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1. A.

The management, creation, and study of money and investments are together referred to as
finance. It covers the methods by which people, organizations, and governments create,
distribute, and utilize financial resources over time while evaluating the risks associated with
their undertakings. We know that an economy is a system of making and trading things of value.
It involves the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a
particular region or country. The importance of the study of finance to the economy is very
useful or functional because it provides frameworks for making decisions about Resource
Allocation, Risk Management, Policy Making, Financial Stability, Saving and Investments.
Finance is the art and science of managing money that affects almost every aspect of the
economy. Finance to the economy plays a crucial role in promoting economic growth, efficiency,
and stability in enhancing our knowledge for making decisions in both macro and micro levels.

B. An organization formed with the intention of conducting business is known as a business

organization. This involves the distribution, production, and producing goods and services that
will satisfy the need of the customers. The study of finance is important to business organization
by enhancing their profitability and manages their money effectively and efficiently. It can also
help to evaluate and control their financial risk, manage risk, and develop their critical skill and
knowledge to make strategic decisions.

C. In our daily life, the importance of the study of finance will helps us to manage our money
effectively and efficiently. It can also help us to set financial goals that empower us to be more
careful to our choices that contribute to our financial security. Our daily spending decisions are
influenced by financial factors. By understanding finance, we should be responsible in any
decision that we make so that it will improve our daily life.

2. There are many different areas and opportunities in finance. The area that I interested in working
later is in Corporate Finance with the role of being a treasurer. This area of finance deals with the
financial decisions and strategies of a company that includes financial planning, budgeting,
investment analysis and strategic financial decision making. Through a variety of duties, treasurers
contribute significantly to a company's financial health and success. I choose being a treasurer to
Corporate Finance because this position offers valuable internal duties in addition to a strategic
platform to impact the organization's financial direction and health.

3. what should be your goal if ever you assigned as the financial manager of an organization

Financial Manager plays significant role in business and organizations. They create financial reports,
direct investment activities, and develop plans for the long-term financial goals of their organization. If
ever I assigned as the financial manager of an organizations, my goal is to maximize the value of the
organization and ensure its financial health and sustainability. This includes managing cash flow
effectively, keeping suitable reserves, and making sure the company can pay its debts both now and in
the future. I would try to support the organization's expansion and success by wisely allocating financial
resources and making smart choices.

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