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BC 301: Business Research Presentation Rubric

Year and Section: Date:

Research Title:

Category Outstanding Proficient Basic Points
Content Comprehensive Adequate coverage; Partial coverage; Incomplete coverage;
(40 points) coverage; clear and clear thesis; relevant present but unclear missing or unclear
insightful thesis; data and examples; thesis; limited thesis; insufficient or
well-supported with good understanding support with some irrelevant support;
data and examples; and analysis; most missing poor understanding
in-depth required components data/examples; basic and analysis; several
understanding and with minor omissions understanding; some required components
original analysis; all required components missing
required components with notable

Organization (20 Logical and coherent Clear structure with Some organizational Poorly organized;
points) structure; smooth minor issues; issues; difficult to difficult to follow;
transitions; clear generally smooth follow; abrupt lacks transitions;
introduction and transitions; adequate transitions; ineffective or missing
effective conclusion introduction and incomplete introduction and
conclusion introduction and conclusion

Visuals Clear, professional, Clear and relevant Somewhat clear and Unclear or irrelevant
(15 points) and enhancing visuals with minor relevant visuals with visuals; poorly
visuals; well- issues; generally well- noticeable issues; integrated; many
integrated; error-free integrated; mostly somewhat awkward errors; difficult to
and easy to error-free and integration; some read/understand
read/understand readable errors present

Delivery Clear, confident, and Clear and confident Somewhat clear but Unclear or
(15 points) engaging; excellent with minor issues; lacks confidence or disengaged; poor eye
eye contact, body good eye contact, engagement; contact, body
language, and voice body language, and inconsistent eye language, and voice
modulation; effective voice modulation; contact, body modulation;
handling of questions handles questions well language, or voice ineffective with
modulation; struggles questions
with questions

Professionalism Polished and Professional with Somewhat Lacks

(10 points) professional; adheres minor issues; mostly professional with professionalism; does
to time limits; strong adheres to time limits; noticeable issues; not adhere to time
teamwork and good teamwork and somewhat adheres to limits; poor teamwork
collaboration collaboration time limits; basic and collaboration
teamwork and
Total Score: ___________ / 100



This rubric evaluates multiple facets of a business research presentation, including content, organization, visuals,
delivery, and professionalism. Each category is assigned a specific point value, enabling a thorough assessment of the
presentation's overall quality and effectiveness. By considering these criteria, the rubric ensures a balanced and detailed
evaluation of the presenters' performance.

Group Members:


Dr. Ma. Antonette M. Tomas

Panelist’s Signature Over Printed Name

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