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A Preliminary Comparison Study On Consolidated-Drained Triaxial Tests

According to BS And DIN

Conference Paper · June 2012


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3 authors, including:

Giovanni Spagnoli


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Proceedings of the Twenty-second (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference www.isope.org
Rhodes, Greece, June 17–22, 2012
Copyright © 2012 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE)
ISBN 978-1-880653-94–4 (Set); ISSN 1098-6189 (Set)

A Preliminary Comparison Study on Consolidated-Drained Triaxial Tests according to BS and DI

Giovanni Spagnoli, Christian Hotz
Fugro Consult GmbH
Pfungstadt, Germany

Marek Ginda
Fugro Engineering Services Limited
Consett, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT tests performed according to DIN and BS on real marine sediments and
on standard quartz sand. Although one could have anticipated the
During the development of international projects to build offshore wind obtained results, as rate effects are usually understood to be
farms, it is likely that the client and the contractor work according to insignificant in granular materials due to the complicated conditions
different standards. Economic and judicial problems could be avoided and interpretations of the triaxial tests and, in order to carefully review
if the comparisons of the standards were focused on the physical the results, only consolidated-drained conditions were investigated.
principles of the tests. The aim of this paper is to list the most Moreover, although there are many studies that evaluated the effect of
significant differences between the BS and the DIN. A standard quartz different sample preparation methods, none of them actually takes into
sand and a glacial till from an offshore exploration campaign were account a systematic comparison of the international standards.
tested in a laboratory. Consolidated-drained triaxial tests according to
the German and English standards were performed. THE WIND FARM OFFSHORE IN GERMANY

KEY WORDS: Triaxial tests, DIN, BS, glacial till, sand. The motivation for this preliminary brief research is due to the constant
growth in geotechnical offshore campaigns near German coasts to
INTRODUCTION study the feasibility of developing and building several offshore wind
During the construction of offshore wind farms in the German sector of The economic viability of offshore wind farms depends heavily on the
the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, it is often possible to find that the quality of the sites. Much higher winds at sea, combined with more
geotechnical contractor and the client are used to working according to advanced technological development, will partially compensate for the
different geotechnical standards. This is the case when the client and / greater investments required to build offshore facilities and connect
or the geotechnical consultant are not from German speaking countries. them to the electrical grid. Two decisive factors in choosing sites are
The BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) is the the depth of the water and the distance from the coast. Priority is
Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency responsible for studying, therefore given to areas which are relatively close to the coast and not
evaluating and, subsequently, accepting or rejecting the authorization to more than 30 meters deep (Deutsche Energie Agentur GmbH 2011).
build offshore wind farms in German territorial waters. This procedure
is based on the geotechnical laboratory reports presented to this agency. Under the overall management of the Federal Ministry for the
However, since the DIN are German standards, this authority accepts Environment, Nature Conservation and Safety (BMU), the German
laboratory data based only on the German standards and, in the case of government has developed a strategy on the use of offshore wind
triaxial tests, explicitly according to DIN 18137 (BSH 2008). energy that takes nature conservation and other interests into account.
According to this, the installation of 20,000 to 25,000 MW of offshore
Sometimes it is not possible to perform triaxial tests for geotechnical capacity is seen as possible by 2030. The plan identifies low-conflict
characterization of the sea bed sediments according to German areas which could be considered suitable for offshore wind energy
standards, because of the diameter, the kind of H:D ratio, etc. installations. These areas were classified as special areas suitable for
wind energy after an appraisal of the various interests on the basis of
Up to now, no real evaluations and comparisons have been carried out the Marine Facilities Ordinance (Deutsche Energie Agentur GmbH
between DIN (2008) and BS (1989) regarding triaxial tests. Therefore, 2011). The North and Baltic Seas will play a central role in the
we show a preliminary study based on consolidated-drained triaxial utilisation of offshore wind energy. Firstly, the use of onshore wind
energy has already progressed furthest in these regions, resulting in

fewer available land sites. Secondly, wind energy will become GEOTECHNICAL MODEL FOR THE GLACIAL TILL
competitive more quickly in Northwestern Europe because the cost of
electricity is one of the highest on an international scale. Thirdly, the Jamiolkowski et al. (1985) indicate that the variation in cu/σ'v with the
North and Baltic Seas are quite shallow and close to large urban areas, overconsolidation ratio can be approximated by the SHANSEP method,
making them very suitable for this form of energy. The development of which accounts for the effects of stress history and stress path (Ladd
offshore wind power consequently promises significant potential for the and Foote, 1974). This model benefits from a theoretical framework to
export of electricity to neighbouring countries and the development of relate preconsolidation stress (σ’pc), overconsolidation ratio (OCR), and
offshore ports (Deutsche Energie Agentur GmbH 2011). undrained shear strength (cu).

MATERIAL CHARACTERISATION In soil mechanics, it is often assumed that there is a linear relationship
between the preconsolidation stress σ’pc and the undrained shear
Real marine sediment from the Baltic sea and a standard quartz sand strength cu for fine grained (cohesive) material. For boulder clay,
were used for this preliminary study. The reason why drained- Danish experiences suggest:
consolidated triaxial tests should be conducted on such different
materials is due to the risk of not being able to interpret variations in cu
results. Our goal was to minimize the sources of error for the non- = 0.40 ÷ 0.45 (1)
homogeneous state of the marine sediments. σ ' pc
The natural soil is a lightly plastic clayey silt extracted at a depth
The preconsolidation stress can also be calculated by using SHANSEP:
between 9.60 m and 14.10 in the Baltic Sea during an explorative
campaign for the construction of an offshore wind turbine. The
geological term used to describe this formation is ‘glacial till’,  cu  c 
classified according to the DIN 14688 as ClsaSi. The physical values   =  u  xOCR Λ (2)
are listed in Table 1. The coefficient of uniformity U is 23 and the  σ 'v  pc  σ ' v  nc
curvature coefficient Cc is 3.5, the dry density is 2.200 g/cm3.
For a project in Danish boulder clay, the following correlation was
Table 1. Physical properties of the glacial till (mean values) adopted (Geduhn, personal communication):
LL IP Gs Water content CaCO3 content
(%) (%) (%) (%)  cu 
  = 0.45 xOCR 0.85 (3)
11.5 1.8 2.685 10.34 10.6  σ 'v  pc
The value of cu has been indirectly obtained by CPT tip resistance.
A standard fine-medium quartz sand was also used. From a chemical
point of view the sands are very homogeneous. X-ray fluorescence PREPARATION OF THE TESTS
(XRF) analysis performed according to DIN EN 15309 shows that the
SiO2 is greater than 96%, with small amounts of Al2O3 (~ 1.28%),
The following chapter deals with the preparation methods used for the
Fe2O3 (~ 0.39%) and TiO2 (<0.03%). The bulk density is 1.6 g/cm3, different tests. The experiments were performed with a Tri-Scan 50
the hardness according to Mohs is 7, while the loss of ignition machine (see Fig. 2). The parameters, which were kept constant for all
performed according to DIN 18128 is <0.2%. tests, were the geometry of the samples, the H:D ratio, and the
maximum shear strain (20% for the glacial till and about 15% for the
The grain size is between 0.1 and 0.4 mm, the grain density 2.652 sands).
g/cm3, emax 0.844 emin 0.363, the coefficient of uniformity U is 1.9, the
curvature coefficient Cc is 0.9, classified according to the DIN 14688
as mS,fs. Preparation According to DI
The grain size distribution of the materials, performed according to
DIN 18123, is shown in Figure 1. The glacial till the material was prepared as undisturbed (Fig. 3). The
H:D ratio was chosen as 2:1 with a height of 100 mm and diameter of
50 mm. The materials were prepared with their in situ wet density
(between 2.156 and 2.373 g/cm3) and their natural water content
(between 9.86 and 10.81 %). The applied backpressure was 500 kPa
and the saturation was begun with a radial stress, σ3, of 510 kPa. Then
the radial stress was increased with a gradient of 10 kPa/min as
described by the DIN. Once the effective stress was reached, the
saturation was applied for 24 h. After this time, B-values were tested
and a value of B ≥ 0.95 was obtained for all specimens. The applied
effective stress was chosen based on the effective in situ stress of the
natural material and re-calculated by means of the SHANSEP method.
The effective stress levels were 300, 332 and 353 kPa. Regarding the
shear rate, a value of 0.01 mm/min was chosen based on the DIN
Fig. 1. Grain size distribution of the material tested 18137-2, where the shear rate could be obtained from the plasticity
index, IP (up to 10% the shear rate is 0.01 mm/min). The shear process
was considered terminated with an axial strain of 20%.

to 10% the shear rate is 0.01 mm/min). In this case, this value was
chosen because pure sand has no plasticity. This shear rate is also lower
than the shear rate suggested by DIN for non-cohesive soils, where the
shear rate could also be 0.2%/min (0.22 mm/min). Therefore, viscous
effects are negligible in these kinds of soils within experimental
accuracy and engineering practice.

Preparation According to BS

The geometry of the samples were chosen as the samples for DIN tests.
The samples were prepared at their natural water content (between 9
and 10 %) and their bulk density (between 2.29 and 2.35 g/cm3). Once
again, a back pressure of 500 kPa was used for the BS. In this case the
BS procedure was as follows.

The cell pressure increment stages were carried out alternatively with
back pressure stages maintaining small effective pressure of about
10kPa. The cell pressure was increased in steps of 50 kPa until B-
values of 0.8 were reached. Above this value, cell pressure was
increased in steps of 100 kPa. B-values of 0.99 were reached for all
three samples.

As in the case for DIN, the applied effective stress levels were chosen
based on the effective in situ stress of the natural material. The shear
rate for the glacial till was calculated according to the following
equation, as described by the BS. The shear rate was calculated as

ε ⋅L
dr = (4)

Fig. 2. Schematic layout of the system Where:

ε = the significant strain interval for the test specimen; t = significant

testing time; L = length of consolidated specimen.

The significant testing time was calculated according to the following


t = F ⋅ t100 (5)


F = coefficient which depends on the drainage conditions and the type

of compression test.
Fig. 3. Pictures of the glacial till samples before (A) and after (B) the
CD tests From drained tests and drainage from radial boundary and two ends, F
is 16. The strain at failure was assumed for 2%. The calculated shear
A standard quartz sand was also tested. The sand specimens were rates were all 0.017 mm/min, so assumed to be 0.01 mm/min.
prepared in the same H:D ratio as the glacial till samples. The material Regarding the quartz sand, the t100 ranged between 0.74 and 0.84.
was put into the sample mould with a funnel and compacted into 5 Values of about 0.0165 mm/min were calculated and 0.01 mm/min was
layers with a water content of 10%. Each layer was compacted with 4 assumed. As theoretically interpreted by Spagnoli (2012), the shear
blows. Then the piston was gently placed above the sample. The dry rates were identical for both standards.
density for all the samples was chosen as 1.55 g/cm3. For these samples
too, a backpressure of 500 kPa was applied with a gradient of 100 kPa RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
every 30 minutes as described by DIN 18137 (DIN, 2008). Once the
saturation pressure was reached B-values were tested; for all specimens Glacial Till
a value of B ≥ 0.90 was obtained. The samples were saturated for 24 h.
At the end of the saturation process three different effective stress In order to compare the results for the glacial till, the stress ratio, σ1/σ3
concentrations were used: 100, 200 and 400 kPa. The shear rate was was used. One sample tested for both standards was recovered at a
chosen as 0.01 mm/min (10-4 %/min) as described by the DIN 18137-2, different depth. This means that the shear state of one sample does not
where the shear rate could be obtained from the plasticity index, IP (up match for both standards. However, for the purpose of the

investigation, the results were listed. Figure 4 shows the results. Sample
1 was recovered at 10 m depth for the tests performed according to DIN
and at 5 m for the one according to BS. It is clear that there was no
match regarding the σ1/σ3 results. In fact the σ1/σ3 ratio reached 5.9 for
the DIN sample, while for the BS it reached only 4.3. Even more
interesting was the behaviour of Sample 2, for which both tests
recovered at 12.3 m. The DIN results gave a σ1/σ3 ratio of 5, while for
BS the ratio was 4.7. It is possible to say that the results are very
promising. A problem of non-homogeneity occurred for Sample 3. The
samples were recovered for both experiments at 13.9 m, however,
while the BS sample was stiff, the DIN sample was very sandy, and Fig. 6. q-p’ diagram for DIN (A) and BS tests (B)
therefore showed a different consistency. This was not indicated by the
σ1/σ3 ratio. For the BS test σ1/σ3 gave 4.1 while the DIN gave 3.8. The regression was obtained for each q-p’ line. The results match
However, the BS sample indicated a more contractive behaviour (with almost exactly (Tab.2).
peak at 3% axial strain) while the BS specimens showed a dilative
behaviour with no peak. Table 2. Equation of regression for standards for q-p’ diagram

Standard Mean effective Equation of

pressure, p’ (kPa) regression
DIN 100 q = 3p’ - 300
BS 100 q = 2.88p’ - 282
DIN 200 q = 3p’ - 600
BS 200 q = 2.96p’ - 591
DIN 400 q = 3p’ - 1200
BS 400 q = 2.99p’ - 1192

Fig. 4. σ'1/σ’3 vs. ε for DIN (A) and BS tests (B)

Another comparison was performed, taking into account the σ1/σ3 ratio
vs. the axial strain (Fig. 7). The ratio σ1/σ3 moved between 3.7
The volumetric strain (εvol) vs. the axial strain (ε) was also plotted (Fig.
(effective stress of 400 kPa) and 4.1 (effective stress of 100 kPa) for the
5). For all tests, there was a similar path: the first part of the test
DIN tests, while for the BS tests, the ratio σ3 moved between 3.5
showed contraction and then dilation. Except for Sample 3, studied
(effective stress of 400 kPa) and 4.2 (effective stress of 100 kPa).
according to DIN: the material was soft and behaved like a loose
material. The reduction in the degree of interlocking produced an
increase in the volume of the specimen during shearing, as
characterized by the relationship between volumetric strain and axial
strain. Volume decrease was taken as positive.

Taking into account the results obtained for the natural material, a
proper comparison on natural soils was not possible, therefore a
standard quartz sand was studied.

Fig. 7. σ'1/σ’3 vs. ε for DIN (A) and BS tests (B) for the quartz sand

A further comparison on the quartz sand was carried out by comparing

the volumetric strain (εvol) vs. the axial strain (ε) (Fig.8). Both standards
showed a very similar path with an initial contraction (until axial strain
~ 2-3%) and then a dilation until the end of the test.

Fig. 5. εvol vs. ε for DIN (A) and BS tests (B)

Quartz Sand

The standard quartz sand gave very interesting results. Figure 6 shows
the q-p’ diagrams of the results performed according to DIN (Fig. 6a)
and BS (Fig. 6b).

Fig. 8. εvol vs. ε for DIN (A) and BS tests (B) for the quartz sand

Cohesion (c) and angle of friction (φ’) were also computed and listed in

Table 3. Both standard sands gave no cohesion, since granular soils standard quartz gave more interesting results. The shear rate was
have no cohesion. obtained with two different methods, but the results were the same.
This was also observed by Spagnoli (2012) in a theoretical comparison
Table 3. Cohesion and angle of friction for samples tested according to study. Cohesion (c), angle of friction (φ’), σ’1/σ’3 ratio, axial and
DIN and BS volumetric strain were obtained and plotted. The values show that the
sand gave very similar results that do not depend on the kind of
Standards c (kPa) φ’ (°) standard used. No clear conclusion however is drawn, since more soils
DIN 0 32 must be tested to confirm the results. Future experiments will be
BS 0 35 performed on pure sandy soils with different granulometry and
different plastic amounts.

To compare the results between glacial till and sand we also used the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
approach of Kolymbas (2000), using the term of barotropy. If we
compare two (or more) triaxial tests carried out at different lateral The authors acknowledge the Dept. of Geomonitoring of Fugro Consult
effective pressures, we observe that the higher effective stress is GmbH for sponsoring this research.
connected to the higher σ1’max. If we compare the normalized stress-
strain curves (e.g. σ1/σ3) vs. ε, we observe that the curves more or less REFERENCES
BS - British Standards Institution (1989). Methods of test for soils for
However this was not the case of the glacial till. We observed that for civil engineering purpose. Part 8: shear strength tests (effective stress)
natural marine sediment, the higher q values was observed for the BS 1377-8:1990.
shallowest sediment investigated (test performed according to DIN) and Bundesamt f. Seeschifahrt und Hydrographie (2008). Ground
that normalized stress levels for the DIN tests did not demonstrate the Investigation for Offshore Wind Farms, 39 pp.
behaviour observed by Kolymbas. This was most true for the BS tests, Deutsche Energie Agentur GmbH (2011). Offshore wind potential,
as the normalized stress levels showed more uniformity. Available at www.offshore-wind.de, accessed on 13 October 2011.
DIN (2008). Erkundung und Untersuchung des Baugrunds, Beuth
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According to Kolymbas (2000) this means that the friction angle, φ, is Jamiolkowski, M, Ladd, CC, Germaine, JT, and Lancellotta, R (1985).
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vs. ε) is affected by the stress level. This influence of the stress level is 11th Int. Conf. on Soil Mech Found Engg, San Francisco, Vol. 1, pp.
called barotropy (Kolymbas, 2000). 57-154.
Kolymbas, D (2000). Introduction to Hypoplasticity, Taylor & Francis,
Ladd, CC, and Foote, R (1974). "A new design procedure for stability of
A natural glacial till and a standard quartz sand were used for a soft clays," J Geotech Eng Div. ASCE, Vol. 100, Vol. GT7, pp. 763-
potential comparison study between DIN and BS for consolidated- 786.
drained triaxial tests. The preliminary results show that from a purely Spagnoli, G (2012). "A theoretical comparison study between BS and
physical point of view, the tests are comparable. The glacial till showed DIN concerning the consolidated-drained triaxial tests," Soil Mech
less correspondence in results due to the natural inhomogeneity of the Found Eng, (accepted).
sediment. While for Sample 2 a good match was recognized, for the
other two samples, there was no correspondence in the results. The


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