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1ables Of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Positive and Aegative Impact on the Changing of
International Environment

3. lobalisation Issues

4. Development Issues

5. Marketing Strategy

. References

The KFC was Iounded by Colonel Harland Sanders; he discovered his
penchant Ior cooking since he was 9 years old. At 1952, KFC decided to go to
Iranchising company with his Iamous Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe blends oI 11
herbs and spices. KFC was entry to Malaysia at early 70`s and their Iirst KFC
restaurant was located at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Nowadays, KFC are growing
rapidly in Malaysia there are more than 500 KFC Restaurant and still growing time by
time. The Slogan oI KFC are Finger Lickin` Good are based oI the IlavorIul blends oI
11 herbs and spices give KFC delicious aroma and make the customer even licking
their Iinger aIter enjoying the meals Irom KFC. Beside that KFC also Iull-Iill theirs
customer needs and satisIactions oI meals by providing the great tasting chicken with
a selection oI home-styled side dishes and desserts. They also provide inIormation on
the nutritional values oI KFC products to assist our customers in planning a
wholesome and balanced meal. For Irying all oI our products, we use non-
hydrogenated palm oil that contains insigniIicant amount oI Tran`s Iat and it is 100
cholesterol Iree. This is to make their customer have healthy meals every day.
The History oI KFC was all started by one man dream who are Colonel
Harland Sanders, born on 9 September 1890. At 1896, he started cooked Ior his
Iamily aIter he dad was passed away and he mom went to work when he was 6 years
old. Colonel has work Ior many diIIerent jobs beIore he started his Iried chicken
business at the service station in Corbin, Kentucky when he was 40 years old. At 50
years old, he started to perIect his Original Recipe chicken with his secret blend oI 11
herbs and spices and created the Kentucky Colonel. He was started his Iranchising
business at 65years old by car across U.S and Canada restaurant to promote his Iried
chicken. The 1st
KFC Malaysian is Iully established and manages by Malaysian as KFC
Holdings. This is to make Malaysian to create a selection oI Ioods that would make us
proud on international scene. "Meals on Wheels" was also developed in Malaysia by
KFC Holding. It was created Ior the purpose oI bringing great tasting chicken to
places where a KFC Restaurant might not be available. So, any oIIices or companies
can hold Iunctions at any place and anytime. Besides that, KFC also created the KFC
Kids` Club Ior kids only and provide the activities Ior kids because oI they wanted
children have a wonderIul memory in their childhood. Nowadays, KFC is the large
Iast Iood chain in Malaysia. They also aim to provide more high quality and Iood
saIety to customers. KFC also created 3 restaurants as Speech and Hiring that just hire
and train the disability person to make their liIe more easy and normal by gives them
a sense oI conIidence and selI-esteem. These 3 restaurants are allocated at Sentul
Raya in Kuala Lumpur, Saujana in Sarawak, and Tanjung Aru in Sabah.

2. Positive and Aegative Impact on the Changing of
International Environment
The positive and negative impact will always occur to changing the
international environment due to business has been entry another country something
will be change like the economy oI the country, cultural, employment rate, social, and
even though the political.
Positive Impact
The Iirst will be Employment Rate will be increases due to the KFC
Restaurant have been grow will and now has over 500 restaurants operate in Malaysia.
For an example every restaurant is need 20 employee to operate there are 10000
peoples working with then not include the management team. By this the employment
rate in Malaysia will increase due to the entry oI KFC restaurant.
The Second impact is the social. The KFC Holdings has done well in the
social responsibility. In 1995 , KFC introduced a Charity Iund project called Tabung
Penyayang is to provide Iood to 80 homes every quarter, helping thousands oI
orphans and underprivileged children to enjoy their meals. There over 6,500 children
was treated KFC meals every years. Besides that, KFC donate their percentage oI
revenue generate Irom the sales oI KFC`s Kids` Fun Meals as a Iund to help the
orphans in Malaysia at 1997. In August 1999, KFC Collection Box has been
introduced to public that enable their customers to donate and be a part oI this
charitable eIIort.
The second impact is the economy oI Malaysia will be increase by the taxation
paid by the corporation. The Table 1.0 has showed the proIit oI KFC restaurant Irom
2005 until 2009 Iinancial statement. The Share price will direct eIIected Malaysia
economy either better or worse. For an example the latest AIG Iinancial was aIIected
by Lehman Brothers, whole U.S economy got down and even though Malaysia
economy also aIIected by AIG.

1able 1.
Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Revenue RM`000 RM`000 RM`000 RM`000 RM`000

1,073,422 1,164,078 1,335,317 1,628,876 1,723,677
318,932 289,665 316,985 445,018 484,132
Ancillary 64,193 70,096 78,069 105,894 89,622

1,456,547 1,523,839 1,730,371 2,179,788 2,297,431
Profit Before
5,563 142,304 150,624 167,457 190,015
Attributable To
Equity Holders
(32,459) 98,280 104,269 118,535 130,403
Total Assets 925,672 974,078 1,006,128 1,154,047 1,290,470

437,043 528,476 602,021 692,158 791,757
Per Share (Sen)

(16.4) 49.6 52.6 59.8 65.8
Gross Dividend
Per Share (Sen)
16 18 20 22 24
Share Price As
At 31
4.10 5.40 6.40 7.45 7.40

Aegative Impact
The Iirst negative impact is the cultural oI Malaysia has been change. Foods
are one oI the cultures oI Malaysia. Nowadays, the youngest and kids always like to
enjoy their Iast Iood or junk Iood because it are more taste and this make them Iorget
their original cultures Ioods even though do not know how to cook it already. The Iast
Ioods are high in calories and low in nutrition will bring our health more worse iI get
addicted with this kind oI Ioods. Like what KFC has been changes Malaysia culture
and make the youngest and kids do not like their cultures Ioods. The culture is so
valuable because it is a bond that ties the people oI a region or community together
like the Iood they eats, the Iestivals they celebrate, the clothing they wear and others
will bind them together.

3. lobalisation Issue
The issue oI globalisation become important to human by year to year because
people are aware that Earth, the place we are living are sick already. People nowadays
are trying to protect against the place we live. But the pollution is cannot be stopped
like what KFC has been done.
The Global Warming is when the earth heats up (the temperature rises). It
happens when greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrous oxide, and
methane) trap heat and light Irom the sun in the earth`s atmosphere, which increases
the temperature. This hurts many people, animals, and plants. It can be create when
garbage goes to landIills which are sometimes burned and this will created the
greenhouse gasses into the air and makes global warming more worse. Imaging there
over 500 KFC restaurants in Malaysia, the packing they use are creating more garbage
day to day. This will make our next generation are born in the pollution and unhealthy
Besides that, by cut down trees will also make the global warming more badly.
Trees and other plats collect carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas Carbon
dioxide is the air that our body lets out when we breathe. With Iewer trees, it is harder
Ior people to breathe because there is more CO2 in the air, and we don`t breathe CO2,
we breathe oxygen. Plants collect the CO2 that we breathe out, and they give back
oxygen that we breathe in. With Iewer trees and other plants, such as algae, there is
less air Ior us, and more greenhouse gases are sent into the air. This means that it is
very important to protect our trees to stop the greenhouse eIIect, and also so we can
breathe and live. However, KFC still continues to produce its packaging Iorm the Iew
remaining woodlands in southern U.S by cutting down the trees.

4. Development Issue

The Development issues are include causes and problems oI development,
emerging economies, Iair trade and labor standards and others will be Iaced by each
company when they entry a new market.
The Iirst is the causes and problems oI development there based on many
circumstances. In 2008, the negative eIIects oI the Global Financial Crisis, the KFC
Holdings still breaking the record as the KFC Malaysia has successIul increased the
turnover to RM1,365.5million Irom RM1,284.4 million. There was 6.3 increased
compare with 2007.H1N1 and a dengue alert resulted in Iewer Dine-In customers.
KFC Malaysia remained strong and posted an excellent set oI results Ior the 2009
Iinancial year.

The Second issue is the emerging economy. The KFC Holdings are to expand
their restaurant network by KFCH opened 44 stores across Malaysia, Singapore and
Brunei, and as the economy improves and customers spend more. The KFC Holdings
expect great results going Iorward. In India we are nearing operational readiness and
expansion will begin in earnest during 2010. The KFC Holdings make their company
more visibility to public by showing their Iinancial reports at website.

5. Marketing Strategy
The Marketing Strategy that use by the KFC Malaysia are promotion
when the economy in the world are down turn. The KFC Malaysia has launching the
most popular promotions, Jom Jimat. This special value deal was Iirst introduced in
April 2009. These prove that KFC Malaysia able to stay one step ahead oI our
competitors by slashed their menu prices. The Priced are started Irom only RM 4.90.
The promotion gave consumers a Iull meal plus a soIt drink. By the results showing
so good, another promotion was launched over the year adding variety and interest to
our menu was included Zinger Tower, Fiery Lime Crunch, Cheezy Chickaroni,
Shrimp Stix, and Hot Rods. A new look breakIast menu was launched in February to
alert customers to the 30 extra KFC restaurants that were serving breakIast. The menu
included old Iavourites such as Chicken Porridge and Nasi Lemak Enak as well as
two new dishes, the a.m. Twister and the a.m. Riser. This bring a 43.6 increase in
servings led to a 36.6 increase in breakIast sales. Early in 2009 a cost eIIiciency
programme was launched to ease Iinancial pressure during the country`s economic
downturn. This included a new labour productivity matrix designed to reduce
excessive overtime payments. The new matrix saw extra part-time restaurant staII
being taken on to cover the shiIts that existing part-time staII would usually work as
overtime. The programme also led to a reduction in restaurant waste through various
waste management strategies. KFC Malaysia`s restaurant expansion drive continued
apace with the net addition oI 39 stores throughout the country. Running parallel to
expansion is our restaurant image enhancement programme, which improves
ambiance and brand experience Ior our customers. To improve cost eIIiciency we
reduced the number oI 24-nhour restaurants Irom 74 to 66, aIter conducting diligent
cost-beneIit analysis in line with the Group`s cost saving initiatives. Overall, we retain
our dominance in the Iast Iood market, staying ahead oI competitors in nearly all
Iields including sales and number oI restaurants. As oI 31 December 2009, KFC
Malaysia was operating 475 restaurants across the country.

. References

- http://www.kfc.com.my/

- http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id15778

- http://library.thinkquest.org/CR215471/global_warming.htm

- http://www.kfcholdings.com.my/English/Flashsite/Home/Home.asp

- http://www.renewable-energy-news.info/kfc-destroying-endangered-forests/

- http://www.scribd.com/doc/2547724/Kentucky-Fried-Chicken

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