2 Rosa Cerrada de Tallo Largo - Happy Patty Crochet

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Pattern & Instructions

by Happy Patty Crochet


Closed Rose (Cup Shape)

Skills Needed
Crochet, Sewing
Skill Level

Hello! Here I’ll show you how to crochet a beautiful closed rose. This is a rose bud in cup
shape, which makes it very delicate and luxurious in any decorative setting. This flower
is ideal for a bouquet or flower arrangements. It would make a beautiful boutonniere,
brooch or other applique. Crochet several of those, with my matching Rose Buds in Bowl
and Saucer shape for a stunning rose bouquet or flower arrangement.

The crochet knowledge needed for this

flower is basic, as no advanced stitches
are used. Although the amount of cro-
cheting needed for this flower is above
than usualy flower, and that’s why I
pushd the skill level to Beginner-Inter-

Feel free to include the finished flower in

any project that you want, either for pri-
vate use or for sell. If you choose to sell
your product, please include a mention to Happy Patty Crochet as the original designer.
Please, do not resell this pattern. This pattern is my original design.

Tools & Material
- Crochet Hook (1.0mm). - Tweezers.
- Cotton 20 Thread. - Stem (Optional).
- Scissors. - Super glue (Any strong adhesive for fabrics)
- Sewing Material.

This Document includes 4 patterns - one for the sepal (normally, in green color),
one of the head of the flower (whichever color you choose), and another 2 for
the 2 different types of petals that makes this blossom.

The quantity of the elements of the rose needed :

- One head.
- One Sepal.
- One of Petal #1.
- Three of Petal #2.

The Stages of this instructions, are - first, we crochet all the elements, than pre-
pare for sewing, sew the elements, glue and arrange.

Lets Begin!
Making the Flower
It is recommended to first create all the parts of the flower (Head, Sepal and Pet-

I won’t describe in detail how to crochet each part, as they are described in the
diagrams and instructions. The crocheting needed is straighforward without
difficult stitching or technique.

Before we move on to the photo tutorial, lets cover the head of the flower, first.
Once you reach the last round of the head (when you crochet it), stop crochet-
ing, take the fiberfill (polyester) and stuff the head until it feels firm and soft
(not too firm). Once you’ve put enough polyester in the head, complete the last
row and tight the thread to close the head. See photos below (photos are just
to show the technique. The head for this flower should look much thinner, as
shown in the next page) :

Step 1 - Stuff the polyester in the head Step 2 - Complete the last round

Step 3 - Tight it Firmly Step 4 - This is how the head should look like
Making the Flower (#2)
Once the head is done, make sure you crochet all the flower elements and you
are ready to move on to the sewing stage.

You’ll need :
- One Sepal.
- One Head.
- One of Petal #1.
- Three of Petal #2.

You’ll also need :

- Scissors.
- Sewing Gear.
- Stem.
- Superglue.
- Tweezers (Optional)

The following photo

series, will guide you
through the stages of
sewing the flower.

We start by attaching the head of the flower to the stem (and the sepals as well).
Firsl lets add the sepals by making a hole in the middle of the sepals and pass-
ing the stem through it (we glue the sepals to the head only at the end, so just
leave the sepals for now). next, we’ll attach the head by first applying some
superglue to the top of the stem, and pushing it through the back of the flower’s

Step 5 - Apply glue to the tip of the stem Step 6 - Push stem through the head, and apply
pressuure (not too much)
Making the Flower (#3)
Once the glue dries and the head is
firmly glued, we move to the sewing

Take Petal #1 and place it around the

head so the top of the petal covers
completely the head (about a finger

Wrap the Petal as much as you can

around the head and start sewing :
Step 7 - Wrap the petal as much as you can around
the head

Step 8 - Put a pin through the top to keep the petals Step 9 - Start by sewing the edges of the petal to-
in the right shape while you start sewing gether, and move on to sewing the core of the petal
to the head.

Step 10 - Sew the petal to the head, try to focus on Step 11 - This will keep the petal firmly positioned
the middle and bottom sections of the petals while maintaining its shape at the top.
Making the Flower (#4)

Step 12 - This is how the bud should look at this Step 13 - The edge of the petal that is not sewn
point needs to be a bit open

Photos at the top show how the petal should be fixed to the head. This is how
your close rose should look at this point.

You can use the tweezers to shape the petal to reach the desired appearance, try
to pull the tip of the petal, while opening its none-sewed edge (similar to the
photo on the top right).

Now, once the first petal is nicely placed around the head, lets place and sew the
rest of the petals. The main rule here is to make it look balanced and symmetric
(not too symmetric, it is nature :)), start with placing the first petal around the
bud, just slightly higher then the trip of the bud. Add the rest of the petals in a
similar way to that presented in the following photos :

Step 14 - Please petal at the bottom of the bud Step 15 - Push it so it completely touches the bud
Making the Flower (#5)

Step 16 - Push the Petal around the bud, to bend it Step 17 - Place the next petal opposed to the first
a bit petal, in the same height

Step 19 - In a similar fashion, push the petal to the Step 18 - Add the third petal

Step 20 - The bud should look roughly like this Step 21 - Attach the pins to fix the positioning of
from above the petals and move on to sewing.
Making the Flower (#6)
In a similar way we sewed the first
petal, focus mainly on the middle bot-
tom sections of the petals when you
sew them to the head.

Remember, even though it is a closed

rose, you’d still want to open its tip
and the edges of its outer layers - so
don’t sew those parts :)

The higher you sew, the more close

Step 22 - Start Sewing from the bottom the rose will be.

Step 23 - Move your way to the middle while you Step 24 - After sewing all the petals, this is how the
sewing bud should look like (this is after glueing the sepals)

Step 25 - Use the tweezers to open bud to its desired Step 26 - And this is how the bud looks once done!
Petal #1 - Diagram

Stitch Key / Abbr.

- Single Crochet (sc) - Double Crochet - 2-dc Increase (2-dc inc)
- Chain (ch) - Triple Crochet - 2-tc Increase (2-tc inc)
- 2-st sc in c - Quadruple Crochet - 2-qc Increase (2-qc inc)
- Half Double Crochet (hdc) - 2-hdc Increase - Slip Stitch (sl-st)
Petal #1 : Instructions
(You’ll need 1 of this.)

Rnd 1 : Magic ring, ch 1, sc 5 times, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 2 : Ch 1, [2-st sc inc] 5 times over sc, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 3 : Ch 1, [sc 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 4 : Ch 1, [2 sc, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr row, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 5 : Ch 1, [sc 3 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg

Rnd 6 : Ch 1, [sc 4 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg

Rnd 7 : Ch 1, [sc 5 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg

Rnd 8 : Ch 1, sc 6 time, 2-st sc inc, hdc 3 times, dc 3 times, 2-st dc inc, 2-st tc inc
7 times, 2-st dc inc, dc 3 times, hdc 3 times, sc 7 times, join with sl st to beg ch.
Cut thread.
Petal #2 - Diagram

Stitch Key / Abbr.

- Single Crochet (sc) - Double Crochet - 2-dc Increase (2-dc inc)
- Chain (ch) - Triple Crochet - 2-tc Increase (2-tc inc)
- 2-st sc in c - Quadruple Crochet - 2-qc Increase (2-qc inc)
- Half Double Crochet (hdc) - 2-hdc Increase - Slip Stitch (sl-st)
Petal #2 : Instructions
(You’ll need 3 of this.)

Rnd 1 (RS) : Magic ring, ch 1, sc 5 times, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 2 : Ch 1, [2-st sc inc] 5 times over sc, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 3 : Ch 1, [sc 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 4 : Ch 1, [2 sc, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr row, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 5 : Ch 1, [sc 3 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg

Rnd 6 : Ch 1, [sc 4 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg

Rnd 7 : Ch 1, [sc 5 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg

Rnd 8 : Ch 1, [sc 6 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lwr rnd, join with sl st to beg

Rnd 9 : Ch 1, sc 7 times, 2-st sc inc, [7 hdc, 2-st hdc inc] 2 times, 7 hdc, 2-st sc
inc, 8 sc, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 9 : Ch 1, sc 7 times, hdc, 2-st hdc inc, dc 3 times, 2-st dc inc 5 times, 2-st tc
inc 4 times, 2-st qc inc, 2-st tc inc 4 times, 2-st dc inc 5 rimes, dc 3 times, 2-st hdc
inc, hdc, 8 sc join with sl st to beg ch. Cut thread.
Head Diagram (Instructions in the next Page)

Abbreviations Used Stitch Key / Abbr.

Magic Loop : Make a large
ch - Chain loop with yarn. Holding the
loop with your fingers, insert
- Single Crochet (sc)
sc - Single Crochet
hook into loop and pull work- - Chain (ch)
sl - Slip ing yarn through loop on hook.
st - Stitch - 2 Stich dc Decrease
Continue to work indicated
beg - Beginning number of stitches into loop. - 2 Stitch sc Increase
inc - Increase Pull on yarn tail to close loop. - Cut
sc - Single Crochet
hdc - Half Double Crochet
Head : Instructions
Follow the instructions be-
low, once you reach rnd 13,
fill the head with the polyes-
ter, and close it with rnd 14
(photo are just to show the

Rnd 1 (RS) : Magic ring, ch 1, sc 5 times in ring, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 2 : Ch 1, sc 5 times in ring, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 3 : Ch 1, [2-st sc inc] 5 times over lower rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 4 : Ch 1, [sc, 2-st sc inc] 5 times over lower rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 5 : Ch 1, [3 sc] 5 times over lower rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 6 : Ch 1, [3 sc] 5 times over lower rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 7 : Ch 1, [sc, 2-st sc inc, sc] 5 times over lower rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 8 - 11 : Ch 1, [4 sc] 5 times over lower rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 12 : Ch 1, [3 sc, 2-st sc dec] 5 times over rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 13 : Ch 1, [3 sc] 5 times over lower rnd, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 14 : Ch 1, [3 sc, 2-st sc dec] 5 times over rnd, join with sl st to beg ch and cut
Sepals Diagram (Instructions in the next Page)

Abbreviations Used
Magic Loop : Make a large Stitch Key / Abbr.
ch - Chain loop with yarn. Holding the
sc - Single Crochet loop with your fingers, insert - Single Crochet (sc)
hook into loop and pull work- - Chain (ch)
sl - Slip ing yarn through loop on hook.
st - Stitch Continue to work indicated - 2 Stitch sc Increase
beg - Beginning number of stitches into loop. - 2 Double Crochet Decrease
inc - Increase Pull on yarn tail to close loop.
- Double Crochet
sc - Single Crochet
hdc - Half Double Crochet - Cut
Sepals (Green
: Instructions
Rnd 1 (RS) : Magic ring, ch 1, sc 5 times in ring, join with sl st to beg ch.

Rnd 2 : Ch 1, [2-st sc inc] 5 times over sc, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 3 : Ch 1, [sc, 2-st sc inc] 5 times, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 4 : Ch 1, [sc 2 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times, join with sl st to beg ch

Rnd 5 : Ch 1, [sc 3 times, 2-st sc inc] 5 times, join with sl st to beg ch

Now we start doing the sepals, sepals are done one by one, row by row (in a
zig-zag fashion), starting at sl st

For Each Sepal :

Row 1 : Ch 2, dc 5 times.
Row 2 : going back, Ch 2, sc 3 times, 2-st dc dec.
Row 3 : Ch 2, dc 2 times, 2-st dc dec
Row 4 : Ch 2, dc, 2-st dc dec.
Row 5 : Ch 2, hdc, 2-st dc dec.
Row 6 : Ch 2, 2-st dc dec.
Row 7 : Ch 2, dc.
Row 8 : Ch 3. Cut thread.

Repeat Sepal 4 more times, in a similar way (see pattern).

That’s it :) The closed rose is finished (with stem or without it), crochet several
of this for beautiful bouquets or flower arrangements. Or crochet without a stem
for stunning broochs or other appliques.


I really hope you enjoyed making this beautiful Closed Rose. If you have any
question, please let me know and I’ll do my best to help.

Thanks and enjoy crocheting!

Happy Patty :)

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