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Task 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. pottery B. local C. control D. fold
2. A. artisan B. establish C. attraction D. handicraft
3. A. environment B. environmental C. entertainment D. document
4. A. helped B. struggled C. remarked D. watched
5. A. chairs B. suitcases C. things D. calculators
6. A. endangered B. generation C. accept D. memorable
7. A. traditional B. graduation C. handicraft D. grandparent
8. A. environment B. repeat C. embroider D. transfer
9. A. pottery B. opinion C. communicate D. behavior
10. A. handicraft B. publish C. remind D. historical
11. A. pottery B. product C. workshop D. conical
12. A. surface B. layer C. frame D. birthplace
13. A. weather B. thread C. together D. rather
14. A. historical B. system C. landscape D. business
15. A. carved B. impressed C. embroidered D. weaved
Task 2: Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
1. A. preservation B. recognition C. decision D. exhibition
2. A. artisan B. citadel C. paradise D. handicraft
3. A. pottery B. sculpture C. embroider D. handkerchief
4. A. control B. lantern C. carpet D. basket
5. A. attraction B. souvenir C. particular D. variety
6. A. surface B. attraction C. bamboo D. technique
7. A. transfer B. publish C. accept D. remind
8. A. handicraft B. cultural C. museum D. sculpture
9. A. opinion B. embroider C. department D. drumhead
10. A. workshop B. authenticity C. grandparent D. village
11. A. craftsman B. attraction C. museum D. department
12. A. embroider B. lantern C. impress D. desire
13. A. workshop B. remind C. outskirts D. village
14. A. competition B. generation C. conical D. authenticity
15. A. family B. typical C. grandparents D. embroider




1. artisan /ɑtɪ:’zæn/ (n.) : thợ làm nghề thủ công

2. handicraft /’hændikrɑ:ft/ (n.) : sản phẩm thủ công
3. workshop /’wɜ:kʃɒp/ (n.) : xưởng, công xưởng
4. attraction /ə’trækʃn/ (n.) : điểm hấp dẫn
5. preserve /prɪ’zɜ:v/ (v.) : bảo tồn, gìn giữ
6. authenticity /ɔ:θen’tɪsəti/ (n.) : tính xác thực, chân thật
7. cast /kɑ:st/ (v.) : đúc (đồng…)
8. craft /krɑ:ft/ (n.) : nghề thủ công
9. craftsman /’krɑ:ftsmən/ (n.) : thợ làm đồ thủ công
10. team-building /’ti:m bɪldɪŋ/ (n.) : tinh thần đồng đội
11. drumhead /drʌmhed/ (n.) : mặt trống
12. embroider /ɪm’brɔɪdə(r)/ (v.) : thêu
13. frame /freɪm/ (n.) : khung
14. lacquerware /’lækəweə(r)/ (n.) : đồ sơn mài
15. layer /’leɪə(r)/ (n.) : lớp (lá…)
16. mould /məʊld/ (v.) : đổ khuôn, tạo khuôn
17. sculpture /’skʌlptʃə(r)/ (n.) : điêu khắc, đồ điêu khắc
18. surface /’sɜ:fɪs/ (n.) : bề mặt
19. thread /θred/ (n.) : chỉ, sợi
20. weave /wi:v/ (v.) : đan (rổ, rá…), dệt (vải…)
21. turn up /tɜ:n ʌp/ (phr. v.) : xuất hiện, đến
22. set off /set ɒf/ (phr. v.) : khởi hành, bắt đầu chuyến đi
23. close down /kləʊz daʊn/ (phr. v.) : đóng cửa, ngừng hoạt động
24. pass down /pɑ:s daʊn/ (phr. v.) : truyền lại (cho thế hệ sau…)
25. face up to /feɪs ʌp tu/ (phr. v.) : đối mặt, giải quyết
26. turn down /tɜ:n daʊn / (phr. v.) : từ chối
27. set up /set ʌp/ (phr. v.) : thành lập, tạo dựng
28. take over /teɪk əʊvə/ (phr. v.) : tiếp quản, kế nhiệm, nối nghiệp
29. live on /lɪv ɒn/ (phr. v.) : sống bằng, sống dựa vào
30. treat /tri:t/ (v.) : xử lí
31. carve /kɑ:v/ (v.) : chạm, khắc
32. stage /steɪdʒ/ (n.) : bước, giai đoạn
33. artifact /’ɑ:tɪfækt/ (n.) : đồ tạo tác
34. loom /lu:m/ (n.) : khung cửi dệt vải
1. set up: khởi nghiệp, xây dựng sự nghiệp 16. bring out:= publish : xuất bản
2. bring out: xuất bản, phát hành 17. Look through: nhìn
3. look through: đọc 18. Keep up with = stay equal with :
theo kịp
4. keep up with: bắt kịp với 19. Run out of = short of: cạn kiệt, hết
5. run out of: hết 20. Pass down: phá sản, phá vỡ
6. pass down: chuyển giao 21. Live on: sống nhờ vào
7. close down: đóng cửa, dừng (kinh doanh) 22. Deal with : giải quyết
8. get on with: thân thiết với 23. Look over: xem xét, kiểm tra
9. turn down: phản đối, từ chối 24: face up to (with) = deal with :
đồng ý, đối mặt
10. set off: khởi hành 25. Turn down: phản đối, từ chối
11. pass down: chuyển giao 26. split up: vỡ ra, tách ra
12. turn up: xuất hiện, đến 27. rustle up: vội vàng, hối hả
13. work out: kết thúc 28. tuck into: ăn ngon lành
14. take over: đảm đương, đảm nhận 29: put off: trì hoãn
15: find out: tìm thông tin 30: get on (well) with: có mối quan
hệ tốt với

Task 1. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks.

drums lanterns conical hat marble paintings silk lacquerware pottery

1………………………… 2………………………… 3…………………………. 4…………………………

5…………………………. 6………………………… 7…………………………. 8………………………….

team-building embroider workshop craft drumheads
reminds numerous versatile stage treated
cast weave surface craftsman’s frame

1. The traditional.................... village attracts millions of foreign tourists each

2. People use buffalo skin to make the....................
3. His parents want him to take over their family’s.................... which was set up
by his grandparents.
4. I need to buy a new.................... for the picture. Do you know any shops near
5. We are looking for a manager with good .................... and leadership skills.
6. It takes great skill to.................... a statue in gold.
7. She can.................... more than fifty bamboo baskets a day.
8. The....................piece of pottery must be worth a million dollars.
9. They................... the scarves with flowers to make them more colorful.
10.It’s hard to find a marble with such a smooth and shiny ....................
11.................... handicraft products from different countries are displayed for sale
at the fair.
12.That picture of my hometown.
13.The problem of air pollution cannot be....................until they work together.
14. This basket is extremely.................... - You can use it for lots of different
15.I’m not allowed to tell you about the plan at this....................

Task 3. Choose the best answer.

1. He works as a/ an .................... in his uncle’s workshop.

A. attraction B. artisan C. embroider
2. Vietnamese .................... is now available to purchase online.
A. lacquer B. lacquers C. lacquerware
3. Those handicrafts may face the challenges of losing their ....................
A. authenticity B. sculpture C. craft
4. How many .................... of leaves does a Hue’s conical hat have?
A. surface B. layers C. frames
5. I know some interesting tourist .................... in the city that you would love to
A. sculptures B. attractions C. handicrafts
6. The car has been .................... in clay.
A. moulded B. woven C. embroidered
7. The scarf embroidered with gold ............... is the most expensive one in our
A. frame B. layer C. thread
8. Burglars broke into the museum and stole dozens of valuable
marble ....................
A. crafts B. sculptures C. workshops
9. Local people often sell .................... like bracelets, scarves and hats to tourists.
A. lacquerware B. artisans C. handicrafts
10.They need to find a solution to .................... the local environment.
A. preserve B. cast C. weave
11.The company is going to close .................... one of its stores due to reduced
A. on B. to C. down
12.He was thinking of passing .................... the workshop to his eldest son.
A. with B. to C. down
13.You had to face up .................... the fact that she would never come back.
A. to B. at C. with
14.I just wondered why she turned .................... his offer of help.
A. on B. down C. back
15.He is going to set .................... a travel company next year.
A. down B. with C. up
16.If she doesn’t turn .................... by 6.15, they will leave the party.
A. on B. up C. off
17.He wanted someone to take .................... his role once he retired.
A. over B. up C. back
18.His salary isn’t enough for his family to live ....................
A. over B. on C. up
19.Do you know what time we will set .................... tomorrow?
A. up B. on C. off
20.This craftsman is the most .................... in the village.
A. skillful B. skill C. skilled

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs from the box.

call off set up turned down gave up turn up

carried out worn out came across took off broken into

1. Sue was offered a job as a translator but she it .

2. His shoes are quite . He’ll have to get a new pair.

3. They have had to the football match because of snow.

4. Rachel knew that Ross would be worried if she didn’t .

5. Can you imagine who I while I was in Paris?

6. An investigation was by the local police.

7. A house in our neighborhood was last night.

8. He’s been feeling much better since he smoking.

9. She her clothes and got into bed.

10.Zedco wants to a new sales office in Germany

Task 5. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence.
1. The price of clay, supplies and equipment is a small (PRODUCT)
percentage of the total cost to
2. He started the youth group to keep local off (YOUNG)
the streets.
3. Poem conical hats are believed to come from Tay Ho Village (SKILL)
in Hue, which was famous for hat
4. Today, Hang Trong paintings are found (AUTHENTICITY)
only in museums or fine angalleries.
5. Craft village tourism has also proved an , (ATTRACT)
receiving great attention from visitors, especially foreign
6. Mass started in 1989 when the first 340 (TOUR)
Windsurf guests arrived.
7. The tribe is concerned with the of its (PRESERVE)
culture and traditions.
8. The second collection was more decorative, inspired by (EMBOIDER)
and pattern.
9. Vietnamese people have a strong desire to maintain a distinct (CULTURE)
10. I’d like to thank everyone for helping to make this day (MEMORY)
for us.



Câu phức là câu có một mệnh đề chính hay còn gọi là mệnh đề độc lập và một hay
nhiều mệnh đề phụ. Hai mệnh đề thường nối với nhau bởi dấu phẩy hoặc các liên từ.
a. Dependent clauses of purpose (Mệnh đề phụ chỉ mục đích)
- So that/ in order that (để mà): là mệnh đề phụ được dùng để chỉ mục đích của hành
động ở mệnh đề chính.
Ex: I study hard so that I can pass the exam.
b. Dependent clauses of reason (Mệnh đề phụ chỉ lí do)
- Because, since (do, vì, bởi vì): là mệnh đề phụ được dùng để chỉ lý do của hành động
ở mệnh đề chính.
Ex: Tom stayed up very late last night because he tried to finish his report.
c. Dependent clause of time (Mệnh đề phụ chỉ thời gian)
- When; while; after; before; as soon as;..là các từ bắt đầu đứng trước mệnh đề phụ
chỉ thời gian.
Ex: As soon as, if refers the time when the action takes place.
d. Dependent clauses of contrast (Mệnh đề phụ chỉ sự tương phản)
- Though/ although/even though (dù, mặc dù, cho dù): là các từ bắt đầu đứng trước
các mệnh đề phụ chỉ sự tương phản của hai hành động trong cùng một câu.
Ex: Although her salary is very low, she likes her job.

I. Choose the best answer.

1. I tried my best in the final test _________the result was not as good as I expected.
A.but B. so C. for
2. He lost the key he couldn’t get into the house.
A.yet B. or C. so
3. You must do well in the test, you will not graduate. B. or C. for
4. The Empire Theatre box office will stop selling tickets fifteen minutes the
beginning of the show.
A. between B. before C. for
5. Yesterday, Jim was playing the piano his sister was playing the flute. B. although C. while
6. You shouldn’t spend too much time on computer it is harmful to your eyes. B. when C. although
7. I will phone you I get there.
A.while B. as soon as C. although
8. The scientist usually works in his lab the sunsets.
A.until B. as soon as C. although
9. you promise not to tell lies again, I won’t forgive
you. I A. If B. Even if C. Unless
10. her legs were hurt, she made attempt to finish the running track.
A.Even if B. As if C. Even though
11. She talked she witnessed the accident. But in fact she knew nothing. if B. even though C. even if
12. I didn’t finish my homework I was seriously ill yesterday.
A.when B. though C. since
13. James decides to save money from now he has enough money to travel this
A. so that B. though C. when
14. we have been friends for only one year, we deeply understand each other.
A.If B. Though C. Once
15. Mr. Smith doesn’t like dogs, his wife loves them.
A.when B. so that C. whereas

II. Complete the sentences, using the words in the box.

since although while unless before

as though when as long as because in case
1. Jim came home, he realized that someone had broken into his house.
2. You’d better bring your raincoat rain pours down.
3. They have been colleagues they graduated.
4. Jim puts more effort in his studying, he won’t catch up with his
5. My mother always reminds me to wash my hands I have meals.
6. We will go picnicking the weather is fine.
7. James behaved nothing had happened.
8. I can’t make it on Saturday I will be fully occupied.
9. When I got home, my father was mowing the lawn my mother was watering the
flower beds.
10. I don’t get on well with Mary, I really admire her intelligence and beauty.

III. Fill in the blank space in each sentence with and, but, so, or, because, therefore,
1. Polly’s watch was broken she borrowed mine
2. My family went to Africa we wanted to study the wild animals.
3. Melissa tried to read the book she couldn’t understand it.
4. She isn’t English she speaks English perfectly.
5. They went to town bought a lot of clothes.
6. The road was under water, the police closed it to traffic.
7. The air is polluted there’s too much traffic.
8. I haven’t got a car I’ve got a motorbike.
9. Study harder you will fail the coming exam.
10. She’s working late next Friday she can’t come to the party.
11. Would you like some water some fruit juice?
12. I was hungry didn’t eat on the plane. The food didn’t look appetizing.
13. We wanted to go to the beach. it started to rain we stayed at
14. Someone switched the freezer off. all the food was spoilt.
15. The water in the river is polluted, we cant go swimming.

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
1. I arrived on time in spite of the bad traffic.
2. He left school because his life was hard
Because of
3. John succeeded in his exam because of his hard and methodical work.
4. We didn’t want to go out because of the heavy rain.
5. Although he had much experience in machinery, he didn’t succeed in
repairing this machine.
6. In spite of the darkness, they continued to work.
7. We postponed our trip because the driving conditions were bad.
Because of
8. The water in most rivers is unsafe to drink because it is polluted.
9.We all have received the best of everything because of our generous parents.
10.Lan was ill, so she didn’t go to Dong Ho village her friends.

V. Combine two sentences into one, using the connectives in brackets.

1. You can go home. You’ve finished this exercise (when)

2. I don’t get many opportunities to practice my English. I find it difficult to remember

everything I study (therefore)

3. I’m practicing speaking English a lot. I don’t want to fail in the oral test (because)

4. The world’s energy resources are limited. We should use them economically (so)

5. The country could face an energy crisis. Demand continues to rise (if)

6. You cant borrow my dictionary. You bring it back on Monday (unless)

7. The cost of installation is very high. Solar domestic heating systems are economical to

8. Solar panels are placed on the roof of a house. The Suns energy is used to heat
9. I don’t agree with a lot of his teaching methods. He is a good teacher (however)

10. We’d better not waste water. We won’t have enough to drink sooner or later (or)


- Cụm động từ (phrasal verbs) là sự kết hợp giữa một động từ và tiểu từ (particle).
- Tiểu từ có thể là một trạng từ (adverb), hay là một giới từ (preposition), hoặc là cả
hai, chẳng hạn như back, in, on, off, though, up...
- Khi thêm tiểu từ vào sau động từ, cụm động từ thường có ý nghĩa khác hẳn so với
động từ ban đầu.
* Một số cụm động từ thường gặp

A verb + a particle
• Động từ kết hợp với một tiểu từ
Get up: thức dậy
Turn down: từ chối Give up: từ bỏ
Show off: khoe khoang
• Động từ kết hợp với tiểu từ và giới từ
verb +particle + preposition / a verb + 2 particles
Keep up with: theo kịp, bắt kịp
Look forward to: trông đợi, mong chờ
Run out of: hết, cạn kiệt
Cut down on: cắt giảm

I. Circle the correct answer.

1. They have turned (down/ up) Jims application for the job.

2. You may have to deal (with/ about) many problems in the workplace.

3. Small birds mainly live (on/ off) insects.

4. When does the plane take (off/ up)?

5. Why did you decide to take (on/ up) skiing?

6. Remember to warm (up/ down) carefully before you play sports.

7. There’s no need to dress (up/ down). It is just an informal party

8. Have you worked (out/ in) the solution yet?

9. Oops, think we’re run out (of/ on) petrol.

10. Does Jim have many friends to count (on/ off) in difficult time?

11. Yesterday, my uncle dropped (to/ by) my house to the surprise of everyone.

12. Were you brought (up/ in) by your grandparents?

II. Work out the meaning of these phrasal verb and put them in the right

come back, get off, fall over, get on, go away, pay back, let in, lie down, put off,
stay in, turn up, cross out, go off, take back, throw away.

1. I didn’t have a key, but luckily someone was there to let me in.

2. Can’t we go out somewhere? I don’t want to all evening.

3. Could you lend me ten pounds? I’ll you on Friday.
4. The sidewalk is very icy. Be careful you don’t .
5. I was feeling so tired I had to on the bed for a while.
6. I saw Martin the bus and go straight home.
7. Mark’s gone out, and I don’t know when he is going to .
8. The driver unlocked the coach so that the passengers were able to

9. I’ll have to these books to the library.

10. Your brother was being a nuisance, so I told him to

11. Don’t that box. We can use it again.

12. If you make a mistake on the form, just it
13. I can’t hear the radio. Could you it a little?
14. I was late for school this morning because my alarm clock didn’t

15. Never until tomorrow what you can do today.

III. Complete the dialogues, using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box

look after take off fill in turn up give up try on

keep up turn off see off look up run out break down
1. A: What shall I do with this form?

B: Just fill it in and send it to the address at the top

2. A: Is Sonia a fast runner?
B: Oh, yes. Nobody else can with her.
3. A: Why didn’t you buy a dictionary?

B: The bookstore has of them.

4. A: Is Kathy going to Australia tomorrow?

B: Yes. I’m going to the airport to her .

5. A: Would you like to go to the movie with us?

B: I’d love to but I have to my youngest sister.

6. A: You’re late again.

B: I’m sorry. My car on the way here.

7. A: Why don’t you that dress in the window? B:
No. I don’t like its color.
8. A: Have you got Tamara’s phone number?

B: No. But if you want to know, you can it in the phone book.
9. A: Hello, Tom.

B: Hello, Michelle. Good to see you. Come in and your coat .

10. A: You shouldn’t leave the television on all night.

B: Sorry, I got it. I usually it before going to bed.

11. A: Have you met Jane yet?

B: No. I arranged to meet her after work but she didn’t

12. A: So how long is it since you smoking? B:
Well, I stopped smoking three years ago

Task 1: You are going to hear about different stages in silk making process. Firstly, look at the
pictures below, and match the pictures with the phrases that describe them


1. Twisting silk threads ............
2. Weaving silk threads ............
3. Selecting cocoons ............
4. Boiling cocoons ............
5. Dying silk threads ............
6. Unwinding silk threads ............
2. Can you guess the right order of the stages 1 - 6 in the silk making process?
............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...............

Task 2:Listen and decide if the statements are True( T) or False( F)

1. In the first stage, cocoons are boiled in vessels. ..................
2. Silk threads are unwound in the third stage. ..................
3. Dye process is done before twisting silk threads. ..................
4. Silk threads can be dyed in only some basic colors. ..................
5. Silk should be dyed again for more beautiful colors. ..................

Task 1. Match the questions and answers. Then practice.

1. Why are Dong Ho paintings so A. My friends.

2. This kind of team-building activity B. You can go to Non Nuoc marble
seems to attract a lot of tourists. village.
3. Do you have any intention to visit C. No, I haven’t. Can you show me
Hoi An the second time? how to do it?

4. Who will you go to the painting D. No. It’s Hue.

workshop with?
5. Hanoi is the birthplace of the E. Absolutely. They should promote it
conical hat, isn’t it? more and more.
6. Yogurt made in Dalat will surprise F. Yes, I do. Next summer I will come
you. back there.

7. Where can we observe the process G. Wow, I will definitely try it when
of making marble sculptures? coming there.
8. Have you ever tried making a H. Because the artisans use
handmade keychain? special materials to make
the paint.

Task 2. Write the questionI. for thequestions

Write underlinefor part.
the underlined parts.

Task 1. Read and answer the questions.

The ancient town of Hoi An lies on the Thu Bon River, 30 km south of Da Nang. It
was formerly a major trading center in Southeast Asia between the 16th and 17th
centuries. Hoi An is famous for its old temples, pagodas, small tile-roofed houses and
narrow streets. All the houses were made of wood, and their pillars were carved with
ornamental design.
All visitors to Hoi An are commended a visit to the Assembly Hall of Cantonese
Chinese Congregation. This house was built in 1855 and still keeps many precious
objects that belonged to the Chinese community of Hoi An. Another attractive address to
tourists is Tan Ky House, which was conducted nearly two centuries ago as the house of a
Vietnamese merchant. The house now looks almost exactly as it did in the early
In recent years, Hoi An has become a popular tourist destination in Vietnam. In1999,
it was certified by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site.
1. Where is the ancient town of Hoi An located?
2. What is Hoi An famous for?
3. How does Tan Ky House look now?
4. When was Hoi An recognized as a world Heritage site?
5. Is it one of famous tourist places in Vietnam?

Task 2. Read the following and choose the best answer.

There are many (1) villages in Viet Nam, but Quat Dong village in Ha Noi is
widely known (2) its products of high (3) .
Embroidery has been developing around here (4) the 17th century. In the past,
local skilled artisans were chosen to make sophisticated embroidered (5)
for the Vietnamese King, Queen and other Royal family members. The first man who
taught the local people how to embroider was Dr. Le Cong Hanh, who lived during the
Le dynasty. He learned how to embroider while on a trip to China (6)
an envoy, and taught the villagers of Quat Dong upon his (7) .
Although these skills eventually spread (8) the country, the Quat Dong’s
artisans’ creations are still the most appreciated. In (9) to create
beautiful embroideries, an artisan must be patient, careful and have an eye for design,
along with clever hands. Nowadays, Quat Dong products may range from clothes, bags,
pillowcases, to paintings and decorations, which are (10) to many countries.
1. A. number B. exist C. embroidery D. population
2. A. for B. border C. region D. place
3. A. includes B. insists C. quality D. consists
4. A. around B. over C. on D. since
5. A. costumes B. tell C. name D. separate
6. A. good B. as C. better D. well
7. A. another B. others C. return D. anothers
8. A. across B. hill C. village D. downtown
9. A. quarter B. effort C. order D. notice
10.A. wonder B. cause C. true D. exported
Task 3. Read the text and do the task below.

Last year I visited the Somerset Levels, a coastal plain and wetland area in Somerset,
South West England. This area is home to one of Somerset’s oldest traditional crafts - willow
basket making. Basket making began in the area a long time ago. At the beginning of the 19th
century, more than three thousand acres of willow trees were planted commercially there
because the area provided an excellent natural habitat for their cultivation.
I’d seen willow baskets before I visited the Levels, but I was still amazed at the
numerous products created by the basket makers there. They make lobster pots, bread trays, and
even passenger baskets for hot air balloons.
Although the arrival of plastics in the 1950s caused the basket making industry to
decline, willow growing and basket making have continued to play a significant role in
Somerset’s rural economy. Willow growers and basket makers have dealt with this challenge by
finding new markets and innovative ways of using willow. They make willow charcoal for
artists and bower seats for gardens. Some even weave willow coffins. Therefore, people here
can still live on the craft that their great-grandparents passed down to them.
Decide T (true)/ F (false) for each statement.
No Statements T F
Willow basket making is the oldest traditional craft in  
Willows can grow well in the area because of its  
favourable natural conditions.
The presence of plastic products did not affect the  
3. growth of the basket making industry in the area in the
Basket making does not play an important role in the  
area now.
Willow growers and basket makers have found new  
ways to promote their industry.
6. Basket makers can live on their craft nowadays.  

Task 4. Fill in the blank with the words in the box.

artisans skillful handicraft completely

long-standing souvenirs where set

I’ve just been back from my vacation in Hanoi, Vietnam. In this trip, I had a chance to
visit some (1) villages that produce the finest craft works exported over
the world.

The very first place I (2) foot on was Van Phuc silk
village, the cradle of best silk in Vietnam once. I totally fall in love with many colourful
clothes, hats, bags, tie... made of authentic silk. Then, I moved on to Bat Trang ceramic
village, the most famous and (3) pottery village in Vietnam
with a nearly 1,000 years old historic development. Here, I visited a small family factory
to see how the (4) form, paint and glaze with unique products and
have a chance to practice my talent with wet clay and a mould. Afternoon, I continued to
visit Dong Ho folk painting village, (5) the traditional woodblock
paintings are preserved. I was completely impressed by the folk paintings made by the
local (6) artisans with natural materials and colors. Each painting is
(7) handmade on paper of the Dzo tree and is coloured with other
natural materials and its glittery surface is finished with oyster shell dust.

I took home a lot of handmade (8) which were later given to my family and


Task 1. By using the words in brackets, join each of the following sentences into logical ones. You ma
need to change some of the words.
student has studied English for a few years. He may have a vocabulary of thousands of
words. (who)
2. Between formal and colloquial English there is unmarked English. It is neither so
literary ___________________________________________________________and
serious as formal English, nor so casual and free as colloquial English. (which)
3. He bought a jeep. His friend advised him against it. (although)
4. Good writing requires general and abstract words as well as specific and concrete
ones. It __________________________________________________________is the
latter that make writing vivid, real and clear. (though)
5. It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields. (so ... that)
6. The politician is concerned with successful elections. The statesman is interested in
the future of his people. (whereas)
7. The results of the experiment were successful. The school refused to give any help.
8. He chose to study computer science. Computer science has good employment
prospects. (because of)
9. Mary walked very slowly. She did not catch the train. (if)
10.He is not coming. The meeting will be put off till next week. (in the event of)
Task 2. Write sentences with the cues given.

1. Lam Yen Drum village/ stand/ between/ Red River/ Tich River
2. waste pollution/ should/ treat/ properly
3. life expectancy/ craft village residents/ be/ lower/ rest of Vietnam
4. many handicraft villages/ Quang Nam Province/ succeed/ combining/ traditional
handicraft/ tourism
5. villagers/ learn/ make/ green sticky rice/ when/ they/ be/ very/ young
6. craftsmen/ add/ paintings/ Hue poems/ between/ two layers/ leaves/ create/ famous/
poetic/ conical hats

7. although/ they/ come/ Vietnam/ the first time,/ they/ can/ easy/ get/ local people.
8. government/ be/ face/ pressure/ environmentalists/ at present

Task 3. Tell your partner about Dong Ho painting village.

- Other name: Ho village

- Location: left side of Duong river,
Song Ho, ThuanThanh, BacNinh
Province. About 35 km or one-hour
drive from Hanoi.
- History: about 3000 years
- Special things: long-standing art
tradition, ancient art of woodblock
painting (Dzo paper), unique art of
making. Hundreds of famous folk
paintings as aesthetic symbol of
- Busy time: Production: July or
August, Selling: before Tet

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