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Final Topic for All Courses 2024

❖ ENG 450 Research Methodology (SBA)

1) Differences between Qualitative and Quantitative Research (Mainly
focus on Qualitative research and its characteristics)
2) Definition and Characteristics of Mixed Method
3) Experimental Research
4) Classroom Research: Definition, Origin, Characteristics, and
Classroom Observation Checklist

❖ ENG 431 Introduction to Psycholinguistics (SLA)

1) The Nativist Approach (Mainly focus on LAD and Universal
2) Competence and Performance (Mainly focus on Heterogenous
3) Stages of Child Language Acquisition (Pre-linguistic Stage and
Linguistic Stage)
4) Constructivism (Sociocultural Theory, Effects of Culture, Social
Influences, MKO, Zone of Proximal Development)

❖ ENG 309 Literary Theories 1 (RH)

1) Psychoanalytic Criticism
• Three-part model of Psyche (Id, Ego, and Superego)
• Repression and Suppression
• Infantile Sexuality (Oedipal Complex)
• Psychic Processes (Transference, Projection, Screen Memory
with Parapraxis and Dreamwork)
• Dreamwork (Displacement and Condensation)
• Relationship between Dream and Literature
• How Freudian Critics Work
• The Unconscious State of a Language (Lacan)
2) Marxist Criticism
• Exploitation, Alienation, Reification
• Ideological Exploitation, Hegemony (Cultural)
• Marxist Model of the Society
• Marxist Idea of Literature
• Leninist and Engelsian
• Marxist Critics Do
• What are the differences between Capitalist and Marxist
society? How does Capitalist society exploit us?
• How do Marxist critics consider Literature?
• Discuss the Base and Superstructure, Cultural Materialism

❖ ENG 401 Modern Fiction (SAH)

1) Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad
• Moral Rehabilitation of Jim
• The Trial of Jim
• Jim-Jewel Relationship
• Brown and Cornelius as Machiavellian Characters
• Marlow’s encounter with Jewel
• Jim’s Second Jump to Patusan and Its Significance
• Jim’s Self Sacrifice
2) A Passage to India by E.M Forster
• Forster’s treatment of the Ruler and the Ruled
• The Theme of Friendship
• The Cave Incident
• The Trial Episode
• Predicament of Dr. Aziz
• Presentation of European Women

❖ ENG 206 Modern Drama (JNTF)

1) Waiting for Godot
• Title of The Play
• As An Absurd Play
• The Relationship between Lucky and Pozzo
• The Relationship between Vladimir and Estragon
• As A Religious Allegory
2) The Playboy of the Western World
• Theme of Heroism
• As A Modern Play
• Relationship between Christy Mahon and His Father

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