STS Quiz

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1. Who wrote the book “The Origin of Species?”

a. Sigmund Freud
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Steve Wozniak
d. Charles Darwin

2. individuals with traits that enable them to adapt to their environments will help them
survive and have more offspring, which will inherit those traits. Individuals with less adaptive
traits will less frequently survive to pass them on.
a. Theory of survival
b. Theory of evolution
c. Theory of human
d. Theory of life

3. This unconscious energy focuses on meeting the your own needs.

a. Id
b. Ego
c. Hierarchy of needs
d. Superego

4. Your needs must be met with the use of appropriate and acceptable method.
a. Need principle
b. Pleasure principle
c. Reality principle
d. Ego ideal

5. These are people influenced by Islamic civilization regardless of their religious views.
a. Madrasas
b. Muslim scholars
c. Islamicate Scholars
d. Renaissance Scholars

6. The eastern Islamicate empire that was a crossroads or trading zone for Persian, Indian, and
Byzantine cultures, and various religions, and many languages flourished in the civilization.
a. Abbasid Caliphate
b. Umayyad Caliphate
c. Ottoman Empire
d. Mughal Empire

7. A mechanical device used for measuring incline by astronomers and navigators to determine
the positions of celestial bodies that Islamicate astronomers improved upon multiple times.
a. The kitab "Al-jabr"
b. The Book of Ingenious Devices
c. The Abbasid State
d. Astrolabe

8. Turkish polymath who wrote a book on machines called The Book of Ingenious Mechanical
Devices, which contained 100 machines with instructions on how to build them.
a. Banu Musa Brothers
b. Al-Jazari
c. Al-Khwarizmi
d. Al-Ma'mun

9.How did Mesoamerican cultures represent the number zero in their vigesimal number system?
A) A dot
B) A bar
C) A shell shape
D) A circle
ANSWER: C) A shell shape

10. Which calendar was used for divination, religious ceremonies, and determining auspicious
timings in Maya civilization?
A) Tzolk’in calendar
B) Haab’ calendar
C) Julian calendar
D) Gregorian calendar
ANSWER: A) Tzolk’in calendar

11. How many days are in a cycle of the Tzolk’in calendar?

A) 365 days
B) 260 days
C) 20 days
D) 18 months
ANSWER: B) 260 days

12.How many months are there in the Haab’ calendar?

A) Twelve months
B) Fifteen months
C) Eighteen months
D) Twenty months
ANSWER: C) Eighteen months

13. Which Mesoamerican structure is aligned with the sun during the spring and fall equinoxes?
A) Machu Picchu
B) Teotihuacan
C) El Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza
D) Tikal
ANSWER: C) El Castillo pyramid at Chichen Itza

14. African arguments for independence were often based on ideas of:
a) The divine right of kings
b) The superiority of European civilization
c) Self-determination and natural rights
d) The need for stronger colonial control
ANSWER: C) Self-determination and natural rights

15. The Aksumite people developed their own unique writing system called:

a) Ge'ez
b) Cuneiform
c) Hieroglyphics
d) Phoenician
ANSWER: A ) Ge'ez

16. Asian civilization refers to the rich and diverse cultural, social, political, and technological
developments that have emerged across the continent of Asia over thousands of years.
a.) True
b.) False

17. There are four major civilizations that have roots in Asia, except:
a.) Mesopotamian Civilization
b.) Persian Civilization
c.) Indus Valley Civilization
d.) Chinese Civilization
e.) Filipino Civilization
ANSWER: E) Filipino Civilization

18. Asian civilization have given birth to major philosophical and religious traditions such as,
a.) Hinduism
b.) Christianism
c.) Buddhism
d.) Taoism
e.) Confucianism
ANSWER: B) Christianism

18. It is the consciousness of the self

a. Id
b. Ego
c. Hierarchy of needs
d. Superego

19. Human’s behavior and emotions is built with the help of conscious and subconscious
a. Psychoanalytic theory
b. Theory of evolution
c. Theory of human behavior and emotions
d. Moral development theory

20. What is the writing system of meso-american?

a. Tzolk’in
b. Haab’
c. Mayan Heiroglyphs
d. Mohenjo-daro

21. It suggested that the center of the Solar System was not Earth but the Sun.
a. Solar system
b. Heliocentrism
c. Astronomy
d. Geocentric theory

22. West Africa boasts several historical empires known for intellectual pursuits. Which is
NOT one of them?
a) Ghana Empire
b) Mali Empire
c) Songhay Empire
d) Kongo Kingdom
23. How long did the Maya Civilization last?
a. 4500 years
b. 200 years
c. 3500 years
d. 2000 years

24. Who challenged European colonialism and argued for African independence and
a. Frantz Fanon
b. Caliphate Al-Mansur
c. Kwame Leopold
d. Ibrahim El-Salahi

25. All are development and inventions from Middle East except:
a. The Kitab “al-jabr”
b. The Tzolkin
c. Astrolabes
d. The book of Ingenous devices.

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