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Q1. What is the structure of web services? Explain its type in detail.

Web services are designed to enable communication between different

software applications over the internet. They have a layered structure that
typically includes a service provider, a service requester, and a service
registry. The types of web services include:

 SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol):

 A protocol that uses XML for message format and relies on other
application layer protocols for message negotiation and transmission.

 REST (Representational State Transfer):

 A set of principles that define how web standards, such as HTTP, are
used to build scalable web services.

 A protocol that uses XML to encode its calls and HTTP as a
transport mechanism.

Q2. Differentiate between authentication and authorization.

Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or entity.

It’s about ensuring that someone is who they claim to be.

Authorization is the process of verifying what specific applications, files,

and data a user has access to. It’s about granting or denying rights to
Q3. What is a web server? Write a short note on IIS.

A web server is a system that stores, processes, and delivers web pages
to users.

IIS (Internet Information Services) is a web server software created by

Microsoft that provides a secure, easy-to-manage platform for developing
and reliably hosting web applications.

Q4. Compare and contrast between ASP and ASP.NET.

ASP (Active Server Pages): A server-side scripting environment for

creating dynamic web pages. It is interpreted, which can lead to slower

ASP.NET: A server-side web application framework designed for web

development to produce dynamic web pages. It is compiled, which
generally results in better performance.

Q5. What is the role of a configuration file in writing a web application?

Configuration files play a critical role in web applications by storing settings

that can be changed without the need to rewrite code. This includes
database connections, application settings, and security configurations.

Q6. Draw and explain the architecture of ADO.NET.

ADO.NET architecture is centered around the DataSet object, which can

contain multiple DataTable objects and their relationships. It also includes
the DataAdapter that acts as a bridge between the DataSet and the data
Q7. Differentiate between Exception and Error.

Exception: An exception is an event that occurs during the execution of a

program and disrupts the normal flow of instructions. It can be caught and
handled by the program.

Error: An error is a more serious issue that is not expected to be caught

by the program. It often leads to the termination of the application.

Q8. Mention one feature of each type of server control which is not
available in our HTML control.

Server controls, such as ASP.NET server controls, can maintain state

across requests, automatically manage events, and support data binding,
which are not inherently available in HTML controls.

Q9. Why do we need multi-threading in server control?

Multi-threading allows a server to handle multiple client requests

simultaneously, improving the application’s scalability and responsiveness.

Q10. What are assemblies and their types?

Assemblies are .NET Framework components that consist of compiled code

and resources. They come in different types, such
as private, shared, satellite, and dynamic assemblies.
Q11. Write a short note on the following:

The use of Stream classes:

Stream classes in .NET are used for reading from and writing to different
sources like files, memory, network, etc.

Cookies management:
Managing cookies involves handling HTTP cookies, which are used for
storing user-specific information like sessions, preferences, etc.

State management:
State management refers to the techniques used to preserve the state of a
user’s interaction with a web application.

Boxing and Unboxing:

Boxing is the process of converting a value type to a reference type, and
unboxing is the reverse process.

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