EES512 Lab5

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Lab 5

W2022 Version

Name: Name:

Lab 5 – RLC Circuit Resonance

Objective: To examine the AC response of an RLC circuit and find the resonance frequency.

1. For the circuit in Figure 43, find the frequency ωo where XL = XC. Draw an impedance phasor
diagram and a voltage phasor diagram at that frequency. If R = 1 kΩ, C = 0.01 μF and L = 0.1 H,
find the value of fo = ωo/(2π). Note the 50 Ω is an internal resistor for function generator.

Figure 43 – RLC Circuit with AC Input

2. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 43. By observing channel 1, set the function generator to
produce a 6 V peak to peak sine wave at 100 Hz. (on FG: press Frequency: 100 Hz and
Amplitude: 3VPP*) The peak to peak value is the difference between the top and the bottom
of the sine wave. Measure the peak to peak voltage and the time shift across the sampling
resistor (channel 2). Record your results in Table . * Due to impedance matching
3. Repeat step 2 for all of the frequencies in Table . Make sure that the source peak to peak
voltage (channel 1, Vs) remains at 6 V. Note time shift (ΔT) is positive sometimes and negative
some other times.
Frequency Peak to Peak Time Shift Phase Shift |I| = VR/R |ZT|= Vs/|I|
|VR| ΔT θ = 360o(ΔT)f
500 Hz
1 kHz
3 kHz
5 kHz
7 kHz
10 kHz
50 kHz
Table 11 – AC Response of an RLC Circuit

4. Calculate the phase shift, magnitude of the current and magnitude of the total impedance.
Record your answers in Table .
5. Plot the phase shift, magnitude of the current and magnitude of the total impedance vs.
frequency on the graphs provided in Figure 44, Figure 45 and Figure 46. These graphs are semi-
log graphs. If you start from left at 500 Hz, the middle point is 500 X 10 = 5000 Hz = 5 kHz. The
rightmost point is 5 kHz X 10 = 50 kHz.

Figure 44 - Graph of Total Impedance |ZT| vs. Frequency

Figure 45 - Graph of Phase Shift θ vs. Frequency

Figure 46 - Graph of Current Magnitude |I| vs. Frequency

1. From Figure 44, find the frequency at which |ZT| has a minimum value.

2. From Figure 45, find the frequency at which θ = 0o.

3. From Figure 46, find the frequency at which |I| has a maximum value.

Figure 47 - Connecting the RLC Circuit


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