Metacommunity of A Host Metapopulation: Explaining Patterns and Structures of A Fish Parasite Metacommunity in A Neotropical Oodplain Basin

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Metacommunity of a host metapopulation: explaining patterns and structures

of a fish parasite metacommunity in a Neotropical floodplain basin

Article in Hydrobiologia · December 2021

DOI: 10.1007/s10750-021-04695-7


1 182

4 authors:

Ana Paula Lula Costa Ricardo Massato Takemoto

Universidade Federal do Paraná Universidade Estadual de Maringá


Maria De los Angeles Perez Lizama Andre Andrian Padial

Centro Universitário de Maringá Universidade Federal do Paraná


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Metacommunity of a host metapopulation: explaining

patterns and structures of a fish parasite metacommunity
in a Neotropical floodplain basin
Ana Paula Lula Costa . Ricardo Massato Takemoto . Maria de los Angeles Perez Lizama .
Andre Andrian Padial

Received: 24 March 2021 / Revised: 10 September 2021 / Accepted: 17 September 2021

Ó The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Abstract Host-parasite metacommunities are influ- indicated that species filtering is the predominant
enced by a myriad of factors, although little is known mechanism driving community assembly. Patterns
about which processes affect this relationship at were clearer in the dry season of the floodplain.
different scales. Here, we tested how local habitat Environmental determinism seems to explain ectopar-
characteristics and host traits explained the parasite asite metacommunities in the dry season, in contrast
metacommunity of a migratory fish in a large Brazilian with endoparasites that were more correlated to host
river floodplain. The parasite metacommunity struc- traits. Overall, our results indicated that ectoparasitism
ture showed a Clementsian pattern, which indicates a is an interaction marked by opportunity, whereas
more deterministic assembly pattern, in accordance endoparasitism is likely related to host features. Thus,
with partial Redundancy Analysis results. Results we argue that metacommunity structuring of parasites
depends on the infection strategy. Our results show
that floodplain dynamics are central not only for free-
Handling editor: Antti P. Eloranta
living animal organizations but also for symbiotic
Supplementary Information The online version contains interactions. Here, we highlight the importance of
supplementary material available at understanding the factors influencing the distribution

A. P. L. Costa  A. A. Padial (&) A. A. Padial

Laboratório de Análise e Sı́ntese em Biodiversidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, Universidade
Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, PR 81531-980, Brazil
em Ecologia e Conservação, Universidade Federal do
Paraná, Curitiba, PR 81531-980, Brazil

R. M. Takemoto  A. A. Padial
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Ambientes
Aquáticos Continentais, Núcleo de Pesquisa em
Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura Nupelia,
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá,
PR, Brazil

M. A. P. Lizama
Programa Pós-Graduação em Tecnologias Limpas/ICETI/
UNICESUMAR, Maringá, PR 87050-900, Brazil


of parasites to predict their transmission, as well as the used to elucidate how the metacommunity is struc-
importance of floodplain dynamics and its hydrolog- tured along a spatial or environmental gradient
ical regime on the maintenance of ecological (Leibold & Mikkelson, 2002). A common approach
interactions. is to evaluate patterns of coherence, turnover, and
boundary clumping in community distribution. The
Keywords Parasite distribution  Prochilodus combination of patterns of each of these elements and
lineatus  Beta diversity  Variation partitioning  their significance compared to null models results in
Elements of metacommunity structuring six possible structures of distribution: Checkerboard,
Neutral, Clementsian, Gleasonian, Evenly Spaced and
Nested (Leibold & Mikkelson, 2002; Presley et al.,
Introduction Metacommunity structuring is described mostly for
free-living organisms, while less often investigated are
Determining the relationships of species assemblages the determinants of symbiotic species metacommuni-
with spatial and/or temporal gradients is a major goal ties. Even so, there is a growing use of metacommu-
in community ecology and central in the metacom- nity framework in different approaches to embody
munity framework (Leibold et al., 2004). The pro- patterns in symbiotic species (Richgels et al., 2013;
cesses underlying the differences between local and Dallas & Presley, 2014; Mihaljevic et al., 2018),
regional communities go beyond deterministic factors which may inform how metacommunity organization
and can result in a combination of structures influ- may depend on biotic interactions (e.g., Bolnick et al.,
enced by environmental, biological and historical 2020 and references therein). We here used the host
features (Ricklefs, 2008). Even so, general mecha- metapopulation as a proxy of the parasite metacom-
nisms driving community assembly can change across munity (see also Mihaljevic, 2012). The main differ-
different scales and environmental gradients, for free- ence between free-living and symbiotic
living and symbiotic species (Vellend, 2010). Meta- metacommunities is that the geographical location of
community structuring has been studied for several symbiotic local communities may not be constant if
aquatic communities, including parasites (Richgels the symbiotic host is a moving organism. Therefore,
et al., 2013). However, patterns are still not fully symbiotic species can interact between hosts of the
understood for flood-dynamic ecosystems, particu- same location, and between hosts from different
larly considering the different infection strategies by locations when the host moves. Parasite metacommu-
parasites. Here, we investigated the influence of nity can easily be influenced by biotic and abiotic
abiotic and biotic factors on species composition of a factors on a local scale but this deterministic relation-
parasite metacommunity, consisting of ecto- and ship can change on a regional scale and across
endoparasites that likely respond differently to sea- different ecosystems (Richgels et al. 2013; Bolnick
sonal floodplain dynamics. et al., 2020). It is well-known that a myriad of
By definition, a metacommunity is composed of a biological factors associated with the host may
set of local communities, all linked by dispersal of influence the probability of parasite infection on a
species and individuals within the regional species local scale, such as host age, condition factor, sex, and
pool (Leibold et al., 2004; Winegardner et al., 2012). population density (Poulin, 2007; Richgels et al.,
The presence or absence of a species in a local 2013; Bolnick et al., 2020). The environmental
community depends on its individual response to conditions where the host inhabits may also influence
environmental heterogeneity, biological interactions, parasite infection, either directly considering that
dispersal, and/or stochastic events. The combination ectoparasites are filtered by the environment, or
of such mechanisms leads to different patterns of indirectly given that most endoparasites’ life cycles
distribution of the set of species that vary among local depend on host availability (Poulin, 2011; Dallas &
communities. Variation in species composition can be Presley, 2014). In addition, host movements are the
described by the turnover (i.e., replacement of species) main dispersal routes for parasite dispersion at larger
or the nestedness (i.e., differences in species richness; scales (Vitone et al., 2004; Poulin et al., 2011).
Baselga, 2010). The distribution patterns can also be


Floodplain systems are composed of rivers and mass effects of floods. We expect that such a ‘biotic
lakes connected permanently or temporarily by flood homogenization’ pattern will be particularly observed
pulses, which promote high ecological heterogeneity. for ectoparasites. We also explored nestedness and
As a generalization, habitats are homogenized during turnover components of beta diversity to describe their
flood events, making mass effect mechanisms impor- relative contribution and possible patterns in the dry
tant determinants of communities (Thomaz et al., and flood periods.
2007). During dry seasons, the high isolation of the
rivers and lakes may lead to a higher relative influence
of local factors and dispersal limitation on communi- Methods
ties. For instance, the flood allows fish species to
disperse (Agostinho et al., 2009), as in the case with Study area
migratory fish which have their reproductive life cycle
driven by the flood regime, such as the streaked The Upper Paraná River floodplain is one of the most
prochilod Prochilodus lineatus Valenciennes, 1836. important ecosystems for conservation in the whole
This species uses lakes as nurseries for its juveniles Paraná River basin, the second largest drainage basin
and returns to the main river between their first and in Brazil (Agostinho et al., 2004). Although natural
second year, thus exhibiting metapopulation dynamics dynamics of flood pulses are now regulated by
(Gubiani et al., 2007). Although the parasite commu- upstream and downstream reservoirs, the Upper
nity of streaked prochilod has been shown to fluctuate Paraná River is still characterized by a flowing fluvial
temporally with the flooding regime in the Paraná river complex in a linear extent of 230 km between two
floodplain (Lizama et al. 2006a, b), the metacommu- major dam constructions—the Porto-Primavera and
nity patterns and structure of the parasite fauna has not Itaipu Reservoirs. It is characterized by the Paraná
been fully investigated. River itself and two main tributaries, Baia and
Here, we followed a metacommunity perspective to Ivinheima Rivers, besides secondary channels and
investigate how the species composition of endo- and hundreds of associated lakes. This area presents high
ectoparasites in P. lineatus migratory fish is deter- heterogeneity of habitats and aquatic biodiversity
mined by biotic and abiotic factors, especially by host (Agostinho et al., 2004).
traits and the seasonal dry and flood periods in the
Upper Paraná River floodplain. As host-parasite Data collection
interactions depend on eco-evolutionary history and
interdependency relations, we expect that the structure In our study, we used existing ecological data from a
of the metacommunity should be based on the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program to
formation of different groups responding determinis- analyze parasite metacommunity patterns from a new
tically to a gradient of host and environmental perspective. We used data sampled in 2000 and 2001
features, which generate a Clementsian pattern of from the LTER that occurs in the Upper Paraná River
metacommunity sensu Leibold & Mikkelson (2002). floodplain since 1999, carried out by the Nupelia
In the case of ectoparasites, we expect that the research group of ‘Universidade Estadual de Mar-
metacommunity will be influenced more by the local ingá’, Paraná State, South Brazil (see details in https://
habitat characteristics than by the functional traits of We also used an extra sam-
fish hosts. For endoparasites, we expect that the host pling effort made in parallel to the LTER project, in
traits may be more important for the parasite meta- the same period between February-2000 and Febru-
community composition, because host traits have a ary-2001 (see description of the data in Lizama et al.
fundamental role in the infection probability of 2006a, b). Fish hosts were collected in habitats
parasites with complex life cycles (Berkhout et al., including the main channel of Paraná River and its
2019). We also hypothesized that the compositional main two tributaries, as well as in 16 lakes with and
variation of parasites will differ between the flood and without a permanent connection to the river channel,
dry periods: during the flood period, variation in the using standardized gillnets following the protocol of
composition of both parasites will be lower among the the long-term ecological monitoring project of
different local component communities, due to the NUPELIA research group (see http://www.peld.uem.


Fig. 1 Location of the sampling sites of P. lineatus in the Upper Paraná River Floodplain, Paraná, Brazil. Map adapted from: http://

br/) (Lizama et al. 2006a, b). This included informa- (1984a, b), Thatcher & Varella (1981), Moravec
tion on fish traits, physical and chemical features of the (1998), Takemoto et al. (2002), and Lizama et al.
water and spatial data (see (2004). The dataset contains the abundance of 39
The collections of parasites were conducted with parasite species in 148 hosts, sampled in the 18 sites
exhaustive inspection of organs and the visceral described in Fig. 1. We split parasite fauna into four
cavities of hosts. Helminths were fixed in 4% forma- matrices: ectoparasite and endoparasite abundances
lin, observed and measured as permanent mounts sampled in the dry and flood periods.
stained with Carmalumem Mayer, and mounted in The following host functional traits were measured:
Canada balsam. Ectoparasites were mounted in total weight (g), length (cm), age, sex, stages of
Hoyer’s medium on microscopic slides for examina- gonadal maturity level, and condition factor (see
tion (Lizama et al. 2006a, b). The methodology details in Lizama et al. 2006a, b). The environmental
followed the procedures of Eiras et al. (2000) and variables used to describe local habitat conditions
Lizama et al. (2006a; b). The collected parasite were depth (m), water temperature (°C), dissolved
individuals were identified to species level using a oxygen (mg/L), pH, conductivity (lS/cm), Secchi
stereoscopic microscope and following Thatcher depth (cm), turbidity (NTU), alkalinity (mEq/L),
(1978, 1979, 1991, 1993), Thatcher & Boeger chlorophyll (mg/L), total nitrogen (mg/L), nitrate


Fig. 2 Conceptual model of the fish parasite metacommunity. probability of transmission between hosts. C Metacommunity:
A Infracommunity: a single host containing a parasite commu- set of the local component community of a host metapopulation.
nity. B Local component community: a set of infracommunities The probability of parasite infection is supposed to be linked
of a host local population. Here each infracommunity has a with the host migration between local populations

(mg/L), ammonium (mg/L) and total phosphorus (mg/ infracommunities of a host local population – the
L) (see details in Roberto et al., 2009). In addition, a population of hosts in the same location, where
measure of population density by sample site was used parasites may have a higher infection exchange. Each
based on the average of fish specimens sampled by the local component community has a probability of
site in each period – obtained from the standardized transmission between hosts. In this case, the infra-
sampling efforts of fish fauna of the LTER program communities are also connected by the host move-
described above. The metadata describing all data ments between the local populations, so that the
used here, for science reproducibility, is available in presence of a parasite species in an infracommunity is
the Supplementary Material, as well as correlations given by the host movement versus the probability of
charts showing variable distributions and cross-corre- parasite infection in this host. Finally, the set of local
lations of host traits and environmental variables component communities of the host population is
(Figs. S1 and S2). defined as the parasite metacommunity. The concep-
tual model proposed here is described in Fig. 2.
Data analyses Analyses were made with four response infracom-
munity matrices, with host individuals (rows of the
We did not describe the parasite community and matrix) sampled in the dry or flood periods and
species relationships between parasites and host traits considering ectoparasite and endoparasite species
or flooding phases, as previously done by Lizama et al. abundances (columns of the matrix). To explain
(2006a; b). Here, we instead used the already response matrices, three predictor matrices were used:
described data to apply the metacommunity frame- host individuals (rows) by their functional traits
work and investigate metacommunity patterns and (columns); host individuals (rows) by environmental
their likely correlates. For that, we define ‘infracom- variables (columns); host individuals (rows) by lati-
munity’ as the local parasite community of one host, tude and longitude of host sampling site (columns).
sensu Bush et al. (1997). We also define ‘local Host functional traits were transformed in a Gower
component community’ as the sum of parasite distance matrix and ordered with a Principal


Coordinate Analysis PCoA. The environmental vari- red–green–blue space to scale the dissimilarity, relat-
ables were associated with hosts according to the ing hosts with low dissimilarities with similar colors.
location/period in which the host was sampled. If more The dots given by the RGB space were plotted in the
than one host was sampled simultaneously, values of sampling coordinates where hosts were sampled, and
environmental variables were repeated. The environ- then on the map of the study area.
mental matrix was standardized and ordered with a Finally, we analyzed the Elements of Metacommu-
PCoA. All PCoA axes with positive eigenvalues were nity Structure (EMS) to determine the underlying
used to compose host traits and environmental vari- pattern of parasite metacommunity distribution (Lei-
ables summary matrices. A spatial matrix was made bold & Mikkelson, 2002). It is based on three features
by applying PCNM (principal coordinates of neighbor of compositional variation across local communities
matrices) (Borcard & Legendre, 2002) in geographical (Presley et al., 2010): coherence, species turnover, and
coordinates of lakes and rivers in which host individ- range boundary clumping, based on ordination recip-
uals were sampled. Therefore, spatial variables repre- rocal averaging. Coherence assumes that there is a
sent hypotheses of individual dispersion. Likewise for contiguous species distribution across an ecological
the environmental matrix, if two or more individuals gradient, resulting in few interruptions via absences
were sampled at the same location, PCNM values were (zeros in the presence/absence matrix) in the species
repeated. composition matrix, i.e., a continuous distribution
We then used a variation partitioning procedure meaning few absences within the ordinated species
based on a partial Redundancy Analysis pRDA composition matrix. Turnover means the replacement
(Borcard et al., 1992) separately for the ectoparasite of species across gradients (in this case, parasite
and endoparasite fauna of P. lineatus in each flood species replacement across hosts), while nestedness
season using the three above-mentioned predictor represents a gradient where the community composi-
matrices. We filtered only the most important predic- tion from hosts with the lowest species richness is a
tor variables of each predictor matrix using forward subgroup of the community from hosts with the
model selections. The significance of the pRDA highest species richness. Boundary clumping is based
components was assessed after 999 permutations. In on the assumption that some species features lead to
pRDA, high shared fractions between PCNM and an clusters along a spatial gradient, in line with a scenario
environmental matrix can indicate spatial autocorre- dominated by competition for resources (Leibold &
lation of environmental predictors. To clarify this Mikkelson, 2002; Presley et al., 2010). The range and
phenomenon, we tested for spatial autocorrelation in value of these characteristics are led by six metacom-
environmental variables using Moran’s I coefficient. munity patterns: random, checkerboard, nested,
Few variables showed spatial autocorrelation evenly spaced, Gleasonian, and Clementsian (Leibold
(Table S1 in Supplementary Material), which antici- & Mikkelson, 2002).
pate low shared fraction of PCNMs and environmental All analyses were conducted using ‘vegan’ (Oksa-
predictors in explaining parasite metacommunities. nen et al., 2015), ‘metacom’ (Dallas, 2014), ‘betapart’
We also described the spatial distribution of beta (Baselga & Orme, 2012), and ‘recluster’ (Dapporto
diversity. For that, the community matrix was trans- et al., 2013) packages in software R (R Core Team,
formed in a presence/absence matrix to estimate beta 2020). A scheme of the analyses and study design can
diversity indices proposed by Baselga (2010), parti- be seen in Supplementary Material (Fig. S1), as well as
tioning the Sorensen beta diversity (bsor) hereafter the used summary R script.
into Simpson i.e., ‘real turnover’ (bsim) and Nested-
ness (bnes) dissimilarities that indicate variation due
only to differences in species richness. To visualize Results
the parasite dissimilarity across space, the four
infracommunities matrices were transformed to a Overview of parasite component community
bsor, bsim, bnes dissimilarity data and used in a variation
nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Then,
we used its components to make a re-cluster analysis In the dry season, 40 hosts were parasitized by 13
that results in RGB color maps. This analysis uses a ectoparasite species and 37 hosts were parasitized by


17 endoparasite species. In the flood season, there predictor matrices. For endoparasites, host traits were
were 72 hosts parasitized by 17 ectoparasites and 59 the only significant predictor matrix in all seasons,
hosts parasitized by 19 endoparasites. The only explaining 7% during the flood and 22% during the dry
predictors that explained parasite community struc- season. The most important environmental variables
turing were PCoA axes from host traits and environ- for ectoparasites, identified by Pearson’s correlation
mental variables (Fig. 3). PCNM axes representing the coefficients between original variables and PCoA axes
hypotheses of dispersal generated from the geograph- selected in pRDA, were temperature (°C), Secchi disk
ical coordinates of sampling sites were not significant, transparency (cm), ammonium (mg/L), and host
and most variation in community structuring was density (Table 1). The most important host traits
unexplained (Fig. 3). PCoA axes of environmental (identified by the afore-mentioned procedure) were
variables were relatively more important explaining total length for ectoparasites and endoparasites, and
infracommunity variation of ectoparasites (16% of total wet mass for ectoparasites (Table 2). It is
variation), followed by PCoA axes of host traits (6% of important to note that coefficients between environ-
variation) in the dry season. The joint explanations of mental variables and host traits with PCoA axes were
environmental variables with traits (6% of variation) very low (Tables 1 and 2), but they were used not to
and spatial variables (5% of variation) were also interpret the direct effect of the variables in the
relevant, although it was not possible to test for parasite metacommunity. Instead, they only indicated
significance in the pRDA analytical framework (see the relative importance of the variables for PCoA axes
Borcard et al., 1992). In the flood season, ectoparasite generation, which in turn were used as correlates of
community structuring was poorly explained by parasite community structuring.

Fig. 3 Results of the variation partitioning analyses based on pRDA to explain the variation in the ectoparasite and endoparasite
infracommunities of P. lineatus in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, during the dry and flood season


Beta diversity components of species distribution. A Clementsian gradient indi-

cates that this parasite metacommunity seems to have
The mean infracommmunity bsor values were 0.94 in a deterministic pattern of distribution, which is
the dry period and 0.97 in the flood period for supported by the fact that significant fractions were
ectoparasites, and 0.93 in the dry period and 0.96 in the observed in pRDA variation partitioning (Fig. 3). For
flood period for endoparasites (indexes have the same ectoparasite composition during the flood period, the
range of Sørensen dissimilarity: from 0 to 1). Most community showed an evenly structured pattern that is
variation in the composition of parasites was a result of a more homogenous distribution than expected by
the turnover of species, with bsim mean values of 0.89 chance, once boundary clumping was not significant
in the dry period and 0.94 in the flood period for (Table 3).
ectoparasites, and of 0.90 in the dry period and 0.93 in
the flood period for endoparasites (Figs. 4 and 5).
Elements of metacommunity structure
We described the likely determinants of the parasite
The elements of the metacommunity showed a pos- metacommunity from a fish with metapopulation
itive and significant value for coherence, turnover, and dynamics. We considered that the local parasite
boundary clumping for ectoparasites during the dry community, defined as infracommunity, varies among
period, and also during all periods for endoparasites, host metapopulations and there was no evidence that
which indicates a ‘Clementsian’ underlying structure variation was dependent on only the spatial distance

Table 1 Pearson’s correlation coefficients between environ- drought period—environmental variables were significant
ment variables and PCoA scores from the axes chosen in the predictors in pRDA only for ectoparasites during drought
forward selection used in pRDA for ectoparasites during the period, see Fig. 3
Axis Environmental variables
Depth Temp DO pH Cond Secc Turb TN NH4 TP ADS

10 -0.03 -0.02 0.08 -0.07 -0.08 -0.04 -0.07 0.05 -0.05 -0.14 -0.05
7 0.04 -0.01 -0.05 0.18 -0.16 -0.27 -0.23 -0.10 -0.24 -0.07 -0.05
6 -0.12 0.21 0.06 0.02 -0.16 0.26 -0.15 -0.09 -0.44 0.19 0.35
Environmental variables: Depth Site depth (m), Temp Water temperature (°C), DO Dissolved oxygen (mg/L), pH Hydrogen potential,
Cond Conductivity (lS/cm), Secc Secchi disk transparency (cm), Turb Turbidity (NTU), TN Total nitrogen (mg/L), NH4 Ammonium
(mg/L), TP Total phosphorus (mg/L), ADS P. lineatus densification per site

Table 2 Pearson’s correlation coefficients between traits and PCoA scores from the axes chosen in the forward selection used in
pRDA for each parasite group in each period in which traits were significant predictors (see pRDA results in Fig. 3)
Parasite group Period Traits

Endoparasites Drought 16 0.02 0.03 -0.01 0.01 -0.01

13 0.03 0.05 -0.01 0.01 -0.02
Flood 9 0.01 0.11 -0.02 -0.01 -0.01
Ectoparasites Drought 8 -0.03 0.01 -0.02 0.02 -0.02
Traits: LE Length (cm), WT Total weight (g), F Dummy indicator of females, MAT Stages of gonadal maturity level, Kn Condition


between them. Instead, host traits were already due to the fact that mass effects and flood homoge-
demonstrated as very important to explain parasite nization is prevalent during floods (Thomaz et al.
species richness of fishes (Bolnick et al., 2020). Here, 2007; Fernandes et al., 2014; Chaparro et al., 2019). It
we add to this knowledge by demonstrating that host is well established that the hydrological regime is the
traits also explain fish parasite community variation most important factor controlling the environmental
depending on the infection strategy and flood regime heterogeneity and consequent community organiza-
in floodplains. tion in floodplain systems (Petsch et al, 2017;
As in many metacommunity studies, the variation Chaparro et al., 2018). Extending the rationale for
explained by matrices of correlates was low compared parasite community organization, our results are in
to the unexplained fraction (e.g., Algarte et al., 2014; line with the well-known correlation of migration
Mozzaquattro et al., 2020; in our study most variation behavior and parasite diversity and distribution (Caro
also remained in the unexplained portion, see Fig. 3). et al., 1997; Figuerola & Green, 2000; Koprivnikar &
The likely reason for this relies on the complexity of Leung, 2015; Shaw et al., 2018). P. lineatus is a model
ecological communities and the numerous interacting species for such inference, since it has increased
mechanisms explaining ecological patterns (Low- movements during flood periods, which can increase
Décarie et al., 2014). A more extensive sampling over the probability of common infections and interchange
a greater ecological gradient may improve explanation of parasites between the local host populations (see
powers (e.g., Heino et al., 2015), but our sampling also Gubiani et al., 2007; Poulin, 2011).
effort was limited by the design of the standardized In addition, abiotic features had a significant
monitoring effort (see Methods). Even so, the com- influence on ectoparasite diversity in the dry period.
parative nature of our analyses allowed us to identify This result can be explained by the fact that ectopar-
the (relatively) most important determinants of species asites are more exposed to the local environmental
compositions in ecto- and endoparasite communities. conditions, mostly for their probability of infection,
As expected, host traits explained more about the because most ectoparasites have monoxenic life
infracommunity structuring than environmental or cycles (Poulin, 2011; Krasnov et al., 2015; Lacerda
spatial variables, especially for endoparasites. Meta- et al., 2017). Other studies analyzing the contribution
community determinism was relatively lower during of environment and host traits also found a relation-
the flood period, likely due to mass effects and the ship between parasites and environmental features,
homogenization during floods (Thomaz et al., 2007) mainly for monogeneans (Berkhout et al., 2019). It is
that extends to metacommunity organization (Petsch important to note that the environment may have
et al., 2017). Thus, we argue that hydrological regimes direct and indirect effects on parasites, as suggested by
are central not only for the community organization of Berkhout et al. (2019). Indeed, it has been suggested
free-living animals but also for symbiotic organisms, that non-favorable environmental conditions affect the
such as parasites (already suggested by Lizama et al. abundance of ectoparasites like monogeneans and
2006a, b; Lima et al., 2012). Contrary to our expec- copepods, suggesting they could be good environ-
tations, we could not find consistent relationships of mental bioindicators (Madi & Ueta, 2009). This is in
host traits in ectoparasite community structuring. line with our results, given the negative relationships
Their distribution showed a clear pattern: habitat between ectoparasite abundances and environmental
environmental determinism seems to explain ectopar- variables related to an increase in nutrients such as
asite metacommunity particularly in the dry period. phosphorus and nitrogen (see Supplementary Mate-
The fact that ectoparasite community structuring is rial; see also Falkenberg et al., 2019). Here, we
poorly explained during floods is in line with the focused on comparing strategies of infection, but
hypothesis that ectoparasitism is an interaction future studies could dig even further and consider
marked by opportunism in infection (Brooks et al., other biological features of parasite groups to help
2019). explain parasite metacommunity structure. Our results
Given the percentage of explained and unexplained are in line with previous studies (Arneberg et al., 1998;
variation in pRDA, we argue that the signs of Arneberg, 2002; Blasco-Costa et al., 2015) highlight-
determinism in parasite metacommunities of P. ing the opportunistic nature of ectoparasites whose
lineatus were better identified in the dry period, likely community composition was partly explained by host



b Fig. 4 RGB color maps based on non-metric multidimensional high percentages of explanations—avoiding a definite
scaling for Beta Sor (Sorensen dissimilarity), Beta Sim conclusion—we can infer that whereas the ecological
(turnover) and Beta Nes (nestedness) of ectoparasites along
Upper Paraná River Floodplain in the dry season (left column) gradient for endoparasites has its structure relatively
and flood season (right column). Similar colors indicate sites more explained by host traits, the ecological gradient
with similar parasite compositions for each beta diversity of ectoparasites was more related to environmental
dissimilarity index. Triangles are river channel sites, and circles features. During the flood period, the distribution
are lake sites
pattern of ectoparasites had an ‘evenly spaced struc-
ture’, in line with the mass effects and flood homog-
density. It is expected that host density increases in enization hypothesis (Thomaz et al., 2007; Bozelli
channels and lagoons in the dry periods, favoring the et al., 2015). Particularly for ectoparasites, the migra-
infection by ectoparasites (Lizama et al., 2006a). Our tion and densification behavior of P. lineatus may
results tend to support that ectoparasitism distribution increase the opportunity of infection and favor species
in a metapopulation is marked by its capacity of that have better capacity of exploitation, resulting in
infection when hosts density increase, meaning that an evenly spaced structure (Lizama et al., 2006a;
opportunity prevails over host health conditions Brooks et al., 2019).
(Richgels et al., 2013; Brooks et al., 2019). Relatedly, the detritivorous habit of P. lineatus
Compared to ectoparasites, endoparasite commu- makes them more exposed to intermediate hosts and
nity structuring was better explained by host features. other parasite life forms (Lizama et al., 2006b).
In this case, host length (cm) and weight (g) were the Indeed, host diet is a central feature explaining
features that mostly contributed to the important parasite communities (Bolnick et al., 2020). Dry
PCoA axes in RDA. Body size traits are indeed periods with a low flow pattern may increase the
commonly related to parasite diversity (Vidal-Martı́- diversity of benthic species, most commonly interme-
nez & Poulin, 2003; Poulin & Leung 2011). Large host diate hosts, and eggs and larval forms of ectoparasites,
body size supports increased mobility and resource use which may increase the probability of parasite infec-
and thus exposure to a more diverse parasite fauna. tion (Lizama et al., 2006b). On the other hand, parasite
Length is also related to the age and feeding rate, dispersal and distribution is likely enhanced during
which is the main infection source of endoparasites floods, explaining the lack of importance of spatial
(Combes, 2005; González & Poulin, 2005). Accord- variables that would indicate dispersal limitation
ingly, the abundance of parasites was well related to (Heino et al., 2015).
host length (Lizama et al., 2006b), which is mostly Many studies have demonstrated that the ecological
observed for endoparasites (Poulin & Leung 2011). variables representing deterministic mechanisms are
Our results also corroborate the hypothesis that more important for the distribution of parasites than
endoparasites are indicators particularly of ‘ecosystem mechanisms related to stochasticity (Blasco-Costa
functioning’ and not ‘environmental filtering’. This is et al, 2015; Maestri et al., 2017). Our results also
because endoparasites partially explain the function- indicated that spatial variables unrelated to environ-
ing of hosts, such as their diet, mobility and predators. ment and host traits (i.e., the pure fraction in pRDA,
Although many endoparasites may suffer indirect see Borcard et al., 1992) were not important for
effects of the environment, the feature at microhabitat ectoparasites and endoparasites. The fact that spatial
level—i.e., host traits—seems to have a higher relative variables were not important may be due to the
power of explanation for parasite community struc- movement behavior of P. lineatus. Specimens can
turing (Combes, 2005; see also Bolnick et al., 2020). easily reach any location of our sampling extent during
It is interesting to note that the patterns discussed short-time movements among lakes with different
above were reinforced by our analytical approach. The connectivity degrees (see Agostinho et al., 2009). In
metacommunity structure of P. lineatus parasites addition, at the spatial scale studied here, environ-
showed a Clementsian pattern of distribution when mental variables exhibit low spatial autocorrelation
pRDA results showed significant correlates. A Cle- (see Table S1 in Supplementary Material). Spatial
mentsian pattern represents a distribution based on an variables are usually identified as important meta-
ecological gradient (Leibold & Mikelson, 2002; community determinants in communities with disper-
Presley et al., 2010). Even though we did not find sal limitations (Heino et al., 2015). The sampling sites



b Fig. 5 RGB color maps based on non-metric multidimensional et al. 2013; Berkhout et al., 2019; Bolnick et al., 2020).
scaling for Beta Sor (Sorensen dissimilarity), Beta Sim Yet, the determinist structure found in both ectopar-
(turnover) and Beta Nes (nestedness) of endoparasites along
Upper Paraná River Floodplain in the dry season (left column) asite and endoparasite community structuring,
and flood season (right column). Similar colors indicate sites explained either by environmental filtering or host
with similar parasite compositions for each beta diversity health conditions, may explain the parasite turnover
dissimilarity index. Triangles are river channel sites, and circles across the studied gradient (see also Richgels et al.,
are lake sites
Although we always had a lower explanation power
(i.e., under 20%), we could identify interesting
with more dissimilar diversity are indeed located in
patterns of a compositional dissimilarity on P. lineatus
more isolated areas in the RGB maps, indicating some
parasite metacommunity. We highlight the need for
spatial signal in beta diversity, but clearly not enough
more robust and accessible data that can be used in the
to generate patterns only explained by spatial dynam-
analyses of local and regional variance, as well as
ics. Apart from the possible scale limitation, it seems
longer time series data that is fundamental to analyses
that such sign of spatial variables was related at least
of temporal beta diversity patterns. However, this was
partially to the explanation of environmental vari-
the first attempt to understand the features that shape
ables, given the joint fractions in pRDA at least for
host-parasite on floodplain ecosystems. We showed
ectoparasites during dry periods (see Fig. 3).
evidence that host traits are relatively more important
We further investigated patterns in beta diversity
for endoparasites, and environmental features are
components of fish parasite metacommunities. Turn-
relatively more important for ectoparasite species
over was prevalent in parasite distribution in relation
composition. Even so, we could not rule out that
to nestedness. Whereas studies in parasite metacom-
environment may have an indirect effect on endopar-
munities have described different metacommunity
asites given environmental features likely determine
patterns, our results contrast with most studies show-
the host distribution (Krasnov & Poulin, 2010; Maestri
ing that parasites have mostly a nested metacommu-
et al., 2017; Clark et al., 2018; Berkhout et al., 2019).
nity pattern (Timi et al., 2010; Mihaljevic et al., 2018;
Here, we also emphasized the need to study parasite
Bolnick et al., 2020). However, we must highlight that
beta diversity across ecological gradients. We demon-
most studies investigating nestedness use the NODF
strated that parasite abundance and composition at
metric to measure the nested pattern of the host-
least partially depend on the local environment and
parasite network (Bellay et al., 2011; Lima et al.,
host conditions, in line with other studies of parasite
2012), and not beta diversity indices of metacommu-
metacommunities (Richgels et al., 2013; Dallas &
nity (but see Mihaljevic et al., 2018). Moreover,
Presley, 2014; Bolnick et al., 2020). Whereas an
previous studies of host-parasite beta diversity,
opportunist pattern is a likely mechanism driving
addressing the infracommunity structuring of a single
ectoparasite assemblages, a more ‘niche–based’ pat-
host species, show that parasite species richness tends
tern and species specificity according to host traits is
to vary along an environmental gradient (Richgels
more likely for endoparasite metacommunities. Our

Table 3 Results of the element of metacommunity structure analyses for ectoparasite and endoparasite metacommunities of
Prochilodus lineatus in the Upper Paraná River floodplain
Element Ectoparasites Endoparasites
Dry season Flood season Dry season Flood season

Coherence 9.7e ? 01* 3.53e ? 02* 1.67e ? 02* 2.99e ? 02*

Turnover 1.45e ? 03* 1.36e ? 04* 2.11e ? 02* 9.974e ? 03*
Boundary clumping 2.89* 0.86 1.89* 1.9*
The values for the elements coherence, turnover and boundary clumping are shown, following Leibold & Mikkelson (2002).
*indicate elements with values lower than expected by the null model (P \ 0.05)


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