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A Research proposal on :

Field Administration works for vulnerable group of people : A

Study of River Bank Erosion in Satkhira District

Submitted to : Tasniya Sumya

Assistant professor
Department of Public Administration
University of Barishal

Submitted by : Md Kaisar Ahmed

Roll: 19 PAD 020 Group : ‘D’
Department of Public Administration
University of Barishal

Submission date: 29 February, 2024


The key objective of this research is to investigate the tasks carried out by field administration and the

consequences of riverbank erosion on Satkhira. River bank erosion is a recurring hazard in Bangladesh,

resulting in the displacement of numerous individuals from their homes and properties, rendering them

permanently homeless and destitute. The long-term effects of riverbank erosion significantly impact the

livelihoods of the affected population, altering their patterns of sustenance. As a result, many individuals

are unable to meet their daily food requirements, leading to indirect health implications due to reduced

family expenditures. The majority of those displaced have migrated to urban areas. Field administration

plays a critical role in providing support and aid to vulnerable groups affected by natural disasters,

including river bank erosion. Understanding how field administration can effectively address the needs of

these vulnerable communities and provide them with the necessary assistance and resources to rebuild

their lives is of utmost importance. This study will focus on examining the strategies and approaches

employed by field administration in Satkhira District to respond to the challenges posed by river bank

erosion and support the affected population.


Approximately 3 billion individuals, representing about half of the global population, currently reside

within a 200-kilometer radius of a coastline. It is projected that by the year 2025, this number will likely

double. Bangladesh, in particular, stands out as a country with up to 50 percent of its population living in

coastal regions, making it highly susceptible to natural disasters. The impacts of climate change pose a

serious threat to Bangladesh, with coastal areas being particularly vulnerable. Among the various disasters

that afflict the country, flood and river bank erosion are the most prevalent, with the latter being recognized

as a significant environmental hazard in contemporary times. Each year, one million individuals are

directly affected by river bank erosion, leading to approximately four million people being displaced and
forced to endure a precarious existence. The issue of displacement due to river bank erosion remains a

persistent and recurring challenge in Bangladesh. Consequently, a significant number of individuals

migrate from coastal to urban areas annually, seeking refuge from environmental degradation caused by

frequent flooding, cyclones, and storms, which significantly diminishes their quality of life. The southern

region of Bangladesh, specifically the Satkhira district in the Khulna division, faces numerous obstacles

in providing essential services and support to vulnerable groups, including marginalized communities,

women, children, and the elderly. The primary objectives of this research proposal are to investigate the

socio-economic repercussions of river bank erosion and to pinpoint the challenges arising from

displacement induced by erosion in Satkhira.

Research Objectives

a) To assess the socio-economic impacts of river bank erosion on vulnerable communities in Satkhira


b) To evaluate the existing field administration strategies and policies implemented to address the

challenges posed by river bank erosion.

c) To identify the specific needs, priorities, and coping mechanisms of vulnerable groups affected by

river bank erosion.

d) To propose recommendations for enhancing field administration interventions to better support

vulnerable groups and promote sustainable livelihoods in the face of river bank erosion.

e) To Prepare adequate policies as part of disaster mitigation plan.

Research Question

a. What are the socio-economic impacts of river bank erosion on vulnerable populations in Satkhira

b. How do vulnerable groups, including women, children, elderly individuals, and economically
disadvantaged families, experience and cope with the effects of river bank erosion?

c. What field administration interventions are currently in place to address the challenges posed by river
bank erosion on vulnerable populations in Satkhira District?

d. What are the perceptions of key stakeholders, including government officials, NGOs, and community
leaders, regarding the effectiveness of field administration interventions in mitigating the impacts of
river bank erosion?

e. What are the existing gaps and opportunities for improving field administration strategies in supporting
vulnerable populations affected by river bank erosion?

Literature Review

When the flow of water is high, it gives an extra pressure to the river bank. Due to climate change and

global warming, flow of water in river increases which erodes the river bank and cause river bank erosion.

Higher volumes of water flowing down rivers due to climate related changes such as increased rainfall

and summer glacier melt will also increase the erosion of land beside Bangladesh’s rivers. As most of the

country is made up of soft silt soils riverbanks are very washed away by river currents and wave action.

River bank erosion includes channel shifting, the creation of new channels during floods, bank slumping

due to undercutting and local scour from turbulence caused by obstruction (Ahmed, 2006) (A. B. M.

Field administration plays a crucial role in addressing the needs of vulnerable populations affected by

various natural hazards, including river bank erosion. In the context of Satkhira District, Bangladesh,

where river bank erosion is a persistent threat, understanding the dynamics of field administration

interventions is essential for effective disaster management and community resilience-building.

Vulnerability and Resilience Frameworks

Vulnerability and Resilience Frameworks such as (Ahmed et al., 2018) have emphasized the importance

of adopting vulnerability and resilience frameworks to understand the differential impacts of river bank

erosion on vulnerable groups. These frameworks provide a holistic approach to assessing socio-economic

vulnerabilities and identifying adaptive strategies to enhance community resilience.

Community-Based Approaches

Community-Based Approaches highlights the significance of community-based approaches in field

administration works for vulnerable populations. Community participation and empowerment are essential

for the design, implementation, and monitoring of interventions aimed at mitigating the impacts of river

bank erosion and enhancing adaptive capacity. (Rahman et al., 2020)

Policy and Governance

(Kabir et al., 2019) argue that effective field administration interventions require supportive policy

frameworks and decentralized governance structures. Policies promoting inclusive decision-making

processes and equitable resource allocation are essential for ensuring the protection and well-being of

vulnerable populations in riverine areas.

Capacity Building and Training

Building the capacity of field administration personnel and local stakeholders is essential for ensuring

timely and effective response to river bank erosion events. (Karim et al., 2018) emphasize the need for

continuous training and skill development to strengthen preparedness, early warning systems, and

evacuation procedures.

The study will be completed on the basis of exploratory and field research. The research will be conducted

in triangulation research like qualitative research as well as with the Juxtaposition of quantitative research.

Comprehensive structured and unstructured interview will be taken by means of well-informed

questionnaire. The study aimed at analyzing the strategies of field administration according the impacts

river bank erosion.

Quantitative surveys: Conduct household surveys will collect data on the socio-economic impacts of river

bank erosion, access to services, and effectiveness of field administration interventions.

Qualitative interviews: Conduct semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders including local

government officials, NGO representatives, community leaders, and affected individuals to gain insights

into specific challenges and needs.

Participatory methods: Utilize participatory approaches such as focus group discussions, community

meetings, and participatory mapping exercises to engage directly with affected communities and ensure

their perspectives are incorporated into the research process.

Selection of Study area

Satkhira District area is 3817.29 sq km, it is located in between 21°36' and 22°54' north latitudes and in

between 88°54' and 89°20' east longitudes.

Data Collection

The analysis will focus on both primary and secondary data following the goals. Primary data obtained

from the research area using both methods of structured and informal interview. The research based on

primary data and involves a field investigation.

Scendary data from books, journals, studies, laws, project papers, annual reports, newspaers, journal

articles, etc. are aslo included in the study.


A sample will be randomly chosen and the aim of a quick survey and intense interview. A sample of 50

respondents will be randomly chosen that consist of 42 land displacement people ( 30 Men and 20 women),

7 members of both GO & NGO departments and 1 Upzila Nirbahi Officer .

Expected Outcomes

A comprehensive understanding of the socio-economic impacts of river bank erosion on vulnerable groups
in Satkhira District.

Insights into the effectiveness of existing field administration interventions in addressing the needs of
affected populations.

Identification of gaps and opportunities for enhancing field administration interventions to better support
vulnerable groups and promote sustainable livelihoods.

Recommendations for policymakers, local authorities, and NGOs to improve field administration
strategies and policies for addressing the challenges of river bank erosion in Satkhira District.
Budget and Time

This is self-funded research. My expected cost of this research is 3000 takas. I will spend 500 takas for

preparing and printing questionnaires and 2500 takas will spend for other purpose. The budget will cover

expenses related to data collection, transportation, communication, research assistance, and dissemination

activities. I will collect data within 30 days. Time and cost can be changed for necessity of the research.

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