Evaluation of Corrective Osteotomy of The Malunite

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Evaluation of Corrective Osteotomy of the Malunited

Distal Radius on Midcarpal and Radiocarpal
Filip Verhaegen, MD, Ilse Degreef, MD, Luc De Smet, MD, PhD

Purpose To quantify 2 patterns of carpal malalignment, midcarpal malalignment (type 1) and

radiocarpal malalignment (type 2), and to evaluate the effect of distal radius osteotomy on
these malalignment patterns.
Methods In a retrospective review, we studied 31 wrists treated with corrective osteotomy for
distal radius malunion after Colles’ fracture, in 31 patients (mean age, 44 y). The patients
were divided on the basis of effective radiolunate flexion (ERLF) into 2 patterns of carpal
malalignment as measured on preoperative radiographs. There were 20 patients with mid-
carpal malalignment (ERLF ⱕ 25°) and 11 with radiocarpal malalignment (ERLF ⬎ 25°).
Measurements of alignment were repeated after distal radius osteotomy and compared with
preoperative values.
Results Both groups had correction of radial tilt and ulnar variance with distal radius
osteotomy. In the midcarpal malalignment group, carpal alignment improved to normal
parameters. In the radiocarpal malalignment group, we observed a notable effect on the
ERLF. Neither age of the subject nor delay between fracture and osteotomy correlated with
improvement in carpal alignment.
Conclusions Distal radial osteotomy is a reliable technique for correction of the deformity at
the distal end of the radius and both radiocarpal and midcarpal malalignment. (J Hand Surg
2010;35A:57–61. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Society for
Surgery of the Hand.)
Type of study/level of evidence Therapeutic IV.
Key words Carpus, distal radius fracture, instability, malunion, osteotomy.

after distal radius of carpal malalignment is correlated with functional

fractures. Changes of carpal alignment in outcome.3 Two distinct patterns of carpal malalignment
malunion of the distal radius are considered have been observed. Type 1 is midcarpal malalignment,
to be an adaptive response of the carpus to loss of the in which the proximal carpus angulates dorsally in line
normal architecture of the distal radius. The incidence with the dorsally angulated articular surface of the distal
radius, with compensatory flexion of the midcarpus
From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, U.Z. Pellenberg, Lubbeek, Pellenberg, Belgium.
(capitate) in an unstable, zigzag pattern of the wrist4,5
Received for publication May 15, 2009; accepted in revised form September 25, 2009.
(Figs. 1A, 2). Type 2 is radiocarpal malalignment, with
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received related directly or indirectly to the
dorsal translation of the entire carpus with respect to the
subject of this article.
distal radius (Figs. 1B, 2). These 2 patterns of carpal
berg, Weligerveld, 1, B-3212 Lubbeek (Pellenberg), Belgium; e-mail: luc.desmet@uz.kuleuven. malalignment are identified based on the effective ra-
ac.be. diolunate flexion (ERLF) measured on the radiographs.
0363-5023/10/35A01-0011$36.00/0 The ERLF measures the relationship between the axes
of the displaced distal radius and the lunate. In type 1,

©  Published by Elsevier, Inc. on behalf of the ASSH. 䉬 57



We included 31 patients in this retrospective study. The
inclusion criteria were: (1) malunion of a Colles frac-
ture treated with distal radius osteotomy, and (2) avail-
ability of a full complement of radiologic films (preop-
erative and follow-up anteroposterior and lateral
radiographs). There were 11 men and 20 women. The
average age was 44 years (range, 16 –76 y); 21 were
operated on the left wrist and 10 on the right. Average time
between trauma and corrective surgery was 3 years and 10
months (range, 3 mo to 30 y). The mean time of radiologic
follow-up was 7 months (range, 6–18 mo). There were 20
patients with a midcarpal malalignment (type 1) and 11
with a radiocarpal malalignment (type 2).

Surgical technique
FIGURE 1: A Midcarpal malalignment; B radiocarpal mala- The senior author performed all surgeries, using tech-
lignment. niques described by Fernandez8: 22 had an opening
wedge osteotomy with interposition of corticocancel-
lous iliac-crest graft (1 in combination with Sauvé-
Kapandji and 1 with a Darrach procedure); 1 had an
opening wedge osteotomy with interposition of cancel-
lous graft from the proximal ulna, and 8 had a closing
wedge osteotomy (4 in combination with a Sauvé-
Kapandji procedure and 4 combined with ulnar short-
ening osteotomy). The approaches were volar in 21
patients (14 with an opening and 7 with a closing wedge
osteotomy) and dorsal in 10 (9 with an opening and 1
with a closing wedge osteotomy). For the ulnar proce-
dures, an additional incision was used.
FIGURE 2: A B C Schematic presentation of midcarpal
malalignment. A Normal alignment, B midcarpal or adaptive Evaluation
malalignment, C radiocarpal malalignment. Preoperatively and at the final clinical assessment, we
took standard anteroposterior and lateral radiographs.
On the anteroposterior radiographs, 3 measurements
the lunate is in line with the distal radius; in type 2, the
were used to evaluate the malunion: radial inclination,
lunate tends to be in flexion. Thus the ERLF measures
radial height (or length), and ulnar variance, which were
the real flexion of the lunate. Gupta et al6 described the measured according to standard techniques.9,10 The
ERLF as a measurement to distinguish type 1 from type presence or absence of an ulnar styloid fracture was
2 malalignment: type 1 has a value of less than 25°, and noted. On the lateral radiographs, we took 5 measure-
type 2 of more than 25°.6 Abnormal alignment and ments: dorsal tilt, scapholunate angle, radiolunate angle
motion of the carpal bones leads to mechanical over- (RLA), radioscaphoid angle, and capitolunate angle.
load of the radiocarpal and midcarpal joints, which can We used standard techniques of measurements here, as
cause ligament attenuation, synovitis, and progressive well.4,9,10
dynamic instability.5,7 It is not clear, however, whether We calculated ERLF by the formula: ERLF ⫽ Dor-
each of these malalignments evolves differently. sal tilt ⫹ 11° (mean volar tilt) ⫹ RLA. ERLF measures
The purpose of this survey was to quantify 2 patterns the movement of the lunate that has occurred as a result
of carpal malalignment following distal radius mal- of fracture displacement.11 Patients were divided into 2
union: midcarpal (type 1) and radiocarpal (type 2), and groups based on the ERLF. The first group (group 1;
to evaluate the effect of a distal radius osteotomy on n ⫽ 20, mean age 42 y) had ERLF less than or equal
these malalignment patterns. to 25°, corresponding to type 1 or midcarpal mal-

JHS 䉬 Vol A, January 


TABLE 1. Radiographic Findings at Preoperative and Final Examination

Follow-Up Value
Parameter Normal Value (⫾SD) Preoperative Value (⫾SD) (⫾SD) p Value

Dorsal tilt† 10° (⫾6°) –12 (⫾14°) 6° (⫾10°) .003*

Radial inclination† 22° (⫾3°) 18 (⫾8°) 21° (⫾8°) .009*
Radial height (mm)‡ 8 (⫾14) 9 (⫾3) 10 (⫾4) .006*
Ulnar variance (mm)㛳 Neutral 2 (⫾3) 0 (⫾2) .002*

Values are given as the mean.

†Normal value from Stoffelen et al.10
‡Normal values from Gupta et al.6
㛳Normal value as mentioned by Bushnell and Byrum.9

alignment. The second group (group 2; n ⫽ 11, mean

age 46 y) had ERLF more than 25°, corresponding to
type 2 or radiocarpal malalignment.
Statistical analysis
We used a paired samples t-test to determine if differ-
ences between preoperative and follow-up measure-
ments for each angle were significant. The level of
significance was set at p ⬍ .05.

Radiographs demonstrated an improvement in the dor-
sal tilt, radial inclination, ulnar variance, and radial
length (Table 1). The average preoperative dorsal tilt
was 12° (standard deviation [SD] ⫾14°). Postopera-
tively, the average volar tilt was – 6° (SD ⫾10°) (p ⫽
.001). The radial inclination improved from 18° (SD ⫾8°)
to 21° (SD ⫾8°) (p ⫽ .009). The ulnar variance
improved from an average of 2 mm (SD ⫾3 mm) to
0 mm (SD ⫾2 mm) (p ⫽ 0.001). The preoperative
radial length was 9 mm (SD ⫾3 mm). Postopera-
tively, it improved to 10 mm (SD ⫾4 mm) (p ⫽
.006). There was no significant difference between
volar and dorsal approached wrists (p ⫽ .4 for dorsal
tilt correction, p ⫽ .8 for correction of radial incli-
nation, and p ⫽ 1.0 for ulnar variance correction).
There were 12 patients with an associated fracture of
the ulnar styloid.
The 20 subjects in group 1 with ERLF less than or
equal to 25° (type 1 or midcarpal malalignment) had a
mean preoperative ERLF of 0.8° [SD ⫾16°]). Preop- FIGURE 3: A Midcarpal–adaptive malalignment. B Correction
after osteotomy of the distal radius. C Radiocarpal malalignment.
eratively, the 11 subjects in group 2 with ERLF more
D Correction after osteotomy of the distal radius.
than 25° (type 2 or radiocarpal malalignment) had a
mean ERLF of 33° (SD ⫾6°) (Fig. 3A, B). Postopera-
tively, 4 patients in group 2 had an ERLF greater than
25°; all had a persistent dorsal tilt due to incomplete In group 1 there was a significant improvement (p ⬍
correction. Two had a dorsal approach and two had a .05) in the dorsal tilt, radial height, and ulnar variance
volar approach (Table 2). postoperatively (Table 3). Radial inclination preopera-

JHS 䉬 Vol A, January 


TABLE 2. Patients Grouped According to ERLF

Group Preoperative Dorsal Tilt Mean Age Mean Value ERLF

ERLF ⱕ 25° (group 1) 20 patients 10° (SD) 42 patients 1° (SD 16)

ERLF ⬎ 25° (group 2) 11 patients 17° (SD) 46 patients 33° (SD 6)

TABLE 3. Radiographic Findings for Group 1 (ERLF < 25°) at Preoperative and Final Examination
Parameter Normal Value (⫾SD) Preoperative Value (⫾SD) Follow-Up Value (⫾SD) p Value

Dorsal tilt 10° (⫾6°) –10° (⫾15°) 7° (⫾11°) .002*

Radial inclination 22° (⫾3°) 18° (⫾7°) 21° (⫾6°) .08
Radial height (mm) 8–14 8 (⫾3) 10 (⫾4) .04*
Ulnar variance (mm) Neutral 2 (⫾2) 0 (⫾2) .003*
Scapholunate angle 50 (⫾7°) 63° (⫾13°) 56° (⫾10) .02*
Radiolunate angle 10° (⫾6°) ⫺20° (⫾18°) ⫺7° (⫾18°) .005*
Capitolunate angle 12° (⫾2°) –10° (⫾18°) 0° (⫾15°) .004*
Radioscaphoid angle 60° (⫾4°) 43° (⫾18°) 48° (⫾15°) .1
ERLF 0° 1° (⫾16°) ⫺3° (⫾20°) .5

Values are given as the mean. Normal values for the carpal angles are from Stoffelen et al.10

tively was 18° (SD ⫾7°) and postoperatively was 21° There were no significant associations between pa-
(SD ⫾6°) (p ⫽ .08). There was also significant im- tients’ ages, dorsal tilt and radial shortening, and type of
provement in the scapholunate angle, RLA, and capi- carpal malalignment (p ⬎ .1).
tolunate angle. The preoperative scapholunate angle of 63° There was no significant correlation between the
(SD ⫾13°) was reduced to an average of 56° (SD ⫾10°) interval between fracture and osteotomy and type of
(p ⫽ .02). Twelve patients in this group had a carpal malalignment (p ⫽ .5).
scapholunate angle exceeding 60° preoperatively.
The radioscaphoid angle did not show a significant DISCUSSION
change between the preoperative and follow-up radio- An osteotomy of a distal radius malunion can restore
graphs. The RLA preoperatively was –20° (SD ⫾18°) and volar tilt, ulnar variance, radial inclination, and radial
improved to –7° (SD ⫾18°) (p ⫽ 0.005). The average height. However, the effect on radiocarpal and midcar-
preoperative capitolunate angle was 10° (SD ⫾18°); post- pal malalignment is less clear.
operatively, it was 0° (SD ⫾15°) (p ⫽ .004). Abnormal alignment and motion of the carpal bones
In group 2, there was a significant improvement in leads to mechanical overload of the radiocarpal and
radial tilt and ulnar variance (Table 4, Fig. 3C, D). The midcarpal joints. This overload can cause ligament at-
average preoperative radial inclination was 19° ⫾ 9°; tenuation, synovitis, and progressive dynamic instabil-
postoperatively, it was 23° ⫾ 10° (p ⫽ .06). Preoper- ity.5,7 In 1984, Taleisnik and Watson5 reported 13 pa-
atively, radial height measured 10 ⫾ 3 mm; postoper- tients with symptoms of midcarpal pain and instability
atively, this was 11 ⫾ 4 mm (p ⫽ .08). Postoperatively, after malunited fractures of the distal radius. They per-
all 4 radiographic parameters were considered to be formed a corrective osteotomy in 3 patients. They dem-
normal values. The effect on the carpal angles was not onstrated that a corrective osteotomy can result in relief
significant. The average preoperative ERLF of 33° (SD of symptoms and that osteotomy corrected the radiolu-
⫾6°) decreased to 9° (SD ⫾15°) (p ⫽ .008). If the 4 nate and lunocapitate relationship. Minami and Ogino12
patients with residual dorsal angulation after surgery reported 1 case of midcarpal instability after a mal-
were excluded, the ERLF was reduced to normal: pre- united fracture of the distal radius, in which an osteot-
operatively at 33° (SD ⫾7°) and postoperatively at 2° omy resulted in complete relief of symptoms. McQueen
(SD ⫾12°) (p ⫽ .002). and Wakefield13 noted a restoration of carpal alignment

JHS 䉬 Vol A, January 


TABLE 4. Radiographic Findings for Group 2 (ERLF > 25°) at Preoperative and Final Examination
Parameter Normal Value (⫾SD) Preoperative Value (⫾SD) Follow-Up Value (⫾SD) p Value

Dorsal tilt 10° (⫾6°) –17° (⫾10°) 4° (⫾10°) .005*

Radial inclination 22° (⫾3°) 19° (⫾9°) 23° (⫾10°) .06
Radial height (mm) 8–14 10 (⫾3) 11 (⫾4) .08
Ulnar variance (mm) Neutral 3 (⫾3) 0 (⫾1) .002*
Scapholunate angle 50 (⫾7°) 51° (⫾9°) 51° (⫾11) 1
Radiolunate angle 10° (⫾6°) 5° (⫾10°) ⫺3° (⫾11°) .6
Capitolunate angle 12° (⫾2°) 14° (⫾11°) 14° (⫾13°) .9
Radioscaphoid angle 60° (⫾4°) 57° (⫾11°) 53°(⫾10°) .3
ERLF 0° 33° (⫾6°) ⫺9° (⫾15°) .008*

Values are given as the mean.


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JHS 䉬 Vol A, January 

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