2023 3rd CIA Remedial

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Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the question

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1. What are the properties of hormone? Enumerate the hormones of Pituitary gland.
Write the features of Pituitary dwarfism.

2. Write short notes on. 6×5=30

a. Visual pathway.
b. Functions of Basal Ganglia.
c. Hormonal Contraceptives.
d. Graves’ disease.
e. Mechanism of heat loss.

3. Barriers of Communication. 5

4. Compare and Contrast: 4×4=16

a. Conductive deafness and Sensory-Neural Deafness.
b. Secretory Phase and Proliferative phase of menstrual cycle.
c. Rods and Cons.
5. Write the physiological basis of: 4×3=12
a. Goiter develops in Iodine deficiency.
b. Left internal capsule lesion produces right hemiplegia.
c. Pain reduces by rubbing the affected area.

6. A 50 years old male comes with the history of difficulty to walk. On examination
there is rigidity and resting tremors. His gait is abnormal. He walks with rapid short
steps, leaning forward.

a. What is your diagnosis?

b. How do you describe this rigidity and the resting tremor and explain their
physiological basis?
c. Name the parts of the brain involved.
d. Describe the important functional connections.


7. Choose the correct answer: (Write the full response) 1×10=10

a. Fertilization of the human ovum normally:
i. Occurs in the uterus.
ii. Prevents further spermatozoa from entering the ovum.
iii. Occurs 2–5 days after ovulation.
iv. Occurs in the Graafian follicle.
b. During sleep there is a fall in the circulating level of, except.
i. Cortisol.
ii. Insulin.
iii. Adrenaline
iv. Growth hormone
c. Glucocorticoid injections lead to increases in:
i. Lymph gland size.
ii. Fibroblastic activity.
iii. Anabolic activity in muscle.
iv. Bone resorption.
d. The chemical structure of insulin:
i. Contains a sterol ring.
ii. Is such that it is effective when taken orally.
iii. Is a polypeptide chain.
iv. C-peptide is necessary for its function.
e. Hormones secreted by the adrenal cortex
i. Are peptide hormone.
ii. Are amine hormone.
iii. Are steroid hormone.
iv. Same as adrenal medulla.
f. In athletes, physical fitness is more closely correlated with
i. Maximal oxygen uptake than with resting oxygen uptake.
ii. Maximal pulse rate than with resting pulse rate.
iii. Maximal minute ventilation than with maximal cardiac output.
iv. Blood oxygen saturation than with blood lactate level during strenuous
g. Olfactory cells:
i. Are epithelial cells which synapse with olfactory nerves.
ii. Generate impulses when stimulated which are relayed in the thalamus.
iii. Are chemoreceptors.
iv. Show little adaptation
h. Dilation of the pupil increases the
i. Amount of light entering the eye.
ii. Refractive power of the eye.
iii. Depth of focus.
iv. Field of vision.
i. The hair cells in the semicircular canals are stimulated by:
i. Movement of perilymph.
ii. Linear acceleration.
iii. Rotational Acceleration.
iv. Gravity.
j. Delta waves are seen in:
i. Stage I sleep
ii. Stage III sleep
iii. Stage IV sleep
iv. REM sleep.

~~~ END ~~~

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