EOD Wave 3 15.9.2023

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EOD Report DATE 15/09/2023

Trainer: Lee Rivera Valladares

Wave: 3 Attendance: 6/8

Wednesday Comment

Questions and doubts from the previous day 15 mins Complete

Musculoskeletal system 2 hours Complete

Role play: Musculoskeletal system scenarios 1 hour and Complete

15 mins

Integumentary system 1 hour and Complete

45 mins

Role play: integumentary system scenarios 2 hours Complete

Medication names 30 minutes Complete

Questions and doubts 15 minutes Complete


We answered questions regarding the previous day and reviewed the previous lesson. Next, we
learned about the musculoskeletal and integumentary systems, including their anatomy, common
medical conditions, procedures, tests, professional-related information, treatments, and
acronyms. We then practiced role-play scenarios for each system and shadowed experienced
trainees. Finally, we reviewed medication names as a group.



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