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Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

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Evaluation of economic viability of beneficiated barite from deposits in

north-eastern Nigeria for use as weighing agent in drilling mud
A.S. Arabi a,⇑,1, S. Baba b, M.Y. Kwaya a, B.M. Sarki-Yandoka a, S. Bilal d, S. Kasidi c, A.Y. Lawan a,
T. Muhammad e, A.J. Alhassan e, S. David f
Department of Geology, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Department of Geology, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria
Department of Geology, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria
Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
Centre for Energy Research and Training, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
Department of Geology and Mining, Federal University, Lokoja, Nigeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Exploitable deposits of barite exist in northeastern Nigeria but are not harnessed because their qualities
Received 13 December 2022 are not to a standard required for drilling mud formulation. The work presented here is a preliminary
Revised 7 February 2023 result obtained from the beneficiation of barite samples from these deposits with the aim of attaining
Accepted 19 February 2023
a level that can be used in drilling mud formulation. Results of elemental, mineralogical, and mud den-
Available online 24 February 2023
sities, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and filtration loss were obtained using Instrumental Neutron
Activation Analysis (INAA), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and other API 13B-1 recommended measurements
before and after beneficiation. Barium composition of raw and laboratory-treated samples (GMB, IBI,
BOK, DUM, and GAM) in percentage (%) are 50.5 ± 0.2, 55.6 ± 0.2, 57.9 ± 0.2, 57.6 ± 0.2, 0.097 ± 0.004,
Drilling and 54.6 ± 0.2, 58.3 ± 0.2, 56.3 ± 0.2, 52.4 ± 0.2, 0.0845 ± 0.007, respectively while major impurity (Fe)
Filtration control is highest (1.52 ± 0.01) in sample GAM and lowest (0.025 ± 0.002) in sample DUM. The densities (g/
Mud m3) obtained after preliminary beneficiation increased to 3.89, 3.39, 4.28, 4.32, and 2.56 for samples
CEC GMB, IBI, BOK, DUM, and GAM, respectively. Filtration loss of 5 % W/V barite-mud formulation reported
12.2 ± 1.4 and 4.95 ± 1.7% more loss than two API-13A grade barite. The filtration loss reverses at 10 % W/
V barite-mud formulation, with test barite reporting on average 3.22 and 1.15% improved filtration con-
trol against the API-13A barites. Mud formulation with loss additives reported significant filtration con-
trol with 23.6, 23.6 and 8.54% improvement over API 13A grade for beneficiated BOK, DUM and IBI
samples. Similarly, the same formulated samples reported identical CEC values against API-Helicon
and improved values against API-1 at 4.67, 7.29 and 4.67% respectively. Even at this stage BOK, DUM
and IBI were improved to level that can be used in drilling mud formulation with samples DUM and
BOK having the best potential (low impurity and high density). These results show that barite deposits
from north-eastern Nigeria have great economic potential.
Ó 2023 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction been drilled and none of these oil wells was drilled without the
use of drilling mud whose composition must include some quan-
Nigeria is blessed with abundant mineral resources that can tity of barite. Millions of tons of API-grade barite are being
compete favorably with its petroleum resources. Since the discov- imported into the country for use in the formulation of drilling
ery of oil in the Niger Delta region in 1958, many oil wells have mud in oil and gas well drilling. The barite deposits found in Nige-
ria are not to standard mostly because their densities are lower
and, in some cases, they contain some impurities that affect their
Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. quality as weighing agents in drilling formulation. These barite
⇑ Corresponding author.
deposits can compare well with the API grade barite when benefi-
E-mail address: (A.S. Arabi).
1 ciated. This study entails the beneficiation of barites from these
ORCID: 0000-0002-3482-998x.
1110-0621/Ó 2023 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

deposits (Table 1) through impurity removal to enhance their den- jected to preliminary physical examination and flame test to know
sities. If this standard is attained, it will result in reduced importa- if they were indeed baryte samples. For each sample point, the
tion of barite into the country which may lead to self-reliance in coordinates were recorded using Global Positioning System (GPS)
terms of barite needs. while samples were bagged and labeled accordingly. These sam-
Global dependence on a limited number of countries for specific ples were submitted for laboratory analysis for their chemical
mineral commodities could lead to sudden supply disruptions for composition and a confirmatory test. As a field precaution, samples
many countries, and barite is one such commodity [1]. Barite prices were handled with care to avoid contamination and to get accurate
are linked to purity and this are the case with drilling-grade barite. laboratory results. The Table below gives detail on state locations
Globally, barite prices remained relatively steady until approxi- and coordinates of samples collected.
mately 2006 relative to 1995 dollars, after which they increased
rapidly until around 2012 and have currently fallen back slightly 2.2. Sample preparation and analysis
since 2014, but still some 200% above the inflated 1995-dollar
base. Projecting global barite production based on 1998 (6 m ton- 2.2.1. Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
nes) to 2013 (8.2 m tonnes) indicates that 9.5 to 10mtpa may not A flow chart depicting the entire exercise is provided in Fig. 2.
be an unrealistic market by 2025, tempered somewhat by the The inherent sensitivity, accuracy, and low detection of NAA do
recent drop in oil prices [2]. not require elaborate sample preparation. However, to ensure a
Generally, the geology of north-eastern Nigeria consists of truly homogeneous sample, the samples were crushed with a lab-
ancient (Precambrian) crystalline Basement Complex rocks mainly oratory grinder and then pulverized with a high-speed laboratory
Granitic gneiss, migmatites, and Older Granites, on which rest non- blender to a fine powder (less than 75 lm).
conformably the sedimentary and volcanic rocks ranging in age The samples were labelled in a way that depicts locations, local-
from Cretaceous to Quaternary [3]. The Dumne area lies within ity names, and a postfix 1 (standing for field sample) e.g. BOK 1
the Hawal Basement in the Northeastern sector of Nigeria’s Base- (Table 2). Another portion of each sample was washed with clean
ment Complex. [4] reported that, the rocks within the Hawal Base- water, pulverized, and labelled with a postfix 2 (standing for labo-
ment are characterized by high-grade metamorphic rocks, ratory sample) e.g. BOK 2. About 0.15 g of duplicate portions of the
pervasive Migmatization, and extensive granite plutonism. Most samples were crushed and packaged in a double-layered poly-
of the migmatization has been dated as 580 ± 10 Ma. It is bounded ethene bag. While an identification tag is placed in the outer bag.
by the Tertiary to Quaternary Chad Basin northwards, the Yola arm Certified Reference Material (CRM); NIST 1633c (Coal Fly Ash)
of the Cretaceous Benue Basin southward, and the Gongola Basin and IAEA 158 (Lake Sediment) were weighted and packed along
westwards where Baryte occurs at the contact. The area experi- with the samples.
enced Tertiary magmatism between 7 and 1 Ma [5], during which The samples were packed in a vial and irradiated for 6 h at a flux
volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks were emplaced. These volcanic of 5.0e11 ncm2 s1 (long irradiation), then allowed to decay for
and sub-volcanic rocks are extensions of the Cameroun volcanic 3 days and counted on HPGE detector for 1800 s. The samples were
line into Nigeria [6]. Earlier during the Mesozoic, transitional alkali allowed to decay for seven days, then recounted for 3600 s.
basalts were emplaced in Shani area 146 ± 7.3 Ma < age less The comparative method of analysis employed in this work
than 127 ± 65 Ma [7]. [8] reported that the gneisses and migma- requires that a Certified Reference Material (CRM) with known ele-
tites are the older rocks within the Hawal Basement occupying ments and concentration is treated identically to the sample(s).
mainly low-lying areas, or existing as residual hills. The measured activity of an element in the (unknown) sample rel-
[9,10]. [11], and [12] reported that Hawal massif consists of ative to the activity and concentration in CRM allows the qualifica-
gneisses, granite gneiss, and some minor rocks such as dolerite, tion of the subject element as summarized in Eqs. (1) and (2).
aplite, pegmatite, and some minerals such as quartz crystals and 
biotite. [13] and [14] reported that the Dumne area belongs to a Asam M sam ekTd sam
¼ ð1Þ
region where tectonic activities that caused the formation of the Astd M std ðekTd Þsam
Benue trough were accompanied by fracturing and faulting of rock
within the adjoining basement complex unit, subsequent igneous
activities generated mineralizing fluid that accumulated and con-
A = activity of the sample (sam) and standard (std)
solidated within these structures. Baryte vein occurred along fault
M = mass of the element
lines trending ENE-NSW emplaced within gneisses and granite.
k = decay constant for the isotope and Td = decay time.
(Fig. 1).
In this work, samples were collected from barite deposits in
For a stable reactor flux as obtained in NIRR-1, the irradiation,
three northeastern states (Fig. 1) and subjected to laboratory pro-
decay, and counting times are normally fixed for all samples and
cedures with the aim of enhancing their quality for drilling fluid
standards such that the time-dependent factors cancel. Thus Eq.
(2) simplifies Eq. (1).
Sample collection and processing were based on the recom-
mended practice for field testing water-based drilling fluids API W std Astd
13B-1, in efforts to beneficiate, and demonstrate the fit for purpose C sam ¼ C std ð2Þ
W sam Asam
and suitability of Nigerian bentonite deposits in oil well drilling
applications. Where

C = concentration of the element and

2. Materials and methods W = weight of the sample and standard.

2.1. Sampling 2.2.2. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

XRD is a non-destructive test method used to analyse the struc-
Samples of Barite were taken from mining fields at all locations ture of crystalline materials. XRD analysis, by way of the study of
(Table 1) through excavations already made by local miners in the the crystal structure, is used to identify the crystalline phases pre-
field. The representative samples from each location were sub- sent in a material and thereby reveal chemical composition infor-
A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

Table 1
Locations, State, Local Government, and coordinates of sampled points.


1 ADAMAWA DUM 9° 500 2700 12° 150 1000
2 ADAMAWA GAM 8° 360 5500 11° 490 2100
3 TARABA IBI 8° 060 04.500 9° 490 24.500
4 TARABA BOK 7° 440 4.300 11° 190 28.600
5 GOMBE GOM 10° 180 300 11° 120 3300

Fig. 1. Geologic map of parts of north-eastern Nigeria showing sample locations (inset: location of the three states in Nigeria).

mation. XRD finds the geometry or shape of a molecule using X- API-13A grade barite samples. Filtration and Mud Density were
rays. XRD techniques are based on the elastic scattering of X-rays cried out on this batch.
from structures that have long-range order. The X-rays get dif- The varieties of formulations allowed studies to be conducted
fracted by a crystal because the wavelength of X-rays is like the on the properties of individual barite samples and also provide
inter-atomic spacing in the crystals. Five samples from different room for comparisons to standards based on API-13A
parts of northeastern Nigeria were analysed using the Empyrean recommendations.
X-ray diffraction system (Malvem panalytica).
2.2.4. Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
Measurement of CEC allows for the characterization of impor-
2.2.3. Mud formulation tant properties of drilling mud which include water absorption,
Mud formulations with fluid loss additive (Table 2) were pre- swelling capacity, and plasticity among others. A spectroscopic
pared with API 13A grade barite samples (API-1 and API- method developed by Reckitt Benckiser Group. (2017) was
Helicon), unbeneficed and beneficiated barite samples along with employed. It allows a simplified but more accurate and rapid
additive-free standard API mud formulation (22.4 g of API grade method of Analysis [15,16].
bentonite in 350 mL of deionized water). The formulation was uti-
lized for studies of Filtration Control and CEC. A further batch of 2.2.5. Mud filtration
API standard mud formulations was prepared with an additional Filtration Volume and Filter Cake measurements dictate the
5, 10, and 15% of beneficiated barite (M/V) including the two drilling fluid control properties, which indicate the type and num-
A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

Fig. 2. Procedure flow chart for the entire work exercise.

Table 2 concentrations of Fe and K which can impair the quality of the

Formulation with lost fluid additives. sample as a weighting agent. Samples IBI, GOM, DUM, and BOK
Additive Wt. % Mass (g) had Ba content higher than those of the certified API standard
Water 69.48 243.16
(API-1 and API-Helicon).
Bentonite 3.31 11.58 After beneficiation, samples largely lost the brown coloration
NaOH 0.02 0.06 and appeared translucent, but GMB sample still retains some
XG 0.22 0.77 brown coloration while the GAM sample was opaque. Apart
PAC 0.51 1.79
from this coloration, samples fractured easily during the crush-
nBarite 22.06 77.19
CaCO3 4.41 15.44 ing stage except for GAM, which appears extremely hard and
Total 100 350 produces sparks on impact. Pulverized samples appeared white,
except for GMB (light pink) and GAM (Grey-Ash) (Fig. 3). Obser-
vations of results of NAA (Table 3) indicates that GAM had Ba at
less than 0.1% (1000 ppm), while also reporting significant con-
centration of Ho and Gd (not in results), Fe, and K. All other
ber of solids in the mud and the nature of physical and chemical
samples had Ba concentration between 50 and 58 % (504,800
interactions of the mud with such solids. Filtration was carried
to 583,200 ppm).
out with Lan PLT filter press at 100 psi for 30 min, with filtrate vol-
Analytical grade barite has a barium concentration of 58.8%
ume recorded at 5-minute intervals.
(588,000 ppm). These suggest that studied samples are predomi-
nantly barite with trace impurities. Samples BOK and DUM sample
2.2.6. Mud density reported a decline in Ba concentration after washing, suggesting
The mass of a given volume of mud (Density) measured the that the samples may contain some soluble barite compound e.g.
quantity of barite relative to the overall volume of mud needed BaCl2, Ba(OH)2.
to maintain lubrication while resisting steer stress. Prior to mea- The result of NAA suggests that standard samples used for
surement, samples were conditioned to 21 °C. comparison were blended with density enhancement material
(Fe) for them to meet the required densities. These might have
3. Results and discussions a negative effect on the performance of these materials
because of the high abrasiveness of iron (Fe) found in the
3.1. Neutron Activation Analysis standard.

Elements analyzed as constituents of the different barite sam- 3.2. X-ray diffraction
ples and standards are as many as twenty-four elements (Table 3),
most of which are in trace amounts except barium and strontium, The XRD results of both the raw and beneficiated GAM samples
and in a few cases iron. Emphasis was placed on barite major con- revealed the presence of quartz, low Ba, and high Fe content
stituents Ba and Sr, as well as other elements that constitute impu- (Table 3). This can also be appreciated as typically displayed on
rities e.g., Na and K. NIST 1633 C, was used as a calibrator CRM, the spectra of X-Ray Diffraction (blue) structure and Stick pattern
while IAEA 158 was treated as a sample to study the accuracy of for API and NAA spectrum (red) for the samples analyzed (Fig. 4).
the analysis (i.e., z-score). The presence of quartz and impurities such as Fe, Titanium (Ti)
Almost all the samples had substantial concentrations of Ba etc. could affect the weighing performance of drilling fluid during
except sample GAM which had apart from low Ba content, high operation.
A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

Table 3
Results of Neutron Activation Analysis of field (1) and laboratory-treated (beneficiated) samples (2).

Fig. 3. Photo of Raw, Beneficiated, and Pulverized sample.

3.3. Specific density are absent [17], resulting in volume decrease and improved
The density of the samples improved dramatically after the lab- Barium-iron levels in sample and implications of weighing
oratory procedure (beneficiation) where the densities of samples property, Fig. 6 presents the Ba and Fe concentration on samples
BOK and DUM surpassed that of the standard (API) (Fig. 5). Also, DUM, GAM, GOM, IBI, and BOK and standards (API 1 and API Heli-
the results of laboratory procedures were observed to affect nega- con). The result indicates that both standards were spiked with Fe
tively, the Ba content of these same samples (BOK and DUM), sug- to improve its density while samples IBI and DUM had the highest
gesting that the samples may have contained some soluble barite Ba contents which is good for weighing properties required in mud
compounds e.g. BaCl2, Ba(OH)2. But even with the reduced concen- formulation. Having the lowest Fe contents, these samples (DUM
tration, their densities remained higher than any other sample and and IBI) could perform better as weighing agents in drilling mud.
the standard as well. A plot comparing the densities of samples and Apart from having a higher density than Ba, high Fe content could
standard before and after laboratory procedure is presented in impair on the performance of any material as a weighing agent
Fig. 5. because of the high abrasivity possessed by Fe and compared to
The densities of beneficiated samples reported a significant Ba. Therefore, there is a likelihood that our beneficiated samples
improvement over un-beneficiated sample (range 6.2 to 20.3%). could perform better in terms of their use as weighing agents in
The removal of impurities in the beneficiation procedure means mud formulation.
that readily hydrated ions such as SiOH+2, SiO, and SiOH ions

A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

Fig. 4. XRD) of API and NAA spectrum of the samples.

Fig. 5. Density variation among raw and treated barite samples.

3.4. Cation exchange capacity added. Fig. 7 showed that the obtained CEC values agreed with lit-
erature values [16,17]. The addition of barite samples did not sig-
The CEC of bentonitic clay project the volume of active sites of nificantly reduce the CEC capacity. Samples with relatively higher
the clay that can attract and hold onto water molecules. Fig. 7 concentration Aluminium (Table 3) often reported increased CEC
reported the CEC of API standard formulation (Bentonite only) capacity, suggesting that the Aluminum in the sample promote
and the same formulation that different Barite samples have been CEC [18].

A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

tively) showed that the addition of barite under study improved

the filtration but decrease with an increase in quantity. Fig. 8C (Fil-
tration loss additive formulation) reported much-improved filtra-
tion control for all beneficiated barite samples, with only GMB-2
reporting loss more that the control bentonite-only sample. While
beneficiated GAM sample report excellent filtration control, Table 2
and Figs. 4–6 have established that the sample is not Barite.

3.6. Mud density

The specific density of weighing agents provides a guide to suit-

able formulating drilling fluid. Agents such as Galena and various
iron minerals have higher specific densities, and quantities needed
for suitably weighted drilling fluid are often more expensive and
result in severe abrasion of the drill head. The availability, cost,
and less tendency to cause damage to barite make it a much desir-
able weight agent. Fig. 9 reported the mud densities for various
Barite formulations. An increase in mud density with the addition
of barite (Fig. 9) reported 3.91 ± 0.37% gain against standard ben-
Fig. 6. Levels of Ba and Fe in standards and samples.
tonite mud formulation when 5% barite was added. At 10% added
barite, mud density increased by 6.65 ± 0.57% and 2.63 ± 0.57%
over standard and 5% formulations respectively, while at 15%
added barite, mud density increased by 8.85 ± 1.12% and
2.07 ± 0.89% over standard and 10% formulations respectively.
Samples API and GMB samples reported the most increased
mud densities. Table 3 reported these samples to have the most
iron concentrations. The solubility of iron minerals has well been
established [18,19]. The multivalency and solubility of iron miner-
als allowed improved interaction with water, resulting in more
uniform and denser mud formulation. However, as pointed out
by API 13B-1, the presence iron (and other denser) compounds
result in excessive shearing, thus formulations need be carefully
considered and need large proportions of barite as weighting

4. Conclusions

Fig. 7. CEC of Raw (1), Beneficiated (2), and API grade samples. This study set out to study barite minerals from northeastern
Nigeria and evaluate their viability for use as weighing material
in drilling mud formulation. Five samples were selected and sub-
3.5. Filtration loss
jected to NAA, XRD, and characterized, before and after beneficia-
tion procedures. The results obtained indicate that some of the
The static filtration behavior of prepared mud samples is
samples compared very well with the standard barite after benefi-
reported in Figs. 8 A-C. Figs. 8A and B (5 and 10% Barite respec-
ciation. For example, densities (g/m3) obtained after preliminary

Fig. 8. A. Mud-5% Barite Formulation. B. Mud-10% Barite Formulation. C. Mud-Barite Formulation with Loss Additive.

A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

Fig. 8 (continued)

Fig. 8 (continued)

Fig. 9. Formulated Mud Density.

A.S. Arabi, S. Baba, M.Y. Kwaya et al. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 32 (2023) 65–73

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