Rubric Oral Production 24

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Eye contact Does not attempt to look at the There is little eye contact with Constantly looks at the Almost always looks at the audience,
audience at all, reads notes or the audience, constantly reads audience, reads the notes or almost never reads from notes or PPP
from the PPP the entire time notes or from the PPP the PPP briefly
Gestures No gestures are noticed Few natural gestures are noticed Some natural hand gestures are Natural hand gestures are demonstrated
Posture Sits during presentation or Has a slouching posture during Occasionally slumps during Stands up straight with both feet on the
slumps presentation and moves presentation ground during presentation
Enthusiasm Shows absolutely no interest in Shows some negligence, negativity Shows positive interest about Demonstrates a strong positive interest
topic presented. or undesirable behavior toward topic presented. about the topic during entire presentation
topic presented.
Development of A little understanding of topic Some understanding of topic Good understanding of topic A very good understanding of the topic
content presented. Information is presented. Information is usually presented. Information is
presented. Information is relevant and
usually developed with relevant. Some links and relevant and expressed in own
well expressed. Links and connections
minimum details. Most of the connections between ideas are words. Points are developed between ideas are made clear. Points are
links and connections between not clear. with sufficient and appropriate
well organized and developed with
ideas are confusing. details in logical sequence.sufficient and appropriate details and with
a high degree of effectiveness.
Vocabulary, The vocabulary is really poor. The vocabulary is scarcely The vocabulary is mainly The vocabulary is highly appropriate for
sentence structure, The sentence structures are appropriate for the topic. The appropriate for the topic. The the topic. The sentence structure, and
grammar (Oral, scarcely grammatically correct. sentence structures are sentence structures are usually grammar are varied and well developed
Visual or Written) sometimes grammatically correct grammatically correct. and with a high degree of effectiveness
Time frame Presentation is half the time of Presentation is within three or Presentation is a l m o s t Presentation is within the allotted time or
the allotted minimum time. four minutes before the allotted within allotted time (before within two or three minutes of allotted
time. minimum allotted time) time (after minimum allotted time)

Visual aid Poor, distracts audience and is Visual aid is not effectively used Visual aid supported the Visual aid is carefully prepared and
hard to read. and it is read with certain presentation effectively. supported the presentation effectively.
difficulty. A video is not built-in. Creative used of visual The aid added impact and interest to the
aids. A video is built-in presentation. A video is built-in.
Group members Only 1 group member Only 1 or 2 group members All group members participate All group members participate equally
participation participates a lot more than the participate with a high degree of with a slight difference
others participation
Interaction / No interaction with the Limited interaction with the Some interaction with the Good interaction with the audience.
Worksheet audience. No worksheet. audience. Worksheet given. audience. Worksheet developed. Worksheet fully checked out-developed.


Please assess the work of your classmates by using the following criteria. I will consider your feedback in assigning the grade for the oral production. Please try to be as honest and fair as possible in your

5 = Excellent work; was crucial component to group’s success

4 = Very strong work; contributed significantly to group
3 = Sufficient effort; contributed adequately to group
2 = Insufficient effort; met minimal standards of group, was detrimental to the group

PEER Evaluation (Partner 1: ____________________________)

_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project.
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others.
_____ Cooperation with other group members.
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project.
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion.
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material.
_____ Total

PEER Evaluation (Partner 2: _______________________)

_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project.
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others.
_____ Cooperation with other group members.
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project.
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion.
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material.
_____ Total

PEER Evaluation (Partner 3: _______________________)

_____ Participation in developing ideas and planning project.
_____ Willingness to discuss the ideas of others.
_____ Cooperation with other group members.
_____ Interest and enthusiasm in project.
_____ Participation in leading/facilitating discussion.
_____ Ease and familiarity with discussion material.
_____ Total

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