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In this tutorial, we will show you how to make money using government cheques.

In order to use the Gov cheques successfully, you need to find the right kind of
bank drops(account you control and have the atm card and pin). The account you use
should have the highest cashback limit possible, meaning, the amount avaible when
you deposit a cheque should be high.

I am not talking here about the limits of your drop. I am talking about the
instantly avaible amount of cheques. Do not mix the two!

Banks like RBC give this information under limits in the online banking. (Instantly
avaible limit: 100$, 1.5k,2.5k).

What you want to do is to find accounts(bank drops) with the biggest avaible limit,
and drop a government cheque everyday for that same amount.

Example: You find a bank drop that when you deposit a cheque, 2.5k is instantly
avaible. You will want to drop a 2499$ cheque in it, then withdraw 2.5k at the atm.

After midnight, you deposit another 2499$ cheque and keep going until the account

Depending on the account, it can last up to 20 days.

Basically, everyday you drop a cheque and take the money out.

You can also take drops that already have a cheque history, in this case its all
about luck some account wont block for a very long time, some will block like fresh
drops. There is no way to know the final outcome for those

Try to keep away from Td, and credit unions. looks like they block the card at the
atm after doing this method.

Do not use fresh drops with no cashback limit. It will simply end in killing the
drops. For fresh drops, you are better off doing EMT (interac email money
Finally you can also drop in drops that have no instantly available limits and it
might clear like bmo has pretty good rate.

FOr any questions please message me.

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