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Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405


Adsorption of Zerovalent Iron Nanoparticles in the Inorganic Fraction

of Volcanic Soils
Manuel Gacitua1,2 · Lynda Pavez1,3 · Mauricio Escudey1,2 · Mónica Antilén3

Received: 26 October 2021 / Accepted: 2 March 2022 / Published online: 5 April 2022
© The Author(s) 2022

Zerovalent (ZVI) iron has been used in environmental remediation, but the environmental fate of its nanoparticles (NZVI) is
hard to find. The present study aimed to characterise the adsorption processes of commercial ZVI in the inorganic fraction
of volcanic soils, contributing to the knowledge of the adsorption process on the whole soil. Volcanic soil samples were
obtained by calcination method and characterised. A nano-ZVI stable suspension is prepared and characterised to know its
size-particle distribution. Adsorption points (kinetical and isothermal) were obtained by adapting the procedure for homo-
geneous analyte adsorption. Kinetical, solute transport and isothermal adsorption and desorption models were adjusted to
obtain more conclusive information about the process. Analysis of the results revealed that adsorption is a fast process. The
inorganic fraction of an Andisol presented pH-dependant surface charge, requiring highly consistent control of the working
pH to obtain proper adsorption points. Isothermal adsorption indicates that a combination of physical and chemical mecha-
nisms contributes to the NZVI adsorption process. Desorption studies suggested chemisorption on specific surface-active
sites of adsorbents, with the inorganic fraction of soil irreversibly retaining most of the NZVI particles. NZVI become
irreversibly adsorbed over the inorganic fraction of soils, extending particle reactivity through time, affecting the stability
of organic matter and microbial communities. In turn, this increases the possibility for plant uptake. Nevertheless, there is
a low risk for the transport of NZVI through soil profiles or co-transport of other components that becomes adsorbed over
iron, lowering the risk of aquifer pollution.

Keywords Adsorption of particles in suspension · Mineral fraction of soil · pH-effect on adsorption · Environmental fate of
zerovalent iron · Nano zerovalent iron

1 Introduction is placed in contact with soil, pollutants become oxidised

through a Fenton reaction mechanism leaving iron oxide as
Zerovalent iron (ZVI), including zerovalent iron nanoparti- an innocuous by-product. ZVI slurry comprised of micro
cles (NZVI), has been used for environmental remediation of and nanoparticles in liquid suspension represents a new
different pollutants present in soils (Luna et al. 2015; Orozco generation of environmental remediation technologies (Bru-
et al. 2015; Guo et al. 2021; Qiao et al. 2020). When ZVI movsky et al. 2021; Hosseini and Tosco 2015; Luna et al.
2015; Mondino et al. 2020; Tosco et al. 2014). Because of its
reduced size, when NZVI are injected into soils have higher
* Manuel Gacitua reactivity and mobility than conventional iron powder, contributing to their broad use for the decontamination of
Facultad de Química Y Biología, Universidad de groundwater and soil remediation (Yang et al. 2018). After
Santiago de Chile (USACH), Av. L.B. O’Higgins 3363, remediation, the excess of NZVI may generate problems
7254758 Santiago, Chile in the ecosystem. For instance, some studies have reported
Centro Para El Desarrollo de La Nanociencia Y the negative impact of NZVI on soil microbial community
Nanotecnología (CEDENNA), Av. L.B. O’Higgins 3363, structures (Lefevre et al. 2016). Due to the complexity of
7254758 Santiago, Chile soils, there is a significant knowledge gap regarding the fate
Facultad de Química Y de Farmacia, Pontificia of NZVI in soils; specifically, more information is needed
Universidad Católica de Chile, Vicuña Mackenna 4860,
7820436 Santiago, Chile

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405 2393

regarding the adsorption and mobility processes (Simonin required to fully understand their fate and consequences in
& Richaume 2015). the environment. A strategic approach to assess the com-
In the literature, the few studies of NZVI adsorption or plete full soil adsorption process could be to determine the
transport processes generally employ soil models. Zhang relative contribution from volcanic soil constituents to the
et al. reported outcomes of NZVI over quartz sand and iron adsorption process, employing soil fractions.
oxide coated quartz sand (M. Zhang et al. 2017). Others In the present report, we present the adsorption of a com-
studied NZVI transport through model adsorbents of sim- mercial zerovalent iron particle slurry, containing NZVI,
ple composition (Ibrahim et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2017). over the inorganic fraction of two Chilean volcanic soils.
Moreover, Micic et al. were able to describe the effect of Na- The use soil fractions in NZVI adsorption experiments
humate on the mobility enhancement of poly(acrylic acid)- would permit to establish the relative importance of soil
coated ZVI nanoparticles through standard sand mediums, components on the NZVI-interaction until reaching to an
but this effect was not observed when using natural minerals appropriate interpretation of NZVI behaviour in full soils.
as adsorbents due to the surface heterogeneity (Micic et al., This information is also important to eventually assess the
2017). While these studies have set the ground for under- potential environmental fate ZVI in nature. For this study,
standing the environmental fate of NZVI on simple-compo- the inorganic fraction of soil was obtained through the cal-
sition adsorbent, none has still analysed the adsorption pro- cination method, removing the organic layer and exposing
cess of NZVI on complex soils. NZVI has been employed to the mineral fraction (Escudey et al. 1999). Adsorption kinet-
remediate volcanic soils as Nitisols with banana plantations ics, solute transport mechanism, adsorption and desorption
(Mouvet et al. 2020); however, there are no studies regarding isotherm curves were obtained, modelled and discussed,
the fate of the NZVI excess in these matrixes. permitting evaluation of the NZVI fate in volcanic soils.
Regarding the effect of NZVI on plants, results are
contradictory depending mostly on particle concentration
and plant species. For instance, Martinez-Fernandez and 2 Materials and Methods
Komarek tested the distinct effect of ­Fe2O3 and ZVI nano-
particles on tomatoes plants, with no harmful effects from 2.1 Soils
zerovalent particles found (Martinez-Fernandez & Komarek
2016). In addition, Teodoro et al. reported on the effect of Two volcanic soils from the southern central area of Chile,
NZVI on growth of Agrostis capillaris and Festuca rubra, an Ultisol (Collipulli, 36°58′ S; 72°09′ W) and an Andisol
evidencing that the amendments had increased shoot growth (Ralun, 41°32′ S; 73°05′ W), were chosen and have been
and elongation rate (Teodoro et al. 2020). On the other hand, previously characterised (Cáceres-Jensen et al. 2013; Cac-
Wang et al. reported the effect of NZVI on rice seedling with eres-Jensen et al. 2019). The samples were collected at a
growth inhibition at high nanoparticle concentration (Wang depth of 0–15 cm and stored at field moisture.
et al. 2016). Also, Sun et al. presented that starch-stabilised Nitrogen contents and organic carbon (OC%) was quan-
NZVI decreased germination rate, increased iron uptake rate tified using the Walkley–Black method (Allison 1965).
and altered nutritional balance of mung bean seeds up to Organic phosphorus (OP) was determined using sequen-
phytotoxic effects depending on nanoparticle concentration tial extraction method adapted for volcanic soils (Steward
(Sun et al. 2019). Nevertheless, it is important to point out & Oades 1972). The amounts of ­Fe2O3, ­Al2O3 and ­SiO2
that all these studies are made on hydroponical conditions, (wt%) were obtained after chemical analysis by complete
which does not represent the effect of ZVI nanoparticles dissolution of samples and quantification using ICP-OES
when immersed in soil–water matrix. The main reason for spectrometer. Soil pH was measured at the supernatant of
the lack of studies regarding the effects and fate of NZVI the mixture soil:solution with ratio equal to 1:2.5 in mass.
particles using full complex soils, including volcanic soil, The solution corresponded to distilled water or 1.0 mol
is the high complexity of these systems acting as adsorbent ­L−1 KCl. Conductivity was measured at the supernatant in
surfaces hindering the obtainment of consented conclusions. the same soil:solution mixture with distilled water after a
For instance, some volcanic soil orders possess consider- 10 min centrifugation (8000 rpm) step (Sadzawka 1991).
able organic matter percentages and important contents of Cation exchange capacity was calculated as the sum of
shortly ordered minerals (Escudey et al. 2004) with particu- exchangeable bases (­ CH3COONH4 extract and determina-
lar adsorption behaviour, hindering repeatable results. More- tion by atomic absorption spectroscopy) and extractable
over, studying the adsorption of nanoparticles is complicated acidity ­(BaCl2-triethanolammine extract and determination
because of solution parameters on aggregation and reactivity by HCl-titration) (Sadzawka, 1991).
of suspended nanoparticles, such as pH and ionic strength Surface charge was determined through electropho-
(Flory et al. 2013; Mpinda Tushiminine 2014). Thus, further retic mobility measurements. Samples were suspended in
adsorption studies using NZVI and natural volcanic soils are ­10−3 M NaCl to perform electrophoretic measurements in

2394 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405

a zeta metre to establish the isoelectric point (IEP) and Table 1  Characterisation of full and calcined soil samples
pH was adjusted with 1­ 0 −2 M HCl or NaOH. The zeta Collipulli Ralun
potential (ZP) was calculated using the Helmholtz-Smolu-
chowski equation (Hunter 1981). Full soils
External specific surface area (ESSA) was determined Dominant mineralogy > 50% kaolinite > 50% allo-
< 1% halloysite phane
by the adsorption–desorption isotherms of ­N2 at − 195 °C < 1% vermiculite 1–5% chlorite-
(77 K), changing the relative pressure (P/Po) of the gas < 1% α-cristobalite AL
and recording the volume adsorbed on the solid’s surface. 1–5% plagio-
ESSA was calculated from the amount of N ­ 2 adsorbed clase
< 1%
employing the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller or BET equation α-cristobalite
(Brunauer et al. 1938). < 1% mont-
Prior to adsorption experiments, soil samples were morillonite
sieved to collect the < 2 mm size particles and calcined at Texture Sand% 13.7 47.3
550 °C for 3 h. Properties of soil samples are presented Silt% 40.7 38.5
in Table 1. Clay% 45.7 12.9
Collipulli and Ralun exhibit differences in soil texture. N% 0.20 0.74
Both soils possess comparable amounts of silt at about OC% 2.3 9.8
40%. But the sand- and clay-size fractions behave in an OP (mg ­kg−1) 274 451
inverse fashion on both soils, with ca. 15% and 45% for ­Fe2O3 (wt%) 13.8 9.5
Collipulli soil and vice versa for Ralun. Nitrogen (N%), ­Al2O3 (wt%) 19.8 17.5
organic carbon (OC%) and organic phosphorus contents ­SiO2 (wt%) 46.7 43.5
(OP) decreased dramatically after heat treatment on both pH-H2O 5.5 5.4
soils. Metallic oxides contents (wt%) ­Fe 2O3, ­Al2O3 and pH-KCl 4.4 4.6
­SiO2 increased in proportion after calcination. Soil pH (in CE (mS) 0.10 0.23
water or KCl) got elevated after organic matter destruc- CEC (cmol ­kg−1) 37.5 44.1
tion especially for Ralun, the Andisol. This soil possesses IEP 2.0 3.3
higher amounts of organic matter, and its acid pH is highly ESSA ­(m2 ­g−1) 70 2.1
dependent on the acid–base reactions from organic moie- Calcined soils
ties located at the surface. Therefore, calcination would N% 0.08 0.09
intensely shift Ralun pH, while for Collipulli this effect is OC% 0.7 0.5
less important. Electrical conductivity (EC) increases on OP (mg ­kg−1) 129 130
both soil samples after calcination, due to concentration ­Fe2O3 (wt%) 14.3 12.7
of soluble salts from the mass-loss generated by the heat ­Al2O3 (wt%) 23.6 21.3
treatment. Determination of the isoelectric point (IEP) ­SiO2 (wt%) 51.0 51.6
of the resulting calcined soils is presented in Figure S1. pH-H2O 5.6 7.8
Extrapolation of the curve until zeta potential is 0 yields pH-KCl 4.6 7.2
an IEP around pH 2.2 for Collipulli. On the other hand, CE 0.34 0.54
calcined Ralun samples an IEP of 7.4. Permanent and CEC (cmol ­kg−1) 26.3 2.1
variable surface charge calcined soil samples are mainly IEP 2.2 7.4
explained by their mineralogy (Table 1). Thus, permanent ESSA ­(m2 ­g−1) 65 2.1
and variable surface charge on Collipulli and Ralun cal-
cined samples, respectively, are mainly explained by their
mineralogy (Table 1); while permanent charge mineral 2.2 Zerovalent Iron
kaolinite is highly abundant on Collipulli soils, a variable
surface charge mineral as allophane dominates Ralun min- A sample of zerovalent iron (ZVI) slurry for remediation
eralogy. The IEP for Ralun got dramatically elevated after of contaminated soil and ground water was provided by
calcination, a behaviour not observed on Collipulli sample. Regenesis (Regenesis 2020). This product corresponds to a
Regarding external specific surface area (ESSA), there are colloidal suspension of metallic sulphidated ZVI, dark grey
great differences between soil series, up to ca. 30 times colour and with slight odour. Its pH is typically between 7
greater for calcined Collipulli samples over Ralun, which ­ −1. The iron concen-
and 9 and it has a density of 1.79 kg L
can be explained by its higher clay content. Therefore, tration was determined as 425.5 mg ­mL−1. The ZVI slurry
calcined soil samples display different features that could was used directly from original container to prepare a stable
determine distinct NZVI adsorption behaviours. suspension of NZVI particles as explained on Fig. 1a.

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405 2395

Probe ultra Vacuum filtration Dilution to desired

(a) 500 µL ZVI +
sonication at 100% with 5.0 and 1.0 µm scattered light value at
50 mL H2 O
amplitude for 10 min membrane filters 500 nm.

ZVI Regenesis® Ultrasound probe Vacuum filtration Dilution

(b) 3 x (1.2 g soil and 12 mL Orbital-shake of Filtration with 1.0 Scattered

ZVI) + ZVI + soil-blank tube sat 65 rpm µm syringe filters light at 500 nm

Soil + ZVI ZVI Soil + H2 O

Adsorption point set-up Orbital shaker Syringe filtration Measurement

Fig. 1  a NZVI stable suspension preparation steps. b Experimental adsorption points construction

As presented in Fig. 1a, a stable NZVI suspension was adequate volumes for each solution were transferred in trip-
prepared using 500 μL from original slurry and diluted with licate to tared beakers and placed in lab-oven at 50 °C until
50 mL of double distilled water. To enhance particle disper- reaching constant mass. Beakers were weighted to obtain
sion, this solution was sonicated by means of an ultrasound the mass from dry NZVI particles, and a calibration curve
probe at 100% amplitude for 10 min. Afterwards, the suspen- was constructed to check the dependence between S and
sion was vacuum filtered using Whatman® nitrocellulose mass concentration (mg L ­ −1) of NZVI suspension. A linear
membranes with 5.0 and 1.0 µm pore size. Then, the filtered relationship between ZVI concentration and scattered light
solution was diluted to the desired concentration by checking at 500 nm is observed (Figure S2). Thus, prepared NZVI
its absorbance at 500 nm wavelength by means of a Thermo suspension possesses most of its particles below 50 nm and
Fisher Scientific Genesys 30 vis/UV spectrophotometer. In there is a linear relationship between ZVI nanoparticle con-
this report, absorbance values provided by spectrophotom- centration and scattered light at 500 nm.
eter are interpreted as scattered light (S) by the nanoparticle
suspension. This solution was prepared daily to ensure its 2.3 Sorption Experiments
stability and repeatability of results. Particle size distribution
of this solution was controlled using a Malvern Zetasizer 2.3.1 Experimental Points Construction
Nano ZS dynamic light scattering (DLS) system. This device
uses classical single-scattering DLS methods to calculate A NZVI stable suspension of appropriate concentration was
particle sizes in a range from 0.3 nm to 10 µm with 633 nm employed for adsorption experiments following the proce-
laser and detects the backscattered light at 173°. This device dure illustrated in Fig. 1b. A set of five 50 mL centrifuge
also features a temperature-controlled holder for a cuvette. tubes was prepared for each point to assure repeatability:
According to the DLS report (Figure S2), 97.6% and 2.4% of three with NZVI suspension and soil; one with NZVI sus-
particles have 47.4 and 272.2 nm of diameter, respectively. pension and one with soil and water to control particle
The concentration of the NZVI suspension was determined liberation from adsorbent. After reaching equilibrium, S
by gravimetric analysis. Solutions were prepared to fixed was measured at 500 nm. The S values for each experi-
S values (0.300, 0.600, 0.900 and 1.200) at 500 nm wave- mental point correspond to the average between the three
length by means of a vis/UV spectrophotometer. Aliquots of soil + NZVI tubes, minus the S value from the soil + ­H2O

2396 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405

tube. The S value for the NZVI tube was controlled to check 3 Results
NZVI stability during the duration of the experiment. This
type of methodology assures repeatable results for nanopar- 3.1 Adsorption Kinetics
ticle adsorption experiments.
Sorption of NZVI nanoparticles as a function of time is
Adsorption Kinetics Experimental points were made at presented in Fig. 2. Saturation was reached during the first
different times (0–10 min) until reaching stable S values 10 min of the experiment. After each kinetic experimental
through time. Equilibration time was determined for each point, the pH of the supernatant in contact with Ralun and
adsorbent at the conclusion of the experiment. Constructed Collipulli calcined samples was measured, with average
curves were adjusted using adsorption kinetic models values of 5.2 ± 0.1 and 6.3 ± 0.2, respectively.
(Table 2). Figure 2 shows sorption kinetics and kinetic model
adjustment. The maximum experimental NZVI absorbed
2.3.2 Adsorption Isotherms at the end of the kinetic adsorption process (Cm) was 0.729
and 0.797 mg ­g−1 for Ralun and Collipulli, respectively.
For Collipulli calcined soil, points were constructed Experimental data were fitted to three simple kinetic mod-
using an increasing concentration of ZVI suspension els: hyperbolic, pseudo-first (PFO) and pseudo-second
(0–500 mg ­mL−1) using the procedure outlined in ‘Sec- order (PSO) models; the resulting kinetic parameters are
tion 2.3.1’. Experimental points were made using the equi- presented in Table 3. The PFO model did not fit either of
libration time determined after adsorption kinetics. Con- the experimental data sets with R 2 values of 0.448 and
structed curves were adjusted using adsorption isotherm 0.479 for Collipulli and Ralun, respectively. Calculated
models (Table 2). maximum concentration (Cm-cal) for the PSO model agrees
Due to significant pH variations upon mixing Ralun with Cm and this model yielded the highest R2 parameter,
calcined soil samples and NZVI suspensions of different indicating that PSO best describes the adsorption kinetics.
concentrations, pH adjustment was required. To adjust the Data were fitted to several solute transport mechanism
pH, prior to isotherm adsorption experiments Ralun soil was models: Elovich, intraparticle diffusion and their dimen-
treated with HCl 0.01 M. Three portions of 0.2 mL of the sionless versions. The resulting parameters are presented
acid were added to 5 mL of water and 1.2 g of Ralun cal- in Table 3.
cined soil. The tubes were placed on an orbital shaker for
30 min at 50 rpm after every addition. Then NZVI suspen-
sions were added to reach a total volume of 12 mL using 3.2 Solute Transport Mechanism
same concentration range (0–500 mg ­mL−1) as the procedure
from ‘Section 2.3.1’. The pH of the mixtures was measured Values obtained from R2 for the Elovich equation are close
at the conclusion of the procedure. to 1, indicating that this model describes the experimental
data for both soils (Fig. 3a). The initial rate constant α is
2.3.3 Desorption Isotherms higher for Collipulli than for Ralun. The number of surface
sites given by β parameter was similar on both soils.
Once the adsorption process had ended and all supernatant From the Elovich linear equation (Figure S3), the slope
was removed, 12 mL of water was added to remnant adsor- (1/β) is considered to be the sorption rate as a function
bent. The mixtures were subsequently agitated in an orbital of time during the slow stage of the reaction, while the
shaker for 10 min at 65 rpm. The supernatants were filtered intercept (1/β)ln(αβ) corresponds to the amount absorbed
through a 1.0 µm pore-size filter and the quantification of during the initial equilibrium stage (fast phase reaction).
NZVI was carried out in a UV/vis spectrophotometer at As established by the analysis of the Elovich parameters
500 nm. described above, intercepts 0.461 and 0.357 are calculated
for Collipulli and Ralun soil, respectively.
2.3.4 Sorption Theory Figure 3b shows the plot for the intraparticle diffusion
model for the adsorption of NZVI on both soils. The intra-
Equations, parameter description and interpretation of the particle diffusion model developed by Weber and Mor-
adsorptions kinetic (Evangelou 1998; Fernández-Bayo et al. ris could present multilinearity indicating simultaneous
2008), kinetic involving solute transport (Önal 2006; Wu occurrence of several adsorption stages; in this adsorption
et al. 2009a, 2009b; Ioannou & Simitzis 2009) and isother- process, two stages can be identified. The intraparticle dif-
mal models (Evangelou 1998; Escudey et al. 2004; Ayawei fusion constants can be calculated using Eq. (5). Table 3
et al. 2017) considered for the adjustment of experimental shows the intraparticle diffusion constants (k int1, kint2), the
are presented in Table 2.

Table 2  Kinetic and adsorption models
Name Equation Parameters Theoretical and empirical description

Kinetic models
t 1 1
Pseudo-second order model
= (Cm−cal )2 k2
+ Cm−cal
t(1) k2 is the rate constant of second order adsorption (mg The pseudo-second order kinetic model postulates that
­g−1 ­s−1) solute adsorption occurs on two available surface sites
of the adsorbent (Evangelou 1998)
1 B 1
Hyperbolic model
= Cm−cal ∙t
+ Cm−cal
(2) B (s) in an empirical constant This model uses hyperbola function to fit kinetic adsorp-
tion data (Fernández-Bayo et al., 2008)
Kinetic models involving solute transport mechanisms
Elovich equation Ct = 𝛽1 ln(𝛼 ∙ 𝛽) + 𝛽1 ln(t)(3) α is the initial sorption rate (mg ­g−1 ­s−1), and β (g ­mg−1) This model considers that the adsorption kinetic takes
is related to the extent of surface coverage and activa- place in two stages: a fast initial reaction associated
tion energy for chemisorption with the movement of the adsorbate to the most accessi-
ble parts of the adsorbent followed by a slower reaction
due to particle diffusion in and out of the adsorbent
micropores (Önal 2006)
Dimensionless Elovich Ct t tref is the longest operating time in the adsorption pro- This version of Elovich model uses dimensionless units,
= RE ln tref
(4) cess (s), Cref is the amount adsorbed at time t = tref (mg dividing Ct and t experimental values by the highest
( ) ( )
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405

­g−1) and RE = 1/(Crefˇ) is the approaching equilibrium obtained. This allows to describe adsorption process
factor. Based on this parameter obtained by plotting mechanism in stages defined by zones (Wu et al. 2009a)
Ct/Cref versus t/tref, these authors defined four char-
acteristic behaviours: when RE > 0.3 the curve rises
slowly (zone I); when 0.3 > RE > 0.1 the curve rises
moderately (zone II); when 0.1 > RE > 0.02 the curve
rises rapidly (zone III) and when RE < 0.02 the curve
reaches equilibrium instantly (zone IV)
Intraparticle diffusion Ct = kint t1∕2 + C(5) kint (mg ­g−1 ­s−1/2) is the intraparticle diffusion con- The pore-diffusion model of Webber-Morris is a single-
stant and C is a constant that gives an indication of resistance model derived from Fick’s second law of
the thickness of the boundary layer; the larger the diffusion. This process is controlled for adsorption on
intercept, the greater the boundary layer effect. If the pores; the initial rate is proportional to the solute
intraparticle diffusion occurs, the plot of Ct versus t1/2 concentration (Ioannou & Simitzis 2009)
follows a straight line and kint is determined from the
slope and the constant, C from the intercept. If the
plot passes through the origin, then the rate limiting
process is only due to the intraparticle diffusion. Oth-
erwise, some other mechanism along with intraparticle
diffusion is also involved

Table 2  (continued)

Name Equation Parameters Theoretical and empirical description

Ct t Ri is obtained by plotting Ct/Cref versus t/tref from non- This version of intraparticle diffusion model uses dimen-
= 1 − Ri 1 − tref linear analysis data. There are four zones according sionless units, dividing Ct and t experimental values by
[ ]
Intraparticle diffusion dimensionless ( ) ( )1∕2

to the Ri value: 1 > Ri > 0.9 is called the weakly initial the highest obtained. This allows to describe adsorption
adsorption (zone I); 0.9 > Ri > 0.5, intermediately ini- process mechanism in stages defined by zones (Wu
tial adsorption (zone II); 0.5 > Ri > 0.1, strongly initial et al. 2009b)
adsorption (zone III) and Ri > 0.1, approaching com-
pletely initial adsorption (zone IV). When Ct = 0 (i.e.
there is no initial adsorption behaviour in an adsorp-
tion system), Ri = 1. In this case, the curve passes
through the origin. When Ct = Cref (i.e. adsorption
occurs at the very beginning of the process), Ri = 0.
Each adsorption system has its specific characteristic
Adsorption isotherm models
Freundlich model CS is the concentration of adsorbed species (mg ­g−1), The Freundlich model does not have a mechanistic inter-
CS = KF CSe n(7)
CSe is the concentration in the supernatant solution pretation; it only represents an empirical approach to
( )1

(mg ­L−1), KF is the empirical Freundlich adsorption predict the species distribution between a solid/solution
coefficient and n is a linearity factor phase (Evangelou 1998)
Langmuir model K CSe CS and CSe have the same meaning as in the Freundlich The Langmuir model assumes that the adsorption of the
CS = Cm−cal 1+KL (8)
model, Cm-cal is the maximum adsorption capacity (mg solute occurs at specific homogenous sites on the adsor-
­g−1) given by the model and KL is the empirical affin- bent (Escudey et al. 2004)
ity Langmuir coefficient
Sips or Langmuir–Freundlich model Cm−cal (CSe ) Kd is the apparent equilibrium Ce and Cs have the same The Langmuir–Freundlich model includes knowledge
CS = n
Kd +(CSe ) (9) meaning as in the Freundlich model, Cm-cal is the of adsorption heterogeneous surfaces. At low adsorb-
maximum adsorption capacity (mg ­g−1) given by the ate concentration, this model becomes the Freundlich
model and KL is the empirical affinity Langmuir coef- isotherm model, while at high adsorbate concentration
ficient it becomes the Langmuir isotherm (Ayawei et al. 2017)
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405 2399

3.4 Desorption Isotherms
The corresponding desorption isotherms were obtained,
and data were analysed with the Langmuir–Freundlich
Ct (mg g-1)

model (Figure S5). After measuring S from desorption
curve points, an average pH = 5.9 ± 0.2 for Collipulli and
6.6 ± 0.1 for Ralun was determined for each curve, which

Collipulli are consistent with the pH values of adsorption isotherms.

0.2 Ralun Desorption data was fitted using Langmuir–Freundlich
model adjustment. Table 4 displays desorption percentage
0 (D%) and hysteresis index (HI), calculated using Cm-cal
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 values for adsorption and desorption processes (Ma et al.
Time (s) 1993). Parameters indicate that NZVI adsorption is an
irreversible process, more pronounced over Collipulli
Fig. 2  Sorption kinetic of NZVI on calcined Collipulli (●) and Ralun than Ralun soil. Desorption equilibrium constant, Kd, is
(▲) soils. Symbols represent experimental data and lines represent about 2000 times higher for Ralun. This agrees well with
the curves described by pseudo-second order (-) and hyperbolic (···) the D% for both soils. Finally, both soils present negative
hysteresis index (HI) suggesting a chemically irreversible
C constants and the correlation coefficient (R2). Finally,
Figure S4 presents dimensionless Elovich and intraparticle
diffusion adjustment on experimental data. 4 Discussion

Adsorption kinetics results determine the equilibrium

3.3 Adsorption Isotherms time, necessary for the construction of isothermal adsorp-
tion points, and are used to fit the kinetic and solute
Sorption isotherms were carried out at the equilibra- transport mechanism models to provide a more detailed
tion time determined after the kinetics adsorption stud- description of the process. Equilibrium during absorption
ies. When mixing soils with increasing concentrations of kinetics experiments was a fast process (Fig. 2), reaching
NZVI, the mixtures produced extremely high Cs variations maximum adsorption after the first 10 min on both adsor-
between on Ralun calcined samples (Fig. 4). bents. Regarding kinetic model adjustment, the PFO model
The above results demonstrated that greater, on Ralun did not fit either of the experimental data sets (Fig. 2) evi-
calcined soil samples, control of the working pH was nec- denced by low correlation coefficients (Table 3). On the
essary to obtain adsorption isotherms that can be described other hand, calculated maximum concentration (Cm-cal) for
by models. On the other hand, pH pre-treatment procedure the PSO model agrees with Cm and this model yielded the
was not necessary to obtain adsorption isotherms on Col- highest R2 parameter, indicating that PSO best describes
lipulli calcined samples. Figure 5 shows the adsorption the adsorption kinetics. Accordingly, this implies that the
isotherms for both soils. After measuring S from adsorp- interaction occurs at two sites of union and might suggest
tion curve points, an average pH = 5.4 ± 0.4 for Collipulli that NZVI interacts by chemisorption with the calcined
and 6.3 ± 0.3 for Ralun was determined for each curve. soil. Solute transport mechanism model adjustment of
For Collipulli and Ralun soil, the maximum experimen- kinetic data enables to identify the steps involved in the
tal amount of adsorbed NZVI corresponded to 2.127 and NZVI transport process. For instance, experimental data
2.205 mg ­mL−1, respectively. Data analysis by three iso- for calcined Ralun soils are well-described by the Elovich
therm models is presented in Table 4. equation (Fig. 3a), including linear regression analysis
The best fit was obtained with the Langmuir–Freundlich (Figure S3), meaning heterogeneous surface character-
model for both soils, indicating that NZVI adsorption pro- istics. Cáceres-Jensen et al. (2013) observed that high
cess is formed by the contribution of chemical and physi- organic matter content can confer some characteristics
cal interactions. Calculated maximum concentration was of energetically homogeneous surfaces on Andisol full
higher over Collipulli than Ralun soil, while Kd values soil samples, which is lost after Ralun calcination due
for Collipulli and Ralun are 121.4 and 5996, respectively. to degradation of organic matter (Table 1). The higher α
for Collipulli over Ralun (Table 3) implies that, if part of
the process is controlled by chemisorption, this possibly
occurs much faster over Collipulli than Ralun surfaces at

2400 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405

Fig. 3  Fitting of Elovich (a)

a b
and intraparticle diffusion (b)
model for the kinetic adsorp- 0.8
tion of NZVI on Collipulli and

Ct (mg g-1)
Ralun soils 0.6

0.2 Ralun
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time (s)

are found in zone III, which indicates that the adsorption

increases rapidly at the beginning of the process.
Going deep in NZVI transport mechanism description,
the intraparticle diffusion model permits adsorption stages
definition which has been applied for modelling nanopar-
ticle adsorption processes before (Hamouda & Abhishek
2019). Accordingly, NZVI adsorption process takes place
in two stages (Fig. 3b). Model adjustment indicates that
another process besides intraparticle diffusion takes place
in the adsorption of NZVI. As has been described for other
solute-sorbents systems (Cáceres-Jensen et al. 2013), if the
external resistance to mass transfer surrounding is discarded,
the first line will describe the gradual adsorption stage and
depicts macropore diffusion, while the second line repre-
sents micropore diffusion until equilibrium achievement
Fig. 4  Adsorption isotherm of NZVI on calcined Ralun soil without (Önal 2006). The calculated intraparticle diffusion constants
pH adjustment. Measured pH for each experimental point is presented
over the data reveal a noticeable change in slope for both soils (Table 3).
Initially, the NZVI were adsorbed by the external macropore
structure of soil, and consequently the sorption rate was
the beginning of the process. The β parameter was similar very high. After saturation of the macroporous structure,
on both soils; thus, despite the process initially occurring the NZVI diffused in the internal surface pores within the
faster over Collipulli, the amount of surface covered by soil particle (micropore structure) and were adsorbed. Later,
the adsorbate was most likely similar on both calcined the diffusion resistance increased, which caused the diffu-
soils. From the Elovich linear equation fitting (Figure S3), sion rate to decrease. When the NZVI concentration was
intercepts indicate that while adsorption is relatively rapid, decreased, the diffusion rate became lower, and the diffusion
it is not instantaneous and takes place in two consecutive processes reached the final equilibrium stage. The intercept
stages. Accordingly, as Wu et al. (2009a) proposed after C (Table 3) is proportional to the extent of the boundary
dimensionless Elovich analysis (Figure S4a), both soils layer thickness; that is, the larger the intercept the greater

Fig. 5  Adsorption of NZVI

on soil. The symbols and lines
represent the experimental data
and the model description,
respectively. a Collipulli soil. b
Ralun soil

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405 2401

Table 3  Parameters from adsorption kinetic and solute transport Table 4  Isothermal model fit parameters
mechanism model adjustments
Collipulli Ralun
Collipulli soil Ralun soil
Cm (mg ­g−1) 0.80 0.73 Langmuir
Kinetic models Cm-cal (mg ­g−1) 3.01 3.84
Pseudo-second order KL (L ­mg−1) 8.89 × ­10−3 6.99 × ­10−3
Cm-cal (mg ­g−1) 0.81 0.73 R2 0.984 0.963
k1 (g ­mg−1 ­s−1) 0.095 0.085 Freundlich
R2 0.998 0.997 KF (mg ­g−1) 0.133 9.9 × ­10−2
Hyperbolic N 1.998 1.691
qmax (mg ­g−1) 0.81 0.73 R2 0.970 0.939
B (s) 13.06 15.97 Langmuir–Freundlich
R2 0.998 0.997 Cm-cal (mg ­g−1) 2.9 2.4
Solute transport mechanism models Kd 121 5996
Elovich N 1.028 2.087
α (mg ­g−1 ­s−1) 311.8 26.9 R2 0.984 0.986
β (g ­mg ) 18.8 17.2 Desorption
R2 0.920 0.969 Langmuir–Freundlich
Elovich dimensionless Cm-cal (mg ­g−1) 6.7 × ­10−5 0.104
RE 0.06 0.08 Kd 470 982427
R2 0.916 0.969 N 1.312 2.954
Intraparticle diffusion R2 0.951 0.999
kint1 (g ­mg−1) 1.56 × ­10−2 1.35 × ­10−2 D% 0.002 4.370
C1 (g ­mg ) 0.55 0.49 HI − 99.9 − 95.6
R2 0.866 0.927
kint2 (g ­mg−1) 5.99 × ­10−3 6.96 × ­10−3
C2 (g ­mg ) 0.66 0.56
compared to a solved solute system, nanoparticle suspen-
R2 0.951 0.957
sion stability depends on their size (Cornelis et al. 2013),
Intraparticle diffusion dimensionless
concentration (Ibrahim et al. 2019), pH (Flory et al. 2013;
Ri 0.18 0.23
Mpinda Tushiminine 2014), among other parameters. Thus,
R2 0.834 0.930
special experimental procedures to ensure particle stabil-
ity during the duration of the adsorption experiments are
required (‘Section 2.3.1’). Second, results-modelling for
boundary layer effect. Positive intercepts indicate a rapid nanoparticle adsorption isotherms is a controversial topic.
sorption in a short time on adsorbents with a wide distribu- Two major theories are commonly used to model soil
tion of pore sizes (Wu et al. 2009b). This intercept decreases adsorption or sorption equilibrium processes: the Freundlich
with increasing surface heterogeneity of soils (Cáceres- and the Langmuir approach (Evangelou 1998). While Fre-
Jensen et al. 2013). The intraparticle diffusion dimension- undlich model has no mechanistic interpretation, the Lang-
less model (Figure S4b) displays Ri that falls in zone III for muir model was developed to describe vapour adsorption on
both soils, indicating strong initial adsorption. This agrees a homogeneous surface. Considering the contrast between
with assumptions of the pseudo-second order, Elovich and the complexity of nanoparticle suspension adsorption sys-
intraparticle diffusion models, describing a fast adsorption tem, the simplicity of the Freundlich model interpretation
process comprised of an initial fast equilibrium that takes and the specificity of the Langmuir model assumptions,
place at the external micropore structure of the calcined soil. the validity of the interpretation of adjusting these models
Equilibrium between solved solute solutions with to NZVI-adsorption should be matter of discussion. At a
increasing concentration and adsorbents is a common pro- minimum, acknowledgement, and discussion of differences
cedure used to evaluate isothermal adsorption in soils or between systems is essential if model adjustments and their
its fractions (Evangelou 1998), achieving a thermodynamic parameters are compared between different systems (parti-
description of the process. However, equilibria to evalu- cle composition, size and adsorbents characteristics, from
ate adsorption of suspended particles in solution, as nano- same or different authors). For instance, at present report,
particles, are still a complex aspect for two main reasons: during isotherm experimental point obtainment, when mix-
experimental and results-modelling. First, experimentally, ing soils with increasing concentrations of NZVI at first,

2402 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405

the mixtures produced extremely high Cs variations between and then over calcined Ralun soil surface adsorption sites
repetitions—particularly for calcined Ralun soil—preclud- (Giles et al. 1974). Calculated maximum concentration was
ing attainment of conclusive results (Fig. 4). Later, it was higher over Collipulli than Ralun soil (Table 4), which may
discovered that calcined Ralun soil-NZVI mixture provoked be in part explained by the different ESSA values measured
high system-pH variations. Considering that pH values were (Table 1). Kd values suggests that adsorption equilibrium is
different at each experimental point of the isotherm and the thermodynamically more stable over Ralun calcined soil,
variable surface charge of calcined Ralun soil (Figure S1), attributed to the lower crystalline degree of dominant miner-
the imprecise Cs results are not surprising, preventing con- als present this Andisol sample (Table 1). Therefore, NZVI
ventional isothermal construction. Such an unpredictable isothermal adsorption over the inorganic fraction of the vol-
behaviour of variable surface charge adsorbents for NZVI canic soils under study is a complex system that, depend-
has been reported by other authors. Micic et al. observed ing on soil surface characteristics, requires monitoring and
that the mobility poly(acrylic acid)-coated ZVI nanopar- control of parameters such as pH to obtain repetitive results.
ticles through columns filled with variable surface charge The interaction between NZVI and calcined soils consist
natural minerals (dolomite, muscovite) (Nosrati et al. 2009; of a combination between physical and chemical processes
Zhou et al. 2020) did not behaved as predictable than when that most likely depends on adsorbents surface area and
using sand and glass beads as adsorbents (Micic et al. 2017). mineralogy. To establish reversibility degree of the process
Therefore, a greater control of the working pH when using more definitively, desorption isotherm analysis should be
variable surface charge adsorbents as Ralun calcined sam- considered (Figure S5). The difference between adsorbed
ples is necessary to obtain isotherm points adequate for fit- and desorbed NZVI amounts indicates the existence of an
ting; this may be carried out by the addition of HCl solution irreversible adsorption attributed to specific interaction in
before adsorption point obtainment (Fig. 5). The effect of high energy sites on calcined soils. This agrees with the
pH on the adsorption process is important as it could vary pseudo-second order model that fitted best kinetic adsorp-
the number of binding sites on the adsorbent, especially on tion data which is typically associated with dominant chemi-
a variable surface charged adsorbent at calcined Ralun soil. cal interactions. Moreover, according to the calculated maxi-
Additionally, pH could influence loading of the NZVI and mum concentration desorbed (Table 4), NZVI are mostly
cause agglomeration between particles, which can be mis- retained by the absorbents; a more pronounced behaviour on
takenly interpreted as an adsorption phenomenon. Collip- Collipulli than Ralun calcined soil. The desorption equilib-
ulli soil does not present this pH-mediated effect due to its rium constant (Table 4), Kd, is about 2000 times higher for
marked permanent charge character (Figure S1). Therefore, Ralun, highlighting the strength of the bond formed between
the pre-treatment HCl addition procedure was not necessary NZVI and Collipulli calcined soil. This behaviour is also
to obtain adsorption isotherms with Collipulli calcined soil. corroborated by the D% for both soils. Finally, the highly
Regarding isothermal model adjustment of experimental negative hysteresis index (HI) suggests that adsorption over
data, Langmuir–Freundlich model fitted best for both soils both calcined soils is essentially a chemically irreversible
(Table 4), suggesting that NZVI adsorption process does not process and possibly dominated by electrostatic interactions.
correspond to a single type of process and consist of a com- This observation is more prominent in Collipulli than Ralun
bination of both chemical and physical process. Zhang et al. soil. Thus, in mild conditions NZVI adsorbed will not be
(2017) described that the adsorption of carboxymethyl cel- removed over either surface.
lulose stabilised NZVI over glass beads, sand, aluminium- Taken together, the outcomes from this work suggest
oxide- and iron-oxide-coated sands obeyed the Langmuir that the NZVI adsorption process over the inorganic frac-
model. A later work by Zhang et al. (2019) reported that tion of volcanic soil is a kinetically fast process described
adsorption of macromolecule-stabilised NZVI over Argosols by pseudo-second order model, implying that it takes places
and Cambosols was described by the Langmuir isothermal over two different bonding sites on the adsorbent. This is
model. Thus, as anticipated, adsorption depends highly on consistent with information obtained by the Elovich and
particle and adsorbent nature. The isotherm produced by the intraparticle diffusion models: adsorption takes place at
Langmuir–Freundlich model for Collipulli soil corresponds two consecutive stages, begging with fast adsorption at
to L-type according to the classification of isotherms by macropores followed by diffusion to micropores until reach-
Giles et al. (1974). The curve slope steadily falls with rise ing equilibrium. Adsorption isotherms demonstrate that the
in NZVI concentration as vacant sites become more difficult inorganic fraction of Collipulli soil reaches higher maximum
to find with the progressive covering of the soil surface. amounts of adsorbed NZVI, possibly due to its higher sur-
This describes a high affinity between NZVI and calcined face area. Modelling allowed thermodynamic description
Collipulli soil. On the other hand, the isotherm obtained for of the adsorption process and was better adjusted by the
the Ralun soil is a S-type, which indicates that adsorption Langmuir–Freundlich model, indicating that the process is
can occur through interactions between the NZVI particles a combination of physical and chemical interactions. The

Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (2022) 22:2392–2405 2403

modelling parameters reveal that the adsorption process is compounds (pollutants or nutrients) into aquifers and low
almost 50 times stronger over the inorganic fraction of Ralun possibility of plant uptake.
than that of Collipulli. Finally, desorption demonstrated
that while both physical and chemical processes are at play, Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d​ oi.o​ rg/1​ 0.1​ 007/s​ 42729-0​ 22-0​ 0816-w.
chemical adsorption dominates markedly, as evidenced by
the desorption percentages and negative hysteresis indexes. Acknowledgements We thank Alyssa Grube for assistance in language
These outcomes elucidate the adsorption process of com- support.
mercially available ZVI particles over the inorganic frac-
tion of volcanic soils. Therefore, despite the effect of NZVI Funding The authors are grateful for funding provided by FOND-
has been thoroughly described for hydroponical systems, it ECYT (11170300) and CEDENNA (AFB180001).
is reasonable to induce that the irreversible adsorption of
NZVI onto the inorganic fraction of Chilean volcanic soils Declarations
determines low concentration of nanoparticles on the water
Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
soil phase; thus, probably low plant uptake is forecast in this
type of soils. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
5 Conclusions were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
Zerovalent iron slurry is a widespread remediation tool for otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
organic pollutant degradation in soils, but there is a lack of the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
knowledge on the environmental fate of its leftovers due in need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
part to the difficult description of the adsorption process copy of this licence, visit http://​creat​iveco​mmons.​org/​licen​ses/​by/4.​0/.
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