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Downtown Oakland Association/Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association Joint (D.I.S.I.

) District Identity and Streetscape Improvement Budget Committee March 24th, 2011-CBD Conference Room-388 19th Street Present: Staff: Andrea Kirkpatrick, Carmen Santisteban (by phone), Chris Curtis Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Nancy Amaral, Victoria Decker, Fiona Simms


Jabari Gray, Neeta Puthanveetil

Minutes The following items were discussed and recommendations or actions are made to the Board as follows:

Welcome and Introductions Approval of minutes from the February 3rd, 2011 meeting

Andrea welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. The minutes of the February 3rd, 2011 meeting were presented for review.

No action taken Andrea moved and Chris seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.

Review of Budget

Recommendation to the LMUDA board to allocate an amount not to exceed $20k from contingency to

The DISI budget was reviewed and it was noted that the website line item was actually $6K and not $5K. The total budget for LMUDA is $125K and the total budget for DOA is $100K. It was suggested that the committee request unspent money allocated in 2010 be carried forward in to the 2011 budget for each applicable line item. Steve Snider recommended that this issue be added to the next DISI agenda. Chris Curtis explained that he has been working with Drew Lisac to identify potential funders for The Great Wall project. He is working to create a sizzle reel as a companion piece to his funding presentation and hopes to take it on the road by April 1st. He is seeking at least $60-70K in

Andrea moved and Carmen seconded the motion to recommend to the LMUDA board to allocate an amount not to exceed $20K

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4529 Fax 510.452.4530

supplement The Great Wall, JulyDecember, 2nd installment

13th Street drawings form Sudhish Mohindroo

Update on current DISI projects: 1) District Branding/banner program 2) Social Media consultant (House of Local) 3) Pop-up galleries and window displays 4) Guidelines for sponsorship posted to website 5) Mid Oak Arts

funding from Wells Fargo. He identified Kaiser, Chevron and Pixar as companies he will make his pitch to. Another potential fundraising effort will be to approach companies like Facebook, Apple and Comcast seeking monthly sponsor night sponsorships in the amount of $5K, the typical per show cost. Chris informed the group that he has invested $3500.00 in painting the wall and another $500.00 in a battery charging unit for the boom box; these were described as extraordinary expenses. Project Bandaloop will likely use the wall as a rehearsal site again this year. Although he is actively pursuing other sources of funding, Chris requested that the DISI committee authorize a second $20k installment to fund the Great Wall for July-December. There was a motion to recommend to the LMUDA Board to allocate $20K from contingency to supplement the Great Wall. Chris will plan to give a full presentation to the board at the May 5th board meeting. Chris Curtis presented the renderings of 13th Street improvements as prepared by architect Sudhish Mohindroo of SZFM Design Studio in San Francisco. Chris indicated that he would email the drawings to CBD staff so that they could be forwarded on to committee members not in attendance. The reaction to the drawings was extremely positive. Steve explained that banners are up along Broadway from 8th to 25th. Fifteen of the seventeen banners produced have been installed. Due to excessive signage on light poles in front of City Center, two banners were not able to be installed. Andrew and staff will be working with AAA Banners and Signs to remedy the problem. The plan is to have hanging plants installed by the end of the month. The refurbished Art Deco clock will be ready for installation in advance of the proposed April press event. Steve explained that staff has been working with Susan Mernit and House of Local staff to develop a social media strategy. We will be turning our current Facebook profile page into a fan page that will link to our Twitter account and our website. Our website consultant, Eddy Smith, will be working closely with staff on this project.

from contingency to supplement The Great Wall, July-December, 2nd installment. The motion was approved unanimously.

Staff to email drawings to Ke Norman, Laurie Cooperman-Rosen and Carmen Santisteban.

Tori to send Carmen the House of Local contract for review.

Steve discussed the monthly e-blast that staff is producing and sending out via Constant Contact. The idea is to drive more people to the website through the e-blast which will also help us with database development. Steve Snider announced the launch of a window art display project in the Marquee Lofts and Cathedral Building. He indicated that he may approach the committee at some point for funding. Andrea and Chris recommended to Steve that there be some sort of review process in place for art that is installed and suggested that photographs be taken for documentation. Steve discussed encouraging property owners with empty storefronts along Broadway to allow artists to install temporary pop-up galleries. This would not only provide some light and energy along the corridor, but would also connect the rest of downtown to the First Friday gallery crawl. Pro Arts gallery may become the fiscal sponsor of both Mid Oak Arts and Art Murmur. Steve will be meeting with the Mid Oak Arts group on Tuesday, March 29th. Tori informed the group that the guidelines for sponsorship have been posted to the website and that the first of two annual sponsorship presentation meetings will take place on April 28th. Steve previewed a proposal from Sarah Filley and Yvette Molina form the Wonderarium project. He also discussed a forthcoming request for funding from Justin Kanalakis for his Who Made Oakland campaign. The response to Justins concept was overwhelmingly positive. Other Steve announced that the advertising deadline for the annual Pro Arts directory of open studios and gallery spaces was fast approaching and recommended to the committee that they purchase ad space. A quarter-page ad could be purchased for $900.00 which would be split between the two districts. Andrea moved and Carmen seconded the motion to buy a quarter-page ad in the Pro Arts directory for an amount not to exceed $900.00 or $450.00/district. The emption was approved unanimously.

Next Meeting

April 28th, 2011 at 11 a.m.-CBD Conference Room-388 19th Street Minutes taken by Victoria Decker, staff.

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