Đỗ Hoàng Vũ-18071549

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Phụ lục 01: Trang bìa báo cáo thực tập tổng hợp




Address : Số 19 Đại Cồ Việt, phường Cầu Dền, Q.Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Đỗ Hoàng Vũ

Hanoi - Year 2024

Phụ lục 02: Trang phụ bìa báo cáo thực tập tổng hợp




Address : Số 19 Đại Cồ Việt, phường Cầu Dền, Q. Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội, Việt Nam


STUDENT: Đỗ Hoàng Vũ
STUDENT ID: 18071549
COHORT: Web FullStack .Net

Hanoi - Year 2024


I want to start by expressing my gratitude to Mr. Pham Ngoc Thanh, who guided and
inspired me throughout my graduation internship and oversaw the entire internship. For
their helpful advice and assistance throughout my internship, I would also like to express
my gratitude to the ICE teachers, particularly those at the International School at Hanoi
National University. I was able to complete my internship and obtain real-world experience
before finishing my studies owing to the International School.

Additionally, I would like to convey my sincere gratitude to the Board of Directors and the
entire employees at ITC company for their support and for giving me the greatest working
circumstances imaginable throughout my internship.

Last but not least, I want to sincerely thank my parents, relatives, and friends who have
always been a source of strength and inspiration for me, inspiring me to conquer obstacles
and problems.
Hanoi, March 01, 2024
Đỗ Hoàng Vũ

The goal of the internship is to put industry-specific training to use while gaining real-
world experience, using what has been learned in class to look into and resolve issues
linked to learning web programming. Additionally, it provides chances to familiarize
oneself with the workplace, acquire practical skills, practice effective communication
with coworkers and clients, and grow in independence and responsibility at work.

In addition to successfully completing my primary duties during my internship, I also

had the chance to learn about various careers in other departments. In order to have an
unbiased perspective on my subject of study and my own abilities, I have been working
and learning more about many different aspects of web development, both fundamental
and advanced knowledge. This enables me to develop my coding abilities and my
ability to analyze programming problems and scenarios while learning about the
models for creating websites. Another crucial component of self-improvement is the
development of soft skills including maintaining constructive working relationships,
problem solving, teamwork, and accepting ownership of one's activities.

As well, I look forward to applying my knowledge and doing my best to achieve the
responsibilities given to me by the internship company. I am confident in my
performance even though the outcomes might not have been what I had hoped.

Overall, the internship is not only necessary for graduating but also a great chance for
me to advance my programming skills to become a future programmer and figure out
what I want to do with my life.
PURPOSE OF THE INTERNSHIP....................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................
1.1 General information:.....................................................................................................
1.2 Structure :.....................................................................................................................
1.3 Core Values:.................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II: KNOWLEDGE...........................................................................................
2.1 What does web programming have learned?:..............................................................
2.2 Learning and project about ReactJs:............................................................................
2.3 Update and Handle Programming Problem:................................................................
2.4 Working with SQL for back-end:................................................................................
CHAPTER III: PRODUCT AND PROJECT....................................................................
3.1 Product overview:.........................................................................................................
3.2 Product review:............................................................................................................
3.3 Web Demo.....................................................................................................................
CHAPTER IV: EXPERIENCE GAINED..........................................................................

1.1 General information:

Business name:
- Established on: 24/08/2017
 Address: Số 19 Đại Cồ Việt, phường Cầu Dền, Quận Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội

- Business registration number: 0983607807

- Hotline: 0983607807
- Website: https://itc.net.vn/
- Legal representative: MS. TONG THUY HANH
History of formation and development
ITC DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED was born with members with many years of
experience in the field of computer network equipment business.
Pursuant to Article 83 of the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the
Company was established on August 24, 2017 by the People's Committee of Hanoi city
operating under the Company Law of the Republic of Vietnam. Vietnamese Socialism.
ITC DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED operates in the field of providing information
technology products. ITC Distribution Company Limited is recognized as the official agent
of the world's leading network equipment brands such as CISCO, PLANET, UBIQUITI,
COMMSCOPE, BELDEN, HPE, FORTINET, JUNIPER... In recent years, the Company
has often been Agent with the largest sales of CISCO, PLANET, UBIQUITI,
With the slogan "Prestige - Trust - Quality" we are ready to best meet all needs for
information technology products and services. Throughout the process of construction and
development, we always try to improve ourselves to provide customers with perfect and
reliable service. We have a scientifically organized system, a team of engineers and sales
staff with many years of experience in the field of information technology with high
educational qualifications and formal training with responsibility in the field of information
technology. job. We have and will bring information technology products with the highest
quality services and reasonable prices.
We are committed to being a reliable, sustainable support to help customers master modern
technology to serve your life and business purposes in the way you desire and choose.
1.2 Structure :
The management organization of the business is depicted in the figure below:

1.3 Core Values:

There is no perfection for any scale from small to large, but with tireless effort and efforts,
we confidently ensure the safety of all sales transactions at the website: https://itc.net.vn/.
All services on the website are clear and transparent. We thoroughly evaluate all product
supply partners for their production capacity, service quality, warranty conditions,
transparent operations,…


1. Internship Company/Institution: ITC DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED

2. Supervisor of Internship Company: DO HOANG GIANG

3. Student’s full name: DO HOANG VU

Student’s ID: 18071549 Major: Informatics Computer and Engineering

Class: ICE2018A

Week Tasks performed Results

Learning and project Set up environment in Visual Studio for

1 about ReactJs programming website , have knownledge
(From about basic HTML , CSS and JavaScript .
Studying about
01/03 HTML , CSS and Learning about how ReactJs work in website
to and project,
JavaScript language
basic Create component in website
Update programming The handle of problem in programming
2 skill and project about skill , create a task helping website
(From ReactJS
08/03 JavaScript and
to JavaScript

3 Working with SQL by Learning more about SQL ,

query and use it into
(From The view of connection in Database with
the Controller
16/03 Back-End
Week Tasks performed Results

4 Learning about the Create the website for the payment

design skill for
Self-study knowledge Summarize the knowledge you have
learned learned
Daily meeting during the internship
02/04 Report on 3 jobs:
to - Things done the previous day
09/04) - Things to do today
- Difficulties encountered in learning
Prepare for the Attend and complete the interview well
training on job
6 interview
Synthesize and revise the knowledge learned
Self-study knowledge
2.1 What does web programming have learned ?:
Web programming refers to the process of creating web applications or dynamic websites
that are interactive and respond to user input. Web programming involves using
programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and C Sharp and .NET, to write
code that runs on web servers and is interpreted by web browsers. It also includes the
creation of server-side scripts that handle data processing and database connectivity to
deliver dynamic content to users. The main goal of web programming is to create web-
based applications that can be accessed by users over the internet, providing a highly
interactive and engaging user experience.

Figure 1: The description of web programming

Roadmaps for Web Development:

1. Front-end Development:

This involves the creation of user interfaces that users can see and interact with. It covers
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as frameworks and libraries like React and Angular.

Step-by-step guide to Front-end development:

Learn HTML: HTML is the markup language used to structure content on the web. You
need to learn the basics of HTML syntax, tags, and attributes.
Learn CSS: CSS is used to style and layout the content on the web. You need to learn CSS
properties, selectors, and units.

Learn JavaScript: JavaScript is a programming language used to create interactive and

dynamic web content. You need to learn the basics of JavaScript syntax, data types,
functions, and loops.

Learn a CSS framework: CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation provide pre-
built CSS styles and components that can help you speed up your front-end development.

Learn a JavaScript framework or library: JavaScript frameworks and libraries like

React, Angular, and Vue.js provide tools to help you build complex web applications.

Learn responsive design: Responsive design is the practice of creating web content that
adapts to different screen sizes and devices. You need to learn how to use CSS media
queries and responsive frameworks.

Learn version control: Version control tools like Git help you manage changes to your
code and collaborate with other developers.

Build a portfolio: Build a collection of front-end projects to showcase your skills and
expertise to potential employers.

Keep learning: Front-end development is a constantly evolving field, and new tools and
technologies are emerging all the time. Keep learning and staying up-to-date with the latest
trends and best practices.

2. Back-end Development:

This includes server-side programming, database management, and web server

configuration. It covers languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, and frameworks such as Django
and Ruby on Rails.

Step-by-step guide to Back-end development:

Learn a server-side programming language: Back-end development involves server-side

programming, which means you need to learn a programming language that can run on a
server. Popular back-end programming languages include PHP, Python, Ruby, and Java.
Learn a database management system: Back-end development often involves managing
databases, so you need to learn a database management system (DBMS) like MySQL,
PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.

Learn a back-end web framework: A back-end web framework like Django (Python),
Ruby on Rails (Ruby), or Laravel (PHP) can help you build scalable and maintainable web

Learn web server configuration: Back-end developers need to know how to configure
web servers like Apache, Nginx, and IIS.

Learn API development: APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow different

software applications to communicate with each other. Back-end developers need to learn
how to design, build, and maintain APIs.

Learn version control: Version control tools like Git help you manage changes to your
code and collaborate with other developers.

Build a portfolio: Build a collection of back-end projects to showcase your skills and
expertise to potential employers.

Keep learning: Back-end development is a constantly evolving field, and new tools and
technologies are emerging all the time. Keep learning and staying up-to-date with the latest
trends and best practices.

3. DevOps:

This involves managing the development, deployment, and operation of web applications. It
covers tools such as Git, Docker, and cloud platforms like AWS and Azure.

Step-by-step guide to DevOps:

Learn the basics of software development: DevOps involves the integration of software
development and IT operations, so it's important to have a solid understanding of both

Learn about infrastructure as code: Infrastructure as code (IaC) is the practice of

managing infrastructure in a similar way to software code. DevOps engineers need to be
proficient in tools like Terraform, Ansible, and Puppet.
Learn about continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD): CI/CD is a set of
practices that automates the process of building, testing, and deploying software. DevOps
engineers need to be familiar with tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and CircleCI.

Learn about containerization: Containerization involves packaging software in containers,

which makes it easier to deploy and manage applications. DevOps engineers need to be
proficient in tools like Docker and Kubernetes.

Learn about monitoring and logging: DevOps engineers need to know how to monitor and
log software applications to ensure that they are running smoothly. Tools like Prometheus,
Grafana, and ELK Stack are commonly used for monitoring and logging.

Learn about security: Security is a critical aspect of DevOps. DevOps engineers need to be
familiar with security best practices and tools like Vault, AWS KMS, and Azure Key Vault.

Collaborate with developers and operations teams: DevOps is all about collaboration.
DevOps engineers need to work closely with developers and operations teams to ensure that
software is developed and deployed smoothly. Automate everything: Automation is a key
tenet of DevOps. DevOps engineers need to automate as much of the software development
and deployment process as possible to ensure that it is reliable and consistent.

Continuously improve: DevOps is a continuous process of improvement. DevOps engineers

need to continuously evaluate and improve their processes to ensure that they are efficient
and effective.

4. Full-Stack Development:

This encompasses both front-end and back-end development, as well as DevOps skills,
providing a holistic approach to web development.

Step-by-step guide to becoming a Full-Stack Developer:

Learn the basics of front-end development: Full-stack developers need to have a solid
understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Learn a front-end framework: Front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js are
commonly used in Full-Stack development. It's important to choose one and learn it in-
Learn a back-end language: Popular back-end languages include Csharp Python, Ruby,
and Node.js. Choose one and learn it in-depth.

Learn a back-end framework: Back-end frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, and
Express.js are commonly used in Full-Stack development. Choose one and learn it in-depth.

Learn a database technology: Full-Stack developers need to be familiar with database

technologies like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.

Learn API development: APIs are a critical part of Full-Stack development. Learn how to
build and consume APIs using tools like RESTful API and GraphQL.

Learn about DevOps: Full-Stack developers need to be familiar with DevOps practices
like continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) and containerization.

Learn about cloud computing: Full-Stack developers need to be familiar with cloud
computing technologies like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

Build projects: The best way to become a Full-Stack developer is by building projects.
Choose a project and build it from start to finish, using the technologies you've learned.

Continuously learn and improve: Full-Stack development is a constantly evolving field,

so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices.
Continuously learn and improve your skills.

2.2 Learning and project about ReactJSt:

In this project, I was guided by my mentor Do Hoang Giang, what I learned:
- ReactJs, an open source project created by Facebook and relired in 2013, is a JavaScript
library used to create interaction with website components. The ability to display the data of
Reactjs below the guest layer outside the server layer makes it one of the most notable
features it.
- JavaScript package called ReactJs is reserved to support programmers in creating user or
UI interface. Programmers working on applications ahead are often focused on handling
user interaction and user interface (UI). Any program will have many UI elements, running
such as menu, search bar, button, card, etc. Suppose you are a web programmer. In e -
commerce, you must add the selected product to the cart and then display it again when the
user is foresee the design and click the "Add to the Cart" button. Users interact with that
product when they come to it.
- To display the website content on your computer, tablet or phone, the web browser must
read these documents. The browser built something called the document object (DOM)
during that process, which is a tree displayed. Developers can use JavaScript to modify
DOM plants and add any dynamic content to their applications.
And my project has done:

Figure 2: The code of select artists in my project

This is the solution of the project :

Figure 3: The solution of my code

2.2 Update and Handle Programming Problem:

During the encryption of this project with JavaScript, I encountered countless challenges.
Initially, my encryption skills, still in the early stage, led to many errors leading to the
failure of the program. Fortunately, my relentless support and guidance has proved the tool
to overcome these problems.
As a new person in the game programming, struggling with complex logic and determining
the coordinates set a formidable challenge. Expanded discussions and classes with advisers
are the key to the discovery of optimal solutions, significantly contributing to overcoming
logical barriers and honing problems of problem solving skills.
The design component, the last border, revealed a hole in my skill set. Knowledge limited
to hindering the development of strategies to improve design views. To narrow this gap, I
deeply dug into studying and researching on different platforms. Although the final design
may not exude a special charm, it has undergone notable improvements through this
learning journey.
This is some codes in this project :

Figure 4: The code for login my project

Figure 5: The selecting menu of my project
This is the final result of project :

Figure 6: The final result of my project

2.3 Learning about SQL:
Think of a database as a carefully organized information collection, designed for easy
access and modification. It is like a digital file system, neatly arranged in the table
and each table complies with the detailed plan of the overall database structure.
Imagine you are creating a website similar to YouTube, video, comments, users and
passwords. To manage this complexity, you will set up a database with tables like
'Bang1' for user data, 'Bang2' to store videos and 'Bang3' to save comments.
The key to interacting with this data power is in the store process. This is where I dug
into the Dapper Kingdom, a tool to simplify database activities. With Dapper, I can
easily browse and query data, as well as add or delete information.
While the complexity of the original query methods seemed to be a maze, I interfere
with basic concepts. The real breakthrough came when I applied this knowledge to
the actual example of controllers, models and services. It provides a comprehensive
view of how data streams and communication occur in the system, turning a
landscape that seems to be complicated into an understandable terrain .
This is some example in my project :

Figure 7:Very first code in my project


I was fortunate to experience a number of real-world projects throughout my internship.

From there, one can advance their understanding of, and proficiency in, web development.
My knowledge and abilities have changed dramatically since I started working on projects.
I'm hoping to learn more in the future so that I can sharpen my abilities and make a lot of
money to support my family. Having a family and contributing more to society.

3.1 Product overview:

Currently, building a website named "Pitch" is the main project in which I am involved.
The project's primary language is.NET MVC. It is centered on an online storefront with lots
of customer-friendly features and advantages. For instance, the website now has two
sections for showing the sales page, ordering, and viewing products. The admin must be
able to enter goods data, write articles, and query orders in the first part. The second, and
more significant, portion is the one that customers see and has full functionality. having the
option to log in, register, buy, rate, and contact...

Figure 8: The overview of operating model

3.2 Project review:

Customer support: Here, the development team will continue to support customers in
using the product and fixing any errors that arise during product usage.
Interface design: After understanding the customer's requirements, the design team will
proceed to design the interface for the product. This is an important step in creating a user-
friendly and attractive interface for customers.
Product deployment: After completing testing, the product will be deployed in a real
environment for customers to use.
Product development: After completing the interface design, the development team will
proceed to develop the product, including both back-end and front-end development. Here,
the development team will use technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, .Net. to build
the product.
Product testing: After completing development, the product will be tested to ensure that it
functions correctly and does not encounter any errors.
Product upgrade: When there is a request to upgrade from the customer, the development
team will update and upgrade the product to meet the new requirements.
Requirement analysis: This is the first and most important step in the product development
process. Here, the product development team will ask questions to understand the
customer's requirements, including what the customer wants, why they want it, what they
expect from the product, etc.

3.3 Web demo :

Figure 9, 10, 11: The sample of web demo
After participating in this project, I have some of things to say:
I'm happy to share with you my knowledge of excellent website design. Although the
process is exciting and difficult, the feeling you get when you see the results is well worth
To start, I want to emphasize that designing a successful website involves more than just
building an aesthetically pleasing user interface and a functional website—it also involves
meeting needs. and the desires of the target audience. This requires a thorough
understanding of the customer as well as an understanding of the concepts and messages
they want to share with potential customers.
After the customer accepts the initial design idea, I continue to develop the source code to
create the corresponding interface on the website. During this process, I often use
frameworks like Bootstrap to create beautiful and compatible interfaces on many different
However, creating a beautiful interface and a fully functional website is not enough to have
a successful website. After completing the product, I thoroughly checked it to ensure there
were no errors during use. I also always listen to customers' opinions to improve my
After completing and deploying the product, the feeling is truly great. I feel proud when I
see customers satisfied and using my products to convey their message to others.
In short, designing a successful website is a complex process that requires focus, creativity
and perseverance. However, the end result is something to celebrate and be proud of. The
most important thing in this process is to listen and understand customer needs to create
suitable products that meet their desires.
Additionally, it is necessary to use the right design tools and frameworks to create beautiful
and usable interfaces across a variety of devices. Checking and improving the product after
completion is also very important to ensure that no errors occur during use.

I had the chance to take part in a wide range of company events throughout my internship. I
worked on new initiatives, collaborated with a variety of coworkers, and gained direction
from supervisors and superiors. As a result, I gained a lot of new knowledge and enhanced
my abilities.

In addition, the internship assisted me in honing a variety of professional competencies,

including time management, problem-solving, negotiation, and leadership. I also gained
knowledge of new software tools, which improved my productivity and helped me work
more effectively.

In addition, the internship taught me the value of tenacity and perseverance in the
workplace. I had several obstacles and hurdles while working, but with the help of my
superiors and my own initiatives, I was able to overcome them and successfully fulfill my

I gained a deeper understanding of who I am and my career possibilities thanks to the

internship. Before that, I just had a theoretical understanding of the field I was working in.
But thanks to the internship, I was able to interact with subject matter specialists,
comprehend how the sector was developing, and gain a general understanding of the
opportunities and difficulties that lay ahead.

I interacted with a wide variety of people throughout my internship, which helped me

develop many new skills, the most crucial of which was communication. Skills in
communication are crucial in the workplace. They support my ability to effectively
communicate my ideas and offer suitable answers to problems relating to my job. I also
learn how to work well and effectively manage my time.

Additionally, the internship helped me gain professional independence. I had to make wise
choices quickly and independently tackle difficulties relating to my work. This gave me the
confidence I needed to tackle obstacles and unpleasant situations at work.
In conclusion, the internship helped me further my career. It assisted me in skill
development, personal discovery, and industry knowledge acquisition. In addition, I was
able to network with professionals and establish helpful connections when I was an intern.
Xuanthu,2021 Giới thiệu về SQL . [Online]
Available at: https://xuanthulab.net/gioi-thieu-ve-sql-co-ban.html

Xuanthu,2021 Trang chủ . [Online]

Available at: https://xuanthulab.net/

ReactJs [Online]
Available at: https://react.dev/

JavaScript [Online]

Available at: https://www.w3schools.com/js



1. Internship Company/Institution ......................................................................................

2. Supervisor of Internship Company: ................................................................................
3. Student’s full
name: ..........................................................................................................

Student’s ID: Major:


Week Tasks performed Results Remark

Learning and project Set up environment in Visual Studio for

1 about ReactJs programming website , have knownledge
(From about basic HTML , CSS and JavaScript .
Studying about HTML ,
01/03 CSS and JavaScript Learning about how ReactJs work in
to website and project,
language basic
Create component in website
Update programming The handle of problem in programming
2 skill and project about skill , create a task helping website
(From ReactJS
08/03 JavaScript and
to JavaScript

3 Working with SQL by Learning more about SQL ,

query and use it into the
(From The view of connection in Database with
16/03 Back-End
Week Tasks performed Results Remark

4 Learning about the Create the website for the payment

design skill for website
Self-study knowledge Summarize the knowledge you have
learned learned
Daily meeting during the internship
02/04 Report on 3 jobs:
to - Things done the previous day
09/04) - Things to do today
- Difficulties encountered in learning
Prepare for the training Attend and complete the interview well
on job interview
Self-study knowledge Synthesize and revise the knowledge
learned learned

4. Comments about student’s weekly plan of the graduation internship:

Supervisor of Internship Company Student
(Signature and Full name) (Signature and Full name)
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Independence-Freedom-Happiness


Supervisor’s full name: ………………………………………………………………… Position:

………………………………… At: ………………………………………..

Student’s to be supervised:

- Student’s full name:……………………………………………………………………

- Student’s ID:…………………………………………………………………………... - Major:

- Class:…………………………………………………………………………………...
Internship Company/Institution: ………………………………………………….....

Comments about student’s internship throughout supervision:

Factors Evaluation

Good Average Bad

1. Knowledge

2. Skills

3. Awareness and Attitude

4. General evaluation for student’s internship


Other comments (If any):

……,date…….month ……year……….
(Signature and Full name)
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL Independence-Freedom-Happiness


(For Internship Company/ Institution)
Supervisor at Company/ Institution:
…………………………………………………………… Position:

Student’s to be supervised:
Student’s ID: ……………
Major: ……………………………………
Internship: From……./……./2022…. . to ……/……/2022
Comments about student’s performance throughout internship:
Factors Evaluation

Good Average Bad

1. Compliance with regulations of the
company/ institution

2. Knowledge

3. Skills

4. Awareness and Attitude

5. General evaluation for student’s internship

at company/institution
Other comments (If any):……………………………………………………………… …….
………,date…….month ……year……….
of Internship Company/Institution
(Signature and Full name)

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