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1) What were the main uses of well Log application when considered from one well
bore to another? (2mrks)
- Correlating lithology and identifying formations across different wells.
- Estimating reservoir properties such as porosity, permeability, and fluid saturations
consistently across multiple wells.

2) What are the primary functions of a petrophysicist during a drilling

- Analyzing well logs to evaluate rock properties and identify hydrocarbon-bearing zones.

- Providing input for well placement and completion design.

- Interpreting formation evaluation data to optimize reservoir characterization.

3) What do you understand by gross thickness and pay thickness as can been
encountered in a drilled well?............2mrks)
Gross thickness refers to the total thickness of a geological unit encountered in a drilled
well, including all layers within that unit. Pay thickness, on the other hand, refers to the
portion of the gross thickness that contains economically viable hydrocarbons or "pay

4) What are the main use of the field development plan (FDP) used during
hydrocarbon production….(5rks)
- Providing a comprehensive strategy for developing and producing hydrocarbon
- Outlining the reservoir management plan, including drilling schedules, production
techniques, and facilities design.
- Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and maximizing economic
recovery from the field.

5) In what ways are logging contract of importance in a drilling service.....(2mrks)

- They define the scope of logging services to be provided by the contractor.
- They establish the terms and conditions of the logging operation, including safety
protocols, data ownership, and confidentiality agreements.
- They ensure that the logging contractor meets industry standards and delivers
accurate and reliable data for reservoir evaluation.

6) What are some of the specifications that can be made by oil companies on a
contract, as a quality control measure to follow during drilling….. (5mrks)

- Required drilling fluid properties and mud weight limits.

- Specific drilling parameters such as rate of penetration, torque, and weight on bit.
- Quality and frequency of wellbore stability measurements.
- Standards for cementing operations and casing specifications.
- Compliance with health, safety, and environmental regulations.

7) What are the main importance of these specifications measures during

drilling?...... (3mrks)

- Ensuring safety and environmental compliance.

- Maintaining wellbore integrity and stability.

- Optimizing drilling performance and efficiency.

- Facilitating accurate data acquisition and reservoir evaluation.
- Minimizing operational risks and costs.

8) During field logging preparation programs, why is the exploration phase of great
importance? …….(5mrks)
- It helps identify potential hydrocarbon-bearing zones and geological structures.

- It guides the selection of logging tools and techniques tailored to the specific
reservoir characteristics.

- It provides crucial information for well planning, including target depths, casing
points, and logging intervals.

- It informs the interpretation of logging data by establishing geological context and

expected formations.

9) What are some of the drilling tools that are used the first time or during a drilling
operation as a default tool or run on the drill string as a standard? …..(2mrks)
- Drill bit: Essential for cutting through rock formations.
- Mud motor: Provides power to the drill bit for directional drilling.
- Measurement While Drilling (MWD) tools: Collect real-time data on wellbore
- Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) tools: Acquire formation evaluation data while

10) What do you understand by the operational decision and what factors can lead to
such decision?....(8mrks)

- Geological uncertainties and unexpected formations encountered while drilling.

- Equipment failures or malfunctions that require immediate action.

- Changes in wellbore conditions or fluid properties affecting drilling efficiency.
- Safety concerns or regulatory requirements influencing operational procedures.
- Economic considerations and project timelines impacting decision-making.

11) What are the main goads of formation evaluation as can be obtained during
hydrocarbon exploration?......(6mrks)
- Determining the presence and distribution of hydrocarbons in subsurface

- Assessing reservoir quality and properties to estimate potential production rates.

- Identifying lithology, porosity, permeability, and fluid saturations for reservoir

- Evaluating rock properties to understand geomechanical behavior and wellbore
- Optimizing drilling and completion strategies based on formation evaluation data.

12) At what depth in a formation can hydrocarbon be identified?

Hydrocarbons can be identified at various depths within a formation, depending on the
geological setting and reservoir characteristics. Generally, hydrocarbons can be
encountered at depths ranging from a few hundred meters to several kilometers below
the surface.

13) How produceable are hydrocarbons in relation to permeability, viscosity?

The producibility of hydrocarbons is influenced by permeability, viscosity, and other
reservoir properties. Higher permeability facilitates fluid flow through the reservoir,
while lower viscosity allows for easier movement of hydrocarbons. These factors
impact the ease of production and overall recovery efficiency.

14) List five logging methods and give the corresponding formation properties that
can be measured by each tool…….(8marks)

- Resistivity logging: Measures formation resistivity for porosity estimation.

- Gamma ray logging: Identifies lithology and shale content in formations.

- Neutron porosity logging: Determines porosity based on neutron interactions with

hydrogen atoms.

- Density logging: Provides information on bulk density and mineral composition.

- Sonic logging: Measures acoustic properties for rock mechanics and porosity

15) Give the lithologic tool that can be used to differentiate between shale and
shandstone, and state how……..(5mrks)

The gamma ray log can be used to distinguish between shale and sandstone based on their
different gamma ray responses. Shale typically exhibits higher gamma ray values due to its
higher clay content, while sandstone shows lower gamma ray values.

16) What are the reservoir properties of importance that can be encountered from a
well bore?....(10mrks).
- Porosity
- Permeability
- Saturation
- Pressure
- Fluid properties
- Rock mechanical properties
- Formation thickness
- Faults and fractures
- Hydrocarbon type and composition

17) Briefly explain the logging method that can be used to separate brine from
hydrocarbon in a well and how……… (6mrks)
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logging can be used to differentiate between brine
and hydrocarbons based on their distinct relaxation times. Hydrocarbons typically
exhibit shorter relaxation times compared to brine, allowing for their identification and
quantification in the formation.

18) What do you understan by Hydrogen index and Gas effect?

Hydrogen index refers to the ratio of hydrogen atoms to carbon atoms in a
hydrocarbon molecule, which influences the energy content and combustion properties
of the hydrocarbon. Gas effect refers to the impact of gas presence on logging
measurements, affecting tool responses and interpretation of formation properties in
gas-bearing formations.

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