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Omkar Helps T2/T3 college aspirants

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ACID Properties in DBMS

Atomicity Isolation

Consistency Durability
Omkar Helps T2/T3 college aspirants
to crack FMANG companies

This means that when we talk about a transaction, it's like flipping a
switch – either everything happens as planned or nothing happens
at all. There's no in-between where only part of the transaction goes

Here's how it works :

• Abort : If something goes wrong and we have to stop the

transaction, any changes made to the database are ignored. It's
like hitting the undo button.

• Commit: If everything goes smoothly and the transaction is

completed, all the changes are saved and become visible. It's like
saying, "Yes, go ahead and make those changes."

We call this the "All or nothing rule" because it's either all of the
transaction or none of it – no halfway.
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This means that the rules ensuring the database stays correct need
to be followed both before and after a transaction. It's all about
keeping the database accurate and reliable.
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This property makes sure that many transactions can happen at the
same time without messing up the database. Each transaction can
do its thing without bothering the others. Changes made in one
transaction won't show up for other transactions until they're saved
or finished. This way, even if transactions are all happening at once,
the final result is the same as if they happened one after the other
in a specific order.
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This property guarantees that once a transaction finishes, any
changes it made to the database are safely stored on the
computer's hard drive. Even if the system crashes or shuts down
unexpectedly, these changes stick around. They're saved in a way
that they won't disappear, ensuring that the transaction's effects
are always there and won't vanish.

The ACID properties help make sure that a database stays

correct and reliable. They do this by treating each transaction
like a single package: it does its job, gives reliable results,
doesn't get mixed up with other stuff happening at the same
time, and makes sure its changes are saved securely.
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Advantages of ACID Properties

• Data Consistency : ACID properties make sure that the data stays
correct and accurate after each transaction.
• Data Integrity : ACID properties keep the data reliable by making
sure any changes to the database stick around and can't
• Concurrency Control : ACID properties help handle many
transactions happening at once by stopping them from messing
with each other.
• Recovery : ACID properties guarantee that if something goes
wrong, like a system crash, the system can get back the data up to
the point of the problem.
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to crack FMANG companies

Disadvantages of ACID Properties

• Performance : ACID properties might slow down the system
because they need extra work to keep data reliable and
• Scalability : In big systems where lots of things happen at once,
ACID properties might make it hard for the system to grow
• Complexity : Making sure ACID properties work right can make the
system more complicated and need lots of skill and resources.

Overall, ACID properties are mostly good for managing data

because they make it dependable and consistent. But sometimes,
they can make the system slower or harder to grow. So, it's
important to think about whether the benefits of ACID properties
are worth the extra work for a particular system.

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