאנשים‬ 9128
from a square mikikar ‫מכיכר‬ 9129
more than required mikdei ‫מכדי‬ 9130
from the kind / from the species / from
the gender / from the sex
mehamin ‫מהמין‬ 9131
ask / request / want ( mevakshim ‫מבקשים‬ 9132
cure marpe ‫מרפא‬ 9133
cures (m.s.) merape
marine (f.s.) yamit (adj.) ‫ימית‬ 9134
his relations yakhasav ‫יחסיו‬ 9135
went down / came down / descended /
decreased (f.s.)
yarda ‫ירדה‬ 9136
to/for a regime / to/for a reign lemishtar ‫למשטר‬ 9137
to/for the regime / to/for the reign lamishtar
for her lema'ana ‫למענה‬ 9138
for the goal of lematrat ‫למטרת‬ 9139
to tie / to bond / to link likshor ‫לקשור‬ 9140
according to them lefihem ‫לפיהם‬ 9141
to/for a hit / to/for an impact / to/for a
damage / to/for an offense
lepgi'a ‫לפגיעה‬ 9142
to/for the hit / to/for the impact / to/for
the damage / to/for the offense
to mimic lekhakot ‫לחקות‬ 9143
to collect / to accumulate le'egor ‫לאגור‬ 9144
to the works of (books) lakhitvei ‫לכתבי‬ 9145
to compare lehashvot ‫להשוות‬ 9146
to drop / to have an abortion lehapil ‫להפיל‬ 9147
vice versa lehefekh ‫להפך‬ 9148
to sail lehaflig ‫להפליג‬ 9149
to reduce lehafkhit ‫להפחית‬ 9150
lest leval ‫לבל‬ 9151
to the net / to inherit lareshet ‫לרשת‬ 9152
to obey letsayet ‫לציית‬ 9153
to block / to plug listom ‫לסתום‬ 9154
to a harbor lenamal ‫לנמל‬ 9155
to the harbor lanamal
his support tmikhato ‫תמיכתו‬ 9156
answers / replies / returns / repentance tshuvot ‫תשובות‬ 9157
channels / canals / trenches te'alot ‫תעלות‬ 9158
preparation takhshir ‫תכשירים‬ 9159

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and can (m.s.) veyakhol ‫ויכול‬ 9160
and to invert / and to convert / and to turn
/ and to become / and to transform
velahafokh ‫ולהפוך‬ 9161
and after [time period] veka'avor ‫וכעבור‬ 9162
and instead / and in place of uvimkom ‫ובמקום‬ 9163
and at /in the place uvamakom
were glad / were happy samkhu ‫שמחו‬ 9164
paid (m.s.) shilem ‫שילם‬ 9165
drank (pl.) shatu ‫שתו‬ 9166
rose of shoshanat ‫שושנת‬ 9167
lies shkarim ‫שקרים‬ 9168
the/who woke / that/who has excited she'orer ‫שעורר‬ 9169
erroneous / wrong / incorrect shagui ‫שגוי‬ 9170
that for a duration of shebemeshekh ‫שבמשך‬ 9171
that in case / that accidentally shebemikre ‫שבמקרה‬ 9172
that is inside him/it shebetokho ‫שבתוכו‬ 9173
which most sherov ‫שרוב‬ 9174
that/who carried / who married (pl.) shenas'u ‫שנשאו‬ 9175
lines kavim ‫קווים‬ 9176
was developed putkha ‫פותחה‬ 9177
hit / damage / offensive ( pog'im ‫פוגעים‬ 9178
hostile oyenim ‫עוינים‬ 9179
editors of / arrangers of ( orkhei ‫עורכי‬ 9180
pleasant areva (adj.) ‫ערבה‬ 9181
surety (f.s.) areva (n.)
was pleasant arva
real ( amitiyim ‫אמיתיים‬ 9182
enemies oyvim ‫אויבים‬ 9183
angle / corner zavit ‫זווית‬ 9184
sense khush ‫חוש‬ 9185
wire khut ‫חוט‬ 9186
suspicions khashadot ‫חשדות‬ 9187
flew (pl.) zarmu ‫זרמו‬ 9188
Antisemitism antishemiyut ‫אנטישמיות‬ 9189
cover kisui ‫כיסוי‬ 9190
failed (pl.) kashlu ‫כשלו‬ 9191
pains of ke'evei ‫כאבי‬ 9192
financial / monetary / my money kaspi ‫כספי‬ 9193
the fast / the rapid / the quick (m.s.) hamahir ‫המהיר‬ 9194
the right hayamin ‫הימין‬ 9195
the departing / the leaving hayots'im ‫היוצאים‬ 9196
the straight (m.s.) hayashar ‫הישר‬ 9197
complained (m.s.) hitlonen ‫התלונן‬ 9198

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the character / the attribute / the
hatkhuna ‫התכונה‬ 9199
was dedicated to / was devoted hukdash ‫הוקדש‬ 9200
was recognized hukra ‫הוכרה‬ 9201
were led / were transported (pl.) huvlu ‫הובלו‬ 9202
the questions hashe'elot ‫השאלות‬ 9203
landings hash'alot
the ancient / the old ( ha'atikim ‫העתיקים‬ 9204
the principles ha'ekronot ‫העקרונות‬ 9205
his decision hakhlatato ‫החלטתו‬ 9206
the month / this month hakhodesh ‫החודש‬ 9207
the red (f.s.) ha'aduma ‫האדומה‬ 9208
the foreign / the strangers (f.) hazarot ‫הזרות‬ 9209
the strangeness hazarut
the pocket hakis ‫הכיס‬ 9210
the rules haklalim ‫הכללים‬ 9211
the imprisoned ( haklu'im ‫הכלואים‬ 9212
stressed / emphasized (m.s.) hidgish ‫הדגיש‬ 9213
the rains hagshamim ‫הגשמים‬ 9214
the rich man / the lord hagvir ‫הגביר‬ 9215
increased / amplified / strengthened (pl.) higbir
the back hagav ‫הגב‬ 9216
understood (f.s.) hevina ‫הבינה‬ 9217
the impression haroshem (n.) ‫הרושם‬ 9218
that/who writes (m.s.) haroshem (v.)
the marking / the pointing out / the grade hatsiyun ‫הציון‬ 9219
print / pattern dfus ‫דפוס‬ 9220
in an economy / in a farm bemeshek ‫במשק‬ 9221
from the depth of mema'amkei ‫במעמקי‬ 9222
at his state / in his situation bematsavo ‫במצבו‬ 9223
on Saturdays beshabatot ‫בשבתות‬ 9224
on Saturdays bashabatot
on the [X] floor / at a height [of] bekoma ‫בקומה‬ 9225
on reception of bekabalat ‫בקבלת‬ 9226
for ba'avur ‫בעבור‬ 9227
in a quality be'eikhut ‫באיכות‬ 9228
in the quality ba'eikhut
in part / in their part / [in] their share bekhelkam ‫בחלקם‬ 9229
during the holiday bekhag ‫בחג‬ 9230
chose / selected / voted (f.s.) bakhra ‫בחרה‬ 9231
under an order behora'a ‫בהוראה‬ 9232
drops tipot ‫טיפות‬ 9233
her nature tiv'a ‫טבעה‬ 9234

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drowned (f.s.) tav'a
medical (m.s.) refu'i ‫רפואי‬ 9235
fought (pl.) ravu ‫רבו‬ 9236
his rabbi / his teacher rabo
sorrow / grief tsa'ar ‫צער‬ 9237
painted (pl.) tsav'u ‫צבעו‬ 9238
his/its color tsiv'o
narrow / enemies / lay siege to / created /
shaped (
tsarim ‫צרים‬ 9239
doubts sfekot ‫ספקות‬ 9240
was sold (m.s.) nimkar ‫נמכר‬ 9241
vigorous / energetic / lively ( nimratsot ‫נמרצות‬ 9242
loyal ne'eman ‫נאמן‬ 9243
snakes nekhashim ‫נחשים‬ 9244
enters (f.s.) nikhneset ‫נכנסת‬ 9245
against her negda ‫נגדה‬ 9246
the teams / the elected / the selected
hanivkharot ‫נבחרות‬ 9247
observers mashkifim ‫משקיפים‬ 9248
mutinies meridot ‫מרידות‬ 9249
to/for an advance / to/for a progress lehitkadmut ‫להתקדמות‬ 9250
to/for the advance / to/for the progress lahitkadmut
surrounding / besetment kitur ‫כיתור‬ 9251
the procedures / the proceedings hahalikhim ‫ההליכים‬ 9252
diversion / distraction hasakha ‫הסחה‬ 9253
gravestone of / establishment / strength
(of an army unit)
matsevet ‫מצבת‬ 9254
graves of kivrei ‫קברי‬ 9255
copy otek ‫עותק‬ 9256
ignored hit'alem ‫התעלם‬ 9257
were destroyed / were exterminated (pl.) hushmedu ‫הושמדו‬ 9258
was occupied (m.s.) nikhbash ‫נכבש‬ 9259
machine gun mikla ‫מקלע‬ 9260
his goal / his target matrato ‫מטרתו‬ 9261
his rivals / his opponents / his enemies yerivav ‫יריביו‬ 9262
to claim / to argue lit'on ‫לטעון‬ 9263
and found (m.s.) umatsa ‫ומצא‬ 9264
and the war vehamilkhama ‫והמלחמה‬ 9265
and was replaced vehukhlaf ‫והוחלף‬ 9266
that were posted / that were placed shehutsvu ‫שהוצבו‬ 9267
that was known (m.s.) shenoda ‫שנודעו‬ 9268
extreme ( kitsonim (adj.) ‫קיצונים‬ 9269
extremists / radicals ( kitsonim (n.)
his traces / his footprints ikvotav ‫עקבותיו‬ 9270

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supposed ( amurot ‫אמורות‬ 9271
his nephew akhyano ‫אחיינו‬ 9272
his failure kishlono ‫כישלונו‬ 9273
the planned (f.s.) hametukhnenet ‫המתוכננת‬ 9274
the educated / the scholars hamaskilim ‫המשכילים‬ 9275
the original ( hamekoriyot ‫המקוריות‬ 9276
the obstacle / the hurdle hamikhshol ‫המכשול‬ 9277
the leaders hamanhigim ‫המנהיגים‬ 9278
achievements hesegim ‫הישגים‬ 9279
the continental / the terrestrial hayabashti ‫היבשתי‬ 9280
the produce / the output hatotseret ‫התוצרת‬ 9281
fits (cloth) / appropriate holem ‫הולם‬ 9282
took control (pl.) hishtaltu ‫השתלטו‬ 9283
the punishment ha'onesh ‫העונש‬ 9284
the legal (f.s.) hakhukit ‫החוקית‬ 9285
proclaimed / announced / declared (pl.) hikhrizu ‫הכריזו‬ 9286
increased / amplified / strengthened (pl.) higbiru ‫הגבירו‬ 9287
required / demanded (f.s.) darsha ‫דרשה‬ 9288
hastily bekhofza ‫בחופזה‬ 9289
his/its end sofo ‫סופו‬ 9290
took (action / step) (pl.) naktu ‫נקטו‬ 9291
scholars melumadim ‫מלומדים‬ 9292
resists / objects (m.s.) mitnaged ‫מתנגד‬ 9293
explicit meforeshet ‫מפורשת‬ 9294
refused (m.s.) me'en ‫מאן‬ 9295
fast / rapid / quick ( mehirim ‫מהירים‬ 9296
from the ship mehasfina ‫מהספינה‬ 9297
engineer mehandes ‫מהנדס‬ 9298
impressive ( marshimim ‫מרשימים‬ 9299
natives of yelidei ‫ילידי‬ 9300
to incarceration le'ma'asar ‫למאסר‬ 9301
to the incarceration la'ma'asar
to/for an attacker letokef ‫לתוקף‬ 9302
to/for the attacker latokef
valid from / effective from [nikhnas] letokef
to/for the rest lash'ar ‫לשאר‬ 9303
to/for the same le'oto ‫לאותו‬ 9304
to a meeting le'asefa ‫לאספה‬ 9305
to the meeting la'asefa
its results / its consequences (f.s.) tots'oteha ‫תוצאותיה‬ 9306
donated / contributed (pl.) tarmu ‫תרמו‬ 9307
and to receive / and to accept ulkabel ‫ולקבל‬ 9308
and according to uldivrei ‫ולדברי‬ 9309

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and operated / and acted ufa'alu ‫ופעלו‬ 9310
and art ve'omanut ‫ואמנות‬ 9311
and lack / and deficiency / and shortage /
and deficit
vekhoser ‫וחוסר‬ 9312
and in the north uvatsafon ‫ובצפון‬ 9313
and as opposed to / and contrary to uvenigud ‫ובניגוד‬ 9314
relevance / relation / ownership shayakhut ‫שייכות‬ 9315
that more sheyoter ‫שיותר‬ 9316
reflected shikfu ‫שיקפו‬ 9317
sinking / decline / sunset shki'a ‫שקיעה‬ 9318
burned (pl.) sarfu ‫שרפו‬ 9319
very small amount koret ‫קורט‬ 9320
divided / distributed (m.s.) khilek ‫חילק‬ 9321
shares / disagrees (m.s.) kholek ‫חולק‬ 9322
forbade / imprisoned (m.s.) asar ‫אסר‬ 9323
the royal (f.s.) hamalkhutit ‫המלכותית‬ 9324
the office / the bureau / the Ministry hamisrad ‫המשרד‬ 9325
the district hamakhoz ‫המחוז‬ 9326
the journeys hamasa'ot ‫המסעות‬ 9327
the formations / the creations / the
making / the works of art / the hayetsirot ‫היצירות‬ 9328
got married (m.s.) hitkhaten ‫התחתן‬ 9329
you spent / you took out / you published
hotsetem ‫הוצאתם‬ 9330
destroyed / exterinated (pl.) hishmidu ‫השמידו‬ 9331
the conservatives hashamranim ‫השמרנים‬ 9332
raised / increased / lifted / brought up
he'elta ‫העלתה‬ 9333
the prospective / the futuristic (m.s.) ha'atidi ‫העתידי‬ 9334
the strategic (m.s.) ha'estrategi ‫האסטרטגי‬ 9335
the organization (getting organized) hahit'argenut ‫ההתארגנות‬ 9336
the immigration of hagirat ‫הגירת‬ 9337
differences of hevdelei ‫הבדלי‬ 9338
flooding / flotation hatsafa ‫הצפה‬ 9339
in a crisis bemashber ‫במשבר‬ 9340
in the crisis bamashber
explicitly bimforash ‫במפורש‬ 9341
under siege bematsor ‫במצור‬ 9342
during the siege bamatsor
clothing bigud ‫ביגוד‬ 9343
in a breakthrough / in a burglary / in an
bifritsa ‫בפריצה‬ 9344
in the breakthrough / in the burglary / in
the irruption

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violently be'alimut ‫באלימות‬ 9345
cruelly / viciously be'akhzariyut ‫באכזריות‬ 9346
in economy bekalkala ‫בכלכלה‬ 9347
[in] expenses / in editions / in publishing
behotsa'ot ‫בהוצאות‬ 9348
cross tslav ‫צלב‬ 9349
junction tsomet ‫צומת‬ 9350
is prevented / abstains (f.s.) nimna'at ‫נמנעת‬ 9351
were buried nikberu ‫נקברו‬ 9352
rivers naharot ‫נהרות‬ 9353
against them negdam ‫נגדם‬ 9354
kingdoms mamlakhot ‫ממלכות‬ 9355
their death motam ‫מותם‬ 9356
luxury motarot ‫מותרות‬ 9357
early / preliminary ( mukdamot ‫מוקדמות‬ 9358
council mo'etsa ‫מועצה‬ 9359
complete ( mashlimim ‫משלימים‬ 9360
his/its weight mishkalo ‫משקלו‬ 9361
excellent me'ule ‫מעולה‬ 9362
renewed mekhudash ‫מחודש‬ 9363
obstacle / hurdle mikhshol ‫מכשול‬ 9364
from the word mehamila ‫מהמילה‬ 9365
from the population meha'ukhlusiya ‫מהאוכלוסייה‬ 9366
far away / lengths merkhakim ‫מרחקים‬ 9367
leadership manhigut ‫מנהיגות‬ 9368
her relations yakhaseha ‫יחסיה‬ 9369
to/for the crisis lamshber ‫למשבר‬ 9370
to/for a crisis lemashber
to/for the improvement lashipur ‫לשיפור‬ 9371
to/for an improvement leshipur
to/for the minister lasar ‫לשר‬ 9372
to/for a minister lesar
to meet lifgosh ‫לפגוש‬ 9373
for stopping of / for the stopping of / for
the cease of
le'atsirat ‫לעצירת‬ 9374
to church leknesiya ‫לכנסייה‬ 9375
to the church laknesiya
to the capital of lebirat ‫לבירת‬ 9376
to/for authors lesofrim ‫לסופרים‬ 9377
to/for the authors lasofrim
and vegetables viyrakot ‫וירקות‬ 9378
volcanic vulkani ‫וולקני‬ 9379
and use veshimush ‫ושימוש‬ 9380
and due to / and because of ve'ekev ‫ועקב‬ 9381

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and followed (m.s.) ve'akav
and a heel ve'akev
and passed / and crossed / and went
through (pl.)
ve'avru ‫ועברו‬ 9382
and was built venivna ‫ונבנה‬ 9383
and we will build venivne
that is behind sheme'akhorei ‫שמאחורי‬ 9384
that is behind me sheme'akhorai
that/who lived / that/who dwelt (f.s.) sheshakhna ‫ששכנה‬ 9385
that a neighbor (f.s.) sheshkhena
that/who stood up / that/who woke up /
that were established
shekamu ‫שקמו‬ 9386
that happened / that occurred (m.s.) she'era ‫שאירע‬ 9387
that/who thought / that/who assumed
shesavru ‫שסברו‬ 9388
who phrased shenisakh ‫שניסח‬ 9389
refugees / survivors ( plitim ‫פליטים‬ 9390
wonder / miracle pele ‫פלא‬ 9391
steel plada ‫פלדה‬ 9392
public / overt (f.s.) pumbit ‫פומבית‬ 9393
fertile / productive pore ‫פורה‬ 9394
coal pekham ‫פחם‬ 9395
channel aruts ‫ערוץ‬ 9396
stopped / arrested (m.s.) atsar ‫עצר‬ 9397
faith / confidence emunim ‫אמונים‬ 9398
trained ( amunim
emergency kherum ‫חירום‬ 9399
population ukhlusin ‫אוכלוסין‬ 9400
brigades / sections khativot ‫חטיבות‬ 9401
clergy kmura ‫כמורה‬ 9402
as a teacher (m.s.) kemore
as a teacher (f.s.) kemora
yarmulke / cap / dome kipat ‫כיפת‬ 9403
the same way as / as the way / as the road kederekh ‫כדרך‬ 9404
as a rabbi kerav ‫כרב‬ 9405
the suitable / the appropriate / the
applicable / the identical (f.s.)
hamat'ima ‫המתאימה‬ 9406
the modern (
‫המודרניות‬ 9407
the modernism hamoderniyut
that effects / that influences (m.s.) hamashpi'a ‫המשפיע‬ 9408
the meeting / the encounter / the reunion hamifgash ‫המפגש‬ 9409
the believers hama'aminim ‫המאמינים‬ 9410
the theories hate'oryot ‫התאוריות‬ 9411

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were inserted / were entered hukhnesu ‫הוכנסו‬ 9412
were cast / were thrown hutlu ‫הוטלו‬ 9413
expenses / editions / publishing houses hotsa'ot ‫הוצאות‬ 9414
the service hasherut ‫השירות‬ 9415
stance / point of view / looking hashkafa ‫השקפה‬ 9416
surrounding / encircling hakafa ‫הקפה‬ 9417
the ancient ( hakdumot ‫הקדומות‬ 9418
the means / the middle ha'emtsa'im ‫האמצעים‬ 9419
The characteristic ( ha'ofyaniyim ‫האופייניים‬ 9420
the strong ( hakhazakim ‫החזקים‬ 9421
the association ha'aguda ‫האגודה‬ 9422
the lake ha'agam ‫האגם‬ 9423
decided / subdued (m.s.) hikhri'a ‫הכריע‬ 9424
the mail hado'ar ‫הדואר‬ 9425
gradual (m.s.) hadragati ‫הדרגתי‬ 9426
his arrival haga'ato ‫הגעתו‬ 9427
restriction of / limitation of hagbalat ‫הגבלות‬ 9428
the medical ( harefu'iyot ‫הרפואיות‬ 9429
civilization hatsivilizatsya ‫הציוויליזציה‬ 9430
ended (pl.) histaymu ‫הסתיימו‬ 9431
the required (m.s.) hanidrash ‫הנדרש‬ 9432
my judgment / my sentence / my law dini ‫דיני‬ 9433
laws of dinei
hills gva'ot ‫גבעות‬ 9434
under arrest bema'atsar ‫במעצר‬ 9435
with an effort bema'amats ‫במאמץ‬ 9436
in buildings / in constructions bemivnim ‫במבנים‬ 9437
in the buildings / in the constructions bamivnim
in its framework bemisgarto ‫במסגרתו‬ 9438
in his diary beyomano ‫ביומנו‬ 9439
in our day beyomenu
between them (m.) beynam ‫בינם‬ 9440
at his/its top / at his/its peak besi'o ‫בשיאו‬ 9441
in the languages / on the edges basafot ‫בשפות‬ 9442
in languages / on edges besafot
in the languages of / on the edges of bisfot
in the union ba'ikhud ‫באיחוד‬ 9443
in a union be'ikhud
slowly be'itiyut ‫באיטיות‬ 9444
secure / safe / certain ( betukhim ‫בטוחים‬ 9445
dense / crowded bitsfifut ‫בצפיפות‬ 9446
characteristic tipusi ‫טיפוסי‬ 9447
purification tihur ‫טיהור‬ 9448

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natural ( tiv'iyot ‫טבעיות‬ 9449
fresh triyim ‫טריים‬ 9450
tropical (m.s.) tropiyim ‫טרופיים‬ 9451
marriage nisu'in ‫נישואין‬ 9452
authorized musmakhim ‫מוסמכים‬ 9453
from a harbor minamal ‫מנמל‬ 9454
pay back / recompense tagmul ‫תגמול‬ 9455
I will remember ezkor ‫אזכור‬ 9456
reference / mention izkur
the headquarters hamifkada ‫המפקדה‬ 9457
the maximal hameravi ‫המרבי‬ 9458
loan halva'a ‫הלוואה‬ 9459
the temporary hzmanit ‫הזמנית‬ 9460
the Zionists ( hatsiyonim (n.) ‫הציונים‬ 9461
the Zionist ( hatsiyonim (adj.)
by the train / on the train barakevet ‫ברכבת‬ 9462
by train / on a train berakevet
brain mo'akh ‫מח‬ 9463
their exit yesti'atam ‫יציאתם‬ 9464
detailing perut ‫פירוט‬ 9465
pleasant / nice khaviv ‫חביב‬ 9466
as accepted / as conventional kamekubal ‫כמקובל‬ 9467
leadership hanhaga ‫הנהגה‬ 9468
average (f.s.) memutsa'at ‫ממוצעת‬ 9469
parallel ( makbilim ‫מקבילים‬ 9470
detailed ( meforatim ‫מפורטים‬ 9471
department / compartment / branch mador ‫מדור‬ 9472
guides / instructors / trainers madrikhim ‫מדריכים‬ 9473
from a lump / from a block / from a mass
/from a region
megush ‫מגוש‬ 9474
and an organization (n.) ve'irgun ‫וארגון‬ 9475
and the organization of (v.) ve'irgun
and while / and during uvizman ‫ובזמן‬ 9476
that according to shelefi ‫שלפי‬ 9477
rules / controls (f.s.) sholetet ‫שולטת‬ 9478
robbery shod ‫שוד‬ 9479
groups (mil.) / division (family) palgot ‫פלגות‬ 9480
courage omets ‫אומץ‬ 9481
associations agudot ‫אגודות‬ 9482
chemical (adj.) ( khimiyim ‫כימיים‬ 9483
anthem himnon ‫המנון‬ 9484
the veterans / the seniors havatikim ‫הוותיקים‬ 9485
the pilgrims hatsalyanim ‫הצליינים‬ 9486

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banks bankim ‫בנקים‬ 9487
by miracle benes ‫בנס‬ 9488
symmetrical simetri ‫סימטרי‬ 9489
rectangular / oblong malbeni ‫מלבני‬ 9490
being performed / is carried out (m.s.) mitbatse'a ‫מתבצע‬ 9491
loses (m.s.) me'abed ‫מאבד‬ 9492
than conventional mehamekubal ‫מהמקובל‬ 9493
near her / next to her leyada ‫לידה‬ 9494
detonated / exploded (m.s.) potsets ‫פוצץ‬ 9495
deep ( amukim ‫עמוקים‬ 9496
intelligence intiligentsia ‫אינטליגנציה‬ 9497
red ( adumim ‫אדומים‬ 9498
a group of khavurat ‫חבורת‬ 9499
by itself / as for himself kshele'atsmo ‫כשלעצמו‬ 9500
the significant (m.s.) hamashma'uti ‫המשמעותי‬ 9501
the accepted / the conventional / the
popular (
hamekubalim ‫המקובלים‬ 9502
that/who can hayakhol ‫היכול‬ 9503
can you? hayakhol [ata]
the renovation hashiputs ‫השיפוץ‬ 9504
the fires hasrefot ‫השריפות‬ 9505
pass / transfer ha'avara ‫העברה‬ 9506
the sites ha'atarim ‫האתרים‬ 9507
the expressions habituyim ‫הביטויים‬ 9508
granite granit ‫גרניט‬ 9509
in terms bemunakhim ‫במונחים‬ 9510
in the terms bamunakhim
treated (m.s.) tipel ‫טיפל‬ 9511
arguments ti'unim ‫טיעונים‬ 9512
listed / enrolled / written reshumim ‫רשומים‬ 9513
hunters of tsayadei ‫צידי‬ 9514
sides of tsidei
word of milat ‫מילת‬ 9515
being performed / is carried out (f.s.) mitbatsa'at ‫מתבצעת‬ 9516
is effected / is influenced mushpa ‫מושפע‬ 9517
understood muvenet ‫מובנת‬ 9518
built in (f.) muvnet
professional (f.s.) miktso'it ‫מקצועית‬ 9519
strengthens (m.s.) mekhazek ‫מחזק‬ 9520
guide / instructor / trainer madrikh ‫מדריך‬ 9521
my kitchen mitbakhi ‫מטבחי‬ 9522
the kitchens of mitbakhei
marked (f.s.) mesumenet ‫מסומנת‬ 9523

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customs of minhagei ‫מנהגי‬ 9524
meeting / Yeshiva (rabbinical college) yeshiva ‫ישיבה‬ 9525
for the study of lelimudei ‫ללימודי‬ 9526
to/for the cells of leta'ei ‫לתאי‬ 9527
to/for my cell leta'i
to a solution lepitaron ‫לפתרון‬ 9528
to the solution lapitaron
to the solution of lefitron
his pupils / his students talmidav ‫תלמידיו‬ 9529
and from them (m.) umehem ‫ומהם‬ 9530
and tunnels uminharot ‫ומנהרות‬ 9531
and passed / and crossed / and went
through (f.s.)
ve'avra ‫ועברה‬ 9532
and an effect / and an influence vehashpa'a ‫והשפעה‬ 9533
and in the years uvashanim ‫ובשנים‬ 9534
and in years uveshanim
and a miracle venes ‫ונס‬ 9535
lives / dwells (f.s.) shokhenet ‫שוכנת‬ 9536
that/who were introduced / that were
displayed / that were presented / that shehutsgu ‫שהוצגו‬ 9537
were exhibited (pl.)
that/which many sherabim ‫שרבים‬ 9538
that/who was elected / that/who was
selected (m.s.)
shenivkhar ‫שנבחר‬ 9539
literal meaning kri ‫קרי‬ 9540
interpretation / commentary parshanut ‫פרשנות‬ 9541
weak ( khalashot ‫חלשות‬ 9542
general ( klaliyim ‫כלליים‬ 9543
blue (f.s.) kkhula ‫כחולה‬ 9544
the plane / the surface / the platform hamishtakh ‫המשטח‬ 9545
the subsistence / the livelihood hamikhya ‫המחייה‬ 9546
the event hame'ora ‫המאורע‬ 9547
became established / settled down / was
based on (m.s.)
hitbases ‫התבסס‬ 9548
his birth huladeto ‫הולדתו‬ 9549
was assessed / was estimated / was valued hu'arakh ‫הוערך‬ 9550
the skeleton / the framework hasheled ‫השלד‬ 9551
that/who lives [in] (m.s.) hashokhen ‫השוכן‬ 9552
the existing / that exist ( hakayamot ‫הקיימות‬ 9553
the pillars / the pages ha'amudim ‫העמודים‬ 9554
God ha'elohim ‫האלוהים‬ 9555
the freedom hakhofesh ‫החופש‬ 9556
the sea of Galilee hakineret ‫הכנרת‬ 9557
the education hahaskala ‫ההשכלה‬ 9558

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lectures hartsa'ot ‫הרצאות‬ 9559
that stems from / that is derived from /
that spouts
hanove'a ‫הנובע‬ 9560
sweeps / blows (nose) goref ‫גורף‬ 9561
in an introduction / at an entrance be'mavo ‫במבוא‬ 9562
in the introduction / at the entrance ba'mavo
far away bemerkhakim ‫במרחקים‬ 9563
in the relations of beyakhasei ‫ביחסי‬ 9564
confusion bilbul ‫בלבול‬ 9565
[in] materials bekhomarim ‫בחומרים‬ 9566
[in] the materials bakhomarim
in development behitpatkhut ‫בהתפתחות‬ 9567
in the development bahitpatkhut
his taste / its taste ta'amo ‫טעמו‬ 9568
tested (pl.) ta'amu
accessible / approachable negishim ‫נגישים‬ 9569
the chapel of kapelat ‫קפלת‬ 9570
to be called lehikare ‫להיקרא‬ 9571
that/who established (m.s.) shehekim ‫שהקים‬ 9572
love of ahavat ‫אהבת‬ 9573
in a concept bemusag ‫במושג‬ 9574
in the concept bamusag
and mostly velarov ‫ולרוב‬ 9575
in the shape of / in the image of / as the
character of
kidmut ‫כדמות‬ 9576
in a position of / in the position of be'emdat ‫בעמדת‬ 9577
meanings mashma'uyot ‫משמעויות‬ 9578
edition mahadura ‫מהדורה‬ 9579
former / previous ( kodmim ‫קודמים‬ 9580
unified / homogenous / uniform akhid ‫אחיד‬ 9581
the burial hakvura ‫הקבורה‬ 9582
his seat moshavo ‫מושבו‬ 9583
distorts (f.s.) me'avetet ‫מעוותת‬ 9584
distorted me'uvetet
from the middle of me'emtsa ‫מאמצע‬ 9585
ends (f.s.) mistayemet ‫מסתיימת‬ 9586
they will fight yarivu ‫יריבו‬ 9587
his opponent / his enemy yerivo
to ascribe leyakhes ‫לייחס‬ 9588
to stress / to emphasize lehadgish ‫להדגיש‬ 9589
and the products of umutsrei ‫ומוצרי‬ 9590
and create / and make ( veyotsrim ‫ויוצרים‬ 9591
that were considered shenekhshevu ‫שנחשבו‬ 9592
philosopher filosof ‫פילוסוף‬ 9593

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hold akhiza ‫אחיזה‬ 9594
the terms hamusagim ‫המושגים‬ 9595
that/who are capable hamesugalim ‫המסוגלים‬ 9596
formation / creation / production hivatsrut ‫היווצרות‬ 9597
birth huledet ‫הולדת‬ 9598
the classical (m.s.) haklasi ‫הקלאסי‬ 9599
the atomic ha'atomi ‫האטומי‬ 9600
the swamps habitsot ‫הביצות‬ 9601
his generation doro ‫דורו‬ 9602
safety betikhut ‫בטיחות‬ 9603
the grammar / the precision hadikduk ‫הדקדוק‬ 9604
in movies / with ribbons/strips besratim ‫בסרטים‬ 9605
in the movies / with the ribbons/strips basratim
mathematical ( matematiyot ‫מתמטיות‬ 9606
production hafaka ‫הפקה‬ 9607
the heroes hagiborim ‫הגיבורים‬ 9608
in plans / in programs / in layouts betokhniyot ‫בתוכניות‬ 9609
in the plans / in the programs / in the
discovery taglit ‫תגלית‬ 9610
worker (f.s.) ovedet ‫עובדת‬ 9611
the fact of uvdat
the professional (f.s.) hamiktso'it ‫המקצועית‬ 9612
speculations / assumptions / hypotheses hash'arot ‫השערות‬ 9613
the hair hase'arot
acquitted / credited / granted a right (f.s.) zikta ‫זיכתה‬ 9614
missed hekhmits ‫החמיץ‬ 9615
the sound hatslil ‫הצליל‬ 9616
in a manner / in a way be'orakh ‫באורח‬ 9617
from the group of mikvutsat ‫מקבוצת‬ 9618
graded / terraced medorag ‫מדורג‬ 9619
to/for kinds of / to/for species of leminei ‫למיני‬ 9620
to/for a way le'ofen ‫לאופן‬ 9621
to/for the way la'ofen
infinite einsofit ‫אינסופית‬ 9622
the ingredients / that assemble / that
constitute (
hamarkivim ‫המרכיבים‬ 9623
the enemies ha'oyvim ‫האויבים‬ 9624
samples dgimot ‫דגימות‬ 9625
in kinds of / in classes of / in types of besugei ‫בסוגי‬ 9626
growth of tsmikhat ‫צמיחת‬ 9627
test tube mavkhena ‫מבחנה‬ 9628
to/for the receptors of lekoltanei ‫לקולטני‬ 9629
and a run / and jogging (n.) veritsa ‫וריצה‬ 9630

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and pleased / and served (penalty) (v.)
injuries ptsi'ot ‫פציעות‬ 9631
pairing / matching zivug ‫זיווג‬ 9632
storage ikhsun ‫אחסון‬ 9633
the bacterium hakhaidak ‫החיידק‬ 9634
in civilizations / in cultures / in the
civilizations of / in the cultures of
betarbuyot ‫בתרבויות‬ 9635
in the civilizations / in the cultures batarbuyot
in a stadium be'itstadyon ‫באצטדיון‬ 9636
in the stadium ba'itstadyon
in the examination bebdikat ‫בבדיקת‬ 9637
is defined (f.s.) mugderet ‫מוגדרת‬ 9638
used / exploited (m.s.) menutsal ‫מנוצל‬ 9639
to/for the medications / to/for the drugs latrufot ‫לתרופות‬ 9640
to/for medications / to/for drugs letrufot
the humidity halakhut ‫הלחות‬ 9641
the riddle hakhida ‫החידה‬ 9642
genetic (m.s.) geneti ‫גנטי‬ 9643
you walked / you went (m.s.) halakhta ‫הלכת‬ 9644
you walked / you went (f.s.) halakht
sugars sukarim ‫סוכרים‬ 9645
stages of / phases of / rungs of shlabei ‫שלבי‬ 9646
receptors koltanim ‫קולטנים‬ 9647
deer ayal ‫אייל‬ 9648
particles khelkikim ‫חלקיקים‬ 9649
fertilization hafraya ‫הפריה‬ 9650
fish dag ‫דג‬ 9651
enriched mu'ashar ‫מועשר‬ 9652
you were tormented (m.s.) hit'aneta ‫התענית‬ 9653
you were tormented (f.s.) hit'anet
by induction be'induktsia ‫באינדוקציה‬ 9654
carriers nasa'im ‫נשאים‬ 9655
the ozone ha'ozon ‫האוזון‬ 9656
the uncle hadod ‫הדוד‬ 9657
desire for mitkhashek ‫מתחשק‬ 9658
I pulled / I attracted / I withdrew mashakhti ‫משכתי‬ 9659
their beaks makoreihem ‫מקוריהם‬ 9660
dares (m.s.) me'ez ‫מעז‬ 9661
my thoughts makhshevotai ‫מחשבותי‬ 9662
ridiculous ( megukhakhim ‫מגוחכים‬ 9663
we could yakholnu ‫יכולנו‬ 9664
upon hearing leshema ‫לשמע‬ 9665
to walk lehithalekh ‫להתהלך‬ 9666

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to think / to meditate / to pronounce lehegot ‫להגות‬ 9667
your heart (m.s.) libkha ‫לבך‬ 9668
your heart (f.s.) libekh
to/for the next / to/for the person who is
laba ‫לבא‬ 9669
to rest lanu'akh ‫לנוח‬ 9670
to fall linpol ‫לנפול‬ 9671
look (f.s. imperative) / you will see (f.s.) tir'i ‫תראי‬ 9672
and why velama ‫ולמה‬ 9673
and read / and called (f.s.) vekar'a ‫וקראה‬ 9674
and you (m.s.) ve'ata ‫ואתה‬ 9675
vacuum vakum ‫ואקום‬ 9676
and I cried (biblical) va'evekh ‫ואבך‬ 9677
and I will see ve'er'e ‫ואראה‬ 9678
and rubbed himself vehitkhakekh ‫והתחכך‬ 9679
hearing (in court) shimu'a ‫שמוע‬ 9680
that/who sat (f.s.) sheyashva ‫שישבה‬ 9681
that I said she'amarti ‫שאמרתי‬ 9682
who said (f.s.) she'amra ‫שאמרה‬ 9683
bow kida ‫קידה‬ 9684
cuckoo kukiya ‫קוקיה‬ 9685
I opened (eyes) pakakhti ‫פקחתי‬ 9686
cans pakhim ‫פחים‬ 9687
center / middle emtsa ‫אמצא‬ 9688
pieces khatikhot ‫חתיכות‬ 9689
with you (m.s.) itkha ‫אתך‬ 9690
with you (f.s.) itakh
caterpillars zkhalim ‫זחלים‬ 9691
Sir adoni ‫אדוני‬ 9692
God adonai
my fist egrofi ‫אגרופי‬ 9693
my dear khavivi ‫חביבי‬ 9694
I will ask avakesh ‫אבקש‬ 9695
I will try anase ‫אנסה‬ 9696
forced / raped (f.s.) ansa
reactor / melting pot kur ‫כור‬ 9697
my pillow kari ‫כרי‬ 9698
meadows of karei
properly / appropriately / well kara'ui ‫כראוי‬ 9699
the miserable ( hamiskenim ‫המיסכנים‬ 9700
the letter hamikhtav ‫המכתב‬ 9701
the discoverer / that/who discovers hamegale ‫המגלה‬ 9702
sat / settled (f.s.) hityashva ‫התישבה‬ 9703

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twisted / wound (m.s.) hitpatel ‫התפתל‬ 9704
the roses havradim ‫הורדים‬ 9705
the bushes hasikhim ‫השיחים‬ 9706
the diarrhea / the earthworms hashilshulim ‫השלשולים‬ 9707
the darkness ha'alata ‫העלטה‬ 9708
I knew / I recognized hikarti ‫הכרתי‬ 9709
the garden hagina ‫הגינה‬ 9710
looked (m.s.) hebit ‫הביט‬ 9711
let go (m.s.) hirpu ‫הרפו‬ 9712
the bundle / the package hatsror ‫הצרור‬ 9713
removed (m.s.) hesir ‫הסיר‬ 9714
I made it [on time] hispakti ‫הספקתי‬ 9715
here he is hinehu ‫הנהו‬ 9716
cocoon golem ‫גולם‬ 9717
quietly balat ‫בלאט‬ 9718
for her bishvila ‫בשבילה‬ 9719
with joy / playfully be'alitsut ‫בעליצות‬ 9720
with pleasure be'oneg ‫בעונג‬ 9721
I fabricated baditi ‫בדיתי‬ 9722
in my spirit berukhi ‫ברוחי‬ 9723
agate bareket ‫ברקת‬ 9724
in my plate betsalakhti ‫בצלחתי‬ 9725
bundle / package tsror ‫צרור‬ 9726
I moved away / I dropped in sarti ‫סרתי‬ 9727
I gave natati ‫נתתי‬ 9728
I was inclined / I tended to natiti ‫נטיתי‬ 9729
queen malka ‫מלכה‬ 9730
from all mikulam ‫מכולם‬ 9731
ridiculous (m.s.) megukhakh ‫מגוחך‬ 9732
matzoh matsa ‫מצה‬ 9733
will stay / will remain / will be left (m.s.) yisha'er ‫יישאר‬ 9734
to deal / to engage lehit'asek ‫להתעסק‬ 9735
to be useful leho'il ‫להועיל‬ 9736
and without umibli ‫ומבלי‬ 9737
that/who knew (m.s.) sheyada ‫שידע‬ 9738
that like this shekakha ‫שככה‬ 9739
that you were (m.s.) shehayita ‫שהיית‬ 9740
that you were (f.s.) shehayit
creep sherets ‫שרץ‬ 9741
bells of pa'amonei ‫פעמוני‬ 9742
quickly khish ‫חיש‬ 9743
was rescued / taken off khulats ‫חולץ‬ 9744
I will need etstarekh ‫אצטרך‬ 9745

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direction / adjustment / tuning kivun ‫כיון‬ 9746
my shoulder ktefi ‫כתפי‬ 9747
the shoulders of kitfei
her/ its wings knafeha ‫כנפיה‬ 9748
the airplane hamatos ‫המטוס‬ 9749
loss hefsed ‫הפסד‬ 9750
the main point / the essence ha'ikar ‫העיקר‬ 9751
the thick / the clouds ha'avim ‫העבים‬ 9752
the shop / the store hakhanut ‫החנות‬ 9753
the tide hage'ut ‫הגאות‬ 9754
resembled (m.s.) / her blood dama ‫דמה‬ 9755
in/with the blanket basmikha ‫בשמיכה‬ 9756
in/with a blanket bismikha
in the mouth bape ‫בפה‬ 9757
in you / among you ( bakhem ‫בכם‬ 9758
with his wings / in his wings bikhnafav ‫בכנפיו‬ 9759
stamps (m.s.) roke'a ‫רוקע‬ 9760
noise ra'ash ‫רעש‬ 9761
vigorous / energetic / lively (m.s.) nimrats ‫נמרץ‬ 9762
their soul / their spirit / their life nafesham ‫נפשם‬ 9763
in front of her mula ‫מולה‬ 9764
than usual meharagil ‫מהרגיל‬ 9765
imagines / simulates (m.s.) medame ‫מדמה‬ 9766
imagines / simulates (f.s.) medama
will pass / will cross / will go through (pl.) ya'avor ‫יעבור‬ 9767
to/for the bush / to/for the talk lasi'akh ‫לשיח‬ 9768
to/for a bush / to/for a talk lesi'akh
to disrupt leshabesh ‫לשבש‬ 9769
to celebrate lakhgog ‫לחגוג‬ 9770
to defend oneself lehitgonen ‫להתגונן‬ 9771
to allow / to permit leharshot ‫להרשות‬ 9772
to feel lehargish ‫להרגיש‬ 9773
for the good letova ‫לטובה‬ 9774
for a moment lerega ‫לרגע‬ 9775
for this moment larega
complaint tluna ‫תלונה‬ 9776
hung (pl.) talu ‫תלו‬ 9777
feelings / sensations tkhushot ‫תחושות‬ 9778
give (pl. imperative) tnu ‫תנו‬ 9779
and to/for me veli ‫ולי‬ 9780
veteran / senior vatik ‫ותיק‬ 9781
and flew (m.s.) ve'af ‫ועף‬ 9782
and fell (pl.) venaflu ‫ונפלו‬ 9783

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sang (pl.) sharu ‫שרו‬ 9784
peel of / shell of klipat ‫קליפת‬ 9785
turned (f.s.) panta ‫פנתה‬ 9786
dark afel ‫אפל‬ 9787
his nose apo ‫אפו‬ 9788
nut egoz ‫אגוז‬ 9789
abducted / kidnapped / snatched khataf ‫חטף‬ 9790
recovery hit'osheshut ‫התאוששות‬ 9791
the object hakhefets ‫החפץ‬ 9792
the show / the performance hahofa'a ‫ההופעה‬ 9793
the man hagever ‫הגבר‬ 9794
look (m.s. imperative) habet ‫הבט‬ 9795
the right / the correct hanakhon ‫הנכון‬ 9796
crude / coarse / rude gas ‫גס‬ 9797
to its full / fully bimlo ‫במלוא‬ 9798
[in] an advantage beyitron ‫ביתרון‬ 9799
[in] the advantage of bayitaron
in the conversation basikha ‫בשיחה‬ 9800
in a conversation besikha
[in] a wall bekir ‫בקיר‬ 9801
[in] the wall bakir
in a beam / in a ray / in a fund / with a
horn / [in] a bugle
bekeren ‫בקרן‬ 9802
fool / stupid tipesh ‫טיפש‬ 9803
emptily rekam ‫ריקם‬ 9804
observers / spectators / scouts tsofim ‫צופים‬ 9805
buds of nitsanei ‫ניצני‬ 9806
rests / rested (f.s.) nakha ‫נחה‬ 9807
eternity netsakh ‫נצח‬ 9808
corrected / repaired (f.s.) metukenet ‫מתוקנת‬ 9809
out of her/it / from her/it mitokha ‫מתוכה‬ 9810
takes out / spends / publishes (m.s.) motsi ‫מוציא‬ 9811
his residence mishkano ‫משכנו‬ 9812
from the eyes of me'eynei ‫מעיני‬ 9813
from my eyes me'eynai
gestures mekhvot ‫מחוות‬ 9814
express [an opinion] ( / from farms makhavot
craftsmanship / artistry makhshevet ‫מחשבת‬ 9815
calculates (f.s.) mekhashevet
barrier / block makhsom ‫מחסום‬ 9816
looks (m.s.) mebit ‫מביט‬ 9817
purpose / objective / destination ya'ad ‫יעד‬ 9818
[he] will need yitstarekh ‫יצטרך‬ 9819

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to/for a time lefa'am ‫לפעם‬ 9820
to the time lapa'am
for the editing of / for arranging - le'arikhat ‫לעריכת‬ 9821
to design le'atsev ‫לעצב‬ 9822
to/for sadness / to/for a nerve le'etsev
to/for the sadness / to/for the nerve la'etsev
to/for her life (f.) lekhayeha ‫לחייה‬ 9823
to/for everybody / to/for everyone lekulam ‫לכולם‬ 9824
to throw / to project lehashlikh ‫להשליך‬ 9825
their heart libam ‫לבם‬ 9826
hopes tikvot ‫תקוות‬ 9827
and wanted (m.s.) / and ran (f.s.) veratsa ‫ורצה‬ 9828
that she will bring (f.s.) / that you will
bring (m.s.)
shetavi ‫שתביא‬ 9829
common / widespread (f.s.) shkhikha ‫שכיחה‬ 9830
flat (f.s.) shtukha ‫שטוחה‬ 9831
tough kashu'akh ‫קשוח‬ 9832
courage oz ‫עוז‬ 9833
hot / warm (f.s.) / sun khama ‫חמה‬ 9834
singer (m.s.) zamar ‫זמר‬ 9835
song zemer
searches khipusim ‫חיפושים‬ 9836
pure / refined zakh ‫זך‬ 9837
to us eleinu ‫אלינו‬ 9838
blame / guilt ashma ‫אשמה‬ 9839
ash / cinder efer ‫אפר‬ 9840
back / backward akhora ‫אחורה‬ 9841
careful ( zehirim ‫זהירים‬ 9842
liked / likable ahud ‫אהוד‬ 9843
mighty / great adirim ‫אדירים‬ 9844
his fists egrofav ‫אגרופיו‬ 9845
the allowable / the released hamutar ‫המותר‬ 9846
the half / the half time hamakhatsit ‫המחצית‬ 9847
made noise / growled (m.s.) hama ‫המה‬ 9848
they are (biblical) hema
the pictures / the photos hatmunot ‫התמונות‬ 9849
woke up (f.s.) hit'orera ‫התעוררה‬ 9850
the low tide / the recession hashefel ‫השפל‬ 9851
the heinous hashafal
humiliate (m.s. imperative) hashpel
the rate haketsev ‫הקצב‬ 9852
the butcher hakatsav
the hot / the warm hakham ‫החם‬ 9853

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the reports hadivukhim ‫הדיווחים‬ 9854
the dwarf / the midget hagamad ‫הגמד‬ 9855
the waves hagalim ‫הגלים‬ 9856
the gas hagaz ‫הגז‬ 9857
the shearing hagez
the worthy of / the suitable / the eligible hara'ui ‫הראוי‬ 9858
mountainous harari ‫הררי‬ 9859
the expected / the anticipated hatsafui ‫הצפוי‬ 9860
the offsprings hatse'etsa'im ‫הצאצאים‬ 9861
the snake hanakhash ‫הנחש‬ 9862
apartment dira ‫דירה‬ 9863
doors dlatot ‫דלתות‬ 9864
in his kind bemino ‫במינו‬ 9865
surprisingly bemafti'a ‫במפתיע‬ 9866
swallowed bala ‫בלע‬ 9867
gladly / with pleasure besimkha ‫בשמחה‬ 9868
in fruits bepeirot ‫בפירות‬ 9869
in the fruits bapeirot
in cows beparot
in the cows baparot
quickly bizrizut ‫בזריזות‬ 9870
on the hill of begiv'at ‫בגבעת‬ 9871
at/in her home beveita ‫בביתה‬ 9872
saw (f.s.) ra'ata ‫ראתה‬ 9873
worthy of / suitable / eligible re'uya ‫ראויה‬ 9874
their legs raglehem ‫רגליהם‬ 9875
baskets salim ‫סלים‬ 9876
around / in a circle skhor ‫סחור‬ 9877
landed (pl.) nakhatu ‫נחתו‬ 9878
needy / poor nizkak ‫נזקק‬ 9879
from whom mimi ‫ממי‬ 9880
diligent / persistent matmid ‫מתמיד‬ 9881
gift matat ‫מתת‬ 9882
increases / multiplies (m.s.) mitrabe ‫מתרבה‬ 9883
increases / multiplies (f.s.) mitraba
that is promised / that is secured /
muvtakh ‫מובטח‬ 9884
combines / integrates (m.s.) meshalev ‫משלב‬ 9885
from/of the past mipa'am ‫מפעם‬ 9886
beats (heart) mefa'em
flight / imagination / vision ma'of ‫מעוף‬ 9887
interested (m.s.) me'unyan ‫מעוניין‬ 9888
appeals / undermines (m.s.) me'ar'er ‫מערער‬ 9889

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gives (f.s.) ma'anika ‫מעניקה‬ 9890
from the walls of mekhomot ‫מחומות‬ 9891
searches (m.s.) mekhapes ‫מחפש‬ 9892
from four me'arba'a ‫מארבעה‬ 9893
adult / elder mevugar ‫מבוגר‬ 9894
we found matsanu ‫מצאנו‬ 9895
delivered / gave (pl.) masru ‫מסרו‬ 9896
daily / my day yomi ‫יומי‬ 9897
will do (pl.) ya'asu ‫יעשו‬ 9898
their hands yedeihem ‫ידיהם‬ 9899
will bring yavi ‫יביא‬ 9900
will succeed (m.s.) yatsli'ach ‫יצליח‬ 9901
for classification / for categorization lemiyun ‫למיון‬ 9902
opposite / against lemul ‫למול‬ 9903
to circumcise lamol
to/for glory letehila ‫לתהילה‬ 9904
to/for the glory latehila
to/for policemen leshotrim ‫לשוטרים‬ 9905
to/for the policemen lashotrim
to break lishbor ‫לשבור‬ 9906
to boards lekrashim ‫לקרשים‬ 9907
to the boards lakrashim
to/for peasants / to/for farmers le'ikarim ‫לאיכרים‬ 9908
to/for the peasants / to/for the farmers la'ikarim
to worry / to be afraid of lakhshosh ‫לחשוש‬ 9909
to balance le'azen ‫לאזן‬ 9910
to the areas of le'azorei ‫לאזורי‬ 9911
to stop lakhdol ‫לחדול‬ 9912
in half lekhetsi ‫לחצי‬ 9913
to/for the half lakhetsi
to annul / to put an end to / to destroy /
to kill
lekhasel ‫לחסל‬ 9914
to practice lehit'amen ‫להתאמן‬ 9915
to cause to stand / to erect / to set up leha'amid ‫להעמיד‬ 9916
to rely / to base oneself on / to refer lehistamekh ‫להסתמך‬ 9917
to steal lignov ‫לגנוב‬ 9918
to the request of levakashat ‫לבקשת‬ 9919
regular / normal takin ‫תקין‬ 9920
my role / my function / my duty / my part tafkidi ‫תפקידי‬ 9921
my roles / my functions / my duties / my
the roles of / the functions of / the duties
of / the parts of
and a game / and a toy / and acting umiskhak ‫ומשחק‬ 9922

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and plays / and acts umsakhek
and up vamala ‫ומעלה‬ 9923
and lifts / and raises (m.s.) uma'ale
and lifts / and raises (f.s.) uma'ala
and outside [of] umikhuts ‫ומחוץ‬ 9924
and constitutes / and comprises (m.s.) umehave ‫ומהווה‬ 9925
and constitutes / and comprises (f.s.) umehava
and there are ( veyeshnan ‫וישנן‬ 9926
and vice versa ulehefekh ‫ולהפך‬ 9927
and songs / and poems veshirim ‫ושירים‬ 9928
and singing / and poetry / and her song veshira ‫ושירה‬ 9929
and that he is veshehu ‫ושהוא‬ 9930
and are active / and activists ufe'ilim ‫ופעילים‬ 9931
and live ( / and animals vekhayot ‫וחיות‬ 9932
and vitality vekhayut
and covered up vekhipa ‫וחיפה‬ 9933
and it is possible ve'efshar ‫ואפשר‬ 9934
and turns / and becomes (m.s.) vehofekh ‫והופך‬ 9935
and this time vehapa'am ‫והפעם‬ 9936
and sizes ugdalim ‫וגדלים‬ 9937
and grow ( ugdelim
and in places / and in areas uvimkomot ‫ובמקומות‬ 9938
paid (f.s.) shilma ‫שילמה‬ 9939
that was planned shetukhnena ‫שתוכננה‬ 9940
immersed / sunk / submerged (m.s.) shaku'a ‫שקוע‬ 9941
that after she'akhrei ‫שאחרי‬ 9942
that that is / that that is it shezehu ‫שזהו‬ 9943
said / told / says / tells (m.s.) sakh ‫שח‬ 9944
that continued (pl.) shehimshikhu ‫שהמשיכו‬ 9945
that/who started (m.s.) shehitkhil ‫שהתחיל‬ 9946
that the series shehasidra ‫שהסדרה‬ 9947
that in the end shebasof ‫שבסוף‬ 9948
that/who carried / who married (f.s.) shenas'a ‫שנשאה‬ 9949
that entered (m.s.) shenikhnas ‫שנכנס‬ 9950
frost / freezing kipa'on ‫קיפאון‬ 9951
shootings / weaving kli'ot ‫קליעות‬ 9952
fund of / treasury of / cash of kupat ‫קופת‬ 9953
events / beams / history korot ‫קורות‬ 9954
compensation pitsuyim ‫פיצויים‬ 9955
psychologist (f.s.) / psychologically psikhologit ‫פסיכולוגית‬ 9956
nations amim ‫עמים‬ 9957
the position of / the post of / the opinion
emdat ‫עמדת‬ 9958

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are about to atidim ‫עתידים‬ 9959
encouraged (m.s.) oded ‫עודד‬ 9960
round agol ‫עגול‬ 9961
busy asukim ‫עסוקים‬ 9962
art omanut ‫אומנות‬ 9963
ways / methods ofanim ‫אופנים‬ 9964
bicycle ofanayim
illusion ashlaya ‫אשליה‬ 9965
investigations / inquiries khakirot ‫חקירות‬ 9966
agricultural / rural khakla'iyot ‫חקלאיות‬ 9967
my nose api ‫אפי‬ 9968
last ( akhronim ‫אחרונים‬ 9969
his master adono ‫אדונו‬ 9970
loss ovdan ‫אבדן‬ 9971
deviations kharigot ‫חריגות‬ 9972
lion ari ‫ארי‬ 9973
bronze arad ‫ארד‬ 9974
venom / poison eres ‫ארס‬ 9975
prisoners of asirei ‫אסירי‬ 9976
conference / convention kinus ‫כינוס‬ 9977
as sons of kivnei ‫כבני‬ 9978
as human beings kivnei [adam]
as my son kivni
manifests krozim ‫כרוזים‬ 9979
the obstacles hamikhsholim ‫המכשולים‬ 9980
that/who brings (m.s.) hamevi ‫המביא‬ 9981
invented (m.s.) himtsi ‫המציא‬ 9982
the exhibition hata'arukha ‫התערוכה‬ 9983
was managed / was conducted / walked
hitnahala ‫התנהלה‬ 9984
the six hashesh ‫השש‬ 9985
the neighbor (f.s.) hashkhena ‫השכנה‬ 9986
raised / caused to stand up / established hekima ‫הקימה‬ 9987
the peel / the shell / the crust haklipa ‫הקליפה‬ 9988
the section / the stream / the creek hapeleg ‫הפלג‬ 9989
the beetle / the bug hakhipushit ‫החיפושית‬ 9990
warned (m.s.) hizhir ‫הזהיר‬ 9991
the stones ha'avanim ‫האבנים‬ 9992
the seed / the sperm hazera ‫הזרע‬ 9993
prepared (pl.) hekhinu ‫הכינו‬ 9994
the heavy ( hakvedot ‫הכבדות‬ 9995
the heaviness hakvedut
those hahem ‫ההם‬ 9996

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the decision hahakhra'a ‫ההכרעה‬ 9997
the visit habikur ‫הביקור‬ 9998
the stomach / the belly habeten ‫הבטן‬ 9999
the technology hatekhnologia ‫הטכנולוגיה‬ 10000

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