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Marathwada Mitra Mandal's

S.No.18, Plot No.5/3, Karvenagar, PUNE -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC // Accredited by NBA (Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.)
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU // Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Applet
2. Applet Life Cycle
3. Why Applet is not used these days
4. Which browser supports applet
5. What is Keylisteners ?and Its methods
6. Paint() repaint()
7. What is HTML /Applet TAG and its minimum Attributes?

1. Explain MouseListener and MouseMotionListener
2. What are the steps to create frame using awT
3. Which are various actionlisteners
4. Layout manager
Disclose method

1. Why is AWT GUI different for different platforms?
2. How to place a component in a particular position in AWT?
3. Difference between Component and Container
4. List various component and container
5. Difference bet SWING and AWT
6. What is Events
7. What is Source
8. What is Listeners

1. What is JDBC
2. Which are various Databases available
3. Need of Drivers
4. Why you require connectors
5. What are types of Drivers?
6. Which Drivers are suitable for specific applications like, Windows based applications,
Marathwada Mitra Mandal's
S.No.18, Plot No.5/3, Karvenagar, PUNE -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC // Accredited by NBA (Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.)
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU // Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956

7. Steps Involved in JDBC Connectivity: Ans: Step 1:Import the packages:, Step II: Register
the JDBC driver:, StepII: Open a connection:, Step 4: Execute a query:, Step 5: Extract
data from the result set:
8. What are the different JDBC components used?
1. Steps to Perform RMI Application:
Client Side:
Ans: Creating a Simple RMI application involves following steps
● Define a remote interface.
● Implementing a remote interface.
● create and start remote application
● create and start client application
Server Side:

Advance Java Programming Lab Manual TE E&TC, Sem-II, 2022-23

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Define the class rmiclient
Step 3: Initialize the string s1 in try
Step 4: Create and Initialize the object onex
Step 5: Assign the value to m by calling the method palin
Step 6: Check whether the string is palindrome or not
Step 7: Display whether the string is palindrome or not
Step 8: Display the exception in catch
Step 9: Stop

2. .What is the method that is used by the RMI client to connect to remote RMI servers?
3. What are the different types of classes that are used in RMI?

4. What is the process of making a class serializable?

5. What is the procedure of implementation of the Serializable Interface?
6. What are Stubs
7. What are Skeletons
Marathwada Mitra Mandal's
S.No.18, Plot No.5/3, Karvenagar, PUNE -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC // Accredited by NBA (Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.)
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU // Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956

8. Unicast and Muticast

1. Types of Addresses: ANs: There are 2 types of addresses :
1. Unicast — An identifier for a single interface.
2. Multicast — An identifier for a set of interfaces.

2. 5 factory methods available in InetAddress class –

● public static InetAddress getLocalHost() throwsUnknownHostException: This method
returns the instance ofInetAddress containing the local hostname and address.

● public static InetAddress getByName( String host) throws UnknownHostException: This

method returns the instance ofInetAddress containing IP and Host nameof host
represented by host argument.

● public static InetAddress[] getAllByName( StringhostName ) throws

UnknownHostException: This method returns the array of theinstance of InetAddress
class which contains IP addresses.

● public static InetAddress getByAddress( byteIPAddress[] ) throws

UnknownHostException: This method returns an InetAddress object created from the
raw IP address.

● public static InetAddress getByAddress( StringhostName, byte IPAddress[] )

throwsUnknownHostException: This method creates and returns anInetAddress based
on the provided hostname and IP address.
3. What is the inet address class factory methods?
4. What is the usage of INET address class?
5. Advance Java Programming Lab Manual TE E&TC, Sem-II, 2022-23
6. What is the basic feature of INET address class?
7. What information does the InetAddress class provide in a server application?
8. Which are the two types of Internet addressing system?
9. What is the data type of IP address?
Marathwada Mitra Mandal's
S.No.18, Plot No.5/3, Karvenagar, PUNE -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC // Accredited by NBA (Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.)
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU // Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956

1. How to Develop a dynamic webpage using HTML and Servlet.
2. State client side application to send the username and password to Sevlet.
3. 3State Server side application to read the username and password sent from the client
4. and send the response to the client.
5. What is GenericServlet
6. What is HttpServlet
7. What is Deployment Descriptor(DD): Ans Deployment Descriptor(DD) is an XML
document that is used by Web Container to run Servlets and JSP pages.
8. Servlet Life Cycle
9. What are some of the advantages of Servlets?
10. Explain the Servlet API.
11. What do you mean by server-side include (SSI) functionality in Servlets?
12. Explain the server-side include expansion.
13. Define ‘init’ and ‘destroy’ methods in servlets.
14. How does a servlet get access to its init parameters?How does a servlet examine all its
init parameters?

Prog 8:
What is ResultSet?
2. What is a JDBC driver?
3. What is DriverManager in JDBC?
4. Which JDBC driver is fastest and used more commonly
5. Which data types are used for storing the image and file in the database table?
6. What are the different types of JDBC drivers in Java? Explain each with an
7. May ask you to design simple application

1. What is JSP
2. Lifecycle of JSP
3. Live application of JSP
4. Steps in JSP , ANS: How to run a simple JSP Page?
5. Follow the following steps to execute this JSP page:
6. 1. Start the server
7. 2. Put the JSP file in a folder and deploy on the server
Marathwada Mitra Mandal's
S.No.18, Plot No.5/3, Karvenagar, PUNE -52
Accredited with “A++” Grade by NAAC // Accredited by NBA (Mechanical Engg. & Electrical Engg.)
Recipient of “Best College Award 2019” by SPPU // Recognized under section 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act 1956

8. How does JSP Initialization take place?

9. What is the use of JSP?
What are some of the advantages of using JSP?

Prog 10.
How did you Implement Calculator
May Ask you to design Simple application based on JDBC RMI Concept.

Note: Apart from these questions Read Basics of JAVA Like why JAVA is Object Oriented,
Which Approach JAVA follows TOPUP or Bottom Up? Which drivers are required for which
platform ? Various methods used in particular program eg. methods involved in RMI application.
Latest Databases and there drivers. Whether DBs are proprietary ? Any Real Life example of
JAVA based applications/Website,

—-----------------------------------All the very Best—------------------------------------------------------

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