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Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association Joint (D.I.S.I.

) District Identity and Streetscape Improvement Committee July 28th, 2011- 11:00 a.m. CBD Conference Room-388 19th Street

Present: Andrea Kirkpatrick, Carmen Santisteban (by phone), Laurie Cooperman-Rosen (by phone), Chris Curtis, CJ Hirschfield, Neeta Puthanveetil Staff: Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Victoria Decker

PR Consultant: Nancy Amaral Guests: Jabari Gray of Youth Radio

Minutes The following items were discussed and recommendations or actions are made to the Board as follows:

Welcome and Introductions Approval of Minutes, June 23rd, 2011

Andrea Kirkpatrick welcomed everyone to the meeting and Introductions were made. The minutes of the June 23rd DISI meeting were presented for review.


Neeta moved and Chris seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 23rd meeting as presented. The motion was approved unanimously. Staff to verify Laurie Cooperman-Rosens inclusion in the e-blast distribution list.


Copies of the latest e-blast were passed around to the committee for review. The August e-blast was sent out to the distribution list via Constant Contact on July 27th. The consensus of the group was that the latest edition was very strong and included a lot of interesting content. Laurie Cooperman Rosen asked that staff confirm her inclusion in the distribution list as she has not

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530

received the latest edition.

Great Wall of Oakland

Gallen Neilly PRnewsletter Billboards


Retail Attraction Video-Youth Radio

Chris Curtis to send the updated Project Bandaloop rehearsal schedule to Tori who will distribute to the committee. Chris explained that he is currently in talks with Comcast regarding sponsorship opportunities. He indicated that Comcast is mostly interested in sponsoring big events, like Bandaloop or the Ballet projected on The Wall. Nancy distributed the latest Gallen Neilly report on projects currently underway and projects completed. The decision was made at the June 23rd DISI meeting that staff would pursue the installation of 10 billboards through CBS Outdoor at a reduced rate of $60.00 /billboard for printing and installation. Steve explained that Eddy Smith had created several billboard mock-ups and will email them out to committee chairs for review. Discussion occurred about ideal locations for the billboards and whether they should be limited to the district boundaries or if they should be placed in San Francisco to attract people to the districts. Andrew passed around final mock-ups of the side street banners that feature the Who Made Oakland quote. Andrew has submitted the order for printing the proofs and will show them to committee chairs once they are delivered. Jabari briefly discussed the successful event at Youth Radio on July 18th to celebrate the award of a $250,000.00 grant and the ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the launch of Youth Radio's Digital Media Workforce Program. Youth Radio is ready to move forward with the production of a retail attraction video once a schedule is set. Tori explained to the committee that staff had met with DISI chairs, Carmen and Andrea, earlier in the week to discuss the budget. LMUDA budgeted $5,000.00 for an Uptown Event that will not occur in 2011. DOA budgeted $10,000.00 for the Old Oakland Music Series which will also not be taking place in 2011. It was proposed at the budget meeting that the money allocated for events not taking place could be used to supplement the non-CBD event line item for sponsorship or to supplement other line items that have been exhausted. Steve explained that we would like to enter into a contract with Jonathan Bair of Artsy Geek to

No action taken

No action taken.

No action taken.

No action taken.

No action taken.

Budget Reviewreallocation of funds for Jonathan Bair proposal

Neeta moved and CJ seconded the motion to authorize an amount not to exceed $3,000.00 for Jonathan Bair to develop and implement a real estate listing page on the district websites. The motion was approved unanimously.

Website Task Force-schedule meeting

Staff requests an amount not to exceed $2K to purchase LED lights and extension cords for window displays

develop a real estate listing page on the website. The proposed cost to develop the page is $2700.00. Tori is in communication with Elizabeth Clark to finalize the Jonathan Bair proposal and to enter into contract. There was a motion to approve the expenditure. The Website Task Force needs to schedule a date for its first meeting. Jonathan Bair of Artsy Geek will be invited to discuss his proposal for the creation of a retail leasing page within the existing district websites. John Dolby, Laurie Cooperman Rosen, Neeta Puthanveetil, Dane Hooks and Joe Gallardo are the identified members of the task force. Staff requested an allocation from DOA and LMUDA DISI Misc. line items to fund the purchase LED lights and extension cords to use in pop-up galleries and window art displays as part of the CBD retail attraction strategy. Andrew and Steve will be meeting with Elemental LED in Emeryville to discuss needs and pricing.

Tori to send out an email to the Website Task Force to get a consensus on best date to meet.

Sponsorship Presentations: Wonderarium11:30

Sarah Filley re-presented her request for sponsorship for her Wonderarium project. Sarah projected a PowerPoint of the proposed project, which outlined key endorsements and press coverage received to date. Sarah and her partner, Yvette Molina, have stated that the purpose of their project is to generate wonder and curiosity about the natural world through public art as an aesthetic expression of civic pride. They plan to use the $3000.00 requested sponsorship to subsidize their mobile plant ambassador program. The program involves the use of something akin to an ice cream cart that contains all the supplies necessary (glass containers, pumice, soil and plant cuttings to make miniature version of the terrarium they hope to install on Lake Merritt. The mobile plant ambassador was created to share the Wonderarium project and promote dialogue around urban ecology.

Chris moved and Neeta seconded the motion to authorize the allocation of an amount not to exceed $2K from DISI Misc. to purchase LED lights and extension cords. The motion was approved unanimously. Chris moved and Andrea seconded the motion to grant the $3,000.00 requested sponsorship to Sarah Filley and the Wonderarium. The motion was approved unanimously.

Art Break Day12:00

Lauren Odell Usher presented a request for sponsorship for her Art Break Day Community event. She requested a $1000.00 sponsorship to fund her event in Frank Ogawa Plaza on September 2nd, 2011. The purpose of the event,

Andrea moved and Carmen seconded the motion to grant the $1,000.00 requested sponsorship and an

she explained, is to make art accessible to the wider public and provide them with the tools to make art. She further explained that this event is for everyone and that it is a project to reintroduce people to art who may have lost their connection. Steve explained that the Art Break Day concept was similar to a project underway at Somar Bar being produced by Anyka Barber. Steve asked that Lauren reach out to Anyka to pursue possible collaboration. Chris Curtis requested that the DISI Committee make a motion to recommend to the LMUDA Board that they authorize the allocation of $1,761.00 form Special Projects to replenish The Great Wall line item for monies unspent in 2010.

additional $1,000.00 to Art Break Day, an event to be held in Frank Ogawa Plaza on September 2nd.


Andrea moved and CJ seconded the motion to recommend to the board the allocation of $1,761.00 from the LMUDA Special Projects line item to replenish the Great Wall line item for monies unspent in 2010. The motion was approved unanimously.

Next Meetings: July 28rd, 2011-11:00 a.m. and August 25th-11:00 a.m. in the CBD Conference Room at 388 19th Street Minutes taken by Victoria Decker, staff.

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