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- Every December 26, Boxing Day is celebrated, also known as the second day of Christmas, it is the date on which the donation of gifts to those
who have less is promoted.
- Guy Fawkes night commemorates the failure of the attack of November 5, 1605, known as the Gunpowder Plot.
- April Fools' Day is celebrated on April 1st.
- Shakespeare Day, which is commemorated on April 23 in memory of the birth of the most important writer in the English language.

-The territory of England is made up of the southern and central part of Great Britain
-It is part of the United Kingdom along with countries such as Scotland, Wales, Celtic, and Northern Ireland and the English Channel.
-Its capital and most populated city is London.

England is a small but powerful country, its tourist attractions:
Stonehenge: Declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, it attracts 1.3 million visitors a year.
Buckingham Palace: Has served as the official London residence and administrative office of the British royal family since the 19th century.
London Eye: Offering incomparable views, the gigantic 443-meter-high observation wheel was built to commemorate the turn of the millennium
in 2000.
Parliament and Big Ben: The iconic Parliament clock tower which is officially known as the Elizabeth Tower in honor of the late Queen Elizabeth II.
Tower Bridge: It is a remarkable feat of engineering and one of London's most recognizable landmarks.

The English are the largest consumers of tea in the world.
It has the largest wild bird reserve in the world.
England is the creator of football.
The national animal of England is the lion.
Its climate is temperate oceanic.
England has three of the most prestigious universities in the world Oxford, Cambridge and the University of London.
Its most famous artists are the Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Adele.
Its best-known figures in science are Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.
It has the oldest flag known as the St. George's Cross.
The name Big Ben does not exactly refer to the clock, but to a huge 14-ton bell.

The typical meals of England are quite simple, because they focus on the use of natural products, some of them are:
-Sunday roast: It is a roast of various meats. With roast potatoes and boiled vegetables with a thick sauce
-Shepherd's pie: It is a stew of fried minced meat with onion, peas, carrots and other vegetables.
-Bangers and mash: It is a typical meal, served with sausages, accompanied by mashed potatoes and gravy sauce.
-Bubble and Squeak: Typical food made with potatoes, carrots, beans, cabbage or any vegetable.

As throughout the United Kingdom, the official currency in London is the pound sterling.
1 Pound sterling is equal to 21.83 Mexican pesos.
Its economy is based on the service sector, the chemical industry, mining and there are nuclear power plants that supply energy to the
population and companies.
Its main activities are machinery, transport equipment (vehicles, railways and aeronautics).

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