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Warhammer 40 000 Core Rules 9th

Edition Games Workshop Ltd

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Warhammer 40,000 puts you in command of an army of mighty warriors and war machines as you battle for
supremacy in the grim darkness of the far future. These pages contain the core rules for playing games with
your Citadel miniatures, and are designed to be used with the essential rules that come packaged with your
Warhammer 40,000 models.

Rules Key��������������������������������������������������������������������2

Basic Rules����������������������������������������3
The Battle Round�������������������������������������������������������9
Command Phase�����������������������������������������������������9
Movement Phase���������������������������������������������������10
Move Units����������������������������������������������������������10
Psychic Phase���������������������������������������������������������14
Shooting Phase������������������������������������������������������15
Ranged Weapon Types���������������������������������������17
Making Attacks�����������������������������������������������������18
Charge Phase���������������������������������������������������������19
Heroic Interventions������������������������������������������20
Fight Phase�������������������������������������������������������������21
Morale Phase���������������������������������������������������������23
Morale Tests��������������������������������������������������������23
Unit Coherency Checks�������������������������������������23

Only War������������������������������������������������������������������25

The rules found on the following pages are presented using a number of different styles and formats.
On this page you will find a key to these styles and formats and how each of them are used.

1. Many sections in the Basic Rules start with a bold title and brief
introduction. Together, these will put the rules you are about to read
into context.
The ground shakes to the tread of marching feet and the growl of engines as armies advance across the
battlefield and vie for advantageous positions.
2. These red boxes are typically found on pages where a turn or phase
NORMAL MOVE is split into a sequence of steps that needs to be followed in a
The Movement phase is split into two steps� First you move When a unit makes a Normal Move, each model in that unit can
specific order.
your units� Then you can set up Reinforcements that have not move a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move (M)
yet arrived� characteristic shown on its datasheet, but no model can be moved
within Engagement Range of enemy models (pg 4)�
Normal Move: Models move up to M". 3.This is an example of main rules text. This text will cover the key
Cannot move within Engagement Range of any
1. MOVE UNITS enemy models.
concepts and instructions you will need to play the game, such as
3 moving and making attacks with your models.
Start your Movement phase by selecting one unit from your army to
move; that unit can either make a Normal Move, it can Advance, or ADVANCE
it can Remain Stationary (see right)� If a unit is within Engagement When a unit makes an Advance, make an Advance roll for the
Range (pg 4) of any enemy models when it is selected to move, it unit by rolling one D6� Add the result in inches to the Move (M)
cannot make a Normal Move or Advance; it can either Remain characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the current
Stationary or it can Fall Back (see right)� After you have finished phase� Each model in that unit can then move a distance in inches
moving that unit, you can then select another unit from your army to equal to or less than this total, but no model can be moved within
move in the same manner, and so on, until you have done so with as
many of your units as you wish� 4. After each chunk of rules there is a red bullet-
Engagement Range of enemy models� A unit cannot shoot or declare
a charge in the same turn that it made an Advance�

When you move a unit, you can move any of its models (you can
also choose not to move some of the models in that unit if you wish)� Advance: Models move up to M+D6".
Cannot move within Engagement Range of
pointed summary of the rules content. In most
Whenever you move a model, you can pivot it and/or change its

6 games, you may find referencing this summary

position on the battlefield along any path, but no part of the model’s enemy models.
Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.

to resolveOF yourTHE WARP
base (or hull) can be moved across the bases (or hulls) of other models,
nor can any part of that model (including its base) crosstarget unit,ofeven
the if no models in the target unit remain visible to or in
is all you need rule, but if not,
the edge
range of
battlefield� You can also rotate any movable part of the model it when
as you come to resolve them (this can happen because

of models
turrets and sponsons) when it is moved� The distance a model moves REMAIN STATIONARY
being destroyed and removed from the battlefield as the A Vehicle or Monster model can make attacks with ranged
is measured using the part of the model’s base (or hull) result of resolving the If shots
a unitwith other Stationary,
weapons in none
the shooting model’scan be moved
weapons foreven when its unit is within Engagement Range
Smite has a warp charge value of 5� Add 1 to the warp chargeread target
the unit,
whole When of the rules that
a Psyker unitare suffprinted
ers Perils of the Warp, it suffers
that moves Remains of its models
unit first)�
furthest along its path (including parts that rotate or pivot)� the rest of the phase� Any units from your army that were of on
the units, but it can only make such attacks against
battlefield and were not selected to move in the Move Units enemy
even if no models in the target unit remain visible to or in
stepunits that it is within Engagement Range of� In such

value of this psychic power for each other attempt that has above it.of it when
of the Movement phase are assumed to have Remained circumstances,
Vehicle and Monster models can target an
Remember that a unit must finish any type of move in unit coherency
range D3youmortal
come to resolve them (thisIfcanahappen
Psyker because destroyed by Perils
(pg 4)� If this is impossible, then that move cannot be made� No Select
unit targets
all weapons before any attacks enemy unit even if other friendly units are within Engagement
can be selected to move more than once in each Movement phase� are resolved. Range of the same enemy unit� Note that if a Vehicle or
At least one model in the target unit must be visible of models being destroyed and removed from the battlefield as the A Vehicle or Monster model can mak
been made to manifest this power by a unit from your army of the Warp while attempting to manifest a even
when itspower,
Once you have moved all your units that you wish to, progress to the Monster unit has more than one ranged weapon, you can still
to the attacking model and within range of the choose to target units that are not within Engagement Range of
Reinforcements step of the Movement phase�
attacking weapon.
Remain Stationary: Models cannot move this phase.
the firing model’s unit, but they will only be able to make the
result of resolving the shots with other weapons in the shooting model’s
weapons unit is within
in this phase, whether that attempt was successful or not� If unit first)�
that power automatically fails to manifest� If a Psyker unit is
of enemy units, but it can only make s
If a unit targets multiple units, all attacks against one attacks with that weapon if all enemy units within Engagement
Select a unit in your army to move. unit must be resolved before resolving attacks against
FALL BACK Range of the firing model’s unit have been destroyed when you
When a unit moves it can either make a Normal Move, the next. When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can move comea to resolve those attacks� In addition, when a Vehicle or enemy units that it is within Engagem
Advance or Remain Stationary.
Units that are within Engagement Range of any enemy manifested, the closest enemy unit within 18" of and visible
If a unit shoots with multiple
made with weapons
shown onthat
in inchesweapons, allless
equal to or
have the same
its datasheet,
and when
Monster model shoots a Heavy weapon, subtract 1 from the
than the Move (M) characteristic
mustsobeyou can move
doing hititrolls when resolving that weapon’s attacks while any enemy
destroyed by Perils of the Warp, then just beforeVehicle
circumstances, removing
and Monster thm
models can only either Fall Back or Remain Stationary. resolved before resolvingRange
Engagement attacks with themodels,
of enemy next. but it cannot end units are within Engagement Range of that model’s unit�
its move Select targets for all weapons before any attacks enemy unit even if other friendly unit
Select another unit in your army to move.
Once all your units have moved, progress to the
to the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 19)� If the result
within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if it cannot do
this then it cannot Fall Back� A unit cannot declare a charge in
last model in that unit, every unit within
are resolved. Range6" ofsame
of the it immediately
enemy unit� Note t
Reinforcements step (pg 11). the same turn that it Fell Back� A unit cannot shoot or attempt Monsters and Vehicles can shoot ranged
At least one model in the target unit must be visible
of the Psychic test was 11 or more, that unit suffers D6 mortal to thesuff ers D3modelmortal
and within wounds�
Monster unit has more than one rang
For example: James selects
manifest a squad
a psychic of Chaos
power Space
in the same Marines weapons
turn that it Fell Back unless it even if within Engagement Range of
to shoot with. Th iseTitanic�
unit has ten models: one is equipped with a enemy units.
Monsters and Vehicles can target other units,
attacking range of the choose to target units that are not wit
wounds instead�
lascannon, one with a meltagun and eight with boltguns. When
the unit is selected to shoot, James splits their attacks as follows: but cannot resolve these attacks while any enemy attacking weapon. the firing model’s unit, but they will o
models remain within their Engagement Range.
the lascannon targets anFall enemy
Back:vehicle unit,move
Models whileupthetomeltagun
M". If a unit targets multiple units, all attacks against one
attacks with that weapon if all enemy
and all the boltguns target
Units an
weapons are in range ofUnits
are visible to all firing models.
Fall Back unit.charge
Fall Back and both
All thethis turn.
Subtract 1 from hit rolls made when Monsters and
or manifest psychic Vehicles shoot Heavy weapons while any enemy
units remain within their Engagement Range.
Perils of the Warp: The Psyker unit Rangemanifesting
unit must be resolved before resolving attacks against of the firing model’s the
unit have b
powersJames resolves the attacks against

Warp Charge 5: A Psychic test of 5+ is required to

this turn unless they are Titanic.
the infantry unit first, beginning by choosing to shoot with
the boltguns. After all the boltgun attacks have been resolved,
the next. power suffers D3 mortal wounds.come
If a unit shoots with multiple weapons, all attacks
to resolve those attacks� In addi
Monster model shoots a Heavy weapo
manifest Smite. If Psyker unit is destroyed, the psychic hit rolls whenpower fails
James then resolves the meltagun attack. Having resolved all
the attacks against the infantry unit, James can then resolve the
lascannon attack against the vehicle unit.
Models cannot target a unit that contains any Character
models with a Wounds characteristic of 9 or less with a
made with weapons that have the same profile must be resolving that weapon’s
resolved before resolving attacks with the next. units are within Engagement Range o
Warp charge increases by 1 for each other attempt to to manifest.
ranged weapon while that unit is within 3" of any other
10 friendly Vehicle or Monster unit, or while it is within 3" of
LOCKED IN COMBAT any other friendly units that have 3 or more models, unless

manifest Smite made in this phase.

Models cannot make attacks with ranged weapons while their unit is
within Engagement Range of any enemy models (pg 4)� Models also
cannot target enemy units within Engagement Range of any other
that Character unit is both visible to the firing model and it
is the closest enemy unit to the firing model – the maelstrom
of battle makes it difficult to pick out such individuals� Ignore
If Psyker unit destroyed, every otherMonsters unit within 6"
and Vehicles can
If manifested, closest visible enemy unit in 18" suffers
units from your army – the risk of hitting your own troops is too great� other enemy Character models with a Wounds characteristics
of 9 or less when determining if the target is the closest enemy suffselects
For example: James ers aD3 mortal
squad wounds.
of Chaos Space Marines weapons even if within Engag
unit to the firing model�
to shoot with. The unit has ten models: one is equipped with a enemy units.
PERILS OF THE WARP D3 mortal wounds.
Units cannot shoot while they are within Engagement
SMITE Range of any enemy units.
Units cannot shoot at targets within Engagement Range
lascannon, one with a meltagun and eight with boltguns. When
Cannot shoot at an enemy Character with 9 or
Monsters and Vehicles can
Smite has a warp charge value of 5� Add 1 to the warp charge
value of this psychic power for each other attempt that has If manifested with a Psychic test result of 11+, enemy
When a Psyker unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers
of any friendly units.
D3 mortal wounds� If a Psyker unit is destroyed by Perils the unit is selected to shoot, James splits their attacks as follows:
less wounds while it is within 3" of a friendly unit but cannot resolve these atta

(Monster, Vehicle or unit of 3+ models) unless it
been made to manifest this power by a unit from your army of the Warp while attempting to manifest a psychic power, the lascannon targets an enemy vehicle unit, while the meltagun
is the closest target. models remain within their En
in this phase, whether that attempt was successful or not� If
manifested, the closest enemy unit within 18" of and visible instead suffers D6 mortal wounds.
that power automatically fails to manifest� If a Psyker unit is
destroyed by Perils of the Warp, then just before removing the
When a model shoots a ranged weapon, it will make a number of5. Examples can
and all thesometimes
boltguns target an be
infantryin boxouts,
unit. All the Subtract 1 from hit rolls made
to the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 19)� If the result last model in that unit, every unit within 6" of it immediately
attacks� You make one hit roll for each attack being made (see Making weapons are in range of their respective units and both targets Vehicles shoot Heavy weapo
of the Psychic test was 11 or more, that unit suffers D6 mortal
wounds instead�
suffers D3 mortal wounds�
Attacks, page 18)�
Perils of the Warp: The Psyker unit manifesting the
illustrating the
are visible rules
to all in action.
firing models. Occasionally
James resolves you
the attacks against units remain within their Enga
will alsothethe
find a Hints and Tips section in a boxout
e number of attacks that a model makes with a ranged weapon is
Warp Charge 5: A Psychic test of 5+ is required to power suff D3 mortal wounds. infantry unit first, beginning by choosing to shoot with
manifest Smite. If Psykerequal to destroyed,
unit is the numberthe written on that
psychic weapon’s
power fails profile after its type� For
Warp charge increases by 1 for each other attempt to example, a model shooting an ‘Assault 1’ weapon can make one attack
to manifest. boltguns. After all the boltgun attacks have been resolved,
manifest Smite made in this phase.
If manifested, closest visible enemy unit in 18" suffers
If Psykerwith
suffers D3
unitthat weapon;every
mortaland so on�
a model firing
other a ‘Heavy
unit within 3’
6"weapon can make three
– whilstJames
notthen rules
the se, they
meltagun can
attack. help
Having to make
resolved all LOOK OUT, SIR
D3 mortal wounds. the attacks against the infantry unit, James can then resolve the Models cannot target a unit that conta
If manifested with a Psychic test result of 11+, enemy
All of a ranged weapon’s attacks must be made against your games run smoothly.
lascannon attack against the vehicle unit. models with a Wounds characteristic

instead suffers D6 mortal wounds.
the same target unit.
Number of attacks = number after weapon’s type. ranged weapon while that unit is with
6. Advanced
LOCKED rules are sectioned off from the main friendly
Vehicle or Monster unit, or w

any other friendly units that have 3 or
andmakepresented afterweapons
attacks with ranged 16 the phase ofunitthe
while their is that Character unit is both visible to
within Engagement Range of any enemy models (pg 4)� Models also is the closest enemy unit to the firing
Guns thunder and shrapnel falls from the sky. Muzzle flare shines through the gloom in bursts, beams of las-
fire illuminate the fog of war, and spent ammunition cartridges are left discarded across the battlefield. gamecannot
they would
target appear.
enemy units These rules
within Engagement Range ofare not
any other of battle makes it difficult to pick out
Start your Shooting phase by selecting one eligible unit from your
army to shoot with� An eligible unit is one that has one or more Guns thunder and shrapnel falls from the sky. Muzzle
required flare
in every
from your
When a unit shoots, you must select the target unit(s) for all of shines
– the risk
and are only
of hitting your
own troops
is too
if in other
of 9 or less when beams
enemy Character models with
determining if the
models equipped with ranged weapons� Units that Advanced this
turn, and units that Fell Back (other than Titanic units) this turn are
not eligible� If you have no eligible units, your Shooting phase ends�
your army includes
the ranged weapons its models are making attacks with before any

fire illuminate the fog of war, and spent ammunition cartridges

attacks are resolved� If a model has more than one ranged weapon, it
arecertainleft units that
discarded interact
Units cannot shoot while they are within Engagement
can shoot all of them at the same target, or it can split the weapons across unit
the firing model�
After you have shot with one of your eligible units, you can then select
another of your eligible units to shoot with, and so on, until you have
shot with as many of your units as you wish�
with these rules.
between different enemy units� Similarly, if a unit has more than one
Range of any enemy units.
model, they can shoot at the same or different targets� In either case,
when you select a target unit you must declare which weapons will
Units cannot shoot at targets within Engagement Range Cannot shoot at an enemy Ch
target that unit before any attacks are resolved� If any of these weapons
When you select a unit to shoot with, you select targets and resolve
attacks with any or all ranged weapons that models in that unit are Start your Shooting phase by selecting one eligible unit from your
has more than one profile that you must choose between, you must
also declare which profile is being used�
7. Sometimes you
of any willunits.
friendly see text printed in a special less wounds while it is within
equipped with (each ranged weapon can only be shot once per phase)� (Monster, Vehicle or unit of
The ranged weapons that models in a unit are equipped with are
detailed on its datasheet� army to shoot with� An eligible unit is one that has one or more KeywordWhen
Only enemy units can be chosen as the target for an attack� In order
to target an enemy unit, at least one model in that unit must be within font. Thesea unit are shoots,
usedyou to tagmust select the target isunit(s)
specific the closestfor all of
range (i�e� within the distance of the Range characteristic) of the

models equipped with ranged weapons� Units that Advanced thisrulesWhen NUMBER OF
the ranged ATTACKSweapons its models are making attacks with before any
No unit can be selected to shoot with more than once in each
Shooting phase� Once all your eligible units that you wish to shoot
with have done so, your Shooting phase ends and you progress to the
weapon being used and be visible to the shooting model� If unsure,
get a look from behind the firing model to see if any part of the target
is visible� For the purposes of determining visibility, a model can see
to specific
a model shoots models or units.
a ranged weapon, Youacan
it will make numberfind
of out
Charge phase�
turn, and units that Fell Back (other than Titanic units) this turn are
through other models in its unit� If there are no eligible targets for a
weapon then that weapon cannot shoot� If this is the case for all of a moreattacks�
about attacks
make onearehit resolved�
rollon page
for each If3.being
attack a model has
made (see more than one ranged weapon
unit’s ranged weapons, then that unit is not eligible to shoot with� Attacks, page 18)�
Select a unit from your army to shoot with.
When a unit shoots, select targets then resolve attacks
not eligible� If you have no eligible units, your Shooting phase ends� can shoot all of them at the same target, or it can split the weapon
After you have shot with one of your eligible units, you can
e numberare written inside
makesawithwhite box. This
If you have selected more than one target for your unit to shoot at,
with any or all ranged weapons that models in that unit
between of attacks
diff erent
that a model
enemy units�
a ranged
weapon is
if a unit has more than o
you must resolve all the attacks against one target before moving on to
are equipped with. the next target� If your unit is shooting more than one ranged weapon
equal to the number written on that weapon’s profile after its type� For
just helps you to find the rule in question more
Select another unit from your army to shoot with. at a target, and those weapons have different characteristics profiles,

another of your eligible units to shoot with, and so on, until you have model, they can shoot at the same or different targets� In either ca
Once you have shot with all your units, progress to the then after you have resolved attacks with one of those weapons you
Charge phase (pg 19). must, if any other weapons with the same characteristics profile are example, a model shooting an ‘
A ssault 1’ weapon can make one attack
also being shot at that unit, resolve those attacks before resolving

shot with as many of your units as you wish� easilywithwhen youa need
that weapon; to areference
model firing ‘Heavy 3’ weapon it can
make three
and so on�you select a target unit you must declare which weapons wi
any attacks against the target unit with a weapon that has a different
characteristics profile�

Note that so long as at least one model in the target unit was visible your battles. target that unit before any attacks are resolved� If any of these wea
to the shooting model and in range of its weapon when that unit was
selected as the target, that weapon’s attacks are always made against the
When you select a unit to shoot with, you select targets and resolve has
All of amore than one
ranged weapon’s attacksprofi
mustle be that you must choose between, you mu
made against
the same target unit.
attacks with any or all ranged weapons that models in that unit are also
of attacks which profi
= number after le is being
weapon’s type. used�
equipped with (each ranged weapon can only be shot once per phase)�
The ranged weapons that models in a unit are equipped with are Only enemy units can be chosen as the target for an attack� In orde
detailed on its datasheet� to target an enemy unit, at least one model 16 in that unit must be wit
range (i�e� within the distance of the Range characteristic) of the
No unit can be selected to shoot with more than once in each weapon being used and be visible to the shooting model� If unsure,
Shooting phase� Once all your eligible units
2 that you wish to shoot get a look from behind the firing model to see if any part of the targ
with have done so, your Shooting phase ends and you progress to the is visible� For the purposes of determining visibility, a model can se
Charge phase� through other models in its unit� If there are no eligible targets for a
weapon then that weapon cannot shoot� If this is the case for all of
The rules on these pages contain everything you need to know in order to use your Citadel miniatures
collection to wage glorious battle across the war-torn galaxy.
The following rules explain how to play a game of Warhammer KEYWORDS
40,000. First select either the Only War mission (pg 25) or a mission All datasheets have a list of keywords, separated into Faction
pack. You will find mission packs for open play, matched play and keywords and other keywords. The former can be used as a guide
narrative play in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. You will then to help decide which models to include in your army, but otherwise
need to muster an army of Citadel miniatures, create a battlefield and both sets of keywords are functionally the same. In either case,
prepare for war. The battle is fought in a series of battle rounds, in keywords appear in Keyword Bold in the rules. Keywords are
which each player takes a turn until one player is declared the victor. sometimes linked to (or ‘tagged’ by) a rule. For example, a rule
might say that it applies to ‘Infantry units’. This means it only
CORE RULES DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS applies to units that have the Infantry keyword on their datasheet.
This page contains various rules terms that are referred to elsewhere The pluralisation (or not) of keywords does not affect which units
in this rulebook, and gives an overview of some key concepts that the rule in question applies to.
form the basis of the rules in general.
Some datasheets have keywords that are presented in angular
brackets, such as <Chapter>, <Legion> and <Mark of Chaos>.
MISSIONS This is shorthand for keywords that you can select yourself (with
certain restrictions, as described in the publication that contains
To play a game of Warhammer 40,000, you must first select a that datasheet). You must decide what these keywords will be at
mission. The mission will tell you how to muster your armies, create the moment such a unit is added to your army (whether before the
your battlefield and deploy your armies. It will also tell you any battle or during). If another rule uses keywords in angular brackets,
special rules that apply to the battle, and (most importantly!) what then that keyword matches the keyword that you selected of the unit
you need to do to win. You can find out more about missions on using that rule.
page 24.

For example: Nick adds a Space Marine Librarian to his army.

ARMY This unit has the <Chapter> keyword on its datasheet, which
Nick selects to be Ultramarines. If the Librarian attempts to
Each player in a game of Warhammer 40,000 commands an army of manifest a psychic power that also uses the <Chapter> keyword,
Citadel miniatures, hereafter referred to as ‘models’. The mission you then when reading that rule, Nick would replace that keyword in
have selected will guide you as to how big your army should be. every instance with Ultramarines.

A good measure of the size of an army is its Power Level – this is

determined by adding up the Power Rating of every unit (defined Some units can include models that have different keywords.
opposite) in your army. A unit’s Power Rating can be found on While a unit has models with different keywords, it is considered
its datasheet – you can find out more about Power Ratings in the to have all the keywords of all of its models, and so is affected by
Warhammer 40,000 Core Book, and more about datasheets below. any rule that applies to units with any of those keywords. If a rule
only applies to models with a specific keyword, then it instead only
Warhammer 40,000 is designed to be played with armies of a certain applies to models in such a unit that have the correct keyword.
size. If the combined Power Rating of all the models you and your
opponent want to use in a battle is less than 15 or greater than 300,
then you may find that Kill Team or Apocalypse, respectively, better Keywords: Appear in rules in Keyword Bold font.
suits the scale of the game. You can find out more about these games Keyworded rules apply to units and models with
on that keyword.
<Keywords> are chosen by you when a unit is added to
your army.
Army: Collection of models under your command.

The rules that you will need to use the models in your army in a
game are presented on datasheets. Each unit has a datasheet; you
will need the datasheets for all the units in your army. You can find
out more about datasheets on pages 7-8.

Models move and fight in units. A unit can have one or more Engagement Range represents the zone of threat that models
models chosen from a single datasheet. All units in the same army present to their enemies. While a model is within 1" horizontally
are friendly units, and all models in the same army are friendly and 5" vertically of an enemy model, those models are within
models. All units in your opponent’s army are enemy units, and all Engagement Range of each other. While two enemy models are
models in your opponent’s army are enemy models. If a rule affects within Engagement Range of each other, those models’ units are
‘units’ or ‘models’ without specifying that they are friendly or enemy, also within Engagement Range of each other. Models cannot be set
then it affects either ‘all units’ or ‘all models’, regardless of whose up within Engagement Range of enemy models.
army they are in.

Engagement Range: 1" horizontally + 5" vertically.

Unit: A group of models from the same datasheet. 
Models cannot be set up within Engagement Range of
Friendly models = all models in the same army. enemy models.
Enemy models = all models in your opponent’s army.
Friendly units = all units in the same army.
Enemy units = all units in opponent’s army.
All battles of Warhammer 40,000 are fought upon rectangular
The Most Important Rule battlefields. This can be any surface upon which the models can
In a game as detailed and wide-ranging as Warhammer 40,000, stand – a dining table, for example, or the floor. Your mission
there may be times when you are not sure exactly how to will guide you as to the size of battlefield required, but it will be
resolve a situation that has come up during play. When this commensurate with the size of the armies you are using. Battlefields
happens, have a quick chat with your opponent and apply the will be populated with terrain features.
solution that makes the most sense to both of you (or seems
the most fun!). If no single solution presents itself, you and TERRAIN FEATURES
your opponent should roll off, and whoever rolls highest gets to The scenery on a battlefield can be represented by models from the
choose what happens. Then you can get on with the fighting! Warhammer 40,000 range. These models are called terrain features
to differentiate them from the models that make up an army. Terrain
features are set up on the battlefield before the battle begins. You
UNIT COHERENCY can find out more about terrain features in the Warhammer 40,000
A unit that has more than one model must be set up and finish any Core Book.
sort of move as a single group, with all models within 2" horizontally
and 5" vertically of at least one other model from their unit. While Unless the mission you are playing instructs you otherwise, you
a unit has six or more models, all models must instead be within 2" should feel free to create an exciting battlefield using any terrain
horizontally and 5" vertically of at least two other models from their features from your collection that you wish. In general, we
unit. This is called unit coherency. If a unit cannot end any kind recommend having one feature on the battlefield for every 12" by
of move in unit coherency, that move cannot be made. Units are 12" area (rounding up). Don’t worry if your battlefield doesn’t match
primarily moved in the Movement phase (pg 10), but they can also these requirements, but keep in mind that playing on a battlefield
be moved in the Charge phase (pg 19) and the Fight phase (pg 21). that is either a barren wasteland or filled to overflowing with terrain
features may give an advantage to one side or the other.
Some rules allow you to add models to a unit during the battle;
such models must always be set up in unit coherency with the unit
they are being added to. Sometimes there will be insufficient room
to set up all the models from a unit, or it will not be possible to set
up all the models so that they are in unit coherency. When this is
the case, any models that cannot be set up are considered to have
been destroyed.

Unit coherency: 2" horizontally + 5" vertically.

Each model must be in unit coherency with one other
model from own unit.
While unit has 6+ models, each model must be in unit
coherency with 2 other models from own unit.

Distances are measured in inches (") between the closest points In order to fight a battle, you will require some six-sided dice (often
of the bases of the models you’re measuring to and from. If a abbreviated to D6). Some rules refer to 2D6, 3D6 and so on – in
model does not have a base, such as is the case with many vehicles, such cases, roll that many D6s and add the dice results together.
measure to the closest point of any part of that model; this is called If a rule requires you to roll a D3, roll a D6 and halve the value
measuring to the model’s hull. You can measure distances whenever shown on the dice to get the dice result (rounding fractions up).
you wish. If a rule requires a D6 roll of, for example, 3 or more, this is often
abbreviated to 3+.
If a rule refers to the closest unit or model, and two or more are
equidistant, then the player who is controlling the unit that is using All modifiers (if any) to a dice roll are cumulative; you must apply
the rule in question selects which unit is the closest for the purposes all division modifiers before applying all multiplication modifiers,
of resolving that rule. and before applying all addition and then all subtraction modifiers.
Round any fractions up after applying all modifiers. A dice roll can
be modified above its maximum possible value (for example, a D6
Distances measured in inches ("). roll can be modified above 6) but it can never be modified below
Always measure closest distance between bases 1. If, after all modifiers have been applied, a dice roll would be less
(or hulls). than 1, count that result as a 1.
Hull = Any part of a model that does not have a base.
Can measure distances whenever you want.
If several units tied for closest, player resolving the rule D6 = A six-sided dice.
selects which is closest. D3 = D6 divided by 2 (rounding up).
All modifiers cumulative.
Apply modifiers in the following order: division,
WITHIN AND WHOLLY WITHIN multiplication, addition, then subtraction.
If a rule says it applies ‘within’ a certain distance, it applies at any Round fractions up after all modifiers have been applied.
distance that is not more than the specified distance. For example, Dice roll cannot be modified to less than 1.
within 1" means any distance that is not more than 1" away.

If a rule says it affects models that are ‘within’, then it applies so RE-ROLLS
long as any part of the model’s base (or hull) is within the specified Some rules allow you to re-roll a dice roll, which means you get
distance. If a rule says it affects models that are ‘wholly within’ then to roll some or all of the dice again. If a rule allows you to re-roll a
it only applies if every part of the model’s base (or hull) is within the dice roll that was made by adding several dice together (2D6, 3D6
specified distance. etc.) then, unless otherwise stated, you must re-roll all of those
dice again. If a rule allows you to re-roll specific dice results, only
If a rule says it affects units that are ‘within’, then it applies so long those dice can be re-rolled. If a rule allows you to re-roll a specific
as any part of any model’s base (or hull) in that unit is within the dice result, but the result is obtained by halving a D6 (such as when
specified distance. If a rule says it affects units if ‘every model in rolling a D3), you use the value of the halved roll to determine if it
that unit is within’ then that rule applies so long as any part of can be re-rolled, not the value of the original D6. For example, if a
every model’s base (or hull) is within the specified distance. If a rule rule states to re-roll results of 1, and you roll a D3, you would re-roll
says it affects units that are ‘wholly within’ then it only applies if if the D6 rolled a 1 or a 2 (which is then halved to get a D3 value
every part of every model’s base (or hull) in that unit is within the of a 1).
specified distance.
You can never re-roll a dice more than once, and re-rolls happen
before modifiers (if any) are applied. Rules that refer to the value
Model within = any part of model’s base (or hull). of an ‘unmodified’ dice roll are referring to the dice result after any
Model wholly within = every part of model’s base re-rolls, but before any modifiers are applied.
(or hull).
Unit within = any model within.
Unit wholly within = every model wholly within. Re-roll: Roll dice again.
Re-rolls are applied before modifiers (if any).
A dice can never be re-rolled more than once.
Unmodified dice: Result of roll after re-rolls, but before
Hints and Tips – Wobbly Models modifiers (if any).
Sometimes you may find that a particular terrain feature makes
it hard for you to place a model exactly where you want. If you
delicately balance a model in place, it is very likely to fall as
soon as someone nudges the table, leaving your painted model
damaged or even broken. In cases like this, provided it is still
physically possible to place the model in the desired location, you
may find it helps to leave a model in a safer position, so long as
both players agree and know its ‘actual’ location. If, later on, an
enemy model is shooting the model, you will have to hold it back
in place so they can check visibility.

Some rules instruct players to roll off. To do so, both players roll one STARTING STRENGTH, HALF-STRENGTH
D6, and whoever scores highest wins the roll-off. If there is a tie for AND DESTROYED UNITS
the highest roll, make the roll-off again. Neither player is allowed to The number of models a unit has when it is added to your
re-roll or modify any of the D6 when making a roll-off. army is known as its Starting Strength. Throughout a battle,
models will suffer damage and be destroyed. When a model
is destroyed, it is removed from play. While the number of
Roll-off: Both players roll a D6 – highest wins. models in a unit is less than half its Starting Strength, that unit
Roll again if a tie. is said to be below Half-strength. When every model in a unit
has been destroyed, the unit is said to have been destroyed.

SEQUENCING If a rule is used to split a unit into multiple units during the
While playing Warhammer 40,000, you’ll occasionally find that battle, the Starting Strength of each individual unit is changed
two or more rules are to be resolved at the same time – e.g. ‘at the to be equal to the number of models in that unit. If several
start of the battle round’ or ‘at the end of the Fight phase’. When this units merge together to form a single combined unit during
happens during the battle, the player whose turn it is chooses the the battle, add the Starting Strengths of all the individual
order. If these things occur before or after the battle, or at the start units together to determine the new Starting Strength of
or end of a battle round, the players roll off and the winner decides the combined unit, and use this value to determine if the
in what order the rules are resolved. combined unit is below Half-strength.

Some rules will only trigger if an enemy unit was destroyed by

If several rules must be resolved at the same time, you, or by a model or unit from your army – this means that
the player whose turn it is chooses the order to the last model in the enemy unit was destroyed by an attack
resolve them. (pg 18) made by a model in your army, or it was destroyed
because it fled the battlefield (pg 23), or it was destroyed by a
mortal wound (pg 19) inflicted by a rule that a model in your
army is using, or it was destroyed as the result of any other
Hints and Tips – Dice Rolling rule that a model in your army is using that explicitly states
In a game of Warhammer 40,000 you and your opponent will that the enemy model is outright destroyed. Enemy units that
be rolling, and in some cases re-rolling, lots of dice. It is good are destroyed by any other means are not destroyed by you, or
practice to always make sure your opponent knows what you by a unit or model from your army.
are rolling dice for, and what abilities and rules are in effect that
enable you to make any re-rolls.
Starting Strength: Number of models in unit when
Many gamers roll their dice somewhere on the battlefield, but it is added to your army.
some roll their dice elsewhere, such as in a dice tray. Wherever When a model is destroyed, remove it from
you roll your dice, make sure you roll the dice where your the battlefield.
opponent can see the results too. If a dice is rolled ‘out of bounds’ Below Half-strength: Number of models in unit is
(i.e. it rolls off of your battlefield, out of your dice tray or ends less than half its Starting Strength.
up on the floor), then it is very common to ignore the result of When the last model in a unit is destroyed, the unit
that dice and roll it again. Rolling an ‘out of bounds’ dice again is said to be destroyed.
doesn’t count as having ‘re-rolled’ the dice.

If a dice does not lie flat on your battlefield after it has been
thrown, it is called a cocked dice. Some players use a house
rule that unless a dice is flat after it has been rolled, or unless
you can balance another dice on top of a cocked dice without it
sliding off, it must be rolled again. It is more common for players
to roll the dice again only if they can’t be sure of the result. In
either case, rolling a cocked dice again doesn’t count as having
‘re-rolled’ the dice.

Each unit has a datasheet that lists the characteristics, wargear and abilities of its models – here we explain
what some of it means, while the rules found elsewhere in this section explain how it’s all used in the game.
A condensed version of a model’s datasheet can be found in its construction guide – this contains less
information than the full version, but will still let you get your unit on the field straight away.


Here you’ll find the name of the unit. If a unit’s profile does not, then this part of a datasheet will tell you
what models are in the unit, and how many of them you should
2. BATTLEFIELD ROLE have. It also tells you the default weapons and wargear the models
This is primarily used when making a Battle-forged army (see the are equipped with.
Warhammer 40,000 Core Book).
Understrength Units
3. POWER RATING If you do not have enough models to field a minimum-sized unit
The higher this is, the more powerful the unit! you can still include one unit of that type in your army with as many
models as you have available. This is known as an Understrength unit.
These contain the following characteristics that tell you how mighty 6. ABILITIES
the models in the unit are. Many units have one or more special abilities; these will be
described here.
No.: This tells you what models are in the unit, and how many of
them you should have (the unit’s minimum and maximum size). Aura Abilities
Some abilities affect models or units in a given range – these are
Move (M): This is the speed at which a model moves aura abilities. A model with an aura ability is always within range of
across the battlefield. If a model has a Move of ‘-’ it is its effect. The effects of multiple, identically named aura abilities are
unable to move at all. not cumulative (i.e. if a unit is within range of two models with the
same aura ability, that aura ability only applies to the unit once).
Weapon Skill (WS): This tells you a model’s skill at hand-
to-hand fighting. If a model has a Weapon Skill of ‘-’ it 7. WEAPONS
is unable to fight in melee at all. In the condensed datasheets, weapons are given a number that
corresponds to annotated pictures of the miniature, rather than being
Ballistic Skill (BS): This shows how accurate a model named. Weapons are described with the following characteristics:
is when shooting with ranged weapons. If a model
has a Ballistic Skill of ‘-’ it has no proficiency with Range: How far the weapon can shoot. Weapons with
ranged weapons and cannot make attacks with ranged a range of ‘Melee’ are melee weapons and can only
weapons at all. be used in hand-to-hand combat. All other weapons
are ranged weapons. Some weapons have a minimum
Strength (S): This indicates how physically strong a and maximum range, for example 6"-48"; such
model is and how likely it is to inflict damage in hand- weapons cannot target units that are wholly within the
to-hand combat. shorter range.

Toughness (T): This reflects the model’s resilience Type: These are all explained under the Shooting and
against physical harm. Fight phases of the basic rules. These types are denoted
by symbols on the condensed datasheet.
Wounds (W): Wounds show how much damage a model
can sustain before it succumbs to its injuries. Strength (S): How likely the weapon is to wound a
foe. If a weapon’s Strength lists ‘User’, it is equal to
Attacks (A): This tells you how many times a model can the bearer’s Strength characteristic. If a weapon lists a
strike blows in hand-to-hand combat. If a model has modifier (e.g. ‘+1’ or ‘x2’), modify the bearer’s Strength
an Attacks of ‘-’ it is unable to fight in melee at all. characteristic as shown (e.g. if a weapon’s Strength was
‘x2’, and the bearer had a Strength of 6, that weapon
Leadership (Ld): This reveals how courageous, has a Strength of 12).
determined or self-controlled a model is.
Armour Penetration (AP): How good the weapon’s
Save (Sv): This indicates the protection a model’s attacks are at getting through armour.
armour gives.
Damage (D): The amount of damage inflicted by a
Some large models’ characteristics change as the model loses successful wound.
wounds – look at such a model’s remaining wounds and consult
the appropriate row of its profile on its datasheet to determine its Abilities: If any abilities apply to attacks made with this weapon
current characteristics. profile, they are listed here.

Used alongside the core rules found on direkt auf das Schlachtfeld führen. Die vollständigen Regeln für diese
Movement Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill,
Strength the essential rules below
Toughness Wounds will get yourAttacks
new Einheit findest du im entsprechenden
Leadership Armour Save
Codex für deine Armee.
unit on the battlefield. For the full rules for this unit, see the Codex Usate assieme alle regole base che puoi trovare su
relevant to your army., le regole essenziali in basso ti aiuteranno
Utilisées avec les règles de base de warhammer, a portare sul campo di battaglia la tua nuova unità. Per le regole
les règles essentielles ci-dessous vous permettront de jouer votre complete di questa unità, consulta il Codex corrispondente alla tua
nouvelle unité sur le champ de bataille. Pour les règles complètes de armata.
Range Type Strength
cette unité,APréférez-vous au Codex correspondant à votre armée.
Damage に掲載されているコアルールととも
Usadas junto a las reglas básicas que encontrarás en に以下のユニット用基本ルールを使用することで、このユニットを, las siguientes reglas esenciales pondrán tu 戦場に配備することができます。このユニットの完全版ルールに
nueva unidad en el campo de batalla. Para ver las reglas completas de ついては、このユニットが属するアーミーのコデックスを参照して
esta unidad, consulta el Codex de tu ejército. ください。
Pistol Standard
Wenn du die Regeln unten zusammen mit den Grundregeln 下方的基本规则需搭配 上的《核

FULL DATASHEET auf verwendest, kannst du deine Einheit


Rapid Fire
1 Supercharge
Movement Movement
Weapon Skill Movement
Weapon Skill SkillWeapon Skill
Ballistic BallisticStrength
Skill Ballistic Skill
Toughness Streng


Movement Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength

1 2 スペースマリーン:プライマリス・アウトライダー | 星际战士重型摩托小队
Movement Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength


Range Range Type Range TypeStrength Type Strength AP Strength AP
Damage AP

No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Outrider 14" Movement
3+ 3+
Movement Weapon Movement
Skill Weapon
Skill Ballistic
Skill Skill
Ballistic Skill Strength
Ballistic Strength Wounds
Skill Toughness
Strength Toughness
Movement Movement Movement
Weapon Skill
Movement Movement
Weapon Skill Ballistic
Skill Ballistic
Skill Ballistic
Strength Strength
Toughness Strength
Wounds Strength
Wounds Strength
Attacks Wounds
Attacks Toughness
Leadership Attacks
Armour Wounds
Armour Save
Save Leadership

4 4-9
Assault Intercessor
Assault Intercessor Sergeant
If this unit contains 6 or more models, its Power Rating is increased to 10. Every model is equipped with: heavy bolt pistol;
Outrider Sergeant 14" 3+ 3+ 4 5
StandardStrength Standard Standar

Pistol Standard
Astartes chainsword; frag grenades; krak grenades.
Range Range Type
Range Type Strength
TypeFire Strength
Rapid Rapid Fire
AP PistolRapid Fire
Strength AP Damage AP
Supercharge Supercharge Standard
Damage Superch
Range Range Type Type Strength Strength AP AP
Heavy bolt pistol 18" Pistol 1 4 -1 1 - Range Range Range
Type Range
Type Range
Type Range
Strength Type
AP Type
AP Type
AP Type
Damage Damage
AP Strength
AP Strength
AP Damage
AP Damage
AP Damage Damage

Plasma pistol Before selecting targets, select one of the profiles below to make attacks with. Assault
30" 2 4Rapid Fire -1 1 Supercharge
- Standard 12" Pistol 1 7 -3 1 -

- Supercharge 12" Pistol 1 8 -3 2

On an unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer is
Melee Melee RapidMelee
Fire -1 1 Supercharge

destroyed after shooting with this weapon. Pistol Pistol Pistol Pistol Standard
Pistol Standard Standard Standard Standard
Pistol Pistol Pistol Pistol Pistol Standard
Pistol Pistol Standard
Standard Pistol Standard
Pistol Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard
When the bearer fights, it makes 1 additional
Astartes chainsword Melee Melee User -1 1
attack with this weapon. Heavy Melee

Frag grenades 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 Blast

Krak grenades 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 - Assault Intercessors Grenade Grenade Grenade

are amongst the most Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Supercharge
Rapid Fire Supercharge SuperchargeSuperchargeSupercharge
Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Rapid Fire Rapid Fire
Supercharge Rapid Fire
Supercharge RapidSupercharge
SuperchargeFire Rapid Supercharge
Fire SuperchargeSupercharge SuperchargeSupercharge
WARGEAR OPTIONS widespread close support Grenade
units in a Chapter’s

• The Assault Intercessor Sergeant can be equipped with 1 plasma pistol instead of 1 heavy bolt pistol.
arsenal. Firing explosive
salvoes from their heavy Assault Assault Assault
ABILITIES bolt pistols as they close
upon the foe, Assault Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee
Angels of Death (see Codex: Space Marines) Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee
Intercessors then charge Assault
Combat Squads: If this unit contains 10 models, then during deployment, before any units have been set up, it can be into the fray where they
divided into two units of 5 models. make short work of their
Heavy Heavy Heavy
enemies with brutal swings
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> of their chainswords.
KEYWORDS: Infantry, Primaris, Assault Intercessor SQuad

Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade GrenadeHeavy
Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade


OUTRIDER SQUAD 6 power Many rules modify the characteristics of models and weapons.
Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault

No. Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv All modifiers to a characteristic are cumulative; you must

Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault Assault

Outrider Sergeant
apply division modifiers before applying multiplication
modifiers, and before applying addition and then subtraction
Every model is equipped with: heavy bolt pistol; twin bolt rifle; Astartes chainsword, frag grenades; krak grenades. Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy
Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy Heavy


Heavy bolt pistol 18" Pistol 1 4 -1 1 - modifiers. Round any fractions up after applying all modifiers.
Twin bolt rifle 30" Rapid Fire 2 4 -1 1 -

Astartes chainsword Melee Melee User -1 1

When the bearer fights, it makes 1 If a rule instructs you to replace one characteristic with a
additional attack with this weapon.
Frag grenades 6" Grenade D6 3 0 1 Blast specified value, change the relevant characteristic to the new
Krak grenades 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

value before applying any modifiers that apply from other
Angels of Death (see Codex: Space Marines) rules (if any) to the new value. Regardless of the source, the
6 Devastating Charge: If this unit makes a charge move, add 2 to the Attacks characteristic of models in this unit until the
end of the turn.
Turbo-boost: When this unit Advances, add 6" to the Move characteristic of its models until the end of the Movement
Outrider Squads rove in
advance of the main Space
Marine lines, guarding
Strength, Toughness, Attacks and Leadership characteristics of
phase instead of making an Advance roll. flanks of larger formations
or hunting down enemy
a model can never be modified below 1.
FACTION KEYWORDS: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> infiltrators. When battle
KEYWORDS: Biker, Primaris, Outrider SQuad is joined, they conduct
lightning fast hit-and-
run attacks on defended
positions, and run down You may encounter a characteristic that is a random value
those who would try to
escape the vengeance of
their Chapter.
instead of a number. For example, a MoveGames characteristic might
Workshop Limited. Willow Road,
Nottingham, NG7 2WS, UK
be 2D6", or an Attacks value
MADE might
IN THE UKbe D6. When
© Copyright a unit
Games withLimited 2020.
a random Move characteristic is selected to move, determine
the entire unit’s move distance by rolling the indicated
number of dice. For all other characteristics, roll to determine
the value on an individual – per‑model or per-weapon – basis
8. WARGEAR OPTIONS each time that characteristic is required.
Some datasheets have a bullet-pointed list of wargear options. When
you include such a unit in your army, you can use these options to Characteristics of ‘-’ can never be modified. If a model
change the weapons and other wargear of models in the unit. The has a Strength or Leadership characteristic of ‘-’ and that
order you use these options in does not matter, but each can only be characteristic is required to resolve a rule, then substitute the
used once. model’s Toughness characteristic for that characteristic for
the purposes of resolving that rule (note that the substituted
9. KEYWORDS characteristic still cannot be modified).
Datasheets have a list of keywords, separated into Faction keywords
and other keywords. The former can be used to help guide which All characteristic modifiers are cumulative.
models to include in an army, but otherwise both sets of keywords Apply modifiers in the following order: division,
are functionally the same. multiplication, addition, then subtraction.
Round fractions up after applying all modifiers.
S, T, A and Ld can never be modified below 1.
Random Move characteristics determined for whole unit
DAMAGE TABLES each time it moves.
Some models’ characteristics change as they lose wounds. Other random characteristics determined individually
These are shown by a ‘*’ on the model’s profile. Look at such a when characteristic required.
model’s remaining wounds and consult the appropriate row of Characteristic of ‘-’ can never be modified.
its damage chart to determine its current characteristics.
Example: A Space Marine Sergeant (Strength characteristic 4)

Damage table: Model’s characteristics change as it is making an attack with a power fist (Strength characteristic
loses wounds. x2) while under the effects of a psychic power that increases his
Strength characteristic by 1. The two modifiers (x2 and +1) are
cumulative and applied concurrently. The attack is therefore
resolved at Strength 9 ([4x2]+1=9).

Minute by bloody minute the battle grinds on, from the opening volleys of shots through furious offensives
and desperate counter-attacks, into the last dying moments when victory hangs by a thread.
Warhammer 40,000 is played in a series of battle rounds. In each
battle round, both players have a turn. The same player always takes OUT OF PHASE RULES
the first turn in each battle round – the mission you are playing will Some rules allow a model or unit to move, shoot, charge, fight
tell you which player this is. Each turn consists of a series of phases, or attempt to manifest a psychic power outside of the normal
which must be resolved in the following order: turn sequence. If such a rule explicitly mentions to do so as if it
were a different phase than the current one (e.g. ‘that unit can
1. COMMAND PHASE shoot as if it were the Shooting phase), then any rules that are
Both players muster strategic resources and use tactical abilities. normally used in that phase (in the example, this would be the
Shooting phase) apply when that unit shoots.
Your units manoeuvre across the battlefield. The only exception to this are Stratagems; if a Stratagem
specifies that it must be used in a specific phase, then it can only
3. PSYCHIC PHASE be used in that phase (e.g. you cannot use a Stratagem that says
Your psykers use powerful mental abilities. ‘Use this Stratagem in the Shooting phase’ to affect a unit that
is shooting ‘as if it were the Shooting phase’). You can find out
4. SHOOTING PHASE more about Stratagems in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.
Your units shoot enemy units.
When resolving an out of phase rule, all rules that
5. CHARGE PHASE normally apply in that phase continue to apply.
Your units may move into close combat with enemy units. Phase-specific Stratagems cannot be used when
resolving out of phase rules.
Both players’ units pile in and attack with melee weapons.

Both players test the courage of their depleted units.

Once a player’s turn has ended, their opponent then starts their
turn. Once both players have completed a turn, the battle round has
been completed and the next one begins, and so on, until the battle
is concluded.

Commanders gauge the flow of the battle, consolidating their objectives before making alterations to their
battle plans and devising new tactics and strategies with which to defeat the foe.
If your army is Battle-forged, then at the start of your Command
phase, before doing anything else, you gain 1 Command point Battle-forged CP bonus: Gain 1 CP if army is Battle-
(CP). This is called the Battle-forged CP bonus. You can find out forged.
more about Battle-forged armies and Command points in the Resolve any rules that occur in the Command phase.
Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. Progress to the Movement phase (pg 10).

Some abilities found on datasheets and some Stratagems are used in

your Command phase. In addition, some missions have rules that
take place in the Command phase. Once you and your opponent
have resolved all of these rules (if any), progress to your Movement
phase. You can find out more about Stratagems in the Warhammer
40,000 Core Book.

The ground shakes to the tread of marching feet and the growl of engines as armies advance across the
battlefield and vie for advantageous positions.
The Movement phase is split into two steps. First you move When a unit makes a Normal Move, each model in that unit can
your units. Then you can set up Reinforcements that have not move a distance in inches equal to or less than the Move (M)
yet arrived. characteristic shown on its datasheet, but no model can be moved
within Engagement Range of enemy models (pg 4).
Normal Move: Models move up to M".
Cannot move within Engagement Range of any
1. MOVE UNITS enemy models.

Start your Movement phase by selecting one unit from your army to
move; that unit can either make a Normal Move, it can Advance, or ADVANCE
it can Remain Stationary (see right). If a unit is within Engagement When a unit makes an Advance, make an Advance roll for the
Range (pg 4) of any enemy models when it is selected to move, it unit by rolling one D6. Add the result in inches to the Move (M)
cannot make a Normal Move or Advance; it can either Remain characteristic of each model in that unit until the end of the current
Stationary or it can Fall Back (see right). After you have finished phase. Each model in that unit can then move a distance in inches
moving that unit, you can then select another unit from your army to equal to or less than this total, but no model can be moved within
move in the same manner, and so on, until you have done so with as Engagement Range of enemy models. A unit cannot shoot or declare
many of your units as you wish. a charge in the same turn that it made an Advance.

When you move a unit, you can move any of its models (you can
also choose not to move some of the models in that unit if you wish). Advance: Models move up to M+D6".
Whenever you move a model, you can pivot it and/or change its Cannot move within Engagement Range of
position on the battlefield along any path, but no part of the model’s enemy models.
base (or hull) can be moved across the bases (or hulls) of other models, Units that Advance cannot shoot or charge this turn.
nor can any part of that model (including its base) cross the edge of the
battlefield. You can also rotate any movable part of the model (such as
turrets and sponsons) when it is moved. The distance a model moves REMAIN STATIONARY
is measured using the part of the model’s base (or hull) that moves If a unit Remains Stationary, none of its models can be moved for
furthest along its path (including parts that rotate or pivot). the rest of the phase. Any units from your army that were on the
battlefield and were not selected to move in the Move Units step
Remember that a unit must finish any type of move in unit coherency of the Movement phase are assumed to have Remained Stationary
(pg 4). If this is impossible, then that move cannot be made. No unit that phase.
can be selected to move more than once in each Movement phase.
Once you have moved all your units that you wish to, progress to the
Reinforcements step of the Movement phase. Remain Stationary: Models cannot move this phase.

Select a unit in your army to move. FALL BACK

When a unit moves it can either make a Normal Move, When a unit Falls Back, each model in that unit can move a
Advance or Remain Stationary. distance in inches equal to or less than the Move (M) characteristic
Units that are within Engagement Range of any enemy shown on its datasheet, and when doing so you can move it within
models can only either Fall Back or Remain Stationary. Engagement Range of enemy models, but it cannot end its move
Select another unit in your army to move. within Engagement Range of any enemy models – if it cannot do
Once all your units have moved, progress to the this then it cannot Fall Back. A unit cannot declare a charge in
Reinforcements step (pg 11). the same turn that it Fell Back. A unit cannot shoot or attempt to
manifest a psychic power in the same turn that it Fell Back unless it
is Titanic.

Fall Back: Models move up to M".

Units that Fall Back cannot charge this turn.
Units that Fall Back cannot shoot or manifest psychic
powers this turn unless they are Titanic.


Some units have a rule that allows them to start the battle in a When a model makes any kind of move, it can be moved over
location other than on the battlefield; units that use such rules are a terrain feature but not through it (so models can’t move
called Reinforcements, and they will arrive later in the battle as through a wall, but can climb up or over it).
described by their rule. Any Reinforcement units that have not
been set up on the battlefield when the battle ends count as having A model can be moved over terrain features that are 1" or less
been destroyed. in height as if they were not there – any vertical distance up
and/or down that they would have to make to traverse such
If you have any Reinforcement units, then in this step of the terrain features is ignored. A model can be moved vertically
Movement phase you can now select them and set them up on the in order to climb up, down and over any terrain features that
battlefield, one at a time. Once all your Reinforcement units that are higher than this, counting the vertical distance up and/
you wish to set up this turn have been set up, the Movement phase or down as part of its move. Models cannot finish any kind
ends and you progress to the Psychic phase. Details of how to set up of move mid-climb – if it is not possible to end the move as a
Reinforcement units are described in the same rules that enabled result, that move cannot be made.
the unit to be set up in a location other than the battlefield.

Reinforcement units cannot make a Normal Move, Advance, Fall Models can move freely over terrain features 1" or
Back or Remain Stationary in the turn they arrive for any reason, but less in height.
they can otherwise act normally (shoot, charge, fight etc.). Models Models cannot move through taller terrain features,
in units that arrived as Reinforcements count as having moved a but can climb up and down them.
distance in inches equal to their Move (M) characteristic in this
Movement phase. If models in the unit have a minimum Move
characteristic, those models count as having moved a distance in FLYING
inches equal to their maximum Move characteristic. If a unit’s datasheet has the Fly keyword, then when it makes
a Normal Move, an Advance or it Falls Back, its models can
be moved across other models (and their bases) as if they
Reinforcement unit: Unit that starts the battle in a were not there, and they can be moved within Engagement
location other than the battlefield. Range of enemy models. In addition, any vertical distance up
Set up your Reinforcement units, one at a time, as and/or down that they make as part of that move is ignored.
described by the rules that let them start the battle in However, these models cannot finish their move either on top
locations other than the battlefield. of another model (or its base) or within Engagement Range of
Reinforcement units cannot make a Normal Move, an any enemy models.
Advance, Fall Back or Remain Stationary this turn.
Reinforcement units always count as having moved
this turn. 
Fly models can move over other models when they
Any Reinforcement unit not set up on the battlefield by make a Normal Move, an Advance or when they
the end of the battle counts as destroyed. Fall Back.
Once all your Reinforcement units have been set up, 
Fly models ignore vertical distances when they
progress to the Psychic phase (pg 14). make a Normal Move, an Advance or when they
Fall Back.


Some models have the Transport keyword. The following rules describe how units can embark on and disembark from such models,
and how they are used to move their passengers across the battlefield.

Transport Capacity DISEMBARK

All Transport models have a transport capacity listed on their If a unit starts its Movement phase embarked within a Transport
datasheet. This determines how many friendly models, and of model, that unit can disembark in that phase so long as the model
what type, can embark within them. A model’s transport capacity itself has not yet made a Normal Move, an Advance or has Fallen
can never be exceeded. Back that phase.

Units can start the battle embarked within a Transport instead of When a unit disembarks, set it up on the battlefield so that
being set up separately – declare what units are embarked within it is wholly within 3" of the Transport model and not within
a Transport model before you set it up. Engagement Range of any enemy models.

Units that disembark can then act normally (move, shoot, charge,
Transport capacity: Maximum number of models that fight, etc.) in the remainder of the turn, but its models count as
can embark within the Transport. having moved that turn, even if they are not moved further (i.e.
Units can start the battle embarked in a Transport. they never count as having Remained Stationary).

EMBARK Units that start their Movement phase embarked in a

If a unit makes a Normal Move, an Advance or it Falls Back, and Transport can disembark this phase.
every model in that unit ends that move within 3" of a friendly A unit must disembark before their
Transport model they can embark within it. A unit cannot Transport moves.
embark within a Transport model that is within Engagement Disembarking units must be set up wholly within 3" of
Range of enemy models, and it cannot embark if it has already their Transport and not within Engagement Range of
disembarked from a Transport model in the same phase. Remove any enemy models.
the unit from the battlefield and place it to one side – it is now Units that have disembarked count as having moved
embarked within the model. this turn.

Units cannot normally do anything or be affected in any way

while they are embarked. Unless specifically stated, abilities DESTROYED TRANSPORTS
have no effect on units while they are embarked, and Stratagems If a Transport model is destroyed (pg 6), and that model has
cannot be used to affect units while they are embarked. For all the Explodes ability (or equivalent), roll to see if it explodes and
rules purposes, units that are embarked within a Transport resolve any resulting damage to nearby units before setting up
model that has made a Normal Move, Advanced, Fallen Back or any units embarked within it (if any) on the battlefield. If there
Remained Stationary also count as having made the same kind of are any units embarked within the destroyed Transport model,
move that turn. these must now immediately disembark (see above) before the
model itself is removed from the battlefield; these units are not
affected by the destroyed model’s Explodes ability (or equivalent)
Units can embark in a friendly Transport if every – instead you must roll one D6 for each model you just set up on
model ends a Normal Move, an Advance or a Fall Back the battlefield. For each roll of 1, a model that disembarked (your
within 3" of it. choice) is destroyed. Units cannot declare a charge (pg 19) or
A unit cannot embark within a Transport that is perform a Heroic Intervention (pg 20) in the same turn that they
within Engagement Range of any enemy models. disembarked from a destroyed Transport model.
A unit cannot embark and disembark in the
same phase.
Units cannot do anything, or be affected in any way, If a Transport is destroyed, resolve its Explodes
while they are embarked within a Transport. ability (if it has one).
Any units embarked within must then disembark.
Roll one D6 for each model that disembarked; for each
1, one model is destroyed.
Units that disembarked cannot charge or perform
Heroic Interventions this turn.


Some models have the Aircraft keyword. In addition to the Flying rules (pg 11), the following rules further describe how these units
move across the battlefield and how other units can move beneath them.


Aircraft models typically have a Move characteristic consisting Although Aircraft models have an Engagement Range (pg 4) like
of two values. The first is the model’s minimum Move any other model, the following rules and exceptions apply to it
characteristic – in its Movement phase, all parts of the model’s – this will account for the fact that typically Aircraft models are
base must end the move at least that far from where they started. soaring overhead and not skimming along the ground.
The second is its maximum Move characteristic – no part of the
model’s base can be moved further than this. If such a model’s Whenever a model makes any kind of move, it can be moved
Move characteristic is modified, its minimum and maximum across Aircraft models (and their bases) as if they were not
Move characteristics are both modified. there, and they can be moved within an enemy Aircraft model’s
Engagement Range, but it cannot end the move on top of
If an Aircraft model cannot make its minimum move, or its another model (or its base), and it cannot end the move within
minimum move would result in any part of that model (including Engagement Range of any enemy Aircraft models.
its base) crossing the edge of the battlefield, then unless you
are using the Strategic Reserves rule, that model is removed If, when an Aircraft unit is selected to Move in the Movement
from the battlefield and counted as destroyed (if the Aircraft phase, any enemy units are within Engagement Range of it, that
is a Transport, then any models currently embarked within are Aircraft unit can still make a Normal Move or an Advance (i.e. it
likewise counted as destroyed). The Strategic Reserves rule is does not have to Fall Back or Remain Stationary).
described in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book.
If, when a unit is selected to move in the Movement phase, the
Minimum move: Models must move at least their only enemy models that are within Engagement Range of it are
minimum M". Aircraft, then it can still make a Normal Move or an Advance
If a model cannot make its minimum move, it is (i.e. it does not have to Fall Back or Remain Stationary).
destroyed (unless you are using Strategic Reserves).
Models can move within an enemy Aircraft’s
Engagement Range.
Models can move over Aircraft (and their bases)
when they make any kind of move.
Aircraft can make a Normal Move or an
Advance even when within Engagement Range of
enemy models.
Units can make a Normal Move or an Advance
if they are only within Engagement Range of
enemy Aircraft.


Whenever a unit moves when it performs a Heroic Intervention
(pg 20), piles in (pg 21) or consolidates (pg 22), it must end that
move closer to the closest enemy model. In all cases, Aircraft
models are excluded when determining which model is the
closest, unless the unit making that move can Fly.

When a model performs a Heroic Intervention, piles in

or consolidates, ignore Aircraft (unless the model
moving can Fly).

Warrior mystics and sorcerers wield the strange power of the warp to aid their allies and destroy their foes.
Harnessing this force is not without risk, however, and with the smallest mistake, the effort can spell doom
for all nearby.
Some models have the Psyker keyword. In the Psychic phase, To manifest the psychic power, you must first pass a Psychic test. The
Psykers can attempt to manifest psychic powers and deny enemy opposing player can then select one of their Psyker units that is within
psychic powers. 24" of the Psyker unit attempting to manifest the power and attempt
to deny that power before its effects are resolved by passing a Deny the
Start your Psychic phase by selecting one eligible Psyker unit from Witch test.
your army that is on the battlefield. Psyker units that Fell Back
this turn (other than Titanic units) are not eligible. If you have no So long as the Psychic test was successful and the psychic power was
eligible Psyker units from your army on the battlefield, and no other not denied by a successful Deny the Witch test, the psychic power
rules that need to be resolved in the Psychic phase, the Psychic is successfully manifested and its effects, which will be described in
phase ends. the power itself, are then resolved. If the Psyker unit can attempt to
manifest more than one psychic power in its Psychic phase, you can
Once you have selected an eligible Psyker unit from your army, you then attempt to manifest those, one at a time, as described above. The
can attempt to manifest one or more psychic powers with it. After number of psychic powers each Psyker unit can attempt to manifest in
you have finished manifesting all of this unit’s psychic powers that its Psychic phase is listed on its datasheet.
you want to, you can then select another eligible Psyker unit from
your army to attempt to manifest psychic powers with, and so on,
until you have done so with as many of your eligible Psyker units as Select psychic power.
you wish. You cannot select the same psychic power more than
once per battle round, unless that power is Smite.
No unit can be selected to manifest psychic powers more than once Attempt to manifest the psychic power by taking a
in each Psychic phase. Once you have no eligible Psyker units on the Psychic test.
battlefield that you wish to attempt to manifest psychic powers with, The opponent can attempt to deny the psychic power by
your Psychic phase ends and you progress to the Shooting phase. taking a Deny the Witch test.
If successfully manifested, resolve the psychic
power’s effects.
Select a Psyker in your army to manifest its Select another psychic power.
psychic powers.
Select another Psyker in your army to manifest its
psychic powers. PSYCHIC TESTS
Once all your Psykers have manifested psychic powers, When a Psyker unit attempts to manifest a psychic power, you must
progress to the Shooting phase (pg 15). take a Psychic test for that unit by rolling 2D6. If the total is equal
to or greater than that power’s warp charge value, the Psychic test is
passed. If you roll a double 1 or a double 6 when taking a Psychic test,
that unit immediately suffers Perils of the Warp.
All Psykers know the Smite psychic power (pg 15). Some know Psychic test: Passed if 2D6 equals or exceeds psychic
other powers instead of, or in addition to, Smite – the unit’s power’s warp charge.
datasheets and other supplementary rules you are using will make If double 1 or double 6 rolled, Psyker suffers Perils of
it clear which powers each Psyker knows. Each psychic power has the Warp.
a warp charge value – the higher this is, the more difficult it is to
manifest the psychic power. A Psyker unit generates their powers
before the battle. DENY THE WITCH
When a Psyker unit attempts to deny a psychic power, you must take
a Deny the Witch test for that unit by rolling 2D6. If the total is greater
All Psykers know Smite. than the result of the Psychic test, the Deny the Witch test is passed and
Psykers will know additional psychic powers, as the psychic power is denied. Only one attempt can be made to deny
described on their datasheets. a psychic power. If a Psyker unit can attempt to deny more than one
psychic power in a psychic phase, this will be listed on its datasheet.


When you select a Psyker unit to manifest psychic powers, you  eny the Witch: Passed if 2D6 exceeds result of the
select one psychic power that unit knows and attempt to manifest opposing Psyker’s Psychic test.
it. With the exception of Smite, you cannot attempt to manifest the Only one attempt can be made to deny each
same psychic power more than once in the same battle round, even psychic power.
with different Psyker units.

Smite has a warp charge value of 5. Add 1 to the warp charge When a Psyker unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers
value of this psychic power for each other attempt that has D3 mortal wounds. If a Psyker unit is destroyed by Perils
been made to manifest this power by a unit from your army of the Warp while attempting to manifest a psychic power,
in this phase, whether that attempt was successful or not. If that power automatically fails to manifest. If a Psyker unit is
manifested, the closest enemy unit within 18" of and visible destroyed by Perils of the Warp, then just before removing the
to the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds (pg 19). If the result last model in that unit, every unit within 6" of it immediately
of the Psychic test was 11 or more, that unit suffers D6 mortal suffers D3 mortal wounds.
wounds instead.
Perils of the Warp: The Psyker unit manifesting the
Warp Charge 5: A Psychic test of 5+ is required to power suffers D3 mortal wounds.
manifest Smite. If Psyker unit is destroyed, the psychic power fails
Warp charge increases by 1 for each other attempt to to manifest.
manifest Smite made in this phase. If Psyker unit destroyed, every other unit within 6"
If manifested, closest visible enemy unit in 18" suffers suffers D3 mortal wounds.
D3 mortal wounds.
If manifested with a Psychic test result of 11+, enemy
instead suffers D6 mortal wounds.

Guns thunder and shrapnel falls from the sky. Muzzle flare shines through the gloom in bursts, beams of las-
fire illuminate the fog of war, and spent ammunition cartridges are left discarded across the battlefield.
Start your Shooting phase by selecting one eligible unit from your SELECT TARGETS
army to shoot with. An eligible unit is one that has one or more When a unit shoots, you must select the target unit(s) for all of
models equipped with ranged weapons. Units that Advanced this the ranged weapons its models are making attacks with before any
turn, and units that Fell Back (other than Titanic units) this turn are attacks are resolved. If a model has more than one ranged weapon, it
not eligible. If you have no eligible units, your Shooting phase ends. can shoot all of them at the same target, or it can split the weapons
After you have shot with one of your eligible units, you can then select between different enemy units. Similarly, if a unit has more than one
another of your eligible units to shoot with, and so on, until you have model, they can shoot at the same or different targets. In either case,
shot with as many of your units as you wish. when you select a target unit you must declare which weapons will
target that unit before any attacks are resolved. If any of these weapons
When you select a unit to shoot with, you select targets and resolve has more than one profile that you must choose between, you must
attacks with any or all ranged weapons that models in that unit are also declare which profile is being used.
equipped with (each ranged weapon can only be shot once per phase).
The ranged weapons that models in a unit are equipped with are Only enemy units can be chosen as the target for an attack. In order
detailed on its datasheet. to target an enemy unit, at least one model in that unit must be within
range (i.e. within the distance of the Range characteristic) of the
No unit can be selected to shoot with more than once in each weapon being used and be visible to the shooting model. If unsure,
Shooting phase. Once all your eligible units that you wish to shoot get a look from behind the firing model to see if any part of the target
with have done so, your Shooting phase ends and you progress to the is visible. For the purposes of determining visibility, a model can see
Charge phase. through other models in its unit. If there are no eligible targets for a
weapon then that weapon cannot shoot. If this is the case for all of a
unit’s ranged weapons, then that unit is not eligible to shoot with.
Select a unit from your army to shoot with.
When a unit shoots, select targets then resolve attacks If you have selected more than one target for your unit to shoot at,
with any or all ranged weapons that models in that unit you must resolve all the attacks against one target before moving on to
are equipped with. the next target. If your unit is shooting more than one ranged weapon
Select another unit from your army to shoot with. at a target, and those weapons have different characteristics profiles,
Once you have shot with all your units, progress to the then after you have resolved attacks with one of those weapons you
Charge phase (pg 19). must, if any other weapons with the same characteristics profile are
also being shot at that unit, resolve those attacks before resolving
any attacks against the target unit with a weapon that has a different
characteristics profile.

Note that so long as at least one model in the target unit was visible
to the shooting model and in range of its weapon when that unit was
selected as the target, that weapon’s attacks are always made against the

target unit, even if no models in the target unit remain visible to or in
range of it when you come to resolve them (this can happen because BIG GUNS NEVER TIRE

of models being destroyed and removed from the battlefield as the A Vehicle or Monster model can make attacks with ranged
result of resolving the shots with other weapons in the shooting model’s weapons even when its unit is within Engagement Range
unit first). of enemy units, but it can only make such attacks against
enemy units that it is within Engagement Range of. In such
circumstances, Vehicle and Monster models can target an
Select targets for all weapons before any attacks enemy unit even if other friendly units are within Engagement
are resolved. Range of the same enemy unit. Note that if a Vehicle or
At least one model in the target unit must be visible Monster unit has more than one ranged weapon, you can still
to the attacking model and within range of the choose to target units that are not within Engagement Range of
attacking weapon. the firing model’s unit, but they will only be able to make the
If a unit targets multiple units, all attacks against one attacks with that weapon if all enemy units within Engagement
unit must be resolved before resolving attacks against Range of the firing model’s unit have been destroyed when you
the next. come to resolve those attacks. In addition, when a Vehicle or
If a unit shoots with multiple weapons, all attacks Monster model shoots a Heavy weapon, subtract 1 from the
made with weapons that have the same profile must be hit rolls when resolving that weapon’s attacks while any enemy
resolved before resolving attacks with the next. units are within Engagement Range of that model’s unit.

Monsters and Vehicles can shoot ranged

For example: James selects a squad of Chaos Space Marines weapons even if within Engagement Range of
to shoot with. The unit has ten models: one is equipped with a enemy units.
lascannon, one with a meltagun and eight with boltguns. When Monsters and Vehicles can target other units,
the unit is selected to shoot, James splits their attacks as follows: but cannot resolve these attacks while any enemy
the lascannon targets an enemy vehicle unit, while the meltagun models remain within their Engagement Range.
and all the boltguns target an enemy infantry unit. All the Subtract 1 from hit rolls made when Monsters and
weapons are in range of their respective units and both targets Vehicles shoot Heavy weapons while any enemy
are visible to all firing models. James resolves the attacks against units remain within their Engagement Range.
the infantry unit first, beginning by choosing to shoot with
the boltguns. After all the boltgun attacks have been resolved,
James then resolves the meltagun attack. Having resolved all LOOK OUT, SIR
the attacks against the infantry unit, James can then resolve the Models cannot target a unit that contains any Character
lascannon attack against the vehicle unit. models with a Wounds characteristic of 9 or less with a
ranged weapon while that unit is within 3" of any other
friendly Vehicle or Monster unit, or while it is within 3" of
LOCKED IN COMBAT any other friendly units that have 3 or more models, unless
Models cannot make attacks with ranged weapons while their unit is that Character unit is both visible to the firing model and it
within Engagement Range of any enemy models (pg 4). Models also is the closest enemy unit to the firing model – the maelstrom
cannot target enemy units within Engagement Range of any other of battle makes it difficult to pick out such individuals. Ignore
units from your army – the risk of hitting your own troops is too great. other enemy Character models with a Wounds characteristics
of 9 or less when determining if the target is the closest enemy
unit to the firing model.
Units cannot shoot while they are within Engagement
Range of any enemy units.
Units cannot shoot at targets within Engagement Range Cannot shoot at an enemy Character with 9 or
of any friendly units. less wounds while it is within 3" of a friendly unit
(Monster, Vehicle or unit of 3+ models) unless it
is the closest target.
When a model shoots a ranged weapon, it will make a number of
attacks. You make one hit roll for each attack being made (see Making
Attacks, page 18).

The number of attacks that a model makes with a ranged weapon is

equal to the number written on that weapon’s profile after its type. For
example, a model shooting an ‘Assault 1’ weapon can make one attack
with that weapon; a model firing a ‘Heavy 3’ weapon can make three
attacks, and so on.

All of a ranged weapon’s attacks must be made against

the same target unit.
Number of attacks = number after weapon’s type.

There are five types of ranged weapon: Assault, Heavy, Rapid Fire, Grenade and Pistol. A weapon’s type can impact the number of attacks it
can make (see page 17). In addition, each type of ranged weapon also has an additional rule that, depending upon the situation, might affect
the accuracy of the weapon or when it can be fired. These are as follows:

Assault weapons fire so rapidly or indiscriminately that Due to their compact size, pistols can even be used in
they can be shot from the hip as warriors dash forwards melee to shoot at point-blank range.
into combat.
A model can make attacks with a Pistol even when its unit is within
If a unit includes any models equipped with Assault weapons, that Engagement Range of enemy units, but it must target an enemy
unit is still eligible to shoot with in your Shooting phase even if unit that is within Engagement Range of its own unit when it does
it has Advanced this turn, but you can only resolve attacks using so. In such circumstances, the model can target an enemy unit even
those Assault weapons when you select that unit to shoot with. If if other friendly units are within Engagement Range of the same
a model shoots an Assault weapon in the same turn in which its enemy unit.
unit has Advanced, subtract 1 from hit rolls when resolving that
weapon’s attacks. When a model equipped with both a Pistol and another type of
ranged weapon (e.g. a Pistol and a Rapid Fire weapon) shoots,
it can either shoot with its Pistol(s) or with its other ranged
Can be shot even if firing model’s unit Advanced. weapons. Choose which it will fire (Pistols or non-Pistols) before
Subtract 1 from hit rolls if the firing model’s selecting targets.
unit Advanced.

Can be shot even if firing model’s unit is within

HEAVY Engagement Range of enemy unit.
Heavy weapons are amongst the biggest guns on the Cannot be shot alongside any other type of weapon.
battlefield, but they require bracing to fire at full effect
and are unwieldy to bring to bear at close quarters.

When an Infantry model shoots a Heavy weapon, subtract 1 from

the hit rolls when resolving that weapon’s attacks if the firing model’s BLAST WEAPONS

unit has moved for any reason this turn (e.g. it made a Normal Some weapons have ‘Blast’ listed in their profile’s abilities. These are
Move (pg 10) this turn). referred to as Blast weapons. In addition to the normal rules, the
following rules apply to Blast weapons:

Subtract 1 from hit rolls if firing model is Infantry and 1. I f a Blast weapon targets a unit that has between 6 and 10 models, it
its unit has moved this turn. always makes a minimum of 3 attacks. So if, when determining how
many attacks are made with that weapon, the dice rolled results in
less than 3 attacks being made, make 3 attacks instead. For example,
RAPID FIRE if a Grenade D6 weapon with the Blast rule targets a unit that has 6
Rapid fire weapons are versatile armaments capable of or more models, and you roll a 2 to determine how many attacks are
aimed single shots at long range or controlled bursts of made, that roll is counted as being a 3 and that weapon makes three
fire at close quarters. attacks against that unit.

When a model shoots a Rapid Fire weapon, double the number of 2. W

 hen a Blast weapon targets a unit that has 11 or more models, do
attacks it makes if its target is within half the weapon’s range. not roll dice to randomly determine how many attacks are made
– instead, make the maximum possible number of attacks. For
example, if a Grenade D6 weapon with the Blast rule targets a unit
Double number of attacks made if target is within that has 11 or more models, that weapon makes six attacks against
half range. that unit.

Blast weapons can never be used to make attacks against a unit that
GRENADE is within Engagement Range of the firing model’s unit, even if the
Grenades are handheld explosive devices that a warrior weapon has the Pistol type or if the firing model is a Vehicle or a
throws at the enemy while their squad mates provide Monster – firing high-explosives at point-blank range is simply unwise.
covering fire.

When a unit shoots, one model that is equipped with a Grenade Blast Weapons: Minimum three attacks against units with
in that unit can resolve attacks with it instead of shooting any 6+ models. Always make maximum number of attacks
other weapons. against units with 11+ models.
Can never be used to attack units within the firing unit’s
Engagement Range.
Only one model can use a Grenade when its unit shoots.

Attacks are made using ranged or melee weapons. Attacks can be made one at a time, or, in some cases, you can roll for multiple attacks
together. The following sequence is used to make attacks one at a time:


When a model makes an attack, make one hit roll for that attack by The player commanding the target unit then makes one saving
rolling one D6. If the result of the hit roll is equal to or greater than throw by rolling one D6 and modifying the roll by the Armour
the attacking model’s Ballistic Skill (BS) characteristic (if the attack Penetration (AP) characteristic of the weapon that the attack
is being made with a ranged weapon) or its Weapon Skill (WS) was made with. For example, if the weapon has an AP of -1, then
characteristic (if the attack is being made with a melee weapon), then 1 is subtracted from the saving throw roll. If the result is equal
that attack scores one hit against the target unit. If not, the attack fails to, or greater than, the Save (Sv) characteristic of the model the
and the attack sequence ends. attack was allocated to, then the saving throw is successful and
the attack sequence ends. If the result is less than the model’s Save
If an attack is made with a weapon that has an ability that says it characteristic, then the saving throw fails and the model suffers
‘automatically hits the target’, no hit roll is made – that attack simply damage. An unmodified roll of 1 always fails.
scores one hit on the target unit. An unmodified hit roll of 6 always
scores a hit, and an unmodified hit roll of 1 always fails. A hit roll can 5. INFLICT DAMAGE
never be modified by more than -1 or +1. This means that if, after all The damage inflicted is equal to the Damage (D) characteristic of
the cumulative modifiers to a hit roll have been calculated, the total the weapon making the attack. A model loses one wound for each
modifier would be -2 or worse, it is changed to be -1. Similarly, if, after point of damage it suffers. If a model’s wounds are reduced to 0 or
all the cumulative modifiers to a hit roll have been calculated, the total less, it is destroyed and removed from play. If a model loses several
modifier would be +2 or better, it is changed to be +1. wounds from an attack and is destroyed, any excess damage inflicted
by that attack is lost and has no effect.
Each time an attack scores a hit against a target unit, make a wound
roll for that attack by rolling one D6 to see if that attack successfully Hit roll (ranged weapon): Roll one D6; hit scored if result equals
wounds the target. The result required is determined by comparing or beats attacking model’s BS. Otherwise attack fails.
the attacking weapon’s Strength (S) characteristic with the target’s Hit roll (melee weapon): Roll one D6; hit scored if result equals
Toughness (T) characteristic, as shown on the following table: or beats attacking model’s WS. Otherwise attack fails.
Wound roll: Roll one D6 and compare attack’s S with target’s T
WOUND ROLL on table to the left. Target wounded if score equals or beats the
ATTACKER’S STRENGTH vs D6 RESULT required result. Otherwise attack fails.
TARGET’S TOUGHNESS REQUIRED Allocate attack: Player commanding target unit selects one
model in that unit. If a model in the unit has already lost
Is the Strength TWICE (or more) than the Toughness 2+ wounds, or has already had attacks allocated to it this phase,
Is the Strength GREATER than the Toughness 3+ they must select that model.
Saving throw: Roll one D6 and modify by the attack’s AP. If result
Is the Strength EQUAL to the Toughness 4+ less than the Sv of the selected model, the saving throw is failed
Is the Strength LOWER than the Toughness 5+ and it suffers damage. Otherwise attack is saved.
Inflict damage: The selected model loses a number of wounds
Is the Strength HALF (or less) than the Toughness 6+
equal to the attack’s D.
If a model is destroyed by an attack, any excess damage
If the result of the wound roll is less than the required number, the inflicted by that attack is lost.
attack fails and the attack sequence ends. An unmodified wound roll Unmodified hit rolls, wound rolls and saving throws of 1
of 6 always successfully wounds the target, and an unmodified wound always fail.
roll of 1 always fails. A wound roll can never be modified by more Unmodified hit rolls and wound rolls of 6 always succeed.
than -1 or +1. This means that if, after all the cumulative modifiers Hit and wound rolls cannot be modified by more than -1 or +1.
to a wound roll have been calculated, the total modifier would be -2
or worse, it is changed to be -1. Similarly, if, after all the cumulative
modifiers to a wound roll have been calculated, the total modifier
would be +2 or better, it is changed to be +1.

If an attack successfully wounds the target unit, the player
commanding the target unit allocates that attack to one model in
the target unit (this can be to any model in the unit and does not
have to be allocated to a model that is within range of, or visible to,
the attacking model). If a model in the target unit has already lost
any wounds or has already had attacks allocated to it this phase, the
attack must be allocated to that model.

INVULNERABLE SAVES damage is subsequently saved, the target unit still suffers the

Some models have an invulnerable save. Each time an attack is mortal wounds, as described opposite. If an ability modifies the
allocated to a model with an invulnerable save, you can choose to damage inflicted by a weapon, and that weapon can inflict mortal
use either its normal Save (Sv) characteristic or its invulnerable wounds in addition to the normal damage, the modifier does not
save, but not both. If a model has more than one invulnerable apply to any mortal wounds that are inflicted (unless the rule
save, it can only use one of them – choose which it will use. If you specifically states otherwise).
use a model’s invulnerable save, it is never modified by a weapon’s
Armour Penetration value.
Each mortal wound inflicted on a unit causes one
model in the unit to lose one wound.
Invulnerable save: Saving throw that is never No saving throws can be made against mortal wounds.
modified by attacking weapon’s AP. Mortal wounds inflicted by attacks in addition
A model with an invulnerable save can use it instead to normal damage always apply, even if normal
of its normal Sv. damage saved.


Some attacks inflict mortal wounds – these are so powerful that Some models have rules that give them a chance to ignore
no armour or force field can withstand their fury. Each mortal wounds. If a model has more than one such rule, you can only
wound inflicts 1 point of damage on the target unit, and they are use one of those rules each time the model loses a wound
always applied one at a time. Do not make a wound roll or saving (including wounds lost due to mortal wounds).
throw (including invulnerable saves) against a mortal wound –
just allocate it as you would any other attack and inflict damage
to a model in the target unit (pg 18). Unlike damage inflicted by A model can only use one rule to attempt to ignore
normal attacks, excess damage from mortal wounds is not lost. each wound suffered.
Instead, keep allocating damage to another model in the target
unit until either all the damage has been allocated or the target
unit is destroyed.

If an attack inflicts mortal wounds in addition to the normal

damage, resolve the normal damage first. If an attack inflicts
mortal wounds in addition to the normal damage, but the normal

Warriors hurl themselves into battle to slay with blade, hammer and claw. Strident war cries and frantic
screams echo through the whirling smoke as the moment of cataclysmic violence draws near.
No unit can be selected to charge more than once in each Charge
The Charge phase is split into two steps. First you phase. Once all of your eligible units that you wish to charge with (if
charge with your units. Then your opponent performs any) have declared a charge and have done so, progress to the Heroic
Heroic Interventions. Interventions step of the Charge phase.

2. HEROIC INTERVENTIONS Select a unit from your army to charge with.
Charge with that unit (see below).
Select another unit from your army to charge with.
1. CHARGES Once all your units have charged, progress to the Heroic
Interventions step (pg 20).
Start your Charge phase by selecting one eligible unit from your army
that you want to charge, and declare a charge with it. An eligible unit
is one that is within 12" of any enemy units at the start of the Charge CHARGING WITH A UNIT
phase. Units that have Advanced or Fallen Back this battle round, and Once you have chosen an eligible unit to declare a charge with,
units that start the Charge phase within Engagement Range of any you must select one or more enemy units within 12" of it as the
enemy units, are not eligible units. If you have no eligible units from targets of its charge. The target(s) of this charge do not need to be
your army that you wish to charge with on the battlefield, progress visible to the charging unit. You then make a charge roll for your
to the Heroic Interventions step of the Charge phase. After you have unit by rolling 2D6. This is the maximum number of inches each
finished charging with one of your units, you can then select another model in the charging unit can now be moved if they can make the
unit from your army to do so, and so on, until you have done so with charge move. To make a charge move, the unit’s charge roll must be
as many of your units as you wish. sufficient that it is able to end that move in unit coherency (pg 4)

and within Engagement Range (pg 4) of every unit that was a target
of its charge, without moving within Engagement Range of any CHARGING OVER TERRAIN

enemy units that were not a target of its charge. If this is possible, Unless stated otherwise, a model can be moved over a terrain
then the charge is successful and the models in the unit make a feature when it makes a charge move, but not through it (so
charge move so as to fulfil the above conditions. If this is impossible, models can’t move through a wall, or pass through a tree, but
the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. can climb up or over them).

A model can be moved over terrain features that are 1" or less
in height as if they were not there – any vertical distance up
Declare targets of the charge (must be within 12"). and/or down that they would have to make to traverse such
Charge roll = 2D6". terrain features is ignored. A model can be moved vertically
If insufficient to move charging unit into Engagement in order to climb up, down and over any terrain features that
Range of all targets, charge fails. are higher than this, counting the vertical distance up and/or
If charge successful, models make their charge move. down as part of its charge move. Models cannot finish a charge
Cannot make a charge move within Engagement Range move mid-climb – if it is not possible to make a charge move
of any unit that was not the target of the charge. as a result, the charge fails.

Models can make a move freely over terrain

2. HEROIC INTERVENTIONS features 1" or less in height.
Models cannot move through taller terrain features,
Your opponent can now select an eligible Character unit from their but can climb up and down them.
army to perform a Heroic Intervention (see below). An eligible
Character unit is one that is not within Engagement Range of
any enemy units, but is within 3" horizontally and 5" vertically FLYING WHEN CHARGING
of an enemy unit. After they have finished performing a Heroic If a unit’s datasheet has the Fly keyword, then when it makes
Intervention with a Character unit, they can then select another a charge move, its models can be moved across other models
eligible Character unit from their army to do so, and so on, until (and their bases) as if they were not there, but they must move
they have done so with as many of their units as they wish. If your over terrain features (including Building units) like any other
opponent has no eligible Character units, the Charge phase ends. model. A model that can Fly cannot finish any move on top of
another model.
No unit can perform more than one Heroic Intervention in
each enemy Charge phase. A unit can never perform a Heroic
Intervention in their own Charge phase. Once all of your opponent’s F ly models can move over other models when they
eligible Character units have performed Heroic Interventions make a charge move.
that they want to, your Charge phase ends and you progress to the 
Fly models move over terrain (including
Fight phase. Buildings) like any other model when they make
a charge move.

Select one Character unit to perform a

Heroic Intervention. OVERWATCH
Cannot perform a Heroic Intervention if any enemy units Certain rules enable units to fire Overwatch at an enemy unit
are in Engagement Range. before it can charge. If an enemy unit declares a charge that
Must be an enemy unit within 3" horizontal and 5" targets one or more units from your army that have such a
vertical to perform a Heroic Intervention. rule, each of those units can fire Overwatch before the charge
Select another Character unit to perform a roll is made. A unit cannot fire Overwatch if there are any
Heroic Intervention. enemy units within Engagement Range of it. Overwatch is
Once all your Character units have performed Heroic resolved like a normal shooting attack (albeit one resolved in
Interventions, progress to the Fight phase (pg 21). the Charge phase) and uses all the normal rules, except that
an unmodified hit roll of 6 is always required for a successful
hit roll, irrespective of the firing model’s Ballistic Skill or any
PERFORMING A HEROIC INTERVENTION hit roll modifiers. In addition, when a model fires Overwatch,
When a unit performs a Heroic Intervention, you can move each it does so at the charging unit. Any rule that states the unit
model in that unit up to 3" – this is a Heroic Intervention move. Each cannot be targeted unless it is the closest target (e.g. Look Out,
model in the unit must finish its Heroic Intervention move closer to Sir) does not apply when firing Overwatch.
the closest enemy model. Remember that a unit must finish any type
of move in unit coherency (pg 4).
Overwatch: Before charge roll made, all charge
targets that can fire Overwatch can do so.

Heroic Intervention: Move up to 3". Can never fire Overwatch while enemy units are in
Must end closer to the closest enemy model. Engagement Range.
When firing Overwatch, shoot with unit, but attacks
only hit on unmodified 6s.

Carnage engulfs the battlefield as the warring armies meet head-on. Fangs and claws crunch through bone.
Blades ring like hammer on anvil. Blood spurts and flesh tears as hate-filled foes tear one another apart.
Starting with the player whose turn is not taking place, the players MAKE CLOSE COMBAT ATTACKS
must alternate selecting an eligible unit from their army and fighting When a unit makes its close combat attacks, before resolving those
with it (see below). An eligible unit is one that is within Engagement attacks you must first determine which models can fight and how
Range of an enemy unit and/or made a charge move in the same many attacks they will make, then you select the target unit(s) for all
turn. If neither player has any eligible units to fight with, the Fight of the attacks those models will make and declare what melee weapons
phase ends. those attacks will be made with.

No unit can fight more than once in the Fight phase. If all of one Which Models Fight
player’s eligible units have fought, the opposing player can then fight When a unit makes close combat attacks, only the models in that
with their remaining eligible units, one at a time. Note that after unit that are either within Engagement Range (pg 4) of an enemy
an enemy unit has fought and finished its Consolidation move, it unit, or that are within ½" of another model from their own unit
might be that previously ineligible units now qualify as such – these that is itself within ½" of an enemy unit, can fight.
units can then be selected to fight with. Once all eligible units have
fought, the Fight phase ends and you progress to the Morale phase.
A model can fight if it is in Engagement Range of an
enemy unit.
Starting with your opponent, alternate selecting units to A model can fight if it is within ½" of another model from
fight with. their own unit that is within ½" of an enemy unit.
When a unit fights, it piles in, then it makes close combat
attacks, then it consolidates.
If one player has no more units left to fight with, their
opponent then fights with their remaining units, one at Number of Attacks
a time. When a model fights, it will make a number of attacks. You make
Once all units have fought, progress to the Morale phase one hit roll for each attack being made (see Making Attacks,
(pg 23). page 18).

The number of attacks a model makes is determined by its Attacks

CHARGING UNITS FIGHT FIRST (A) characteristic, which can be found on its datasheet. For example,
Units that made a charge move this turn fight first in the Fight if a model has an A of 2, it can make two attacks.
phase. This means that units that did not make a charge move this
turn cannot be selected to fight until after all units that did make a
charge move have fought. Number of attacks made by each model that can
fight = A.

U nits that made a charge move this turn fight before all
other units.

When you select a unit to fight, it first piles in, then the models
in the unit must make close combat attacks, and then the
unit consolidates.

When a unit piles in, you can move each model in that unit up to 3"
– this is a pile-in move. Each model in the unit must finish its pile-in
move closer to the closest enemy model. A model that is already
touching an enemy model cannot move, but still counts as having
piled in. Remember that a unit must finish any type of move in unit
coherency (pg 4).

Pile in: Move up to 3".

Must end closer to the closest enemy model.

Select Targets against the target unit even if, when you come to resolve an
Before you resolve any attacks, you must first select the target unit(s) individual attack, no models in the target unit remain in range (this
for all of the attacks. Attacks made by models in units that made a can happen because of models being destroyed and removed from
charge move this turn can only target enemy units that their unit the battlefield as the result of resolving other attacks made by the
declared a charge against, or that performed a Heroic Intervention attacking model’s unit first).
this turn. In order to target an enemy unit, an attacking model
must either be within Engagement Range of that unit, or within
½" of another model in its own unit that is itself within ½" of that Each close combat attack is made with a melee weapon.
enemy unit. A model makes attacks using the close combat weapon
profile if it has no other melee weapons.
If a model can make more than one attack, it can make all of them If a unit attacks with multiple weapons, all attacks
against the same target, or it can split them between different enemy made with weapons that have the same profile must be
units. Similarly, if a unit has more than one model, each model can resolved before resolving attacks with the next.
make their attacks at the same, or different targets. In either case,
declare which attacks will target which unit(s) before any attacks
are resolved, and resolve all of the attacks against one target before CONSOLIDATE
moving onto the next. When a unit consolidates, you can move each model in the unit
up to 3" – this is a Consolidation move. Each model must finish its
If there are no viable targets (because all enemy units are beyond Consolidation move closer to the closest enemy model. A model
Engagement Range etc.) then that unit cannot make close combat that is already touching an enemy model cannot move, but still
attacks, but it can still consolidate (see opposite). counts as having consolidated. Remember that a unit must finish
any type of move in unit coherency (pg 4).

If the attacking unit made a charge move this turn, its
models can only target units it declared a charge against Consolidate: Move up to 3".
this turn, or units that performed a Heroic Intervention Must end closer to the closest enemy model.
this turn.
Select targets for all attacks, before any attacks
are resolved.
If a unit targets multiple units, all attacks against one For example: James selects a unit of Chaos Terminators to fight.
unit must be resolved before resolving attacks against After the models have piled in, James makes attacks with his
the next. unit. This unit consists of five models that are in Engagement
Range of an enemy unit. One of James’ models has an Attacks
characteristic of 3 and is equipped with a lightning claw. The
other four models each have an Attacks characteristic of 2, and
Select Weapon two are equipped with power fists and two are equipped with
When a model makes a close combat attack, it must do so using a lightning claws. The Chaos Terminators are only in Engagement
melee weapon (i.e. a weapon that has the ‘Melee’ type). The weapons Range with one enemy unit; therefore they make seven attacks
a model is equipped with are described on its datasheet. If a model against that unit using the lightning claws, and four using power
is not equipped with any melee weapons, or if it cannot make an fists. James resolves the attacks made using power fists first, and
attack with any of the melee weapons it is equipped with, then that once they have all been resolved, James then resolves the attacks
model makes its attacks using a close combat weapon, which has the made using the lightning claws. After all of the unit’s attacks
following profile: have been resolved, the Terminators then consolidate.


Close combat weapon Melee Melee User 0 1
If a model has more than one melee weapon, select which it will use
before resolving any attacks. If a model has more than one melee
weapon and can make several attacks, it can split them between
these weapons however you wish – declare which attacks are being
made with which weapons before any attacks are resolved. If the
selected weapon has more than one profile that you must choose
between, you must declare which profile is being used at the same
time. Different attacks made with such a weapon can be made using
different profiles if you wish.

If your unit is making attacks with more than one melee weapon
against a unit, and those weapons have different characteristics
profiles, then after you have resolved an attack with one of
those weapons you must, if any other weapons with the same
characteristics profile are also being used to make attacks against
that unit, resolve those attacks before resolving any attacks against
the target with a weapon that has a different characteristics profile.
Note that all the attacks you have declared are always resolved

Even the bravest heart may quail when the horrors of battle take their toll. With peril looming on all sides and
comrades falling one by one, only the heroic, the monstrous or the hopelessly insane will stand their ground.

The Morale phase is split into two steps. First you take COMBAT ATTRITION TESTS
Morale tests for your units. Then you remove any out-of- If a unit fails a Morale test, then after the first model has fled the unit,
coherency models. you must take Combat Attrition tests. To do so, roll one D6 for each
remaining model in that unit, subtracting 1 from the result if the
1. MORALE TESTS unit is below Half-strength (pg 6); for each result of 1, one additional
2. UNIT COHERENCY CHECKS model flees that unit. You decide which models from your unit flee
– those models are removed from play and count as having been
destroyed, but they never trigger any rules that are used when a model
1. MORALE TESTS is destroyed.

Starting with the player whose turn is taking place, the players
must alternate selecting a unit from their army that has had models Combat Attrition tests: Roll one D6 for each remaining
destroyed this turn and taking a Morale test for it. If no units on the model in unit; for each 1, one additional model flees.
battlefield need to take a Morale test, progress to the Unit Coherency Subtract 1 from Combat Attrition tests if unit is
Checks step of the Morale phase. below Half-strength.

A unit only needs to take one Morale test in each phase. If one player
has finished taking Morale tests for all the units from their army that
have had models destroyed this turn, the opposing player then takes For example: In the Morale phase, Stu needs to take a Morale
all their remaining Morale tests, one at a time. Once all Morale tests test for his unit of Skitarii Rangers. This unit started the
have been taken (if any), progress to the Unit Coherency Checks step battle with ten models and it is led by a Ranger Alpha, with a
of the Morale phase. Leadership characteristic of 7. Five models were destroyed in
this unit this turn, so Stu rolls one D6, getting a 4, and adds 5
to the result. The result of 9 is greater than the unit’s Leadership
Players alternate taking Morale tests for units from their characteristic, so their Morale test is failed and one model in
army that have suffered casualties this turn. the unit flees and is removed. Stu now needs to take Combat
If one player has no more units left to take Morale Attrition tests for the remaining four models in his unit. Stu rolls
tests, their opponent then takes Morale tests for their a 1, a 2, a 5 and a 6. As the unit is now below Half-strength, he
remaining units, one at a time. subtracts 1 from each of these dice rolls. The final results mean
Once all units have taken Morale tests, progress to the that two additional models flee the unit and are also removed.
Unit Coherency Checks step (see opposite).


To take a Morale test, roll one D6 and add the number of models from Each player must now remove models, one at a time, from any of the
the unit that have been destroyed this turn. If the result is equal to or units in their armies that are no longer in unit coherency, as defined
less than the highest Leadership (Ld) characteristic in the unit, the on page 4, until only a single group of models from the unit remains
Morale test is passed and nothing else happens. An unmodified roll of in play and in unit coherency. The models removed count as having
1 also always results in a passed Morale test, irrespective of the total been destroyed, but they never trigger any rules that are used when a
result. In any other case, the Morale test is failed, one model flees that model is destroyed. Models removed because of this do not cause their
unit, and you must then take Combat Attrition tests for the remaining unit to take another Morale test.
models in the unit (see opposite). You decide which model from your
unit flees – that model is removed from play and counts as having
been destroyed, but it never triggers any rules that are used when a Remove models from units in your army that are not in
model is destroyed. unit coherency (pg 4).
Once all out of coherency models have been removed (if
any), the Morale phase ends.
Morale test = D6 + number of models destroyed The player’s turn then ends and, unless the battle ends,
this turn. the next player’s turn begins (pg 9).
Unmodified roll of 1 always a success (no models flee).
If Morale test exceeds unit’s Ld, one model flees and
other models must take Combat Attrition tests.

Before you can wage war in a game of Warhammer 40,000, you must first select a mission. The basic rules
include a single mission – Only War – that is ideal to get the action started quickly. Others can be found in
other books, or you could play a mission of your own creation. If you and your opponent can’t agree which
mission to play, the players must roll off, and the winner decides.

All missions include a set of instructions that describe how a battle OBJECTIVE MARKERS

is fought. These should be followed in order, and will typically Many missions use objective markers – these represent sites of tactical or
include the following steps: strategic import that both sides are attempting to secure. If a battle has
any objective markers, then the mission will say where they are located on
1. Muster Armies the battlefield. These can be represented using any suitable marker, but we
Each mission will guide players on what size armies they should recommend using round markers that are 40mm in diameter.
muster, and may include further rules that could affect how you pick
your armies. When setting objective markers up on the battlefield, always place them so
they are centred on the point specified by the mission. When measuring
2. Read Mission Briefing distances to and from objective markers, always measure to and from the
Each mission has a description of the circumstances of the battle, closest part of that objective marker.
and what the mission’s Primary Objectives are (this will tell you how
to secure victory). Some missions may also include one or more A model is in range of an objective marker if it is within 3" horizontally and
special rules. These cover unique situations, or abilities that can be 5" vertically of that objective marker.
used in the battle.
Unless otherwise noted, a player controls an objective marker while they
3. Create the Battlefield have more models within range of it than their opponent does. A model
Each mission will include details of the size of battlefield that you can only be counted towards controlling one objective marker per turn – if
will need. Each mission will also instruct you if any terrain features one of your models could be counted towards controlling more than one
or objective markers must be set up, and will provide details of objective marker, you must select which one they are counted towards that
where to set them up. Otherwise, it is assumed you are using the turn. Aircraft units and units with the Fortifications Battlefield Role can
guidelines in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book to create your never control objective markers – exclude these units when determining
battlefield. If you are using a battlefield that is a different size which player controls an objective marker.
or shape, you will need to adjust distances, and the location of
deployment zones, objective markers and terrain features, in an
appropriate way. Objective marker: 40mm round marker
Model in range of objective marker if within 3" horizontally and
4. Deploy Forces 5" vertically.
Each mission includes a deployment map that shows where each Objective marker controlled by player with most models
player can set up the models in their army (called the army’s in range.
deployment zone), and will list any restrictions that apply to Aircraft and Fortifications cannot control objective markers.
setting up.

5. Determine First Turn The locations of objective markers on the

Each mission will tell you how to determine which player has the battlefield are typically shown on the deployment
first turn. map of the mission being played, and are
represented by the icon to the left.
6. Resolve Pre-battle Rules
Players should now resolve any pre-battle rules their army has
Some units have an ability called Objective Secured. A player controls an
7. Begin the Battle objective marker if they have any models with this ability within range of
The first battle round begins. Players continue to resolve battle that objective marker, even if there are more enemy models within range
rounds until the battle ends. of that objective marker. If an enemy model within range of an objective
marker also has this ability (or a similar ability), then the objective marker
8. Ending the Battle is controlled by the player who has the most models within range of that
Each mission will tell you when the battle ends. This will typically objective marker as normal.
be after a set number of battle rounds have been completed, or when
one player has achieved a certain victory condition.

Objective Secured: Player controls objective marker if any of
9. Determine Victor their models in range have this ability.
Each mission will tell you what you need to do in order to win the
game. If neither player manages to achieve a victory then the game
is considered to be a draw.

In order to play this mission, you and your opponent must first each The players now create the battlefield and set up terrain features
muster an army from the miniatures in your collection. Your armies using the guidelines in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. The
can use any models from your collections that you wish. It is up to minimum size of your battlefield depends on the battle size you have
the players to agree how big their armies will be – there is no reason selected, as shown in the table below:
why the two armies need to be the same size, though if that is what
the players want they should agree to this now. If this is your first BATTLEFIELDS
game of Warhammer 40,000, we recommend each player grabs a
small handful of units. The table below gives a rough guide of how (Minimum)
long the battle should take based on the size of the armies used; note
Combat Patrol/Incursion 44" x 30"
that this is the combined Power Level (see the Warhammer 40,000
Core Book) of both your and your opponent’s army. Strike Force 44" x 60"
Onslaught 44" x 90"
(Combined Power Levels) The players must then alternate setting up objective markers on
the battlefield, starting with whichever player wins a roll-off (pg 6),
Combat Patrol 50 Up to 1 hour until a total of four have been placed. Objective markers cannot be
Incursion 100 Up to 2 hours placed within 6" of any battlefield edge, or within 9" of any other
objective markers.
Strike Force 200 Up to 3 hours
Onslaught 300 Up to 4 hours 4. DEPLOY FORCES
Once the battlefield has been created, the players must roll off again.
Once you have mustered your army, select one of your models to The winner chooses one of the two deployment zones to be theirs.
be your Warlord. That model gains the Warlord keyword. If your The players then alternate deploying their units, one at a time,
Warlord has the Character keyword, they will have a Warlord Trait, starting with the player who did not pick their deployment zone.
which you choose now. Any Warlord can have the Inspiring Leader Models must be set up wholly within their own deployment zone.
Warlord Trait (see below). Alternative Warlord Traits can be found Continue setting up units until both players have set up all the units
in other publications. in their army, or you have run out of room to set up more units.
If one player has finished setting up their army, their opponent
Inspiring Leader (Warlord Trait, Aura) continues to set up the remaining units from their army.
Add 1 to the Leadership characteristic of friendly units while they
are within 6" of this Warlord. If both players have units with abilities that allow them to be set up
after both armies have deployed, the players must roll off after all
2. MISSION BRIEFING other units have been set up and alternate setting up these units,
The time has come to prove your worth as the greatest commander starting with the winner.
in the galaxy! All that stands between you and ultimate glory is an
opposing force bent upon your destruction. Destroy the enemy 5. DETERMINE FIRST TURN
army and secure strategic sites littered across the battlefield while The players should roll off again, and the winner can choose to take
stopping your foe from doing likewise. the first or second turn.

Mission Objectives: 6. RESOLVE PRE-BATTLE RULES

Slay the Warlord: A player scores 1 victory point if the enemy Players should now resolve any pre-battle rules their army has
Warlord is destroyed at the end of the battle. (if any).

Capture and Control: At the end of each player’s Command phase, 7. BEGIN THE BATTLE
the player whose turn it is scores 1 victory point for each objective The first battle round begins. Players continue to resolve battle
marker they currently control (see opposite for details of how to rounds until the battle ends.
set up Objective Markers). Players control objective markers as
described on page 24. In addition, if one player controls more 8. ENDING THE BATTLE
objective markers than their opponent does at the end of the battle, The battle ends when all of the models in one player’s army have
they score 1 bonus victory point. been destroyed, or once the fifth battle round has ended (whichever
comes first).

If, at the end of the battle, one army has been destroyed, the player
commanding the opposing army is the victor. Otherwise, the player
with the most victory points is the victor (in the case of a tie, the
battle is a draw).

Player B Battlefield Edge
Player A Battlefield Edge

12" 12"
Player A Player B
Deployment Deployment
Zone Centre of Zone

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
la personnalité l’emplissait, nous quitte avec lui. C’est le lieu de
redire un mot du grand Ancêtre qu’il glorifia souvent, de Barbey
d’Aurevilly :

Dieu ne veut pas que ceux qu’il aime achèvent rien.

Je pense à vous, mon cher Dumesnil, en ce soir d’été, sur ce

quai désert du port de Brest, où volontiers vous m’eussiez
accompagné, vous que l’Océan grisait et qui rêviez autrefois d’être
un marin. L’Occident retient encore le prisme du crépuscule. Devant
moi, dans l’ampleur de la rade, les ombres des nuages sont en
suspens sous les eaux pâles et mordorées. Les navires de guerre,
presque sans feux, reposent comme des îlots morts ou des
cathédrales de plomb. Pas un phare ne s’allume. Une barque rentre,
sa voile brune pend le long du mât. Un paquebot s’éloigne vers le
chenal de la passe ; l’inconnu du large, déjà comblé par les brumes,
l’aspire doucement. Les arêtes des jetées, les môles des falaises,
les pentes des collines, tout devient vague comme s’il n’y avait
derrière que du vide et de l’infini… La mer descend, je la vois à
peine ; elle ne fait aucun bruit ; mais son odeur s’évapore des grèves
qu’a mouillées le flot ; et je sais qu’elle est là. La nuit s’est dépliée,
comme un drap funèbre, sur nos têtes ; mon cœur est anxieux. Où
êtes-vous, heureux ami ? Hors des ténèbres, hors du chaos, et à
jamais. Vous tenez la plénitude de l’Être ; pour vous l’éternel Présent
resplendit. Vous nous laissez dans le noir, au bord d’une ère
effrayante et sublime dont nous ne connaissons que les douleurs.
Nous allons pourtant, nous aussi, vers le terme de notre attente,
comme dans une église, quand une foule va communier, ceux qui
sont au bas de la nef avancent lentement vers la table sainte, mais
ils avancent, jusqu’à ce que ce soit leur tour enfin.

Le 17 décembre 1921, les amis de Saint-Saëns apprenaient

tristement que, la veille au soir, vers dix heures, cet homme
prodigieux avait terminé sa longue carrière.
Je portai longtemps ce deuil en silence. Mais Saint-Saëns a tenu
dans mon passé une place tellement haute et intime que ma
mémoire se plaît à revenir aux temps heureux de notre amitié. Le
livre où je fixai autour de son œuvre une synthèse des formes
musicales [98] a rempli dix années de ma jeunesse. Ceux qui l’ont lu
ou le liront le comprendront mieux quand ils sauront l’ensemble de
ses origines et toutes les circonstances qui le suivirent. On me
pardonnera si, en voulant exposer mes relations avec ce grand mort,
je parais écrire un chapitre de ma vie.
[98] Les grandes formes de la Musique.

Il était venu à Lyon — ma ville natale — en 1876, pour diriger au

Grand-Théâtre Étienne Marcel. Son passage laissa une forte
impression, mais seulement dans les milieux très musicaux. Ses
œuvres étaient alors jugées trop audacieuses, savantes à l’excès.
Quelques années plus tard — j’avais treize ans — j’entendis un soir
mon père et ma cousine Émilie Lucas jouer la Sonate pour
violoncelle en ut mineur. Ce fut une secousse inoubliable.
Il faut dire que mon père, violoncelliste fougueux, au jeu mordant
et contrasté, déchaînait en cette sonate ses propensions
batailleuses ; et la pianiste lui donnait superbement la réplique,
dramatisant les épisodes, sans énerver la sévérité de l’ensemble.
Mon enthousiasme eut pourtant d’autres causes que la vigueur de
La Sonate exaltait mon sens inné du tragique. Depuis mon
enfance, je vivais subconsciemment dans l’attente — non dans
l’angoisse — de choses terribles. J’étais né deux ans avant 70 ; mon
père, avec le pessimisme outrancier des monarchistes d’alors,
prédisait à chaque instant que la guerre allait recommencer et que
les Allemands, cette fois, « ne feraient de nous qu’une bouchée ». Je
sentais la France vraiment amoindrie ; j’avais assisté à des
expulsions de religieux qui m’indignèrent. Je gardais le
pressentiment de catastrophes expiatrices ; il ne m’accablait point,
me haussait au contraire vers l’inconnu des actes héroïques.
Dans les thèmes et l’élan de la Sonate, je percevais d’une façon
obscure un état d’esprit correspondant. L’andante, par son calme de
liturgie, me transportait sous les nefs de la proche cathédrale, de
cette cathédrale Saint-Jean que je ne puis jamais revoir sans y
reconnaître l’architecture et la couleur de ma vie secrète.
Enfin, je trouvais dans le dernier temps un sauvage essor
nostalgique ; mes appétits d’indépendance et de bonheur sans limite
se laissaient emporter sur ce torrent. Je regardais, en écoutant, une
toile d’Isidore Flachéron qui représente la cour intérieure d’une
mosquée d’Alger. J’y voyais des tombes, un minaret, des femmes en
blanc, voilées, et un vieux dattier, courbé par sa haute taille, élancé
contre le ciel céruléen, un ciel comme à Lyon je n’en avais jamais
Pouvais-je me douter qu’un jour j’habiterais à deux pas de cette
mosquée, que cette petite cour deviendrait un lieu choisi pour mes
heures de paresse méditative ?
Je ne présumais pas non plus que je connaîtrais, à Alger même,
l’auteur de la Sonate.
Telle fut ma première rencontre avec lui ; elle décida une passion
durable. J’étudiai la Sonate ; j’arrivai à l’exécuter assez bien ; mon
père consentit à la jouer avec moi, en public, devant un nombreux
auditoire. Je la reprenais tout seul, par cœur, pour le plaisir de m’en
gorger, indéfiniment et sans lassitude.
Vers la même époque, j’eus l’occasion d’entendre le Déluge.
Comme j’avais l’imagination emplie de scènes bibliques, j’entrai
aisément dans l’esprit de l’austère oratorio. Je me souviens de
l’impression hallucinante du prélude. L’image que j’ai précisée
depuis, au sujet des dernières mesures en mineur : « Quelqu’un, à la
nuit tombante, marche sur les eaux solitaires, attendant l’arche et
l’homme nouveau », je la vis s’ébaucher ce jour-là, devant la
transition suspensive et formidable des basses.
Je ressens encore aujourd’hui la fraîcheur idéalement simple de
la phrase du contralto : « C’était un homme juste », et le calme du
chant des cordes qui succède au tableau du cataclysme.
Quand se développa la fugue terminale : Croissez et multipliez,
de l’escalier où je me tenais debout, dominant la salle au plafond
noyé d’oriflammes et la foule qui me semblait immense, je crus voir,
du fond des siècles, comme une seule armée, se déployer la file
interminable, magnifique des générations…
Du temps que j’étais étudiant, j’assistais un soir à une
représentation, paisible et terne, de Mireille. Au moment où elle
finissait, le régisseur vint sur la scène annoncer que l’illustre pianiste
Paderewski allait jouer le concerto en ut mineur de Saint-Saëns.
Paderewski, traversant Lyon, offrait à son ami Luigini et à ses
musiciens la fête imprévue d’une audition tardive. Il arriva, long et
pâle, la tête nimbée de ses cheveux aériens, surnaturel comme un
fantôme — l’heure des fantômes allait sonner. La manière fatidique
dont il fit vibrer la phrase initiale m’est restée pour jamais dans
l’oreille. Entre chaque morceau, je hurlais, je trépignais
d’enthousiasme. Les impressions que j’ai, depuis, évoquées sur ce
concerto sont une faible réminiscence de cette ivresse corybantique.
L’indifférence d’une partie des auditeurs la tournait en une sorte de
furie guerrière qu’ensuite une Polonaise de Chopin porta au
Luigini, chef d’orchestre entreprenant, avait organisé de beaux
concerts symphoniques. A l’un d’eux il donna la symphonie de Saint-
Saëns avec orgue. Je suivis les répétitions ; je pénétrai dans ses
replis cette œuvre immense. Dix ans après, lorsque j’eus entre les
mains, pour la commenter, la partition, je la lus comme une chose
familière dont les sonorités chantaient en moi. J’en dégageai une
synthèse du monde, théologique et dantesque, laquelle se retrouve
au fond de tous mes livres.
Mais Samson eut sur ma pensée une action encore plus
décisive. L’ardeur de la foi, le conflit de la chair et de l’esprit, du Dieu
vivant et des Puissances ténébreuses, le châtiment du désir et la
rédemption par la douleur, tout ce que j’ai exprimé nécessairement
vivait dans ce drame et dans cette musique.
Pourquoi, même aujourd’hui, ne puis-je entendre sans un frisson
le début du premier acte ou le lamento de la meule ? Assurément, la
lecture des Psaumes et de Job [99] me préparait à comprendre la
ligne et l’accent des mélodies, mais surtout elles me révélaient dans
leur beauté persuasive le mystère d’expiation où s’enfonce toute
expérience humaine ; car Samson, c’est le « purement humain »,
défini par Wagner, sans que nul de ses héros ait pu tout à fait
[99] Un poète lyonnais, Jules Beauverie, me dédia la
paraphrase qu’il en fit dans ses Poèmes bibliques et
évangéliques (1889), sachant l’attrait particulier que
m’inspirait ce livre sublime.

Ce drame lyrique enfermait un autre élément de vérité — et

j’allais bientôt le connaître — l’expression du pays où le musicien
l’avait composé, de l’Afrique ardente et douloureuse.
A la fin de septembre 1891, je partis pour Alger.

Saint-Saëns y vint passer l’hiver, comme les années d’avant ; à

cause de sa poitrine délicate, le froid lui était insupportable. On lui
proposa de faire jouer dans la cathédrale sa messe de Requiem ;
l’organiste, M. Roy, était de nos amis ; il m’avertit du soir où le Maître
dirigerait la répétition des chœurs et de l’orchestre. Là, pour la
première fois, je vis Saint-Saëns.
J’ai dit, dans Les grandes formes de la musique, la majesté
funèbre du décor, l’église tendue de noir et sans lampes, le chœur
illuminé où les choristes, des Pères blancs, se massaient autour de
l’orgue. Assis devant le triple clavier, Saint-Saëns présentait le profil
dominateur d’un aigle apocalyptique. A l’instant où j’entrai, les
trompettes du Tuba mirum lançaient leur quinte nue, ut sol, terrible
dans sa simplicité ; l’orgue y répliqua par un accord fracassant
comme si, d’un bloc, l’univers croulait dans un gouffre sans nom.
J’eus la vision du Jour de colère, cet éperdument qui agenouillait
les foules du moyen âge sous une rafale d’angoisse, à l’idée du
Juge ouvrant le Livre de vie.
Saint-Saëns — il l’a énoncé plusieurs fois — envisageait, malgré
lui, dans le dogme, le principe de crainte que la dévotion moderne
en voudrait éliminer. Cependant, le quid sum, miser… attendrissait
d’une pitié l’anéantissement où il se terminait, et le Recordare
balança une supplication indiciblement douce, coupée, il est vrai, par
des reprises de terreur.
Je me livrais d’un cœur trop plein à cet émoi religieux pour
apercevoir, en certaines parties du Requiem, des procédés de
métier plutôt qu’une volonté pieuse. Mais l’Agnus Dei me transporta,
lamentation chargée de splendeur qui se déroulait, comme un
cortège flamboyant, autour de l’éternelle Victime. J’y sentais réalisé
le rythme de souffrance et de gloire où triomphe l’équilibre
Quelques semaines après, l’excellente Mme Roy, la femme de
l’organiste, nous offrit d’aller en sa compagnie faire une visite à
Saint-Saëns. Il habitait la Pointe Pescade. La route, au delà de
Saint-Eugène, était d’une sauvagerie magnifique, tournant, le long
de la mer, au bas de collines touffues taillées en cônes, en
mamelons, avec des ravins broussailleux.
La maison qu’il avait louée regardait une petite lande
étrangement rude. Des ânons y paissaient et quelques chèvres. Un
Arabe, tresseur de nattes, y avait bâti une cabane parmi des aloès,
des figuiers de Barbarie ; tout au bout, sur un roc d’un noir
basaltique, se raidissait la tour ébréchée d’un fortin turc, tellement
roussie par le soleil et brûlée par la salure des embruns qu’à de
certaines heures elle semblait en feu. On entendait la mer s’ébrouer
contre la falaise, comme une jument dans son écurie. Ce jour-là, un
ciel grisâtre l’ensommeillait sous des brumes. Par des temps clairs,
je l’avais vue de ce promontoire, bondir, toute sa crinière au vent,
étincelante, et mordre la côte abrupte comme un mors blanc
Saint-Saëns m’accueillit avec l’affabilité d’un artiste qui sait trop
ses prééminences pour s’en prévaloir et pontifier. Il avait une
singulière animation de mouvements et de paroles [100] ; original
sans le vouloir, étranger à tout cabotinage. Son zézaiement ne
choquait point comme un ridicule, pas plus que sa voix, nasillarde et
mordante. Il était lui dans ses moindres gestes.
[100] V. dans Les grandes formes de la Musique son
portrait plus développé.

Sur sa table s’étalaient les pages du trio en mi mineur qu’il

terminait à ce moment. Nous lui demandâmes de se mettre au
piano ; il s’empressa de très bonne grâce ; c’était son plaisir d’en
donner à ses visiteurs, et j’ai compris, dans la suite, qu’il trouvait
ainsi une occasion de travailler même en leur présence ; car il
cherchait peu les compliments.
Il nous joua, entre autres choses, une transcription du quatuor
d’Henri VIII ; ce morceau, pour des raisons qui dépassaient la
musique, m’était cher depuis mon adolescence.
Son jeu se distinguait par une franchise d’attaque foudroyante,
une fabuleuse légèreté — plus étonnante encore à l’orgue qu’au
piano — ; sa rectitude évitait la sécheresse. Hors de sa musique, ce
qu’il rendait le mieux, c’était Rameau, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven.
Chopin et Schumann — j’entends le Schumann lyrique — étaient
moins dans ses cordes.
Nous le quittâmes, très contents de sa réception. Une seule
chose me heurta : comme il nous raccompagnait dans son jardin,
jusqu’à la porte mauresque de la villa, quelqu’un fit allusion au Pater
de l’Évangile. Saint-Saëns décocha contre le texte divin une boutade
voltairienne. Je protestai ; il répliqua, et je compris qu’il avait perdu
l’intelligence des vérités supérieures. Mais son actuel aveuglement
empêchait-il ses plus belles œuvres d’avoir mûri dans la lumière de
la foi ?
On donna Samson au théâtre d’Alger ; il conduisit l’orchestre, le
soir de la première représentation. J’écrivis un article que publia une
revue depuis longtemps défunte, la Chronique africaine. J’y
marquais surtout les rapports de la couleur musicale avec la terre
d’Afrique, proche parente de l’Orient où Samson périt d’avoir connu
Le surlendemain, je rencontrai Saint-Saëns dans une soirée ; il
m’apprit qu’il m’avait lu et que j’allais recevoir une lettre de lui : « J’ai
tâché de ne pas vous dire des sottises. » Sa lettre, en effet,
débordait d’une satisfaction véhémente. Il vint chez moi, un peu plus
tard, à l’improviste, me remercier et fit à mon piano rétif l’honneur de
le dompter sous ses doigts impérieux.
L’hiver d’après, je le vis rarement, sauf à la fin de la saison. Le
1er avril 93, il joua pour la première fois en public sa fantaisie avec
orchestre, Africa. La veille, à la répétition, je lui tournai les pages. Au
bout du presto, comme je tournai une seconde en retard, je me
souviens qu’il roula contre moi des yeux furibonds.
Dès ce temps-là, je songeais à une vaste étude sur son œuvre ;
et je l’avais tout de suite conçue comme un monument d’ensemble,
où Saint-Saëns serait considéré parmi le chœur des grands
musiciens. Le monument aurait pu écraser l’homme, et l’arc de
triomphe devenir un catafalque. La preuve du haut génie de Saint-
Saëns, c’est qu’il soutint le fardeau d’un tel hommage, et,
récemment, ayant relu pour une nouvelle édition mon livre vieux de
vingt ans ou plutôt de trente, — si je remonte à ses origines, — j’ai
eu la certitude que l’ampleur de son plan était justifiée.
Je ne lui parlai de mon dessein qu’en 94, à l’issue d’un concert
donné par la romantique Mme Jaëll. Il ne fut pas, à vrai dire, très
encourageant. Me jugeait-il téméraire ? Volontiers méfiant, se tenait-
il sur le qui-vive ? Je crois surtout que mon projet l’étonna, lui parut
invraisemblable. Non qu’il sût être exempt d’orgueil, mais il gardait
de sa jeunesse un pli excellent, dû à la sévérité de sa mère : Mme
Saint-Saëns l’avait habitué à ne jamais s’enfler d’une vaine
présomption. Au lieu de humer l’encens, il se hâtait de s’y dérober. Il
ne ressemblait pas à ceux qui entretiennent leur gloire comme une
maîtresse exigeante et jouissent de s’humilier, de s’avilir pour elle. Il
comptait sur sa force ; quelle portée pouvait avoir le livre d’un jeune
homme obscur ?
Je n’en poursuivis pas moins deux ans la préparation de mon
ouvrage, en pleine effervescence lyrique, et, d’autre part, tâchant
d’identifier mon commentaire à l’œuvre interprétée, la recréant avec
des mots, telle, s’il était possible, que le musicien avec des sons
l’avait engendrée.
J’avais écrit divers fragments et une partie du chapitre sur les
Poèmes Symphoniques. En mai 96, j’étais à Nice ; au soleil
couchant, je flânais devant la mer ; je vois un homme passer d’une
allure plus que vive, effrénée. Je reconnais à temps Saint-Saëns et
je l’arrête. Il arrivait d’Italie ; pour se remettre d’une longue immobilité
fatigante, il marchait avec emportement. Nous convenons de nous
revoir, chez moi, le lendemain. Il vint en effet, et, pendant qu’il
absorbait des tasses de café, je lui lus mon chapitre ; son impression
fut profonde ; à partir de ce jour-là, il prit vraiment au sérieux mon
Par malheur, je m’y donnai sans mesure, le surajoutant à mes
tâches quotidiennes, et je tombai malade, au point que je dus rester
toute une année inactif. Je ne commençai, après une reprise
méthodique du sujet, à écrire avec suite que durant l’automne de
En septembre 1902, on joua aux fêtes de Béziers Parysatis de la
bonne Mme Dieulafoy. Saint-Saëns avait composé pour ce drame
une partition importante. Il m’invita, et je me rendis à Béziers, ivre de
retrouver pour quelques heures le Midi brûlant, de participer à une
solennité où l’homme que j’aimais recevrait une apothéose.
Quand je débarquai dans la ville, un soir pluvieux m’accueillit,
une pluie chaude qui faisait sortir, comme en Afrique, des arbres et
de la terre, une sueur embaumée. Le dimanche matin, il pleuvait
encore ; mais, pendant le déjeuner, chez M. Castelbon de
Beauxhostes, le ciel s’éclaircit. Nous écoutions Fauré raconter que,
deux ans auparavant, tandis qu’on jouait son Prométhée, un orage
non fictif avait coupé le dernier acte ; et la foudre était tombée sur le
roc même d’où le Titan avait blasphémé Jupiter. En ce moment, un
des convives se retourna vers les fenêtres, et s’écria : Le soleil a
vaincu ! — Tant que ça, répondit Fauré par un calembour qui eut au
moins le mérite de l’inattendu. Saint-Saëns, qu’énervait l’attente de
l’après-midi, fut pris d’un fou rire ; il se cacha la figure dans sa
serviette, et dut sortir de table pour se calmer.
La représentation de Parysatis, comme celle de Déjanire, eut une
splendeur olympique. La foule qui montait vers les arènes, le long de
l’avenue Saint-Saëns, était à elle seule un grandiose spectacle. Ces
Méridionaux s’avançaient comme en procession ; le sentiment d’une
solennité contenait les voix, et ce fut merveille de voir la multitude
s’ordonner sans peine sur les gradins, puis, à un simple coup de
cloche, s’établir dans un silence liturgique où l’on n’entendit plus que
la palpitation des éventails.
Les trois cent cinquante musiciens de l’orchestre étaient massés
vers la droite du cirque ; les cordes des vingt harpes scintillaient.
Lorsque les cuivres lancèrent le motif initial, rigide et soleillant, il
sembla qu’éclatait le triomphe de tout un peuple. Mêlée à l’air
limpide, la musique, avec ses fortes lignes, prenait toute sa valeur
décorative. Dans la loge où nous étions, le dialogue des acteurs
n’arrivait que par bribes. J’ignore si nous y perdions beaucoup. Mais,
entendant à peine les paroles, nous admirions plus librement les
architectures et le paysage scéniques.
Le Palais de Suse appuyait ses colonnades à des allées
montantes de palmiers et de fleurs irréelles qui se perdaient vers de
très hautes montagnes, d’un gris fluide, vaporisé sous la lumière.
Les mouvements du chœur, le long des portiques, harmonisaient
des blancheurs, des robes orangées et des nuances flottantes
comme celles des vagues irisées de soleil. Les chants résonnaient
dans le cristal de l’espace, comme si l’univers se résolvait en une
seule clarté, au sein d’un mirage d’éternel après-midi.
Pourtant, le soleil s’en allait, touchant d’une main vermeille les
toits du palais, les buissons de fleurs, et la tunique mauve d’Aspasie
expirante, dont un hautbois sanglotait l’agonie. Un silence prodigieux
oppressait la foule. Puis, quand le suprême accord de l’orchestre
s’éteignit, une clameur frénétique déchaîna l’ovation sans fin.
J’en fus heureux pour Saint-Saëns, autant que si j’avais été moi-
même le triomphateur. Je lui avais apporté les cent premières pages
de mon manuscrit ; il les lut le soir même et, le lendemain, avant de
quitter Béziers, j’eus de lui une lettre enthousiaste, non sans une
note comique :
« Vous êtes cause que je me suis passé de dormir… C’est drôle
de se voir disséqué vivant. Mais vous avez beau dire, je ne puis
arriver à me trouver si intéressant. »
Il terminait sur cette réflexion où ceux qui l’ont connu retrouveront
sa fidélité d’ami :
« Grand merci pour ce que vous avez dit de Regnault et de Bizet
que j’ai tant aimés et que j’aime toujours. »
Le livre fini — en septembre 1904, — il m’aida généreusement à
le publier, mais ne fit rien pour le répandre. Il éprouvait une gêne à
vanter un volume qui le magnifiait ; ses travaux personnels, ses
tournées de virtuose l’emportaient d’ailleurs dans un vorace
tourbillon. Chose plus bizarre, presque jamais il ne me reparla de
mon ouvrage, et j’évitais — on s’en doute — d’y ramener son
attention ; je n’y songeais même pas. J’aurais cru injuste de le
supposer oublieux ; il me prouvait qu’il ne l’était point. Mais, en me
témoignant une dilection constante, il sous-entendait les motifs où
elle avait pris naissance.

Notre amitié a duré jusqu’à sa mort. Les contradictions qui la

troublèrent quelquefois valent d’être mentionnées, parce qu’elles
touchaient à des points essentiels.
Lorsqu’il reçut mon premier roman : l’Immolé, le titre d’un
chapitre : Le prélude de Tristan, lui déplut. Il s’imagina que j’avais
voulu chanter les louanges de Wagner, en fut outré comme d’une
trahison, et m’écrivit sur un ton d’amertume presque des invectives.
Je lui répondis une lettre indignée, et lui démontrai qu’il n’avait pas
compris l’intention symbolique du passage, que je réprouvais, au
contraire, l’hystérie amoureuse de Tristan. Il reconnut son erreur,
s’excusa ; mais, le 26 août 1914, il me rappela cette dispute, obstiné
à me croire wagnérien :
« Comprenez-vous maintenant pourquoi je vous ai si rudement
malmené quand vous avez wagnérisé dans un de vos romans ?…
Wagner, c’était la pénétration pacifique… en attendant l’autre. J’étais
seul à le voir. »
S’il avait trouvé le temps de relire les endroits de mes livres où
Wagner est mis en cause, il aurait bien vu que je n’ai jamais
« wagnérisé ». Mais l’ensorcellement des philtres wagnériens a rôdé
autour de moi. Je les ai définis après avoir connu le péril d’y tremper
mes lèvres. Saint-Saëns, bien qu’il admirât musicalement Wagner,
restait étranger à son lyrisme. Il ne pouvait comprendre que j’eusse
décrit avec exaltation les vertiges de cet art. Lui, il le repoussait pour
des motifs de stratégie, de sauvegarde nationale : Wagner, c’était
l’invasion de notre théâtre par l’ennemi ; c’était l’impérialisme de
l’Allemagne sous sa forme la plus persuasive, donc la plus
J’admettais ces raisons, mais j’en apercevais d’autres, des
raisons métaphysiques et morales. Je les ai condensées dans un
article paru vers la fin de la guerre [101] , et qu’a trop justifié, depuis,
la rentrée souveraine de Wagner sur la scène de l’Opéra. Le danger
de sa musique ou plutôt de toute la pensée allemande tient à son
panthéisme idéaliste. « Tu es tout ce que tu vois », semblent clamer
l’orchestre et le drame wagnérien ; donc tu n’as qu’à te perdre au
sein du Tout. Les limites qui font l’ordre du monde sont dévorées par
le chaos. Étrange illogisme, chez des Latins, de s’abandonner à
cette confusion ! Mais la musique est le lieu des incohérences ; on
ne voit pas qu’elle domine et pétrit, par les joies sensitives, l’homme
tout entier.
[101] L’idéalisme musical et l’avenir français (Revue
des Jeunes, 10 juillet 1918).

Sur Wagner le malentendu entre Saint-Saëns et moi fut

promptement éclairci. Sur les questions religieuses, il était
impossible de nous entendre. Nous avions, très longtemps, par un
accord tacite, retardé ce conflit. La querelle devait éclater ; ce fut à
l’improviste, un jour que nous déjeunions ensemble, dans un
restaurant de l’avenue des Champs-Élysées.
Au dessert, nous vînmes à parler de Barbey d’Aurevilly.
— Barbey d’Aurevilly, observa Saint-Saëns, un homme de parade
qui posait pour le catholique renforcé…
— Mais ce n’était pas une pose, répliquai-je ; il l’était
— Alors, vous croyez, reprit Saint-Saëns, qu’on peut l’être
sincèrement !
— Vous savez bien que je le suis.
— C’est ce que je ne peux pas comprendre…
Et il entreprit de me démontrer l’absurdité de croyances qui
reposaient sur des mythes : le Paradis terrestre, le Serpent qui parle
à la femme, l’homme déchu pour avoir mangé un fruit, etc…
Je lui répondis simplement que, pour avoir le droit de nier les
faits miraculeux, surtout quand ils sont liés à un ensemble d’autres
faits certains, il faudrait d’abord démontrer impossible l’intervention
divine dans l’histoire humaine.
Nous sortîmes du restaurant, très animés par une controverse
que nous ne pouvions plus interrompre. Nous marchions du côté de
la Concorde, en discutant sur l’existence de Dieu. Saint-Saëns ne
niait point une Cause première, mais repoussait, comme
inintelligible, la spiritualité d’une âme qui pût vivre indépendante du
corps et immortelle. Nous étions arrivés devant la rue Royale. Là,
parmi la cohue des passants, le vacarme des véhicules, nous
poursuivions, arrêtés au bord du trottoir, en nous égosillant l’un et
l’autre, le grand débat. Et je soutenais à Saint-Saëns, les yeux dans
les yeux :
— Vous avez beau dire, il ne peut vous être indifférent de penser
que, si un camion vous écrasait la tête, de votre génie, de vous-
même il ne resterait qu’une chair broyée et un peu de phosphore
prêt à se dissoudre.
— Eh bien ! si, cria-t-il en tapant de sa canne sur le bitume, et
projetant sur moi des prunelles terribles, il ne restera rien, vous
entendez, rien…
Et, hélant une voiture, il y monta, plus irrité de ma résistance que
troublé de mes arguments. Quand je le revis une semaine ensuite, il
ne fit aucune allusion — ni moi non plus — à l’orage de ce conflit.
Sa jeunesse avait été nourrie dans de fermes croyances
religieuses. Des cahiers de catéchisme qu’on a gardés attestent une
instruction méthodique, reçue avec attrait. L’empreinte du dogme le
pénétra si bien qu’on la retrouve dans son œuvre à chaque instant. Il
lui manqua d’abord d’avoir fait une bonne philosophie. Sa carrière
musicale lui laissa peu de temps pour approfondir les principes qu’il
avait reçus. Jusqu’à vingt-cinq ou trente ans il conserva la foi. Mais il
suivit cette génération de 1850 que médusaient les doctrines
positivistes. Il perdit, sans doute, l’habitude des pratiques
sacramentelles, et s’aperçut tout d’un coup qu’il ne croyait plus. En
souffrit-il ? Il se considéra plutôt comme libéré. « Pour moi, m’a-t-il dit
souvent, une chose ne peut pas être vraie ou fausse à demi. » L’état
d’esprit d’un Renan ne fut jamais le sien. Son dogmatisme se
retourna au profit d’hypothèses scientistes qu’il accepta comme des
certitudes intangibles. Il se butait principalement aux objections de la
préhistoire et à l’impossibilité du miracle.
J’essayai, plusieurs fois, d’inquiéter la fausse paix de son
incroyance. Mais, chez un homme de son âge, il se produit une sorte
de sclérose mentale ; à moins d’un prodige, modifier ses préventions
exigerait un effort surhumain ; et comment soumettrait-il sa raison à
une discipline d’humilité ?
« Votre religion est admirable ; c’est tout ce que je puis vous
accorder. » Voilà ce qu’il m’écrivait en 1916, au bout d’une longue
discussion ; et, la même année, dans une lettre du 27 octobre, il
concluait :
« Vous m’aimez beaucoup. Et moi donc ! je vous aime
tendrement, et si vous souffrez de me voir incrédule, je souffre de
voir un grand talent comme le vôtre prisonnier de croyances qui
entravent son essor. »
Il m’était trop facile de lui répondre : « Pourquoi supposez-vous
que la foi m’entrave, quand j’ai l’évidence intérieure de lui devoir ma
seule force ? »
Mais je suis convaincu, à envisager seulement son œuvre, qu’il
a, en perdant le contact du divin Amour, graduellement éteint les
sources de son inspiration. S’il était demeuré croyant, il eût échappé
à cette erreur où il se dessécha : envisager dans l’art la forme avant
Il n’en continua pas moins, jusqu’à ses dernières années, quand
il le pouvait, à écrire de la musique religieuse. Le 7 janvier 1916, il
m’écrivait :
« Mon temps est dévoré par une effroyable correspondance et
par un tas d’occupations parasites. Pourtant je suis parvenu
dernièrement à écrire deux petits morceaux d’église : un quam
dilecta pour quatre voix et un Laudate pour voix d’enfants, ce dernier
pour en offrir la dédicace à un charmant abbé avec qui je suis en
« Et si cela vous étonne que j’aime tant à faire de l’art religieux, je
vous citerai le Pérugin qui était incroyant, Raphaël dont la vie n’était
guère édifiante [102] ! En revanche, le P. Lambillote, qui était
probablement un saint homme, a fait de la musique religieuse
déplorablement profane ! »
[102] Hélas, mon cher Saint-Saëns, voilà sans doute
pourquoi le Pérugin est si froid, et Raphaël si « profane »
dans sa peinture religieuse.

Tout ce qui se rapporte à l’art sacré ne cessera pas de le

passionner. Ayant appris que la Société de Sainte-Cécile avait, pour
sa messe annuelle, fait exécuter, au lieu d’une Messe, une cantate
de Bach, il s’indigna d’un tel non-sens liturgique et protesta auprès
de l’archevêque de Paris.
Il avait la dévotion de son art, et, jusqu’à son dernier souffle, il
persévéra dans ce grand amour. Par là s’explique une activité qui
demeura surprenante, passé quatre-vingts ans.
Je le trouvai cependant accablé par l’âge, en septembre 1920. Il
marchait avec peine, il manquait d’entrain ; son regard était las, et,
quand il jouait du piano, son toucher n’avait plus sa puissance. Mais,
presque aussitôt, il rebondit. Comme je l’avais félicité d’avoir pu se
faire entendre au Trocadéro, le 3 novembre, il me répondit :
« Que parlez-vous de vigueur pour cet unique morceau qui n’est
pour moi qu’un jeu ! Il fallait me voir en Suisse, en Belgique, en
Normandie, dans les concerts où j’ai tenu le piano pendant deux
heures et joué des choses terribles. »
L’année suivante, il semblait gaillard, plein d’une flamme
merveilleuse. Un soir de septembre, il nous joua des pièces de
Rameau, les Cyclopes entre autres, avec une fougue presque
juvénile. Nous revîmes chez lui, pour la dernière fois, un vieil ami
d’Alger dont je viens d’apprendre la mort, Charles de Galland,
musicien raffiné, homme d’un cœur exquis. Quelques jours après,
Saint-Saëns vint rue Rousselet, dans l’ancien logis de Barbey
d’Aurevilly, m’apporter six fugues pour le piano qu’il m’avait
promises. Il rencontra dans cette chambre — maintenant anéantie
— Mlle Read dont la vivacité charmante le frappa. Elle n’avait jamais
vu Saint-Saëns, mais elle n’eut qu’à puiser dans la chiffonnière de
ses souvenirs pour en trouver qui le touchèrent.
Lorsqu’il nous quitta, je le reconduisis jusqu’au palier de l’étage.
Je l’embrassai, et je le regardai descendre appuyé à la rampe, un
peu lent. Nous ne devions plus nous revoir.
Une lettre du 30 octobre — la dernière de toutes — m’annonça
son départ prochain pour l’Algérie.
« Je suis bien content, ajoutait-il, que mes petites fugues vous
aient plu. Je n’avais pas l’intention d’en faire et j’ignore comment
l’idée m’en est venue. Je ne les sais plus, je les emporterai à Alger
et les travaillerai pour me distraire. »
En relisant cette lettre et les autres, j’ai l’impression qu’il est
toujours là. La personne d’un homme, si peu qu’il soit devant l’Infini,
subsiste pourtant comme un absolu, comme une chose inaltérable.
Quand son Moi a été puissant, quand son œuvre lui survit, sa
présence continue, tellement vivace qu’il ne devient jamais un
Saint-Saëns ne pourrait l’être dans ma vie ; je l’ai trop aimé. Et je
pense à son âme qu’il voulait anéantir, à son âme qui a vu
maintenant la Vérité. Il sait désormais ce que signifiait pour elle notre
Pour moi, j’ai reçu de sa musique des joies immenses et
salutaires. J’ai dû beaucoup aussi à son intimité. Je néglige le
bonheur de fréquenter un grand artiste, bien que ce soit une
élévation et un aliment fort. Mais, en le regardant vivre, j’ai admiré
un bel exemplaire de droiture, de franchise, d’énergie infatigable, et
une simplicité ennemie de tous les artifices. S’il avait une pente
amère au sarcasme, une rudesse qui se changeait parfois en dureté,
jamais je n’ai surpris chez lui un sentiment bas. Il restera, sur ma
route, un de ces compagnons invisibles dont le silence même est un


Un grand péril, pour l’artiste, est de s’adorer lui-même. Depuis la

Renaissance, depuis le temps où Pétrarque acceptait de se voir
couronné au Capitole les épaules drapées du manteau royal de
Robert de Naples, l’homme de pensée tendit à se croire un demi-
dieu. Ronsard, au bas d’un acte de baptême que nous avons,
signait : « Pierre de Ronsard, premier poète du Roi. » Il déclarait aux
poètes, ses contemporains :

« Vous êtes mes sujets et je suis votre Roi. »

Si le XVIIe siècle rabattit, en apparence, de cette infatuation, les

écrivains d’alors méritaient pourtant la rude apostrophe de Bossuet :
« On en voit qui passent leur vie à tourner un vers, à arrondir une
période, en un mot, à rendre agréables des choses non seulement
inutiles, mais encore dangereuses, comme à chanter leurs amours
et à remplir l’univers des folies de leur jeunesse égarée.
« Aveugles admirateurs de leurs ouvrages, ils ne peuvent souffrir
ceux des autres… S’ils remportent ou qu’ils s’imaginent remporter
l’applaudissement du public…, ils apprennent à mettre leur félicité
dans les voix confuses, dans un bruit qui se fait dans l’air, et
prennent rang parmi ceux à qui le prophète adresse ce reproche :
« Vous qui vous réjouissez dans le néant. » Que si quelque critique
vient à leurs oreilles, avec un dédain apparent ou une douleur
véritable, ils se font justice à eux-mêmes ; de peur de les affliger, il
faut bien qu’une troupe d’amis flatteurs prononcent pour eux et les
assurent du public. Attentifs à son jugement, où le goût, c’est-à-dire
ordinairement la fantaisie et l’humeur, ont plus de part que la raison,
ils ne songent pas à ce sévère jugement, où la vérité condamnera
l’inutilité de leur vie, la vanité de leurs travaux, la bassesse de leurs
flatteries… O tromperie ! O aveuglement ! O vain triomphe de
l’orgueil [103] ! »
[103] Traité de la concupiscence, chapitre VIII.

Les romantiques dilatèrent jusqu’à l’extravagance l’outrecuidante

fiction de l’artiste privilégié par cela seul qu’il est artiste, exempt des
règles de toute commune sagesse, ayant aussi bien le droit de ne
point payer ses dettes que de prendre sa femme à son voisin. J’ai
entendu quelquefois, dans des bouches où il étonnait, ce lieu
commun ridicule : « Un artiste est toujours sûr d’être sauvé. » Cela
ressemble au mot impudent qu’on prête à la maréchale de la
Melleraye : « Dieu y regardera à deux fois avant de damner des
gens comme nous. »
En fait, le don qu’un homme a reçu d’exceller dans un art, c’est
une monnaie qui passe entre ses mains, un talent à faire valoir, non
pour lui, mais pour Dieu.
« Si je me glorifie moi-même, ma gloire n’est rien. » (Jean, VIII,
54.) Ainsi se considérait l’Homme-Dieu, le Saint des Saints. Que
devraient penser de leur gloire d’impurs et fragiles ratureurs de
papier ? Le disciple n’est jamais au-dessus du Maître. Mais nous
n’avons pas ouï dire que les Évangélistes aient tiré vanité d’avoir
transcrit les paroles et les miracles du Seigneur. Se chercher soi-
même est, pour le commun des gens, la grande misère. Pour le seul
artiste sera-ce un principe de joie et une force ? L’art profane, et
surtout l’art moderne, dépérit justement de cette infirmité :
l’hypertrophie du Moi, l’outrance du lyrisme personnel, la torture de
vouloir être original.
Être original, mais c’est être fidèle à ses origines ! Seul est
original, celui qui, épurant son âme des appétits inférieurs, en fait un
net miroir du rayon d’En Haut, de la Trinité divine, dont elle est
l’image. C’est pourquoi les Saints obtiennent le privilège d’être
vraiment originaux, dans leur style comme dans leurs actes. De
frustes pêcheurs, des bergères illettrées ont dit ou écrit des choses
incomparables, parce qu’ils les recevaient du « Père des pauvres »,
de l’Esprit d’intelligence.
Vous donc, jeune écrivain, sérieusement chrétien, qui, vous
mettant au travail, faites le signe de la croix et appelez à votre aide
cet Esprit de vérité, préservez votre art de se tourner en fétiche ou
en instrument d’ambition ; ne vous laissez point étourdir par le subtil
Démon des vanités chatouilleuses. Gardez-vous d’attifer votre gloire
comme une poupée de cire qu’on habille d’étoffes rutilantes pour
l’exposer dans une vitrine. Élaborez votre œuvre de votre mieux,
mais en sachant qu’elle est infime.
Ne vous admirez pas vous-même. Entre ce qu’on veut faire et ce
qu’on fait, la disproportion reste humiliante. Les plus beaux chefs-
d’œuvre, confrontés avec la beauté absolue, nous paraîtraient de
chétifs avortements.
N’écrivez pas non plus avec l’arrière-dessein d’éclipser les autres
ou de vous faire admirer. Qu’importe qu’on murmure autour de vous
les syllabes de votre nom ? Demain, peut-être, dans votre éternité,
vous n’entendrez plus cette rumeur moutonnière, vous la
mépriserez. Quand vous seriez fameux comme Victor Hugo, il y aura
toujours plus d’hommes ignorants de vous que vous n’aurez
d’admirateurs. Si une génération vous encense, celle d’ensuite vous
oubliera. Et combien de sots parmi ceux qui vous loueront ! Combien
vous dénigreront sans savoir pourquoi ! « Le bruit du monde, disait à
Dante, Oderisi, n’est qu’un souffle de vent qui vient tantôt d’ici, tantôt
de là, et change de nom en changeant de côté. »

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