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Take this self-evaluation honestly and decide for yourself. Please tick the appropriate column of your
answer. 30 points

# I… True False
1 treat people the way I want to be treated.
2 treat people impartially and without prejudice.
3 respect people whatever is their status in life.
4 can tolerate differences around me.
5 can wait for my turn in a very busy grocery counter.
6 consider the feelings of other people who will be affected by my actions
7 am open-minded and reasonable.
8 play by the rules.
9 show courtesy by greeting people in offices, classrooms or at home.
10 never take advantage of others.
11 ask permission when I want to borrow some things from other people
12 can control myself from not using my cell phone when it is examination period.
13 open doors for those who are carrying heavy objects.
14 laugh at the mistakes of other people.
15 forgive my classmates when they hurt me.
16 cheat in a game in order to win.
17 easily get mad when people don't understand my views.
18 show respect to siblings and other people younger than me.
19 wait for my turn to speak up in a conversation.
20 critical of the shortcomings of other people.
21 show consideration for persons with special needs.
22 sing the Philippine National Anthem seriously.
23 listen to the wisdom of my parents.
24 perform my assigned responsibility in group tasks.
25 treat medical frontliners with respect.
26 don't blame others for my failures.
27 refrain from eating unhealthy foods.
28 can control my temper.
29 use first names or Ma'am/Sir when talking to people.
30 don't use swear words or offensive language when angry or startled.
Test II – ANALYSIS: Using 300 words in each question, answer the questions below. 10 points each

1. After the Self-Assessment, how would you describe your manners as a person?

2. What would you consider as your strengths?

- My strength is My Family and God.Because my Family serve as my pillar of strength due to
several factors. Firstly, they offer unwavering emotional support, acting as a reliable source of comfort
during both triumphs and challenges. The unconditional love and understanding within my Family and
God provide solace and encouragement, encouraging me to strive for personal growth and fulfillment.
Ultimately, the strength of my family lies not only in our unity but also in our ability to uplift and inspire
each other through life's journey.

3. What would you consider as areas for improvement?

Improvement can happen in various aspects of life, such as personal growth, professional development,
relationships, and skills enhancement. It's essential to identify areas where one can enhance knowledge,
skills, or behaviors to become more effective, fulfilled, or successful.

4. What necessary steps will you take to improve yourself?

To do these things, first,I may change my personal behavior or choices, like be more discipline,
and think about what I’m good at, be more organize.Second thing to know what my priority is
what I enjoy the most. My priorities are my education, and work hard, these are my priorities, I
know if I do these things I can be successful.

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