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Osmeῆa Street,Masbate City

Graduate School



Subject and Section: EDUC . STAT (Section 2516)
Date Submitted: February 17, 2024

10 List of Research Studies

1. Reading Interest and Reading Comprehension: A Correlational Study
The objective of this study was to find out the correlation between reading interest and
reading comprehension of the students. Quantitative was used as the approach and the technique
used was a correlational study. The eighth-grade students of SMP Ahmad Dahlan Kota Jambi
were taken as the population. The numbers of the population were 47 students. In taking the
sample, total sampling which used all the population was applied as the technique. Reading
interest questionnaires and reading comprehension tests were distributed to obtain the data..
Spearman’s Rho was used to measure the correlation. The result showed that there was a high
correlation between reading interest and reading comprehension of the students. It was proven by
coefficient correlational between those two variables and it was r (0.983). It means that those
variables were significantly correlated. The result of analyzing the significant value was 0.01,
means that 0.01<0.05. Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis
(Ha) was accepted.

2. Raiders of the Lost Correlation: A Guide on Using Pearson and Spearman Coefficients to
Detect Hidden Correlations in Medical Sciences
The search for statistical correlations between two data distributions constitutes one of the
fundamental elements of scientific research [1-4]. Particularly in the fields of public health,
social sciences, infoveillance, and epidemiology, these can provide important information on risk
perception and the spread of viruses and bacteria [5-8]. The two most frequently used correlation
indices are those of Pearson and Spearman: the first one measures the linear relationship between
two continuous random variables and is adopted when the data follows a normal
distribution while the second one measures any monotonic relationship between two continuous
random variables and is adopted when the data do not follow a normal distribution; both range
from -1 to 1 [1-4]. A correlation (ρ) is often defined in medicine as very strong (|ρ| > 0.7),
moderate (0.7 ≤ |ρ| < 0.5), fair (0.5 ≤ |ρ| ≤ 0.3), or poor (|ρ| < 0.3) [3]. Nonetheless, it is
customary to evaluate its significance based not only on the ρ value itself but also on the relative
p-value [3]. The first problem in this approach is precisely the meaning of the p-value: some
authors believe that exceeding the significance threshold α implies the immediate acceptance of
the null hypothesis [9]; others assert that the p-value should be used as an index of the evidences
found against the null hypothesis [10-12], and others conclude that the p-value in itself does not
provide any information on the validity of the model used [13-14]. However, all cited authors
agree that the mere violation of the significance threshold is not a criterion for the rejection of a
statistical relationship. Therefore, in this paper, no significance threshold has been fixed and p-
values (p) and Pearson (R) and Spearman (r) coefficients were used to evaluate the statistical
significance and the strength of the correlations analyzed.

3. A correlational Study of the relationship between academic Performance and parental

In this study sought to examine the relationship between academic performance and
parental age. Parental age has previously been shown to be strong predictor of academic
performance. This study consisted of a survey of 45 undergraduate students at Rowan
University to determine the degree to which their parent’s ages, both mothers and fathers,
correlated with academic performance as measured by high school class rank, SAT score,
and GPA at Rowan. All participants were children of intact families, and the sample
consisted of 25 females and 20 males. Both mothers age and fathers age were found to
correlate strongly with the three measures of academic performance as determined by the
Perason Product Moment Correlation test, and correlation for all three measures were
statistically significant. This study concluded that parental age is a reliable indicator for
predicting academic performance. The study was strictly correlational and did not seek to
determine the cause of this correlation merely to support the existence.

4. Correlation analysis using teaching and learning analytics

Educational research focusing on the perception of teachers and principals is an important

initiative for the school environment, which allows them to express their views on relevant issues
in their daily lives, both in the classroom and in school management. Regarding the mechanisms,
it is known that the teaching and learning process is not a one-way street that emphasises only
the unilateral problem of teaching or learning but is a dialogic process between teaching and
learning and concerns the student, the teacher, the pedagogical and methodological practices, and
the institutional conditions, fulfilling all the requirements of an educational policy.

Thus, it is essential to collect data covering more qualitative aspects of school routine, besides
students’ proficiency measurements. In this sense, when analysing large amounts of data
containing qualitative aspects that demonstrate the occurrence of a given phenomenon, we see
ourselves overloaded with information that, if not accompanied by actions, hinders us from
reaching conclusions that can indicate paths to the learner, teachers, pedagogues, and managers.
This burden is likely to curb the improvement of practices that may allow new dynamics to bring
those actors closer to a greater degree of satisfaction, possible retention, less overload and,
consequently, improvement in teaching and learning.
Therefore, we can say that even if the focus is only to assess learners. For example, when
reflections of what led them to have low performance are not observed-, the educational
ecosystem stops being fed with variables that were not reflected and, consequently, there were no
referrals to possible decision-making to equate the problems faced by it, leaving incomplete the
cycle of a possible assessment.

5. A correlation study: Quality of Life and Mental Health of Psychology Students Amidst
the Pandemic.

The aim of this study was to see if there was a correlation between the selected
individuals quality of life and their demographic profile such as age, sex, year level and
family socio economic status, as well as their mental health. This study employed a
correlational approach to analyze the answer of 143 psychology students from a
particular institution in Metro Manila. According to the results of the Mental Health of
the Participants survey, the majority of the participants reported really severe anxiety
symptoms as a result of the pandemic. Furthermore, the individuals are under a great deal
of stress, and the majority of them, according to the DASS-21 exhibit quite severe
depression symptoms.

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