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tBB Electronics Assembly

Version 3-19 (Oct 2022)

The tBB electronic subsystem can be completed after, before or at the

Oct 2021 v3.15 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


same time as the Chassis subsystem.

How to Use this Guide 2

tBB Kit Components 2

Hardware and Tools 2
tBB Electronic Components 3
tBB 3D Printed Parts 4
3D Printed Tools 5
Laser Cut Parts 6
Electronics Part Preparation Steps 7

Electronics Assembly Steps 8

Step 1 Mount Motor Controller 8
Step 2a Mount Arduino 9
Step 2b Mount Sensor Shield 10
Step 3 Mount Breadboard 11
Step 4 Mount Battery Brackets and Switch 12

Completed Electronics Subsystem 13

Wiring The Electronics Base 14

Wiring Diagram 15

Appendix 1 - Troubleshooting Guide 16

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 1

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


How to Use this Guide

Follow the steps outlined in this guide to assemble the tBB electronics
base. There are a number of short videos to help support better
understanding during the assembly process. Look for the movie clip icon
to locate video links. QR codes have also been provided should you wish
to watch assembly videos on a mobile device.

tBB Kit Components

There are 4 categories of components needed to assemble tBBs.
● Hardware and Tools - includes bolts, screws, hex keys and screwdrivers
● Electronic Components - includes electronics components such as wires, motors,
Arduinos, bluetooth modules etc.
● 3D Printed Components - includes brackets and component need to mount parts
● Laser Cut Components - includes the parts for the chassis laser cut from 3mm MDF

Hardware and Tools

M3 X 12mm Bolts M3 X 8mmBolts M3 X 6mm Bolts
(Qty: 30) (Qty: 30) (Qty: 30)

1.5 X 5mm Screws 2.5mm L-Hex Tool Combo Screwdriver

(Qty: 8) (Qty: 4) (Qty:1)

Not Shown Not Shown

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 2

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


tBB Electronic Components

Arduino Uno (Qty: 1) L298N Motor Sensor Shield Mini breadboard
Controller (Qty: 1) (Qty: 1) (Qty: 1)

Motor (Qty:2) Wheel (Qty: 2) HC-06 Bluetooth 6 AA Battery Pack

Module (Qty: 1) (Qty: 1)

Batteries not included

On/Off Switch Bracket Micro Servo (Qty: 2) Ultrasonic Sensor LEDs

(Qty: 1) (Qty: 1) (Qty: 8)

Additional Components (Not Shown)

● 10 - 330Ω resistors
● 2 - 22 gauge solid core wires
● 4 - 22 gauge stranded wires
● 2 - 4 wire male to male Dupont Wire bundles
● 2 - 4 wire male to female Dupont Wire bundles

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 3

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


tBB 3D Printed Parts

This chart shows all parts included in the tBB3-17parts STL.. Parts in this file are used for
chassis assembly, electronic base assembly, and includes LED holders used in future activities.
Motor Brackets & Encoder Brackets Top Locking Clips Skid Ball
Stabilizer Arm (Qty: 1 R&L) (Qty: 2) (Qty: 1)
(Qty: 2 R & L)

Bluetooth Mounting Battery Holder Clips On-Off Bracket Side Brackets

Bracket (Qty: 1) (Qty: 2) (Qty: 1) (Qty: 2)

Front Corner Brackets Back Left/Right 5mm Spacer Self-locking wingnut

(Qty: 2) Corner Brackets (Qty: 20) (Qty: 30)
(Qty: 1 each)

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 4

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Electronic Base Breadboard Mounting Horizontal LED Vertical LED Bracket

Mounting Clips Clips Bracket (Qty: 4)
(Qty:4) (Qty: 2) (Qty: 4)

LED shown for effect only

LED shown for effect only

Front Clip
(Qty: 2)

3D Printed Tools
The 3D printed tools aid in the assembly of the tBB.

Socket Driver Combo wrench Bolt Gauge Hex Tool Handle

(Qty: 2) (Qty: 2) (Qty: 2) (one of each half)

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 5

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 6

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Laser Cut Parts

The laser cut parts for the main structure of the chassis and the electronics base.
Full Chassis(Qty: 1) Base Front Back
(Qty:1) (Qty:1) (Qty:1)

Sides Front Slope Front Slope Electronic Base

(Qty:2) (Qty:1) (Qty:1) (Qty:1)

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 7

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Electronics Part Preparation Steps

If not already completed, the Power Wiring Harness requires some

assembly and soldering prior to use in the Electronics Subsystem.

Follow the steps outlined in the Electronics Preparation Guide to

prepare the wiring harness.

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 8

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Electronics Assembly Steps

Complete each step to assemble the electronics subsystem. Watch the assembly videos for
additional support.

Step 1 Mount Motor Controller Parts

● Electronic base
● L298N motor
Mount the L298N motor controller to the electronic base
Motor Controller Assembly Video
● 4 - 12mm bolts

● 4 - 5mm spacers

● 4 - self-locking

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 9

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Step 2a Mount Arduino Parts

● Electronic base
● Arduino Uno
Mount the Arduino uno onto the electronic base
● 4 - 12mm bolts
Arduino Uno Assembly Video

● 4 - 5mm spacers

● 4 - self-locking

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 10

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Step 2b Mount Sensor Shield Parts

● Electronic base
● Sensor Shield
Mount the Sensor shield onto the Arduino Uno
Arduino Uno Assembly Video

Note: Be very careful to line up all the pins properly from the
sensor Shield to the Arduino

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 11

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Step 3 Mount Breadboard Parts

● Electronic base
● Mini breadboard
● 2 - Mini
Breadboard Video Link
breadboard clips
● 2 - 6mm bolts

Mount the mini breadboard using the breadboard clips as shown.

Note: Do Not remove the paper on the back of the mini

NOTE: The Bluetooth module cannot be mounted until the bluetooth

wiring has been connected in part 3 of the instructions

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 12

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Before completing Step 4 connect the wiring harness

to the Motor Controller (Red to 12V, Black to Ground)
Refer to the wiring diagram

For help wiring the power harness into the motor

controller, watch the first 3 minutes of the tbb Electronics Base Wiring video

Step 4 Mount Battery Brackets and Switch Parts

● Electronic base
● 2 -Battery Clip
Mount the power subsystem components as shown
(wiring, switch and batteries will be mounted later)
● On\Off Switch
Power Assembly Video Bracket
● 6 - 6mm bolts

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 13

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Completed Electronics Subsystem

(wiring not shown)

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 14

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Wiring The Electronics Base

The last step to completing the tBB is to connect all of the wires. Use the following
sources to help you with this process:

tbb Electronics Base Wiring - this is a 10 minute video showing step by step
wiring instructions

Electronics Wiring Guide - this is a google slide show with step by step written

Wiring Schematic Diagram - See Next Page - this is a visual diagram of tBB basic

NOTE: tBB 3.17 moves the bluetooth clip from the base to the side
of the chassis for easier programming access.

The wiring is the same, only the location of the clip has changed.

Once you have completed the Electronics Base Wiring go to either:

● Complete the Chassis Assembly (if not already completed)
● Refer the the Programming Guide

The most current resource links can be found on the tBB Google Site

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 15

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Wiring Diagram

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 16

This document and all elements of the tBB robotics platform is the property of Calgary
Board of Education and CANNOT be shared outside of the tBB CBE Pilot Program (this
includes other CBE schools). Please direct all requests/inquiries to Keith Christensen and Scott Blenkhorne


Appendix 1 - Troubleshooting Guide

Problem Description Things to try

No Power to Motor Controller ● Check battery charge

or Arduino ● Check connection and wiring from battery pack to the motor
● Check connection between motor controller and Arduino
Shield (Vin and Gnd)
● Check that the sensor shield has been installed properly

Motor(s) won’t spin in one or ● Check the wiring from the motor controller to the sensor
more directions shield, double check the wires are connected to pins 3, 5,6,
● Try a different wiring harness

Motor(s) spin in the wrong ● Reverse the wiring of the affected motor into the motor
direction controller

Code won’t upload from ● Check the Com Port (Tools → port) look for
Computer to tBB “Arduino/Genuino Uno”
● Be sure the HC-06 bluetooth module is unplugged during
● Try closing the Arduino software, unplugging tBB. Reload
software, open code and reestablish a connection with tBB.

Oct 2022 v3.19 © Keith Christensen - Do Not Distribute Page 17

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