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Compactability of crushed stone

basecourse material
By C J VAN DER MERWE (Member), C J SEMMELINK (Member) and C P MARAIS (Fellow)

Synopsis Introduction
The use of graded crushed stone as basecourse material is an economical Since the 1950s graded crushed stone has been widely used as a road
and reliable alternative to using bituminous materials. provided that the base material in South Africa . Experience and research have shown that
crushed stone has adequate density. Density specifications of crushed stone
crushed-stone bases provide an economical and reliable alternative to
in terms of apparent density can sometimes lead to unrealistic requirements
thick bituminous layers.
being set that the contractor c.a nnot meet, because no indication of
compactabilitv is obtained with this test. This paper deals with a laboratory The term 'crushed stone' has been generally accepted in favour of the
investigation Into the factors that affect the compaction 0' crushed stone. earlier term 'crusher-run '. The density of crusher-run was specified in
The influence of grading and the shape and texture of the aggregates on terms of a laboratory compaction such as Mod. AASHTO o~ Proctor
compaclabllity was evaluated, and a method is given whereby the compact- density. The density of high-quality crushed stone is at present specified
ability of crushed stone can be predicted. The influence of moisture content in terms of apparent density (AD), wh ich is the mass per unit volume of
was also investigated and it was found that the optimum mOisture content is the particles without correction for internal voids. This method of specifi-
often at or near the saturation point. cation has the advantage of indicating absolute density or void content
and it overcomes the difficulties of compacting a non-plastic or semi-
plastic granular material with a Mod . AASHTO type of compaction in the
Same vatting
Indien gebreekte kllp tot 'n genoegsame hoe dlgtheid verdlg word, is dit 'n laboratory .
ekonomlese en betroubare materiaal om as alternatief vir bitumineuse The Technical Recommendations for Highways (TRH) documents 1. 2
materiale In padkroonlae gebruik Ie word. Deur die digtheldspeslflkasies vir distinguish between three types of crushed-stone bases, namely G1 , G2
gebreekte kllp op skynbare digtheid te baseer, kan onrealistiese vereisles and G3. The densities of G2 and G3 bases are specified in terms of Mod.
soms gestet word waaraan die kontrakteur nie kan voldoen nie, aangesien AASHTO density and the density specification for the highest quality
daar geen aandulding van die kompakteerbaarheld van die maleriaal verkry base , Gl , is 86 per cent to 88 per cent of AD. The investigation reported
word met hlerdie toets nie. Hlerdie verhandeling handel oar 'n laboratorium- here was restricted to Gl materials.
ondersoek waarin die faktore ondersoek is wat 'n rol speel in die verdigting
In South Africa the performance of G 1 crushed-stone bases has been
Reproduced by Sabinet gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2011).

van gebreekte kllp. Die invloed van graderlng en van die vorm en tekstuur van
investigated by means of heavy vehicle simulator (HVS) testing J.~ .5. &. The
die aggregaat by verdigting is ondersoek en In metode word gegee waarvol-
gens die kompakteerbaarheid van gebreekte klip voorspel kan word. Die HVS tests indicated that these layers, if adequately supported, can carry
uitwerking van voglnhoud is oak ondersoek en daar Is gevind dal die hoogste at least 50 million equivalent 80 kN axles (E80s) without serious defor-
digtheid verkry word wanneer die maleriaal versadig of naby versadiglngs-- mation. These tests as well as laboratory investigations 7. 8 have also
punt Is. shown that d~nsity is one of the most important factors contributing to the

of Pretoria in 1964. He continued with his studies on a part-time basis

and completed the esc Eng (Hons) (Giv) degree in 1967, the Msc Eng
(Civ) degree in 1975and the MBA degree in 1979, all at the University of
Pretoria. His practical experience has mainly been in the field of roads
with two consulting firms and the DMsion of National Roads (Depart-
ment of Transport). In 1969 he joined the staff of the Department of Civil
Engineering of the University of Pretoria. In 1974 he joined the then
NITRR, where he was involved in research on statistical approaches for

.- quality contrOl, the alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete, the viability of

labour-intensive construction techniques, seal designs and compaction.

C J van der Merwe obtained a BSc Eng (Giv) degree at the University of C P Marais was educated in Durban. He graduated in civil engineering
Pretoria in 1977, after which he joined the then National Institute for atthe University of Natal in 1952 and was awarded a PhD (Eng) in 1981
Transport and Road Research (NITRR) of the CSIR. His two years ' by the same university. His career started with nine years of municipal
national service were spent in the SA Air Force on construction and engineering in East London and Vereeniging, after which he joined the
rehabilitation of airfield pavements. At the Division of Roads and Trans- then NITRR. He has had extensive experience in materials research,
port Technology (previously NITRR) he has worked on various projects published over 30 papers locally and overseas and has received four
related to skid resistance, riding quality, compaction, rehabilitation, SAlCE awards for technical papers presented. He is also on the Secre-
construction techniques and subsurface drainage. He has also obtained tariatlo the Civil Engineering Advisory Council (CEAC). He was awarded
a BEng (Hons) (Civ) degree and an MEng (Civ) degree from the Univer- the 1986 CAPSA award for outstanding achievements in the field of
sity of Pretoria. ' asphalt technology. Prior to his secondment to Abecol (Pty) Ltd, where
he is Technical Manager of their R&D department, he was Assistant
C J Semmelink matriculated at the Afrikaanse Hoor Seunskool in Pre- Head of the Roads Branch and Head ot the Maintenance and Construc-
toria in 1960 and completed the BSc Eng (Agric) degree at the University tion Group of the NITRR.

This paper was submitted to independent referees for scrutiny prior to acceptance for publication.

DIE SIVIELE INGENIEUR in Suid·Afrika- November 1988 515


MIX A - •
300 MIX 8-a
AASHTO - . MIX C - 0 T-99
u 250


III lao

"- 100

65 70 75 ao a5 B6 88 90

strength and performance of crushed-stone bases. The increase in shear less materials'o. These materials have the ability to disperse excess
strength of crushed stone, in terms of California bearing ratio (CSR), with water as the density increases and the void space decreases. Before the
increasing density is shown in Fig 1. excess water is expelled it acts as a lubricant between the particles, thus
Density -specification '.in terms of both apparent density and Mod.
AASHTO has certain disadvantages. A specification in terms of AD gives
no indication of the cornpactability of the aggregate since it is not based SATURATION LINE
on laboratory compaction. This can in some instances lead to unrealisti-
Reproduced by Sabinet gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2011).

cally high density requirements that the contractor cannot meet. Mod.
AASHTO compaction, on the other hand, can result in very low and/or
variable densities because crushed stone (non-plastic) is usually not
adequately compacted by this type of compaction. Low control densities
will inevitably lead to low field densities, resulting in low shear strength
and poor performance.
For these reasons it is difficult to predict the field energy requirement or 2500
compactability of crushed ·stone material offhand. In this study some
factors affecting the compactability of crushed stone were investigated.
These include the moisture content, the grading and the geometric
characteristics of the aggregate (ie shape and texture).
Four types of aggregate, namely Pretoria quartzite, Newcastle do-
lerite, Marikana norite and Halfway House granite, were investigated.
Various gradings were made up and 5 kg samples were compacted in the
laboratory on a vibrating table compactor.

The effect of the moisture content

Fig 2 shows a typical moisture content- dry density curve obtained. In
addition to the normal convex curve with an optimum moisture content
(OMC). the curve also has a concave portion with a 'pessimum' moisture
content (PMC). This phenomenon is fairly common in granular, cohe-
sionfess materials and can be attributed to negative pore water pres-
sures9 • The forming of pore water menisci between soil particles at their
contact points causes an increase in effective stress owing to the surface
tension of the pore fluid. The 'pessimum' moisture content occurs when
all the menisci are fully developed. Beyond this point, flattening of the
menisci reduces the pressure differential across the surface, whereupon
lubrication and double water layers contribute to higher densities. This is
the beginning of the normal convex portion of the curve.
The OMC on this particular curve was obtained near the saturation
(zero air voids) line. With some samples it was obtained at the saturation
line. The moisture content in Fig 2 is the percentage added (by mass)
before compaction. The moisture content obtained by oven-drying after 2200 " - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - "
o 2 4 6 8 10
compaction was usually well below the saturation level, indicating that a PERCENTAGE MOISTURE ADDEO BEFORE COMPACTION
certain amount of water was lost during compaction.
An OMC value at or near saturation is a property unique to cohesion- Fig 2: Typical moisture density curve

516 DIE SIVIELE INGENIEUR in Suid-Afrika- November 1988

contributing to higher densities. Unfortunately very few gradings, if any, are true Talbot gradings. A
Field compaction of G1 material is often carried out at or near sat- grading may meet the specification and yet be irregular or gap-graded, as
uration. Although this can lead to the segregation of fine particles and illustrated in Fig 3. Such a material will be difficult to compact. In this
special care is needed, the laboratory investigation described above investigation a total of62 different gradings were compacted, 30 of which
indicated the value of compacting at these higher moisture contents. met the grading specification shown in Fig 3 and 32 falling outside the
grading envelope. Approximately two-thirds of the gradings that met the
The effect of the grading grading specification resulted in densities above the average density
The Talbot formula 11 for quantifying particle size distribution is: obtained for all gradirigs. Of those that did not meet the grading specifica-
tion, about two-thirds resulted in below-average densities. This indicates
p ~ (dID)n that gradings falling within the specification envelope generally gave
where P = percentage passing a sieve with opening d, 0 = maximum higher densities, but did not guarantee high densities.
stone size and n = a constant In an attempt to obtain a parameter that will'predict compactability,
Gradings conforming to this formula are continuously graded and various methods were used to quantify particle size distribution. A rea-
normally result in high densities. The grading specification envelope for a sonable correlation was obtained between maximum density and unifor-
G1 material, according to TRH142, is shown in Fig 3. This envelope mity coefficient (U), where
consists of two Talbot curves with n = 0,33 and n = 0,50.
Fig 4 shows a typical curve of Talbot values against maximum appa-
u ~ d60ld1O
rent density obtained in this investigation. An optimum value of n that where d60 and d1 0 are the particle sizes at 60 per cent and 10 per cent of
resulted in maximum dry density was obtained. This value varied from the cumulative particle size distribution.
0,30 for dolerite to 0,40 for norite. The lowest density obtained for any The uniformity coefficient gives an indication of the particle size distri-
Talbot grading was 83,3 per cent of apparent density (%AD), indicating bution. Higher values for U indicate a distribution over a wider range of
that all Talbot gradings have a fairly high degree of compactability. particle sizes.






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'"u 40



Fig 3: Grading envelope for Gl 0,075 0,150 0,250 0,425 0,850 2,00 4,75 6,7 9,5 13,2 19,0 26,5 37,5
~ material (Talbot curves) ~ ) . SIEVE SIZE (mm)


..:.' G, x
"•. as
~" .

l- "X

"!z'" x

" 80L-____________L -__________________ ~ __________________ ~

Fig 4: Maximum apparent densities 0,25 0,33 0,50

of Talbot gradlngs (dolerHe) TALBOT n VALUE

DIE SIVIELE INGENIEUR In Suld·Afrlka-November 1988 517

AD= 70,88(U)O.03~
97 ,2=0,504



"''" •
X 75

72L-----~ ______________________________L______________________
Fig 5: Maximum apparent density
10 100 against uniformity coefficient


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'" 80
z x
~ x



72L___ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~ ____-L____-L____-L____-L____-L____-L____ ~

2 • 6 9 10 12 I. 16 19 20 22 Fig T: Influence of percentage fines

PERCENTAGE PASSING 0,075 mm SIEVE on density (dolerite)

518 DIE SIVIELE INGENIEUR in Suid-Afrika - November 1988

Fig 5 shows a typical relation obtained in this investigation between 150 ,---,----r-,-,---,---,--.,-,--,----,--,IOO _
maximum density and uniformity coefficient for one particular aggregate.
The one grading with a high U value that gave a low density had more
than 12 per cent fines « 0,075 mm), which is the maximum allowable !?
according to the grading envelope (Fig 3). The other two gradings with
, ~
high percentage fines were Talbot gradings, and these gave high den- 142 60 ~
sities. ~
The influence of the percentage fines on density has been investi- ~
z "e ", 40w

------ .. -_............
gated12 and is illustrated in Fig 6. These results show an optimum amount w
-. ----: --
a ~
of fines (between eight per cent and 10 pe~ cent) where maximum density ~ Z
..... '" ,
~ 134 20 ~
is obtained. Also shown in Fig 6 is the optimum percentage fines for a
maximum shear strength (in terms of CSR), which is approximately two ~

per cent lower than for maximum density. In attempting to adjust a "0 ~~---'---"----':---':---':--L--'::_--'-:---"'''"--' 0 ~
o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 u
grading in order to obtain higher density. care should be taken not to
decrease the shear strength by allowing too high a fines content.
The influence of fines on maximum density as determined in this Fig 6: Influence of percentage fines on density and CBR (after Yoder and
investigation is shown in Fig 7. Although a curve with an optimum value Witzak)
was obtained for the Talbot gradings, no relation was obtained for other
The investigation of the grading of crushed stone showed that no
single parameter can adequately predict compactability. However, a
combination of the Talbot value, the uniformity coefficient and the per- PACKING -_~-I\.,
centage fines will give a reasonable indication of expected maximum dry VOLUME

The effect of the geometric characteristics of the aggregate

The relation between the uniformity coefficient and the maximum dry
density obtained for the different aggregates is shown in Fig 8. The fact VOLUME
that there is a difference in sensitivity to grading can be attributed to the OF VOl os -~--t---;f-----<f-...
( Vsr)
varying geometriC characteristics (ie shape and texture) of the aggre-
gates, sometimes referred to as the harshness of the stone. The relation
obtained for dolerite was markedly different from those of the other
aggregates and the higher degree of angularity of this material could be PARTICLE
observed visually, (Man = W
Volume = Vap)
The influence of geometriC characteristics was evaluated by determin-
ing the 'specific rugosity'13 of the aggregates. PACKING
Fig 9 shows the volume occupied by a single aggregate particle in a OF PARTICLE
mass of single-sized particles. This volume is defined as the packing
Reproduced by Sabinet gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2011).

volume of the particles (Vp). This ,Volume includes the solids, as well as
the microsurface voids and the macrosurface voids, ie the surface dips
and valleys. Since the particles in a loose state touch each other at the
peaks of the surface roughness, the packing volume is the total volume
occupied by a particle. It can be visualized as the volume obtained when
a membrane (packing volume membrane) is stretched tightly over the Fig 9: Illustration of packing volume in Single-sized grains


75 L-________ ~ __________________ ~~ _____________________________'

Fig 8: RelationShip between unifor~
10 100 1000 mit)' coefficient and density
UNIFORMITY COEFFICIENT (U) for different aggregates

DIE SIVIELE INGENIEUR in Suid-Afrika-November 1988 519

The following definitions apply to a ~ingle aggregate particle (refer to
Fig 9): •• LEGENO

W = mass of the particle XII· O,~O

Vp = packing volume .11-0,40

Vap = volume of aggregatealone (apparent relative volume,
o 11·0,29
Melhod B14, TMH1") •
Vsr = total voids between the packing volume membrane and the
.7 G,

Therefore Vp = Vap + VSf

Then Gap = J¥ = apparent density
Gp = ...w =

packing relative density •;;•

Specific rugosity (Srv) is defined as the amount of voids (Vsr) expressed •wz
as a percentage of the packing volume (Vp):

Srv ~ 100'l¥ ••
• .,

By subsliluling: Srv 100(1 _ Gp )

The apparent density (Gap) of the aggregate is determined by means

o!the slandard lesl (Tesl Melhod B14, TMHl ").
As regards the packing relative density (Gp), it has been determined 84
experimentallyl3 that when different types of single-sized aggregates are
compacted by means of the same compaction procedure, the total pack-
ing volume of the aggregates (LVp) will be equal after compaction.
Therefore, for any two aggregates of single size (aggregates 1 and 2):
:EW1 :EW2
:EVp ~ Gp1 ~ Gp2

where LWis the total mass of the aggregates after compaction.

I. ,0
,. ,4
,. Z7

By compacting the- two aggregates in an identical way, Gp2 can be

determined if Gp1 is known. Fig 10: Rela1lon between maximum densities, grading and geometric
Reproduced by Sabinet gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2011).

If aggregate 1 is a smooth, spherical 'aggregate' (glass beads, mar- characteristics 01 aggregates

bles, elc) Ihen
apparent densities obtained for Talbot gradings. It is evident that high
Vsr = 0 and values of Srv (more angUlar, harsher aggregates) resulted in lower
densities with certain Talbot gradings (Talbot gradings where n = 0,25
Gp1 ~ Gap1 (apparenldensity)
and where n ~ 0,40). Aggregates with low Srv values resulted in high
The aggregates and glass beads were compacted in an identical way densities with all Talbot gradings.
by means of a pouring test l3, in which the dry material was poured from a Fig 11 shows the minimum uniformity coefficient required to obtain 86
fixed height into a container. per cent of apparent density for different values of specific rugosity. This
The 'specific rugosity' theory only applies to single-sized aggregates. figure was derived from Fig 5 and other similar figures obtained for the
The pouring test and calculation of specific rugosity was therefore car- other aggregates (different values of Srv). Cut-off paints at U = 150 and
ried out for each size fraction and a weial1ted average value was deter- U = 40 have been introduced in Fig 11 to guard against unacceptable
mined for each grading. fines content.
Fig 10 shows the influence of specific rugosity (Srv) on the maximum II should be noted that, although higher densities can be obtained with


!z 100


~ 00

j 401-------./

Rg 11: Maximum uniformity coeffl-

21,7 22 clentto obllin 86 per cent of
19 20
26 Z7
apparent density (eg. If
$tv = 21,7 then U ~90)

520 DIE SIVIELE INGENIEUR in Suid-Afrika-November 1988

smooth and less angular aggregates, the shear strength obtained with
angular aggregates will be higher than that of smooth aggregates at the PEOPLE
same density owing to better particle interlock. A certain degree of angu-
larity is therefore needed and smooth, pebble-like aggregates cannot
possibly be used as crushed stone.
The method of predicting compactability using the specific rugosity test
as described above was published earlier 15 and was subsequently eval-
uated, on a limited scale, for field application. The work was done in
conjunction with the TPA Roads Department. The test was performed in President
the laboratory on crushed stone obtained from a construction site and
the results indicated that the material would be difficult to compact. The
actual field compaction verified this, in that considerable effort was Mr Steyn Laubscher, managing
needed to obtain the specified field density. director and chief executive officer
This investigation also illustrated certain limitations of the method. The of Watson Edwards Inc, has been
test is not well suited to routine use owing to the special equipment elected president of the South Afri-
needed and the tedious task of sieving the aggregate into fractions. can Association of Consulting
Furthermore, the amount of compactive effort needed to obtain the Engineers for the forthcoming
required field density cannot be determined using the test. year. He succeeds Mr Hennie
Despite these limitations, the test can provide useful information where Lemmer, who remains executive
problem materials are encountered and if the extent of the contract is director of the Association.
such that the extra cost of testing is warranted. Steyn Laubscher was born in
Wynberg, Cape Town, in 1943 and
Conclusions matriculated from Pretoria Boys'
High School in 1960. He obtained
1. The optimum moisture content of G1 crushed stone in the laboratory,
a BSc (Mech Eng) cum laude. in
using a vibrating table compactor, is often at or near saturation.
1964 and a BSc (Mech Eng)
2. A reasonable prediction of the compactability of crushed stone can be
Honours in 1968 from the University of Pretoria. He was registered by the
made by an evaluation of the Talbot values, the uniformity coefficient
South African Council for Professional Engineers as a professional
and the percentage fines.
engineer in 1969.
3. The effect of grading on obtainable densities is more pronounced with
After graduation, Mr Laubscher joined Watson, Edwards, Van der
harsh, angular aggregates.
Spuy & Partners in Pretoria as a junior engineer, progressing to senior
design engineer. In 1969 he was transferred to Cape Town to undertake
The work described in this paper was carried out at the Division of Roads and the design and supervision of a number of electrical and mechanical
Transport Technology, CSIR, and is published with the permission of the Division projects that led to the establishment of his firm's branch in the Western
Director. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the contributions by the TPA Cape. He was appointed an associate in the partnership in 1970 and a
Roads Department. partner in 1973. He was appointed managing director and chief executive
officer of Watson Edwards Inc on the firm's incorporation in 1984.
Reproduced by Sabinet gateway under licence granted by the Publisher (dated 2011).

References Mr Laubscher has specialized in mechanical and utility services for

1. Division of Roads and Transport Technology. Structural design of interurban commercial, industrial and institutional buildings in the fields of air condi-
and rural road pavements. TRH4, Pretoria, CSIR, 1985. tioning, fire services, plumbing systems and lift installations. Among the
2. Division of Roads and Transport Technology. Guidelines for road construction major projects he has been involved with in Cape Town are the BP
materials. TRH14, Pretoria, CSIR, 1985. Centre, the SA Reserve Bank, the Cape Town Centre and Wooltru.
3. Maree, J H. Aspekte van die ontwerp en gedrag van padplaveisels met korrel- Mr Laubscher is a former chairman of the Cape Town branch of the
materiaalkroonlae. DEng thesis, University of Pretoria, May 1982. South African Association of Consulting Engineers and also serves on its
4. Marais, G P, Maree, J H, and Kleyn, E G. The impact of HVS testing on national council. He is also a member of the South African Institute
Transvaal pavement design. Proceedings of the Annual Transportation Con-
of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and an associate member of
vention, Pretoria, 1982.
the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
5. Maree, J H, Freeme, C R, van Zyl, N J W, and Savage, P F. The permanent
deformation of pavements with untreated crushed stone bases as measured in
Engineers. 0
heavy vehicle simulator tes~. Proceedings of the 11th ARRB Conference,
, Melbourne, Australia, 1982.
6. Maree, J H, van Zyl, N J W, ant( Fre~me, C R. The effective moduli and stress-
dependence of pavement materials in some heavy vehicle simulator tests.
TRB, Washington DC, 1982. . Chairman: Urban
7. Maree, J H. Ontwerpparameters vir k/ipslag in plaveisels. MEng thesis, Univer-
sity of Pretoria, October 1978. , Engineering Division
8. National Crushed Stone Association. Flexible pavement design guide for
highways. Washington DC, 1972.
9. Pike, D C. Compactability of graded aggregates. Vol I: Standard laboratory
tests. Transport and Road Research Laboratory Report LR 447, Crowthorne,
Peter Kleynhans was born in
Berkshire, 1972. Johannesburg and attended Park-
10. Roston, J P, Roberts, F L, and Faron, W. Density standards for field compac· town Boys High School. In 1968
tion of granular bases and subbases. National Co-operative Highway Re- he graduated from the University
search Program Report 172, Washington DC, 1976. of the Witwatersrand with a BSc
11. Talbot, A N, and Richart, F E. The strength of concrete: Its relation to the (Eng) degree, followed in 1974 by
cement, aggregates and water. Exper Stat Bull, No 137, University of illinois. a post-graduate diploma in Town
Planning. Following an initial
12. Yoder, E J, and Witczak, M W. Principles of pavement design. New York,
period with a contractor and a con-
Wiley, 1975.
13. Ishai, I, and Tons, E. Concept and test method for a unified characterization of sultant, he joined Randfontein Mu-
the geometric irregularity of aggregate particles. Journal of Testing and Evalua- nicipality. Thereafter he spent time
tion, Vol 5, No 1, Jan 1977, pp3-15. overseas working for a firm of con-
14. Division of Roads and Transport Technology. Standard methods of testing sulting engineers and studied new
road construction materials. TMH1, Pretoria, CSIR, 1979. town developments. In 1977 he
15. Van der Merwe, C J, Kleyn, E G, and Savage, P F. Compactability of crushed joined Stewart Sviridov & Oliver,
stone road basecourse material - a laboratory study. Proceedings of the
becoming a partner in 1986. He headed the firm's urban and rural devel-
Annual Transportation Convention, Pretoria, 1985.
opment section before opening an office for the firm in Pretoria. 0

DIE SIVIELE INGENIEUR in Suid-Afrika- November 1988 521

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