Assignment Guide - Essay

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Level 0 Assignment Guide - Essay

Jan 2022.

Orientation for Success in Higher Education.

This Assignment Guide should be used in conjunction with the Assignment
Brief. To succeed, you must address each part of the Assignment Brief and
satisfy all the learning outcomes.

General Notes:
 The word count indicated below is a guide. Please ensure that you stay within
the word count i.e. 1500 +/-10%. This means that the allowable word count
can be 10% less or 10% greater than the indicated word count
 Information in blue ink is for guidance only and not a mandatory requirement
Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Understand the importance of a reflective approach to learning within
accounting and finance discipline
LO 2 Demonstrate an ability to use feedback and feedforward as an integral to
inform and improve future formative and summative assessed work;

Essay - 1500 words.

Discuss the importance of reflective approach to learning in the
accounting & finance discipline, demonstrate the roles of feedback and
feedforward to achieve success and inform and improve formative and
summative assessed work now and for the future.

The guidance below sets out the requirements of the task and a suggested structure
for the essay

Front cover – student ID number, module name, tutor name and academic

Introduction (150 words)

Your introduction should ideally begin with a topic sentence, state the objectives of
the essay, define reflective learning and other key concepts and outline the content
of the essay. The content of the essay ideally could include a relevant model of
reflection learning, description of a reflective approach to feedback and feedforward
and how this can inform and improve formative and summative assessments.
To simplify this, you can re-word the relevant tasks within the assignment brief

First body paragraph (400 words)

This paragraph should describe what is reflection learning and various reflective
approach to learning, using a relevant model/models of reflection (e.g. Gibbs, 1988)

Second body paragraph (400 words)

This paragraph should describe the importance of feedback and feedforward in the
process of learning. You should use of your chosen and effective model of
feedback and feedforward on reflection learning process. Please provide examples
from your own experience.

Third body paragraph (400 words)

This paragraph should describe how a reflective approach to feedback and
feedforward can inform and improve formative and summative assessments at
present and for future submissions. Please provide examples from your own

Conclusion (150 words)

Your conclusion should link back to the aim of the essay and briefly restate and
summarise your main points in addition to your final thought or reflection on the
significance of the topic. You may wish to add your own recommendations based on
your understanding and experience.

Word count: 1500 words +/– 150 words.


1. The task requirement is an essay not a report or reflective journal. You must
therefore ensure that your structure, outline, content, style and presentation
accord with academic writing conventions for an essay. In particular:
i. Use the passive voice.
ii. It is not a requirement to include a table of contents or subheadings in an
2. You must use the correct Canterbury Harvard Referencing conventions* for
your in-text citations and reference list
3. You must use and reference at least four of the core texts and academic
resource materials provided in moodle.
4. You must use a minimum of 15 sources including textbooks, journals and
other reliable and credible published and web sources.
Do not use Wikipedia or unverifiable blogs
5. Include your student ID number, module name, tutor name, academic
year/group bubble in your cover page which should be the first page of your

Ensure that all sources used in the essay are acknowledged using in-text
citations in the body of your essay with the full references included in the
reference list.

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