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- Represent characteristics of an entire population.

- is a fixed and unknown numerical value.
It can be denoted by Greek letter:
 Population mean- 𝜇 (Greek letter mu)
 Population variance- 𝜎2 (Greek letter sigma squared)
 Standard deviation- 𝜎 (Greek Letter sigma)
- Represent characteristics of a sample taken from a population.
- Is a known number and a variable which depends on the portion of the
It can be denoted by Roman letter:
 Sample mean- x̅ (Roman letter x bar)
 Sample variance- s² (Roman letter ‘s’ squared)
 Sample standard deviation- s (Roman Letter ‘s’)
To understand the difference between Parameters and Statistics, let’s have an
A researcher studying tomato plants in a greenhouse. He/she is interested in
understanding how tall the plants will grow at the end of the growing season.
So, our task is to find out the parameters and statistics: What is the
population? All tomato plants in the greenhouse.
What is the parameter? Average height of tomato plants at season's end
(population mean, μ)
Because measuring the entire population is often not feasible, we take a
sample. This could be a randomly chosen group of, say, 30 tomato plants from
the greenhouse.
How do we find Statistics? By measuring the sample, we can calculate
statistics that estimate the population parameters.
What are the statistics? The average height of the 30 tomato plants we
measured (in centimeters). This is called the sample mean (denoted by x̅ ) and
serves as an estimate of the population mean (average height of all plants).
- Describes the probability distribution of a statistic (e.g., sample mean)
across many random samples of the same size n from the same
- It helps us understand how much the statistic might vary depending on
the random sample chosen.

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